Mixture for plastering a brick stove. How to plaster a stove to prevent it from cracking - solutions and tips

Properly done plastering of a brick stove will extend the life of the stove, increase its heat transfer, and add comfort to the room. The main thing is that the plaster on top of the brick oven is laid carefully, in compliance with all the rules and key points for preparing the surface, preparing the mortar, and applying plaster to the brick oven.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to prepare the room in which the stove is located. You should remove unnecessary items and make room for work. The remaining furniture should be covered with fabric, and windows, walls, and floors with polyethylene to protect against dust, debris and accidental damage.
You will also need the following materials:

  • cement mortar for fastening the wire (for an old stove);
  • burlap or reinforcing mesh with cells 10x10 mm;
  • plaster solution;
  • lime or water-based paints.

If you are planning to plaster the stove yourself, be sure to study the technology of the process and prepare the necessary tools and materials. You will need the following tools:

  • trowels or trowels;
  • graters;
  • electric drill with mixer attachment;
  • spatula or chisel;
  • hammer;
  • pliers or wire cutters and pliers;
  • scissors for fabric and metal;
  • containers for water and solution;
  • measures and scoops for the components of the plaster mixture;
  • coarse sieve for clay and sand;
  • brush or spray for wetting the surface;
  • vacuum cleaner or broom.

If you plan to freshly plaster an old stove, you need to completely clean its surface of the old plaster, which is removed with a spatula or chisel. The final leveling of the surface is carried out by rubbing with sandpaper or paper to eliminate minor errors. Complete the surface preparation by removing dust and small construction debris using a vacuum cleaner or dry rags.

Based on these factors, a decision is made on the optimal composition of the solution that will be used for plastering. Although many home craftsmen prefer ordinary clay mortar, the composition and properties of which have been tested by time, mortars of complex composition are also used for plastering brick ovens.

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Surface preparation

Before plastering a brick stove, it is necessary to prepare the surface for applying the mortar. The plaster will lie neatly on a smooth and even surface and will stay stronger and longer without cracks or chips.

Plastering a freshly laid stove can begin after the cement mortar used for masonry has completely dried, hardened and gained maximum strength. This usually takes at least 30 days during the warm season. In order for the plaster mortar to adhere better to the brickwork, the seams between the bricks are cleared to a depth of approximately 4-5 mm.

The composition of plaster solutions includes clay, sand, cement, asbestos, gypsum, lime, fiberglass, and water. You need technical or tap water, but not river or lake water.

You can buy a ready-made dry mixture to prepare the solution or prepare it yourself according to standard recipes. A prerequisite in both cases is careful adherence to the ratios of all ingredients of the dry mixture and water.

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Composition of mortar for plastering ovens

The question of how to plaster a brick oven is decided taking into account several factors:

  1. Purpose of the premises (housing, bathhouse, workshop).
  2. Room humidity.
  3. Mode of use of the premises (permanent or temporary residence, etc.).
  4. Climate in the region.
  5. Proposed exterior finishing of the brick stove: whitewashing, painting, cladding (stove tiles or tiles).

Basic compositions of solutions:

Grouting the plaster with a float: a) in a circular manner; b) acceleration.

  1. 1 part clay, 2 parts sand, 0.1 part asbestos.
  2. 1 part clay, 2 parts sand, 1 part lime, 0.1 part asbestos.
  3. 1 part gypsum, 2 parts lime, 1 part sand, 0.2 parts asbestos.
  4. 1 part clay, 2 parts sand, 1 part cement, 0.1 part asbestos.
  5. 1 part gypsum, 2 parts lime, 1 part sand, 0.2 parts fiberglass.

The amount of sand in the solution varies according to the fat content of the clay used. For 1 part of very oily clay you need to add 3 or even 4 parts of sand. The exact ratio is determined by applying the solution to a small area of ​​the surface. If cracks appear after drying, you need to add sand. If the solution crumbles, it means there is not enough clay in it.

Only slaked lime is used to prepare the solution. Fiberglass or crushed asbestos is added to the solution to increase the strength of the composition.

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Mixing the solution

Gypsum-based solutions harden very quickly, so they are mixed in small portions and immediately applied to the surface of the oven. The cement-based mixture diluted with water should be used within 50-60 minutes. after cooking. Clay-based solutions can be stored for a long time in an airtight container.

To slak, lump lime is poured into a metal bucket (no more than 50% of the volume) and filled with water (no more than 60% of the volume). This should only be done outside. When the solution has cooled (after about 24 hours), it must be drained. The remaining pulp is passed through a coarse sieve to sift out undissolved pieces.

After clearing away debris, the clay for the solution is placed in water for several days. After soaking, the clay slurry is filtered through a coarse sieve to remove small debris. The sand is also sifted and mixed with the clay. After this, fiberglass is added to the solution. The resulting mass is thoroughly kneaded with a drill or hammer drill with a special attachment or a construction mixer. The solution should be plastic, homogeneous, without lumps and solid particles.

Until now, in many regions of Russia, the stove remains the only source of heat and fire. Despite the fact that many owners of dachas and village houses prefer to use gas heating, the stove still remains a symbol of comfort and original Russian life. Are you used to doing everything yourself and is your stove ready for finishing? Or maybe you had an old stove and decided to revive traditions? In any case, when constructing and finishing a stove, the most important step is plastering its surface.

Russian stove in a modern interior

Why plaster the surface of the stove?

Why plaster the stove? We must not forget that with frequent and sharp temperature changes, cracks may appear in the masonry of the stove, and this can not only lead to sooting of walls and interior items, but can also become hazardous to health.
Some stove owners think that this is very difficult, you need to know some old tricks and it is impossible to do it. In fact, plastering a stove is not at all difficult; even beginners can do this process.

If you have a new stove, then you should plaster the surface only after two to three months to give time for the stove masonry to shrink. This will help to avoid cracks and chips in the plaster in the future.

We purchase tools

The new stove masonry must remain in place for at least 2-3 months.

We purchase tools

The very initial stage of preparation includes acquiring the necessary tools. What to buy at a hardware store? We recommend following the list:

  1. If you don’t have a hammer, then we definitely take it. It may be needed for driving nails on which the mesh will be attached.
  2. Special metal scissors for cutting mesh.
  3. A trowel, which we will use to apply the solution with our own hands, as well as several spatulas of different sizes.
  4. Coarse sandpaper to remove unevenness and defects after drying.
  5. Plumb to ensure even vertical application of plaster.
  6. Level. It will help ensure ideal vertical and horizontal planes.

Preparing for work and applying layers

Before you start plastering the surface of the furnace masonry, it must be thoroughly cleaned of small particles of debris, dust, etc.

Surface and seam preparation: cleaning from dust and small particles

To do this, you can use the most common materials available for DIY work, for example, a foam sponge. The seams in the masonry must also be thoroughly cleaned. Deepening of the seams by 5-7 millimeters is allowed.

First, a more liquid solution is used, which is applied to a metal mesh. Cell sizes in the mesh are allowed up to 20mm. The mesh must be secured to nails, which are first driven into the seams. We begin to apply plaster on top.

Mesh for applying the first layer of plaster

After the first layer has dried, apply a second, thicker one. The thickness of the second layer of plaster should be 8-10 millimeters.
All layers dry at normal temperature, that is, there is no need to heat the oven during the drying process. Do not be alarmed by the fact that cracks appear on the surface of the plaster during drying. They need to be slightly expanded, moistened and the solution applied again. Don’t be lazy to repeat this procedure several times, because a plastered stove done correctly, efficiently, and with your own hands can last for decades.

Applying a second layer of plaster

Little secret. If you want the stove plaster to last a long time and not crumble or chip, it must be applied not only to a well-cleaned surface, but also to a heated one. Heat the oven to about 60 degrees and only then begin to apply the first layer.

Recipes for mixtures and their preparation

A natural question arises: what is used to plaster a Russian stove?

The plaster mixture for the stove must be fireproof, and if you want to cook something in your stove with your own hands in the future, it must also be waterproof.

Mixtures for plaster may differ in composition. Here are a few simple recipes:

  • clay - sand - asbestos (1:2:0.1)
  • clay - sand - lime - asbestos (1: 2: 1: 0.1)
  • clay - sand - cement - asbestos (1: 2: 1: 0.1)
  • gypsum - lime - sand - asbestos (1:2:1: 0.2)

As you can see, ovens are plastered with clay, adding other components to it. Proportions must be observed correctly. The mixture is prepared in a special container, it is possible to use technical means, but one thing must be remembered: first, all the dry ingredients are mixed, and only then water is added. Mixtures for plastering a stove thicken quickly, especially those made with gypsum. A solution for plastering a stove using gypsum is unusable within half an hour after its preparation.

Clay-based oven plaster mortar

Do not forget that the clay is soaked for about a day before use. If the amount of water decreases while the clay is wet, then its proportion must be added. We must sift the sand so that in the future its largest particles do not interfere with the even application of the plaster. The prepared solution must be applied immediately.
Many manufacturers offer ready-made fireproof mixtures. It's up to you to decide, but don't forget that a solution prepared by yourself will allow you to be sure that you have avoided such characteristics as toxicity. Do not forget that the surface of the oven will be heated repeatedly in the future. Therefore, it is important that the plaster for stoves is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for health.

If you want to ensure better adhesion of the plaster mixture and the surface of the stove, then under no circumstances should you carry out work in a cold room. The temperature of the solution must be at least 10 degrees Celsius.


Decoration of a Russian stove using relief fragments and bricks

If, after applying the plaster, the stove is not covered, then you can decorate the surface with your own hands. After the coating has dried and all the cracks have been leveled, relief designs can be placed. A duet of two techniques is also possible, when drawings are created on decorative irregularities.

How nice it is to light a stove decorated with your own hands in winter! Plastering a stove is not so difficult, and comfort and warmth will settle in your home for many years.

Ready-made and homemade plasters for stoves and fireplaces

Even in modern design I use stoves quite often. It is very important that the stove has a correct and harmonious finish and an attractive appearance. It is necessary to work out all the joining seams between the bricks to prevent the formation of dust and fumes, as well as the release of unpleasant odors when using the stove. This can be achieved with the help of proper cladding, including decorative ones.

Two types of solutions are used for lining the furnace:
simple - consists of clay;
complex - consists of a combination of several components: gypsum + lime, clay + sand + lime, cement + clay + sand.

In addition to the fact that you can make the cladding mixture yourself, it is also sold in specialized stores. Most often, a clay-based solution is used to line the stove.

It must be remembered that cladding is carried out only after the laid bricks are completely strengthened and the binding mortar has set. It is also necessary to allow time for shrinkage. Taking into account all the factors, we can say that the stove can be lined no earlier than after 30 days. If you use high-quality plastering material, the cladding will last for quite a long time.

The mixture for lining the furnace must be prepared from the correct amount of components. If a clay-based solution is used, then depending on its fat content, it is necessary to add different amounts of sand. If the base material has a high fat content, it must be mixed in proportions 1:3-1:4. To avoid cracks and clay shedding, it is worth adding asbestos fibers or small pieces of fiberglass to the mixture; additional binding components should be no more than 2% of the total mass.

The mixture with which the oven is lined must have a smooth texture - this will ensure high-quality application.

Also, before facing it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory work on the surface:
the working area must be cleared of dirt, as well as the remnants of previous solutions;
clearing the seams should be about half a centimeter - this will ensure better adhesion between the mixture and the brick;
the surface must be warm.

1. One part clay is mixed with two parts sand and 1% asbestos is added to this.
2. One part clay, mixed with two parts sand and one part cement, with the addition of 1% asbestos.
3. One part clay, mixed with two parts sand and one part lime, plus 1% asbestos.
4. One part of gypsum, mixed with two parts of lime and one part of sand, with the addition of 2% asbestos.
5. One part gypsum mixed with two parts lime and one part sand, plus 2% fiberglass.
After selecting the appropriate mixture and preparing the working surface, you can begin the cladding process.

Watch this useful video: Mortar for Plastering Ovens

Cladding must begin from the top of the stove. For better adhesion of the mortar and brick, the brick must first be moistened with water and a more liquid mixture must be applied to it, after which a full-fledged mortar can be applied. It is necessary to apply a relatively small layer, the thickness of each of them should not exceed half a centimeter. For a good final result, the application should be an even layer, so that when drying there will be less imperfections.

After application, you must wait for the moment when the mixture begins to set, the main thing is not to miss it, the surface must be plastic. The work area needs to be wiped down; it is better to do this with a wooden brush. Movements in a circle. The result should be a flat and smooth surface.

In the case when the moment has been missed and the mixture has already hardened, you need to lightly sprinkle it with water and soak it. This can be done with a brush or spray, and then wiped off. You need to focus on the thickness of the plaster layer no more than one centimeter.
Working with corners is similar to working with slopes of door and window openings. To set the level and not fill up the corner, you need to use special corners or slats made of wood or metal. After applying the mixture, the slats must be removed and the corner brought to perfect condition.

Advice from professionals

There are situations when a layer of plaster begins to gradually peel off and partially fall off. This may be due to the fact that the layer was applied thick, or the brick row was improperly bandaged. The cause may also be that the stove is overheating. An excellent way to help avoid such a nuisance is to reupholster the stove, immediately before finishing, with bag fabric.

Watch this useful video: Finishing the stove with tiles

Done this way:

the prepared fabric is soaked in a liquid clay solution and placed on the surface of the oven, previously lubricated with the solution. The laying of the fabric on the surface should be done efficiently, expelling all air bubbles between the burlap and the oven wall. If this method is used, everything possible must be done to ensure that the oven does not heat up too much while in use.

In addition to bag fabric, you can use fine mesh. The mesh material is metal. It is attached to the stove using wire, but this method can only be used if the mesh was laid during the construction of the stove.

After the solution has completely hardened, the surface can be treated with lime powder, adding salt to it. For 10 liters of water, about one hundred grams. The stove can also be painted with chalk.

Remember that it is better to refrain from using oil paints to decorate the stove. During operation, the oven becomes very hot and paints may bleed.

So, after facing work on the surface of the furnace, you need to get the following result:
a flat surface with a maximum vertical deviation from the level of 1 centimeter;
horizontal deviation should not exceed two centimeters;
traction deflection maximum three millimeters;
when applying the rule, the plane should not have differences; if there are any, they should be no more than two millimeters.

If you did not plan to line the stove after its construction, then it would be best to use decorative stone. The main condition is high-quality seams of the main masonry of the stove.

It is necessary to embroider seams during decorative masonry with a special tool; it has a concave shape. The most common adhesive solution is used. For better effect, the façade edges of the brick are cut diagonally. The corners of the edging will look more aesthetically pleasing.

It is worth remembering that when doing colored jointing, each seam should have the same color, without different tones. When facing bricks, the façade seams should be empty to a depth of approximately 1 centimeter.

Watch this useful video: Decorative finishing option for the stove

Plastering brick and stone stoves is required to prepare the outer surface of the walls for decorative cladding and increase the tightness of the masonry. Proper plastering of the stove will avoid possible cracking of the finish and will extend the life of the finished device. Even a novice master can carry out such a procedure independently; the main thing in this matter is to properly prepare and apply the plaster mixture.

Why is stove plastering required?

Heat-resistant and practical materials are used for cladding heating stoves: ceramic and fireclay tiles, tiles, artificial stone and plasterboard. Plaster is especially in demand - an affordable finishing material that can be prepared from cheap consumable components. In addition, you can plaster surfaces yourself in the shortest possible time without outside help.

Plastering the stove is carried out for the following purposes:

  • Leveling brick or masonry surfaces.
  • Restoration of the old plaster layer (in case of deformation, cracking, chipping).
  • Restoration of masonry mixture in connecting seams.
  • Antiseptic treatment of seams to prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms and insects.
  • Increased thermal inertia of equipment.

Set of tools and materials for plastering

To plaster a heating stove in a private house or bathhouse, you need to prepare the following set of tools and materials:

  • Spatulas of various widths for taking out plaster composition and treating surfaces.
  • Trowel (trowel) for distributing the composition on brick and stone walls.
  • Grater (grater) for leveling treated surfaces.
  • Hammer for driving nails. Nails are used to secure the mesh.
  • Wire mesh with cells measuring 10×10 mm to strengthen the treated surface.
  • Scissors for cutting mesh.
  • Hammer (fist) for use together with a trojan, gear and chisel.
  • A trowel for leveling the surface after plastering.
  • Chisel for applying notches that increase the adhesion of the composition to the surface.
  • Brushes of various sizes.
  • An electric drill with a mixing attachment for preparing the plaster mixture.
  • Volume container for kneading.
  • A wire brush for cleaning surfaces and joints.
  • Dry mixtures for mixing plaster.
  • Deep penetration antifungal primer.
  • Asbestos to increase the stability of the composition.
  • Lime for whitewashing.
  • Level, rule and staff for leveling corners.
  • Personal protective equipment – ​​rubber gloves, goggles.

How to make heat-resistant plaster mortar

For plastering heating stoves, heat-resistant solutions based on clay, sand, asbestos and gypsum are used. You can prepare a wear-resistant mortar for plastering the stove using one of the following recipes:

  1. Mixing components: 1 part clay, 2 parts sand, 1 part lime paste and 1/10 part asbestos. Everything is thoroughly mixed with the gradual addition of water to obtain a viscous solution.
  2. Mixing components: 1 part clay, 2 parts sand and ½ part water. 1 part of cement (M 300, 400) and 1/10 part of asbestos are added to the resulting mass. All components are thoroughly mixed again, and if necessary, some water is added to obtain a thick, creamy solution. They can be used to plaster surfaces within 60 minutes after preparation.
  3. Combination of components: 2 parts lime paste and 1 part sand. Next, 1 part of gypsum, 1 part of water and 2/10 parts of asbestos are added to the resulting mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a viscous solution is obtained. Ready-made oven plaster is used to treat the surface for the first 15 minutes.
  4. Combination of components: 1 part clay, 2 parts sand and 1/10 part asbestos. Water is added to the resulting mixture to obtain a thick solution.

Important! To obtain high-quality plaster for a heating stove made of brick and stone, it is recommended to follow the proposed proportions of the main components.

Step-by-step process for plastering a stove

If you follow all stages of the technological process, you can properly plaster the stove yourself so that the decorative finish does not crack.

Preparatory stage

At this stage, the surfaces are completely cleaned of old mortar, dirt and dust. The seams between bricks or stone are cleared with a trowel and hammer to a depth of 150 mm. This will ensure reliable adhesion of the surface to the plaster composition.

Important! Plastering of a new stove is carried out 3 weeks after completion of masonry work and complete drying of the stove mortar. Failure to comply with the established deadlines may result in the decorative layer beginning to crack and deform.

After dismantling the old cladding, the surfaces are cleaned with a wire brush and a clean dry rag to avoid dirty stains that may appear through the fresh plaster layer.

The prepared surfaces are treated with an antifungal primer. 10 cm nails are driven into the cleaned seams at an angle with the heads raised above the surface up to 0.5 cm. The horizontal step between nails should be 15 cm, the vertical step - every 2 rows. A wire is fixed to the nails, and a metal mesh is placed on top. The reinforced base will ensure good adhesion of the plaster to the surface being treated.

To align the outer corners of the structure, steel corners are used, fixed with an adhesive mixture.

Mixing plaster mortar

You can plaster the stove with ready-made store-bought or homemade solutions.

If a ready-made dry composition is used for work, then the kneading is carried out according to the instructions:

  • Water is poured into the container. Next, dry mass is added in the proportions indicated on the package.
  • Kneading is carried out with a construction mixer until a viscous homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • The finished mixture is kept for a quarter of an hour, mixed again, and then used for surface treatment.

To independently mix a solution for plastering surfaces, traditional components are used, which are mixed in the required proportions. Recipes for homemade compositions are given above.

The finished solution should be plastic and viscous, without air bubbles, lumps and dry inclusions.

Surface treatment with plaster

Depending on the condition of the surfaces, the stove structure can be plastered in one of two ways.

Method No. 1

It is provided in cases where the surfaces have slight deformations and therefore require leveling using a plaster layer with a thickness of 5 to 8 cm.

  1. Installation of guide beacons according to the level and checking verticality.
  2. Thoroughly warm up the oven and wet the surfaces with a brush or soft roller. This will remove any remaining dust.
  3. Treating surfaces with a primer to prevent peeling of the plaster.
  4. Apply the first layer 4 mm thick by spraying over the entire surface of the wall to ensure maximum distribution of the mortar in the connecting joints of the brickwork.
  5. After the initial layer has dried, a second layer 5 mm thick is applied. First, the solution is distributed along the wall from bottom to top to a height of 40 cm and leveled using the rule. Next, the surface is carefully sanded to eliminate possible irregularities.
  6. At the corners, the solution is applied with an angle spatula and carefully leveled.
  7. Finally, a third layer of mortar 2.5 mm thick is applied using a trowel to eliminate minor defects and irregularities. In addition, it is applied if finishing painting or whitewashing of surfaces is provided.

Method number 2

It is effective provided that plastering of surfaces is carried out on a pre-installed metal mesh.

  1. Similar to the previous method, the first layer of plaster is applied, moving from top to bottom. The metal mesh will provide the necessary rigidity to the finish.
  2. After treatment, the surface is thoroughly dried, after which a second layer is applied.
  3. The final layer is leveled and sanded to eliminate minor visual defects.
  4. The next step is the decorative lining of the stove.

The main defects when plastering a stove

Violation of the technology for applying the plaster composition can lead to the appearance of defects on the surface of the furnace. If the solution was applied to dry brickwork, this could result in peeling and cracking of the finish. On an excessively moistened surface, chips and bubbles may appear, which must be eliminated after thoroughly drying the structure.

Using poorly slaked lime can result in small blisters that are prone to peeling and crumbling.

Small cracks and chips appear as a result of improper mixing of the plaster solution or failure to comply with the proportions of the main components. Also, large thickness of layers or insufficient drying can lead to cracking.

The proposed plastering methods allow us to obtain a practical, reliable and durable stove design.

Plastering a stove is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. Due to constant temperature changes, an incorrectly applied finish will certainly crack or even come off in pieces. In order to plaster the stove correctly, you must first mix a suitable solution. Actually, the finishing procedure itself must be done in compliance with a certain technology. How to plaster a stove without cracking - we’ll talk about this later.

What is it for

Finishing of stoves and fireplaces can be done using a variety of materials: tiles, artificial stone, heat-resistant drywall, etc. However, plaster has always been considered the optimal material in terms of price/quality ratio. This finish looks very neat. In addition, if the application technology is strictly followed, it can last for a very long time. Plaster for the stove allows you to:

    level the surface of the masonry and make it beautiful;

    increase thermal inertia.

In addition, the plaster also covers the seams in the masonry. And this, in turn, prevents the accumulation of household dust in them.

How to plaster a stove without cracking: traditional mortar

Most often, clay is not used for finishing fireplaces and stoves. This material is capable of maintaining its properties at temperatures above 100 o C. Like cement, clay for finishing stoves is mixed with sand. The latter is first thoroughly sifted through a fine sieve. The amount of sand required to prepare a high-quality mixture of sand depends primarily on the fat content of the clay. The higher this indicator, the more plastic the mixture. And therefore, the more sand should be added to it. If it is deficient, the mixture will certainly crack after drying.

Typically, the ratio of fatty clay and sand in plaster mortar for stoves is 1:3 or 1:4. To strengthen the composition, you need to add straw or hemp to it. Plastering a clay oven with high quality can also be done if a little fiberglass (0.2%) is mixed into the solution. In any case, the mixture should be diluted in such a way that it is as homogeneous as possible. The clay itself must first be soaked for at least 3 days.

Other types of solutions

When answering the question of how to properly plaster a stove so that it does not crack, you should think about using other options for heat-resistant mixtures. The method of preparing the solution discussed above is far from the only one. There are many recipes for such plasters. If desired, you can make a heat-resistant solution, for example, by mixing:

    clay, sand and cement in proportions 1:2:1 with the addition of 1% asbestos;

    gypsum, lime and sand in a ratio of 1:2:1 plus 2% fiberglass;

    clay, sand and lime in a ratio of 1:2:1 with the addition of 2% asbestos.

Purchased heat-resistant mixtures

Ready-made stove plaster can also be used for finishing. There are many varieties of such mixtures. But the most popular are “Pechnik” and “Terracotta”. The advantage of such plasters in comparison with those prepared by hand is a high degree of heat resistance. “Pechnik” and “Terracotta” are able to withstand temperatures up to 200 degrees.

Whatever mixture is used for plastering the stove, purchased or homemade, there is no need to prepare a large amount of it at once. The volume of a single serving should not exceed 8-10 liters. In any case, the solution needs to be developed in a maximum of 2-2.5 hours.

Fiberglass mesh for plaster as additional reinforcement

In order for the mortar to remain on the stove as firmly as possible in the future, it is not enough to use reinforcing additives in the form of straw or tow. When finishing, you should also use a special fiberglass mesh. This material can be purchased today in almost any construction supermarket.

Fiberglass plaster mesh is very inexpensive - about 30 rubles per 1 m 2. When used on a stove, the finish lasts much longer. Instead of fiberglass, you can use metal mesh to reinforce the solution.

Preparatory activities

Before you start plastering the stove itself, its surface should be thoroughly cleaned. Under no circumstances should the solution be applied to smoked or dusty bricks. Otherwise, he won’t last long in the future. After cleaning, the stove should be heated. But there is no need to put too much firewood or coal into the firebox. It can also be applied to fireplaces only on warm surfaces.

It is impossible to finish the stove immediately after finishing its laying. You need to wait at least two weeks. The masonry must be thoroughly hardened before plastering.

Before you start applying the mortar, among other things, you should select 10 mm seams between the bricks. In this case, the heat-resistant mixture for plastering stoves will adhere to the surface better. You also need to drive small nails into the masonry, on which you will subsequently stretch

What tools will you need?

Before you start plastering the stove, among other things, you should prepare:

    solution container;

  • sandpaper for grouting;

    broom or brush;

    bucket with water;

    construction level.

Plastering technology

Well, the preparatory measures have been completed and the tools are ready. Now let's see how to plaster a stove. To prevent the applied mixture from cracking and crumbling, this work must be done correctly. Plastering is usually carried out in several stages. The surface of the oven is first wetted with clean warm water. You can moisten it with a regular broom. Then the following are executed:

    spraying solution;



Spraying the mixture

The first layer of plaster is necessary to level the surface of the stove. Spraying, as the name suggests, is done using the same broom or brush. The thickness of this layer should ultimately be 3-5 mm. After the spray is leveled, you need to stretch the pre-cut fiberglass mesh on the surface of the furnace, lightly pressing it into the solution.


The second layer of plaster can be applied after the first has dried. Its thickness should also be 3-5 mm. The primer layer should be leveled and rubbed as carefully as possible. In this case, the spray, since it will dry quickly in a hot oven, needs to be moistened periodically. The solution for the primer layer should be used slightly more liquid than for the first one.


The last layer of plaster is necessary in order to completely level the surface of the stove. The primer needs to be moistened quite generously before applying it. The solution in this case should be used even less thick than for the first two layers. The mixture should fill absolutely all cracks and irregularities remaining on the surface. The thickness of the covering layer can be from 2 to 5 mm. It is impossible to level the stove in planes with plaster. Ultimately, the total thickness of the finishing layer should be no more than 1-1.5 cm. When laying out brick stoves for your home with your own hands, this should be kept in mind. When performing this work, you should initially try to make the walls as even as possible.

How to properly plaster corners

To make the stove look neat, carefully leveling the surface of the plaster is not enough. In addition, you will need to decorate the corners beautifully. To make them as neat as possible, it is worth using leveling slats. After the solution has dried, they should simply be removed. Instead of slats, you can also take an aluminum profile designed for attaching drywall. It is fixed to the stove using mortar and plastered flush. Of course, both the slats and the profile should be set using

Furnace painting

So, now you know how to plaster a stove so it doesn’t crack. Of course, after the applied solution has dried, its surface must also be whitened. It is best to use a milk-chalk mixture for this purpose. This whitewash tolerates temperature changes well and also does not get dirty. In order to prepare it, you just need to mix 1 kg of crushed chalk with 2 liters of milk. You can also paint the stove with regular lime. This finish will also not deteriorate due to high temperatures. In order for the lime to stick better to a hot surface, you can add a little table salt (35 g per 1 kg).

You cannot paint stoves and fireplaces using oil paint. The drying oil contained in such paints will begin to evaporate at high temperatures, and an unpleasant odor will appear in the room.

Instead of a conclusion

Today, many people build houses with their own hands. A description of the technology for assembling such structures, as well as their drawings and diagrams can be easily found in specialized literature. However, laying out a stove or fireplace correctly is only half the battle. Plaster on the surface of heating equipment of this type must also be applied, adhering to the required technology. Otherwise, the stove or fireplace will not perform its functions effectively. And they are unlikely to fit harmoniously into the interior of even a modest country house.