Does beige yellow go with white? Combination of colors in clothes: how to choose the right color scheme for your look? What colors go well with beige?

Selecting colors is an important and responsible matter. Shades are important in clothing, makeup, interior design and design. For a respectable appearance, clothes are selected in 2-3 tones. This is a universal variation that allows you not to overdo it in colors. The same applies to interior design.

After all, the variety of incompatible palettes leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the room. Therefore, it is very important to know the combinations. This article will tell you how to choose the right colors for clothing and interior items.

Shade compatibility

What colors does blue go with:

  • Light purple.
  • Bluish.
  • Yellowish-greenish.
  • Brownish.
  • Grey.
  • Pale yellow.
  • Reddish.
  • White.

What colors does green go with:

  • Golden brown.
  • Orange.
  • Light green.
  • Yellowish.
  • Cream.
  • Black.
  • Ivory.

Light green shade harmonizes with the following tones:

  • Golden brown.
  • Brown-pink.
  • Dark orange.
  • Dark blue.
  • Grey.

Green with an olive tint harmonizes with:

  • Yellowish.
  • Brownish.

Light green compatibility:

  • Dark blue.
  • Yellow with a tint of brown.
  • Reddish.

Reddish speaks of leadership, tenacity, creativity, dynamism, perseverance, superiority, power, and the impulse to win. In psychology it means cruelty and stubbornness, harshness and intolerance.

What colors does red go with?

  • White.
  • Greenish.
  • Bluish.
  • Black.
  • Yellowish.

Red with a cherry tint harmonizes with this color scheme:

  • Grayish.
  • Light orange.
  • Sand.
  • Pale yellow.
  • Beige.
  • Azure.

With a raspberry tint, combine with:

  • White.
  • Grayish.

What colors does purple go with?

  • Brown with a golden tint.
  • Pale yellow.
  • Grey.
  • Turquoise.
  • Light orange.

Brown promises good luck, declares respectability, importance, maturity, stability, elegance, exquisite simplicity and hard work.

What colors does brown go with?

  • Cream.
  • Pinkish.
  • Blue.
  • Greenish.
  • Beige.

Light brown combine with:

  • Pale yellow.
  • Shafranov.
  • White with a cream tint.
  • Carrot color.
  • Blue.
  • Red.
  • Pale gold.
  • Purple.
  • Red.

Dark brown looks organic with:

  • Yellow with a lemon tint.
  • Bluish.
  • Mint.
  • Pinkish.

Combine brown and red with the following colors:

  • Dark blue.
  • Purple.

"Mocha" is suitable:

  • Light pink.
  • Pink with a beige tint.
  • Bright red.
  • Shafranova.
  • Beige.

Grayish clothing speaks of awareness, realism, and common sense. Rarely used in design. Causes fear of loss and melancholy.

What colors does gray go with:

  • Blue.
  • Bluish.
  • Violet.
  • Reddish.
  • Light pink.
  • Peach.
  • Sand.
  • Azure.
  • Saffron.

Gray is a universal tone. Therefore, all components of the color palette are suitable for it.

Orange in clothing speaks of strength, endless energy, excitement, tolerance, high self-esteem and love of freedom. In design it is associated with attracting wealth.

What colors does orange go with?

  • Black.
  • Azure.
  • Light pink.
  • Violet.
  • Ivory.
  • White.

Light harmonizes with tones of grayish, olive, mint and saffron.

Dark looks organically with dim sand, olive, red with a cherry tint.

White is presented as a calm, peaceful tone. It symbolizes lightness, openness, dedication, and pristine clothing style. In the interior it is familiar as a tone of isolation and peace.

Selected for him:

  • Bluish.
  • Scarlet.
  • Reddish.
  • Black.

For beige choose:

  • White.
  • Bluish.
  • Reddish.
  • Emerald.
  • Black.

Pinkish foretells friendliness, femininity, maturity, awareness, romance, kindness.

Pinks harmonize amazingly with this palette:

  • Brownish.
  • White.
  • Greenish.
  • Light green.
  • Olive.
  • Turquoise.
  • Soft bluish.
  • Light grayish.

Dark pinkish is called “fuchsia”. It is combined with gray, green, light green, mint tones.

Light pinks go well with beige, lilac, grayish-bluish, cobalt, and milky.

Yellowish speaks of dexterity, intelligence, originality, joy, honesty, justice, freedom, fun, confidence and patience. In design it is associated with liberation and inspiration.

Yellow is a sunny tone. It is bright and attracts attention. Combines with:

  • Bluish.
  • Greenish.
  • Bluish.
  • Marine.
  • Grayish.
  • Violet.
  • Black.

Yellow is divided into:

  • Citric. Reddish with a cherry tint, bluish, grayish, violet are suitable for it.
  • Golden. Combines with grayish, brown, red, black.
  • Sand. Suitable for:
    1. Fuchsia.
    2. Grey.
    3. Reddish.
    4. Purple.
    5. Bluish.

The turquoise palette is combined with the following palette options:

  • Fuchsia.
  • Dark red.
  • Bright, rich red.
  • Violet.
  • Cream.
  • Beige.

For blue select:

  • Red.
  • Grey.
  • White.

For lilac shades, choose orange, pink, violet, yellowish, grayish, white.

Violet suits:

  • Pale sandy.
  • Gray.
  • Turquoise.
  • Orange.

Black is a universal shade. The easiest way to choose a palette for it the right shades. Symbolizes creation, meaningful personality, motivation. Rarely used in design. Causes apathy and fear.

It goes with:

  • Red.
  • Lilac.
  • Yellow.
  • White.
  • Light green.
  • Pinkish.

Burgundy conveys pride, inaccessibility, audacity, elegance, richness. Clothes of such a palette visually hide overweight and figure problems.

Burgundy combine with:

  • Red.
  • Black.

Looks great with cobalt and violet.

Methods for selecting a palette

There are three ways to select the desired color variations:

  • Based on a single color theme. This refers to the combination of one color with different shades. Example: red - light red - dark red.
  • According to the antipode principle. This refers to the selection of the antipode according to the palette:
    1. To olive - red.
    2. To light green - pink.
    3. To yellow - violet.
    4. To orange - blue.
  • Using the contrast method. This means selection in one color palette. Example:
    1. Violet is suitable for red.
    2. For violet blue.
    3. For green - olive.
    4. For olive - mint.
    5. For yellow - sand.
    6. For pink - fuchsia.
    7. For blue - cyan.

The psychological side of choosing color solutions

When decorating the interior, pay attention to the color of the walls and decoration:

  • Red - causes depression, apathy, reduces sensitivity, causes hypertension.
  • Black - visually reduces space.
  • Brown - causes despondency.
  • Gray - causes sadness.
  • Blue is an uncomfortable shade for a room.
  • Yellow - tunes to good mood. Invigorates.

When choosing color solutions you have to be very careful and attentive. After all, incorrectly selected palettes will ruin the whole appearance: will make the image inappropriate and the interior uncomfortable.

A simple, laconic and versatile beige color. He is the basis of femininity, tenderness and grace. Let's talk about the combination of colors in clothes with beige as a base. Who will it suit and in what case will it be appropriate in the image?

Who chooses beige?

You can immediately say about lovers of beige shades: they are calm, balanced and peaceful people. Most often, this color is chosen by business people, for whom their own realization comes first.

Adherents of beige shades are sincere people who appreciate true friendship and comfort.

Beige color- the best option for the base of any image. Juicy and rich shades look good against the background of this color. Beige is a fairly neutral color. He will never “steal” attention from you to himself. Quite the contrary: it will favorably emphasize all the advantages of the figure and highlight the expressive features of the face.

50 shades of beige

The combination of beige color with other colors in clothing suggests several important rules. They are simple, but they need to be taken into account.

Beige can be divided into warm, cool and neutral shades.

Warm shades include yellow, orange, peach, powdery, and brown undertones.

For cold ones - purple, gray and green shades.

Neutrals include sand, cream, vanilla, ivory.

Who is beige color suitable for?

Beige has different shades. Slightly, but they differ from each other. Which shade is right for you?

  • “Winter” color type: if you have a contrasting appearance, dark hair and very light skin, you can safely choose almost any shade of beige. Slightly vague shades of this color, blurred into “nude” with a yellowish tint, will suit you. The whites of the eyes of girls of this color type are always pure white, sometimes with a blue tint.
  • “Spring” color type: a girl with slightly tanned skin and light brown hair should pay attention to peach, creamy, pink-powdery, and golden shades. Spring itself “wakes up” in these colors. These “warming” shades will suit you too. But muted gray-beige will slightly dim your luminous color type. It is better to avoid this shade.
  • “Summer” color type: the delicate soft color scheme of a girl’s appearance suggests choosing ash-cool shades of light brown. Flesh shades, without a pronounced warm undertone, cool - these are yours.
  • “Autumn” color type: for “warm” girls - warm shades of beige. Caramel, clay, pistachio, ocher, savanna - these nude undertones will highlight the warm features of the face.

An important criterion when choosing a shade is contrast. For example, if a girl has fair skin, she should not wear cool beige clothes. Otherwise, the pale face will become even lighter and will not look entirely healthy.

It often happens that, having chosen a beige dress you like in a store, at home you cannot understand why you bought it. The impression is not at all the same, and the shade is clearly not yours. The thing is that you have chosen a so-called non-complimentary shade for your natural body color. Plus, they didn’t take into account the bright lighting in the store. Be sure to pay attention to these nuances. Because the beige color takes on all the available lighting. It is able to change under the light of a lamp. And in daylight, beige will look different on you than in the store. This annoying mistake happens to many girls when purchasing.

Beige in different clothing styles: when is it more appropriate?

Beige is rightfully considered a universal color. The combination of colors with beige in clothes can be any, as well as the chosen occasion.

Remember a few simple secrets:

  • To create a romantic look, all shades of beige without exception are suitable.
  • For a casual style, beige can act as a background to balance out the bright details. In this case, you can combine beige even with “flashy” colors.
  • For an office business style, a discreet combination of a light beige top and dark bottom is suitable. The latter can come in black, grey, brown and even the alternative white.
  • For a cocktail party great option- beige dress. For such an occasion, girls often try to dress in bright, rich colors. But neutral beige is a noble color; it will make you stand out against a bright background. Golden pumps will make good company to a beige midi dress.
  • For an evening out, a floor-length beige dress is a lifesaver for every girl. And if you successfully choose silver and golden accessories, the image will acquire luxury and nobility. Good colors for combination: blue, jade, soft pink, brown. These shades will emphasize the fragility and tenderness of your evening dress.

The beige shade can and even should be worn as an everyday look. You can pair a beige top with boyfriend jeans or bright blue trousers. However, let’s try to determine what it’s like to wear clothes with beige as a base using examples.

Beige + white

A light look is achieved by combining white and beige. Clothing (photo below) must match summer period of the year. Because this combination is light and casual in a summer way.

The combination of these shades will help you create different looks: business, evening, and everyday. This is a basic color combination. You can add bright color accent in the form of your favorite accessories.

Beige + black

The combination of colors in clothes: beige top and dark bottom makes it possible to create a strict business image. Such a union will visually balance the proportions of the figure. You can wear a beige jacket under a total black look. It will look very stylish. And a splash of white will enliven the image.

Such a universal combination will be expressive, effective, and deep. Psychologists recommend wearing these colors during negotiations, interviews, and exams, since they create a neutral, positive and, most importantly, favorable background for communicating with your opponent.

Black can act as a separate wardrobe item, or it can be just a detail.

Beige + gray

The combination of gray and beige in clothes looks very cozy and comfortable. The shade of gray can be matched to beige, or you can choose a little darker.

Additional colors as accessories: turquoise, pink, burgundy, yellow.

Beige + blue

The combination of colors in clothes: beige and blue looks warm and cold at the same time. Almost all shades of blue can be combined with beige: from rich electric blue to sea green. But there should be a “pinch” of blue in this ambiguous tandem.

Shades of blue symbolize balance and calm. If a person chooses any shade of this color, he can be described as reasonable, reliable, attentive and responsible. Shades of blue in combination with beige are perceived positively and favorably by others.

Beige + turquoise, mint, blue

The combination of colors in clothes “beige + blue, mint or turquoise” looks light, playful and fresh in summer.

With this combination, it would seem different colors, you can create interesting images for every day and lift your spirits.

Beige + red

The combination of colors in clothes: beige with bright red in a single image - looks dignified, bold and original. Beige favorably emphasizes the red color and at the same time balances the image as a whole. This combination is an excellent solution for an everyday look.

Red color is complex and insidious. It suits absolutely everyone without exception. But the beige shade will definitely become your ally and not your enemy in creating a stylish look. Moreover, beige will not in any way shift the attention from men, which you are counting on when choosing this shade.

Beige + brown

The combination of dark beige in clothing suggests splashes of white. This combination is quite popular among fashionistas.

When it comes to characterizing a person, the color brown creates the impression of reliability and consistency. It is easy to gain trust and respect for such a self-confident person. This is the color of a strong person.

Dark brown color goes well with mid-tone beige.

Beige + green

The combination of colors in clothes: beige (photo below) with green - looks impressive and natural.

There is something natural about this combination. A good choice of green in combination with white is an emerald shade. This natural and bright tandem is perfect for a business look.

Beige + Marsala

The combination of colors in clothes “beige and burgundy” is considered universal. Individually, these colors are self-sufficient. And when combined, there is no need to dilute this “strong tandem” with another color. The color of Marsala is enchanting and deep. Its main feature is the unique combination of burgundy with a brown undertone. This color will make any everyday look special, like the Sicilian glass of wine of the same name.

And in combination with beige shades, the image does not require additional details.

Beige + purple

The combination of colors in clothes: beige + purple - makes the image gentle, warm and cozy. Variations of images with reddish wine shades look interesting.

Who thinks purple is a sad color? This unique combination will make you want to try this look. The mix of tones can be used both in individual items of clothing (jacket, cardigan) and as an accessory.

This season, the current shade is ultraviolet.

Beige + yellow

In psychology, yellow is the color of positivity. It is recommended to be worn by those people who are often stressed or prone to depression. Psychologists strongly advise surrounding yourself with a yellow sunny shade. By trying this “positivity” on themselves, people get rid of lethargy, drowsiness and sadness. In addition, yellow increases concentration.

For a complete feeling of harmony, joy and happiness, you can try on an image that combines beige and yellow.

Why not attract the attention of others in such a bold look? You seem to tell everyone: I am a responsible, freedom-loving, creative and positive person.

Beige + pastel

The next advantageous combination of colors in clothes: light beige and pastel shades. It opens ample opportunities to create interesting color combinations.

Everything is built from details and nuances. Such a delicate tandem of color shades will make the image elegant and aristocratic.

What to wear with it?

A beige piece, particularly a basic dress, should be in everyone's wardrobe. modern girl. This is a versatile item that can easily be combined with other items of clothing.

For a beige dress, it is better to choose shoes in white, gray, burgundy, blue, dark blue, emerald, turquoise, blue, light pink, light yellow.

Beige trousers will help you create a lot of unique interesting looks in different styles.

The beige color and all its shades are noble and will be appropriate everywhere, without exception. Beige deserves your attention and a separate shelf in your wardrobe. Do you agree?

Beige color in clothes is simple and laconic, feminine and versatile. In this article we will talk about the combination of beige color in clothes, shades, who it will suit and where it is better to wear it. The beige color symbolizes calm and tranquility. This color is most often chosen by people who are looking for themselves and opportunities for their own realization. Beige lovers are sincere people who value comfort and calm friendships.

Beige color in clothes is one of the most best options as a base for any outfit. Bright, rich and rich colors look very good against its background. This is a neutral color, so it will never “interrupt” or obscure you, but on the contrary, it will favorably emphasize all your advantages, for example, tanned skin or expressive facial features.

For people, the beige color in clothing has a calming and slightly relaxing effect. It is believed that if you wear a beige suit or something to an upcoming difficult negotiation or business meeting, it will make you feel more confident and composed

Who should wear beige color in clothes?

Beige is not a simple light brown; it has many different shades, which, albeit slightly, still differ from each other. Which beige is right for you? Let's get a look!

  • if you have a fairly bright contrasting appearance, dark hair (Winter color type), almost all shades of beige will suit you;
  • girls and women with slightly tanned skin and blond hair - Spring color type- can choose caramel shades of beige;
  • soft gentle coloring of girls' appearance with Summer color type goes well with the ashy cool shades of our light brown;
  • and, finally, for “autumn” girls and women, warmer shades of beige in clothes are suitable.

Very important point for choosing a shade is that a girl with very fair skin is not recommended to wear things in cool beige tones, so as not to make your fair face even lighter, and this will look like pallor. Therefore, it is better to avoid shades like “coffee with milk” and beige-gray tones.

Shades of beige in clothes

The combination of beige color in clothes is not a difficult question, but it is worth considering that beige has many different shades, among which every fashionista, I am sure, will definitely choose her favorite.

Gray beige - a very suitable shade for a dress. The following colors are suitable for combination with it: azure, gold, ruby, amethyst, lilac, yellow ocher, .

Neutral beige - this shade can be classified as a classic beige color and more neutral and muted colors are best suited to it.

Lilac-beige - a universal slightly pinkish shade suitable for evening wear, for the office, and for walking. You can combine it with: golden, silver, ruby, (light), muted purple or blue, brown and dark brown,.

Brown beige — this shade reminds us of the well-known “cafe with milk” color and is best suited for girls with tanned or dark skin. Colors that can perfectly complement it are: orange, light pink, red, gray-blue, emerald, silver, gold, blue, etc.

Pink beige — there is a certain amount in the shades Pink colour because of which it takes on a very gentle and pleasant appearance. Compared to the previous one, this shade is warmer and therefore will especially highlight your appearance in cool or cloudy seasons. The range of shade uses is also quite wide - it is suitable for both the office and leisure. Delicate pink beige dresses are simply ideal for romantic dates. By combining this shade with grey-violet, peach, pink, red-orange, green, yellow, brown, gold and silver you can create simply stunning color combinations.

Orange-beige - the shade looks good with pastel colors, as well as blue, yellow, and brown.

Peach beige - Compared to the classic peach color, this shade is more muted and goes well with light pastel colors.

Yellow-beige - a little yellow in the shade adds warmth and brightness. The color will look very beautiful in combination with burgundy, wheat, blue, purple and white.

Green-beige — the presence of green in the shade instantly adds freshness to it. Additional colors can be: blue, beige-pink, bronze, dark brown, etc.

Beige color in clothes - where is it better to wear it?

  1. By combining shades of beige with each other you can get excellent color options to create an image in romantic style.
  2. For informal style Brighter and more contrasting color combinations are suitable, where beige will act as a background or balance more saturated colors. There is a lot of room for experimentation here, because you can combine really flashy colors, just don’t forget that ultimately your image should be complete.
  3. For office business style you can choose a fairly restrained combination in the style of “light top and dark bottom”, this very “dark bottom” can be presented in one of the following colors: black, gray brown, alternatively - white.
  4. For a cocktail party- try a beige dress if you want to stand out from others. Why? Usually, for such parties, fashionistas prefer dresses in brighter and more saturated colors and, as a result, everyone is equally bright)) Therefore, it is neutral beige that can make you stand out against a bright background. Golden shoes will make an excellent company with a beige dress.
  5. On every day you can combine a beige top with jeans or blue (electric blue, turquoise) trousers. Also, all other bright colors, combinations with which will be discussed later, are also perfect for everyday looks.
  6. For special occasions a floor-length beige dress will become simply irreplaceable, especially if you combine it with silver or gold accessories and jewelry. The following colors also look good in this context: blue, brown, jade, soft pink - these shades will emphasize the femininity and fragility of your evening look.

We have already talked to you about shades of beige, and now it’s time to move on to the main program :) and consider the combination of beige in clothes with other colors.

Beige + White

Of course, beige looks very light with white - this is an ideal combination for the summer season. Using these colors together, you can create an image for any occasion; this universal solution is suitable for strict office outfits, for shopping with friends, and for an evening event. I would call this combination basic, because it looks good within these two colors, and you can also add other brighter and more saturated colors to them (for example, one of those that we will talk about below).

Beige + Black

By combining beige with black, you can get a more formal and business-like color that will fit perfectly into a business meeting or office workday. According to the ratio of colors in the set - there should be more of one than the other. For example, you can wear a beige jacket under a completely black look, such an outfit will look very stylish.

Thing white will be able to add freshness and dynamics to a beige and black set, and will help “revive” the outfit. Combination of beige and black.

Beige + Gray

The combination of beige in clothes cannot do without gray, because next to it, beige looks even more cozy, soft and comfortable. The shade of gray should not be matched to beige; it is better if the gray is a little darker. Additional colors will be pastel shades of turquoise, pink, and yellow.

Beige + Blue

It is good to combine almost any shades of blue with beige: rich electric blue, dark blue, sea green, etc. The thing is that these colors create a pleasant contrast of warm and cold. Blue always comes forward in this tandem, so it is better to use it in small quantities if its shade is very bright and saturated. Combination of beige and blue.

Beige + Blue, Turquoise, Mint

These are some of my favorite combinations in clothes :) With shades of turquoise and blue, beige looks very good and fresh and light for summer. You can combine with beige both bright, saturated shades and very light ones.

Beige and mint together will help you create wonderful looks for every day.

Beige + Red

In this design, red looks especially bright, even if it is represented in the look by just one thing. Beige has the ability to highlight a bright color, while making it even brighter and at the same time balancing the entire image as a whole.

A bright red skirt or trousers paired with a beige blouse or top is an option for an everyday outfit. You can also combine red and beige in evening looks, but then, I would recommend red only as an additional accessory to the main beige dress or suit.

Additional colors in this combination can be: black, white or brown. Combination of beige color in clothes.

combination of beige and red in clothes

Beige + Brown

When we talk about beige, we mean that it is essentially brown with the addition of white, so it is not surprising that this combination is very popular among many fashionistas, because related colors always look good together.

Shades of brown go well with all shades of beige, but to prevent your outfit from looking boring and monotonous, it is better to combine contrasting dark brown (or medium tone) and beige.

Beige + Green

This combination looks very natural, it has something natural and natural about it. The most successful shade of green with which beige will look best is emerald. An emerald-colored skirt and a beige blouse are ideal for work.

beige color combination in clothes
combination of beige and green

Beige + Pink

The most natural and organic combination with beige is a light pink shade. If you find this combination boring and want to make it brighter, then simply replace the delicate pink with a brighter one.

beige and pink in clothes
combination of beige and pink

Beige + Burgundy

Very stylish combination is also universal. The colors look very self-sufficient side by side and you don’t want to add other shades to them.

Beige +Purple

Beige + Yellow, Orange

Beige also goes well with bright colors such as yellow and orange and looks quite harmonious. Combination of beige color in clothes.

Beige + Pastel shades

With more neutral pastel shades you can create some really interesting color combinations. Everything here is built on nuances and such colors look very aristocratic and elegant.

Beige is one of the most versatile colors along with black and white. If you have a beige item, then you will always find something to wear it with and colors with which it can be combined. Combination of beige color in clothes.

A beige dress can become one of the most versatile things in your wardrobe, because it can be combined with almost any color.

The best colors for shoes to match a beige dress: white, gray, burgundy, blue, dark blue, emerald, turquoise, light blue, light pink, light yellow.

With beige trousers or jeans you can create a lot of looks in different styles. Choose which option you like best.