Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about critical days? Why do you dream about menstruation?

Dreams can predict what awaits a woman in the near future. Especially when she dreams that she has started menstruation, although in reality there is nothing like that. And there are no worries about her absence either. What would that mean?

Also, some dream interpreters claim that such dreams warn the fairer sex that in reality she will most likely commit some kind of offense, for which she will then have to blush and even bitterly repent.

The psychological dream book “Interpretation of Dreams” takes an interesting look at menstruation in dreams. Most likely, the woman in reality wants to stop some process in her life and avoid losses. For example, she wants to keep a man near her who decides to break up with her. Or, foreseeing an imminent separation from her daughter, she tries in every possible way to dissuade her from a rash marriage. Or maybe the seriously ill mother has long been sent home by the doctors - death has approached the very bedside of a close and beloved person.

But she is unable to stop these processes, and no matter what the unfortunate woman does, it is not within her competence. Therefore, the dream book interprets menstruation in a dream in this way: for sure, your efforts will be in vain. Don't waste your energy trying to turn back the rivers! Just as menstruation was given to us by the Lord God, and it is impossible for a healthy, non-pregnant woman to avoid it, so moments like these were sent by him. They are obvious and inevitable. Don't grumble - accept your whole life as a gift!

From a psychological point of view, this is quite understandable. This is how the dream book reasons: a woman’s period is an indisputable, obligatory fact. Although they are sometimes painful and abundant. Every period is associated with loss of blood and strength. But the woman takes it calmly. Most likely, she will worry if she suddenly does not get her period. After all, the absence of “blood” signals either the onset of pregnancy (great, if long-awaited!), or a female illness. Therefore, representatives of the weak half of humanity are morally ready to sacrifice their blood, accept troubles associated with overcoming pain and dizziness.

Understanding that many sacrifices are simply inevitable, thereby freeing the individual from worries. After all, before the woman could not unravel the meaning of the dream, she was in a state of unfreedom. Now, having fully realized the necessity of losses, she is morally freed from worries.

And another interesting meaning is offered by the dream book: menstruation sometimes means a meeting. The vision itself suggests that very soon you will meet a loved one with whom you are in a long separation. Menstrual blood speaks of sexual kinship. That is, the person with whom you once had a love relationship may come to you any day now.

In general, dreams and predictions of the future are a deeply personal matter. Smart people specifically keep individual records in which they record dreams and the events that follow. It is quite possible that your dreams have original, different from generally accepted, explanations. For example, the famous Vanga solved dreams completely differently than other predictors did. So, before deciding which explanation to give preference to, you should carefully read not one, but several dream books in order to choose the appropriate one.

People in everyday life often do not notice very important little things and clues of fate. Although in vain, because even a simple dream can provide answers to the questions that interest us. If you dream of blood, do not panic or be afraid in advance. Especially when it comes to menstrual flow, which is familiar to all women. In general, periods in girls’ dreams promise good luck and pleasant events, but their interpretation is influenced by many factors: the amount of bleeding; their location (clothes, panties, sheets, body); emotions you experienced at the sight of blood, etc.

Most often, girls dream of the following events related to menstruation:

  • They may start unexpectedly;
  • Blood runs down the girl's legs;
  • A pregnant woman's period has arrived;
  • Menstruation leaked onto furniture, clothing, etc.;
  • Blood clot on the pad;
  • Waiting for periods, if they are late.

To correctly interpret a dream, you need to accurately remember absolutely all the little things and details.

Modern dream books interpret such dreams as dreams associated with the emotional background of women and their well-being. If a girl dreams that her period has started, this is a signal that you need to listen to your body and check your health. Such dreams warn of possible upcoming problems. It is better to go to the doctor, undergo a full examination and take the necessary tests. If a woman’s health is fine, then it’s worth taking care of the people close to her. After all, a dream can warn about illnesses of relatives.

However, if a pregnant girl has such dreams, this is a sign of the birth of a healthy child. And you shouldn’t worry about the baby’s health at all; he will grow up to be a strong and cheerful child.

The onset of menstruation in an unmarried girl in a dream is considered a signal of serious failures in her personal life. Why does a woman dream about menstruation? Treason, quarrel, separation, meanness are not excluded. And she probably won’t have the strength to forgive her lover. And menstruation in a dream in a married woman can be explained by a possible imminent pregnancy and the appearance of her first child.

A dream should be considered bad if household items, toiletries, clothes or linen are stained with blood; such a dream warns of misfortunes, grief and various adversities. A similar dream is considered when a woman puts on clothes or underwear with blood stains. And if a girl finds her blood on someone else’s furniture or bed, then she will soon need someone’s help, but pride will be more important and asking for support will be beneath her dignity.

If a girl in her dream ruined her clothes with menstrual blood due to the unplanned arrival of her period, it means that large and useless expenses will soon follow in her life. Such a dream also means difficulties in all areas of life.

If a woman dreams of a friend or relative’s clothes stained with blood, this is a signal of a future quarrel. And most likely the culprit of the conflict will be the dreamer himself.

If you dream about your period?

Unexpected menstruation in a dream can mean grief, loss, risks, bad news. And probably not in material terms, but in emotional, moral terms, and troubles will come in the near future, so all that remains is to tune in and be ready for them.

Since menstruation itself is a symbol of feminine energy. Having seen such a dream, you run the risk of receiving mental trauma, which can break you mentally; betrayal of a friend, betrayal of a loved one are possible, there is a possibility of getting a knife in the back from friends, disappointment in people, etc. Take the dream as a warning and be careful in your actions. Correct interpretation of dreams will help you avoid irreparable consequences and wrong steps.

Also, such dreams sometimes serve as a warning that you should wait for the arrival of your distant relatives and this also does not bode well.

Menstruation in a dream can mean that you are late for a very important event or trip, so you should hurry up.

Why do you dream about periods if in reality they don’t exist?

Why dream about periods if in reality they don’t exist? If a girl had a dream in which she had a delay in her menstrual cycle, then a pleasant acquaintance with an interesting and influential man or a passionate short-term but stormy romance is expected soon.

If a woman dreams of menstruation, but does not have it in her life at the moment, this means that a difficult and responsible decision, a serious deed or an important step awaits her ahead. Or such a dream may mean that the girl is in for big troubles and that she herself is the culprit.

If in real life a woman is going through menopause, but in her dream she sees menstruation, this means that in the area of ​​her personal life or financial situation, everything can change dramatically.

Why do you dream about heavy periods?

If a girl started bleeding heavily in a dream, then she should beware of possible injuries.

If menstruation is heavy and blood flows thickly through the legs, you need to immediately go to the hospital and undergo a medical examination as a matter of urgency. Such a dream is most often a signal of a serious illness. A dream in which a young girl not only discovered the arrival of her period, but also feels a sharp pain can also be considered alarming. Therefore, the sooner you pay attention to such a dream and take the necessary measures, the better. After all, thanks to prevention, it is possible to identify the disease at an early stage of its development and prevent undesirable consequences.

A girl’s period in a dream, which is accompanied by discharge of a strange color, is a sign of a disease of the genitourinary system. If they are pale pink or brownish in color, this is a symptom of a gynecological disease. You shouldn’t self-medicate and wonder what kind of illness you have? You just need to contact a specialist who will identify the problem and help fix it. There is no need to put this issue off for a long time, start acting right away and spend time on your health.

Do you have complexes that interfere with building your personal life? Then remember, you probably had dreams in which you felt a sharp and unpleasant odor from menstrual flow, and not without reason, because these facts are directly interrelated. Having gotten rid of all the accumulated complexes and fears, your life will become much easier and your well-being will improve significantly.

No one believes, but not only women, but also men have dreams about menstruation, although somewhat less frequently than the fair sex. However, the fact remains a fact. And if a man has a dream about menstruation, it means that his girlfriend may have serious difficulties in life. Therefore, you should not remain silent, you must quickly notify your chosen one about such a dream in order to avoid problems and try to support and help her in every possible way during this difficult period of her life.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that absolutely any dream about menstruation is most often a signal and warning about your health and the people close to you, both physically and mentally. Dreams about menstruation can be interpreted both positively and negatively, because a lot depends on small details and facts. Therefore, it is worth paying great attention to them. We have looked at the most common options that women dream about. Using this information, you will be able to correctly understand the dream and, most importantly, respond to it in a timely manner.

Menstrual blood in a dream is often a reflection of a woman’s psychological state in reality. Expectant mothers often see such scenes. When figuring out why menstruation dreams, you will have to take into account many important points - the color of the discharge, the circumstances under which it appeared, the emotions of the girl herself, etc.

Miller’s dream book says very little about menstruation. If a lonely young lady sees such a plot, she should pay attention to her women’s health. Perhaps a dangerous disease has already begun to develop in the sleeping woman’s body, but so far it is asymptomatic.

Does a woman who recently became a legal wife dream of blood, menstruation? This means that pregnancy can be expected in the very near future.

The seer Vanga suggests that feminine hygiene products completely soaked in blood turn out to be a sign that the girl is too actively meddling in other people’s affairs. Looks like it's time to forget about gossip and get on with your life.

The Modern Dream Book notes that a representative of the fair sex dreams of a delay in menstruation as a sign of meeting a very wealthy and influential man. The romance will be stormy, but short-lived.

Critical days for yourself, for another woman

If the dreamer herself is menstruating and her hands are heavily stained with blood, it means that the girl is trying to find out as many details as possible about the intimate life of her friends and relatives. Such curiosity can lead her to serious disappointment.

The sudden onset of menstruation is a harbinger of insurmountable obstacles that a woman will encounter in her life in the very near future.

The feeling of disgust at the sight of one’s own discharge is dreamed of as a warning about unpleasant gossip that strangers will spread about the dreamer.

Was the menstrual blood on another woman? This is a clear sign that the sleeping woman will be able to easily eliminate her rival and the latter will not even have time to harm her in any way.

What color was the blood in your dream?

If a woman dreams of monthly blood of an unusual color, she must remember which one it is.

  • Black discharge is the most negative sign. It promises the girl health problems and the inability to conceive a child.
  • Blood of an unusual color portends the emergence of an unusual situation, which can be resolved only after receiving advice from a wise mentor.
  • Scarlet, too bright discharge suggests that the fair sex suffers from numerous complexes. Perhaps the girl is embarrassed by her own appearance, which greatly interferes with her life.

Pregnant woman menstruation

It often happens that the expectant mother sees menstrual flow on herself. This is a great sign for her. In this case, you can be sure that the baby will be born healthy and strong. In addition, he will definitely be endowed with creative abilities.

In some dream books, stories about menstruation in pregnant women are considered harbingers of premature birth. But even under such conditions there is no reason to worry - the process will end successfully.

Why do you dream about periods if in reality they don’t exist?

If a young girl dreams of having her period but does not yet have one in reality, then such a plot can be perceived as a harbinger of a joyful surprise and an interesting adventure.

The girl’s dream of blood on the pad indicates her rapid puberty. The dreamer's body is undergoing rapid hormonal changes and it is possible that very soon she will begin menstruation in reality. If at the same time the girl felt pain in the dream, it means that the plot also has a negative connotation - the sleeping woman will lose the trust of her parents.

It happens that a very young lady dreams of menstrual blood simply because she is afraid of the changes that await her body. Mothers should fight such fears in their daughters by telling them everything about menstruation in accessible and understandable language.

Lots of menstrual blood

If in a dream a woman begins her period with very heavy discharge and she does not have time to change clean pads, this is an important warning. In reality, a representative of the fair sex will miss something very important due to the bustle of business. Perhaps, due to her excessive passion for work, her children or other family members will distance themselves from the sleeping woman.

  1. Heavy discharge that suddenly began on the road suggests that in real life the woman will face loss. It will not be material, but associated with feelings, relationships, or even with religion or faith.
  2. Is there so much menstrual blood in a dream that it flows down your legs? All the troubles in a girl’s life occur because of the same mistakes she constantly makes. To reduce the number of problems, you need to carefully analyze your behavior and try to identify your weak points.
  3. Has everything around you become dirty due to heavy menstrual flow? In reality, the sleeping person will face exposure or some shameful situation. If the woman did not experience a feeling of shame or discomfort, then the dream is interpreted differently - the dreamer will soon face large expenses, which in the end will turn out to be meaningless.

During menopause

For a very old woman, a dream in which menstrual flow appears is an excellent harbinger. He promises the sleeping woman excellent good health or complete relief from some dangerous disease. If the dreamer has been suffering from a tormenting illness for a long time, recovery will come very quickly and unexpectedly.

A woman who has not had menstrual bleeding for a long time dreamed of its return with severe pain? This is a hint that the sleeping woman is in a difficult psychological state. Perhaps she has a prolonged depression, which the fair sex herself does not even suspect. First, she needs to tell her loved ones about her problem and ask for help. Or simply contact a specialist.

As a rule, representatives of the fair sex dream of blood and menstruation as a sign of female diseases. Not always though.

If you dream of blood

Your period has arrived and, accordingly, you dreamed of blood. This is explained by your physical and mental state - you are slightly worried, especially if you are not at home. Or another option: you have an important task ahead of you, and your period may interfere with its implementation. Thus, what worried me in reality became a dream. If you dream that the long-awaited period has arrived, in reality it may not come, which means that an unwanted pregnancy has occurred.

If in a dream the onset of your period took you by surprise, among people, in the pool, on the beach, then you should be wary of a similar situation in reality. Heavy and painful periods with pain that excruciate even in sleep may indicate female diseases or sexual dissatisfaction.

If you dream about someone else's period

You can also explain why you dream about your period, not yours, but that of one of your friends. This does not bode well for you personally, but it may indicate problems with this very friend. This can also speak about her attitude towards you. If your dreamed friend, who has started her menstrual period, soils her clothes or chair, then she treats you very trustingly and may need your help. In general, someone’s monthly blood in a dream, clothes or linen stained with it, indicate that someone selfish wants to gain your trust. You are given a warning, if not about enemies and well-wishers, but about persistent people who will seek unwanted communication from you.

Warning for girls

Young women who saw menstrual blood in a dream should pay attention not only to their health, but also to their behavior. She often warns about a possible rash act that could tarnish a girl’s reputation. Also, such a dream may indicate disappointment in a new lover, unfulfilled hopes and diseases that are sexually transmitted.

A dream in which menstruation begins suddenly, and this fact cannot be hidden from others, warns of a possible illness. Moreover, the more blood there is, the more serious the troubles are. Clothes covered in blood also portends trouble. If you are trying to wash it off, it means you are afraid of the judgment of friends or relatives. And if in a dream you dreamed that the blood dripping from you did not bother you at all, then in the near future you will have good luck or a win.

When you shouldn't be afraid of such dreams

A delay in menstruation in a dream foreshadows a girl’s imminent meeting with a wealthy patron. A woman who is worried about a missed period in a dream can in reality get help in solving problems.

Pregnant women should not worry about menstruation while sleeping. Such a dream promises the birth of a healthy baby and rapid recovery of strength after childbirth.

Dreams in which menstruation is present have a similar interpretation to those in which blood is generally present. Initially, it personifies the connection with relatives, therefore dreams where the menstrual blood of another woman appears, when interpreted, extend to relatives - some of them will have illnesses or troubles.

When girls dream of blood

Menstruation, dreamed of by girls who do not have them yet, means getting rid of the past and a new stage in life. They talk about the girl's desire to speed up the process of growing up. If you dream of heavy periods, then you need to save your strength and energy so as not to harm your health.

Men's dreams about menstruation

If a married man dreamed that his wife started menstruating, then he should pay close attention to her health. When an unmarried man sees menstruation in a dream, then one of the interpretations of this is that he subconsciously does not trust his partner and expects some nasty things from her. Men who are too neat and fastidious dream about a bed covered in menstrual blood, which symbolizes vice.

Dreams are signals to a person about the upcoming future. Having deciphered the meaning correctly, you can be prepared for any surprises and even (sometimes) adjust your behavior.

Monthly bleeding is a common occurrence in a woman’s life. But if you dreamed about your period, what could it mean?

If you dreamed about menstruation, do not sound the alarm. A dream can mean a lot of things, including experiences when it happens. This state of anxiety is transferred to sleep and the woman dreams of menstruation, as if it has already begun.

It is very important what day of the week and what date you had the dream.

First, you should pay attention to all the details of the dream:

  • What is the amount of discharge;
  • Where does the dream take place?
  • Your feelings during this situation.

All the smallest details can play a huge role in the interpretation of a dream.

Quite often, seeing menstrual blood in a dream is of a similar nature. This:

  • Heavy or scanty periods;
  • Severe bloody discharge that runs down the legs;
  • Sudden critical days;
  • A pregnant woman sees her menstruation in a dream;
  • Blood stained furniture, things, etc.;
  • Seeing a friend get her period;
  • Prolonged wait for the red days of the calendar.

Why do you dream about menstruation? In general, blood carries a strong meaning. Menstruation is feminine power, beginning, energy. On the other hand, it is a loss. Everything is conditional.

Menstruation in a dream

Different dream books interpret dreams about menstruation differently. Depending on the situation, such a dream can have different meanings.

But still, menstruation in a dream usually does not promise anything good, so it’s worth rethinking your life, your behavior in general. Perhaps you stumbled somewhere and now you need to find the right path to boldly step into a bright future.

Do not be afraid of dream interpretations. After all, it was given to man as a warning.

  • The dream interpretation of heavy periods warns of some kind of loss in reality. This does not mean at all that the loss will be physical. Maybe we are talking about the loss of one’s peace of mind, one’s strength of character, one’s self-confidence. Perhaps the dreamer will have to part with a relationship that means a lot to him. In any case, such a dream portends remaining reasonable.
  • Why do you dream of menstrual blood flowing down your legs? Be careful - this is a sign that difficulties lie ahead and only attentiveness and composure will help you cope with the situation. In the future, you should think about every step you take and everything will be fine.
  • Time passes, but the critical days never come- this speaks of a difficult situation in the future where no one can help you. For what reason you will be left alone - it doesn’t matter, it is important to show strength of spirit in such a difficult life situation and everything will work out.
  • Why do you dream of menstruation staining surrounding furniture and clothing? Most likely, a shameful incident awaits the person. Perhaps a person is hiding something shameful for himself and is afraid to reveal his thoughts. But over time, everything secret becomes clear.
  • Seeing your friend’s menstrual blood does not bode well for the dreamer. But for a person on whom blood was seen - this may mean a difficult situation - offer him a helping hand.
  • Dream interpretation of periods in public places? To an unpleasant situation that will take you by surprise. Get yourself in order so that you are ready for any realities of life. You may have to experience shame or shame.
  • Dream of menstruation with pain may warn of gynecological problems or intimate dissatisfaction.
  • Seeing hygiene products in the blood, which means there is no need to mind your own business. This is especially true for those dreams where there is a lot of blood.

Menstruation in a dream and pregnancy

A dream should be interpreted completely differently when a pregnant girl dreams of menstruation. Everything will be wonderful and a dream about menstruation is a harbinger of good things.

When you dream that your period has begun, but in fact the woman is only expecting it, you don’t have to wait for “critical days” in reality. Your “interesting situation” is already a reality, the woman just didn’t see it.

  • If a pregnant woman gets her period in a dream, expect an easy pregnancy, a quick birth and a healthy, strong baby as a gift. So there is no need to worry about dreaming about menstrual blood during pregnancy - you need to rejoice at the interesting situation.
  • Why do you dream of menstruation when you are expecting it - no matter what it is: long-awaited or unwanted - the result is the same: pregnancy.
  • If a pregnant woman starts bleeding at the time of a miscarriage, this means that new events in life with a positive nature are expected. This is a sign that a woman has moved to a new level of life.

"Fake" dream

Quite often, menstruation in a dream occurs in girls who “strongly” expect it. In this way they transfer daytime thoughts into dreams. The subconscious, as you know, continues to work around the clock. Therefore, if critical days begin in reality in the near future, you should not take the meaning of sleep to heart.

Another moment when you don’t need to take the interpretation for granted is a dream before an important meeting. Most likely, the woman is very worried about the upcoming meeting, and so that her period does not take her by surprise, she has invented it.

Dream interpretation of menstruation can have many meanings for the same dream. It’s better to take a closer look at your own feelings and emotions during the dream; perhaps there was a pronounced feeling of joy - such dreams cannot mean a bad interpretation. But if you were anxious in your soul, it’s okay - go to the window and say: “Where there is night, there is sleep,” and everything will go away.