The rarest plants listed in the Red Book of Russia. Red Book: rare and endangered plants of Russia

The history of science knows many plants that ceased to exist due to human fault. As a result of emissions into the atmosphere industrial waste The nature around us is constantly becoming poorer. On the mountain slopes, where forests once grew, in some places only bare rocks remain.

Some representatives of the flora continue to struggle, but are on the verge of extinction - these are Cladophora globulus, Naya algae, Yellow water lily, Lily of the locust, Dolomite bell and many others. Human activity leads to devastating consequences, as a result of which the following were completely erased from the face of the Earth: Wormwood Barguzin, Astragalus Norwegian, Chii, Potentilla Volga, Common Heather, Creeping Goodera, Plantain Krasheninnikov and other rare species.

Horrifying statistics

According to statistics, about 1 percent of tropical rain forests disappear every year. At the same time, almost 70 species of plants and animals die out on the planet every day, which is approximately 3 species per hour. A tenth of the zone of greatest biological diversity in shallow waters - coral reefs - has already disappeared, and about 30 of it will be destroyed in the coming decades. Mostly corals die due to global climate change, pollution and warming of water, uncontrolled fishing of reef fish and the death of symbiotic organisms.

Plant protection

Under strict protection in the territory Russian Federation there are such as Amur, common yew, Lotus, Pitsunda pine, Boxwood, as well as many other types of herbs, shrubs and trees listed in the Red Book. They are extremely important, since the disappearance of food chains from the ecosystem leads to its complete destabilization.

When one species disappears, population changes in secondary species often occur, which can have irreversible consequences. Each plant produces unique chemical compounds, and also stores unique genetic material in its DNA, which disappears without a trace along with it. For example, the only source of artemisinin, the most effective drug against malaria, is wormwood. Black, which contains all the disappeared plants, is an alarming signal to humanity from the planet.

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Natural conditions mountains differ significantly from plains. In the mountains there is thinner air, less vegetation, and moisture is not available everywhere. This determines characteristics mountain animals and plants.

The bighorn sheep is the calling card of the mountains

This is an animal with massive, curled horns in the most inaccessible rocky places. They feed on sparse mountain vegetation, cereals and lichens, and sometimes on dried grass. Sheep often eat old dry mushrooms containing insect larvae - this helps them meet their protein needs. By the way, despite the impressive horns, researchers have not observed a single fight between male rams.

Edelweiss - a beautiful mountain plant

The gentle edelweiss has become the central character of many legends, where he has courage, eternal love and good luck. Edelweiss flowers in the highlands of Europe and Asia. The surface of the flower is covered with tiny fibers that protect the plant from the scorching mountain sun and prevent excessive evaporation of moisture. Previously, it was almost impossible to get edelweiss, but now these beautiful flowers are successfully grown in alpine roller coaster in country houses.
The popularity of edelweiss is so high that many businesses, restaurants and residential complexes are named after it.

Irbis - big mountain cat

The irbis, or snow leopard, is a predatory animal of the cat family. Snow leopard in the mountains central Asia. The beautiful dense skin of the leopard with long fur and leopard spots on a smoky background has made the animal a popular hunting object. As a result, the number of snow leopards has sharply decreased, and now the animal is listed in the Red Book. The leopard rarely comes into contact with people and is quite solitary, so his behavior and habits have not yet been studied enough.

Blue spruce - highland tree

Blue spruces, which often appear in large parks and in public gardens, are quite high in their natural environment. These trees grow in mountain valleys North America and often reach 3000 meters above sea level. The discoverers fell in love with the gentle blue needles of the spruce, and they wanted to grow this beauty on the plain. However, the hotter surface climate negatively affected the seedlings. The solution was found by the Soviet scientist I. Kovtunenko. He grew spruce in a substrate of spruce and pine cones. This method quickly spread throughout the country and brought the biologist the Stalin Prize.
One of the first blue spruce trees that appeared in Russia - trees near the Kremlin wall.

Yak - Tibetan pack animal

In highland Tibet, yaks are being replaced. These strong, massive animals are used to transport cargo and are also raised for meat. Tibetans also drink yak milk, and weave linen from thick, shaggy wool. Also, these animals were popular among the nomads of the mountainous places of India, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Nepal, and China. Wild yaks are not adapted to live near people, so their numbers are steadily declining. But domestic yaks remain - they are smaller and calmer.

An ecological system is an unstable phenomenon: species of living organisms are constantly changing, appearing and disappearing for many different reasons. But since the appearance of man on Earth, one more reason has been added to these reasons - human activity. It has caused the disappearance of dozens of various types animals.

Extinct animal research

It is impossible to say exactly how many species have disappeared from the face of the planet. Representatives of the human race took a dominant place in nature several tens of thousands of years ago, in prehistoric times, and scientists cannot say which species could have suffered from their activities at that time. It is possible to judge more or less accurately the influence of a person on the condition ecological system since 1500: from about this time we can talk about the reliability of the existence of certain organisms that are already preserved, since the observations of naturalists have been preserved. According to research, 884 species of animals have disappeared since the beginning of the 16th century, several dozen of which ceased to exist due to human fault.

Strange and unusual plants exist in all parts of the globe. But most of them, of course, are in the tropics, where the climate has a beneficial effect on the appearance unusual shapes life.


In Namibia there is a plant called Welwitschia. It looks and lives very unusual. Its lifespan is from 1.5 to 400 thousand years, and all this time on the surface of the earth this plant is represented by only two huge leaves that grow throughout its life. Sometimes the leaves reach 8 meters in length. The main source of moisture for this strange plant is fog, it grows only there, fogs. Velvichia can survive for up to 5 years without rain, relying only on atmospheric moisture. Locals The shoots of the plant are baked in a fire and eaten.

The climate of northern latitudes does not allow nature to experiment with plants, and therefore the inhabitants of the tropics sometimes amaze with their size. On the Mediterranean coast, for example, Dracunculus is often found - its flower can be up to half a meter in diameter. The bulb, from which emerges a fast-growing peduncle up to a meter in height, is also quite large. There is a pair on the stem carved leaves, shaped like deer antlers. Then a huge one appears, growing day by day, but at the moment of opening it can disappoint connoisseurs of beauty. Dracunculus is pollinated by carrion beetles and is attracted to them by the smell of rotten meat. Therefore, the plant is often planted not in front of windows or in a recreation area, but at a distance - this way you can admire its splendor without suffering from the aroma. This flower grows in Crete, Greece, Turkey and the Balkans. It is not popular in its homeland and is considered a weed. The plant is heat-loving, loves sunny places, but can tolerate frosts down to -5 without harm.

Eucalyptus trees are mostly native to Australia and provide food for koalas. But the well-known eucalyptus on the Philippine island of Mindanao grew rainbow eucalyptus, which was later brought to South Florida. The cool climate did not suit the inhabitant of the tropics very well, and it does not grow up to 70 meters, as in its homeland, but its bark is still painted in all the colors of the rainbow. The tree renews its bark and leaves throughout the year, and the young bark has a bright green color. As it ages and darkens, it takes on shades of purple, blue, burgundy, orange flowers. Alternating on the trunk, layers of multi-colored bark resemble an artist’s palette. His photos are often mistaken for the creations of artists. The plant is grown for decorative purposes, although this tree has many useful qualities. Pests do not damage these trees, and they hardly get sick, and the eucalyptus wood has a uniform, completely normal color, despite the variegated wrapper.

Among the steppe and meadow flora, on wastelands and sandstones, you can most often find lanceolate, large and medium plantain. Its widespread distribution can be explained simply - one mature plant capable of scattering about 60 thousand tiny seeds, easily picked up by the wind. Despite the enormous rate of reproduction, individual species plantain are included in the Red Book of Latvia and some regions of Russia. Not everyone knows that plantain serves as food for butterflies and many types of insects.

Rich grass

Representatives of this species perennial herbs their leaves contain to varying degrees:
- mucus-forming substances (approximately 44%);
- proteins;
- fatty oils;
- tannins;
- organic acids;
- saponins;
- carbohydrates;
- vitamin C;
- carotenoids;
- alkaloids;
- chlorophyll and choline;
- phytoncides and polysaccharides;
- flavonoids.
This is just a small list of the main chemical components. The mineral series is represented by calcium, potassium, boron, bromine, barium and copper.

Medicine under your feet

Most pronounced medicinal properties have large, flea and Indian plantain. In pharmacology, leaves, roots, and seeds are used. Plantain extract is included in many cosmetic products.

The healing properties of plantain are known even to children - just apply a plantain leaf to a fresh abrasion, cut, bruise, insect bite site (bees, wasps, spiders) or a broken nose and after a few minutes you can forget about the problem.

In addition to anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, infusions and decoctions of plantain leaves have an enveloping, powerful expectorant and tonic effect, excellently reduce blood pressure and successfully heal wounds of various etymologies (eczema, erysipelas, snake bites); indicated for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, ulcers, gastritis, catarrh, flatulence, etc.), oral cavity and eyes.

The infusion of seeds also has an expectorant, enveloping, and diarrheal effect. It is taken when diabetes mellitus and infertility in men and women (associated with low hormonal levels).

Plantain juice is able to suppress pathogenic microflora (pseudomonas and staphylococcal bacilli), is indicated for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and for the restoration of the cornea, and has proven itself in the treatment of toxicosis. Preserved in alcohol, it is especially effective in the treatment of tuberculosis and whooping cough.

Contraindications are increased acidity, low blood clotting, individual intolerance. Long-term use of drugs can lead to the same effects.

Video on the topic

Flowers are the decoration of our lives. They, like bright jewels of nature, make our planet exceptional. But unfortunately, many of beautiful plants are on the verge of extinction. Rare flowers, some of which have survived in only a few copies and are listed in the Red Book. Humanity is trying to prevent their extinction, which is sometimes provoked by itself. It is unknown who will win this fight...


Beautiful vines that produce colorful flowers during the flowering period sea ​​wave, the British poetically called it the “jade vine.” Its scientific term is Strongylodon macrocarpus. Without exaggeration, we can say that no plant in the world has such an unusual color.

IN wildlife The habitat of the jade vine is gradually decreasing. First of all, humans are to blame for this: the deterioration of the ecological situation leads to a reduction in the natural pollinators of the plant. Its pollen is carried the bats, which formerly lived in large numbers in the Philippine Islands. The jade vine attracts such creatures with its unusual coloring, which is clearly visible in the dark. It seems that turquoise flowers luminesce at night.

Some argue that this plant is not cultivated. However, this statement is completely incorrect: back in the middle of the last century, rare flowers were taken from their natural habitat, and are now grown on the islands of Java and Singapore. The British also do not lag behind their comrades from Asian countries: at the London botanical garden part of the territory is designated specifically for growing these plants.

This close relative of the bean also participates in scientific experiments. Scientists still hope to grow a blue rose based on it.


“Flower from Heaven” is a legendary plant of Buddhists. A myth is associated with its flowering: it is believed that the appearance of a blooming Yutan Poluo means: a new Buddha has come to the world - a great sage called to change the world for the better. The birth of a new luminary of humanity occurs once every 3,000 years, just like flowering of this plant. A person like that would really come in handy in our world right now...

People first started talking about the flower in 1997, when it grew on a golden statue depicting the main Buddhist prophet. This case was the first among many: since then, microscopic white flowers on a thin stalk have appeared in different places. There is a widely known story about how a certain farmer, who was cleaning pipes, discovered Yutan Poluo in them. Later, scientists found out that the plant grows on any hard surface, without any need for soil.

Another feature of Yutan Poluo is its smell. Despite its small size, the flower exudes an extraordinary aroma reminiscent of sandalwood.


The bright red inflorescences of this plant look very unusual. At first glance, they look like human lips painted with scarlet lipstick. Such similarity is noticeable, however, only in the first phase of flowering: then the “lips” are decorated with white inflorescences, and then with bright blue fruits.

This plant can only be found in three countries: Costa Rica, Colombia and Panama. It chose the tropical jungle as its habitat. The disappearance of the plant is associated precisely with its habitat - deforestation in these countries is practically uncontrolled, which leads to the disappearance of flora and fauna living in a humid and warm place.


Once John Middlemit, a gardener from Great Britain, traveling around the Middle Kingdom, noticed unusual flower. It was very similar to a rose, but there were still differences. The flower was called Camellia. It turns out that it had different shades: pink, white and even purple. But it was the bright red Camellia that captivated the gardener - he took amazing plant to your homeland.

Years have passed. You can no longer find red camellias in China - they have all disappeared for one reason or another. However, in London, a gloomy and rainy corner of the planet, the unique flowers brought by Middlemit were preserved. True, officially there are only two copies. But perhaps the number of flowers is not so small: a gardener who came from China in 1804 distributed seeds to many people. Perhaps somewhere in the depths of private gardens and parks you can also find a beautiful and incredibly rare plant.


Small white flowers on a sunny day will not attract special attention of people. But everything changes dramatically during rainy weather: the moisture falling on the petals makes them completely transparent!

You can find a similar plant mainly in China or Japan. It also grows in Russia, but only in Far East. The flower is unique and rare: Gray's two-leaf clover has long been listed in the Red Book.

Rare flowers are nature's precious pearls. And people who consider themselves the crown of creation must make every effort to preserve endangered plant species.

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During the existence of mankind, it has already disappeared from the face of the earth. great amount plant species. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is natural disasters, but today it is more appropriate to explain this problem by anthropogenic activity. Rare species of flora, that is, relics, are most susceptible to extinction, and their distribution depends on the boundaries of a particular area. To draw public attention, the Red Book is being created, which contains information about endangered species. Also government bodies different countries provides protection of endangered plants.

Reasons for the disappearance of plants

The disappearance of flora occurs due to economic activity of people:

  • deforestation;
  • grazing;
  • drainage of swamps;
  • plowing of steppes and meadows;
  • collection of herbs and flowers for sale.

Not least important are forest fires, flooding of coastal areas, environmental pollution, as well as ecological disasters. As a result natural Disasters plants die in large numbers overnight, leading to global changes in the ecosystem.

Extinct species of flora

It is difficult to determine how many hundreds of plant species have disappeared from the planet. Over the past 500 years, according to experts from the World Conservation Union, 844 species of flora have disappeared forever. One of them is sigillaria, tree-like plants that reached a height of 25 meters, had thick trunks, and grew in swampy areas. They grew in groups, forming entire forest zones.
On islands Pacific Ocean grew interesting view- Strebloriza from the Leguminaceae genus, had an interesting flowering. The Crean violet is extinct, herbaceous plant, which grew up to 12 centimeters and had purple flowers. Also, the lepidodendron species, which was covered with dense foliage, disappeared from tree-like plants. Of the aquatic species, it is worth mentioning nematophyte algae, which were found in various bodies of water.

Thus, the problem of reducing biodiversity is urgent for the world. If measures are not taken, many species of flora will soon disappear. On this moment rare and endangered species are listed in the Red Book, and by reading the list, you can find out which plants should not be picked. Some species are practically no longer found on the planet, and can only be found in hard to reach places. We must protect nature and prevent plants from disappearing.

A huge number of flora species grow in the vastness of Russia. These are trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers. Despite the fact that there is a large number of green areas, such as forests, meadows, steppes, in the country a huge number of plant species are on the verge of extinction. These plants are included in the Red Book, they cannot be picked and are under state protection.

Lists of rare flora species are updated all the time, but despite this, we can only see an approximate picture, since today there are no methods for accurately determining the number and distribution area of ​​certain species. Based on the data from the latest edition of the Red Book of the Russian Federation, it includes more than 600 plant species. Each species has six statuses indicating its stage of extinction, ranging from declining to probably extinct.

Endangered species of flora

A large number of endangered species grow in the steppe, in Siberia, the Caucasus, and in the coastal zone.

This is far from full list all types of flora that are on the verge of extinction in Russia. The condition of some of them is very critical, and everything is heading towards the fact that many plants will irrevocably disappear from the face of the earth.

Protection of rare plant species

Collecting data and regularly updating the lists of the Red Book of Russia is a small drop of what will help preserve the country’s flora. Species that require special treatment and conservation appear regularly. It is worth emphasizing that in mountainous areas rare plants located precisely on the mountain slopes. This ensures some safety. Despite the fact that the mountains are regularly conquered by climbers, this flora has a chance of being preserved. In addition, in some areas, rare plants are found in places where human activity is not so active and industrial development does not threaten the plant world.

In other regions, where endangered species grow in fields and within cities, the plants must be jealously protected. This is how we need to fight deforestation and poaching. In addition, in recent decades, the territory of protected areas and wild areas has been actively decreasing. natural objects. Not least important is the pollution of the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere, which also negatively affects the world of flora. However, the safety of plants mainly depends on the entire population of our country. If we take care of nature, we will be able to preserve rare and valuable plant species.

Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis, without which we could not exist. Moreover, plants are an effective source of medicines we use today. Today there are about 300 thousand known plant species. Of these species, 12,914, nearly 68 percent, are at risk of extinction. Plants cannot move freely, and this especially contributes to their extinction. Global warming is another important cause of extinction.

Reasons that make plants disappear

The extinction began about 100 million years ago and is a natural process due to the geological transformation of the Earth. Based on fossil research, it is believed that only 2-4 percent of all species that have ever existed survive.

Almost 16,928 species of plants and animals face the threat of extinction. The most important cause of extinction is habitat degradation. For this reason, 91% of plants face the threat of extinction.

Thanks to human activity on the planet, Over the past 500 years, about 869 species of plants and animals have disappeared.

Endangered plants

Here are some plants that are on the verge of extinction.

Bottom line

As we see, many plant species have already become extinct due to human intervention in the balanced environment, or even without his help. For the same reasons, many of them are on the verge of extinction. However, it is not too late to save the latter, and the least we can do is do not trample or pick flowers, do not cut down trees unnecessarily, and also plant at least one tree in your life.

A huge number of plant species have disappeared. Today, some species are also on the verge of extinction, so it is very difficult to meet them. This article will tell you about the endangered plants of the planet. Endangered plants photos and descriptions TOP 10 - look!

Endangered plants photos and descriptions TOP 10

Arizona Agave

Endangered plants photo and description - Arizona Agave

In 1984, the number of this plant species barely exceeded 100 specimens, but they were still preserved and even increased. Two species of Arizona Agave are found in the Tonto National Forest in Arizona and can also be found in the Sierra Uncas and New River Mountains. In this ranking, Arizona Agave is only in 10th place.

Endangered plants photo and description – Enrubio

Every year the number of enrubio specimens is noticeably decreasing. In 1992, scientists counted only 150 specimens. Enrubio is on the verge of extinction, as it is constantly eaten by animals in large quantities, despite the protective thorns present on the plant. Enrubio grows in Puerto Rico.

Ouachita Mountain Goldenrod

Endangered plants photo and description – Ouachita Mountain Goldenrod

Many people think that there is no vegetation in cold climates, but there are some plants that prefer wet and cold climates. Such plants include the Ouachita Mountain Goldenrod. This plant can be found on the border of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Today this species is quite rare, as it is on the verge of extinction.

Stenogyne Kanehoana

Endangered plants photo and description - Stenogin Kanehoana

For a long time, scientists believed that this plant disappeared back in 2000, but later they managed to find one specimen, which confirms that this type of plant still exists. The plant prefers the Woina Mountains, located on the island of Oahu. Stenogin Canehoana can grow both at home and in the wild. It is distinguished by dense leaves, on which there is a small fluff.

Howell's Spectular Thelypodium

Zelaypodium Howelli

This amazing plant is represented by only five populations that grow in northeastern Oregon. In 1999 there were about 30 thousand copies, but their number is noticeably decreasing every year. This occurs due to mowing the grass in areas where Zelaypodium howelli grows.

Texas wild rice

Endangered plants photo and description - Texas wild rice

Texas wild rice opens the top five rarest plants. It grows only in the fresh San Marcos River. Scientists have conducted studies that have shown that every year the number of copies is becoming smaller and smaller due to low level water associated with the Spring Lake Dam.

Endangered plants photo and description – Akalifa

This plant is native to the Galapagos Islands. Every year the number of copies is reduced due to ongoing construction work and habitat loss. Some scientists believe that this type can be classified as plants in critical condition.

Endangered plants photo and description – Georgia Aster

The next plant on the list grows in the southeastern United States. Previously, it was not difficult to find this type of plant, since they grew in small bunches, but now there are only 60 populations left. This happens thanks to the natural habitat.


Endangered plants photo and description - Rafflesia

Of all famous plants Rafflesia Arnoldi is the largest. The plant is distinguished by its unusual structural leaves, roots and stem. In addition, the flower is different unpleasant smell, reminiscent of the smell of a corpse, which is why it received the name “corpse flower”. The plant grows up to 3 feet in height and can weigh about 11 kilograms.

Western steppe orchid

Endangered plants photo and description – Western steppe orchid

First place goes to the western steppe orchid. This beautiful plant can only be seen in a few states in the United States, as it grows nowhere else. Currently, scientists count only 172 species of populations of these plants. Western steppe orchid is disappearing due to fires, global warming, as well as frequent grazing of animals that eat the orchid.