Hut: description of types and features of self-construction. How to make a treehouse? We make it for children

1. First of all, carefully examine the area in which you find yourself. Check it for wind damage. Keep in mind that it must be completely windless. It is important to remember that you should not build a hut in the depths of gorges or any other low areas. It is best to build this short-term house near the trees, or between them.

2. Of course, for the hut you will need a frame. It can be constructed from one, two or several long sticks. Such sticks can be obtained by breaking tree branches. However, if you look closely, they can also be found on the ground. If you are near a plain or field, then try to look for the nearest tree and approach it.

3. If you managed to find just one stick, it doesn’t matter. Try to lean it tightly against tall branches or branches. If you have two sticks in your assortment, then lean their two sides with the same tall branches, and secure them tightly with rope on top. Most sticks need to be leaned against the tree trunk so that their outline resembles a circle. The upper ends of the sticks are tied with a rope to the tree itself.

4. The tarpaulin must be pulled tightly over the poles. There are times when it is not at hand. For this purpose, it is possible to use spruce branches, which will completely replace the missing accessory in your hut. Next, fasten the tarpaulin or spruce branches at the bottom of the hut using ordinary stones or other heavy objects.

5. Well, the hut is almost ready. All that remains is to make an entrance to it. To do this, find a small stick and drive it firmly into the ground. Place a piece of tarpaulin on top of it, not secured with anything heavy (for example, stones). Then, to simply close the entrance, remove the stick. The hut is ready. You can enjoy your holiday in a disposable house! Have a great time!

Children love to retire to play in secluded places, which can be located in the most different corners summer cottage plot. The shelter chosen by the child is not always liked by adults. Some parents simply shout at their children, while others suggest building a hut, but only where it would be appropriate and safe. The construction of a temporary shelter will certainly interest young summer residents. While having fun, children will get their first experience in building a hut, which will definitely be useful to them in adulthood. The choice of hut design depends on the availability of materials and time for its construction. There are many options for constructing a hut, ranging from classical methods, used by man since ancient times, and ending original ideas, inspired by people by the objects and plants around them.

A person, being in the wild, very carefully chooses a place to build a temporary shelter. It is prohibited to build a hut near mountain rivers, in lowlands, or in open clearings near single standing trees, under rocky slopes, etc.

At the dacha, of course, choosing a place is much easier. Usually the structure is placed near fences, trees or dense plantings to protect the inhabitants of the hut from drafts. It is desirable that children can easily reach their shelter without going far into the garden. A caring parent's heart will tell you where it is best to make a hut house for your beloved baby.

Options for huts for middle-aged children

All huts can be divided into three groups:

  • free-standing structures (gable, single-slope, wigwams);
  • attached-type shelters (single-pitched, wigwams);
  • dugout huts located in a recess.

If you were building a temporary shelter in the forest, your choice of design would be determined by the type of terrain, weather conditions, and time of year. The family usually spends time at the dacha in the summer, so to build a simple shelter it is better to choose free-standing structures or attached ones.

Teenagers who vacation in villages with their grandparents love to build dugout huts. Children keep the location of the dugout hut in the vicinity of the village a secret, but vigilant adults should always know where and what their charges are doing, but not show it to them explicitly. For a dacha, the option of constructing a hut-dugout is not very suitable.

A forest hut, built by experienced travelers, will allow you to spend the night and wait out the bad weather. More suitable for a dacha simple designs huts

Option #1 - gable hut

To erect the frame of a hut building, you will need two spears and a pole. The dimensions of the hut will depend on the size of these elements. The rods are driven vertically into the ground until they take a stable position. This will happen when a third of their length is in the ground. Then a pole is laid on them, and if necessary, the joints of the elements are additionally secured with ropes or wire.

If suitable spears are not found, then they are replaced with two thick poles driven into the ground at such a slope that their tops intersect at the required height from the surface. The intersection is secured using available means (wire or rope).

The frame diagram of a gable hut gives a clear understanding of its structure. Connections of frame elements should be strengthened with strong ropes

Next, you will need to select several poles (thick tree branches), which will serve as a support for laying natural roofing material(spruce paws, branches with leaves, ferns, reeds, hay or straw). The exact number of side poles (rafters) depends on the step of their installation. You can generally place them close to each other on a slope so that they form the sloping walls of the hut. In this case, there is no need to cover the walls with anything else.

Typically, the side poles are placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other. If desired, the frame is reinforced with transverse branches, which are attached to the side poles. Then spruce branches or other available material are laid on the resulting crate, and work begins from the very bottom. In this case, each subsequent row will partially cover the previous one, which will ultimately ensure reliable protection the interior space of the hut from rainwater. The back wall of the hut is built in the same way, leaving only the entrance to the shelter open.

The main structural elements of a gable hut. Instead of one of the spears, a tree growing on summer cottage

In wild conditions, a fire is lit in front of the entrance and, using the installation of a heat shield, the heat from the live fire is directed towards the hut. There is no need to do this at the dacha, since the hut is usually used during the daytime. A resting place with a fireplace is set up by adults at the dacha for completely different purposes.

Option #2 - lean-to hut

The construction of a lean-to hut is faster, because the amount of work is reduced significantly. Also, a supporting frame of the structure is installed from two slingshots and a long pole. Then perform all the steps described above to construct the wall of the hut. If you want to speed up the construction process, then replace the spruce branches with a tarpaulin or any water-repellent fabric. The covering material is secured from above to the frame structure using ropes, and from below the canvas is pressed with a log or stone.

Schematic design of a lean-to hut using improvised means. A strong tree is also used as one of the supports.

Option #3 - wigwam hut

The hut, reminiscent of an Indian wigwam, is built very simply. Draw a circle out of the blue, the area of ​​which is enough for children to play. Then, along the edge of the circle, dig a row of poles, the tops of which are connected at the top in the form of a bundle and securely fasten the connection with tape, rope or wire. At this point, the process of constructing the frame is considered complete.

The frame of a wigwam hut at the dacha, erected in the spring so that the plants can have time to grow and entwine it support posts from thick branches

All that remains is to make a shelter out of something. There are two ways to go here.

  1. Plant climbing plants near each support branch. Decorative beans are perfect for this purpose; they have delicate green leaves combined with red and white inflorescences. To ensure that the hut takes on a beautiful and finished look as quickly as possible, take care of growing seedlings of the selected plant in advance. If you plant perennials, then next year you won’t have to think about forming the walls of the hut. This path is very long.
  2. You can speed up the construction of a wigwam hut by using brightly colored fabric as a covering material. If you don’t have such a colorful fabric, then take any plain fabric and paint it with waterproof paints together with your child. For a wigwam hut, the canvas is cut out in the form of a semicircle, the radius of which is equal to the length of the side support poles. In the center and along the rounded edge of the canvas, ties are sewn, which are attached directly to poles or to pegs stuck in the ground.

Covering a frame of branches with a fabric cloth is very inconvenient, so it is recommended to build frame structure made of rigid PVC pipes.

Option #3 - sunflower wigwam

This hut will grow before the child’s eyes. As frame supports in this option The structure of the hut consists of sunflowers, which in the spring are planted along a circle drawn on the ground, leaving space for the entrance to the future shelter. The space inside the resulting circle is left free. The tops of the grown plants are carefully tied with a wide rope so that it does not cut the stems of the sunflowers.

In this case, you don’t even need to think about covering material, because sunflower leaves do this role well. The “floor” in the hut is lined with scrap materials. It is better to purchase a travel mat for this purpose at a sporting goods store that does not get wet and does not allow the cold from the ground to pass through.

Option #4 - attached hut

During travel, attached lean-to huts are installed near trees or rocky ledges that serve as support for branches. On a summer cottage, such huts can also be erected near trees. Reliable support for an attached hut a fence or wall of one of the country houses. The advantages of this design include small savings in “building materials” and speed of work.

Prefabricated huts for small children

It will take a few minutes to install a children's fabric hut if all the materials are prepared in advance. For such a shelter you will need:

  • two-meter wide canvas thick fabric four meters long;
  • two vertical supports spaced two meters apart;
  • strong rope (minimum length 2.5 m);
  • hooks and pegs for stretching the fabric.

The rope is pulled horizontally between two supports, securely fixing it. Then they throw it over a stretched rope fabric cloth, aligning the ends on both sides. Afterwards, the edges of the panel are attached to the ground with hooks or pegs. To do this, metal rings or loops made of durable braid are sewn to the fabric.

An original hut for children at the dacha is set up on sunny days to protect playing children from scorching rays. Easily removed if necessary

Here's another option - a small hut for a little girl can be made from a hoop and fabric. The gymnastic hoop is covered with fabric and the resulting structure is suspended from a tree growing in a summer cottage using a strong rope. Pockets are sewn onto the fabric walls of the hut, in which the child can put his favorite toys and various small items.

If there is no hoop or the child’s mother uses it for its intended purpose, then a circle can be made from a piece of polyethylene pipe.

Such a mini hut will always be a hit with girls who love to play in their houses, especially in such bright and cheerful ones

And finally, the simplest option for a village is to knock down a frame from boards and cover it with straw. It will turn out to be a cozy “nest” not only for children, but also for adults if they want to add a little romance to their relationship.

A romantic hut made of straw, which is filled with a frame assembled from wooden slats. This shelter is cool during the day and warm in the evening.

From the presented designs, you can choose the type of hut that is suitable for you to build with your own hands. Use your imagination and try to build an unusual hut at your dacha in which children will play with great pleasure.

Many lovers of outdoor activities sometimes stay overnight in the forest. In this case, you can sleep in the cabin of a car, in a tent or in a sleeping bag. However the best option will spend the night in a hut built from available materials. On fresh air with the pleasant smell of wood in good weather, a comfortable atmosphere is created for sleeping in this simple structure. But many people have a question about how to make a hut. Instructions for the construction of this structure will be provided below. More on this below.


The hut is a universal short-term shelter. It is used for overnight shelter, protection from the sun, strong winds, temperature and atmospheric changes, and precipitation in the form of rain and snow.

Types of huts

There are many variations of this structure. However, there are three types of simple huts. Namely:

  • free-standing;
  • attached;
  • huts in a recess.

Each type has its own design features, which have much in common. They depend on the time of year, weather conditions and type of terrain.

How to make a hut with your own hands?

First you need to choose appropriate place for the construction of this temporary shelter. It cannot be installed in narrow gorges, on river banks, or at the bottom of canyons. Because floods, flash floods or sudden downpours may occur. The danger comes from creating a hut under rocks that overhang the site, as well as at the foot of steep mountains. When choosing a parking place, you need to take into account the cardinal directions. Let's consider the main location options.

  1. How to make a hut in a mountain forest. The specified attached-type structure is well suited for this area. This means that one of the walls or even two walls will be made of wood or stone - part of the rock. In this case, you should try to avoid precipitation. That is, do not place a hut in hollows with obvious traces of water flows. Because if it rains, a stream of water will flow down. Otherwise, the rules for installing this structure are the same as for a tent. The entrance to the hut should be on the side opposite the top. Grooves should be made around the perimeter to allow water to drain in case of rain.
  2. How to make a hut in a lowland forest? The answer to this question is quite simple. In a forest where there is a plain, it is possible to build a recessed, classic or attached hut. In this case, the place is chosen based on the weather. This is important. In cold weather without rain, you need to find a hole that will serve as a temporary shelter. When it rains, the specified structure is placed on an elevated place.

Choosing a hut type

1. Classic hut. This type of structure is made in the form of a fire pit for cooking. In this case, two poles or branches are installed vertically. The third is laid on them horizontally. Dressing is done using improvised means: flexible twigs, grass stems, vines.

In this case, there are still several types of installation. For example, 2 poles or straight branches, cut with a knife, are installed to each other at an angle at the exit from the hut and the back wall with a distance of 2-2.5 meters. It's not hard to do. Then the main pole is laid horizontally on them. The next option is a wigwam. In this case, you can lay the poles in a circle at an angle to each other in the form of a fire pit, and also use a living growing tree as a support point for them.

2. Attached hut. This also includes the type in the form of a wigwam around a tree. In this case, there may also be a hut created on the basis of poles that rest on a rock in a mountainous area. The walls are made like the above classical structure.

3. Recessed hut. This type The building looks like a classic one in a hollow or represents something between a dugout and a hut. That is, when only the top (roof) is covered.

Main principles of construction

Before you make a hut with your own hands, you need to know the following:

  1. Location.
  2. Type of hut.
  3. The basis of this structure should be several poles with sharp ends, sunk into the ground. One of them is set as load-bearing beam ceiling.
  4. The poles of the hut walls are installed with a slope of 45-60 degrees. Except when one wall is vertical.
  5. The roof must be stitched with branches (poles) in several tiers parallel to the ground along the perimeter between the installed beam and the ground. Then it will be easier to lay the spruce branches or branches.
  6. In deciding how to make a hut, it is necessary correct execution laying spruce branches on the base of the pole. In this case, it all depends on individual desire. This must be done so that the upper part of the lower spruce branches is laid under the corresponding side of the layer on top. This is done in the same way as when Then the raindrops will roll down freely.
  7. Instead of spruce branches, branches with large leaves will also be used, as well as polyethylene with a tarpaulin.

Interior arrangement of the hut

This process is also important point. In the forest, when there are no usual sleeping bags, folding beds, air mattress and bedding, one must be able to adapt to such conditions. There are two types of arrangement flooring: with and without the presence of a lesion. Each case requires a separate approach. Usually in the cool season, and also when you need to protect yourself from mosquitoes and mosquitoes, you should protect walls and dead wood from sparks from the fireplace. Therefore, they lay it out in the center, limit it with stones, sprinkle earth between the stones, and make a quarantine zone of about 15-20 cm around it. Dead wood is laid on the floor of the hut (on the ground) - last year’s leaves with branches, shoots. Material in the form of tarpaulin, excess clothing, or polyethylene will also work.

Construction of a hut in the forest

This case also has its own nuances. Experienced travelers know how to make a hut in the forest. In this case, you can build a shelter different types. The most simple option considered a classic hut. Any lying wood will do for the construction of this structure. It will serve as a kind of frame for the hut. Branches of this tree will become a holding agent for those rods that create the roof. Before you make a hut, the photo of which is provided in the text, you should remember that before starting this process you need to make sure that the lying tree will not crush you. Next, you need to cut off with a knife or tear off with your hands the excess branches that are inside the structure. This is important to do for convenience. The resulting branches are folded so as to form a roof slope for the hut. The thickness of the laid layer determines whether raindrops will get inside the structure. With a lying tree, you can build either a single- or double-sloped hut, depending on the position in which it is located. A lean-to hut can easily be expanded to the second option indicated. Let's look at this in more detail next.

Construction of a lean-to hut

This process is not complicated. The simplest lean-to shelters begin with a frame, and a film or tarpaulin is attached to it on top. The lower edges are pressed against stones or a log. This shelter serves as a screen. You can make a lounger like a bed from spruce branches. The fire should be lit at a distance of about one meter from the sun lounger. This is important. At night, wood is added to the fire. At a temperature of about +5 degrees, you need to stock up on 2-3 dry thick two-meter logs in advance. You can use them to make a “Nodya” fire. To do this, two or three logs are placed on top of each other with smoldering coals between them. This provides warmth throughout the night.

Gable hut

In this case there is also nothing complicated. You can use any available means in the form of spruce branches, reeds, hay, grass or straw. You need to start by preparing thin rods, a support pole and two strong flyers for the base of this structure. In this case, you need to have some skills. Install the flyers by vertically driving them firmly into the ground a third of the length so that they do not wobble. A strong horizontal pole is installed on top of them, on which thin rods are laid at an angle in the form of rafters. Then the material is laid on them from bottom to top. This must be done so that the top row overlaps the bottom. The back and side walls of the hut are covered in the same way. A fire with a heat shield is lit at the entrance to this building. In this case, it should be taken into account that the specified heat shield must be tilted towards the entrance.

How to build huts with your own hands from branches?

Let's take a closer look at this process. Before making a hut from branches, you need to prepare:

  • large knife or ax;
  • tree branches;
  • strong rope;
  • stakes made of thick branches.

First you need to decide on the shape and materials of construction. Considered optimal gable option, that is, in the form of a tent. To do this, you need to prepare 6 thick branches about a meter long with a diameter of 5-7 cm. Two of them should be slightly shorter. These branches will become the basis of the frame of the hut, serving as the back and front walls. After choosing a level place, stakes are installed, digging them into the ground in the form of two tripods, one opposite the other. The distance between the stakes will be the length of the hut. In this case, the tripods should face each other with one side of an imaginary triangle. Then thin twigs or rope are attached horizontally to the resulting empty walls. Also in this case you can use climbing plants. There are many of them in the southern regions of Russia. The vertical distance between the branches should be about 20 cm. These crossbars will be used to secure the sheathing branches.

In general, nature itself suggests how to make a hut with your own hands in the forest. Properly laid branches will shield each other. The crown of the tree will provide shelter from the rain. Walls are also being built. In this case, you should take fluffy branches or spruce branches from coniferous trees. After this, you need to break them off so that a hook is formed at the broken end. It is needed to subsequently attach the branch to the crossbars. In this case, it is necessary to begin the construction of walls from the bottom side. This must be done in such a way that the upper branches overlap the lower ones. Then the raindrops will roll down. If you wish, you can line the floor with branches. As a result, the question of how to make a hut from branches can be resolved very simply.

Construction of the specified structure for children on a tree

Many of the children thought about how to make a treehouse. In this case, everything is also quite simple and clear. At the right approach you can build a hut for children and grandchildren on a tree. If there are 2 trees nearby on a summer cottage, then between them it will be good construction. This will not take much time and building materials. Before you make a treehouse, you need to stock up on the following devices and tools:

  • sheets of plywood: one with a thickness of 18-20 mm and two - 8-10 mm;
  • bolts;
  • timber with dimensions 50x150 mm and 50x100 mm;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • galvanized nails;
  • roofing felt;
  • birch bark.

The construction of the hut should be based on 2 boards 50x150 mm. In this case, they are attached to two thick trees. There is nothing complicated in this regard. It is necessary that the diameters of the tree trunks be approximately 20 cm. Then the bottom of the hut with the side walls, as well as triangles for the brackets, are cut out of a sheet of plywood. This will require a lot of patience and scrupulousness. Next, triangular sidewalls are assembled from pre-prepared and sawn half-timber bars. After this, they are bolted together. Then the process of connecting the assembled triangular sidewalls will follow. ridge beam. Its cross-section should be 50x100 mm. After this, it is necessary to connect the indicated sidewalls with the two beams located below. Next, using brackets, attach the resulting frame to two support boards with a cross-section of 50x150 mm, which are already pre-fixed to the trees. Now you need to take the bottom, cut out of plywood. It is necessary to drill holes for nails. After this you need to nail the bottom to lower bars and joists with galvanized nails with large heads. Now we need to think about building a roof and hatch windows. The best solution in this case is a multi-layer roof. This will ensure reliability. In 1 layer, plywood with a sheet thickness of 8-10 mm is used. The second one can be made of roofing felt or glassine. And for the third layer, birch bark will be used.

Bottom line

Having read the above, everyone can decide for themselves the question of how to make a hut from boards, branches and other improvised means or building materials, as well as find out what types of these structures exist.

Children in the country need a place to play and have fun. Great option may become the hut that you . To do this, you don’t need to spend a lot of time and money, just use your imagination. An unusual hut is made from materials that are always on hand. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some design options for a children's hut.

Fabric hut

To make a fabric hut, you need to prepare:
a large and dense piece of fabric measuring 2 by 4 meters;
2 support posts (trees), which should be spaced 2 meters apart;
2.5 meter rope;
a set of hooks for securing the hut to the ground.

Initially, we must pull the rope in a horizontal position between 2 posts and secure it thoroughly. Then we hang a piece of fabric symmetrically on top of the rope. Next stage– fixing the hut to the floor. You need to sew metal eyelets onto the edges of the fabric in advance or make loops that are also sewn along the edge. After this, hooks are threaded through the loops and fixed in the ground.

This option for creating a hut is a little difficult to design, but nothing is impossible.

Prepare in advance:
PVC pipes or branches of the required length;
climbing vegetation or sow seeds;
strong rope.

It is worth noting that such a hut can only be used after several months. It is recommended to begin construction of the structure after winter period with the beginning of spring. To begin, install pipes or tree branches in a triangle shape. Then fasten them together at the top with rope.

After assembling the hut, you can begin sowing the seeds. It is necessary to plant plants that climb beautifully around the structure. They will begin to grow, and then you must direct them up the racks of the hut. At the height of summer, the children's hut will probably be ready.

This option involves the construction of their structure PVC pipes, which must be covered with durable fabric on top. The construction method is identical to the second plan described above. Racks made of pipes are placed and tied tightly at the top with a rope. Then they need to be fixed in the ground. The hut for children is covered with cloth and it is ready for use.

This method is the most original. To work you need to have:

Aluminum hoop or metal pipe, twisted into a ring;
strong rope and fabric.

Building such a hut is not difficult. Cover the hoop with fabric and sew the ends together. The remaining fabric must be sewn all over the hoop and a rope attached to it in the center. Then the structure is fixed on a tree or in another place suitable for children's games.

In this case, a simple stepladder will serve as a hut. You just need to place the stepladder in a convenient place for games and hang the fabric on it. This construction option is characterized by its mobility, since the stepladder can be moved both into the yard and into the house.

This is an unusual construction of tubes made from newspapers, which are covered with fabric. But remember that in inclement weather such a hut must be removed so that it does not get wet and spoil. To build the structure, prepare:

large width tape and stapler.

First, roll the newspapers into tubes and secure their edges with a stapler. Then make a triangle-shaped structure and also fix it. Place a cloth on top of the hut.

In this report I will tell you not only about how to make a hut, but I will also post other material - about one of my stays in the taiga forest. We once went with a comrade in early November 2012 to the Ural taiga forests. The purpose of the trip was not tourism, but just another honing of survival skills in wildlife taiga, building a hut using only natural materials. A lot was planned, but we didn’t have time - November, it gets dark early in the northern hemisphere, just like in the Equator region.

We arrived at the place around 12-13 o'clock. Surprisingly, the weather was very good, the sun was shining, it was nice to just throw my backpack and lie in the sun. It was just that the weather was cloudy all day, and then, especially for our visit, the weather decided to play along with us a little. Let the guys rejoice, otherwise they still have another night to freeze.

We were in the area of ​​the Levinsky stone, on the Chusovaya River. Not so far from this place I wrote last year’s report on my next trip to the forest. This year I decided to go and bring a friend with me to these places I had previously spotted. Traveling alone is, of course, a unique experience, but it’s still more fun with two. Moreover, we planned to build two huts, each for ourselves, but there was not enough time.

This is your humble servant, but you won’t see my partner, because he doesn’t consider himself photogenic). This is a regular reader of the Volny-Volya project! We cooperated, got to know each other, and rushed into the taiga forest.

So, we came to the place that we chose for another 30-40 minutes: we either lay in the sun, or simply wandered around, looking around the forest. To be on the safe side, so as not to get into trouble, we planned to take a tent, polyethylene, and rope with us, but in the end we only took a tent, which was not needed. The task was not extreme sports, not thrills, but boring honing of survival skills in the taiga forest, in the wild.

We chose three trees that would serve as natural supports for our huts. But in the end we only used two of them. We collected firewood, sawed biscuits, cut small fir trees and fir trees for huts (let me remind you that they planned to build 2). Comrade handled the firewood, while I collected material for the huts. We lit a fire using a flint to make it somehow more fun, and so that the place could be seen from afar, I didn’t want to look for it for a long time.

Everything is clear with the crossbars, but how to fasten them? vertical support to two fir trees? There is no rope, therefore, it is necessary to use spruce roots - the only rope made by nature itself. By the way, the next photos will be all dark, I took them, as usual, on my phone, and, in addition, the place is remote, there is little light under the spruce crowns.

At first the roots were torn, but then I got used to it and began to collect more or less long ones. First, you remove a small piece of the top soil with your foot and find the root. Then you walk along it, remove the soil and slightly push it up. But don't pull it right away - it will tear. Spruce roots are strong enough to be used in such construction. Good natural material. The vertical crossbar (made of mountain ash) sat quite firmly, we, of course, did not try to break it, but it could withstand a certain load. I believe that under heavy load, the crossbar itself in the middle will break rather than the roots tearing.

Then he began preparing logs for the bed and roof. He trimmed the trees he brought. Meanwhile, Drugan continued to collect firewood. The night is long - you need a lot of firewood! I sawed the crackers with an Izhstal saw. We tried it at the same time domestic manufacturer in the field.

Started making the bed. Comrade sawed off 2 logs with his saw, then it seemed not enough - he sawed off 2 more pieces. We placed them across the bottom - they will support bed, longitudinal, and logs. To prevent them from rolling down, they drove in pegs.

Then he covered the bed with fallen spruce branches. I put some spruce branches, more fir ones. They are soft and pleasant to touch. And what a smell! Damn stump!!!

Meanwhile, the partner put the camp gruel on the fire to cook. Barley, rice, my dried carrots, salt, spices. There was still a can of stew, though it was pork, but still not bad. Yoshkarolinskaya - I recommend it.

It was already approaching evening, so the two of them set about preparing logs (legs) for the roof of the hut. It's important to choose correct angle slope - it should not be too blunt, it is better to be sharper, then the water will drain from the roof of the hut without stopping and getting inside. Ours is not too spicy, it could have been made spicier.

We made 12 slegs, there is no time, but it would be better to make somewhere twice as many or even 2.5 times more in order to better cover the roof of the hut. We started laying spruce branches. It fits very simply. Despite the fact that the roof is sloping, the spruce branches adhere to it perfectly. First the top, then lower and lower (in fact, the spruce branches should be laid from bottom to top). The spruce branches should be laid in one direction - with the needles down, the end of the branch up. You push each next branch through, and it seems to cling to each other and hold on well. It's difficult to explain, in short. You need to put a lot, don’t skimp on spruce branches, there won’t be enough - cut off the lower tiers of living trees, preferably fir. The bottom of the hut was covered with earth and moss to prevent it from blowing at night. Sorry, there weren't many photos. It was already dark, so the photos turned out bad, and there was no time to take photos - I wish I could get there in time. When the hut is already made, you can taste the camp gruel!

Before we could blink, it was dusk. We lit a larger fire - a lazy node, this is when the trees are not cut down, but simply shoved in whole. When one part is burned, move them further.

Since we were not going there to sleep, not to a resort, but to do business, we were supposed to take turns sleeping. One is sleeping - the other is watching the fire. We both sat, had a heart-to-heart talk, and somewhere in the second hour we decided: to hell with it, let’s go to sleep! I, as a gentleman, offered my partner a trump spot in the hut, but he preferred to lie on the other side of the fire, just on the foam with a sleeping bag. Well, there’s no trial, so I’ll try out the hut, because there was only room for one. I laid down some foam, took out a sleeping bag, put on some warm clothes under the bottom of my jacket and went to bed. At the time when the fire was active, it was quite comfortable, but when the fire died out, my partner and I woke up (in turn) and moved our logs closer. Approximately every 40-60 minutes I had to wake up, in the morning they spat on him and slept like that until 11 o’clock. The falling snow woke me up; a little fell on me - from the front side of the hut. The hut was made, in principle, satisfactorily, the downside is that the distance between the trees is small and full height You can’t climb in there, so your legs stick out to the side. IN best case scenario, it was possible to climb deep into the hut, and the snow would no longer be scary.

We lazily got up and lit a new fire. There were some coals left, they were simply fanned out. They put the kettle on gas burner, in it there are fir legs. They didn’t even get regular tea, although there was some, they were content with only a fir drink. We ate and went to poke around a little along the bank of Chusovaya, and then back. There was very little snow there, just a couple of snowflakes, one might say. There was already heavy rainfall the next day.