The most mysterious mysteries of the world that have been solved. The world's ten biggest unsolved mysteries

– Cowanchee

Few stories have the power to capture our attention like those that have not yet been solved. Ciphers, riddles and coded public messages tease us with their intrigue: Why is this message encrypted? What great secrets can it hide?

Go figure it out

Despite the efforts of the best historians, brilliant cryptographers and the most dedicated treasure hunters, history is full of mysteries that continue to baffle us to this day. Fictional stories, such as those described in the book "The Da Vinci Code" and the movie "National Treasure" have nothing to do with these secrets from real life. Take a look at our list of the ten most mysterious unsolved mysteries and unsolved ciphers.

Voynich manuscript

Named after the Polish-American antiquarian bookseller Wilfrid M. Voynich, who acquired it in 1912, The Voynich Manuscript is a detailed 240-page book written in a completely unknown language. Its pages are also filled with colorful drawings and strange diagrams, images of incredible events and plants that are unlike any known species, which only adds to the intrigue of a document that cannot be deciphered. The author of the manuscript is unknown, but radiocarbon dating has shown that its pages were written somewhere between 1404 and 1438. The manuscript has been called "The Most Mysterious Manuscript in the World."

There are many theories about the origin and nature of the manuscript. Some believe that it is a pharmacopeia describing various knowledge of medieval and early modern medicine. Many pictures of herbs and plants also suggest that it was something like a textbook for alchemists. The fact that many of the diagrams appear to depict astronomical phenomena, coupled with unidentifiable biological sketches, has even led some of the more sophisticated theorists to speculate that the book is of extraterrestrial origin.

But one thing almost all theorists agree on is that this book is unlikely to be a hoax, given the amount of time, money and meticulous work that went into its creation.


Kryptos is a mysterious code-covered sculpture created by artist Jim Sanborn that is located in front of the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia. It is so mysterious that even the CIA itself could not fully decipher its code.

The sculpture contains four encryptions, and although three of them were deciphered, the code of the fourth has not yet been cracked. In 2006, Sanborn gave a hint that the first encryption contained clues to the fourth, and in 2010 he revealed another: characters 64-69 NYPVTT in the fourth part mean the word BERLIN.

Maybe you can decipher it?

Bale cipher

The Bale Cipher is a set of three encryptions that purportedly reveals the location of one of the greatest buried treasures in the world. American history: many thousands of pounds of gold, silver and precious stones. The treasure was originally obtained by a mysterious man named Thomas Jefferson Bale in 1818 during gold mining in Colorado.

Of the three encryptions, only the second was decoded. Interestingly, it seems that the key to the cipher is the American Declaration of Independence - amazing fact, given that Bale's name is the same as the author of the Declaration.

The decrypted text indicated the location of the treasure: Bedford County, Virginia, but its exact location appears to be encrypted in one of the remaining encryptions. Today, treasure hunters carefully scour (often illegally) the hills of Bedford County in search of this untold wealth.

Phaistos disc

The mystery of the Phaistos Disc is like an Indiana Jones story. Discovered by Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in 1908 in the ruins of the Minoan palace at Phaistos, the disc is made of baked clay and contains mysterious symbols that may represent an unknown form of hieroglyphs. It is believed to have been made sometime in the second millennium BC.

Some scholars believe that these hieroglyphs resemble those of "Linear A" and "Linear B", written languages ​​that were once used in ancient Crete. Then what is the problem? The fact is that “Linear A” cannot be deciphered.

Today, the disk is one of the most famous mysteries in archaeology.

Encryption from Shaboro

Look from afar at the 18th century Shepherd's Monument in Staffordshire, Britain, and you might mistake it for a sculptural reproduction of Nicolas Poussin's famous painting The Shepherds of Arcadia. But look closer and you'll notice the strange sequence of letters DOUOSVAVVM - a code that has remained undecipherable for over 250 years.

Many of our world's greatest minds have tried to decipher this code and failed, including Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin.

Tamam Shud case

The Tamam Shud case is considered one of Australia's biggest mysteries, and revolves around an unidentified man who was found dead in December 1948 on Somerton Beach in Adelaide, Australia. Besides the fact that the man was never identified, the matter became even more mysterious when a tiny piece of paper with the words “Tamam Shud” was found in a secret pocket sewn into the man’s trousers.

This phrase translates as "finished" or "completed" and is used on the last page of Omar Khayyam's collection of poems, the Rubaiyat. To add to this mystery, a copy of the Rubaiyat was soon found, which contained a strange code supposedly left by the dead man himself.

Wow! signal

One summer night in 1977, Jerry Eman, a SETI volunteer, may have become the first person to receive a message from another planet. Eman was scanning radio waves from deep space in the hope of accidentally stumbling upon a signal bearing the hallmarks of an intelligent race, when he noticed a jump in his measurements.

The signal lasted 72 seconds - the maximum possible measurement duration that Eman's equipment and scanning range allowed. It was loud and apparently transmitted from a place no human had ever been to: the constellation Sagittarius, from a point near a star called Tau Sagittarius, 120 light-years from Earth

Eman wrote the word "Wow!" on the original printout of the signal, and that's why it was called "Wow! signal."

All attempts to recapture the signal failed, leading to great debate regarding the nature of its origin and its significance.

Letters of the Zodiac

The Zodiac Letters are a series of four encrypted letters believed to have been written by the famous Zodiac, a serial killer who terrorized the people of San Francisco during the latter half of the 1960s and early 1970s. The letters were likely written as a way to taunt journalists and police, and while one letter has been deciphered, the other three remain unsolved.

Zodiac's identity has also never been established, although no further Zodiac murders have been identified since the 1970s.

Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Waystones, sometimes called "America's Stonehenge", is a granite monument erected in Elbert County, Georgia in 1979. The stones contain engravings in eight languages ​​- English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian - and each contains ten "new" commandments for the "Age of Reason". The stones were also installed taking into account some astronomical considerations.

And although the monument does not contain encrypted messages, its purpose and origin remain a mystery. It was erected by a man whose identity has never been precisely established, and who was hiding behind the pseudonym R. C. Christian.

Of these ten commandments, the first is perhaps the most controversial: “Keep the human population below 500 million in eternal balance with wildlife.” Many believe that this is a calling to reduce the human population to a specified number, and critics of the Guidestones have even demanded their destruction. Some conspiracy theorists even believe that they were created by the "Secret Society of Lucifer", calling for a new world order.


Rongorongo is a system of mysterious signs inscribed on various artifacts found on Easter Island. Many believe they represent a lost writing system or proto-writing, and may be one of three or four independently invented writing systems in human history.

The signs remain undeciphered, and their true meaning - which some believe holds clues to the fate of the lost civilization that built the statues on Easter Island - is likely lost forever.


Over the village of Shuknavolok near Vedlozero (Karelia), a cylindrical ten-meter body was observed flying, with flames coming out of its tail. Having broken through the ice of the lake, the mysterious object went under water. Since then, local residents began to meet on the shore a strange big-headed creature a little more than a meter tall with thin arms and legs, which dived back into the water when people appeared. In the photo - Vedlozero (Karelia, Russia) today


The first documented sighting of the Nessie monster in Scotland's Loch Ness. To date, there have been about 4,000 sightings and encounters with him. A sonar survey of the entire volume of the lake in 1992 discovered 5 giant lizards.


In October 1943, in the United States, in an atmosphere of special secrecy, the Philadelphia experiment, which had no analogues in history, was carried out on the destroyer Eldridge to create a warship invisible to enemy radar. As a result of creating a very strong magnetic field, the ship allegedly disappeared, and then instantly moved several tens of kilometers in space. Of the entire crew, only 21 people returned unharmed. 27 people literally became fused with the structure of the ship, 13 died from burns, radiation, or injury electric shock and fear.


Massive UFO invasion in Queensland (Australia).


The mysterious disappearance of the leaders of the Third Reich (Müller, Bormann and others). No remains found. The emergence of versions of their escape to Latin America. The photo shows Martin Bormann and what is believed to be his skull, the identity of which is disputed.


On July 7, an unknown aircraft crashed in Magdalena (New Mexico, USA). Among the debris, 6 corpses of human-like creatures were allegedly found. In the photo - presumably one of the humanoids who died in a UFO crash in Roswell (New Mexico, USA), July 22, 1947


July 1952. America is in shock. What is happening in the skies over Washington defies logical explanation and gives rise to the most incredible rumors. And the reason for this is the wave of UFO sightings that swept across the District of Columbia. Unidentified flying objects appeared over Washington with enviable regularity from July 12 to July 26. In the photo: a UFO squadron over the Capitol.


In Hopkinsville (Kentucky, USA), after a UFO explosion, a small glowing man with huge eyes was visible for some time.


An explosion of unknown origin that occurred under the bottom of the battleship Novorossiysk on the night of October 29, 1955, claimed the lives of 608 sailors and officers. A huge ship capsized and sank in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol - in front of thousands of citizens.


In August, at a British airbase, a UFO chased a fighter jet for 20 minutes before disappearing into thin air. The photo is presumably a UFO. USA, California, 1957


On December 14, the newspaper “Youth of Yakutia” wrote about a giant monster living in Lake Labynkyr. Local Yakut residents believe that a certain huge animal lives in the lake - the “Labynkyr Devil”, as they call him. According to the descriptions of the Yakuts, this is something dark gray in color with a huge mouth. The distance between the eyes of the “devil” is equal to the width of a raft of ten logs. According to the legend, the “devil” is very aggressive and dangerous, attacks people and animals, and is capable of going ashore. In the photo - Lake Labynkyr (Oymyakonsky district of Yakutia, Russia)


On February 1, a group of experienced tourists led by Igor Dyatlov began climbing to the top of “1079” (Mountain of the Dead). We didn’t have time to get up before dark and pitched our tent right on the slope. We began to triple up for the night. And then something terrible happened... As investigators later established, having cut the wall of the tent with knives, the tourists, in panic, rushed to run down the slope. They ran, whoever was wearing what: in underwear, half naked, barefoot. Later, the corpses of all nine group members were discovered further down the slope. Most died from hypothermia. Several people suffered terrible internal injuries without breaking the skin. The cause of the tragedy is still unknown. Last shot Dyatlov group on the Mountain of the Dead:


During maneuvers of the US naval forces off the coast of Puerto Rico, a moving object was spotted developing an unprecedented speed for a ship - about 280 km/h.


On November 22, 1963, the thirty-fifth President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Despite the fact that Kennedy's killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, was captured a few hours later, the true motives and those who ordered the most notorious murder of the 20th century have not yet been established.


A female Sasquatch was captured on film in the Bluff Creek Valley (filmed by Roger Patterson).


Official date of death of Yuri Gagarin. Few people believed in his death. The soothsayer Vanga claimed that the first cosmonaut did not die, but “was taken.”


American landing on the Moon. The fact itself is still disputed. The version of falsification has many supporters.


“Petrozavodsk Miracle”: On September 20 at 4 o’clock in the morning, a UFO in the form of a bright star, from which red rays emanated, was spotted above the main street of Petrozavodsk - Lenin Street. The phenomenon was accompanied by mass UFO sightings in the northern regions of the USSR and in Finland. Later, large holes with very sharp edges were discovered in the glass of the upper floors. The photo shows a copy of the only known photograph of the “Petrozavodsk Diva” - the stage of the fiery rain and rice. V. Lukyants "Solovki" (magazine "Technology for Youth" No. 4 1980)


In Tsemes Bay (Black Sea) on one of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, all the clocks on board stopped. In the photo - Tsemes Bay today


On January 29, a UFO crashed near Dalnegorsk. The photo shows the crash site and part of the “exhibits” from the crash site: metal drops of different nature with holes inside, black glassy particles weighing up to 30 mg, as well as loose scales in the form of a mesh of quartz fibers 30 microns thick, each of which is twisted from even thinner quartz flagella, each of which, in turn, has a gold thread inserted into it.


Mass suicide 2000 dolphins - they washed up on the coast of Brazil. Pictured: Pilot whales stranded on a beach in New Zealand in 2009.


140 whales died off the southern coast of Chile. This is the fourth time a mass suicide has occurred.


Explosion on April 12 in Sasovo (Ryazan region), when UFOs were observed over the city. Anomalies near the funnel are still being recorded - reprogramming of calculators and failure of electronic devices. The photo shows the site of the explosion in 1991 and in our time.


Over the course of 10 months, 48 ​​ships and more than 200 sailors disappeared in the so-called “Pacific Triangle” near Western Micronesia.


Near the Czech city of Celakovice, a “vampire cemetery” was found - a strange burial dating back to the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century. In 11 pits lay the remains of 13 people, tied with leather belts and with aspen stakes stuck in the heart. Some of the dead also had their hands and heads cut off. According to pagan beliefs and rituals, this was done with vampires who rose from their graves at night and drank human blood.


In the Movile Cave (Romania), a closed ecosystem not connected with the earth’s was discovered for the first time. Here, 30 species of plants and animals (crustaceans, spiders, centipedes and insects) were discovered living in isolation in the dark for 5 million years.


A strange half-living creature was discovered in a cemetery in the village of Kaolinovy ​​near Kyshtym by a lonely pensioner Tamara Vasilyevna Prosvirina. The creature became known as the “Kyshtym dwarf”. The creature ate human food and looked and smelled strange. The creature's body length was approximately 30 cm, it had a torso, arms, legs, a head with a high frontal lobe, a mouth and eyes. The pensioner gave the creature a child's name - “Alyoshenka”. “Alyoshenka” lived in the pensioner’s house for about a month.

Other people also saw Alyoshenka: Tamara Prosvirina’s daughter-in-law, as well as some acquaintances. Subsequently, Tamara Prosvirina was admitted to a psychiatric hospital due to worsening schizophrenia. In the end, the creature died, and the causes of death have not been definitively established; among them, death from improper feeding and lack of care or murder under unclear circumstances are most often indicated. Tamara Prosvirina died on August 5, 1999 - she was hit by two cars at night. At this time, she was going to be interviewed by representatives of a Japanese television company who were filming documentary about this phenomenon. The house where the Kyshtym humanoid lived:

The creature's mummy was discovered in August 1996 by police captain Evgeniy Mokichev (pictured) during his investigation into a theft case electric cable. The policeman who discovered the mummy handed it over to his colleague, Vladimir Bendlin, who began his own investigation into the origin and nature of the creature, but soon the mummy of “Alyoshenka” disappeared under strange circumstances. Currently her whereabouts are unknown.

The world is full of mysteries and secrets. Some of them have been solved. But there are also some reasonable explanations that have not yet been found. Below is a list of ten unsolved mysteries peace.

D. B. Cooper is the alias of an unknown assailant who, on November 24, 1971, hijacked a Boeing 727 with 42 passengers on board, flying from Portland to Seattle. After receiving a $200,000 ransom, he released the passengers, forced the pilots to take off, and bailed out. Despite an extensive FBI investigation, it was never possible to obtain any information about the whereabouts of the criminal, his real name and further fate. Of the ransom received, only $5,800 was found on the banks of a river in Washington state.
There are several theories regarding the circumstances of the crime and the further fate of D. B. Cooper. The FBI believes Cooper died after the jump, but no physical evidence was found to support this theory. The terrorist attack remains the only unresolved case of air piracy in American aviation history.

The Taman Shud case is an unsolved murder case of an unknown man found dead on December 1, 1948 at Somerton Beach in Adelaide, Australia. There were no visible wounds on the deceased's body. In addition, the autopsy showed that he was completely healthy before his death. In the man's pockets they found a bus ticket, chewing gum, cigarettes, coins, matches and several other things. The biggest resonance was caused by a piece of paper found on him, torn from a copy of a very rare edition of Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - Tamam Shud (“Tamam Shud”). The investigation has still not been able to establish either the identity of the deceased or accurately determine the method of his death.


One of the unsolved mysteries of the world is considered to be “Atlantis” - a legendary island, perhaps a civilization (an archipelago or even a continent) whose existence and location are uncertain. The Lost City became known thanks to the mentions and comments of ancient Greek historians Herodotus, Posidonius, Strabo, Diodorus Siculus, Proclus. According to the records of the philosopher Plato, Atlantis was located to the west of the Pillars of Hercules, opposite the Atlantean Mountains, and was swallowed up by the sea in one day (probably by an earthquake or tsunami) around 9500 BC. e. However, most modern historians believe that Atlantis is a typical philosophical myth.

The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious, undeciphered book written in the 15th century (1404–1438) by an unknown author in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet. The thickness of the book is 5 cm, it contains about 240 pages, measuring 16.2 by 23.5 cm. During its existence, the manuscript was intensively studied by many professional cryptographers, including those recognized throughout the world, and none of them managed to decipher a single word . There is a theory that this book is just a bunch of meaningless random symbols that have no meaning, but there are also those who believe that the manuscript is an encrypted message.

In sixth place in the ranking of unsolved mysteries of the world is the signal “Wow!” - a strong narrow-band space radio signal recorded by Dr. Jerry Eyman on August 15, 1977 while working on the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. The anomaly lasted 72 seconds and did not occur again. There are many versions explaining the origin of the signal. The most interesting of these is the theory that the signal was sent from an alien starship that was moving.

"Taos Rumble"

The "Taos Rumble" is an unsolved anomalous sound phenomena coming from the desert near the city of Taos, New Mexico, USA. The sound is similar to heavy equipment moving along a highway, although there are no major roads in the area of ​​the town. It is interesting that only local residents hear it and very rarely visitors. Scientists who examined it were unable to find the source of the hum.
Similar phenomena have been known since the early 60s of the 20th century and have been observed almost all over the world, but most often it is heard in North America, Europe and Australia. Sometimes “noises” are accompanied by other sounds, hissing, whistling, etc. When listened to for a long time, they can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, upset stomach and other unpleasant sensations.

The Loch Ness monster (Nessie) is a mysterious animal or group of animals supposedly living in the mysterious Scottish lake Loch Ness, the depth of which in some places reaches 250 meters. Numerous eyewitness accounts describe this mysterious creature as a 40-foot-long animal with four fins and a long neck with small tubercles, which appears from time to time on the surface of the lake. There are several theories explaining the nature of the supposed animal, one of them says that the Loch Ness monster is nothing more than a plesiosaur that has survived to this day. Today, scientists can neither confirm nor deny its existence.

Amelia Mary Earhart - American pilot, journalist and poet. The first female pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932. In 1937, while attempting to fly around the world, Amelia went missing in the central part of Pacific Ocean in the Howland Island area. Despite an immediate search and rescue operation on which the US government spent approximately $4 million (the most expensive and extensive operation in the history of the US Navy), no trace of either the plane or the pilot was found. The search for the famous female pilot continues today, but the mystery of the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, her navigator and the plane remains unsolved.

Jack the Ripper is the nickname of an unknown serial killer (or killers) active in the Whitechapel area of ​​London in the second half of 1888. His victims were prostitutes from poor neighborhoods, mostly middle-aged, whose throats were cut by the killer before opening the abdominal cavity. The removal of certain organs from the victims' bodies was explained by the assumption that the killer had some knowledge of anatomy or surgery. However, all the names, the exact number of victims, as well as the identity of Jack the Ripper still remain a mystery.

First place in the list of unsolved mysteries of the world is occupied by the Bermuda Triangle - a geographical area with an area of ​​4 thousand km. sq. V Atlantic Ocean. It is considered the site of many (more than 100) unexplained disappearances of ships, yachts and aircraft. To explain the mysterious accidents, most put forward various hypotheses from unusual weather phenomena, magnetic anomalies, giant rogue waves, to abductions by aliens or inhabitants of Atlantis. The most famous incident related to the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These planes took off from the US Naval Base in Fort Lauderdale on December 5, 1945 and never returned. Their wreckage was never found.

It seems that mysteries and secrets no longer exist in the world - they have all already been studied and revealed. It turns out that this is far from true. There are still secrets that man cannot reveal. Here are some of them. Most of the riddles are associated with all kinds of inscriptions and texts, the essence of which defies understanding.

Some of these items are discovered on recordings made on wooden tablets. They are decorated with rows of original symbols. If scientists could decipher them, then the reason for the appearance of the giant sculptures of the island would be clarified. The world learned about the “notes”, called rongo-rongo, from monk Eugene Eyraud, who visited the island in January 1864. Until now, mysterious messages remain “closed” to us.

In the USA there is a monument erected in modern era- in 1979. However, it is puzzling and shrouded in mystery about the cause of its occurrence. It is called the Georgia Tablet and consists of 6 massive granite slabs, located according to certain astronomical events. The inscriptions are made in languages ​​known to us and contain the commandments of the “Age of Reason” movement. Although the words can be read and there is no mystery in this, the reason for the construction and the authorship of the grandiose monument continues to intrigue. Some suggest that the carved rules of life were established by a secret society, guided by the structure of the new world order.

Another example of cryptic inscriptions is found on the Kryptos sculpture, created in 1990 in the USA. There are three curved plates with a seemingly random row of letters. The contents of two have been read, and the third continues to excite the unconventional inquisitive minds of the world.

Fans of criminology and the detective genre are familiar with the name Zodiac. This is a serial killer who the police were never able to catch (1968-1969). He sent letters to newspaper editors, where he conveyed information about himself in encrypted form. Several of these sheets have been deciphered, some of them continue to be a mystery. As does the criminal himself, who goes by the pseudonym Zodiac.

Once-astronomer Jerry Eyman detected an extraterrestrial signal. He circled it in red and wrote “Wow!” next to it. What these sounds were and where they came from is shrouded in mystery. However, this signal, adopted in 1977, was called “Wow!”, that is, “Wow!”

The Case of the Mysterious Dead Man which was found on the shore of the Australian town of Adelaide, was named “TamanShud”. According to the words found in his pocket. They were written on a piece of paper torn from a rare old book authored by Omar Khayyam. Later the same book was found. on her back side Words similar to a code were discovered. No one can figure it out to explain it mysterious death men.

There are quite a lot of ancient monuments in England. But the monument that stands out among them is located in the county of Staffordshire. It was erected in the 18th century and conveys a copy of a painting by a certain artist Poussin, depicted in a mirror version. Below it is an inscription that still raises questions among scientists. It is believed that it contains an encrypted key indicating the location of the Holy Grail, hidden by the Templars.

One of the coolest puzzles in archeology today is the Phaistos Disc. It got its name from the place of discovery - the city of Festus in Cyprus. It is known that this is an example of ancient, the very first writing in Europe. To transcribe a short recording made ancient people, you need to have at least one more similar object with the same signs. However, the Phaistos disc is still the only one of its kind. And his secret has not been revealed.

Treasure hunters and romantics know about Bale's cryptograms. There are three of them in total. According to those who read the treasure brochure, it indicates the location and amount of wealth. But no one has yet established how true this information is.

Finally, the most incredible mystery lies in the book, named after its first discoverer, Voynich. This is one of the examples of cryptography written in the 14th and 15th centuries. Neither the language nor the author's name are known. No one has been able to decipher the records for certain.

We live in an era when everything that seems strange at first glance can be easily explained. Many diseases have become curable, history in general has already been studied, and technological progress is growing rapidly. But there are still some quirky moments that are still worth thinking about.

But still, there are many secrets and riddles that humans cannot solve. Many books have been written about these phenomena, there are fierce debates between scientists and research, but the truth still lurks somewhere in the shadows. And their explanation can be seriously scary!

In this collection you will learn about the 25 greatest unsolved mysteries that have haunted humanity throughout its history.

Taos noise

In the small town of Taos, New Mexico, there is a certain hum often heard on the horizon that can be compared to the sound of a distant diesel engine. Although it can be heard by the human ear, various audio detection devices are unable to recognize it. This is known from research into the Taos Noise, and to this day no one still knows how this sound is created.

Voynich manuscript

The Voynich manuscript was written in a language that researchers spent centuries trying to decipher, but in vain. The only thing that can be recognized are the drawings found on some of the pages.

Jack the Ripper

The name Jack the Ripper has been mentioned in many shows and films, referring to the serial killer who murdered 11 women in the East End of London in the late 1800s but was never found. Most of his victims were prostitutes, whose bodies were mutilated beyond recognition and their throats were cut. Until now, absolutely nothing is known about this man; he seemed to dissolve and disappear as unexpectedly as he appeared. Nevertheless, his story excites the minds of mankind to this day.

Bermuda Triangle

Known as the Bermuda Triangle, this legendary expanse of ocean can be found between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Pilots often talk about their instruments failing and the numerous ships that have been lost at sea. With explanations and clues to the Bermuda Triangle mysteries ranging from gas bubbles to aliens, no one is sure what is really behind such strange phenomena.


Not far from the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, you can contemplate a statue that has encoded encryption on its surface. This charming sculpture was created by Jim Sanborn to show that everything can be solved and deciphered using ciphers. Of the four parts of the inscription on the sculpture, only the first three have been deciphered. But even the brilliant minds at the CIA couldn't get to the bottom of the fourth installment.

Monument to the Shepherd

In Staffordshire, England, there is a sculpture that has amazed the wit and intelligence of many intellectuals in an attempt to decipher the inscription on the Shepherd Monument - DOUOSVAVVM. Although the Monument was built in the 18th century, the inscriptions found here have never been deciphered, even 250 years after it was completed.

Tamam Shud

In December 1948, an unidentified man was found dead on Somerton Beach, located in Adelaide, Australia. In one of his pockets they found a piece of paper with the words “Tamam Shud”. The words have been translated as "finished" or "finished" based on excerpts found in the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Although governments around the world attempted to identify the man, his identity remained a mystery.

Letters of the Zodiac

During the 1960s and 1970s, the San Francisco Bay Area was haunted by a criminal who was identified as the Zodiac Killer because of the stunning letters he sent to police and the press. Although one of these four letters was decrypted and contained a very disturbing message, the other three were never decrypted, until now.

Georgia Tablets

Also identified as the American version of Stonehenge, the Georgia Tablets are located in Elbert County. The stone blocks are shrouded in mystery, although they were only installed in 1979. Written on the walls are the 10 “new commandments”, translated into English, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish, although no one is sure why or who they were intended for.


On the mysterious Easter Island, where the Moai statues stand, a series of glyphs called Rongo-Rongo were discovered. These glyphs have never been deciphered, although they may contain clues regarding the enormous heads found scattered around the island. Be that as it may, these places are shrouded in mystery, which they have been trying to unravel for decades.

Loch Ness monster

For ages, people have heard stories about the Loch Ness Monster that have baffled even advanced scientists. There have been many sightings over the years and photographs and video of the actual footage has been verified and reviewed over and over again. People tried to figure out whether it could be a sea snake, or a descendant of dinosaurs. Even today, some claim that the Loch Ness Monster still exists and swims beneath the waters of Loch Ness.


Also known as Bigfoot, the Yeti is believed to be a creature that lives in the snowy mountainous regions of the United States and Canada. The mysterious creature can be identified as a gorilla, but its gait is more reminiscent of a human.

Murder of the Black Dahlia

22-year-old Elizabeth Short was very active and successfully moving into show business at the time the Black Dahlia Murder (that was her nickname) occurred. However, no one ever learned anything about the murder and its reasons. There are still many rumors circulating, but the truth has not been revealed.


While Stonehenge is a very fascinating structure because of the large blocks of stones that stand on top of each other, the biggest mystery is not how the structure was created, but why it was created.

Shroud of Turin


The city of Atlantis was considered the abode and capital of Neptune, where mermaids and mermen lived. Atlantis became known thanks to the records of Plato, who heard a conversation about the mysterious continent during his travels. Now that Atlantis is deep underwater, many still wonder if it really existed, knowing that there are certain objects under the sea that could be the remains of this once beautiful city.

Extraterrestrial intelligence

From the mysteries found on Easter Island, to the Bermuda Triangle, and even the Roswell Incident during World War II, people have always wondered that we are not alone in the universe. Some claim that they were abducted by aliens, while others believe that it is all nonsense. But there is still no consensus on this issue.

Beach of floating feet

It's common for people to rinse their feet in the sea at beaches, but for one beach in British Columbia, the appearance of detached, floating legs in the water has become commonplace. Dismembered legs have washed ashore over the past few years, giving rise to numerous theories, none of which have ever been real.

Wow signal

When Jerry R. Ehman worked on the SETI Project at the Perkins Observatory in Ohio, he did not expect to be able to receive a radio frequency supposedly coming from outer space. He was able to receive a 72-second signal from the constellation Sagittarius, which was not repeated. To this day, no one is sure of the origin of the signal. The signal got its name "Wow" because that's what Jerry wrote on the edge of the printout.

D.B. Cooper

When the criminal, who called himself D.B. Cooper, who stole a Boeing 727 along with $200,000, jumped out of the plane with a parachute. It was never found and remains the only unsolved case in American aviation history.

Lal Bahadur Shastri

He died an unexplained death, while being absolutely healthy. Many claimed that he died of a heart attack, but doctors and other specialists who tested him, including his wife, confirmed that he was fine. His wife also made the claim that he was poisoned while signing the Tashkent Treaty. This was never proven as there was no post-mortem diagnosis.

Nazca geoglyphs

The Nazca civilization created some of the most spectacular geoglyphs on the face of the Earth. They include everything from spiders, monkeys, sharks, killer whales and flowers, the accuracy of which is incredible considering Nazca had no way of examining their work from above. The Nazca geoglyphs still remain one of the most mysterious places on Earth, reports Lifeglobe.

Orang Medan

What happened to the cargo ship Orang Medan, or “Man of Medan,” in Malaysia is perhaps one of the most fascinating and mind-boggling mysteries to ever exist in maritime history. It all started with an SOS message in 1947, which reported that the captain, along with the rest of the crew, was dead. To make matters worse, even the telegraph operator died while transmitting the message. When Silver Star was able to receive the distress call and went to inspect the ship, they confirmed the deaths of everyone on board. The possibilities of ghosts, dangerous chemicals, and even aliens have arisen, but there is still no conclusion as to what actually happened to the ghost ship.

Ayuda aluminum wedge

In 1974, a group of workers in Romania discovered three different objects in a trench of sand 10 meters deep. Two of them were prehistoric elephant bones that were dated to 2.5 million years ago. The third object, however, was an aluminum wedge that was found along with ancient bones. This discovery stunned most researchers, since aluminum was difficult to create even by 19th century standards. While some consider this evidence of the existence of aliens, others call the aluminum wedge a hoax. Regardless of what it is, there is no definite confirmation yet.

Poltergeist Mackenzie

Greyfriars Cemetery in Edinburgh is famous for the Mackenzie poltergeist, one of the best documented poltergeists in the world. There are excursions here, calling them a tour to the world of the dead. People are especially frightened by the atmosphere of the Black Mausoleum, where Sir George Mackenzie lies. Is this all just a show? Perhaps, but there is only one way to find out - to go here yourself and explore everything.