Confetti rose. Hybrid tea rose Confetti Rose floribunda confetti confetti rb

Warm like summer, bright like the sun, attractive and exotic like distant countries. Rose variety Confetti (Confetti)- this is a real gift that you can give to your garden by planting it this season!

This sunny mood will very advantageously decorate the garden, adding a piece of warmth and radiance to it. Rich colors mixed shades of honey, peach and yellow. The bright coral edging on the edges of the petals successfully emphasizes their shape and curves. Cup-shaped terry buds consist of 30-35 petals. The flower is medium-sized, usually no more than 6 cm in diameter. Aroma roses Confetti difficult to catch, it is very light and unobtrusive.

Blooms rose Confetti with the arrival of summer, inspiring the garden with its beauty, and since it is re-blooming, it will be doubly pleasant to enjoy its second flowering. Rose gardens, flower beds and flower beds acquire a radiant shine if roses of this variety grow in them. Warming shade roses Confetti combines harmoniously with both bright and pastel colors of garden inhabitants. Medium size the bush reaches 80 cm in length. The stems are mostly smooth, medium prickly. Young petals are purple, and over time they become dark green matte. This rose variety is characterized by average resistance to powdery mildew And black spot. It endures winters with dignity.

Root system of rose seedling Confetti (Confetti) To be sent to the customer, it is packaged in an individual package of peat mixture, wrapped in film, so your seedling will arrive alive and full of energy.

Buy rose seedlings Confetti (Confetti) You can click the “Add to Cart” button and place your order.

Type of packaging: Rose roots are packed in a moist nutrient substrate, tightly wrapped in film, and have a label indicating the variety. The permissible shelf life in packaging without loss of quality, subject to storage conditions, is up to 3 months.

Orders with rose seedlings are sent during the autumn and spring planting seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with climatic zone customer).


Rose hybrid tea Confetti

Bud: Dark yellow, spherical.
Flower: Yellow with orange-red edge and light cream reverse side petals, cup-shaped, with a high center, double, 35 - 40 petals in one flower, flower diameter 9–11 cm, has a light aroma.
Bloom: Abundant, repeated, lasting until autumn.
Plant: Powerful, plant height 80 - 100 cm, bush size 100 x 60 cm, medium leaf, dark green, glossy, leathery.
Stability: High for diseases frost-resistant variety, tolerates hot summers well.
Frost resistance: High

Planting and caring for roses

Roses should be planted in warm, sunny places where there are no cold winds. Roses prefer moist and well-drained soils, with an acid-base reaction of 5.6-7.3 pH (see What is soil acidity: determining and adjusting pH). The planting hole should correspond to the clod of earth, so that the roots are located freely. The depth must be at least 50 cm, since it is necessary to make drainage from sand or gravel. Stagnation of water should not be allowed. For roses the following is suitable soil mixture: manure (3 parts), fertile soil layer (2 parts), sand (2 parts) and peat (1 part). Best time for planting the beginning of May, by this time the soil has already warmed up.

Before planting, it is better to keep the seedlings in water, especially if root system open. 4-6 hours is enough. If the roots have damaged shoots, it is advisable to remove them. It is better to shorten the shoots, cut off the weak ones, leaving the strong and medium ones. This will promote faster growth.

Roses need to be regularly fed, weeded and watered; the choice of complex fertilizers is quite large. Typically, fertilizing is carried out in spring and mid-summer. Water abundantly, usually once a week. In the spring, roses are pruned, even before the buds awaken (see Standard roses - Care, grafting, cultivation).

It is advisable to cover roses for the winter (see How to cover climbing roses for the winter). To do this, it is usually enough to fill the bush with peat, 20 cm high, and level the ground in the spring.

The Vyatka roses we sell can grow without problems in any zone of the country under different climatic conditions. Our task is to grow seedlings that will delight you with pleasant flowering and excellent growth, while requiring you to spend a minimum of time and effort when growing them.

When you contact us, you will always receive professional care assistance and proper cultivation all our seedlings from a garden specialist (16 years of experience in growing roses). All planting material You can buy roses in an online store and receive it in your locality at any post office. The rose seedlings you purchased will be sent to you by mail.

We for a long time We grow and propagate seedlings of roses and other plants. During this time we have grown a large number of different varieties roses, each unique and beautiful in its own way. In the harsh northern winters it is very difficult to preserve rose seedlings, so only those rose seedlings that can withstand such unfavorable natural conditions grow and reproduce in our country.

Each of our plants survived at least one winter in such conditions, despite the fact that not every small seedling remains alive when spring arrives. Therefore, our next advantage is the very high survival rate and hardiness of roses. You get Vyatka roses that can survive in natural conditions a habitat. Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please beautiful color and excellent endurance.

Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please you with their beautiful color and excellent hardiness. Today, with joy and love, we grow over 100 types of roses different types- hybrid tea, park, ground cover, climbing (climbing), English, sprays.

The two-color Confetti rose was introduced to the world in 1980. Both experts and rose lovers immediately noted the festive appearance of this flower, its attractiveness and special decorativeness. The Confetti rose variety will undoubtedly bring bright animation to an individually selected garden composition. But this rose looks no less attractive when cut, where it continues to shine with its beauty for up to two weeks without significant external changes.


This flower is often associated with the floribunda group, when in fact the Confetti rose is a hybrid tea. Its terry cup-shaped buds open rather slowly, but almost completely, ultimately forming a circle with a diameter of 12 cm. Each bud consists of approximately 35 petals.

The matte dark green leaves of the flower provide a beautiful backdrop, highlighting the beautiful mix of peach, honey and yellow petals edged with a vibrant coral edge. The Confetti bush stretches up 60-80 cm, filling the surrounding space with a wonderful aroma with pleasant notes of mimosa. The stems are usually distinctly straight, and this rose contains moderate needles.


Proper care of the Confetti rose allows you to get up to 200 flowers from one square meter, which puts this rose one level with the most productive varieties. So abundant flowering good access to sunlight, not limited by neighboring plants. Of course, the landing site must be protected from strong winds.

It is enough to water Confetti once a week, although during particularly hot periods the frequency of watering is increased. It is worth considering that the root system of the bush should receive enough moisture, but it is better to avoid waterlogging. The frost resistance of the Confetti rose is sufficient high level, which is also facilitated standard methods sheltering the bush for the winter.

    Rose Bella Vita - an elegant two-color variety hybrid tea rose. This is one of the most excellent varieties, and has almost the same characteristics as the Dolce Vita variety. Translated from Italian, Bella Vita means a wonderful life.
    Bella Vita was first developed in the Netherlands. The bud is very double and has two colors, pale pink with a bright pink border. The diameter of the beauty is fourteen centimeters, and each bud has up to 40 petals.

    The compact, low bush is decorated with bright flowers, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off. Large flowers goblet-shaped, classically shaped, bloom one at a time on elastic shoots. After the bud opens, the red-scarlet stripe along the edge of the petals expands. The variety is resistant to disease and rain. Used for cutting and planting in flower beds.

    It is rightfully considered one of the most amazing plants. Represents decorative flower with white petals that have an emerald tint in the bud, which gradually fades as the rose blooms.
    The rose buds of this variety are large, lush, up to 40-50 petals. The stem is strong, long (up to 70 cm), with a small number of thorns and large leaves. Rose Avalange has a subtle, refined aroma and looks great both on its own and as part of floral arrangements.
    With proper care, a cut flower can last up to two weeks.

    Since the middle of the last century, the first place among roses of the hybrid tea group has been occupied by the legendary variety " Gloria Dei". A branched bush 80-100 cm high with shiny dark green foliage is distinguished by “strong” health. Large (13-15 cm in diameter) terry yellow flowers, framed by a light carmine bloom along the edges of the petals, seem to be made of delicate translucent silk, and their shades subtly change from deep yellow to pale pink throughout the day from dawn to sunset.

    For decades, "Gloria Dei" has been considered not only the most beautiful of the beautiful, but also the most resilient among hybrid tea roses.