Scheme for connecting water supply from a well to a house. Winter water supply from a well: review of the best options and arrangement schemes

We all value comfort so much that even when setting up a country house, we try to surround ourselves with amenities. Water supply plays one of the key roles in the creation comfortable conditions for accommodation. If for owners of houses that have a centralized water supply, the worries of arranging the system are practically resolved, then for owners who plan to install an autonomous water supply on their property, all the troubles fall on their shoulders. Water supply country house from a well is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to set up an autonomous water supply system.

When planning a water supply for a dacha from a well, it should be taken into account that only a properly equipped source can be used to organize a water supply system. What appearance this hydraulic structure will have depends on the owner. But its walls must be reliably protected from ground collapses, and therefore made of masonry, concrete rings or a wooden frame.

The simplest option for arranging a well is using concrete rings, which prevent not only the collapse of the soil, but also the drainage of surface water

Well water supply involves the extraction of water using pumping equipment and its subsequent distribution throughout the site and house. Compared to other options for arranging a water supply system, well water supply has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Easy to install. An owner who has at least basic knowledge and construction skills will be able to dig and arrange the source on his own. However, he does not need to obtain official permission to dig a well.
  • Minimum costs. The construction of a well, in comparison with the same well, does not require significant material costs: It is enough to purchase a water pump and pipeline. The dug source will provide water for decades, and completely free of charge.
  • Free access to water. In the event of a power outage, you can always get water from the well, armed with a rope and a bucket.

But the main advantage of an autonomous one is the ability to equip it with your own hands. Indeed, in principle, the idea of ​​​​installing such a water supply system is not new and has been repeatedly tested in practice. But it is still better to entrust a project involving the development of a power supply scheme from a well, as well as the selection and installation of pumping equipment, to professionals. This will prevent the occurrence of problems during the operation of the system that arise as a result of errors made at the design stage.

However, it is worth noting that due to its close location to the surface of the earth, well water quite often contains a large amount of impurities. Such water can only be used for watering the garden and technical needs.

The easiest way to purify water with a large number of impurities for consumption is by installing a filtration system

When planning to use water for drinking, you need to additionally consider installing a filtration system. In addition, the well itself must be cleaned at least once a year.

Selecting a pump and pipes for a water supply system

It is impossible to organize water supply for a private house from a well without a pump that pumps water from the source and supplies it to the house through a pipeline connected to it. Therefore, when choosing a model, you should take into account the power of the unit, which should be enough to maintain water pressure in the region of 1.5 atmospheres throughout the entire pipe system laid from the well to the house. Conventional submersible pumps are capable of pumping water from depths of 9 to 40 meters. If the well is located at a considerable distance from the house, it is advisable to install a more powerful self-priming centrifugal pump that can pump water from a depth of up to 45 meters.

If the depth of the well from which it is supposed to equip an autonomous water supply does not exceed 10 meters, then it is best to install a small pumping station, equipped with an automation system and a hydraulic accumulator

Before installing pumping equipment, you should take care of the wiring of the water supply system inside the house.

On ready-made diagram The following must be clearly shown: the source of water intake, the water pump with the control unit, the water tank and the pipeline

To set up an autonomous water supply, a trench is dug from the well to the house, the depth of which should be below the freezing level of the soil (on average at least 30 cm). To prevent corrosive surface changes metal pipes It is advisable to coat it with a special protective compound.

A pipe is laid at the bottom of the trench, the end of which is brought out through a hole in the well ring and lowered into the water, not reaching 35-40 cm to the bottom of the well. The pipe must be placed at a slope of 0.15 m every meter of product length. The end of the pipe is equipped with a mesh filter, which protects the suction hole from impurities, thereby ensuring uninterrupted operation the pump itself.

The hydraulic accumulator is installed at a height of at least 1.5 meters from the floor level, most often in the attic or roof. Thanks to this placement, in the event of a power outage, water pressure will be ensured, at which it will continue to flow into the tap by gravity.

Closed and dry roomoptimal conditions for placement of pumping equipment, the creation of which allows to extend the service life of the water supply system

Self pump equipment It is better to place it indoors, where the air temperature does not drop below +2°C even in the cold season. The best option is in the utility room of the house.

In case of problems in the well system, to prevent water from draining from the main into the house, it is necessary to provide a check valve, which is installed before entering the pump. To automatically turn off the pump, it is advisable to install an electrical contact pressure gauge.

After installation of all main and additional elements systems, check the internal wiring to the points of consumption, and only after that connect the pumping station to the control panel.

The article discusses a scheme according to which you can organize water supply for a private house from a well with your own hands. The text contains a step-by-step analysis of the technology with recommendations, starting with basic information on the arrangement of the system, ending practical advice, helping to lay communications in a suburban area and connect the necessary equipment.

Most owners of private houses strive to maintain the usual living conditions in suburban areas. If the building is located far from central communication routes, this is not easy to achieve. For a country house that people use seasonally, you can collect water from a well using buckets. If the family lives in the house permanently, you should think about organizing an autonomous water supply from a well. In some cases, this is the only way to ensure the constant availability of water and good pressure in the pipes in the house.

Advantages of water supply systems for a private house from a well and a well

Water in a private house may come from a closed or open well. The choice of system depends on the geological features of the site. Although in most cases the owner himself decides how to supply water to the house: from a well or a well. Some regions are located on the territories of basalt plateaus. Local waters flowing to a level of 7 m are considered spring water, and the upper reserves consist of liquid flowing from the ground surface. In such a situation, it will be the only option to solve the problem.

Advantages of wells:

  • long service life of the system;
  • the water entering the house does not have biological impurities and high waters, although it may partially contain salts of heavy metals;
  • There is no need for constant maintenance and cleaning.

Helpful advice! When a hydraulic reservoir occurs at a depth of 5 to 11 m, experts recommend using a shallow well.

Advantages of wells:

  • relatively low construction costs;
  • convenient service system;
  • the ability to visually monitor the system status;
  • autonomy.

If there is no electricity in the house, liquid from the well is supplied manually using a conventional pump.

Review of a typical water supply scheme for a private house

Professionals consider a water supply system in a private house, where liquid is drawn from a well, as one of the options for a well system, only deeper. The choice of equipment in this case depends on the level of placement of the water surface in the soil. If the supply line has a height of up to 10 m, you can limit yourself to purchasing a suction pump with a top installation type. For more deep wells you will need a submersible pump, the operation of which is based on centrifugal principle actions.

The internal autonomous system does not depend on how the liquid is taken and supplied. A mandatory element of the scheme is a storage tank that provides a constant supply of water in a certain volume. As an alternative, a hydraulic accumulator can be used. Its work is aimed at maintaining pressure at a given level. The routing of pipes between the tank and points of consumption is carried out taking into account generally accepted rules for all communication systems.

A pipe or hose is buried in the well, equipped with a filter consisting of a check valve and a mesh cylinder. The upper end is connected to the suction flange of the pump. The lower part of the hose should be at a height of 80-100 cm from the bottom surface. After collection, water is supplied to a hydraulic accumulator or storage tank.

According to a typical diagram of a water supply system for a private house from a well, a submersible pump is placed inside the water source suspended on a cord. The optimal height for placing the unit above the bottom surface is 0.8 m. For hanging submersible pump Steel or polymer cable can be used.

Note! When polypropylene or nylon cords get wet, their elasticity increases. The result is an increase in length by 2-4%. This means that a 40-meter cable in a wet state will have a length in the range of 40.8-41.6 m.

How to bring water from a well to a house: system requirements

If the site already has one, it wouldn’t hurt to check it and prepare it for use. To do this, you need to inspect the condition of the bottom and walls, as well as clean the structure and disinfect it. Before bringing water into the house from a well, it is advisable to check it for compliance sanitary standards. To do this, a sample of the liquid is submitted to the laboratory for analysis.

Water preparation is as follows:

  • liquid clarification;
  • removal of mechanical impurities;
  • demineralization process;
  • disinfection;
  • adjustment of indicators (adjusting the level of alkalinity, acidity, etc.).

For correct operation of the system, an optimally calculated depth of water intake and a performance corresponding to this indicator are required, which is calculated based on the volume of liquid entering in a certain unit of time. The classic version of the design is capable of providing water to a building with 2-4 intake points.

You should also check the well structure for leaks. The material from which the walls are made must be resistant to shedding. The presence of brick chips or loose concrete in the liquid can lead to breakdown of the pump for water supply to a private home. Insulating materials intended for sealing seams should not affect the smell and taste of water. The use of membranes and bitumen mastics is not allowed. For these purposes, cement mixtures with polymer additives or fiberglass.

The well must be equipped with a bottom filter. If the structure is old and does not have a filter layer, it can be formed additionally. A layer is poured quartz sand and pebbles 0.15-0.2 m thick each. In this case, the sand should be at the bottom.

The presence of a filter layer solves two problems at once:

  1. Prevents siltation of the mine.
  2. Protects water from pollution.

A well with a pipe or pump is insulated for the winter. To prevent a decrease in temperature, the above-ground part of the structure is insulated. The minimum permissible is not lower than +2 – 4ºС.

Note! How less distance between the house and the primary water intake point, the more economical the construction will be, because the cost of materials will be minimal. The proximity of the well to the building also affects the operation of the pump, which does not need to operate at maximum power.

Selecting equipment for water supply to a private home

To install the external system, pipes made of PVC, polyethylene or plastic are used. The cross-sectional size is selected taking into account the diameter of the outlet on the pump (approximately 20-32 mm). To connect different sections of pipes, hot welding technology or special elements - fittings - can be used.

To find out the length of pipes required to build a water supply system from a well with your own hands in a private house, you need to calculate the distance from the well to the point at which the system enters the building and develop a layout for their installation. You will also need to buy a squeegee. This element is a short tube with connections along the edge, which is mounted into the wall of the well at the inlet. The insertion point must be sealed.

For sealing you will need:

  • coupling;
  • sealant;
  • insulating cement composition.

A pump is used as working equipment. It is the most important element of the system.

The choice of well pump for water supply at home depends on the following points:

  • source condition;
  • equipment characteristics;
  • the required level of power and performance.

The main advantage of submersible pumps is their quietness. Such devices have reliable factory protection, which is built into the case. Modifications with an average price provide internal press control. They also have an automated dry-running protection mechanism. Pumping equipment requires precise installation and compliance with all operating rules. Only under these conditions will the device be able to operate effectively over a long period of time.

Related article:

Selection of equipment, overview of characteristics and installation features. Advantages and disadvantages of systems. Rating of the best manufacturers.

The pump is completely immersed in water. The minimum permissible distance from the bottom surface is 0.7 m. The device cannot be lowered below. You will also need to additionally install a filter system at the inlet. It will prevent sludge and mechanical particles from entering the pump. External equipment installed indoors.

Helpful advice! Even the most expensive pump modifications make noise during operation. It is not recommended to install equipment near living rooms.

Organization of water supply and sewerage at the dacha: turnkey price

Work on the construction of communications on a summer cottage can be done independently or you can order installation of systems from a specialized company.

The following factors influence the cost of installation:

  • soil type on the site;
  • method of disposal of treated wastewater;
  • level of communication depth;
  • modification of septic structure;

  • placement level groundwater;
  • geological features of the territory;
  • the need to use special equipment.

Average prices for organizing water supply to a dacha from a turnkey well:

Service typeprice, rub.
Sealing50 (m.p.)
Main line installation150-180 (m.p.)
Setting the cold water pointfrom 1000
Connecting filter systemsfrom 1100
Installation of hydraulic accumulator tankfrom 3500
Installation of the collector unitfrom 6200

How to organize a water supply system from a well to a house with your own hands

The construction of a communication system on a summer cottage is carried out in stages. Step-by-step technology The water supply arrangement looks like this:

  • searching for water on the site;
  • development of a diagram for the placement of the highway;
  • formation of trenches for installation of caissons and pipes;
  • selection of equipment and its installation;

  • organization of a treatment system;
  • laying a pipeline from the house to the well;
  • installation of a washing machine, dishwasher, water heating and other equipment provided by the system.

Note! When water is consumed in the kitchen or bathroom, the pressure in the system gradually decreases. When the value reaches 2.2 bar, the relay is activated, starting the pumping station. The device begins pumping fluid into the accumulator until the pressure level rises to 3 bar. Having recorded this indicator, the relay turns off the equipment.

How to bring water into the house: choosing the optimal location for a well

The construction of the system begins with the arrangement of a water source - a well. Define optimal place can be done in different ways:

  • find out from your neighbors the features of the area and find a convenient site;
  • hire specialists to conduct geological research;
  • observe the dew in the area (where the water lies close to the surface, dew will accumulate in large quantities);
  • use the dowsing technique, which involves the use of electrodes and wire.

An important aspect when placing a well is that the water source is sufficiently distant from the sewer septic tank

To determine the location for a well using the dowsing or dowsing method, you will need to bend the electrodes into an “G” shape and form a frame from metal wire. The short ends of this structure must be held so that the long ends rotate freely.

By moving around the site with this frame, you can easily determine the optimal area for construction. Where the underground spring is located, the long ends will intersect. The intersection between the long ends indicates that the water source is located near the surface or that the power of the underground flow is very high.

Helpful advice! It is recommended to carry out initial work on arranging communications in the hot season. Between June and September there is heat, so the height of groundwater does not increase due to precipitation. At this time, you can obtain real geodetic data.

It is not recommended to install a water source closer than 5 m from the building. This can lead to erosion and damage to the foundation part of the building. Communication elements such as cesspool, drains and toilet should be located at a distance of 50 m from the well. Otherwise, the waste liquid will pollute the water.

The initial stage of organizing water supply for a private house from a well with your own hands

Before starting work, you should develop a diagram. Availability finished project allows you to effectively solve many problems:

  • optimize work by clearly planning the sequence of actions;
  • accurately determine the time required for construction;
  • correctly calculate the amount of materials;
  • draw up cost estimates;
  • achieve ideal performance and quality results.

A well water supply project must include everything necessary elements indicating their location and other technical data. In addition to the main components (well, pump, bottom filter, relay and accumulator), the system also contains other components.

These include:

  • tees for routing the main line to different points;
  • pipes for carrying water into the house;
  • heating equipment();
  • elements of the sewer system;
  • plumbing fixtures;
  • check valves, valves and fittings.

Test drilling will help make sure that the aquifer is in the right place. It is necessary to go deep into the soil in layers of 5-10 cm. The aquifer may have a small thickness, with this approach the possibility of missing it is eliminated. As you move deeper into the soil, water quality and purity will improve. When a stream is found, the well is left for 24 hours. All this time it will be filled with water. After a day it will be possible to determine the water level. The optimal figure is 1-1.5 m.

Next, the interior finishing of the well shaft is carried out. This procedure will prevent water from entering the well and will also protect the structure from destruction. For these purposes, wood can be used in the form of beams made of oak, pine or larch. The cross-sectional size is 12 cm. This type of finishing is short-lived and is only suitable for shallow wells (up to 3-4 m). Rubble stone or brick can also be used to decorate the walls of the mine. Although the use of these materials significantly increases the duration and complexity of construction work.

It is best to use reinforced concrete rings to supply water to the house from a well. The recommended diameter of the elements is 90-120 cm, optimal height– 1 m. As a result, work is simplified and the reliability of the shaft increases. In this case, the well can have a depth of up to 20 m.

Helpful advice! If the water level drops, you can easily increase the depth of the well by installing repair rings.

Features of the well installation system on the site

To determine the size of the shaft circumference, you need to add twice the thickness of its walls to the diameter and add an additional 20 cm for backfill. When the depth of the shaft is equal to the height of one ring, the first concrete element is lowered to its bottom. This procedure requires caution. First, the ring is laid on its side, and then turned over and placed in the recess.

After this, excavation work continues and the second ring is installed. As a rule, a hole is formed in this element for attaching an intake pipe, which will ensure the transportation of water into the house from the well. Although this element of the system can be installed in any of the rings, which are fixed to each other using two or more brackets. In this case, the size of the hole should exceed the diameter of the pipe by 1.5 times.

During operation, water will flow into the rings. It should be removed by pumping out. If the liquid fills 1-1.5 rings, it means that the installation work is being carried out correctly and the water level is sufficient.

By adhering to the basic rules for installing rings for water supply in a country house from a well, you can achieve a high-quality result. It is very important to choose reliable way fastenings Ideal option the elements will be fixed using a groove system. It is also recommended to use additional fasteners. The presence of staples will eliminate the possibility of the rings moving relative to each other in the horizontal direction.

It is worth considering that laying a seal between concrete elements is mandatory. As a result, the likelihood of water penetration into the well is reduced.

The sealing material can be:

  • hemp;
  • rope;
  • linen rope;
  • special gaskets.

The seams between the rings should be treated with a quick-hardening cement mixture. The area where the last two elements of the shaft are attached to each other must be additionally insulated. This procedure is performed with outside. The insulation will block the access of melt water to the well and protect the rings from the external environment.

Important! Do not use bitumen or liquid glue to seal the seams between the rings. These materials will not provide desired effect, but they will spoil the water.

The space on the outside of the rings must be filled with fine gravel or sand. These voids are designed to compensate for shortcomings that arise during earthworks, but they are not needed to supply water to the house from a well. This layer will be unique drainage system for removing excess liquid. In addition, the gravel layer will reduce the negative impact on the mine walls caused by frost heaving of the soil.

Then the bottom of the structure is filled with small stones and covered with a layer of crushed stone. This is how a bottom filter is formed, the thickness of which is 30-50 cm. It can be used as a lining under stones. If there is clayey quicksand on the site or clay soil, no need to equip a bottom filter. Deviations from the rules are allowed if work is carried out on false quicksand consisting of sand and clay.

Installation of equipment for water supply to a dacha from a well

To bring water into a house from a well, pumping equipment is used, which can be either submersible or surface. Submersible versions of devices can be completely or partially lowered into the liquid. They are efficient and operate silently, using natural water pressure. Rarefied air does not take part in this process. Submersible devices do not require preservation during cold periods. The liquid flows down the pipe on its own; pumping is not required. Surface equipment is intended for wells with a depth of no more than 10 m.

The power and performance of equipment for introducing water into the house is selected taking into account the following parameters:

  • dimensions of the shaft (width and depth of the well);
  • water quality;
  • frequency of operation (seasonal or permanent);
  • water column height;
  • dynamic liquid level;
  • static water level.

Pumping equipment is installed where the temperature does not fall below +2ºС and there are no sudden climatic changes.

Laying a pipeline for organizing water supply in a country house from a well

The liquid is supplied to the residential building from the well through an outlet pipe. The hole through which it connects to the concrete ring must be well sealed. It is unacceptable for the perched water to contaminate the liquid in the well. When the construction of the structure is completed, an underground highway is laid to the house. To do this, a trench is dug according to the drawn up diagram. It should be located at a half angle to the building so that water can move freely through the pipes. The minimum diameter of the water pipe is 3.2 cm.

Helpful advice! If the house has already been put into operation, the pipe can be brought into the building using a surface method. Otherwise, it is better to lay the main line through the foundation. The pipe should be protected from the influence of low temperatures and mechanical loads.

The depth of the water supply depends on two parameters. First, you need to decide on the period of operation: seasonal or year-round. If people do not live in the house during the cold season, the main line can be placed at a depth of 1 m. Secondly, it is important to take into account the level of winter soil freezing. Pipes should be located below this indicator.

To build a water supply system for a private home, pipes made from various materials:

  • polypropylene;
  • metal-plastic;
  • steel;
  • plastic.

Pipe diameter depending on the length of the line:

Line lengthOptimal section size, mm
<10 20
10-30 25
>30 32

When choosing pipes for laying a water main, you need to consider the following points:

  • complexity of the installation system;
  • service life;
  • weight of products;
  • possibility of application welding machine for fixing parts;
  • degree of reliability;
  • price;
  • resistance to corrosion and aggressive environments.

The wiring diagram can be collector. It is also possible to install the system by connecting consumers in series. To supply cold liquid, it is better to take products with a wall thickness of 2.8 mm, for hot water A pipe with 3.2 mm reinforcement is suitable.

Choosing a scheme for arranging a water main in a dacha, as well as the process of its construction itself, is not complicated. After installing the pump, electric cable and the drainage channel, all that remains is to fill the trench. This must be done gradually, compacting each layer so that the soil in the trench does not sag over time. If all technology requirements are strictly met, a high-quality construction result will be ensured.

If the water supply of your country house needs to be done from a well or borehole, then the material in this article will help you do this most efficiently with the least labor and financial costs, and if you are just starting its construction, then choose an effective and inexpensive way its implementation.

You should think about choosing the type of water supply source for your home even before building a house. It is influenced by:

  • soil type and characteristics;
  • level of groundwater suitable for consumption;
  • your farm's water needs, etc.

Having determined for what purpose and how much water you will need, you should ask your neighbors how they solved this problem and how satisfied they are with their choice. This is the most effective method. Groundwater or artesian water is suitable for drinking and cooking, and perennial water or water from open sources is also suitable for irrigation.

If this is not possible, then it is better to carry out hydrogeological studies so as not to pay later for correcting errors, and taking into account the engineering work on laying pipelines and installing a water supply unit, they can be very expensive.

If the groundwater on your site lies at a depth of 15–20 m and its supply is sufficient to fully supply your household with water, then it would be more rational to choose a well, as it is cheaper and universal option. Also, its device will be preferable if the groundwater is deeper, if there is no stability in the power supply in your region.

The main disadvantages of wells are:

  • the possibility of debris getting into it;
  • replenishment with surface poorly purified waters.

This can be combatted by installing a good mine closing system and installing a system for draining surface water from it. The latter is done mainly using a clay gate and blind area.

And also by impregnating the outside of well rings with penetrating waterproofing compounds and sealing their joints with waterproofing mixtures.

The pipe outlet from the well should also be reliably sealed.

When constructing a well for collecting groundwater, one should take into account the risk of rapid filter failure, which sometimes occurs, especially in clay soils. Therefore, when choosing a well, it is worth considering the possibility of its simple dismantling for cleaning or replacement.

Drilling wells to great depths should be entrusted to a specialized organization - in the end it will be cheaper, despite the rather high prices for their work.

Organization of uninterrupted water supply to the house

The automatic supply of water to water distribution devices in the house, from ordinary taps to appliances that use it in their work (washing machines, water heaters and boilers, etc.), is provided by pumps.

There are types of pumps common to wells and wells:

  • submersible centrifugal;
  • submersible vibration;
  • deep;
  • external self-priming;
  • pumping station.

In addition to them, drainage pumps can also be installed in wells. Simply, either one of the types of submersible pumps is lowered into the well and fixed approximately in the middle of the water column, or the receiving pipe of an external pump with a check valve that prevents water from draining from the entire system back to the source. In a well, in addition to the methods of organizing water intake common to wells, you can install an external pump on:

  • floating platform;
  • on a suspension with a piece of pipe lowered with a check valve;
  • on a platform mounted between the rings below the freezing level and. etc.

A required pressure The system is supported in 3 ways:

  • installation of a water pumping station with a hydraulic accumulator;
  • installing a water storage tank in the attic;
  • installation of an individual water supply controller.

1. The first method is the most common in modern buildings and is used regardless of whether your pump is located in a well or in a well.

And the station itself can be located almost anywhere.

When using such a system, a check valve must be installed at the lower end of the receiving pipe, even if there is one in the pump itself.

2. A system with a storage tank in the upper part of the house is the simplest, but it will not create much pressure, and in the case of a cold attic it requires effective insulation for operation in winter.

Most often, a float valve is installed in the storage tank automatic system, which turns off the pump when the tank is filled to a certain level, and turns it on when it drops to a level that ensures the presence of minimum pressure in the system.

And in case of its failure, an overflow pipe leading to the street is usually provided. For the most simple systems, most often used in country houses, are limited only by it, turning on the pump when there is no water in the system and turning it off after filling the storage tank.

3. For not very extensive water supply systems, it is quite suitable to install a pressure controller that can operate without a hydraulic accumulator, regulates pressure simply and effectively, smoothly starts the pump in automatic mode and has protection against dry running.

The diagram shows a system based on the Pamela KIV-1A controller with storage tank, but if the water intake is small, then you can do without it. The list of controllers from this Russian company includes various models, incl. regulating the operation of vibration pumps of the “Kid” type.

There are also DAB type controllers for different options water supply organizations capable of managing the operation of one to several pumps, but such a system can only be created when water is drawn from a well, where there is room for them.

In any case, the selection of water supply systems should begin based on the maximum water needs and technical requirements by the presence of its pressure for devices consuming it. And of course, provide a 20-25% reserve for the future.

Conducting water into the house using an external water supply

If the use of water supply is seasonal, then you should not spend a lot of money on its installation. Most ordinary plastic hoses are designed to withstand pressures that significantly exceed those required for the normal functioning of even a fairly loaded home water supply system. We suggest laying it in any convenient way that ensures reliable protection from external damage and from the sun, and connections are made using a simple and reliable fitting system. The fitting system itself should be taken for the selected type of water pipes.

The most suitable for laying water pipes in the private sector are considered plastic pipes O 25 or 32 mm, made of low-density polyethylene (HDPE). The size is determined by calculating the daily water demand and the corresponding pump power. Their outlet fittings will determine the diameter you need.

We will not make calculations of equipment power due to the fact that it is selected for each specific case, which includes, in addition to the number of water collection points and the amount of water required at them, such indicators as:

  • lifting depth;
  • delivery height around the house;
  • length of horizontal sections;
  • required pressure in the system, etc.

And there are others too individual parameters, which a pumping equipment specialist should help you understand. Moreover, different manufacturers Some identical indicators in practice have very different characteristics.

If the water supply will be used year-round, then first of all it is necessary to protect it from freezing in the winter.

For this:

1. Lay it to a depth below the freezing point of the soil in your region. For central Russia it is 1.5 - 1.8 m.

But there are cases when even such a depth of laying the water supply does not prevent the pipes from freezing, so it is worthwhile to additionally insulate them, at least in the simplest ways.

It is important to remember that any cotton insulation is hydrophilic, so their protection from moisture penetration must be absolutely reliable. In addition, they compress under soil pressure. It is better to use ready-made shells made of polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam (link to PU foam article).

But its complete thermal insulation with the above-mentioned materials can make it possible to lay it even on the surface of the earth, which is not very convenient, and it is better to bury it to a shallow depth. We recommend that you do not skimp on the thickness of the insulation, but either order the necessary cutting or make blocks required sizes, gluing them from standard polystyrene sheets using polyurethane foam or other suitable adhesive composition.

Sampling for the pipe can be done in any convenient way. These block sizes will protect your pipe from freezing in areas where frosts down to minus 30 - 35°C are common in winter. Expanded polystyrene should be taken at a grade of at least 25, and placed above the paths above the water supply paving slabs, securely resting on the ground on the sides of the trench for its laying.

The ideal case would be the possibility of laying a water supply in basement, and you won’t have to insulate its entry into the house.

In other cases, it is mandatory. In this case, the insulation layer around the pipe should be:

  • for polyurethane foam – not less than 100 mm;
  • for expanded polystyrene – no less than 150 mm;
  • for cotton insulation – no less than 200 mm.

2. Another option for laying pipes: it can be heated using a special cable.

You can read more about the options for its use.

The main disadvantage of this method is its dependence on electricity. There is always a danger of the pipe freezing in the event of a prolonged shutdown, and an additional expense item in the family budget. But, if you provide your home with an automatic emergency power supply system and consider that the cost of heating the water supply is acceptable, then the effectiveness of this method is undoubted. Moreover, with the help of a thermostat you can maintain the temperature within the specified parameters regardless of external factors.

3. It is possible to lay the water supply system by air even when used in winter. To do this, it is laid at an angle that ensures guaranteed drainage of water back into the well, and a pump without a check valve is used.

This system is only applicable with a storage tank.

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The water supply scheme for a private house from a well includes external (summer or winter) and inner gasket pipes with sequential or manifold wiring, a number of points should be taken into account when drawing up a project:

  • the well is constructed at a distance of 40 m or more from sources of pollution;
  • the optimal configuration of the external highway looks like a straight line (if it is impossible to avoid turns, they are minimized);
  • There are 2 ways to insert a pipe into a building: drilling a hole in the base or in the wall;
  • correct location hydrant points for irrigating vegetation will eliminate the possibility of pulling the irrigation system through the beds with hoses;
  • pre-marked liquid transportation routes and indication of consumption points will allow you to correctly select the internal wiring diagram.

The difference between summer and winter water supply - outside

To ensure normal water supply, you should be aware of the nuances that arise when connecting pipes to a source and connecting a pumping unit. The choice is between summer and winter options.

Summer water supply is laid on top or in a shallow trench, reducing the amount of expensive excavation work. There is no need to use electrical equipment for local or full heating of pipes. It is not necessary to install pumps in a heated outbuilding and build a caisson or pit near the well. The main line is often entered according to a budget scheme through the wall, excluding drilling holes in the basement or foundation.

There is no need to insulate storage tanks and parts of the pipeline crossing the freezing zone and unheated underground. This will reduce the cost of materials, but will require dismantling the external water line at the end of the summer season, if it is carried out temporarily. The capital summer system is not dismantled, but the water is drained from the pipes.

Installation of the winter pipeline requires draining the water before each long absence. A drain tap or electromagnetic preservation device is connected to the system, regardless of the type of water supply. Laying pipes sloping towards the well ensures drainage by gravity. This condition does not apply to a dismountable external system for temporary purposes, since drainage is guaranteed during the dismantling process.

Differences between summer and winter water supply - inside

Internal wiring is installed with a slope of no more than 0.5 cm per 1 m of length. When choosing a summer highway, the system is constructed according to a sequential scheme. It is less demanding on operating pressure indicators. Preservation is carried out without the use of forced drainage devices. Winter water supply constructed in a series or parallel circuit using collector combs, implying the use of a powerful pump. To increase the effect, a cascade of two pumps is used. One is mounted in a well, the second in a storage tank.

It is considered unreasonable to use a winter water supply system if you plan to leave your country property idle in cold weather. The arrangement of substantial estates is carried out with a winter external main and a summer stationary water supply line as a reserve.

Summer water supply from a well

There are above-ground and underground options for summer water supply. The first option involves the use of one or more hoses (made of rubber or silicone) connected through adapters to provide a given length. A more reliable option is a rubber contour with a nylon thread to increase strength.

The above-ground water main is dismantled for the winter, otherwise it will freeze and crack. The underground version is laid in the ground similarly to the winter version, and cranes are brought to the surface. When placing the hose at a shallow depth, with an inclination of 2 degrees. towards the drain, a drain valve is placed at the end of the pipe to release water into the soil.

Scheme external system water supply is presented in two options:

  1. Temporary. A pipeline placed on the surface using low racks or at shallow depths. To construct the system use flexible hoses with latches or PVC pipes with fittings, corner couplings, taps. Positive characteristics include ease of assembly, speed and low cost. The disadvantages include the risk of damage and theft, and the inconvenience of moving elements around the site.
  2. Stationary. Laying is carried out in a shallow trench at a depth of 0.3 - 0.8 m. For installation, PN pipes are used, joined by welding or HDPE sections with fittings for connection. The advantages include reliability, comfort on the site, and protection from theft. Eliminates the need for annual assembly. The negative aspects include financial and labor costs.

The laying depth is determined by the criteria for using the land plot:

  • 0.3 - 0.4 m for aquifer line placed under lawns or along country paths;
  • 0.7 - 0.8 m for a pipeline laid under the beds, excluding damage to the pipes with a shovel.

When laying shallow, the water supply system is covered from above with a bent “house” of sheet metal.

Preparation of structural components

Key elements include:

  • drain valve or solenoid valve for draining water in stationary systems;
  • submersible pump, but when the groundwater table is high, surface units are well used;
  • pipes for internal and external water supply, their diameter is determined by the installation location: for an external route fed from a well, a pipe with a cross section of 25 mm is used, a pipe of 15 mm is used inside.

Chain elements:

  • Diaphragm accumulator. Volumetric tank provides stable pressure, reducing the number of pump starts, increasing its service life. The supply of water available in it will prevent problems from occurring during a power outage.
  • A coarse filtration system used in wells buried in sandy soil.
  • Reinforcing elements to ensure stable operation of the system: pressure gauges, Ball Valves, pressure switch.
  • Water heaters.

How to assemble a temporary main from plastic pipes?

When installing a temporary water supply system, connections by welding or gluing are excluded, which prevents the possibility of dismantling before winter stagnation. For its construction, polymer combined fittings with metal threads are used.

All types of PP pipes will be used. Material under the brand name PN-10 serves well for areas with cold water. Internal wiring from the water heating device to the water intake points is made using PN-20 pipes, or PN-25. Connecting and corner parts are selected according to the nomenclature of pipes. For repeated dismantling of the water main from the well, a polymer coupling with a galvanized union nut is used. Additionally, you will need kits for placing watering points with devices for fixing the hose. Drain device not required for temporary installation.

Arrangement of winter water supply from a well

The winter scheme allows you to bring water into the house from a well in two ways:

  • below the freezing depth of the soil (1.5 m);
  • above the freezing level, but with thermal insulation and heating cable (internal or external installation).

To shorten labor costs or depths below 1.5 m, the optimal solution would be additional protection pipes using insulation. In the second case, they dig a ditch for the plumbing system at a depth of 0.5-1 m or run a pipe under the surface.

Preparation for installation

To ensure uninterrupted water consumption, it is necessary to install a submersible or surface pumping station. The first option is characterized by high performance and price. They are designed for quiet operation and efficiency.

Mandatory elements are a hydraulic accumulator and a drain valve. The first element provides protection of the system from water hammer, the second - drainage during conservation. To maintain the optimal pressure of the accumulator, a relay is installed behind it.

Attention! Construction of a well makes sense if the level of occurrence drinking water is located at a depth of 5 - 15 m; according to statistics, the average water supply for 4 people is up to 200 liters.

Drilling a hole

The organization of water supply to a private building from a well begins with drilling a well. The depth of the pit varies from 4 to 20 m, based on the level of groundwater. The cross-section of the pit is made 20-30 cm larger than the rings to be placed. The pit is dug before water begins to penetrate inside. Upon completion of drilling, further work is carried out after 1-2 days.

When filling the well with water to 1.5 m and checking of proper quality liquid, it needs to be pumped out. At the bottom, crushed stone is placed in a layer of 30-40 cm, which acts as a filtration. To prevent the penetration of melt and surface water, the gaps between the rings are sealed sand-cement mortar. The source is filled with water.

Pump installation and external pipe laying

When choosing a pump, a number of features are taken into account:

  • surface units that are not immersed in water are designed to lift liquid from a depth of 8-9 m;
  • submersible systems are placed in water, providing a maximum lifting height of up to 200 m.

Submersible models are placed inside the well, surface models are placed in a separate utility room. In both situations, the trench between the well and the house is laid 20-30 cm below the freezing level of the soil.

When choosing pipes, metal-plastic products are the best option - they bend well and resist external aggressive influences. A mesh filtration system is placed at the end of the pipe immersed in the well. The hole in the reinforced concrete ring of the well, provided for inserting a pipe, is sealed with a clay lock that prevents penetration melt water. Connections are made with special fittings. The creation of sharp turns at an angle of 90 degrees is excluded. – they are created from 2 parts of 45 grams each.

The peculiarities of water supply at low temperatures are taken into account separately. temperature conditions. Insulation of the water supply system should be provided. The most optimal and reliable option is to lay the entire length of the electrical cable wrapped in heat-insulating material. To eliminate the hassle of water supply in the winter season when the owners are absent, conservation should be considered. The water is drained before each departure for more than 2 days, which prevents it from freezing.

Upon arrival, the system is easy to restart. When planning a winter water supply option, an insulated pit 1-2 m high is dug next to the well, where it is planned to create a pipe outlet. The walls of the pit are reinforced with bricks.

Using a surface pump located in a separate utility room, you need to take care of its temperature regime, where the lowest limit is +4 degrees. When arranging a summer collapsible water supply option using pumping system, the pipe is placed at a shallow depth or on top, which allows for dismantling if necessary. The best option Reinforced, polymer or galvanized fittings are used.

It is important to remember preventive measures and check the water quality annually to prevent the possibility of melt or groundwater from penetrating inside.

Water supply from the well to the house

Pipe selection. Installation of an external water supply system is carried out using PP, PE or metal-plastic pipes. The best option would be polyethylene products (they are distinguished by a blue stripe). They are lower in price compared to PP, but fittings for them may be more expensive. PE pipes with a diameter of up to 63 mm are produced in coils of 100 and 200 m, which allows them to be laid from the well to the house without intermediate connections, eliminating the possibility of leaks in the connecting sections.

Construction of the trench. A ditch is dug from the source to the house, to protect it, the bottom is covered with sand, providing a cushion for the pipe (made of copper, steel, polypropylene or metal-plastic). Typically, lines with a cross section of 32Ø are used. But this parameter may vary depending on the distance of the well from the house. The farther it is, the larger the diameter of the pipes. The pipes are placed at an angle (3 cm for each m towards the well) to prevent stagnation of water in the system. Shut-off valves are installed in the well.

To carry pipes under the road, they are placed in sleeves. Large-diameter pipes are hidden in steel pipes. Used pipes can be used as sleeves. The sharp edges of the sleeves are cleaned with a file, eliminating burrs.

Running a pipeline through the foundation

At the place where the pipes are laid, a “case” of pipes is made through the base larger diameter(made of plastic, asbestos or metal), if the pipe is 32nd, then a 50th is selected for the “case”.

The pipes themselves are enclosed in thermal insulation and padded to prevent groundwater from entering through the foundation under the house. How to do it? It is necessary to hammer a braided rope into the middle, and fill the space between the edge of the base up to the rope with clay, sealant or polyurethane foam.

It is important to correctly insert the pipe through the foundations (regardless of above or below the soil level), and not under it. Once the foundation is poured, creating holes underneath it threatens to destroy the house.

Attention! The supply of water supply and sewerage to the premises is carried out at a distance of 1.5 m.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • The construction of an external pipeline begins with the creation of a trench at a depth of 0.3 - 0.5 m below the freezing level. A 7-10 cm sand cushion is created at the bottom, spilled with water and compacted. The pipe itself is laid at 25 or 32 mm.
  • Hydraulic tests of the water supply system are carried out under pressure 1.5 times greater than the working pressure (air can be used only) and covered with sand at a depth of 10 cm with further compaction. At the end of the work, the trench is filled with soil.

Connecting the hose to the reinforced concrete ring

The most difficult section when laying the main line is the joining of the hose to the reinforced concrete ring, where a hole is provided when creating a well. This joint is carefully isolated, eliminating the possibility of dirty surface water penetrating into the source. To improve the level of sealing of the passage through the hole, use a squeegee (a short tube with threads on both sides).

Seals must be put on both sides of the pipe and pressed against the wall using flanges. Using HDPE pipes with a cross section of 32 mm for the water supply system, their connection to the outlet is ensured by fitting adapters.

Pipes are connected to each other by soldering or using fittings. Experts do not recommend carrying out internal and external waterproofing of the ring walls with bitumen or similar liquid mastics. This threatens water pollution. The best option would be silicone sealant or cement-based mortar with the addition liquid glass.

The depth of immersion of pipes or hoses into the well is below the middle of the water level in the well (or 20-30 cm from the bottom). By bringing the pipe (hose) closer to the bottom, pumping equipment is at risk of sand being sucked in. When installing a vertical (lower) pipe in a well, you should pump out water from the source, connect the pipe with the elbow to the outlet pipe in the trench with your hands, measure the distance to the bottom of the well, if it is 20-30 cm, connect it to the elbow.

Instead of an elbow, many installers install a faucet at an angle of 90 degrees, which prevents the flow of water even before entering the room when repairing or replacing plumbing.

The supply of water from a well to the house is provided in one of the convenient ways:

  • Pumping equipment inside the source;
  • Pumping station outside the well (in the basement or house).

How to ensure water pressure in the pipeline?

For normal operation plumbing and household appliances require maintaining a certain water pressure in the pipeline. To achieve a given level of pressure in the water supply, a water tank or accumulator is placed in the attic. A water intake with a filtration mesh and a check valve are installed in the well. The list of main equipment can be supplemented storage water heater, ensuring the availability of hot water in sufficient volume. Water is supplied to the water supply system through a pump designed to automatic shutdown when the pressure drops and switches on when operating parameters are restored.

Calculation of the volume of the water tank provides for a daily water consumption of 50 liters for each person permanently residing in the premises. The need for a supply of water to extinguish a fire is taken into account. The hydraulic accumulator is selected taking into account the daily water consumption of 20 liters for each tap.

Devices for supplying cold and hot water are compactly placed in the basement or utility room. Shut-off valves are connected in front of all types of equipment used to connect the water supply system. This facilitates disconnecting devices from the system for repairs or replacement without reducing the level of water supply to the room.

Laying an external water supply system with close proximity to groundwater

When considering an option where installation of an external water supply system below the freezing depth of the soil is impossible due to nearby groundwater, experts recommend laying the main line using the “pipe-in-pipe” technology (in a “case”).

The “case” is sealed at the caisson (central well) and when passing through the foundation. Asbestos pipes connected through couplings and rubberized seals are well used as a “case”.

The use of PE pipes and metal “cases” is allowed. Below is a laying diagram.

The figure shows a heat-insulated main with a heating cable and a corrugated pipe for lifting to the room, if the pipe is inserted into the base above ground level. Such designs are found on sale as one set. The heating cable is connected indoors to an outlet. Below is a cross-section of corrugation with thermal insulation protection and enclosed pipes, their number varies from one to 3 or more.

The design discussed above will not be difficult to assemble yourself at home.

The circuit requires a heating cable of a given length, wound onto a pipe and connected together with a temperature sensor that provides control of the cable on/off:

The pipe is then placed in a case and laid in the trench. For thermal protection on the outside of the plumbing system, a foam shell is used.

Structurally, the products have the form of 2 halves, connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove technology. They are equipped with a channel for heating cable. Thermal insulation of external water supply eliminates the use of mineral wool materials, which lose their insulating properties when wet.

An additional way to combat water freezing is to place a heating cable inside the water supply.

The cable is arranged using special fittings with further passage of the device inside the pipe.

A less expensive option for thermal insulation is a 4-layer wrapping with foil insulation (foamed PE with foil) 10 mm thick and fixed with tape.

Water supply diagram in the house

The pipeline layout is carried out in two ways:

  • consistent;
  • collector

The first option is used in small houses with a small number of consumers (1-2). With a larger number of residents, inconveniences arise in the form of simultaneous activation of several water points and a decrease in pressure. As a result, in the most remote area the water supply is very weak. The collector wiring diagram is designed to ensure high-quality water pressure for all consumers.

Features of a sequential circuit

In a sequential scheme, pipes are drawn from a common riser to all points of consumption: taps, showers, mixers, etc. Two main lines are taken from the riser with valves:

  • cold water supply;

And from them, using tees, pipes are diverted to points of consumption.

TO positive characteristics include minimum consumption materials and quick installation. However, the dependence of water consumers on each other has a number of disadvantages:

  • pressure drop when several water consumption points are turned on simultaneously;
  • the impossibility of shutting off one consumer without turning off the water throughout the entire system;
  • It is not always possible to conveniently place tees in the bathroom.

Important! Allowed on each branch additional installation a separate tap that allows repair work or maintenance of the network without completely shutting it down. This condition is regulated by SNiP 2.04.01-85, clause 10.5, which reports on the installation of fittings at all inputs and on the ring distribution network.

The figure shows typical diagram“A”, consisting of a number of elements:

  1. water sockets for power supply washing equipment;
  2. water sockets for connecting a washbasin faucet;
  3. water sockets - bathtub faucet strips;
  4. corner;
  5. tee;
  6. check valve;
  7. hot water flow meter (DHW);
  8. water meter cold water(HVS);
  9. flow pressure reducer;
  10. filter element for rough cleaning;
  11. shut-off valve;
  12. DHW and cold water risers.

Collector system

The collector device is represented by one input and a certain number of outputs, which determine the number of water consumption points.

Features of the collector system:

  1. when the water pressure in the system decreases, all switched on consumers are supplied with the same amount of water;
  2. concentration of all control devices (valves, pressure gauges, etc.) in one place is ensured at the outlet of the manifold, in a special manifold cabinet; this design principle ensures the maximum level of comfort during maintenance and repair work of the system;
  3. All collector outlets are equipped with a pressure regulator, providing the ability to adjust the voltage in a given device. In series wiring, this mode can cause a number of difficulties.

Among the disadvantages, a large number of wiring is noted. This is reflected in the amount of costs for pipes and installation work. To level out aesthetic characteristics, collector wiring is carried out in a “hidden” way.

Scheme collector wiring"B" is represented by:

  1. water socket for powering washing equipment;
  2. water socket for connecting a washbasin faucet;
  3. water socket - bathtub faucet strip;
  4. collector for cold water;
  5. collector for hot water supply;
  6. check valve;
  7. DHW water meter;
  8. cold water meter;
  9. filter for coarse cleaning.
  10. shut-off valve;
  11. DHW riser and HVS.

The wiring diagram determines the method of laying the pipes. For example, if the main line is routed through the bathroom, and the return line is located in the kitchen, you should connect the washbasin and dishwasher according to a sequential circuit, and the circuit in the bathroom is determined by the number of consumers.

Selecting material for internal pipe laying

The choice of material is determined by closed or open method installation, cost and technical characteristics products:

Arrangement of an internal water supply system

Typically, a tee or series-collector type of wiring is used. At open installation pipes are laid along the walls (usually PP is used). When concealed, the pipes are laid in grooves and hidden under the plaster, in concrete screed, underground.

The wiring starts from the entry point (water supply source - pump, hydraulic accumulator, pressure tank, etc.). The common supply pipe to reduce pressure loss has a diameter of 1 inch. Be sure to install a coarse filtration system and a shut-off valve.

Next, the pipes are laid out according to the chosen scheme, that is, the network is laid in the bathroom, in the kitchen, etc. If the branching of the system is carried out on the ground floor, where the heating boiler is also located, it is necessary to provide a separate exit to the unit.

In a sequential open pattern, the pipes are laid 15–30 cm above the baseboard, which allows them to be hidden with plumbing fixtures. By laying contours through walls and ceilings, the contours protect against damage with casing pipe or a special cuff. The main elements are fixed using clips, plastic and metal clamps.



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Private households are almost never connected to central water supply. Since the use of well water has long been more popular and in an accessible way water supply To organize it directly from the well to the house, rather than carrying water in buckets, you need to find out in detail all the nuances of the process. Because one well, a hose and an engine will not be enough. Let's talk about how to do this correctly and efficiently.


For an ordinary well, aquifers are often made of a non-pressure type. This is necessary because they easily rest on the upper waterproof layer. In general, the acceptable depth to provide water supply from a well for a private home is from 6 to 10 meters. Everything that is located above is often rain or melt water, which has not yet had time to undergo filtration.

Another feature of well water is the presence of solid particles in it. This must be taken into account, since all this can negatively affect the operation of the pump in the future. Another factor to consider is the poor performance of many wells. It is important to remember that at different times of the year the water level may fall or rise.


A pipeline connected from a well to a private house or cottage is not much different from other autonomous systems.

It includes:

  • well as a source;
  • pump;
  • storage capacity;
  • external water supply;
  • water treatment system;
  • internal water supply;
  • automation for control.

There are two types of pumps, which differ in the installation method. These are surface and submersible. There are also so-called float pumps. They are semi-submersible, as they are installed on the surface of the water. But in modern conditions they are practically not used for water supply systems.

As for surface pumps, it is optimal to install them if the height of water in the well does not exceed 9 meters. These standards must be carefully adhered to in order not to reduce the performance of the equipment. There is also a limit on water temperature. Basically it should reach a minimum of 4 degrees Celsius. It follows from this that a surface pump is most often included in a summer rather than a winter water supply summer cottage. Or you can install such a system already in the basement of the house. But with such an installation, the well should be located at a distance of about 12 meters from the building that will be supplied with water.

Submersible pumps can lift water to a height of about 100 meters. This does not mean that the source can be so deep in depth. This indicates that a similar distance is required for liquid to flow to the storage tank. Thanks to this, the container can be installed even in the attic of a relatively small building. When installing such productive equipment, there is immediately no need to install a separate pump for water supply. The well in this case acts as a universal source, since it also allows the use of borehole pumps. They are much smaller in diameter and much longer in length than their counterparts.

The hydraulic accumulator is an integral element of the water supply system, regardless of the type of pump that will be used. Since this is where sensors and an automatic system will be installed, which will control the switching on and off of the pump itself. The capacity of the hydraulic accumulator is small and averages from 20 to 50 liters. This container is not for storing water and performs several important functions at once. The water in the accumulator will keep the system running.

Also, the presence of a container minimizes the likelihood that a water hammer may occur in the system. When choosing a hydraulic accumulator model, you need to take into account the approximate volume of water that you plan to consume daily. In addition, the area of ​​the room where the unit will be located will be important. The size of the battery and the type of installation will depend on this.

Depending on whether you live in this premises all year round or whether you use it as a summer cottage for the season, the method of laying the external part of the water supply depends. If you come to the house only during the season, then you can safely choose summer scheme pipeline. In this case, it is best to install a surface pump. Experts recommend installing it under a canopy to protect it from rain and strong sun - so that it is never wet. The pipes themselves, going from the pump to the building, can be laid very easily by digging small trenches and installing the pipes at the optimal depth.

In another case, the pipes may not be buried, but left on the surface so that they do not interfere. It’s only after the end of the warm months that they will have to be disassembled and put away indoors for the winter. The pipe can also be brought into the room through a plinth or simply through the wall. Such summer option will simplify the work, because then you won’t have to make a hole in the foundation of the building.

When there is a desire to install a surface pumping station in the basement of a room, it is better to lay the pipeline according to the winter scheme. The advantage of this scheme is that the water will not need to be drained regularly. And in the cold season, the entire system will withstand frost well.


Pipes from a well to a dacha or house are usually installed only when the well is already functioning smoothly on the land plot.

The autonomous water supply scheme through a pipeline to the house consists of:

  • digging trenches for pipes;
  • pipeline laying;
  • selection of the optimal pump;
  • pump installation;
  • installation of filters.

You will also need a detailed development of a water supply plan. The pipes themselves can be made of various materials. Metal, plastic, copper, cast iron are considered optimal. The most important elements in the water supply scheme there is a pump. It can be installed directly in the house or above a well.

It is advisable that the pump be located in a warm room, but if it is located outside, then it must be wrapped for the winter. The pump pumps water, which passes through the pipes and enters the accumulator. After which the water is distributed to all the necessary places in the house.

The pump is also installed in the well. There are two ways to do this. In the first case, you first need to drill a hole in the side of the second or third ring. Then thread it into this hole plastic hose, on which the already mounted pump is lowered into the well so that it does not reach the bottom 30 centimeters. It is necessary to thread into the same hole electrical cord. In the second option, the pump hose that will pump water is fixed directly into the well itself. This method is considered easier to implement and most convenient. Since with this installation the pump can be easily reached if necessary.

As for the supply of water to the house, autonomous water supply schemes can differ significantly. It depends on whether the well is used seasonally or permanently. In both the first and second options, the pipe diameter must be at least 32 millimeters. The pipes should be laid at an angle to the well. Every meter the angle should be exceeded by 15 centimeters. If this is a seasonal water supply at a summer cottage, then you will need to install a tap through which the drain will be carried out. A tee must be connected to one of the water pipes into which the pipe is inserted. In this case, it will serve as a drain.

If the pipeline supplies water all year round, then it must be installed deeper. To prevent pipes from freezing in winter, the average depth of the trench should be about 2 meters.

Materials and tools

Not every private house is connected to central system water supply, besides, steel lines are often rusty and the water that flows through them is not at all suitable for drinking or household use. For this reason, many homeowners today install water supply to the private sector through a well or borehole. At first glance, it may seem that this work is very labor-intensive and costly, but with the right approach and well-planned work, the entire event will require very few resources.

To bring water supply to your house from a well, you will need pipes of the correct size and composition. Experts recommend using modern materials due to their High Quality. Options made of polyethylene are ideal, for example, with a wall thickness of 3 millimeters, which is optimal for laying water supply for a summer cottage or private sector. To perform external wiring, pipes with a diameter of 32 millimeters are used.

In addition to pipes, laying a water supply requires a fairly large amount of materials. In addition, different eyeliner techniques require different equipment. The most common scheme for drawing water from a well (using a submersible pump) uses parts such as a well adapter and a suspension cable with a diameter of approximately 3 millimeters. You will also need to purchase it yourself pumping device, where the valve is pre-installed reverse type.

The next item on the list of necessary devices is a hydraulic accumulator. Devices with a capacity of 25 to 100 liters are suitable for this purpose. To control the operation of a submersible pump or station, you will also need a relay. It would be best to purchase a device of the RDM-5 type, operating on dry running. Also, to effectively monitor the operation of the pump, you will need a pressure gauge.

To purify the water entering your home, you will need to buy both coarse and fine filters. In addition, you will need to purchase ball valves, as well as fittings. In order for the entire system to function durably and uninterruptedly, it will need to be connected to electrical network, which can be done using a regular electrical cable and a switch with a rating of 16 amperes.

How to do it?

The supply of water from the well to the premises can be provided either exclusively in the summer or on a regular basis throughout each season. To prevent water from freezing due to winter cold, it is wise to run the water supply system directly under the ground. There are several options for independently arranging a water supply system that do not require significant labor or material investments. However, even during similar works you may encounter a number of difficulties, the main of which is the correct connection of the hose to the sides of the ring where the hole is made.

To surface water contaminants do not enter the well, the joining point is isolated using a special composition, which must be made from cement and liquid glass. When a country house or private house has a constant water supply, it is very comfortable for residents. However, in order to conduct water at home and do it correctly, you will need to work hard.

In addition to a number of building materials and tools, certain skills and theoretical knowledge. The main ways to ensure an uninterrupted water supply include supply through a pumping station, through special tanks or using a hydraulic tank. Proper organization and setting up such a water supply will allow you to get excellent water pressure in the tap.

To begin with, you will need to select a place in the room where the pump will be installed. A small storage room is perfect for this purpose - such a room is not so difficult to convert to the necessary needs. Next, they usually proceed directly to the construction of the water supply system. First, you need to lower a pipe into the well to collect water at a distance of approximately half a meter from the bottom. One end of this pipe is closed with a special filter made of a special mesh - it is this that will purify the water from all kinds of debris.

It should be noted that the filter will sometimes need to be cleaned. Don't be alarmed - it's quite easy to do. If a metal pin is mounted at the bottom of the well, then the cleaning hose is attached to it; otherwise, this is done in any convenient way.

Before the pumping station, it is necessary to connect a check valve and a filter system for rough cleaning. A fine filter is installed after the pump. This installation procedure is dictated by the fact that dirt particles should not enter the device, because they can simply break it. Installing a valve is required to prevent water from flowing back to where it came from.

Such a system requires constant monitoring, and therefore the installation of equipment such as a pressure switch and pressure gauge is mandatory. After connecting the entire complex water supply system, these devices will need to be configured correctly.

If all connection rules are followed, supplying water to the house will not be difficult. This homemade system works extremely effectively. However, there are a number of nuances and subtleties that will make water supply wiring even easier. In many cases, installation of pumps can be done directly above a well or borehole, for which all equipment is installed in a special container - a caisson. This method of supply is very popular. First you need to dig the pipe to a depth of 2.5 meters, and the diameter of the hole should be 2 times larger compared to the caisson. A standard concrete solution is poured into its bottom in a layer of 20 centimeters, after which a caisson is placed there.

The pipe is cut so that its end is approximately another half meter above the caisson. Then you need to dig a trench about 2 meters deep. After this, you can begin installing the pump and connecting it to the water supply system. And finally, at the final stage of installing a water supply system with your own hands, you need to fill the caisson with a concrete solution along the contour and cover everything on top with soil.

Creating a water supply system from a well or borehole in a private household requires a number of preparatory work, some of which are quite large-scale. Such measures include constructing a well with a waterproofing system or drilling a water well with the installation of a casing pipe. Also, in some cases, it is possible to install a special tank that will be located underground - water is supplied to such a storage facility, which can then be safely drunk. All of the above options combine well with a water supply scheme that includes a pumping station with a relatively low capacity.

It should be taken into account that during the first start of water supply to a private house from a well in a system that was made on our own, various problems are possible. Naturally, it often happens that the water supply system is set up almost perfectly, then there will be no problems, but mistakes can happen to anyone. Thus, when starting the system for the first time, you need to carefully monitor how it works, for which you need to check how it functions at home. First of all, you need to closely monitor this important indicator like pressure.

If there is a clear deficiency, then most likely there is a leak somewhere that will need to be found and fixed. For this reason, experts do not recommend digging a trench before the first start-up of the water supply system, since in this case it will be extremely difficult to find the leak and eliminate it.

When it seems that the pipes are not buried deep enough to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water during each season, they can be additionally insulated with material such as mineral wool. Then water will be supplied to the premises almost all year round. In addition, you can arrange a supply of hot water from a well to solve this pressing problem once and for all. Outside the city limits, in households, hot water supply is most often done using boilers running on solid fuel.

How effective an autonomous water supply system will be depends largely on the pressure in the system. Whether water is taken from a well or a well, the water supply system in any case must be arranged in such a way that there is good pressure from the tap. Sometimes it happens that there is simply no way to provide the correct pressure and, accordingly, good water pressure from the tap. Then you can use non-pressure tanks powered by electricity. However, such equipment is sometimes difficult to combine with household appliances such as a washing machine or dishwasher.

The quality of water from such sources is quite enough to water the garden. Moreover, the first stage of filtration provides sufficient cleaning to wash a car with such water without fear of damaging the paint. But in order for the well water to be safely drunk and used for cooking, it must be separately brought to impeccable quality.

The main problem is that the chemical and bacterial composition of water from an ordinary, not very deep well or borehole is extremely unstable. Back in the 50s of the last century, most well owners did not think about whether or not to drink well water, since the upper layers of the soil and, accordingly, the water were not yet so badly damaged human activity. Today, water from wells, especially if they are located near cities, can be drunk with great caution.

In modern conditions, even 15 meters of land will not filter water well enough for its natural purification. Even when the site with a well is located at a considerable distance from megacities and industrial zones, chemical composition water will be influenced by the composition of rivers and precipitation. For this reason plumbing system connected to a not very deep well or borehole, requires regular correction and adjustment of filters installed in the water treatment system.