What zodiac sign are Pisces compatible with for marriage? Pisces and Pisces compatibility in love relationships Pisces sign compatibility in marriage

Compatibility horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces. What union is considered ideal and successful for Pisces? With which zodiac sign Pisces will find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a match?

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility

Two “fish” people naturally swim towards each other. Apparently they are able to read each other's minds. Both have remarkable intuition and extremely rich imagination. They may simply get lost in some imaginary country - a complete abyss without a map or clues on how to get out of there. They may actually forget where they were going at the moment.

Thanks to their intuition, Pisces people are able to sense the approach of a difficult situation and can feel each other’s sorrows and misfortunes. They will respond with gentleness and compassion, and help with a good joke.

For now, everything is fine, but if obstacles arise along the way, if the weather suddenly worsens, these two will simply retreat - either swim away, or pretend that the problem does not exist, go into their imaginary world. The relationship between these people is characterized by great mutual understanding, but it is possible that they may find themselves in the area of ​​turbulent waters in stormy weather.

Compatibility of Pisces and Aries

A timid and quiet “fish” is not at all a match for a violent, frantic “ram”. Aries are sociable and love to compete, they have the energy and vitality to move forward. Everywhere and above all, these are fighters. “Pisces” like to hide from the world - under water, under a rock at the bottom, preferring to disappear from the scene and mind their own personal business. "Pisces" is a skilled fugitive, and "Aries" loves to get into a fight - without thinking, with noise and roar. Can you imagine a place where they could meet? This is a very unbalanced relationship. “Aries” is the ego of the Zodiac and will constantly hurt the extremely sensitive, easily mood-changing, soft and kind “Pisces,” who are prone to sometimes mistake pity for love. "Aries" hates weakness and loves strength, fearlessly fighting for a place in the forefront; he is “at ease” both when surrounded by rivals and obstacles, and in an environment of admiration from the crowd. For Pisces, the height of happiness is in solitude - deep in the sea, where calm waters, lulling, take them into the world of fantasy.

Compatibility of Pisces and Taurus

This is a combination that works well.

Dreamy and idealistic Pisces could benefit greatly from a relationship with a calm and practical Taurus. Without a doubt, there will be no explosions and no sparks will fly: in a relationship with a “Taurus”, “Pisces” are guaranteed safety. Pisces can be a great friend to Taurus and - since representatives of these two signs like to indulge in the same activities - they can make a wonderful couple. However, before Pisces and Taurus understand each other and become friends, Taurus may mistakenly consider the Fish to be a reckless and empty creature. “Pisces” is also capable of considering the “bull” too down-to-earth and rude - he strives so persistently and stubbornly to have money. This is a combination of signs in which both people can teach each other a lot and learn a lot themselves. Even if both of them become involved in discussions, the dispute will not lead them to a solution and neither of them to victory; however, thanks to their sense of humor, this situation will never lead to clashes.

Compatibility of Pisces and Gemini

Pisces will inevitably find Geminis too restless for their watery lifestyle, while Geminis may find Pisces completely insensitive. It cannot be said that this was the greatest union of two souls. Of course, the “Gemini” is a sociable creature, and the “Pisces” gravitate towards the solitude of cool, deep and serene waters. Both of them are capable of getting on each other’s nerves. Both of them tend to go with the flow and both are consummate experts at dodging tough questions. Perhaps they will establish this relationship on the same wavelength, but a collapse in the future is almost inevitable. “Gemini” is able to quickly and completely disappoint “Pisces”, trying to analyze and understand their motives, which may turn out to be completely impossible. Both owners of these signs, however, share a sense of beauty and appreciate the beautiful things of the world, and this often attracts them to each other. It is important for “Pisces” to feel the need for themselves, and “Gemini” needs someone to shift their burden onto him - and who could be better suited for this than the compassionate “Pisces”, always ready to offer the “Gemini” their vest and ear? In general, however, this is not very reliable soil for building a castle on - it is better to try to find a better one.

Compatibility of Pisces and Cancer

Pisces and Cancer have an instinctive and intuitive understanding of each other. Representatives of these signs are dreamy and sentimental. Their combined forces could undoubtedly become a great alliance. Both of them are extremely susceptible to changes in mood, and in this competition, the “Pisces” could perhaps win the prize of “Chief Changemaker”. “Pisces” are not at all interested in money, but “Cancer” are fascinated by the very sound, smell and touch of coins and banknotes. But no amount of pleas and arguments will force the “pisces” to turn their gaze to the accumulations that “cancer” has managed to create; The character of the “fish” is completely different - they will never hoard. You could, however, accuse the "fish" of being wasteful. Although both of these “water” creatures love home and have a hard time with long absences, both “Pisces” and “Cancer” sometimes experience a craving for wandering. At the same time, in the competition “who loves home more”, “cancer” takes first place.

Compatibility of Pisces and Leo

"Leo" is prone to leadership, to royal dominion and desires respectful obedience. “Pisces” need to hold tightly to a reliable partner, they need a mentor and patron (so far everything is quite smooth, and life seems to be a happy road to heaven). But this is the ideal relationship between Pisces and Leo.

In practice, the Pisces, of course, may soon become fed up with the Leo’s constant desire for self-aggrandizement and, moreover, frightened by the growl and ferocity of their partner, they may want to swim away somewhere far away. Leo may view Pisces as petty, overly attached to money, and downright disorderly—you might say, “not particularly tidy.” As you can see, these relationships are unpredictable at best - they are supported by two beings of very different natures, attitudes to life and habits of action; they need great effort to understand each other. If they succeed in this, their relationship can become very enjoyable for both.

Compatibility of Pisces and Virgo

"Virgos" are neat, punctual and careful. "Pisces" are gifted with a rich imagination, poetic and completely disorderly from a business point of view, although they themselves are calm and peaceful in the midst of external chaos and disorder. "Virgo" is the embodiment of neatness and organization. Everything is neatly laid out on shelves and has its place in the house, office or in the head. Virgo is a cautious dreamer compared to Pisces, who dreams with passion and ardor. All this leads to the idea that “Virgo” and “Pisces” are not at all created for joint harmony and fun. "Pisces" can be desperately frightened and made even more withdrawn by the harsh criticism of the "Virgo". Also, “Pisces” is a great spender of money, which makes “Virgo” frown menacingly, because if money is spent, it means it is not saved, and if money is not saved, it means it is wasted. Pisces is a highly emotional, dreamy and compassionate sign.

Compatibility of Pisces and Libra

In all likelihood, these relationships can be extremely peaceful, happy and harmonious. Like Pisces, Libra also has an exceptional sense of refinement and extraordinary artistic inclinations. On a funny note, Libra's indecisiveness combined with Pisces' lack of practicality can create a lot of very funny moments. So far everything is great. Both “Libra” and “Pisces” consider each other a great mystery; it will take both of them a lot of time to fully understand their partner. “Pisces” are really confused and feel thrown out of the water, trying to understand the motives of “Libra” and realize what motivates this incomprehensible creature? On the other hand, the Libra representative is also bewildered by the character and personality of their “fish”. Unraveling the secrets in each other can give both of them many unforgettable moments - at least this will happen with mutual satisfaction and harmony, with pleasant music, flowers and candlelit dinners.

Compatibility of Pisces and Scorpio

There is a great attraction between these two water signs. They are instantly and equally attracted to each other - without a doubt, this is a wonderful couple. Understanding each other completely, they intuitively guess the thoughts and feelings of their partner - one cannot help but be surprised at the telepathy that exists between them.

Scorpio can inspire Pisces to act, and Pisces finds its ideal in Scorpio. Both of them can discuss their dreams with each other, although without much need - after all, they already intuitively know about their partner’s thoughts.

In clashes of points of view or any other disputes, it is the “pisces” who have the final victory. Surprise? Yes, this is quite unexpected! Another reason for disagreement may be money. “Pisces” love to spend, and “Scorpio” often regards this as extravagance - after all, “Scorpio” can be stingy, but “Pisces” simply have a huge heart - they give out money without counting it to everyone. "Pisces" cares little about tomorrow - the subject of constant thoughts of "Scorpio". So, in this union there is excellent compatibility and a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other.

Compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius

Sensitive, shy and calm Pisces may not get along with the strange, frank and sociable Sagittarius. Their relationship can become very tense - these two people are too different from each other. Firstly, the “Sagittarius” will have to learn to control the outbursts of his temperament - otherwise the “Pisces” may simply swim away in search of calm, cool waters. Also, “Pisces” is overly sensitive to the frankness of “Sagittarius” and his famous tactless directness; they may find Sagittarius too scandalous and intolerant. “Pisces” also crave attention and, perhaps, will consider the “Sagittarius” inattentive, unable, in his neglect of “little things,” to give what good, well-mannered “Pisces” need.

The success of their relationship will require the mutual efforts of representatives of these signs. A common feature of the union of such people is their fascination with religion. Pisces also likes Sagittarius' strong idealistic streak. “Archers” move through life broadly and at ease, often forgetting about their responsibility, and this can be very annoying for “Pisces”, who never forget about their duty.

Compatibility of Pisces and Capricorn

This combination can be fantastically beautiful. The reliability and constancy of “Capricorn” are very much to the liking of “Pisces”. In fact, Pisces who feel the care and attention of a calm Capricorn may simply blossom next to him. Oddly enough, this also works in the opposite direction - “Capricorn” feels safe next to “Pisces”, and may even become cheerful and carefree; Yes, that's what warmth and a little understanding can do to a Capricorn. Pisces has what it takes to liberate the timid Capricorn, making him jump and run for joy. It is the patient and gentle nature of the Pisces that makes the Capricorn succumb to their charm. This union can mark the beginning of strong and long-lasting friendships - thanks to the extraordinary compatibility of their completely different natures, most of the time vibrating in harmony with each other; however, “Capricorn” should remember that “Pisces” do not like to feel in anyone’s power; Remembering the wonderful property of both of them, they should be enjoyed, like lovers having a pleasant conversation at a private dinner.

Compatibility of Pisces and Aquarius

Pisces may find it difficult to cope with the unpredictable, playful Aquarius. The character of good “fish” is marked by the trait of being an owner and being extremely touchy. "Aquarius" is a creature that loves freedom and is often capable of showing aloofness - and "Pisces" will not survive such indifference. The situation is reminiscent of one person swimming and the other soaring into space - to put it mildly, a rather unusual pairing. Of course, if all goes well - and with some effort this is possible - then they can both swim furiously fast, or float quietly and peacefully above the ground. This will happen if the “Pisces” become a little more tolerant of the quirks of the “Aquarius”, to his passion for traveling, and the “Aquarius” tries to adopt the patience and gentleness of the “Pisces”.

When it comes to money, both are very similar in their inability to care much about it.

Pisces is somewhat secretive and this can irritate Aquarius. “Aquarius” always needs to know everything, and he is unable to restrain his curiosity. This is another obstacle.

Pisces is one of the most hidden, mystical signs of the Zodiac. It completes the astrological celestial circle (ecliptic). The Sun moves along the ecliptic through the 13 constellations of the Zodiac. Ancient philosophers attributed to the Sun an exceptional influence on the destinies of people. From February 20 to March 20, the Sun is in the Pisces segment. According to ancient Greek philosophers, during this period the presence of a celestial body is not decisive; much depends on the influence of other planets.

The starting point is the vernal equinox, when the Sun from the sign of Pisces (12th sign of the Zodiac) enters the sign of Aries. The Sun usually appears at this point on March 21, when it moves from the southern hemisphere of the sky to the northern.

The final annual cycle, the 12th sign of the Zodiac, Pisces, is “borderline”. Borderliness indicates that a person has acquired wings and mastered spiritual flight. Pisces acquire the highest degree of intellectual development. The sign of Pisces personifies the unity of the human soul with the Cosmos. A personality born under this sign is influenced by the process of merging the individual’s soul with the Cosmos.

Compatibility in love relationships Pisces Pisces is a highly harmonious combination of intellectuals

Love relationships for the Pisces sign are determined by the influence of Neptune in the field of sex, as well as Venus, which makes them highly spiritual and idealistic.

Pisces is the most ambiguous sign of the Zodiac.

The energy of Pisces contains a synthesis of the energy of all previous signs of the Zodiac. Nevertheless, representatives of this sign have unique features inherent only to them:

  • The desire for idealization, harmonization of spiritual life, the desire to look beyond the ordinary, familiar, well-known.
  • Impressiveness, touchiness, tendency to live in a world of fantasies and dreams.
  • Some detachment, isolation from life, ignoring existing realities.
  • Good adaptive qualities.
  • Women of this sign are susceptible to the influence of an authoritarian man.
  • The inability of Pisces to combine deceit and its opposite - conscientiousness.
  • Intuition and its practical application.

A certain detachment from reality, the ability to retreat into an imaginary world, influences the character of Pisces. Both men and women - Pisces are balanced and serene. The first roles are not for them. They are more often followers than leaders. It is quite normal for them to delegate leadership to others in order to solve certain problems.

Is the union of Pisces men and Pisces women harmonious in love and marriage? There is no doubt about it, as research has shown, a clear yes. Everyday problems are completely solvable. The likelihood of staying married for a long time is high. Happiness and love are characteristic of such couples.

The balance of mental manifestations, the general attitude and understanding of the world in a pair of Pisces man and Pisces woman allows them to be together.

Quiet family happiness, away from prying eyes - this is the ideal picture for Pisces. They tend to "float on the waves." They don't need change. They take the world for granted. Working on relationships every day is not for them. Why clarify the situation if everything is already clear. Such families are distinguished by a certain closedness from the world, the priority of family values, and limited access to the world of spiritual comfort they have created. Such relationships only look unnatural from the outside, but this is a misconception.

For Pisces, sexual compatibility is relevant and important. By being in the sign of Pisces, Venus gives love in its highest manifestation. Love and affection directed at a partner, and not at oneself, make the sex life of Pisces close to perfection. Married life for them involves complete fusion on a spiritual and physiological level.

If both partners cannot remain in a tense environment for a long time, rare conflicts between them do not lead to.

With any development of relationships, their beginning in a pair of Pisces man and Pisces woman is usually beautiful and romantic. However, there are also some negative sides to such relationships. The irresponsibility of equal partners leads to aggravation of emerging life problems and difficulties.

Obsession with each other is acceptable for a man and a woman only for a while, until immersion in the world they created causes the accumulation of these problems and reaches a critical scale. The result of such a departure from reality, the accumulation of unresolved problems - conflicts that create an imbalance in the relationship in a couple. Simply, everyone is trying to shift responsibility onto each other.

For the common good, it makes sense to turn to the characteristic Pisces sign of sacrifice and responsibility to a loved one. This is completely doable and easy.

In fact, the relationship in the Pisces-Pisces couple develops in the best possible way. They are calm, peaceful, loving each other. They are comfortable both in silence and in the world of dreams and daydreams. Such a couple usually fits harmoniously into any company. Filling with love is reflected in their relationships with people. An uninterrupted emotional connection with each other is worth cherishing and maintaining, even against all odds.

In a family union, Pisces receive everything double: double positive and double negative. The result is instability. Pisces, being dual by nature, in one case act as bright idealists, dreamers, dreamers, in the other – low people, portraying their own weakness and inadequacy. Problems scare them. Partners are disappointing. A man and a woman do not find in each other those magical qualities that their wild imagination depicted. They are prone to depression and disappointment, not feeling the love and support of a loved one.

To return harmony to relationships, the horoscope suggests thinking about:

  • Partner's age. Great luck if the partner is somewhat older in age. This gives him the opportunity, using his accumulated life experience, to help his partner go through life’s journey with much less moral and material losses.
  • The problem of early marriages. Given the nature of Pisces, problems arising in marriage will automatically be redirected to the parents of the young spouses for resolution.
  • Bad habits of a partner. A kind of “dissolution in each other” is undesirable, even harmful. The already tense situation could get worse.
  • Distribution of responsibilities as spouses, including the family budget (an important part of the family economy).

It is necessary to mobilize the efforts of both sides and move on to their regular implementation. Disorder does not contribute to normal family relationships.

  • For Pisces, as well as for other representatives of the Water Signs, comfort in the home is of great importance. It is preferable to decorate and liven up your home with a good aquarium. The positive influence of the microcosm of Water will cause a feeling of peace of mind. It is important to take seriously the creation of home comfort, taking into account the color scheme of the interior, including the fish.

The high sacrifice of the spouses, Pisces according to the horoscope, will serve them a considerable service. When there is a partner nearby who thinks about you more than about himself, the positive dynamics of relationship development are obvious and predictable.

Still, there is a possibility of breakup even in such a harmonious marriage. This is total irresponsibility. Pisces have a predisposition to weaknesses that simulate avoidance of mental pain. The inability to resist negative developments is the main problem of Pisces.

In this case, the young wife should be the keeper of the hearth, the good angel of the house. She is the main one in the house. And it is not discussed.

Pisces in marriage can be united by joint hobbies, traveling, visiting various events, and entertainment venues. It is not recommended for a Pisces man and a Pisces woman to organize a joint business due to the lack of business compatibility.

Pisces compatibility horoscope characterizes their relationship as a romantic and faithful union. For representatives of this sign, love is an inseparable part of happiness.

These fragile and emotional natures are looking for spiritual intimacy in a novel rather than physical harmony. In marriage, they are not always passionate, but usually extremely devoted and faithful to their partner, from whom they expect the same.

Pisces are able to revel in love, sincerely admire their partner and express feelings. But it's foolish to think that this will last forever. A representative of this sign never falls blindly in love, he does not forgive betrayal and betrayal, which can lead to a break in relationships.

Compatibility of Pisces with other zodiac signs

The perfect match fragile Pisces can be Cancer or Capricorn. Representatives of these signs are able to bring stability and faith in the future into his life. Pisces will be truly fascinated and admired by Cancer's noble and kind heart.

Passionate and energetic Sagittarius will not appeal to Pisces, who will be repulsed by the pressure of this fiery sign from the very first meeting. The union will also not be very strong dreamy Pisces with the other representatives of the element of fire - Leo and Aries, who are distinguished by a more selfish and aggressive character.

It will be unsuccessful with a representative of your sign, since both partners will be deprived of the desire to lead in the relationship and will be subject to constant influence from others.

Great union can take place between representatives of the signs Pisces and Taurus. This marriage promises to be romantic and tender on the one hand, strong and stable on the other.

A Pisces man never forgets anniversaries, birthdays or important events in the life of his partner. He will prepare a gift in advance and make a real holiday for his beloved. A representative of this sign can easily tell all the details of their first meeting.

Very often there are dreamer Pisces who invent an ideal romance for themselves and blindly believe in the reality of this illusion until disappointment opens their eyes, and then a breakup cannot be avoided.

Representatives of this sign are constantly deceived in love, they suffer from lies and betrayal. On Pisces compatibility relationships with a partner are influenced by their coldness and restraint, which instills in them after many failures on the personal front.

Can such a man be called sociable?

It's difficult to communicate with him

The Pisces woman loves a beautiful environment and comfort in the home, which, in their opinion, their partner will have to create. For this they are ready to admire and praise their beloved. They usually choose a person with a strong-willed character as a partner, as they avoid the role of leader in a couple.

To some, gentle but strong-willed Pisces may seem too domineering to be associated with them, while other zodiac signs see them as an ideal companion. When the compatibility of the Pisces Woman with other signs is considered ideal, and when the union is less successful, we will find out right now.

What is a Pisces Woman like?

General characteristics of the sign

From February 20 to March 20, people are born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, whose element is Water and whose guardian planet is Neptune. The water element makes such people very sensitive and emotional, and Neptune gives them creative inspiration and some uncertainty in life.

Pisces people understand perfectly well that real happiness does not come from money, but they strive to live like royalty. At the same time, the near future rarely worries them; they trust the flow of life, but do not realize where it can take them.

Pisces often do not see the boundaries of what is permitted, no matter what it concerns - the feelings of the people around them, relationships, etc. They are usually not interested in the opinions or experiences of others, especially if they have some important goal in front of them. They can be sarcastic, sometimes even with pleasure. However, this does not mean that they are soulless or evil. On the contrary, most likely, in this way they close themselves off from the world, which is not always filled with kind and decent people, and Pisces would so much like the opposite.

There is no need to criticize them, but it is worth listening to the recommendations they give. Sometimes they will forget about themselves, but will help others - this is inherent in them by nature.

They have good immunity, which is especially noticeable when Pisces monitor their lifestyle. But they can still often catch colds, get the flu, and suffer from some problems with their legs and arms.

Pisces Women

All girls born under the sign of Pisces know how to charm or, more correctly, bewitch. These are women in their modern understanding - strong, independent, able to stand up for themselves, developed beyond their years. Although at the same time, every man will feel courageous and unsurpassed next to them, primarily because this is what Pisces women sincerely believe.

By the way, these are strong rivals, they are not used to putting pressure on men, they know how to create a relaxed atmosphere around them just by talking. Of course, she can be demanding, and soft, and scandalous, and tender - after all, this is a sign of Water, and no one knows where she will swim. This is how a cute appearance can be a shelter for an iron character.

Pisces girls are wonderful housewives, skilled both in the kitchen and in housekeeping and in caring for their entire family. In love, they are sentimental people; they are easy to deceive, despite the fact that they themselves are good at deceiving. Over time, sentimentality and timidity give rise to fears in her, because of which she will close herself off from the whole world and will be completely alone, which may suit her.

Pisces understand small children well; their inner worlds are similar. Therefore, they are not inclined to punish their children, they look after and pamper them.

How does the year of birth affect Pisces women?

The characteristics of a Pisces woman may vary depending on many factors: the position of the Moon at the time of birth, the exact time of birth, year of birth and much more. Let us dwell on the influence of the Chinese horoscope on Pisces, i.e. on the relationship between the zodiac sign and the year of birth.

The most mysterious Pisces will be those born in the year of the Rat; they are difficult to communicate with, and those around them simply cannot understand them. But such people do not worry about their quarrelsomeness, although they cannot be called thick-skinned either. They are romantic and very brave. Pisces from the Year of the Dragon are also born with bright personalities, sometimes with oddities and their heads in the clouds, which is typical for people of art. They make decisions easily, they like to be surrounded by love and attention.

Pisces from the year of the Snake are strong and intellectually developed; such people will not have problems in sex.

The Ox conveys to Pisces an explosive mixture of stubbornness, audacity, power and inflexibility. These are very energetic people, possessing fortitude and true to their convictions. Pisces from the year of the Tiger and Horse become just as decisive and desperate; they rely only on themselves.

If Pisces are born in the year of the Cat, they are excellent organizers and decisive leaders; you can always follow them and have no doubt that the goal will be achieved.

The Year of the Pig and the Zodiac sign Pisces are true realists with super intuition. Their views may seem too strict, but their appearance and charisma make them listen to them. Rooster-Pisces is not an open book for you; he is an active person with a complex character and an unstable emotional background. Pisces-Dogs are also restless and emotional; they love to help friends, even if it causes inconvenience to themselves.

The Goat conveys to Pisces not only stubbornness, but also a passion for life, emotionality bordering on hot temper, and also makes them ideal mothers and wives.

The cunning Monkey transfers his quality to Pisces; they rarely show their fears and feelings, they are smart, talented and strong-willed.

What signs are Pisces compatible with?

Being the twelfth symbol of the Zodiac signs, Pisces actually mixed in itself the characteristics of other horoscopes, which affected the compatibility of the Pisces woman with other zodiac constellations.

Water Signs

Naturally, of all the signs, Pisces will be most compatible with the same water signs:

  • Fish;
  • Scorpion.

They are sensual, fickle, and “swim out” from any troubles in life, although they are moody people. These three understand each other perfectly, and together they accomplish a lot.

Still, the Pisces woman has the best compatibility with the Scorpio man - both will become faithful spouses, a real support for their partner. Scorpio happily becomes a husband who fusses around his wife, and when necessary, he will protect, because he is also not short of belligerence, after all, he is under the tutelage of the planet Mars.

Rybka plus Rybka is an equally happy married couple, from the outside looking like two unearthly creatures - they constantly dream and set unusual goals for themselves. But in this family there is support and warmth of relationships. Even if the feelings fade away, they will be able not to hurt the partner and leave with minimal losses.

Love with Cancer usually occurs from the first minute of acquaintance and lasts a lifetime. The sensitivity and optimism of Cancer merge perfectly with the responsibility and tenderness of Pisces.

Favorable signs for Pisces

It is not surprising that the signs of the Earth are also those with whom the Pisces-woman, a representative of Water, is compatible - these two elements are always friends.

Capricorn feels good with a Pisces girl, because he provides her with everything she needs for happiness - comfort, material well-being, love and care. And in return he receives a lot - a clean house, delicious dinners, attention to his person, etc. Problems arise only when Capricorns need to step over themselves for the sake of their partner, because he is unlikely to dare to do this.

With Taurus, they will learn what real passion is, but will not forget about loyalty and respect; these traits in a couple come from both partners. The love for peace of mind, convenience and luxury unites them even stronger. Taurus will provide a well-fed existence, and Pisces will thank them with their cordiality and atmosphere of comfort. But if the latter suddenly want to quarrel over money, their significant other will never approve of this.

Virgo men provide exactly the same stability in life, this is what makes the union stable: a thrifty wife and a hardworking husband. Sometimes a spouse is able to adopt the best qualities from such a spouse and become their equal, but if not, someone may fly away from the family nest.

By the way, friendship with Virgos is even more real and strong, since in such relationships they have more points of contact.

Who are Pisces incompatible with?

For Fire and Air signs, compatibility with Pisces is not so favorable, these are:

  • Aries;
  • Twins;
  • Scales;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Aquarius.

Fire Signs

Love with Aries will not work out due to strong differences in character, views, behavior, etc., restless Aries is not for meek Pisces. Usually in life such a couple is rarely sincerely happy; one of them definitely suffers.

The situation is the same with Leo - for them, Pisces are attractive only in the physical sense. The difference in morals soon makes itself felt.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, falls “out of the blue,” bewitches the Pisces woman and understands that they cannot live with someone who unconditionally disagrees with him on everything.

Air Signs

In support of existing relationships, it can be noted that no matter how contradictory the signs of the Zodiac may be, Pisces are almost the only ones who know how to find a common language with representatives of the element of Air.

With Libra, for example, they can become close friends or conduct successful business. Perhaps Venus, who patronizes Libra, helps to establish contact with emotional Pisces. Their marriages, however, are less strong.

With Geminis you also cannot find a quiet family life, and they do not strive for it. The flame may flare up, but it will be extinguished by bitter tears. These are completely different people.

A real Italian family turns out to be with Aquarius - there is both passion and scandals, but the percentage of the latter, unfortunately, is higher. It would be better for them to just be friends and start a family with others.

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Dreamy natures and great connoisseurs of beauty, preferring the world of dreams to the realities of life. This is how the twelfth sign of the Zodiac is characterized. The behavior and way of thinking of Pisces defies any logic and is fundamentally different from the character of other representatives of the zodiac circle. Pisces are so absorbed in the imaginary world that only representatives of the same sign can understand and unravel these unusual people. Let's consider Pisces and Pisces compatibility in details.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Pisces man

Representatives of both sexes, born under the sign of Pisces, understand each other without words and feel comfortable in the company of the same extraordinary like-minded person. This combination of characters has a high percentage of compatibility.

In union with a representative of their sign, Pisces not only feel comfortable, but also completely open their souls to their partner. A representative of any other zodiac constellation is unlikely to achieve such trust.

The relationships between partners are filled with tact, tolerance and kindness. They are able to forgive their significant other some weaknesses, as they perfectly understand their nature. Pisces do not tolerate criticism from partners and others well, so they try with all their might to avoid unpleasant situations. Such behavior can do a disservice to both partners. If one of them notices that their significant other has strayed from the righteous path, he simply does not have the courage to directly express his opinion on this matter, which ultimately only makes the problem worse.

Pisces are equally afraid of offending and being offended, so they prefer to remain silent and observe until the problem becomes critical. As a result of the partner's total silence, his life partner may find himself on the brink. This behavior not only does not contribute to the rapprochement of representatives of this sign, but also slowly destroys their relationship.

Watch the video. Compatibility of Pisces and Pisces.

In love

Representatives of the Pisces sign dream of an ideal partner from a fantasy world. As a rule, in real life such people simply do not exist. At the initial stage of the relationship, both feel like an absolutely happy couple. Pisces are not supporters of easy, non-committal flirting, so their intentions towards each other are always serious. After some time, the scales fall from our eyes, and the partners’ relationships become more ordinary. Each of them understands that the chosen one is far from the invented ideal.

The Pisces woman dreams of a strong man who is able to take the place of leader in their relationship without turning into a tyrant and owner, who knows how to be gentle, caring and faithful. The earthly embodiment of the ideal man of a woman of the sign of Pisces is a passionately in love boy of the fire element in the first weeks of acquaintance. However, such a relationship is unlikely to last, which, of course, will not suit the woman herself.

30% Pisces are henpecked

The Pisces man, unlike flighty, fickle lovers, is always next to his beloved, giving her love and warmth. Such a guy will seem like a reliable partner to the girl, so the choice will fall on a representative of her sign.

The Pisces man, like the fairer sex of this sign, is looking for the ideal woman from the world of dreams and dreams. He needs a gentle, feminine, understanding woman who will not demand the impossible from him, but will be content with the kindness and love of her partner. The man himself is not at all ready to shoulder the burden of responsibility and become a reliable and strong support for his beloved. The Pisces woman in the eyes of a man of this sign is far from the idea of ​​an ideal woman. She is not at all ready to accept her partner as he is, with all his shortcomings and weaknesses, so the Pisces man will most likely try his luck with ladies of other zodiac signs.

In a relationship

The Pisces lady in her relationship with her partner is wise and submissive, trying to be soft, gentle and feminine for him. It is not difficult for her to win the heart of a man born under the sign of Pisces, because such a woman, unlike other representatives of the fairer sex, does not seek to enslave her lover. In addition, their astrological similarity greatly contributes to establishing understanding between partners. The Pisces man sees in his girlfriend the same tenderness, kindness and sensitivity that he himself possesses.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Pisces woman.

Pisces, much more often than other zodiac signs, need a change of environment and new experiences. Otherwise, everyday monotony can greatly cool feelings and even lead to separation. A warm but unemotional atmosphere over time leads to a deterioration in the lovers’ mood, irritability and loss of trust, because none of them will openly blame their partner. Over time, hidden conflict will lead to the collapse of ideals and disappointment.


A woman of the same sign can find happiness in marriage with a man of the Pisces sign only after an unsuccessful previous union with a tyrant man.

If a Pisces lady marries a representative of her sign at a fairly young age, the partners’ aspirations are unlikely to be able to complement each other. Rather, their union will develop as a kind of confrontation of interests.

A young girl wants both attention and a good, secure life. However, her partner cannot be around and earn a living at the same time. Changing the type of work activity can solve the problem of spending time together, but will significantly worsen the well-being of the family, and conversely, acquiring a more profitable job will significantly reduce the amount of free time for the husband. Eventually, the pursuit of perfection will become a vicious circle.

Among the men of the Pisces sign there are often creative people, but their activities hardly bring a stable income. Despite this, the man sincerely continues to believe that sooner or later his labors will bear fruit.

The very first difficulties in family life will leave a man out of work, and he will make it clear to his wife that in the current situation he will be of no use. If his chosen one were a representative of another zodiac sign, she most likely would have dealt with the problem herself. But due to the fact that both partners belong to the same sign, problems force lovers to hope for a miraculous resolution of troubles. Usually in such unions there is some kind of external support from the outside, for example, in the person of close, wise relatives who help the couple.

90% compatibility in sex

The intimate side of Pisces relationships is at a fairly high level. Pisces are often great dreamers in terms of sexual relationships, but are afraid to openly express their preferences. When paired with a partner of their own sign, this does not threaten them.

When it comes to sex, water signs enjoy harmony. There are often situations when, being divorced, former lovers of the Pisces sign continue sexual relations.

In friendship

Representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces develop very strong friendships, because they are like a reflection of each other: the same soulfulness, sensitivity and dreaminess. Each of this couple can count on the other with complete confidence. They always know what is going on in a friend’s life, what he is worried about, what he is striving for. With such a friend, there is no need to make other friends. It is unlikely that representatives of other signs will be able to understand Pisces the way Pisces themselves do.

The problem with such a friendly union is that neither partner is able to provide real help to the other, because their entire friendship is built on compassion and moral support. The sign of Pisces lacks the decisiveness inherent in other signs, which is so necessary for making decisions in difficult life circumstances. Despite this, Pisces prefer one sincere friend to a dozen brave, determined friends who are ready to help.

In sex

Pisces are naturally predisposed to merging with their lover. In sex, both partners are ready to dissolve in each other, becoming one. True, such unanimity carries a certain danger. Over time, some of them will begin to notice the loss of their own self. Too strong attraction and a great desire not to disappoint a partner binds partners with strong ties. To get rid of the inevitable dissolution in the object of their desire, Pisces resort to experiencing various kinds of new sensations in their intimate life. However, even here the partner will most likely support the new research of his other half.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Pisces man.

In progress

Partnerships united by a common goal are permissible between representatives of the sign of Pisces, but it is important that in such a tandem there is no predominance of one over the other. Business relations between representatives of this sign presuppose the equality of both partners, so a superior-subordinate union is unlikely to work out successfully. Pisces also feel unimportant as ordinary work colleagues.

In percentages

The union of the two sexes of the Pisces sign can hardly be called ideal.

In percentage terms, the compatibility of representatives of this sign does not exceed 77%.

It is quite difficult to live, be friends and work with your mirror image, to see in your partner the same weaknesses and shortcomings that you yourself have. Such similarities help partners find a common language, feel sorry for and console each other, but in difficult everyday circumstances both turn out to be helpless babies who float with the flow in the hope of outside help. Ideal sexual compatibility only helps in establishing love relationships, but turns out to be useless in overcoming serious problems.

Psychological compatibility

The relationship between two representatives of the sign of Pisces is the relationship of twin brothers born by dividing one cell. When they meet their soul mate, they are ready to merge into a single whole.

Psychologically, both partners are quite close, but are very susceptible to outside opinions and influence.

Absorbing the moods and statements of those around them, they add a large amount of other people's experience into the relationship, mixing it with their own. Therefore, the relationships of Pisces lovers are full of variety.

Pros of a union between a Pisces woman and a Pisces man

A Pisces couple always tries to be together. If they have to attend any event, then both go. From the outside, the union looks harmonious, cheerful, full of mutual understanding and love. Partners are easy to communicate, hospitable and friendly towards friends and relatives. If one partner gets bored in the company, the other will morally support his other half. In addition, Pisces understand each other without words.

The union of a Pisces woman and a Pisces man is filled with kindness, harmony and sincere love. There is no place for lies, rudeness and rash decisions in relation to partners. It is difficult to judge the well-being of the family, because Pisces do not take money seriously. However, both partners can earn good income. In terms of intimate relationships, the compatibility of representatives of the Pisces sign can be considered ideal. The children of the spouses are always surrounded by love and care, grow and mature in spiritual harmony and kindness.

Disadvantages in such a union

One of the disadvantages of such a union is the inability of both partners to make independent decisions in a short time, which inevitably affects all areas of life together, from everyday life and running a common household, to the inability to handle money and earn a decent living.

But this is not the biggest disadvantage of such an alliance. The main danger lies in the nature of people of this zodiac sign. Neptune's wards are too dreamy and prone to a distorted perception of real life. If partners live in a world of harmful illusions consisting of lies, deceit and insincerity, their relationship begins to disintegrate over time, and love is replaced by hatred.

THIS IS INTERESTING! 10 features of the Pisces zodiac sign.

What you need to know about the union of two Pisces

Pisces is without a doubt one of the most difficult zodiac signs to understand. These are people almost completely divorced from reality, devoid of an inner core, trying to live by their own unwritten rules and laws. Their actions are determined only by instinctive perception and are absolutely devoid of logic and a reasonable approach. They are fickle and too susceptible to other people's opinions and influence. In their desire to escape reality, representatives of this sign often find solace in bad habits and pseudo-teachings. And turning to religion is the lesser of the evils, through which they find consolation.

It is quite difficult for both men and women of the Pisces sign to find an ideal role model for themselves, so worshiping one idol is regarded as a defensive reaction from the influence of other “gods”.

7 out of 8 couples don't compromise

The union of representatives of the sign of Pisces often represents a complex confrontation that does not even allow the thought of compromise (depending on the birth charts of each partner). Then the only way to maintain relationships can be an innate sense of compassion for your neighbor.

Chances for the future of such an alliance: are there or not?

Despite the high probability of failure of such relationships, representatives of this sign can still create a strong union based on mutual understanding, sympathy and love. Having your head in the clouds does not prevent partners from becoming like-minded people and making a successful couple. Perhaps from the outside their union will seem frivolous, but Pisces do not pay any attention to this.

Each partner needs to learn to restrain the emotions and boundless feeling of compassion of their lover in order to keep them from taking a rash act. Representatives of the Pisces sign are often strong and aggressive when it comes to personal interests or the interests of the family, but at heart they are the greatest humanists who would not simply offend a fly.

Compatibility of Pisces and Leo