Homemade dehumidifier. Do-it-yourself air dehumidifiers: how to replace a store-bought device

Changes in temperature and humidity both indoors and outdoors create uncomfortable conditions for living in an apartment. The best way out of this situation is to install a dehumidifier. The industrial version is not cheap, so today we will talk about how to make a dehumidifier for an apartment with your own hands.

Why do you need a dehumidifier in your apartment?

The most unwanted and unexpected guests in our home are mold and mildew. Their arguments are constantly hovering around, but most They are in a state of hibernation for a while, because to activate they need certain conditions:

  • humidity;
  • high room temperature.

A temperature above 20 degrees Celsius with a relative humidity of 80% is enough for you to see with the naked eye the growth of colonies of mold and fungi on the walls of rooms. Why, in this case, for example, does your neighbor not have similar troubles? The answer is simple: the air temperature in all apartments is most often the same, but the humidity can vary significantly.

Air dryers

In the fight against the effects of dampness, you can, of course, significantly lower the temperature in the apartment. But who wants to live in constant cold? In this regard, the best option is to install a dehumidifier.

Among other things, he will guard the health of the apartment residents. The body's immunity is directly dependent on the humidity of the surrounding air: the drier it is, the more difficult it is for harmful bacteria and microbes to multiply.

Dehumidification will also eliminate perspiration from the windows.

Operating principle

Modern dehumidifiers come in many models, which can differ significantly from each other. The first difference is the working volume, that is, the amount of water filtered from the air by the device. This parameter is measured in liters per day (24 hours).

To choose a device with the optimal volume, consider the size of the room in which it will be installed. Pay attention to the price of the equipment. The larger the volume of the dehumidifier, the more expensive it is, but such a device will require less maintenance.

Dehumidifiers can be portable or stationary. The first ones are mobile, you can use them in different rooms if necessary. Stationary ones are mounted on the wall, they cannot be carried, but they have greater productivity.

The operating principle of the dehumidifier is based on changes in humidity due to condensation. Air is drawn from the room using fans into the device. There it passes through an evaporator, which is a radiator whose temperature is lower than the air temperature in the room. Moisture condenses due to this temperature difference.

The simplest air dryer circuit

Drops of condensate flow down and are collected in a special container. After passing through the evaporator and cooling, the air is heated and supplied to the outlet, from where it goes back into the room already dry and warm.

Note! When using such a dehumidifier, you need to make sure that the building is equipped with quality system forced ventilation, which serves Fresh air into the room and selects mixed.

Scheme condensation dryer air

Such dehumidifiers are often used in the following cases:

  • to prevent indoor windows from fogging up;
  • to improve the comfort level of everyday life;
  • when conducting repair work.

Any finishing materials during repairs will dry much faster when using a dehumidifier. And the technology does not suffer at all: the temperature in the room remains the same.

Algorithm for creating a device with your own hands

Air dehumidification is achieved by three simple principles:

  • heating;
  • adsorption;
  • condensation.

It would seem that heating is the easiest way to dry the air in a room. But in reality, no one likes to constantly be in an apartment that is too hot. Therefore, we will consider the following two options: adsorption and condensation of moisture. You can make dehumidifiers based on these principles yourself.

Desiccant type dehumidifier

Perhaps, simplest option, which does not require large financial and time expenditures.

Thus, you will get low noise and sufficient efficient device, which can easily be powered from a USB connector or mobile phone charger. The fan creates an inflow force and forces air through the silica gel, and the dried flow comes out of the perforations at the bottom of the structure.

Condensation type dryer

This device is more complex than the previous one, but the basis required design easy to find in every modern house. Roughly speaking, such a dehumidifier can be made, for example, from an old refrigerator.

Example of a refrigerator dehumidifier

  1. Remove the door from the freezer and refrigerator compartments by disassembling the hinges. This is easy to do, since most models are equipped with removable doors.
  2. Based on the dimensions of the removed doors, measure the plexiglass plates at least 3 mm thick.
  3. At a distance of 30–40 cm from the edge of the plate, cut a hole into which the fan will be mounted. Its dimensions must match the protective grille of the pressure unit.
  4. Mount the fan and secure its grille with self-tapping screws. The device should work as a supply pressure unit, blowing a flow of air into the refrigerator.
  5. Drill a series of holes in the top of the plexiglass plate. Their total area should be equal to the area of ​​the fan opening.
  6. Put in order the standard system for removing condensate from the housing or modify it. To do this, connect the external pipe above the compressor to the storage tank with a polymer hose.
  7. Secure the plexiglass with self-tapping screws in the place where the refrigerator door should be. To seal joints and insulate them, use self-adhesive tape or silicone.

Now all you have to do is turn on the refrigerator, first turning on the fan. A little time will pass, and the humidity in the room will decrease by 8–10%. If this homemade dehumidifier works for a long time, then in addition to humidity, the temperature in the room will also decrease.

Video: how to make a dehumidifier with your own hands

Humidity control

How to solve the problem with humidity control? Factory dehumidifiers are equipped with built-in sensors to control air temperature and humidity. What about homemade device? You can use a thermometer, but it is not necessary and will not tell you anything about the humidity level.

Use a hygrometer. It can be arrow or digital. You can buy it in many specialty stores. In addition, such a device is often included in the design of some modern watch models.

A hygrometer will help you control indoor air humidity

When using a homemade dehumidifier, do not forget that too dry air can be harmful. After all, in addition to pathogenic organisms, there are also beneficial bacteria around us that also need moisture. A hygrometer will help you determine if you need to use a dehumidifier. If the humidity in the apartment has reached a critical 80%, at which mold and fungi begin to actively multiply, feel free to turn on the device. Pay attention to weather conditions: in some cases it may be necessary to use a humidifier rather than a dehumidifier.

As you can see, you can easily make a dehumidifier yourself. This solves another problem - using an old refrigerator, which is a pity to throw away and has nowhere to put it. Share with us your experience in dehumidifying the air in your apartment. Easy work for you and comfort for your home!

Changes in temperature and humidity both indoors and outdoors create uncomfortable conditions for living in an apartment. The best way out of this situation is to install a dehumidifier. The industrial version is not cheap, so today we will talk about how to make a dehumidifier for an apartment with your own hands.

Why do you need a dehumidifier in your apartment?

The most unwanted and unexpected guests in our home are mold and mildew. Their spores are constantly hovering around, but most of the time they are in a state of hibernation, because they need certain conditions to activate:

  • humidity;
  • high room temperature.

A temperature above 20 degrees Celsius with a relative humidity of 80% is enough for you to see with the naked eye the growth of colonies of mold and fungi on the walls of rooms. Why, in this case, for example, does your neighbor not have similar troubles? The answer is simple: the air temperature in all apartments is most often the same, but the humidity can vary significantly.

Air dryers

In the fight against the effects of dampness, you can, of course, significantly lower the temperature in the apartment. But who wants to live in constant cold? In this regard, the best option is to install a dehumidifier.

Among other things, he will guard the health of the apartment residents. The body's immunity is directly dependent on the humidity of the surrounding air: the drier it is, the more difficult it is for harmful bacteria and microbes to multiply.

Dehumidification will also eliminate perspiration from the windows.

Operating principle

Modern dehumidifiers come in many models, which can differ significantly from each other. The first difference is the working volume, that is, the amount of water filtered from the air by the device. This parameter is measured in liters per day (24 hours).

To choose a device with the optimal volume, consider the size of the room in which it will be installed. Pay attention to the price of the equipment. The larger the volume of the dehumidifier, the more expensive it is, but such a device will require less maintenance.

Dehumidifiers can be portable or stationary. The first ones are mobile, you can use them in different rooms if necessary. Stationary ones are mounted on the wall, they cannot be carried, but they have greater productivity.

The operating principle of the dehumidifier is based on changes in humidity due to condensation. Air is drawn from the room using fans into the device. There it passes through an evaporator, which is a radiator whose temperature is lower than the air temperature in the room. Moisture condenses due to this temperature difference.

The simplest air dryer circuit

Drops of condensate flow down and are collected in a special container. After passing through the evaporator and cooling, the air is heated and supplied to the outlet, from where it goes back into the room already dry and warm.

Note! When using such a dehumidifier, you need to make sure that the building has a high-quality forced ventilation system that supplies fresh air to the room and removes mixed air.

Condensation air dryer diagram

Such dehumidifiers are often used in the following cases:

  • to prevent indoor windows from fogging up;
  • to improve the comfort level of everyday life;
  • during repair work.

Any finishing materials during repairs will dry much faster when using a dehumidifier. And the technology does not suffer at all: the temperature in the room remains the same.

Algorithm for creating a device with your own hands

Air dehumidification is achieved by three simple principles:

  • heating;
  • adsorption;
  • condensation.

It would seem that heating is the easiest way to dry the air in a room. But in reality, no one likes to constantly be in an apartment that is too hot. Therefore, we will consider the following two options: adsorption and condensation of moisture. You can make dehumidifiers based on these principles yourself.

Desiccant type dehumidifier

Perhaps the simplest option that does not require large financial and time expenditures.

  1. Take 2 plastic bottles. The volume of each is at least 2 liters.

    You will need 2 liter plastic bottles

  2. Perforate the bottom of the first bottle with a hot knitting needle or nail. Divide the container into two equal halves.
  3. Place the second half in the lower, perforated part of the first bottle so that it is pointing neck down. Be sure to screw the cork onto the neck, making many holes in it with a hot awl.
  4. IN top part fill the structure with any absorbent. The best option is silica gel, which has powerful absorbent properties. Which are easily restored after drying the used substance. For one desiccant you will need about 250 grams of silica gel.

    Use silica gel as filler

  5. Cut off the bottom of the second bottle, attach a fan inside the container that will blow towards the cut bottom. To do this, you can use a USB fan or cooler to cool the computer processor. Place the pressure unit of the device 7–10 centimeters from the cut bottom.

    You can use a processor cooler as a fan in such a dehumidifier.

  6. Place the second bottle on the container containing the adsorbent. Carefully wrap the joint with tape to seal it. Twist the cap off the neck of the second bottle - this will ensure air flow.

    Example of connecting parts of desiccant bottles

Thus, you will get a low-noise and fairly efficient device that can easily be powered from a USB connector or mobile phone charger. The fan creates an inflow force and forces air through the silica gel, and the dried flow comes out of the perforations at the bottom of the structure.

Condensation type dryer

This device is more complex than the previous one, but the basis of the necessary design is easy to find in every modern home. Roughly speaking, such a dehumidifier can be made, for example, from an old refrigerator.

Example of a refrigerator dehumidifier

  1. Remove the door from the freezer and refrigerator compartments by disassembling the hinges. This is easy to do, since most models are equipped with removable doors.
  2. Based on the dimensions of the removed doors, measure the plexiglass plates at least 3 mm thick.
  3. At a distance of 30–40 cm from the edge of the plate, cut a hole into which the fan will be mounted. Its dimensions must match the protective grille of the pressure unit.
  4. Mount the fan and secure its grille with self-tapping screws. The device should work as a supply pressure unit, blowing a flow of air into the refrigerator.
  5. Drill a series of holes in the top of the plexiglass plate. Their total area should be equal to the area of ​​the fan opening.
  6. Put in order the standard system for removing condensate from the housing or modify it. To do this, connect the external pipe above the compressor to the storage tank with a polymer hose.
  7. Secure the plexiglass with self-tapping screws in the place where the refrigerator door should be. To seal joints and insulate them, use self-adhesive tape or silicone.

Now all you have to do is turn on the refrigerator, first turning on the fan. A little time will pass, and the humidity in the room will decrease by 8–10%. If this homemade dehumidifier works for a long time, then in addition to humidity, the temperature in the room will also decrease.

Video: how to make a dehumidifier with your own hands

Humidity control

How to solve the problem with humidity control? Factory dehumidifiers are equipped with built-in sensors to control air temperature and humidity. But what about a homemade device? You can use a thermometer, but it is not necessary and will not tell you anything about the humidity level.

Use a hygrometer. It can be arrow or digital. You can buy it in many specialty stores. In addition, such a device is often included in the design of some modern watch models.

A hygrometer will help you control indoor air humidity

When using a homemade dehumidifier, do not forget that too dry air can be harmful. After all, in addition to pathogenic organisms, there are also beneficial bacteria around us that also need moisture. A hygrometer will help you determine if you need to use a dehumidifier. If the humidity in the apartment has reached a critical 80%, at which mold and fungi begin to actively multiply, feel free to turn on the device. Pay attention to weather conditions: in some cases it may be necessary to use a humidifier rather than a dehumidifier.

As you can see, you can easily make a dehumidifier yourself. This solves another problem - using an old refrigerator, which is a pity to throw away and has nowhere to put it. Share with us your experience in dehumidifying the air in your apartment. Easy work for you and comfort for your home!

An increased level of humidity in an apartment and house has Negative influence both on human health and on the building itself, slowly eroding its walls.

In a house with a lot of fumes there is no feeling of comfort, which is typical in a home with a good microclimate. This is why homes should have a dehumidifier.

Models of such factory-made household equipment are not cheap at all, so it is worth making a dehumidifier yourself, which will cost much less.

Types of dehumidifiers

All modern models household dehumidifiers air mixtures are divided into several types depending on the process on which their work is based. The most common are three types.

Refrigerated or refrigerated dryers are the most popular look such technology. The principle of their operation is based on moisture condensation, which is carried out by cooling compressed air in the heat exchanger. For this, a special refrigerant is used – most often freon. The moisture released from the compressed air is automatically removed by a condensate drain.

Adsorption type of dryers. Typically, such devices are used in cases where it is necessary to quickly reduce the moisture content in compressed or ordinary air. The operating principle of household and industrial equipment This type is based on the use of a certain substance - an adsorber, characterized by increased absorbency.

Membrane dryers are designed to remove moisture from a small volume of compressed air. The principle of operation of membrane devices, as the name implies, is to remove water molecules as compressed air passes through the membranes. Among the advantages is the lack of use electrical energy, compact, no condensate drains required. Disadvantage – up to 20% loss of compressed air occurs.

DIY desiccant dehumidifier

The most simple type A homemade household device for removing excess moisture from the air is an adsorption device. To assemble such a device for your apartment yourself, you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare plastic bottles with a capacity of 2 liters - 2 pieces.
  2. Many small holes are made in the bottom of one of them. This can be done using a very hot knitting needle.
  3. The bottle with holes is cut into two parts.
  4. Small holes are made in the cork of the same bottle.
  5. The second half is inserted into the part with the holes, neck down, with the plug down.
  6. The adsorber is poured into the resulting device.

Ideally, silica gel should be used as such a substance - a material that has remarkable adsorbing properties, which are fully restored as a result of the usual drying of this substance in the oven.

  1. The bottom of the remaining bottle is cut off, and a computer fan is installed at a distance of 10 cm from the bottom edge, providing air supply down the made device;
  2. The second bottle is placed on the container with silica gel, carefully wrapping the joints of the bottles with ordinary tape;
  3. To ensure air flow inside the structure, the cork is removed from the second bottle.

As a result of such simple actions the result will be a household adsorption device that effectively removes moisture from the air mixture in the house, while operating almost silently. A fan, powered from a computer USB connector or from a regular charger, will facilitate the passage of air flow through the silica gel. After this, the dried air will come out through the holes made in the bottom of the bottle.

Homemade condensation device

A do-it-yourself air dehumidifier, more complex in its design and execution, is made at home, using an unnecessary refrigerator. To make such a condensation-type device, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. The doors are removed from the compartments of the device. To do this, you just need to disassemble their loops.
  2. Based on the dimensions of the removed doors, a plate of at least 3 mm thick from plexiglass is measured and cut out.
  3. A hole is cut out from the bottom edge of the plate at a distance of about 40 cm to install the fan. The dimensions of this opening must match the moving parts of the fan being used.
  4. The fan is inserted into the finished hole, securely securing its grille with screws or other fasteners.
  5. In this case, it is important to ensure that this device blows air into the refrigerator, thus performing the functions of a pressure unit.
  6. Many holes are drilled in the upper half of the glass, the area of ​​which together is approximately the same as the opening for the cooler.
  7. The standard condensate drainage system of the device can be improved - the external pipe is connected to a storage tank.
  8. Instead of a door, a plexiglass plate is installed using self-tapping screws. To achieve sealing of the joints, they are treated with silicone.

This completes the process of making a homemade condensation dehumidifier for a house or apartment. Launching installed fan and a refrigerator, soon the air humidity in the room will decrease by about 10%. If such a device operates for a long time, along with the humidity level, the temperature in the house will also decrease.

Of course, in the summer this is convenient, since along with the dehumidification of the air, it will also be cooled. But in winter such a device will create certain inconveniences.

To eliminate this drawback, you need to install a heater in front of the dehumidifier so that the air flow leaving the device hits the heater. As a result of this, a self-made dehumidifier will perform only one function - to remove moisture from the air mixture.

When using a home-made adsorption or condensation device to remove water particles from the air at home, you should remember that not only too humid air is harmful, but also very dry air. Therefore, in order to accurately decide whether you need to use such a device, it is also important to have a hygrometer.

So, when the moisture content reaches 80% or more, the device must be turned on. If this indicator has not reached this level, it is not recommended to use a dehumidifier.

Unstable humidity creates discomfort both indoors and outdoors, so a dehumidifier is a necessary thing in modern world. Damp air damages wooden interior items, parquet flooring, wallpaper begins to peel off the walls, mold appears and bad smell. In such a situation, there is only one way out - dry the atmosphere or industrial devices, or created with your own hands.

You can control temperature and humidity in a trivial way - regularly ventilate the room. This works when it’s +30 degrees and above, and if it’s constantly raining, you should use store-bought equipment.

There are four types of household dehumidifiers for apartments:

  1. Adsorption. This type of absorber functions due to the adsorbent with which the device is filled.
  2. Evaporative or compression. Wet air settles on a cold surface, where it turns into liquid and, flowing down the tube, is collected in a special container. The lower the temperature, the more productive the process is. In the warm season, technology can cause inconvenience, as the atmosphere in the room changes by several degrees and becomes higher.
  3. Membrane. The device is designed to dry a small volume of atmosphere. The essence of the device is as follows: water molecules are removed at the moment when compressed air passes through the membrane. The main advantage of this class of equipment is the lack of network connection, compactness, and no drain is used to collect condensate. The downside is the natural loss of air up to 20%.
  4. Assimilation. The operating principle here is as follows: when warm air is forced out and is replaced by cool water. It is in it that the moisture content is much lower according to the laws of physics. The negative side of the device is its low performance (not suitable for cold and high-humidity climates), it consumes a significant amount of energy, and the cost leaves much to be desired. The price tag for it starts from 400,000 rubles and above.

The consumer market is diverse both technically and financially. Everyone can pick up great option in the store and dry the air in the room. And someone will not like industrial heat exchangers at all, and he will want to make the device himself.

Overview of Typical Home Dehumidifiers

The first models, like computers, had an unattractive appearance and were huge in size.

To date modern market household appliances offers the buyer:
  • original design;
  • streamlined shapes;
  • minimum dimensions;
  • choice of mounting (wall-mounted, floor-mounted, built-in) ventilation duct);
  • remote control;
  • metal or plastic case;
  • presence of a display;
  • smart logic equipped with filling and temperature indicators.

More powerful and expensive devices have a built-in hygrostat that can raise the humidity to a specific level.

A budget option The unit is presented in a compact design. Neoclima ND-10AH processes 10 liters of compressed air per day and is capable of drying a room up to 48 sq.m. The package includes a spacious 1.5 liter condensate collection tank. There are also filters to clean the air passing through the dehumidifier. Electronic control and indicators (power supply, container filling, determination of the humidity level at the time of operation of the device) only add advantages to the device, which already costs around 10 thousand rubles.

Middle-class equipment has increased productivity and is capable of distilling up to 30 liters of liquid within 24 hours. The noise level, for example, of the Ballu BDH-30L model, is insignificant and equal to 45 dB. Regardless of temperature environment(from +5 C o to +32 C o) stable operation is ensured. A high safety refrigerant is used here. The cost of the device does not exceed 20 thousand rubles.

One of the expensive heat exchangers for home use belongs to Stadler Form A-040E Al. It cleanses 60 m2 and 20 liters of atmosphere from moisture, bacteria, fungi and dust per day. A spacious 4.6-liter tank allows you to drain accumulated liquid less frequently. Availability of display, hygrostat and reliable mechanical control facilitates the operation process. This pleasure costs more than 40 thousand rubles.

In every city and home appliance store, both condensation-type dehumidifiers and an adsorption version can be purchased for household use. For example, Master Dha 10. Instead of refrigerant, it is used carbon filter. Passes through itself up to 200 m 3 / h of atmosphere. The separated liquid accumulates in a 3.5 liter tank. Provides for drying clothes. The unit will cost 15 thousand rubles.

We cannot do without knowledge of the laws of physics here. The basic principle of operation of the condensation apparatus is that water vapor, settling on a cold object, is converted into condensate, which flows into a container through a special outlet, and the air is heated due to the second heat exchanger and exits into external environment. Therefore, a device of this class is classified as a refrigerator or condensation type.

What household appliances can you use to create a dehumidifier for your apartment with your own hands? The closest device in terms of operation is the refrigerator. You will need any old but functioning refrigerator.

You will also need to prepare in advance:

The materials are ready.

Let's start assembling:
  1. We adjust the plexiglass sheet to the dimensions of the freezer.
  2. We install the first fan on the workpiece from above. It will be designed for blowing and the other from below - for blowing.
  3. We cut holes for air intake and exhaust. Don't forget to make a hole for drain hose. It will look good at the bottom of the structure.
  4. We fix the plexiglass lid with self-tapping screws in place of the freezer door.
  5. We seal seams, cracks and fastening points with sealant.
  6. Everything is ready, you can start.

Why was a heater needed? Now we have an air conditioner, but if before homemade device install thermal curtain, but so that the escaping air hits it. Now it will definitely be possible to dry it square meters.

Adsorption unit for home using improvised means

An easy way to make a homemade desiccant is to use a sorbent.

To dehumidify the air in an apartment using such a device, you will need:

  1. Pair plastic bottles volume 2 liters.
  2. We make many small holes at the bottom of one container using a heated awl or knitting needle.
  3. We divide this workpiece into two parts.
  4. In a similar way, we make small holes in the cap of the same bottle.
  5. We insert the half with the neck, with the plug down, into the part with the holes.
  6. We pour the adsorber into the resulting device.
  7. First cut off the bottom of the second vessel, and then, stepping back 10 cm from the cut edge, install a fan. In this case, a computer propeller is perfect; in order to sit securely, we fix it using glue gun.
  8. This design is attached to a vessel with an adsorber. The joining area is treated with tape.
  9. To allow an influx of atmosphere into the homemade air dehumidifier, the lid is removed from the second container.

As a reagent, it is best to use a material that adsorbs perfectly - silica gel. After one use, dry it in a preheated oven. This will replenish its properties.

Thus, the result is an excellent device for home use, which effectively combats excess moisture and makes virtually no noise. The device is powered from a USB port or from a regular charger for mobile phone. The fan promotes the passage of moist air flow through the adsorber, drying it. Then, through miniature holes made in the bottom of the bottle, dry air will come out.

Now you know how to make a dehumidifier with your own hands from available materials. It turns out that no special skills are required for this process. It is enough to have an old but working freezer, or to know where moisture-absorbing substances are sold.

More about the adsorber

As already noted, silica gel has a drying effect - this is one of the few products that looks like light matte polysilicic acid granules. They absorb moisture perfectly and dry quickly. These qualities make the adsorber an indispensable chemical reagent in the home environment, and it is intended for repeated use.

High class safety guarantees the quality of the substance. It does not crumble and does not emit fumes that negatively affect the human body.

There are several types of reagent:

  1. Waterproof WS.
  2. Large, with small pores, intended for use at humidity levels less than 70% (KSMG - large, finely porous granular silica gel).
  3. Large, with large pores, intended for use at humidity levels greater than 80% (KSKG - large, large-porous granular silica gel).
  4. Microporous (reagent used in production).
  5. Activated (ASKG - activated silica gel, large-pore granular).

Today there should be no problems with its acquisition. A variety of varieties, price range allows you to choose best option through the Internet. On average, the price per kilogram ranges from 50 to 160 rubles. The budget and most optimal option is KSMG or KSKG, the cost starts from 55 rubles.

A device for determining the moisture level in a room

How to dehumidify the atmosphere in the house, the question has been covered, but how to control the percentage of moisture in the room? Industrial devices have programmed temperature and atmospheric pressure control sensors. What to do if the air is dried with a homemade device? You can adapt a thermometer, but it is difficult to trust its data. It also makes no sense if the goal is to measure moisture levels.

IN retail stores and there is a wide range of hygrometers on the Internet. The buyer is offered a choice of switch or digital device. If you take a closer look at the smartphone settings or with model range hours, then there will probably be a humidity level controller in them.

Remember that too dry a climate also has a detrimental effect on general state health. In addition to harmful viruses and bacteria, we are surrounded by beneficial microorganisms.

Using a hygrometer, it is possible to determine the advisability of purifying the air in the room. The critical indicator at which mold or mildew develops is 80% or more. With such data, you should dehumidify the air in the apartment, and sometimes, depending on the weather, it is recommended to actively use an atmospheric humidifier. The cost of an electronic multifunctional device in a store is about 2,000 rubles.

You can create a favorable microclimate with my own hands using a household desiccant. Industrial devices are also available to every consumer.

Every person wants to create warmth and comfort in their home, but sometimes temperature changes and uneven air humidity inside and outside create conditions that bring discomfort to the inhabitants. The simplest and quick method The solution to this situation is to purchase and install an air dehumidifier.

Industrial dehumidifier models can be found in a specialized store, but their cost is not always affordable for the average consumer. In this case, you can resort to self-production such a device, which in functionality will not be inferior to an industrial one and at the same time the costs of its production will be significantly lower.

Purpose of the dehumidifier

Most apartment owners periodically face the problem of mold and mildew. The spores with which they reproduce move with air currents. In the absence of certain conditions, they are in a state of calm, but when they arise favorable conditions: high humidity and air temperature, they begin to actively develop.

For the development of a colony of fungus or mold, it is enough to have an air temperature of twenty degrees with a relative humidity of 80%. If neighbors behind the affected wall do not have a similar phenomenon, we can conclude that humidity has become the main factor in their development.

To solve the situation, you must first eliminate the main factors of its occurrence. Of course, it is not always advisable to lower the temperature, especially in the autumn-winter period. In this case optimal solution is to reduce indoor air humidity through the use of a dehumidifier.

Removing fungus and mold solves not only an aesthetic problem; in addition, living conditions also improve. After all, a humid environment is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that can cause harm to human health.

What is a dehumidifier

The dehumidifier is household appliance, which is used for the purpose of drying a living space with subsequent regulation of the humidity level. It can be used not only in residential premises, but also in production. It is advisable to use the dehumidifier in rooms such as:

  • Utility rooms;
  • Small rooms;
  • Basement;
  • Garage;
  • Waiting room;
  • Library;
  • Wine Vault.

Such devices are sufficient, transportable, simple and practical to use due to their low weight and convenient form Moreover, their use does not require special installation work.

For production, water parks, ice arenas, refrigeration chambers, swimming pools must use special powerful modifications with high performance. With their help, they not only dry the air, but also create additional conditions for ventilation. Thus, the necessary microclimatic conditions are created in the room.

Operating principle of the dehumidifier

Modern manufacturers provide a wide line of air dehumidifiers of various modifications, which differ from each other in some parameters. The main distinguishing characteristics are the working volume. It represents the volume of water that can be filtered from the air by the device.

When choosing a device with the required working volume, you should take into account the parameters of the room for which it is purchased. The cost of the dehumidifier also depends on the value of this characteristic, but despite the fairly high cost, the costs of its further maintenance are reduced.

There are portable and stationary dehumidifiers. Portable ones are distinguished by their ability to be transported, that is, they can be easily moved to the right room and install it to work without any problems. Stationary ones, on the contrary, are mounted on the wall, they cannot be moved, but they are characterized by high performance and power.

The principle of operation of the device is to reduce the level of air humidity due to condensation. Using a built-in fan, air flows into the device, where it passes through the evaporator. This is a radiator that has a temperature an order of magnitude lower than in the room. This temperature difference promotes moisture condensation.

The liquid that is formed during the process flows down, where it accumulates in a special container. The air that is processed in evaporators and cooled further begins, heats up, passes to the outlet compartment from where it enters the room in a dry and warm state. It is very important when using a dehumidifier to ensure effective ventilation rooms.

In addition to changing air humidity, the dehumidifier is used for the following purposes:

  • Preventing windows from fogging;
  • Creation of comfortable microclimatic conditions for living;
  • During repairs.

Using the device during repair work helps speed up drying finishing materials, without disturbing the technology as the temperature in the room is at the same level.

Algorithm for creating a device with your own hands

Dehumidifying the air flow in a room is based on three principles:

  • Heating;
  • Adsorption:
  • Condensation.

Heating is not always suitable for creating favorable microclimatic conditions, because increased temperature regime may have an adverse effect on the occupants of the room. When designing a dehumidifier yourself, you should adhere to the basics of moisture condensation and adsorption, which are the most effective and easiest to implement.

Desiccant type dehumidifier

To create the simplest dehumidifier of the adsorption type, you do not need to purchase expensive materials and spend a lot of free time. To create an adsorption-type dehumidifier, you will need a couple of plastic bottles with a volume of two liters.

The bottom of one of the containers must be perforated using a hot knitting needle, nail or other suitable item. Then the bottle should be divided into two equal components.

The next step is to place the upper part of the bottle into the lower perforated one so that it is positioned with the neck down.

The cork on this part of the bottle must be carefully buried, and several steps should be made in it. through holes using the same hot nail, knitting needle or awl.

Any type of absorbent should be poured into the upper component of the structure. The most suitable is silica gel, which is characterized by high absorbent parameters. In addition, it can be easily restored after drying the used substance. For one desiccant you need to take 250 grams of silica gel.

The bottom of the second bottle container needs to be removed. A fan must be placed inside the bottle, which will direct the air flow towards the cut bottom. As a fan, you can use a USB fan or cooler, which is used in a computer device to cool the processor. The pressure unit of the device must be placed at a distance of ten centimeters from the cut bottom.

The second bottle container must be placed on the bottle containing the absorbent. The joint line must be carefully treated with tape to create a reliable seal. To allow air flow, you need to open the cap on the second bottle.

By following manufacturing technology, you can design a simple, silent, compact and effective dehumidifier. A built-in fan creates conditions for the flow of air to enter and pass through the adsorbent, and the treated air exits into the room through an opening at the bottom of the structure. The power source for the fan can be a battery.

Condensation type dryer

A device for dehumidifying condensation-type air is an order of magnitude more complex than the adsorbing version, but the basis for its creation can be found in every home. This could be due to a faulty old refrigerator.

The initial stage when creating a condensation type dehumidifier is to prepare the refrigerator. To do this, remove the door from the existing compartments by disassembling the hinges. This will not take much time and effort as most modifications use removable doors.

Then you need to prepare the plexiglass plates with minimum thickness about three millimeters, which in dimensions will correspond removed door refrigerator.

It is necessary to make holes from the edge of the pre-prepared plate. They need to be made at a distance of thirty centimeters from the edge. These holes are intended for further installation of the fan. Its dimensions must correspond to the protective grille of the pressure unit.

Installation of the fan involves attaching it to the grille using self-tapping screws. The principle of its operation is identical to the supply pressure unit and consists in blowing a flow of air into the middle of the refrigerator.

A series of holes should be constructed along the top edge in the prepared plexiglass plate. Their area should be identical to the surface that is intended for constructing a hole for further securing the fan.

It is also necessary to analyze the operation of the standard system for removing condensate from the housing and, if necessary, modify or streamline it. For these purposes, it is necessary to connect the external pipe above the compressor to the storage tank using a polymer tube.

In place of the refrigerator door you need to secure the plexiglass plate using self-tapping screws. To reliably seal joints and seams, it is recommended to use self-adhesive tape or silicone.

The preparatory stage is completed, now you can start the device. First you need to start the fan, and then connect the refrigerator itself. Some time after the homemade dehumidifier starts operating, the air humidity in the room may decrease by ten percent. After prolonged use of such a device, not only the humidity decreases, but also the ambient temperature.

Humidity control

Homemade dehumidifier designs are distinguished by the absence of a device for monitoring the level of humidity in the room, which can create certain difficulties during its operation. IN production models There are built-in sensors that display data on humidity and temperature on the screen.

When using a homemade dehumidifier, use a conventional thermometer to measure the temperature. To balance the humidity level, it is advisable to purchase a hygrometer.

It can be arrow and digital. I love it suitable model can be purchased at a specialty store. In addition, this function can be installed on modern gadgets: computers, tablets, smartphones.