The worst smelling actors. They smell bad: stars who don't take care of themselves

Incredible facts

It seems to us that when a person is rich and famous, he should not have problems with deodorant and shower. He can even hire people for this. However, unfortunately, some stars are not averse to neglecting hygiene procedures.

Bad smelling celebrities

1. Britney Spears

Britney does not suffer from neatness at all. Upon returning home, he throws his clothes on the floor. There, as her housekeepers say, are pieces of cookies, French fries and leftover hamburgers. Moreover, the star's former bodyguard said that Britney smokes a lot, sometimes forgets to brush her teeth, does not like to use deodorant, does not shower for several days and walks around with dirty hair.

2. Megan Fox

In one of her interviews, the star said that she has one very serious problem - memory problems. She admitted that she forgets to flush the toilet, even when visiting.

3. Robert Pattinson

During filming famous film"Twilight" his colleagues often complained about Robert's smell. The actor doesn’t really like to wash his hair, because he doesn’t see much point in it, so he can walk around with dirty hair for up to 6 weeks.

4. Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis

Famous actor and his ex-wife Vanessa doesn't consider showering an essential necessity. It was very easy for Johnny to portray Jack Sparrow, since the latter was also famous for his lack of love for personal hygiene. Johnny and Vanessa shower quite rarely, and Johnny can go weeks without changing his clothes, so when it comes to personal hygiene, they matched perfectly, which is partly what helped their common-law marriage last so long.

5. Russell Crowe

They say that the actor not only has problems with his character, but also with his personal smell. Sources told the National Enquirer magazine that during the filming of “Knockdown,” Russell’s colleagues repeatedly asked Russell to shower more often, however, these requests remained unheard.

After this, Renée Zellweger, who was his co-star in the film, insisted that a stunt double be used in the love scenes. However, Crowe's friends defend him, saying that the actor has no problems with personal hygiene, and he can only smell like curry or alcohol after a party.

Celebrity showbiz gossip

6. Gwyneth Paltrow

This beautiful actress always looks impeccable, but her colleagues often complain about the not very pleasant smell coming from her. The actress herself said that she does not like deodorants, as they contain carcinogens and aluminum.

7. Jennifer Aniston

The actress is very proud of her appearance, she actually looks great for her age. However, male actors Alec Baldwin and Jason Bateman once admitted that Jennifer suffers because unpleasant odor from the mouth, apparently it affects too much a large number of coffee consumed.

Her former roommate shared even more heartbreaking details about the life of the “Friends” star. The woman said that the actress threw her underwear all over the room, and once even stole chicken cutlets from the supermarket, hiding them in her bra. Aniston denies all the rumors.

8. Leonardo DiCaprio

The famous actor is obsessed with protecting the environment. His obsession has reached the point where he simply does not want to waste water. For this reason, Leo only showers a few times a week. In addition, the actor independently recycles his garbage, which of course also affects the overall smell.

9. Uma Thurman

The star's colleagues say that Uma doesn't care what she wears. She often comes to filming with stains on her clothes, and sometimes there are food residues on her!

10. Bradley Cooper

The actor once admitted himself that he could smell an unpleasant odor on himself, but do nothing. He tries to shower often, but does not use deodorant.

11. Cameron Diaz

Interestingly, the singer is practically obsessed with the cleanliness of her home. She doesn't touch door handles in in public places so as not to catch any infection. The actress, at the same time, does not carefully monitor her clothes and her body. She admitted that she has not used deodorant for about 20 years. She can wear the same clothes for 4 days. That's why photos often appear with sweat stains on things.

12. Sheryl Crow

This celebrity is a well-known environmental activist. In one of her interviews, she emphasized that when visiting the toilet you need to use only one square toilet paper, and in exceptional cases their number should not exceed 3. Saving paper is very good, but anyone will say that even three squares are very, very few.

Celebrity Rumors

13. Alicia Silverstone

In 2011, the actress had a son. However, when she told the public about the way she feeds her son, people were shocked. Alicia chewed the food and, like a bird, gave it to her son directly from her mouth. At the same time, she admired: “Man has been feeding his children this way for thousands of years. My son literally runs up to me while eating and seems to attack my mouth.”

14. Zac Efron

This actor has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most sexy men. But there are also sins behind it. Zach is very active person, he likes to play basketball, but he is simply too lazy to take a shower after training. He uses wet wipes, but persistent odor Very few napkins can handle the sweat, which is why it sometimes smells very bad.

15. Jessica Simpson

Many may be confused by the star's snow-white smile; in fact, Jessica very rarely brushes her teeth. She doesn't like the smooth feeling of her teeth after brushing, so she prefers a mouth freshener. The celebrity says that her breath is always fresh. However, it is worth thinking about what will happen to her teeth at a more advanced age.

16. Matthew McConaughey

The famous actor admitted that he has not used deodorants for more than 20 years, and to combat sweating he has a salt stone at his disposal. He just doesn't like it when he smells something. However, he adds that if someone does not like his smell, he will definitely take a shower.

It's not easy to portray passion convincingly close-up when your co-star hasn’t brushed his teeth for a week or ate an onion - and in Hollywood, it turns out, there are such things.

Ben Affleck

Rumors that Ben Affleck is undergoing treatment serious problems with fresh breath, the Hollywood crowd has been discussing it for many years. One of the initiators of these rumors at one time was Sandra Bullock, with whom Ben Affleck starred in the film “Forces of Nature” back in 1999. Years ago, Bullock complained about how unpleasant it was to kiss Affleck, who had bad breath. After Sandra Bullock, many other female colleagues of Ben Affleck complained about a similar problem.

The men, to whom Affleck regularly screams almost in the face according to the script, are stoically silent - and hold their breath.

Jennifer Lawrence

Two options: either Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t care what her male colleagues think of her, or the star of “X-Men” and “The Hunger Games” simply loves cruel pranks. Her Hunger Games co-star Liam Hemsworth also had to become closely acquainted with this unpleasant feature of Jennifer’s character, who, in an interview on the Jimmy Fallon show, albeit jokingly, still complained about how unpleasant it was to film kissing scenes with Jennifer.

The fact is that just before filming, Lawrence always ate something particularly unpleasant-smelling - and if you've ever tried to kiss a person after he ate, for example, a salad with onions, you'll probably sympathize with Liam.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears' problems with bad breath are a direct result of the strict (if not cruel) diet that the singer went on in preparation for the reality show X-Factor (in one of the seasons, Britney “worked” as a judge on the talent search show). To avoid blushing in front of the camera, which is known to add pounds, Britney went on an extreme diet for several weeks, eating 600 calories a day ( to an ordinary person requires an average of 1600 - 2400 calories). Eating less than 1000 calories per day is considered hazardous to health and is associated with extreme negative consequences- one of them for Britney was bad breath, which appeared 20-30 minutes after the singer Once again brushes his teeth.

Yes, Spears looked amazing from the waist up, but those around her suffered from the consequences of this slimness so much that many swore off working with the pop star in the future.

Lamar Odom

The sports star and, at the same time, the reality show Kardashian is now known throughout the world for his problems with bad breath - millions of viewers know about the problem, and all “thanks to” Kim Kardashian, who in the 7th season of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” complained to her sister Khloe about that this makes Lamar physically impossible to be around. Everything was so serious that Kim, in her own words, “vomited” every time she tried to hug her chosen one Khloe!

As a result, Khloe and Lamar broke up - of course, not because of his bad breath, but the entire Kardashian family probably breathed a sigh of relief.

Jason Segel

Jason Segel's bad breath was a direct consequence of his biggest bad habit - smoking. Jason himself was not too worried about this, but Alyson Hannigan, who played his lover and then his wife in the series “How I Met Your Mother,” literally could not work with the actor already at the stage of reading the script - and in the end gave him and the producers an ultimatum: either Siegel quits smoking or he will not have a screen partner. Jason himself later boasted:

“Alison simply left me no other choice. So I quit smoking the day we started filming and never touched cigarettes again.”

Johnny Depp

Still from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Now Johnny Depp doesn’t look very good, to put it mildly, but for several decades he was rightfully considered one of the main handsome men in Hollywood - and at the same time, surprisingly, Depp always had a tense relationship with personal hygiene. Insiders claim that Depp rarely even takes a shower, and his breath smells so bad - both because of his neglect of personal hygiene, and because Depp has not parted with a cigarette for several decades in a row. Interestingly, Johnny himself publicly denied these rumors, and back in 2016 he told Us Weekly:

"When I meet people, they tell me: 'It's amazing, you look like a homeless person, but you smell so good!' - and damn it, I actually smell good!”

Angelina Jolie

Colleague of the aforementioned Johnny Depp in the film “The Tourist” and one of the most beautiful women Hollywood, Angelina Jolie has been suffering from halitosis for a very long time. Just imagine: now ex-husband Brad Pitt once gave Jolie breath-freshening mints on Valentine's Day and, according to insiders, repeatedly made fun of his wife because of her problem with bad breath. I was joking.

31 May 2011, 17:21

A selection of the most "smelly" celebrities in history.... 1. Saint Benedict of Anian. Having given their own “original” interpretation to the teachings of St. Joseph, representatives of the Catholic monastic clergy (at least the majority of the so-called Chernets) back in the eighteenth century considered bathing (unless immersion in water was associated with the sacrament of baptism) as a terrible bodily sin. Benedict of Anian, who restored the monastic morals, somewhat softened in the eighth century from the birth of Christ, to their former severity, was canonized for his ascetic lifestyle, rags, wisdom and fame in society. Saint Benedict ate little and rarely, and washed and bathed even less and less often. Who knows, perhaps it was the fashion for “not washing the body” among monks that inspired the creators of the name of the foul-smelling but very delicate cheese known as Stinking Bishop, that is, “Stinking Bishop” (this cheese has a very specific smell - it smells like so to speak... men's (monastic?) socks that were worn for a week). 2. Henry IV, King of France. One of the most famous French kings, Henry of Navarre, the father of Louis XIII, chose the following as one of the principles of his reign - he tried to rule the country so that “every worker in the kingdom had the opportunity to eat chicken for lunch on Sundays.” Despite the fact that loyal servants witnessed His Majesty putting on a fresh shirt every morning, and this was known to the entire court, King Henry emanated a peculiar animal smell. The king loved hunting, and when returning from one of them, he did not consider it necessary to take a bath or at least mask the specific smell with cologne. The mistress often complained to Henry IV that he reeked of carrion. His second wife literally took a bath of perfume to spend with the king wedding night without experiencing any strong disgust. 3. Howard Hughes. This hero of the twentieth century, a former millionaire, turned from an elegant and attractive handsome aviator, and later a film producer, into a forty-kilogram skeleton who considered everyone except Mormons his enemies. In 1957, Howard Hughes locked himself in a studio with milk, chocolate and napkins to watch movies completely naked. Returning after his retreat to the world, Howard refused to take baths and wash himself, and began cutting his nails and trimming his hair only once a year. Turning into a recluse, Hughes lived between Las Vegas and the Bahamas. He lost so much of his human appearance that to identify his corpse, the police were forced to take fingerprints. 4. Louis XIV, King of France. The Sun King reigned for seventy-two years, and it was his era that marked the establishment of the most absolute monarchy in Europe. Louis built the wonderful palace of Versailles and fought several successful wars. But at the same time he was terribly afraid of water. During the entire life of Louis IV, His Majesty only twice or three times heeded the doctors’ beliefs and deigned to take a bath. He preferred using aromatic powders as powder, and also wiped his face with a cloth soaked in alcohol. When gangrene developed on the king’s leg, which cost Louis his life, he refused to allow doctors to see him and did not even allow him to wash his sore leg. 5. Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia. Through the efforts of Frederick, Prussia turned from still waters Europe into a developed and powerful state, which they were forced to reckon with and feared. After this miracle was accomplished, the king, who was called Old Fritz behind his back, spent the rest of his days in the Sans Souci palace with a pack of his beloved fragile Italian greyhound dogs and angrily attacked any of the servants who tried to remove traces of dog activity, a layer of which in some areas of the estate reached 25-30 cm. King Frederick, apparently, went crazy - he stopped washing and did not change his clothes for years. After his death in 1786, Frederick's valet discovered that His Majesty's back shirt had simply rotted from sweat.
6. Marilyn Monroe. Embodiment female beauty and sexuality, “the heroine of suicide and heroin,” the fatal blonde Marilyn Monroe visited the beds of many men. Her lovers included Joe DiMaggio and President Kennedy. And if you believe the conqueror and breaker of women’s hearts, actor Clark Gable, Monroe was “a big mess, but not in terms of sex.” Gable said that Marilyn often suffered from diarrhea, suffered from irritable bowel syndrome, rarely took a bath and ate food exclusively in bed. All scraps went under the bed on the floor. 7. Ludwig van Beethoven. Inspired and deaf, Beethoven became the emperor of romantic music in the enlightened eighteenth century. He was afraid to take a bath for fear of pain from lead poisoning - since water pipes were made from this harmful metal at that time. The illness made the genius terribly hot-tempered and irritable - he launched whatever came to hand at those who dared to talk during the concerts of the great maestro Ludwig. The few friends who had access to the composer's house washed his clothes in secret while Beethoven slept. 8. Karl Marx. The inspirer and creator of communism, who had sympathy for the lumpen and the lower class, suffered from skin diseases - he constantly developed purulent boils and carbuncles, which did not heal well and became inflamed again and again due to constant smoking of tobacco, daily drunkenness and the holy conviction that that cleanliness is a bourgeois relic that must be eradicated. Marx even felt proud that some pages from the first manuscript of Capital bore traces of the class struggle theorist’s blood from pimples squeezed out on his body during the writing process. 9. Henrietta Green. The first billionaire businesswoman in US history, who amassed a fortune of $3,800,000 at the beginning of the twentieth century, became rich mainly through insane frugality. This, probably the most stingy woman in the history of business, refused surgery for a hernia because the surgeon’s fee, which was $150, seemed prohibitively high to her. When Madame Green's son broke his leg, she was not impressed by this to a small extent, and the leg had to be amputated due to the development of hagrene. Businesswoman Henrietta was no stranger to intrigue and fraud. She washed only a few times in her life, and even then she saved on hot water and soap. All her life she dressed only in black dresses, which she changed only after they were completely worn out. 10. Mao Zedong. Mao's conduct is cruel domestic politics took the lives of millions of his fellow citizens, but it was she who turned China into powerful country, which they were forced to reckon with. The Great Helmsman never brushed his teeth or washed himself. Instead, the mistresses were obliged to dry the Leader with damp towels while he chewed tea leaves, which he considered suitable means to freshen the mouth. He motivated his reluctance to brush his teeth by the fact that a tiger, for example, never uses a toothbrush, but at the same time remains strong and with magnificent fangs for life.

You shy away from fellow travelers public transport who forgot to take a shower and use deodorant in the morning? Imagine that Hollywood stars could well be in their place.

Gwyneth Paltrow

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Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow, as a rule, looks impeccable - a real style icon, but those who communicate closely with her assure that the star often smells not very pleasant. The fact is that the actress basically does not use deodorants - they contain aluminum and carcinogens that can lead to breast cancer. Choosing between an unpleasant aroma and a terrible illness, Gwyneth prefers the first: it’s better to let those around her wrinkle their noses, but she won’t get sick. The actress does not take into account the opinion of scientists who believe that the ingredients in deodorants have nothing to do with breast cancer.

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The unpleasant odor emanating from Cameron Diaz is also due to the actress’s refusal to use deodorants. Firstly, she, like Paltrow, considers these hygiene products harmful to health, and secondly, she is sure: the substances included in deodorants clog pores and block sweating, which is why the unpleasant odor of the glands increases significantly and the person begins to “smell "even stronger. Diaz says that it is enough to do hair removal in the armpit area and take a shower every day, but, according to her colleagues, these measures do not save the actress - it is often not very pleasant to be near her.

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Leonardo DiCaprio rarely washes and does not use deodorant solely for good reasons - he is afraid of harm environment, the safety of which is seriously concerned. The actor saves water, so he limited all procedures related to it to two or three a week, and no circumstances in the form of heavy physical labor or heat, which are accompanied by increased sweating, can force him to change this schedule. As for deodorants, knowing that the ingredients they contain increase ozone hole, the actor refused to use them, which is also not the most in the best possible way affects the smell emanating from it.

Julia Roberts

Another lover of saving water on the planet - and, as a result, smelling not in the most pleasant way - is “beauty” Julia Roberts. The actress rarely washes herself, and she doesn’t particularly take care of her armpits – she doesn’t shave them or her legs. She herself spoke about this in an interview with Oprah Winfrey when she took part in her program. And the guard who for a long time worked with the star, confirmed her words, calling Roberts a “hippie.” “She can go a long time without a shower,” he told reporters, “she likes the smell of her own body.”

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey also does not like to use deodorants, preferring to replace them with salt stone, because he believes that it fights sweating much better than those sold in perfume stores and pharmacies chemical compounds. True, the actors who have to be on the same set with McConaughey do not think so - they, at a minimum, express dissatisfaction, and, at maximum, rebel. So, Kate Hudson, who played with him in the film "Fool's Gold", defiantly - in front of everyone! – gave the actor deodorant, saying that it “smells terrible”, and the bottle that she handed him might at least slightly reduce the size of the “disaster”. It must be said that McConaughey did not remain in debt - he replied that since not everyone likes his natural smell, he can go and take a shower, but he will not smell like flowers or a thermonuclear mixture, which is passed off as men's perfume.

We can admire the talents and beauty of our favorite stars as long as we like, but it turns out that nothing earthly is alien to the celestials, including such a delicate problem as halitosis, or in other words - bad smell from mouth.

One of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood, Angelina Jolie, has a disarming smile: especially if you get too close to her. They say Angie's breath is so bad that the actress's ex-husband, Brad Pitt, once gave her a package of mints for Valentine's Day.

A source close to the couple told Us Weekly that the actor often teased his wife about her bad breath. We hope that the actress will find time after the divorce process to solve the problem

They say all Ben Affleck needs to do is open his mouth and breathe to throw a punch in the Batman vs. Superman fight. These rumors appeared after Affleck starred in the film “Forces of Nature” with Sandra Bullock, and this was back in 1999

The actress constantly complained about Ben's bad breath. But not only Bullock had to come to terms with this for the role: according to one of the star dentists, many female colleagues complained about the actor’s breathing. Well, you wouldn’t do anything like that for the sake of a successful career!

One of two things: either Jennifer Lawrence doesn't take care of her oral hygiene, or she's a big joker! How else can we explain the fact that Liam Hemsworth, after filming The Hunger Games, complained on one of the talk shows that the actress seemed to be gorging on spicy food before the kissing scenes, since her breath was disgusting

We believe in Jennifer's sparkling sense of humor: we really don't want to think that the actress doesn't take care of her health

Britney Spears' bad breath may be due to her addiction to unhealthy diets, a source told PopCrush. Before one of the seasons of the X-Factor show, in which the singer was a judge, she went on an extreme diet in order to look good on camera. So extreme that she consumed only 600 kcal. in a day

Regularly consume less than 1000 kcal. - dangerous to health: the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions, which leads to many consequences, including unpleasant breathing. Britney may have acquired wasp waist, but scared everyone around

It seems that Johnny Depp is sure that charisma is much more important than cleanliness. One source told Fox News that the actor does not like to shower and does not consider personal hygiene a priority.

Looks like Johnny liked the image of a dirty pirate with unbrushed teeth! It’s good that the technology that also transmits smells during the screening of the film has not yet been invented...

The Oscar ceremony is the most significant event in world cinema. The stars present better version themselves: rent the most luxurious jewelry, wear couture dresses and elegant suits. It's a pity that you can't rent fresh breath. In their post-event report, gossip columnist The Guardian once wrote that Hugh Grant literally exuded a disgusting smell, and his colleagues were begging to do something about it

There were rumors that the actor's friends even forced him to rinse his mouth before going on stage.

Jason Segel's halitosis is caused by his smoking habit. This was an unpleasant discovery for actress Alyson Hannigan, who played his wife in the TV show How I Met Your Mother. Hannigan, a non-smoker, said she would not go anywhere near Siegel unless he gave up his bad habit. Considering that these two played a couple in love, it’s not hard to imagine what kind of atmosphere reigned on the set

Jason later admitted that the actress left him no other choice: “I quit the day she gave me an ultimatum, and I haven’t smoked since then!” I would like to think that together with bad habit the actor's bad breath disappeared

Apparently, Jessica Simpson has forgotten the importance of brushing her teeth regularly. On the Ellen DeGeneres show, the blonde said that she brushes her teeth 2-3 times a week! The singer simply hates the “slippery” feeling when her teeth are clean. Instead of a toothbrush, she uses mouthwash, floss, and chews gum.

While Simpson insists the habit keeps her breath fresh, doctors unanimously agree that not brushing your teeth every day is a recipe for tooth decay. Plaque and bacteria accumulate in the spaces between teeth (even when flossing), which can lead to periodontitis and eventually tooth loss.

Could you live with someone who has bad breath? So Khloe Kardashian couldn't. In one of the reality series, she complained to Kim that she was starting to feel sick after kissing Lamar Odom

Apparently, Khloe was relieved when she filed for divorce. It is unknown how things are going with her current lover, Tristan Thompson, but it is clear that he is breathing better than ex-husband stars

There are rumors that the delicate problem has not spared Sophia Loren herself. The most famous Italian actress makes the excuse that...... she loves dishes with onions and garlic too much