Well for 2 owners connection diagram. Well diagram and proper execution of work

When organizing autonomous water supply, some owners of private plots use two pumps in one well. For what purpose is such a scheme used, and what conditions must be met for its implementation - we’ll talk about this in this article.

There are several problem situations that can be solved using a two-pump circuit. The most common of them is the use of a well by two neighboring farms. Not always one pump can satisfy both consumers equally, especially if it was originally designed to supply water to a specific area.

Another reason for connecting two pumps to one well is an increase in water consumption, for example, in the case of an increase in the irrigation area. Often, when constructing a well, the power of pumping equipment is selected without much reserve, so the device cannot cope with the growing load. In order not to buy a more powerful and, accordingly, more expensive unit, you can duplicate the already installed one, evenly distributing the flow between the two devices.

An additional advantage of this solution is the presence of a reserve in a situation where one of the pumps breaks down. In this case, the likelihood of being completely without water on the site is significantly reduced.

Increasing the irrigation area requires the use of more powerful pumping equipment

Operating conditions for a two-pump system

The main requirement for operating two pumps in one well is the appropriate flow rate of the source. It should be at least 10% higher than the total consumption of both devices. Otherwise, the well will quickly empty, and if this process is repeated frequently, there is a high probability of silting.

Important. If the water level drops, there is a risk of dry running. Prolonged operation in such conditions, in the absence of appropriate protection, will lead to equipment failure.

The second requirement is the required size of the casing pipe. The most compact submersible devices - three-inch - have a diameter of 74 mm (although in practice this parameter can increase by another couple of millimeters). Even in a 150 mm pipe, such seemingly narrow models cannot be placed side by side, given the requirement for the gap between the body and the casing. Therefore, they will have to be placed one above the other.

Both devices must fit freely in the well

What pumps can be used

The type of pumping equipment depends on the conditions in which it is planned to be used. If the water surface is at great depth and the diameter of the casing pipe is sufficient, then two submersible pumps can be lowered into the well. Surface pumping stations are not so critical to the pipe diameter, since only the hose goes down. However, such devices can operate effectively only at a shallow source depth (less than 8 m), which puts their operation within fairly strict limits.

Advice. When installing a two-pump circuit, the use of vibrating submersible pumps is not recommended. During operation, the body of the device may touch the casing, which may result in its destruction.

The power of various models is calculated using a standard formula, taking into account the required pressure and flow rate for specific conditions. For submersible equipment, in addition to technical characteristics, the dimensions of the housing are important. In small diameter wells (114 mm, 133 mm), which are most often used in private households, it is theoretically possible to install 4-inch devices, but it is better to use 3-inch models for such purposes.

The choice of equipment type depends on the operating conditions

Schemes for connecting two pumps to one well

Depending on the parameters of the well and the goals pursued, there are several schemes for connecting two pumps. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Submersible + submersible

The main difficulty of such a scheme is that each device must be freely suspended without touching the walls of the well. Of course, unlike vibration pumps, which can damage even a steel pipe, centrifugal models are much more gentle on the surrounding structure. However, even they create a slight vibration, so in order to prevent damage, it is better to provide a gap between the housing and the wall.

There are two ways to lower two pumps into a well:

  1. A special device (conductor) is made, to which both devices are suspended. A common high-strength cable is used to hold the suspension. The water pipe of the lower pump “bypasses” the upper one using fittings.
  2. The device, suspended from above, is placed in the well in the standard way, and a platform is made for the lower device, held by two cables. The water pipe is installed in the same way as the previous option.

Options for positioning two submersible pumps

Superficial + superficial

With pumping stations the situation is somewhat simpler. If the dynamic water level is located no deeper than 8 m from the surface, and the flow rate of the source is sufficient, then you can safely connect two surface pumps to one well, lowering the water pipes from each of them. In this case, both pumping stations will operate independently of each other.

Advice. It is not necessary to connect each device to a hydraulic accumulator. If one of the pumps will operate exclusively for watering the territory, the output hose from it can be run directly.

It is worth noting that the scheme using two independent water pipes is applicable for standard size wells. In Abyssinian designs with a “needle” diameter of 25-50 mm, only one hose will fit, so in this situation, a tee is installed at the entrance to the well, and each device is connected through a check valve. The disadvantage of this connection is the impossibility of operating two stations simultaneously.

Tee for connecting a two-pump system to a small diameter well

Submersible + surface

A combined connection is used if none of the devices individually can provide the required water supply parameters. To create the required pressure in the system, two pumps are connected in series to one well. Submersible equipment lifts water to the pumping station, which, in turn, provides sufficient pressure in the pipeline.

Since both devices in this circuit are complementary, their operation must be coordinated. Why is it necessary:

  • make sure that the consumption of the two units is equal;
  • synchronize the activation of both devices by connecting them in parallel to the pressure switch;
  • apply dry-running control for each pump or provide general protection.

However, surface and submersible pumps do not necessarily have to complement each other. If technical parameters allow, they can work independently, organizing water supply for individual farms.

Independent use of two different pumps

Is the game worth the candle?

Having considered several ways to connect two pumps to one well, a logical question arises - how feasible is this idea. It is one thing when there is a need to duplicate already operating equipment, and quite another to organize water supply to two separate facilities from scratch.

In order not to bother with two pumps, coming up with special mounts for them (for submersible equipment), experts recommend purchasing one powerful unit for two plots, and installing your own hydraulic accumulator in each house. In this case, automatic pump control can be implemented in such a way that the device can be turned on from any area.

One of the options for organizing water supply to individual houses is the use of two hydraulic accumulators

You should first ask specialists about whether it is possible to lower two pumps into the well or whether it is better to use common equipment with different hydraulic tanks. And the best option is to initially entrust all the work to professionals and get high-quality results for many years.

Sometimes on specialized forums dedicated to the problems of water supply to private houses, the following question is encountered: “Is it possible to put two pumps in one well?” When might such a need arise? We see only two such cases:

  1. If the flow rate of the pump already installed in the well is no longer sufficient to fully satisfy the water needs of the home. For example, the volume of watering has increased, etc.

  2. To duplicate an existing pump. For example, if there is a large private farm where poultry, livestock, and even a short-term interruption in water supply are raised, it is unacceptable.

So, is it possible to put two pumps in one well? The answer is yes, but subject to a number of conditions:

  1. The well flow rate should be at least 10-15% greater than the total flow rate of the two pumps. Otherwise, when two pumps operate simultaneously for a certain time (which is determined by the flow rate of the well, pump costs, diameters and depth of the well), they will simply pump out all the water from the well. If this is repeated frequently, the well will quickly silt up.

  2. The overall dimensions of the well allow the installation of two pumps.

The attractiveness of this solution (two pumps in one well) is its cost-effectiveness. It is cheaper to buy one less powerful pump than a more powerful one. And then what should we do with the pump that was previously in the well?

Schematic diagram of the hydraulic installation of two pumps in one well

Naturally, the pumps must be placed one above the other and in no way connected to each other (neither mechanically nor, especially hydraulically, connected). From each there must be a drainage pipe (HDPE pipe) with a check valve. Further, several options for the hydraulic circuit are possible.

  1. If a second pump is installed due to a lack of water, for example, for irrigation, then it is advisable to connect it directly to the irrigation system bypassing the membrane accumulator.

  2. If the second pump is installed as a backup, then the drainage pipes of the pumps at the outlet of the well can be connected to each other by tees, so that one common pipe goes into the membrane accumulator.

It seems to us that it is most expedient to use the second option with modification - to connect the pipe going to irrigation using a special outlet pipe, equipped with a shut-off valve, with a membrane accumulator. In this case, in normal mode the second pump is used for irrigation. But if the first pump fails, the working pump can be easily connected to the water supply system of the house. But if, of course, there is not enough water specifically for the house, then only the second option should be used.

Typically, private households use wells with a casing diameter of 114 mm or 133 mm. In both the first and second cases, it is possible to use two three-inch pumps (maximum diameter 76 mm). Grundfos produces such pumps in a wide range. For example, SQ 1-50, SQ 2-70, etc. Such pumps are available under the WELL PUMPS brand (Belgium) and some others. But our popular Aquarius pumps are produced only with a diameter of four inches and above. Trying to install two four-inch pumps in one well is quite risky.

There is a temptation to install a “Baby” vibration device. It has small dimensions and two such pumps will fit into a well. But, firstly, vibration pumps are generally not recommended for use in sand wells (namely, it is in such wells that there is a need to install a second pump). And secondly, when installing two pumps in one well, the likelihood that one of them will touch the well casing increases. In this case, during prolonged operation, this “Baby” can simply make a hole in the casing!

A real way to save on water supply for several houses nearby would be a well for two houses. Contrary to numerous anecdotes and even detective stories, the lives of most people do not live in the style of the game “How to annoy your neighbor.” Even if you do not become best friends with your neighbors, mutual respect and mutual benefit are sufficient reasons to equip a joint water well for two houses.

Connecting a well for two houses

Theoretically, it is possible to route a well from a caisson to any number of consumers. The real obstacle limiting the number of houses receiving water can only be the depletion of the well. But the only imaginary disadvantages of using a well for two houses include people’s inability to negotiate.

  • On whose site will the well be located?
  • How to control the electricity consumption of each pump user?
  • How to divide the costs of maintenance and repairs?

If desired, any of these issues can be made a stumbling block, and as a result, having quarreled, abandon the idea of ​​supplying water to two houses from one well. But, again, if desired, any issues can be perceived as having a solution, and this solution can be found that is beneficial for each of the neighbors.

There are plenty of examples of the successful use of 1 well for two houses, and it is better to focus on them than on the opposite cases. And paying for the cost of drilling and equipping a well and installing a caisson is much more profitable by chipping in. Exactly twice as cheap!

How to connect two houses from one well?

If both buildings are located next to the well, the connection diagram for the well for two houses will not differ much from the “regular” connection to one house. The only difference is that a tee is installed on the pipe leaving the accumulator, separating the two pipelines. A membrane tank with automation is installed in a caisson.

Well connection diagram for two houses

If one of the houses is located at a distance of 100 meters or more from the well, or it will be used to supply water to not two, but several houses, each of them will have its own automatic hydraulic accumulator installed. In this case, the storage tanks should be configured according to the same parameters to ensure correct operation of each of them.

Choose professionals!

In order for the water supply to work uninterruptedly in both houses, the installation, configuration and piping of a well for two houses should be entrusted to real craftsmen. Our engineers, taking into account the conditions and wishes of the owners, will select the optimal connection diagram, select a pump for a well for two houses, which will ensure normal operation of the system, and other equipment. A team of installers will install your joint water supply system quickly and at an affordable price!

Parallel and series operation of pumps

In the “General” section we will consider the sequential and parallel operation of several pumps. This situation may arise when one pump is not able to provide the required flow or pressure. Sometimes, for economic purposes, it is beneficial to use several pumps. Very often the technological process itself requires the presence of a backup pump. In such situations, serial or parallel connection of several units is used. Knowing the characteristics of each pump, you can easily find their general characteristics and calculate the total pressure and flow, as well as determine their total power consumption. When selecting pumps for sequential operation, it is necessary to pay attention to their performance; it must be the same. When choosing pumps for parallel operation, you need to pay attention to their pressure; the pressure must be the same.

Consistent operation

Switching pumps on in series is very rare in practice. Sequential operation of pumps used to increase pressure values ​​( H) at the same flow rate ( Q), and involves turning on two or more pumps in a mode where they all pump liquid in stages into the same pressure pipeline. (Fig. 1) shows an example of a series connection of two pumps and their general pressure characteristic.

Any multistage pump can be represented as several single-stage pumps connected in series. The only difference is that in a multistage pump it is impossible to turn off a stage, although this is often necessary for regulation. When two or more pumps are connected in series, an idle pump creates additional resistance in the system; to reduce this resistance, a bypass is installed, and a check valve is installed on it. The feasibility of connecting several pumps in series is necessary if the external network characteristic is very steep. When switched on in this way, pumps can be located either next to each other or at a considerable distance. In the case of sequential operation of pumps, problems may arise associated with insufficient pressure and the turbo effect, when the first pump spins the impeller of the second, as a result of which both pumps may fail. When two or more pumps are connected in series, attention should be paid to the maximum operating pressure of the subsequent pump, since the inlet pressure ( H 1) the pressure created by the second pump is added ( H 2). The total pressure thus obtained must not exceed the maximum operating pressure of the pump. The maximum operating pressure can be found in the catalogs of manufacturers or in the technical characteristics of the pumps used. It takes into account the strength of the housing, rubber O-rings and. You should also pay attention to the parameters of the shut-off valves used in the system, since they are subject to and must have increased strength. Pipelines connecting pumps operating in series should have as few connections and sharp turns as possible. When two pumps are connected in series (one after another), their pressures are summed up. If the flow is zero, then the pressure from two pumps with identical parameters doubles. If the supply of two pumps connected in series is carried out without pressure, then two pumps will not provide more supply than one pump.

Parallel operation of pumps

If the system has a constantly changing flow rate over time or when the installation of a backup pump is required, then in such cases parallel operation of centrifugal pumps is used. The simplest examples parallel operation of pumps are twin pumps that are used in heating systems. When operating pumps in parallel, it is also necessary to install check valves on the pressure pipe to avoid reverse flow of liquid. In twin pumps, the function of a check valve is performed by a changeover gate. If several pumps are connected in parallel, then their costs ( Q) are summed up.

Nowadays, during the construction of residential buildings or industrial facilities, new water supply systems cut into existing old networks, which often affects the overall performance of the network (flow and pressure). If the parameters of the existing water supply network are changed, this also entails a change in the pump parameters. One of the possible options for changing the hydraulic characteristics of a group of pumps may be changing the number of simultaneously operating pumps connected in parallel. A striking example of such use of pumps can be water and fire extinguishing installations. In pressure boosting stations, up to 6 pumps of the same type can be used simultaneously. All pumps have one common suction manifold and a common pressure manifold. Each pump has shut-off valves at the inlet and a check valve and shut-off valves at the outlet. Depending on the station operation algorithm, pumps are divided into working, peak or reserve. The operation of the pumps is controlled automatically using a control system and a pressure sensor, based on a given outlet pressure. Depending on the operating conditions and purpose of the pressure booster installation, the pump operating modes are set: working, peak, and standby. The amount of water consumed also changes the number of simultaneously operating pumps in the station. The pressure booster control system monitors the operating hours of each pump and regulates the sequence in which they are turned on. The pump with the least operating hours is always turned on first, then the pump with the most hours is turned on, then the next pump with even more hours, and so on. The pumps are turned off in the reverse order. The pump with the most operating hours is turned off first, then the one with the least operating hours, and so on. In this way, the service life of the pumps is regulated; it is approximately the same for all pumps, and thereby increases the service life of the station as a whole. Depending on the type of control system, the pumps are switched on stepwise or smoothly using frequency control. Frequency regulation can be on one pump or inverters can be installed on each pump. The presence of an inverter allows you to very smoothly adjust the number of simultaneously operating pumps to changing network parameters, in contrast to step control, where each subsequent pump is switched on at once for its full capacity. To smooth out these peaks during stepwise control of pumps, . The capacity of the hydraulic accumulator is selected depending on the number of consumers and volume of consumption.

When choosing pumps of different types for parallel operation, it is necessary to take into account various factors, one of the main ones being the pressure ( N), which should be the same for all pumps. This is necessary so that the pump with high pressure does not “crush” the pump with lower pressure. With this type of operation, the efficiency of the pump with the lower pressure will be very small due to the constant overcoming of resistance created by the more powerful pump. with less pressure will decrease all the time and at some point may drop to zero, the pump will start working without flow.

In a parallel operating scheme, the maximum flow is doubled at zero head if two pumps of the same power are operating simultaneously. If we take the other extreme point, when the flow is zero, then two operating pumps connected in parallel will not be able to provide a pressure greater than one pump.

Various reasons for using several pumps connected in parallel:

  1. Operation of the main and backup pump. If the main pump fails, the backup pump is switched on.
  2. Operation of the main and peak pump. When the main pump cannot cope with the increasing load, the peak pump is turned on.
  3. Reduced operating costs when load changes. Parallel operation allows you to share the feed volume and reduce costs.

If two pumps with different pressures operate in parallel, then the less powerful pump must be turned off when it reaches a pressure value that is outside its operating characteristics. Or, on a more powerful pump, the pressure characteristic is reduced by regulation. In this case, the efficiency of a more powerful pump will decrease.

Operation, maintenance and repair

In case of correct selection of pumps for serial or parallel mode of operation and compliance with operating conditions, the pumps operate for a long time, reliably, without failures. When installing on pumps, it is necessary to install shut-off valves for more convenient repair and maintenance of pumps, both during parallel and sequential operation.

Thank you for your attention

How to bring water into a house from a well? One well for two houses connection diagram

Professional drilling and well development is always associated with significant financial costs. In an effort to reduce them, customers often ask whether it would be possible to use the source to supply water to two neighboring houses. We will answer such a pressing question in this material.

Of course, no one forbids the owner to operate the well as it suits him. However, its parameters should be correctly assessed, first of all, productivity, which must correspond to increasing water consumption. In addition, if there is a well for two houses, then it will have to be equipped with pumping equipment with suitable characteristics.

What do you need to know when planning to order well drilling for shared use?

Firstly, it is obvious that only an artesian well can cope with such a task. At the same time, it must not only have a high flow rate, but also be designed in such a way as to completely eliminate the risk of siltation and depletion of the water carrier. Sand wells do not meet these requirements. They are not so reliable and can at some point deprive both farms of water at once.

To effectively use a source for two houses, it is necessary to take into account in advance the length of all elements of the water supply system and the number of equipped water intake points on each site. For this purpose, an original wiring diagram is being developed that will connect the caisson and both houses. The approach to installing one or another pumping equipment that can provide good pressure for pumping water through long pipes must also be very careful.

It will be convenient to install wiring for two houses, which are located close to the well and in relation to each other. In this case, the scheme is implemented in a completely standard way, with the installation of a membrane tank in a caisson with further connection of a branch pipe with a tee. But if the distance between houses is significant, then you will have to remove water from a pressure pipe that comes directly from the well pump. Membrane tanks in this scheme are placed in every house.

What solutions are offered for operating a well for two houses?

As practice shows, a system with storage tanks becomes a convenient option for sharing an artesian source. They are installed in houses, allowing, if possible, to create a water reserve. This volume of water will guarantee the independence of neighbors from each other’s water consumption volumes.

In addition, a well for two houses can be located either on the border of the plots or on one of them. In each situation, an agreement must be concluded between the owners on how they will participate in the fate of the well - how possible repairs will be paid for, how the electricity consumed by the well equipment will be paid for, etc. In order not to spoil good neighborly relations, resolve all possible issues in advance. For example, in such cases we recommend not to neglect the installation of meters, which will eliminate the issues of consumption volumes and payment for electricity.

An Armbur engineer will be able to provide you with final information about which wiring diagram will be optimal in your case. He will visit the sites at a time convenient for you and help you take into account factors that may affect the operation of a future water well.


Connecting two pumps to one well - three different schemes

When organizing autonomous water supply, some owners of private plots use two pumps in one well. For what purpose is such a scheme used, and what conditions must be met for its implementation - we’ll talk about this in this article.

There are several problem situations that can be solved using a two-pump circuit. The most common of them is the use of a well by two neighboring farms. Not always one pump can satisfy both consumers equally, especially if it was originally designed to supply water to a specific area.

Another reason for connecting two pumps to one well is an increase in water consumption, for example, in the case of an increase in the irrigation area. Often, when constructing a well, the power of pumping equipment is selected without much reserve, so the device cannot cope with the growing load. In order not to buy a more powerful and, accordingly, more expensive unit, you can duplicate the already installed one, evenly distributing the flow between the two devices.

An additional advantage of this solution is the presence of a reserve in a situation where one of the pumps breaks down. In this case, the likelihood of being completely without water on the site is significantly reduced.

Increasing the irrigation area requires the use of more powerful pumping equipment

The main requirement for operating two pumps in one well is the appropriate flow rate of the source. It should be at least 10% higher than the total consumption of both devices. Otherwise, the well will quickly empty, and if this process is repeated frequently, there is a high probability of silting.

Important. If the water level drops, there is a risk of dry running. Prolonged operation in such conditions, in the absence of appropriate protection, will lead to equipment failure.

The second requirement is the required size of the casing pipe. The most compact submersible devices - three-inch - have a diameter of 74 mm (although in practice this parameter can increase by another couple of millimeters). Even in a 150 mm pipe, such seemingly narrow models cannot be placed side by side, given the requirement for the gap between the body and the casing. Therefore, they will have to be placed one above the other.

Both devices must fit freely in the well

The type of pumping equipment depends on the conditions in which it is planned to be used. If the water surface is at great depth and the diameter of the casing pipe is sufficient, then two submersible pumps can be lowered into the well. Surface pumping stations are not so critical to the pipe diameter, since only the hose goes down. However, such devices can operate effectively only at a shallow source depth (less than 8 m), which puts their operation within fairly strict limits.

Advice. When installing a two-pump circuit, the use of vibrating submersible pumps is not recommended. During operation, the body of the device may touch the casing, which may result in its destruction.

The power of various models is calculated using a standard formula, taking into account the required pressure and flow rate for specific conditions. For submersible equipment, in addition to technical characteristics, the dimensions of the housing are important. In small diameter wells (114 mm, 133 mm), which are most often used in private households, it is theoretically possible to install 4-inch devices, but it is better to use 3-inch models for such purposes.

The choice of equipment type depends on the operating conditions

Depending on the parameters of the well and the goals pursued, there are several schemes for connecting two pumps. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Submersible + submersible

The main difficulty of such a scheme is that each device must be freely suspended without touching the walls of the well. Of course, unlike vibration pumps, which can damage even a steel pipe, centrifugal models are much more gentle on the surrounding structure. However, even they create a slight vibration, so in order to prevent damage, it is better to provide a gap between the housing and the wall.

There are two ways to lower two pumps into a well:

  1. A special device (conductor) is made, to which both devices are suspended. A common high-strength cable is used to hold the suspension. The water pipe of the lower pump “bypasses” the upper one using fittings.
  2. The device, suspended from above, is placed in the well in the standard way, and a platform is made for the lower device, held by two cables. The water pipe is installed in the same way as the previous option.

Options for positioning two submersible pumps

Superficial + superficial

With pumping stations the situation is somewhat simpler. If the dynamic water level is located no deeper than 8 m from the surface, and the flow rate of the source is sufficient, then you can safely connect two surface pumps to one well, lowering the water pipes from each of them. In this case, both pumping stations will operate independently of each other.

Advice. It is not necessary to connect each device to a hydraulic accumulator. If one of the pumps will operate exclusively for watering the territory, the output hose from it can be run directly.

It is worth noting that the scheme using two independent water pipes is applicable for standard size wells. In Abyssinian designs with a “needle” diameter of 25-50 mm, only one hose will fit, so in this situation, a tee is installed at the entrance to the well, and each device is connected through a check valve. The disadvantage of this connection is the impossibility of operating two stations simultaneously.

Tee for connecting a two-pump system to a small diameter well

Submersible + surface

A combined connection is used if none of the devices individually can provide the required water supply parameters. To create the required pressure in the system, two pumps are connected in series to one well. Submersible equipment lifts water to the pumping station, which, in turn, provides sufficient pressure in the pipeline.

Since both devices in this circuit are complementary, their operation must be coordinated. Why is it necessary:

  • make sure that the consumption of the two units is equal;
  • synchronize the activation of both devices by connecting them in parallel to the pressure switch;
  • apply dry-running control for each pump or provide general protection.

However, surface and submersible pumps do not necessarily have to complement each other. If technical parameters allow, they can work independently, organizing water supply for individual farms.

Independent use of two different pumps

Having considered several ways to connect two pumps to one well, a logical question arises - how feasible is this idea. It is one thing when there is a need to duplicate already operating equipment, and quite another to organize water supply to two separate facilities from scratch.

In order not to bother with two pumps, coming up with special mounts for them (for submersible equipment), experts recommend purchasing one powerful unit for two plots, and installing your own hydraulic accumulator in each house. In this case, automatic pump control can be implemented in such a way that the device can be turned on from any area.

One of the options for organizing water supply to individual houses is the use of two hydraulic accumulators

You should first ask specialists about whether it is possible to lower two pumps into the well or whether it is better to use common equipment with different hydraulic tanks. And the best option is to initially entrust all the work to professionals and get high-quality results for many years.


One well for two families

The feasibility of building a well for two houses is justified by saving money: all costs of drilling a well, its arrangement and further maintenance are divided in half. However, in order to avoid problems and tense relationships between two users of the same water supply, when planning to power the water supply systems of two houses from one well, many conditions should be assessed.

Features of operating a well for two families

Before starting the construction of a common source of water supply, it is necessary to estimate the flow rate of the future well so that in the future there will be enough water in it to supply two houses. The calculations should take into account the number of water points and the number of people living in each house. To provide water to two or more areas, it is necessary to choose an artesian well - a source that has a significant water flow, does not silt, and does not require regular repairs.

We must not forget that the well will be drilled on the territory of one of the neighbors, which means that he has the right to demand some compensation for the use of his territory and the inconveniences that will arise during preventive and repair work. Probably the best option would be to drill a well on the border of two areas.

One well for two houses: pros and cons

Among the positive aspects of the operation of one well by two owners, it is first necessary to note the financial component:

  • registration of permits;
  • conducting hydrogeological studies;
  • well drilling;
  • acquisition and installation of equipment.

As already mentioned, all costs for the construction, arrangement and maintenance of a water supply source are divided between the two owners in agreed shares depending on water consumption.

To eliminate as much as possible the risk of disagreements between well owners, it is necessary to equip the water supply systems of two houses with water consumption meters and calculate financial investments based on the volume of water resources used.


How to bring water into a house from a well? Connecting a well to a house


Quite often, when it is necessary to provide water for a country house (or cottage - it doesn’t matter), a well is chosen as a source.

This option is good because the water in this case will be cleaner than in a well (although it is still advisable to use a filtration system), and there will simply be more of it (which is important when it comes to supplying a large cottage).

However, connecting such a system is not an easy task, and a number of certain nuances must be taken into account in order to obtain the desired result.

Well water supply system

Typically, well water supply to a dacha or country house is carried out according to a fairly simple (at first glance, of course) scheme. A well itself is drilled on the site - a source of water. By the way, due to the fact that the amount of water in the deep excavation is more than sufficient, one well can be used for two houses.

This solution is good because the costs of drilling and construction can be divided in half. In the last few years, due to the growing popularity of cottage villages, a well is used for two houses - this option is valued due to its economy.

However, unfortunately, this method is not always possible - since it is not easy to choose a suitable location for excavation that has an equally convenient distance to each building.

It should be taken into account that the distance from the well to the septic tank should be as large as the site allows - in order to minimize the risk of harmful bacteria getting into the water.

Drilling the working itself (if we are talking about a well) in the vast majority of cases is carried out by specialists - since it requires expensive equipment and certain skills.

It is carried out after determining the location of the aquifer veins - since a sufficient amount of water is not available everywhere. You can even do the search yourself, using (or better yet, combining) any of the proven methods:

  1. Dowsing.
  2. Use of aluminum frames.
  3. Using jars (turned upside down at the intended location of the water and left overnight).
  4. Using a desiccant (buried in a ceramic pot about half a meter at the location where the water is supposed to be located).

However, the most accurate is exploratory drilling - for which a small-diameter drill is made in the proposed location. Moreover, this procedure can be performed with your own hands - if you have a garden hand drill.

So, we found water on the site and drilled a well. After this, it needs to be pumped until the water coming out of it becomes clean. This may take from several hours to several days (usually 10-20 hours is enough).

This procedure is performed using a cheap pump - due to the fact that the liquid in the source will be dirty at first, the device is likely to fail, or at least require repairs upon completion of the work.

At the same time, keep in mind that it is advisable to drain the water as far as possible - if the distance to the well is short, the dirty liquid will quite possibly enter the excavation again.

Alternatively, if you plan to install water supply during the construction phase of the building, you can worry about this issue in advance and place the well in the future basement of the house. This solution is more convenient and practical for a number of reasons:

  1. The distance from the water to the water supply system will be less (which means the load on the pump will be less).
  2. There will be no need for major work on insulating the well caisson (since the equipment can be located in the basement).
  3. Equipment costs are reduced - it is not necessary to install a caisson; less pipe will be needed to cover the distance from the well to the house.

Such a solution, unfortunately, is available in most cases only at the construction stage - drilling a well in the basement of an already built house is in most cases impossible (or very, very limited in the quality of the result).

Once the water source on the site is ready, you can begin constructing the well (installation of the well head, caisson) and laying the water supply itself.to menu

Equipment for creating water pipelines

We will only take into account the equipment that is required to create the system - due to the fact that the drilling will be carried out by specialists. To create a water pipeline you will need:

  1. A caisson (essentially a container in which the well head will be located, and possibly equipment).
  2. The head of the well (ideally, immediately with a branch for the water pipe).
  3. Pumping station (if the system is installed for a country house, it is recommended to take a high-quality model with a full set of automation).
  4. A hydraulic accumulator is a tank in which water will accumulate.
  5. Pipes (25 or 32 mm in diameter - the most common solution for water supply in a country house).
  6. Shut-off and control valves (taps).
  7. Filtration system (no matter how deep the drilling is, the purity of the water will still not be ideal).

The key fact is the installation of a pump that will pump water, and the installation of a hydraulic accumulator tank - which will accumulate it (as well as dampen water hammer and provide the building with water when the pump is turned off).

The equipment can be located either in the above-mentioned caisson (directly above the well), or inside the house - in the basement (most often).

The second option is more preferable - if the equipment is located in the basement, you will have constant and unhindered access to it for maintenance and control. But placing it in a caisson (i.e. outside, in a small container dug into the ground) complicates its inspection, and, if necessary, repair. Back to menu

Stages of bringing water into the house from a well

We will describe the connection directly - since drilling requires special attention, and, as mentioned above, it is practically not done with your own hands. Therefore, we will consider the procedure based on the assumption that there is already a well on the site (or inside the house, in the basement - it doesn’t matter), and now the task is to draw a line to the house.

We begin the connection with the arrangement of the well:

  1. The head is mounted (this can be done with your own hands without any problems - a “cover” is put on the outlet pipe). Ideally, the head should have an outlet of the required diameter so that a water supply can be directly connected to it.
  2. The caisson is installed.

A caisson, as mentioned above, is a container (most often plastic, which is most convenient) in which the head of the well is “enclosed.”

You can also install it yourself (if it is a plastic caisson, of course) - for this, in fact, you just need to dig a hole around the well and install the caisson in it, having previously made holes for the pipes. Typically this procedure is performed immediately after drilling is completed. A caisson, by the way, is not necessary if the well is located in the basement.

After this, the pump is connected. As mentioned above, the automation for it can be located both in the caisson and in the basement. The device itself is immersed in the well - since drilling is carried out to great depths, conventional surface models are not suitable, and special deep (downhole) units must be used.

You can also lower them to the water level with your own hands. This requires:

  1. Place a hose on the pump discharge pipe through which the water will rise.
  2. Tie the body (by the special “eye”) to a strong cable that needs to be secured at the top.
  3. Connect the electrical cable.
  4. Tie the cable, hose and cable with a rope (tie with ties). The distance between connections should be about half a meter.
  5. Slowly lower the pump into the excavation, preventing it from swinging and hitting the walls.

After this, the hose brought up to the top is connected to the water pipe connected to the caisson (basement).

Now that the water supply line is on the surface, you can lead it directly into the building. In this case, the most important thing is the distance laid along the street - since there is a serious risk of water freezing in the pipe in winter.

To avoid such a dangerous problem, the pipeline must be laid in the ground (at a depth of 1.2 meters), and in addition, it must be insulated. To do this, it is recommended to use a special heat-insulating shell (made of mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam - it doesn’t matter).

As an option, you can supplement the heat insulator with a heating cable: the distance along the street will not be too great, and you will have to incur little costs for such insulation. And in any case, there is no way to save on this: a pipe that bursts in the cold, the insulation of which was saved on, will incur much more costs and problems.

After the distance from the well to the house has been passed, and the pipe is inside the house, the most difficult part of the work is left behind. Now all that remains is to install the water supply line to each of the consumers (faucets, bathrooms, household appliances).

This procedure can be done by hand, but a number of nuances must be taken into account:

  1. Pre-design what the water supply system will look like in the end - create a detailed diagram, marking each consumer, and thinking about laying lines inside the house.
  2. To create a system, it is recommended to use a collector circuit - when there is only one water supply line, and pipes diverge from it to each consumer.
  3. To create the system, it is recommended to use polymer materials (if the work is done with your own hands) - they are cheaper, easier to process, and less susceptible to blockages.
  4. Avoid too many bends: each turn of the pipe reduces the pressure, increasing the load on the pump. Diagram of the heating system on 2 floors of houses