Sour cream recipe like in a confectionery shop. Sour cream cake: secrets of cooking at home (with photos)

Simple and delicious pie recipes

Sour cream pie will delight not only the guests who come to taste it, but also the hostess who will cook it. A simple classic recipe in the article

1 hour 15 minutes

250 kcal

5/5 (7)

I was inspired to prepare sour cream according to the classic recipe by its widespread discussion on the Internet. This recipe was successfully advertised by the mother of a former participant in the Dom-2 program, Alena Vodonaeva. This woman organized several master classes on preparing this dish, after which the recipe went viral on the Internet. Its simplicity and ease of preparation make it possible for beginners to master baking, and the availability of ingredients makes the cake even more attractive; as a rule, all the ingredients for it are available at home, so cooking it is a pleasure!

How to quickly make sour cream at home: where to start

Sour cream, despite its high calorie content, does not contain any harmful ingredients, so it can be classified as a dish suitable for a healthy diet. This is an excellent dessert for a holiday, which does not require any special expenses; you can bake it every day and not get tired of it, because it’s delicious. Any novice housewife can prepare sour cream according to the recipe. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

Almost all of these ingredients are always in the refrigerator, so you can start experimenting with baking sour cream right now.

Recipe for sour cream in the oven step by step at home

According to Larisa Vodonaeva’s master class participants, sour cream requires a clear sequence of actions. Thanks to the detailed instructions, you can easily repeat the recipe and get a delicious cake that will leave a pleasant aftertaste on everyone who tries it.

The cream is prepared using a blender or mixer from sour cream and sugar. It is whipped to a homogeneous creamy mass, which should be coated with the finished cakes. Part of the resulting sour cream is left to decorate the top of the cake. If you add prepared gelatin to the cream, you can make a filling layer for decoration.

Cooking secrets

Despite the simple and understandable recipe, each housewife produces her own sour cream, with a certain taste. To make sure your cake is as good as possible, there are a few things you should know.

Firstly, the sour cream you use for the cake must be farm-made. She must have medium fat content so that the cream has the desired consistency.

Secondly, before serving, the cake must soak in the cream and stand in the cold for at least a couple of hours.

Thirdly, to decorate the cake you can take walnuts or berries, which will give the cake an unusual taste. Whipped cream, chocolate chips or meringue are also great for decoration.

How to serve sour cream beautifully

To make the sour cream look more attractive, I coated not only the inner surface of the cakes with sour cream, but also the entire cake in a circle. This cake does not require any additional desserts, since sour cream turns out self-sufficient and very sweet.

Smetannik is a great cake option for a tea party; I served it with natural brewed tea. The sour cream cake was complemented by sliced ​​fruits and honey, which guests used as a tea sweetener.

This dessert has become one of my favorites, from time to time I try to add an unusual taste to the recipe: for example, I add bananas, raisins and even apples to the cream. Every time I manage to achieve an interesting taste. Be sure to try baking sour cream! I recommend sour cream to everyone who loves simple but tasty recipes!

There are a huge number of variations in the preparation of this cake, since each housewife not only chooses her favorite recipe, but also brings something of her own to it.

And the most successful options for preparing sour cream are passed on from mother to daughter, etc. Let's take a look at several recipes for this cake, proven by generations of sweet tooths!


To prepare “Grandma’s” sour cream you will need:

For the test:

  • 250 gr. homemade sour cream
  • 0.5 b. condensed milk
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2-3 eggs (chicken)
  • 1/2 tsp. soda pre-quenched with vinegar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp. flour

For cream:

  • 750 gr. homemade sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 0.5 b. condensed milk

Recipe for making sour cream “Babulin”:

  1. Combine condensed milk, sour cream, eggs, granulated sugar, slaked soda, salt and wheat flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Pour ½ of the resulting dough into a greased form and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  2. Bake until done (you can check if the dough is baked by piercing it with a toothpick; if it remains dry, the cake is ready). Do the same with the second half of the dough.
  3. Cut the cooled cakes lengthwise into 2 parts. Generously coat the first cake layer with cream, let it sit for a while so that the sour cream coating hardens a little.
  4. Then cover it with the second cake layer and repeat the procedure. After coating the cake layers well and forming the cake, place it in the refrigerator for about an hour so that the cream has time to harden.
  5. Sprinkle the finished sour cream with crumbled cookies, grated chocolate and nuts. Let the cake brew and serve, after cutting it into portions.

Enjoy your tea!


If you don't know how to surprise your guests, try making this cake! It is quite easy to prepare, surprisingly tasty, and even stunningly beautiful in decoration!

To prepare sour cream “Marble” you will need:

For the test:

  • 1 tbsp. homemade sour cream and sugar
  • 1 tbsp. butter (butter)
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 3 tbsp. cocoa powder
  • Wheat flour

To prepare sour cream:

  • 1.5 tbsp. thick homemade sour cream
  • granulated sugar - to taste
  • 1 tbsp. chopped nuts
  • 1 pack vanilla sugar
  • To prepare chocolate milk cream:
  • 4 tbsp each powdered sugar and cocoa powder
  • 4 tbsp. milk
  • 100 gr. butter (butter)

Recipe for making sour cream “Marble”:

  1. Grind the softened butter and sugar thoroughly, then add sour cream and soda, mix thoroughly. Add enough flour to the resulting mass so that the resulting dough resembles thick sour cream in consistency.
  2. Divide the dough in half, adding cocoa powder to one half. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cakes in it, making 3 cakes each from the light and dark parts of the dough.
    To prepare sour cream, thoroughly mix sour cream with sugar, chopped nuts and vanilla.
  3. To prepare chocolate milk cream, combine cocoa powder, powdered sugar and milk, then cook the resulting mass over low heat, stirring until it acquires the consistency of medium-thick sour cream. When the cream has cooled a little, add butter to it.
  4. Form the sour cream “Marble” by placing alternately dark and light cakes in a stack. Moreover, dark cakes must be greased with sour cream, and light ones with chocolate. Coat the top of the cake and its sides with cream, alternating dark and light stripes, to create a “marble” pattern.


The recipe seems to have been specially invented for those housewives who cannot bake the “correct” sponge cake. After all, this sour cream is not only very economical, it is also in no way inferior to biscuits in taste and airiness!

To prepare sour cream “Tender” you will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup each of low-fat sour cream, sugar and flour
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder
  • 0.5 tsp slaked soda with vinegar
  • 1 pack vanillin

Recipe for making sour cream “Tender”

  1. Thoroughly mash the eggs with granulated sugar and vanilla. When the sugar dissolves, add sour cream, starch, soda and salt to the resulting mass. Let the mixture sit for a while, then add cocoa powder and flour. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Pour the resulting dough into a greased form, previously sprinkled with semolina/grated breadcrumbs. Bake the cake for 20 minutes. at 180 degrees (the oven must be preheated before placing the form with the dough in it).
  3. Cool the finished cake, cut lengthwise into 2 parts and soak with condensed milk, jam or sour cream whipped with sugar.

Enjoy your tea!

This sour cream cake is simple but surprisingly delicious.

Believe me, it’s delicious, and a simple way to please family and friends at the holiday table.

Such sour cream cookies used to be popular and were prepared in almost every home.


  • flour and sour cream (low-fat is also possible) - 300 g each;
  • granulated sugar – 180 g;
  • fresh eggs – 3;
  • soda slaked with vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons.

For cream:

  • granulated sugar - glass;
  • fatty fresh sour cream – 750 g;

For decoration:

  • crushed walnuts - a handful;
  • chocolate chips – 20-30 g.


First, beat the eggs with sugar; this can be done with a mixer or a fork. Add sour cream, when the sugar crystals dissolve, beat until smooth.

Gradually, constantly whisking, add the pre-sifted flour.

Now it's time to add soda (quench with vinegar). Place half of the dough into a greased pan.

Place the first cake in the oven and keep it there until done (15 minutes at 180 degrees C). While cake No. 1 is browning, we modify the rest of our dough, “shock” it by adding cocoa.

When cake No. 1 is baked, put the chocolate cake in its place in the oven and bake in the same way. Let the finished cakes cool, and we will deal with the most important yummy thing in the cake, this is sour cream.

Chilled (for quick churning) sour cream is whipped with sugar until the sugar grains completely disappear.

Divide the cooled cakes into two, cutting them lengthwise. Assembling the sour cream cake: put a lot of sour cream on the first chocolate cake, cover with white cake, coat with cream again.

Place the second brown cake layer, sour cream again and cover with the last white cake layer. Cover it generously with cream.

At night we put our “beauty” in the refrigerator to make the cake even more beautiful the next morning. Decorate it with nuts and chocolate.

More delicious sour cream recipes

Smetannik. Simple, fast and tasty.

The “Smetannik” cake, which you can prepare according to our recipe, reminds you of childhood. Surely mothers or grandmothers have prepared at least once such a cake that could not help but sink into your soul. This treat is very tender, every piece literally melts in your mouth, and you are unlikely to be able to stop once you try it. “Smetannik” is perfect as the main dessert for any holiday, and this cake will also help while away the evenings with a cup of tea or coffee, surrounded by family or friends.

“Smetannik” is a name for baked goods that contain sour cream. It is generally accepted that real “Smetannik” contains it not only in the cream, but also in the dough, which makes it incredibly tasty, incredibly airy and very tender. But in some recipes, sour cream is added only to the cream, or only to the dough. However, everyone has long been accustomed to calling “Smetannik” any cake that contains this fermented milk product.

Today, the Internet is full of recipes for making sour cream. Every home where such a cake was made at least once certainly had its own recipe. An interesting fact is that the recipe for such a popular cake today came to us from the village. When it was impossible to find in stores most of the products that we now cannot do without, village housewives prepared a lot of sour cream-based dishes. “Smetannik” was one of these dishes, because the ingredients for it were found in almost every home. This simple cake was liked by many, so its popularity has increased significantly. This dessert is loved for its ease of preparation and its indescribably delicate taste.

Making classic “Smetannik” at home is not difficult! All you need to do is carefully follow the advice from our recipe with photos, where everything is explained step by step, and find the necessary ingredients in your kitchen.

Your family will really appreciate such a simple but delicious treat!


(200 g for dough + 200 g for cream)

  • Cooking steps

  • Let's start preparing our Smetannik with cream: take any deep container, pour 200 grams of sour cream into it and add the same amount of sugar, then beat it all thoroughly. It is advisable to use a mixer, but if you don’t have one, it doesn’t matter: you can do the same with a pastry whisk. Place the finished cream in the refrigerator while the cakes are prepared.

    Now let's start preparing the dough. To do this, take another deep container, pour the remaining sour cream into it, add 200 grams of sugar and add pre-quenched soda. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly, then add flour little by little, stirring constantly. The result should be a liquid dough without lumps. If it turns out too liquid, add a little more flour.

    Now find a special baking dish, generously grease it with margarine or butter, and then pour the dough into it.

    The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees, then place the form with the dough there. Bake for at least half an hour. To check if the cake is ready, use a match: stick it into the cake, then remove it and see if the dough sticks to it. If the match is clean, then the cake is ready. Pour the second batch of dough into the mold and wait until the second cake is ready. Then let them cool, cut them into two parts, and grease the surface of each with chilled cream.

    Then you need to smear the entire surface of the finished cake with the remaining cream, coat the sides and let it sit for at least three hours so that the treat is thoroughly soaked.

    After the required amount of time, you can decorate the cake using any means convenient for you and serve.

    Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

    sour cream cake

    2 hours

    230 kcal

    5 /5 (2 )

    Everyone loves sour cream desserts. And many housewives prefer sour cream cake. If you have a question “Why?”, then you have never made this dish.

    The beauty of sour cream cakes is that they have a completely simple recipe, and their taste, on the contrary, is incredibly juicy and light. Sour cream cake is suitable for both everyday treats and special occasions.

    • Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer or blender, whisk, deep bowl for dough, baking pan.

    Required Products

    Making a classic sour cream cake at home is quite simple if you have a detailed recipe and grocery list on hand.

    For the test we will need:

    For the cream you need to take:

    Sugar1 tbsp.
    Sour cream350 g

    Features of product selection

    Despite the fact that the recipe for Smetannik cake is not complicated, our goal is not just to bake a cake, but to get a delicious dessert. And for this you need to choose the right products.

    1. For this cake, you need to choose high-fat sour cream for the dough and cream. Then the cream will be airy and will not spread.
    2. With fine sugar, sour cream whips easier. For example, I use powdered sugar (I just use a smaller amount - powder is sweeter than sugar).

    If you hang low-fat sour cream in a gauze bag overnight, it will whip no worse than fat sour cream.

    How to make a sour cream cake at home

    There are many recipes for making baked goods with sour cream, but each housewife has her own special secret for preparing it. However, there is still something in common - the dessert turns out soft, tender and incredibly tasty. The main condition that must be observed is to cook with soul and attention to detail. Today I will talk about the most popular desserts: classic sour cream and a version with condensed milk. So.

    Recipe No. 1. The classic Smetannik cake is an excellent decoration for any holiday, although its preparation will take time, but the recipe with step-by-step photos will provide considerable help even to novice cooks.

    Step 1. Turn on the oven to preheat. Yes, this is exactly what needs to be done first, since the dough is kneaded quite quickly.

    Step 2. Melt 100 grams of butter.

    Step 3. Beat 3 eggs into a deep container, add a glass of sugar and beat well.

    Step 4.
    Add 200 ml of sour cream and beat again.

    Step 5. Add melted cooled butter and whisk.

    If desired, you can add honey to the sour cream cake dough.

    Step 6. Gradually, without ceasing to knead, add 1.5 cups of flour and 1.5 teaspoons of soda (no need to extinguish it).

    The dough for sour cream pie should be slightly liquid.

    Step 7 Pour 1/3 of the dough into a baking dish.

    Step 8 Place the batch in the oven and leave for 30-45 minutes.

    Also divide the remaining dough in half and bake.

    Step 9 Remove the cakes and let them cool. If they turn out to be tall, you can carefully cut them lengthwise with a knife.

    Step 10 Trim the overhanging edges of the cakes.

    Step 11 Place the cake on a flat plate and coat it well with cream. Place the rest of the cakes on top, spreading cream over each one.

    Step 12 Cover the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream.

    To speed up soaking, the cakes can be pricked with a fork.

    Recipe No. 2. Sour cream with condensed milk. This recipe is slightly different from the classic Smetannik, but is in no way inferior to it in taste. To prepare it you will need the same products plus condensed milk. So let's begin.

    Step 1. In a deep bowl, beat 2 eggs.

    Step 2. Pour a glass of sugar into the egg mixture, add ½ can of condensed milk, soda and 250 ml of sour cream.

    Step 3. Mix the ingredients well. They recommend using a mixer for this, but I prefer using a blender. If you don’t have any, you can take a simple whisk.

    Step 4. Add 1.5 cups of flour and knead the dough until thick. Otherwise, the sponge cake with sour cream will be tough.

    Step 5. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts, wrap them in cling film and leave for an hour.

    Step 6. Preheat oven to 200ºC.

    To make the cakes soft and tender, they should be wrapped hot in cling film and allowed to cool.

    Step 7 Roll out the dough into fairly thick layers.

    Step 8 Grease a baking sheet with butter and place the cakes on it. Many people don’t even realize that they can bake a sour cream cake quickly and deliciously in 10-15 minutes.

    Step 9 Remove the cakes from the oven and let them cool.

    Step 10 Generously brush each cake layer.

    Step 11 Cover the top layer and sides with the remaining cream.

    Sour cream cake recipe

    When the cakes are baked, you can start preparing sour cream for the cake, the recipe for which is extremely simple: the remaining sour cream must be mixed with sugar and beaten thoroughly until a fluffy mass is formed. It is recommended to put the prepared cream in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. By the way , If you add gelatin to sour cream, it can be used not only for decorating cakes, but also as an independent dish.

    Proper sour cream does not spread when the container is tilted.

    Option number 2. Cut 200 grams of butter into pieces, add 200 grams of condensed milk and beat into a homogeneous cream.

    How to beautifully decorate and serve a sour cream cake

    As for decorating a cake with sour cream, there is no special recipe - everyone can decorate it to their own taste. Some people prefer to sprinkle their baked goods with peanuts or walnuts, others with powdered sugar, meringues or chocolate pieces. It all depends on imagination, taste preferences and the availability of products in the house.

    For example, I liked the dessert that my friend treated me to. This sour cream sponge cake was decorated with peanut sprinkles. To do this, take peanuts, dry them a little, crush them with a mortar and sprinkle on the top layer.

    Before serving, the cake should be placed in the refrigerator (or other cool place) for 12 hours to soak.

    To prevent the biscuit from drying out, you can put a cut apple next to it.

    Even if you are an inexperienced cook, you can easily prepare cream for a cake from sour cream and sugar and dough with sour cream. The main thing that is required of you when making these dishes is not to be lazy and follow some rules.

    • Be sure to sift the flour. This will make your cake tall and fluffy.
    • Don't skimp on the cream. A generous layer of sweet sauce will make the dish juicy and tasty.
    • The sour cream for the dough may need to sit for a little while, but for sour cream you definitely need a fresh product.
    • If you add a little roasted chopped walnuts to the sour cream for a sponge cake, the dessert will acquire a delicate nutty flavor.
    • If you are a fruit fan, you can sandwich the cakes with pieces of your favorite berries and fruits.
    • If you add strained raspberry or blackcurrant jam to the dough, the cake will turn out even tastier.
    • To prevent the dough from burning, you need to put a bowl of water in the oven.
    • Before preparing the cream, the sour cream should be cooled.
    • If you forgot to take the butter out of the refrigerator first, you can melt it in a steam bath or in the microwave.

    Any sour cream recipe can be improved at home using recommendations with photos. You can, for example, add melted chocolate (black or milk - to your taste) or cocoa to one of the parts of the dough. This way you will get white and chocolate cakes.

    If you decorate the cake with fresh berries or fruits, the surface of the top cake should be greased with protein. This will prevent the juice from being absorbed.

    Invitation to discuss the cake and possible improvements

    The recipes described are a small part of what can be baked from sour cream. If you have ideas on how to improve sour cream cake, how to decorate it, or your own recipe, share your successes and suggestions on our page. Our readers will be grateful for interesting recipes, supported by photos.

    Your family will love you even more, and guests will never be taken by surprise if you know how to make sour cream. And don’t be afraid to experiment with the classic version by including your favorite ingredients in the recipe.