Baby dishwashing detergent rating. Are dishwashing detergents safe? Viscous paste for cleaning kitchen utensils

Every housewife cares not only about the cleanliness of the house, but also about the health of her family. Some dishwashing detergents can be harmful, so it is important to be able to find safe and high-quality ones among all products or make them yourself. From this article you will learn the names of the best commercial products and some recipes for preparing dish cleaning gels at home.

Rating of purchased dishwashing detergents

Rating of dishwashing detergents from Control Purchase

One of the studies that many Russians trust is the Test Purchase program. The presenters test many products in special laboratories under the supervision of specialists and render a verdict on whether this or that product is suitable for use, whether GOST was observed during its manufacture and what is worth paying attention to Special attention when purchasing goods. In a program dedicated to liquid products for washing dishes, the following professional products were tested:

  1. Dosia;
  2. Fairy;
  3. Sorti;
  4. Pemolux.

According to the results of laboratory tests, the pH level in all products is normal. The washing ability and rinsability from dishes turned out to be at a decent level for all, but Fairy was very different in the first indicator, so the control purchase recommends buying this particular detergent for the home.

According to people who tested detergents, Dosia is economically used and copes well with the task, the myth is very liquid, does not wash off well and remains on the dishes, and AOS liked the pleasant smell and thickness of the product more than its cleaning ability. Pemolux was noted for its good washing of dirt with foam without streaks and even in cold water. Best review and the people's choice fell on the Sorti product, while the leader of the program was simply noted for its thick and economical product.

Rating of detergents in different categories

Sometimes when buying a detergent, housewives are guided by their own principles of choice - by price, thickness, aroma of the detergent or manufacturer. Below is a list of the best dishwashing aids in their category.

The Best Children's Dish Detergents

The health of children is especially important so that all objects and things they use, including dishes, are safe. To do this, you need to buy products created specifically for cleaning children's dishes.

  1. Babyline is a detergent for children's dishes, which is recognized as one of the best hypoallergenic; it can also be used to wash fruits and vegetables.
  2. Eared nanny is one of the best gels for washing children's dishes.

The best concentrated dishwashing detergents

Concentrates are in great demand on the market as they save you money. Among the concentrated dishwashing detergents, the following are especially valued:

  1. Amway is recognized as the best cleansing product from online manufacturers. Amway household products are very popular and are very economical, as they are sold in concentrated form, so the consumption of detergent is very small. A nice bonus is that the concentrated product is sold in liter packaging.
  2. Faberlic is another dishwashing concentrate. The Faberlic company has created a whole “home” direction, which contains all the products necessary to keep your home clean. We are pleasantly surprised by the reasonable prices and good quality.
  3. Nika super plus is a concentrated, slightly alkaline, chlorine-free dishwashing detergent created domestic manufacturer disinfectants "Genix".
Dishwashing liquid: Faberlic

The best domestic dishwashing detergents

Russian manufacturers of household and dishwashing products are not so valued by buyers, but there are some examples that deserve your attention:

  1. Palmia is one of the best cleansers designed for people with sensitive skin. Using this gel you can wash vegetables and fruits, clean dishes and even skin.
  2. ecogel Zero - new on Russian market, created with natural baking soda, does not contain phosphates, parabens and formaldehyde. Gives a good shine to dishes and, thanks to the main component - soda, can effectively disinfect them.
  3. BioMio is the best domestic dishwashing detergent made using German technology, manufactured by Splat, better known for producing high-quality toothpaste.
  4. Zing is an online portal where you can find many products, including high-quality detergents of the same name. Currently, Zing detergents can be found and purchased online and on other marketplaces.
  5. Unicum is an expensive but very effective biodegradable balm for washing dishes, fruits and vegetables.
  6. Pril is the best dermatologically tested neutral pH product. Pril has no dyes and does an excellent job of washing away dirt.
  7. Organic People Ecogel is the best organic gel for cleaning dishes. Manufactured in accordance with GOST under the supervision of the Institute of Ethical and Environmental Certification ICEA.

The best foreign dishwashing detergents

For those who are accustomed to trusting foreign manufacturers, below is a range of products for cleaning dishes from the best foreign companies:

  1. CJ Lion - the best Japanese household products. It is almost impossible to see this brand in public sale, but you can order it online in an online store. In addition to means for cleaning dishes and washing food, you can also purchase liquid soap.
  2. Banzai Azia is one of the best Japanese-made cleansers with a tonic effect for hands. Banzai household products also have children's products.
  3. Mama lemon is one of the best inexpensive Japanese-made detergents without thickeners.
  4. Kerasys Soonsaem - Korean manufacturer Kerasys produces household goods approved and certified in Russia, one of them is Soonsaem dishwashing detergent with charcoal.
  5. Frosch is the best balm among environmentally friendly German-made dish cleaning products.
  6. meine liebe is the best detergent from Denmark, it attracts with its composition - without phosphates, parabens and chlorine.
  7. Morning Fresh is a Polish-made dishwashing detergent that creates stable foam.

Budget-friendly dishwashing detergents

Cheap detergents usually lack quality, but the following manufacturers have tried to create something inexpensive but decent:

  1. Cinderella is an inexpensive dishwashing detergent that will wash away minimal stains, but does not cope well with stubborn grease.
  2. Sarma is the best inexpensive antibacterial dishwashing detergent.
  3. Sorti is recognized as one of the best detergents in the budget category. It is worth noting that Sorti is produced by the same company as AOC.

The best dishwashing detergents

Among the variety of products, 2 products become leaders in numerous ratings and reviews:

  1. Fairy is the best degreasing dishwashing liquid for cleaning burnt on and very oily pans. Thick consistency, convenient packaging, reasonable price - all these are undoubted qualities of a leader.
  2. AOS is recognized as the best dishwashing detergent among buyers. The effectiveness and antibacterial properties of AOS allow you to use the product constantly, even with a large number of dishes.

Dishwashing liquid: Fairy

When choosing a detergent, use the following tips:

  1. Try not to buy products labeled “universal,” since high-quality products are intended for a specific type of cleaning (washing dishes/tiles/stoves).
  2. Harmful detergents contain enzymes, such as diethanolamine.
  3. A safe product has an acceptable pH level, for example, neutral has a pH of 7, alkaline liquids have a pH of 8 to 14, and acidic liquids have a pH of 0 to 6.
  4. By choosing a product in transparent packaging, you can make sure that the bottle is completely filled with liquid.
  5. Make sure there is no sediment at the bottom of the detergent bottle.
  6. When choosing dish detergent in opaque packaging, give preference to bottles with special recesses for comfortable holding the bottle in your hand.
  7. Surfactants and betaine are required in the composition of the product, since they are the ones who remove dirt and increase foaming; as we know, it is very difficult to clean anything without foam.
  8. Sodium fluoride is responsible for the viscosity of detergent.
  9. The presence of glycerin and aloe vera fragrance means that your hands will also be protected during the washing process.

Also, do not forget about what you need to apply the product to before you start washing the dishes. Throw aside rags and brushes; only sponges are suitable for high-quality removal of dirt with a special means, since they not only allow you to rinse the dishes better, but also save the product itself. When choosing a sponge, give preference to small ones and buy packages with large quantities, since they need to be changed at least once a week.

Homemade Dishwashing Soap Recipes

If modern purchased funds don’t inspire confidence in you, try creating your own detergents.

Viscous paste for cleaning kitchen utensils

To prepare the following effective remedy you will need:

  1. Laundry soap - 1 pc.;
  2. Mustard - 3 tablespoons;
  3. Soda - 3 tablespoons;
  4. Ammonia - 4 tablespoons.

At the first stage, you need to grate the laundry soap and dissolve it in 1 liter of hot water. As soon as the solution has cooled, combine soda and mustard with it, mix everything well, complete the procedure by adding ammonia, first opening the window so that the vapors do not irritate the mucous membranes. Now the product must be infused for at least 3 hours until it is completely ready. The resulting paste can be used to wash not only dishes, but also other contaminants in the kitchen and bathroom.

Spray dish cleaner

To make it you will need:

  1. Baking soda - 1 part;
  2. Hydrogen peroxide - 1 part (if peroxide is not available, vinegar can replace it);
  3. Water - 200 ml for every tablespoon of soda.

The recipe itself is very simple - dissolve baking soda in hot water and then add peroxide or vinegar. Pour the finished product into a container with a spray bottle; it is perfect for removing stubborn dirt and adding shine.

Dish gel with glycerin

Any housewife must also take care of herself, so the following recipe will tell you how to make your own effective and gentle detergent. Take:

  1. Laundry soap - 1 pc.;
  2. Glycerin - 4 tablespoons;
  3. Vodka or alcohol - 2 tablespoons;
  4. Water - 150ml.

Soap is grated and poured cold water. This mixture is placed on water bath and dissolve the soap completely, adding water if necessary. The fairly liquid mass is then cooled, mixed with glycerin and vodka, and stirred. The finished product is poured into a convenient container with a dispenser and left for 3 hours, then it can be used.

The simplest folk detergents

When not at hand professional product and there is no time to prepare a homemade cleaner, remember that there is always something to replace the cleaning agent without unnecessary hassle:

  1. Baking soda can easily replace any cleaning powder, and it can also be used to process vegetables and fruits.
  2. Dry mustard is odorless, cleans dirt well, is affordable and safe, suitable for porcelain products.
  3. Salt - cleans stainless steel cookware well.
  4. Wood ash - it is unlikely that you have ash lying around at home, but this folk remedy will help you in nature and in the countryside to quickly and effectively wash dishes using improvised means.

So, now you know the names of popular dishwashing detergents and the best ones have been identified. By following simple tips, you can always choose a safe and reliable dishwashing detergent. If store-bought products are not trustworthy, then preparing homemade detergents according to a recipe will not be difficult. In addition, you can wash dishes even with improvised means. Choose what suits you and don’t worry about the cleanliness of the dishes and the safety of the products you use.

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

At home, you often have to wash dishes by hand. To achieve results, use dishwashing detergent. They dissolve fat even without hot water, require no effort and guarantee the destruction of germs. Such products are available at an attractive price, so there will be no problems for the family budget.

Dishwashing liquid. Which company should you choose?

The household chemicals market offers a wide range of products from manufacturers, both foreign and Russian. A total of 4-5 companies are leaders in the household chemicals segment because they sell well and receive positive consumer reviews.

Nafis Cosmetics

The history of the Nefis company from Kazan began in 1855, when a stearin and candle factory was built in the city. For 150 years, the company produced candles, powders and household chemicals. She has won awards at the local and national level more than once.

Procter & Gamble

An American transnational giant whose product range is represented in many countries around the world. This is one of the leaders among all global companies producing consumer goods, which speaks of quality and affordability.

Greenfield Rus

The Greenfield Rus company specializes in household chemicals, and specifically detergents. It has its own production lines and supplies products to 150 cities in Russia through the Auchan, O'Key, Perekrestok, and Fix Price networks.

In addition, products from manufacturers such as Nevskaya Cosmetics, Alfatekhform LLC, Mommy Care and others are popular with consumers.

best product for newborns 97

Rating of the best dishwashing detergents

An effective and inexpensive product with lemon extracts has an antibacterial effect and copes with dirt. There are no hazardous substances in the composition, so there is no harmful effect on the skin.


    high washing efficiency;

    balanced price-quality ratio.

    volumetric foam;


    requires thorough rinsing.

    inexpensive option for home use.

Fairy “Tender Hands”, “Tea Tree and Mint”

A classic dish soap with a pleasant aroma and thick consistency. It is characterized by economical consumption, cleaning burnt and dried food. This product needs no introduction because it is known to consumers.


    fat cleaning;

    economical consumption.

    thick consistency;


  • With prolonged use, it dries out the skin.

Inexpensive dishwashing liquid from the Russian manufacturer Nefis is no different from imported analogues, because it contains the same components, only in slightly lower concentrations.


    cleaning greasy surfaces;

    does not dry out the skin.

    abundant foam;


    liquid, so consumption is greater;

    a skin-safe option, although less economical than Fairy;

Rating of the best detergents for washing children's dishes

Pediatricians and other experts recommend using special products to care for children's dishes. There are many options on the market suitable for washing bottles, cups and cups. These products do not leave a strong odor and do not contain dangerous allergenic components.

Frosch Baby does not contain hazardous components and does not cause allergies. It is effective against dried milk, juice and other liquid products.

Good remedy for children's dishes, although it does not remove strong odors, for example, fishy.


    safe product, suitable for any utensils;

    absence of caustic dyes and flavors;

    fat cleaning;


    high price;

Gel Russian production with low surfactant content (no more than 15%). It is gentle on your hands even after prolonged use.


    cleaning plastic, silicone, glass and latex;

    no dyes;


    copes poorly with strong odors;

    a safe product, although it does not cope with all types of contaminants;

Natural remedy with citrus oils and anise. It is completely safe, so it is even used for washing baby bottles. It washes off well and leaves no residue.

This product is not used every day due to its high cost and small volume, but it is excellent for washing children's dishes.


    safety of use;

    pleasant aroma of lemon, cloves and orange;

    absence of dangerous chemical components - parabens, SLS, SLES, flatlates;


    high price;

    small volume 200 ml.

A Russian product that can be used for washing dishes even by newborns. It does not contain any chemical dyes or dangerous components.

An option for young mothers who are worried about washing children's dishes. For other cases it is unlikely to be suitable.


    cleaning plastic, glass and other surfaces; lack of

    dyes and pungent odors;

    safety for the baby's body;


    inconvenient dispenser;

    Universal dishwashing detergent. Frosch specializes in the production of environmentally friendly products with natural ingredients. This product removes dirt well and washes off quickly, but you have to pay more for it.


      optimal thick consistency;

      no plaque on the dishes;

      effective removal of food debris;


    • higher cost.

    The Russian product, without harmful chemical components, is even suitable for washing children's dishes. It is odorless and does not dry out your hands, although it contains anionic surfactants that increase cleaning efficiency.


      quick wash;

      suitable for the whole family;



      the composition is not completely natural;

      high consumption.

    Natural eco-friendly dishwashing liquid based on plant and mineral components. Suitable for people with sensitive skin and children. Eco-friendly option effective remedy. But due to the high cost, not everyone will choose it for everyday use.


      safe and environmentally friendly composition;

      thick concentration;

      absence of phosphates, solvents, chlorine;

      respect for the skin;


      high price;

      The thickness of the foam depends on the quality of the water.

    Organic People contains organic lemon, so it is used to wash not only dishes, but also fruits, vegetables and children's toys. Organics cope with grease and stubborn dirt, thanks to their balanced composition.


      cleaning various surfaces;

      safety for health and the environment;

      natural ingredients;


      high price;

      limited selection in stores.

    The product in the De La Mark line combines best solutions– balanced composition and absence of harmful components. If you need a good product that will be completely washed off the dishes, you should pay attention to this option.


      no chemical film deposits;

      balanced concentration and density.

      hypoallergenic composition;


    • rarely found on sale.

    Winni's Piatti Concentrato

    Hypoallergenic detergent with high concentration for thorough washing of dishes. Thanks to the concentrated composition, 1 teaspoon per 5 liters of water is enough for effective cleaning.


      copes well with washing;

      high concentration;

      the composition contains only herbal natural ingredients;


    • The dishes must be washed thoroughly.

    Rating of the best products for dishwashers

    Dishwashers are popular because they help cope with large volumes of dishes. But it is important to select effective washing tablets for them, because otherwise the process itself will create more inconvenience than benefit.

    Finish tablets “Powerball All in 1 Max”, 100 pcs.

    Tablets for use in dishwashers on short cycle. Contains phosphates 30%, oxygen-containing bleaches 15%, nonionic surfactant 5%.

    Effective tablets for the dishwasher, although the composition seems aggressive for small amounts of dishes.

      effective washing;

      for light workload, ½ tablet is enough;

      absence of harmful components;

    Noah eaters

      presence of soda in the composition;

      There are not enough active components for tap water.

    Which dish soap should I buy?

      A popular and affordable household dishwashing detergent is Fairy. It is a gel with a thick consistency. There is a choice of a large assortment smells. One drop is enough to create a foam that breaks down fat and removes food debris.

      More cheap analogue– Russian product Sorti. It has similar qualities because it contains the same components. But it is not so concentrated, so the product is liquid. Accordingly, the one-time consumption during washing dishes increases.

      It is recommended to select special products for washing children's dishes. A good option in terms of performance is the Eared Nanny gel. This product was created specifically for the care of children's dishes. Frosch Baby also stands out based on natural ingredients.

      The leader for the dishwasher is Finish tablets. If they seem chemical, try BioMio containing natural eucalyptus oils. For lovers of environmentally friendly products, there is a line of products from the Frosch company, including for dishwashers.

    Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

    Many parents undeservedly ignore the issue of purchasing detergents for washing children's dishes, continuing to use the usual classic gels. In order to understand the importance of using a separate detergent for your child’s dishes, let’s look at their composition and how they differ from products from general lines such as Fairy or Sorti. Perhaps the rating will help parents determine which baby dishwashing detergent is best for them.

    All products intended for washing dishes contain two main components:

    • Surfactants (surfactants). They represent the basis of the product and ensure its foaming and removal of contaminants from the surface of the dishes. In total, there are three types of surfactants: anionic, cationic, nonionic, but most often the first two types are used in combination;
    • Excipients. They include salts and enzymes of various types that ensure the breakdown of complex contaminants and enhance the cleansing effect. This group also includes fragrances, dyes and softening components that make products more attractive to potential buyers.

    The most aggressive components of detergents that may cause concern are diethanolamine and chlorine. They are the ones who are responsible for the fact that sometimes when washing dishes, it can appear headache or burning in the eyes. Despite the fact that the content of these components in certified products is within acceptable limits, it is still highly undesirable for a child’s body to become familiar with them.

    Differences between children's dishwashing detergents and classic ones

    In order to protect the growing body from the consumption of chemicals, manufacturers change the composition of children's products.

    The main criteria for a truly safe baby dishwashing detergent are the following:

    • Safe surfactants consisting of natural components;
    • Lack of aggressive components such as phenols, parabens, phosphates and others;
    • The absence of strong fragrances and pungent odors, a light pleasant aroma is allowed;
    • Safe disinfectants that can fight bacteria;
    • Hypoallergenic property;
    • High level of washability of the product.

    Each of these criteria is important and must be met by a baby detergent. But since manufacturers are in ongoing advertising campaigns may exaggerate certain properties of products, and sometimes even hide them, we suggest considering the rating of baby detergents of the most popular brands that meet the requirements.

    Rating of baby dishwashing detergents

    Every mother wants to choose the best detergent for her child, but when faced with an assortment of products in the store, she may doubt the correct choice, especially if she is purchasing a detergent for the first time. And, despite the fact that the range of children's detergents is much narrower in comparison with classic ones, it is still represented by several brands, including both local and foreign manufacturers.

    • Frosch;
    • Eared Nanny;
    • Lion Mama.

    Every parent has their own idea of ​​what is really good for cleaning dishes and pots used for the child. In order to select a safe detergent that suits your criteria, it is worth considering each individually.


    High-quality product from the German manufacturer Werner & Mertz GmbH. Positions itself as an absolutely safe detergent for washing children's dishes. The thick, colorless and odorless product is presented in a transparent container with a volume of 500 ml. It’s especially nice to know that the company uses only recycled materials for packaging.


    • The surfactants included in the composition are of plant origin;
    • no fragrances or dyes;
    • economical consumption due to high concentration of the product;
    • presence of vitamin B12;
    • safe pH level.


    • higher cost of the product compared to competitors.

    Eared nanny

    A very popular and familiar Russian manufacturer of children's goods for its bright yellow packaging. The product has a thick, colorless consistency with good cleaning properties.


    • no dyes;
    • the active ingredients are chamomile and aloe;
    • hypoallergenic;
    • has an antibacterial effect;
    • copes with dirt even in cool water;
    • affordable price.


    • higher, but acceptable alkaline pH level;
    • the presence of a slight, but still smell.


    One of the best means for washing children's dishes. The Nuk brand, which came from Germany, quickly and firmly gained popularity in the children's goods market, which undoubtedly speaks of its quality. This baby dishwashing detergent trademark It is distinguished by high quality and safe composition.


    • the components are organic in nature;
    • complete absence of flavors and dyes;
    • can be used for washing plastic, glass, silicone;
    • washes off easily and without residue;
    • does not dry out the skin of the hands.


    • The consistency of the product is quite liquid, more like water than gel. In this regard, consumption may not be particularly economical.


    Perhaps less well-known, but still a good Russian-made detergent. The transparent product is available in a convenient container with a dispenser. The components in the composition are positioned as natural. Overall a good product in terms of price-quality ratio.


    • no harmful chemicals;
    • good cleaning properties, even in low temperature water conditions;
    • The product can be used for washing not only dishes, toys and pacifiers, but also vegetables and fruits.


    • There is a slight smell, which may be a minus for some.

    Lion Mama

    Not only German and Russian baby detergents are popular among parents. The Japanese product Lion Mama is familiar to many mothers. It has two types: with the smell of lemon and green tea.


    • cleanses food residues and other contaminants well;
    • does not harm the skin of the hands;
    • Available in a convenient transparent bottle;
    • economical consumption.


    • the product is concentrated;
    • the smell may seem harsh.

    Children's products for automatic washing

    Despite the fact that dishwashers are increasingly appearing in families and gaining the trust of parents, dishes and bottles for children under six months should be washed by hand. For older children, an automatic dishwasher is acceptable.

    Dishwasher detergents are also divided into children's and general use. Among the best children's soap washers for vending machines are:

    Folk remedies for washing children's dishes

    For those who do not trust dishwashing detergents, even those labeled "children's", there are a number of time-tested cleaning products. The most popular of them are:

    1. Baking soda. Very effective remedy in the fight against dirty dishes. Copes with light touch, and with fat. Not a large number of baking soda must be mixed with water to a mushy state and applied to the dishes with a sponge or cloth;
    2. Mustard. Not everyone knows, but it is an effective method for cleaning dishes. Must be used mustard powder or a paste made by adding water to the powder.
    3. Vinegar. Used as additional means, providing disinfection of dishes. If you use vinegar, you must thoroughly rinse off any remaining residue.
    4. Laundry soap. This brown soap has firmly won the trust of mothers and grandmothers. To use it for washing dishes, just rub a small amount of soap and dissolve it in hot water. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to add lemon juice to the resulting solution.

    Laundry soap is a time-tested dishwashing detergent

    Perhaps such traditional products will not be able to wash dishes or cope with strong grease as quickly as store-bought liquids, but you can be completely confident in their natural composition and safety.

    Each of the products reviewed in the rating has characteristics suitable for use even by the smallest children. Will this product be intended for automatic washing or manual washing, will it be purchased or manufactured? traditional way, the main criterion that must not be forgotten is that it must be safe for the child.

    For any housewife, choosing the optimal dishwashing detergent is a top priority. Since we use this representative of household chemicals every day, it is very important that it is environmentally friendly and safe, because we are talking about contact with the devices from which we eat. At the same time, I want to buy something that is not very expensive, but can wash off grease without hot water. Let us examine in more detail how to choose the golden mean among the listed factors.

    Grandmother's methods - environmentally friendly and cheap

    Before the development of technology in the field of household chemicals, popular dish cleaning products for a long time the usual one was in the lead baking soda . With its help, it was convenient to remove dark deposits from pots, cups, glass glasses and cutlery. Thanks to the fine-crystalline structure, it is achieved abrasive effect, shine and pleasant squeak of washed dishes. This product can be used either dry or dissolved in water, where dirty plates and cutlery are placed. Soda is capable overcome fat too, but should not be used for washing non-stick frying pans and pots.

    Similar in cleaning properties and mustard powder, which is also used dry and diluted with water. Although it is more expensive than soda, it is an excellent, harmless way to clean dishes from grease and giving she has a crystal shine.

    Another “fighter for clean plates” is table vinegar. It is not a basic cleaning product, but rather a rinse aid that is used to give glassware a sparkling shine and remove limescale.

    Laundry soap - for all times

    Some women (often mature) believe that the best dishwashing detergent is safe soap. It's hard to argue with this, considering that it consists of fats, vegetable oils and sodium salts. Classic laundry soap does not contain fragrances, preservatives or dyes, so it does not harm the environment.

    For the sake of objectivity, it is worth mentioning the disadvantages of such a tool. Tap water is quite harsh, hence little foam and low effectiveness of fatty acids. Therefore, you need to add soda and glycerin to the soap solution, since soap mercilessly dries the skin of your hands if you are not washing dishes with gloves.

    The effectiveness and low cost of such a product is overshadowed by its inconvenient shape. Indeed, it is difficult with a hard brown block. Therefore, experienced housewives usually prepare a liquid or paste-like substance from soap. Liquid soap is made by grating a bar and melting it in a small amount of hot water. The composition is supplemented with four tablespoons of glycerin and one spoon of vodka, which extends the shelf life. You can also add dry mustard for better fat-soluble qualities. Pleasant aroma Add 7-8 drops of essential oil to homemade liquid soap.

    For more dirty utensils, a paste made from laundry soap is suitable. It consists of a grated block mixed with a glass of hot water, to which soda (100 g), glycerin (50 g), mustard (50 g) and lemon zest are added. Essential oil would also be appropriate here. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and whipped. After cooling, the mass takes on a paste-like state.

    Modern options - convenient and effective

    Despite the safe and environmentally friendly heritage of the previous generation, young housewives still consider modern advances in household chemicals more effective and convenient. True, in the variety offered, it is sometimes difficult to understand which dishwashing detergent is best. It is clear that it should wash away fat even with cold water, disinfect, be used sparingly and protect the skin of your hands. It is also important that such a product smells pleasant, rinses off dishes well, and is inexpensive. Typically, advertising for any detergent contains all of the above points. To choose the best, we will review the most popular brands.

    The best dishwashing detergent - test purchase

    Range cleaning liquids, gels and balms are very wide today. However, only a few of them deserve to be called the best in the category. A good dish soap should be effective and environmentally friendly. After all, even an easily washed off substance leaves tiny particles on cups and plates that can affect people’s health. Therefore, safety is of utmost importance. And this is far from the only thing important quality, which you need to remember when choosing a dishwashing detergent.

    The most significant properties inherent only to the best representatives include:

    1. Effectively removes grease and stains.
    2. Eliminate odors.
    3. Safety. Eco-friendly biodegradable dishwashing detergents are considered the most harmless. Also among the safest products are liquids suitable for washing fruit and baby supplies.
    4. Hypoallergenic. Often, gels and balms for dishes cause allergies and dry out the skin. Therefore, those who wash dishes without gloves are advised to give preference to hypoallergenic products.
    5. Versatility. Some products are suitable for washing not only dishes, but also children's toys, pacifiers and even fruit, work in both warm and cold water, have an antibacterial effect and are gentle on the skin of the hands.
    6. No fragrance or light natural aroma.
    7. Acceptable price.
    • customer reviews;
    • test results;
    • recommendations from dermatologists.

    The most popular dishwashing detergents

    The most popular dishwashing detergents are usually known to every housewife. Many of them boast a powerful composition. Therefore, representatives of this class are suitable for use in cold water. Also, many products have a variety of release forms.

    5 Sorti Lemon

    Works in warm and cold water
    Country Russia
    Average price: 62 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.4

    Sorti - budgetary means for dishes, which can be found in almost every store. At the lowest price, it is one of the best inexpensive gels for washing cutlery in both warm and cold water. In terms of its capabilities and composition, Sorti is comparable to a number of more expensive products. Only the fairly liquid consistency does not let you forget that the product belongs to the cheap class.

    An iconic feature of the dishwashing gel is its special formula that prevents streaks from appearing on glass glasses. But a powerful lineup, of course, also has a downside. Effective but not very natural active ingredients, as well as dyes and fragrances, despite the positioning of the product as suitable for sensitive skin, can be a little drying. At the same time, allergic reactions to individual components cannot be ruled out.

    4 SARMA Lemon

    The most budget option
    Country Ukraine
    Average price: 45 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.5

    One of the cheapest rating tools from Sarma proves that the best doesn't have to be expensive. This nominee is often compared to Fairy, which costs several times more. The formula washes dishes perfectly in hot and cold water and is consumed slowly. It has a lemon scent. The drug comes in a convenient plastic bottle with a snap cap. Ribbed strips are pressed along the edges, the product will not slip out of wet hands. The dispenser dispenses a small drop which produces a lot of soap.

    Reviews note the consistency of dishwashing gel. It looks like clear water of medium thickness and does not spread over the sponge. It does its job perfectly, the plates and cups squeak from cleanliness. The manufacturer talks about an antibacterial effect, although users could not test it. The smell, although slightly intrusive, quickly dissipates. The advantages include the price and composition, which is in no way inferior to more expensive analogues of this group.

    3 SoonSaem Olives

    Excellent for removing hardened fat
    Country: Korea
    Average price: 238 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    SoonSaem is capable of effectively removing congealed fat, simultaneously killing all microbes on dishes. The formula washes off easily and leaves no residue. According to the manufacturer, there are no dyes in the composition, it will compete with the environmentally friendly competitors of the rating. The detergent received highest category and approval from the Korean Ministry of Health. It is packaged in a plastic green bottle of a non-standard shape with a convenient wide dispenser spout.

    SoonSaem has a safety lock against accidental pressing, making it convenient to travel with. When pressed, the dispenser produces abundant foam. The formula smells of olives and citruses, the aroma does not cling to the dishes. Despite the not-so-natural composition, the product does not dry out your hands. The consistency resembles water and spreads a little over the sponge.

    2 Mama Lemon Lemon

    Economical. Best combination effectiveness and safety
    Country: Japan
    Average price: 141 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    Only slightly inferior to the leader of the rating in the intensity of fat breakdown, the product of the famous Japanese brand wins an honorable second position. Mama Lemon is a high-quality concentrate, which means it will be enough for more dishes than its competitors. At the same time, there are practically no analogues that are truly equal to it in terms of fairly harmless composition, areas of application and efficiency.

    Like several other dish soaps made in Japan, Mama Lemon is high quality and versatile. It is recommended not only for pots and pans, but also for baby supplies and washing fruit. After all, unlike other state employees, Mama Lemon is instantly washed off. This does not prevent the product from doing its job in cold water, which makes it one of the best. But, like all representatives of the class, it contains fragrances and dyes, so it is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

    1 Fairy "Juicy Lemon"

    Effective fat removal
    A country: USA (produced in Russia)
    Average price: 134 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    The first line goes to perhaps the most popular dishwashing detergent in the category. The new Fairy with a classic lemon scent and foam effect is loved by many housewives due to its powerful effect on hardened grease and dried-on stains. This product is the easiest way to wash off complex stains such as traces of fried fish, burnt porridge, and so on.

    The washing liquid breaks down greasy deposits from the inside even in cold water, for which it has received many awards. The product also took first place in terms of foam height and durability, according to the tests of the Scientific Research Center Bytkhim, and was among the six most economical. After all, one drop can wash a whole mountain of dishes. It is noteworthy that some buyers use Fairy not only for its intended purpose, but also to combat stains on fabrics and stoves due to its high efficiency. Developed in a Brussels research center, the product is one of the safe household chemicals and is easily washed off from dishes.

    The best detergents for washing children's dishes

    It's no secret that children require special care, increased safety and attention to everything that surrounds them. Babies are more susceptible to the influence of bacteria, various irritants and toxins. Therefore, children's dishwashing detergent should be chosen with extreme caution.

    Most popular liquids, known for instantly breaking down fat, are too toxic and do not wash off well enough. This means that for children’s supplies it is better to choose a high-quality specialized product. Representatives of this category are the safest, wash off well, do not contain persistent synthetic dyes and flavors, and some even belong to the eco-class. Therefore, the risk of allergies, skin reactions or poisoning is minimal.

    5 Eared Nyan

    The most popular and inexpensive gel for children's dishes
    Country Russia
    Average price: 87 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.0

    The TOP of the best products for children's supplies is opened by the most common and affordable participant in the rating. Although the gel still contains fragrance and preservatives, there are very few of them. The remaining components are quite suitable for washing children's dishes. At the same time, Eared Nyan has a pleasant smell of chamomile and aloe vera natural origin. Unlike common household chemicals, which are not intended for use on children’s plates, this product is flavored with plant extracts and citric acid, which makes it quite harmless.

    Another advantage is the antibacterial effect, which will help prevent the appearance of bacteria on dishes even when washed in cold water. Many buyers specifically note the pleasant thick consistency, hypoallergenicity and the fact that the product foams well and does not remain on the dishes.

    4 AQA baby

    Best for washing bottles in cool water
    A country:
    Average price: 131 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.5

    German dishwashing detergents traditionally stand out from the crowd due to their simple composition without an abundance of dyes and chemicals, and AQA baby is no exception. The product does not contain phosphates, formaldehydes, caustic flavors and other harmful components. Therefore, it is recommended both for baby dishes, including bottles, pacifiers and pacifiers, and for cleaning fruits and vegetables from wax and other substances.

    However, a small amount of surfactants can still be traced, so it is better to use it not for infants, but for slightly older children and rinse it off as thoroughly as possible. Fortunately, the product is designed for washing dishes in cold water, so it washes off perfectly without leaving a smell. In terms of efficiency, AQA baby can be called average. The liquid is not too thick, but the packaging is equipped with a convenient dispenser that will allow you to control consumption.

    3 BabyLine

    Natural herbal composition
    Country: Germany
    Average price: 209 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    The honorable third place in the review goes to one of the safest detergents for washing children's dishes and even food: fruits, vegetables, lettuce, and so on. Distinctive feature BabyLine has become a herbal component that gives a light aroma and has an antibacterial effect, which is important when eliminating contaminants. Of course, the product is not without flavorings, but there are few of them and they are food grade, which means they will not cause harm.

    Moreover, BabyLine contains almost no surfactants, the admissibility of which is often debated. They have been almost completely replaced by APG glucose, a biodegradable ingredient extracted from corn, sugar cane or coconut. Therefore, the product is recommended for washing baby accessories, including bottles and nipples for infants. But because of this, the gel is somewhat inferior in effectiveness to less natural competitors.

    2 Meine Liebe

    Economical eco-product without fragrances or dyes
    A country: Germany (produced in Russia)
    Average price: 182 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    A concentrated product with a practical dispenser is perfect for washing children's dishes and toys, as well as various vegetables, fruits and berries. Forming a persistent, but not overly thick foam, Meine Liebe gel successfully rids food of wax and paraffin, and dishes of grease. Thanks to its effective composition, the product is also suitable for pans with severe deposits.

    However, this is the lucky case when efficiency does not threaten safety. Produced under the strict control of the German brand, the product does not contain any artificial flavors, dyes, solvents, phosphates and other aggressive ingredients. The only source of aroma is natural aloe vera extract. Therefore, the transparent gel for children's dishes is devoid of annoying strong odors and is very easily washed off.

    1 Frosch for children's dishes

    The best effective formula with provitamin B5. Without smell
    Country: Germany
    Average price: 192 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    The leader in the rating is a powerful product that is absolutely odorless, which is a rarity for household chemicals. The absence of flavors, fragrances and dyes certainly sets Frosch apart from its analogues. After all, only such a dishwashing detergent can be called truly hypoallergenic and suitable for cleaning children's accessories.

    The product has passed a number of clinical trials. Dermatologists have confirmed its safety for the skin. However, the product has not been tested on animals and consists only of natural elements. Even the surfactant here is not synthetic, but plant origin, and therefore Frosch can be used from birth. An additional advantage was the caring effect due to the content of provitamin B5.

    The Best Eco-friendly Dish Detergents

    Eco-friendly dishwashing products are rapidly gaining popularity among those who care about their health. The absence of fragrances, dyes and other toxic chemicals, as well as high-quality ingredients, makes representatives of this class a separate elite category. The best eco-friendly products contain only biodegradable substances.

    5 Pure Water Hypoallergenic

    Not only safe, but also healthy ingredients
    Country Russia
    Average price: 142 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.3

    Eco-friendly products are not only safe, but also healthy. This is proven by the dishwashing product Pure Water. The formula does not contain petroleum products, fragrances, or dyes. These substances have been replaced with natural, most delicate ingredients. Essential oils are excluded as they can cause allergies. The formula is suitable for washing children's dishes and people with sensitive skin. It has a faint natural aroma. Judging by the reviews, Pure Water is completely washed off the dishes. Buyers use it for toys, to create soap bubbles for children.

    Allergy sufferers highly appreciated the drug for its naturalness and safety for the mucous membranes. No irritants inside. The composition is pleasantly surprising: despite the low cost, the manufacturer did not leave a single chemical. Even the surfactant is natural, the most gentle. However, the product produces very little foam, especially when compared to Fairy and similar formulas. Because of this, consumption increases.

    4 Mama Ultimate EcoSoda

    Variability of packaging. Substance containing soda
    A country: Japan (produced in Russia)
    Average price: 97 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.5

    Baking soda is considered the best natural remedy for effective rust removal and various kinds deposits from pots and pans, as well as absorbing unpleasant odors. Therefore, its presence in dishwashing detergent is definitely a significant advantage. Also, many will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of Ecosoda variations. The choice is quite wide: a small package with a volume of 500 or 560 milliliters, a liter bottle with a dispenser, and even a canister weighing two liters.

    Mama Ultimate not only effectively washes dishes, but also moisturizes the skin of your hands. Glycerin and almond oil are hypoallergenic and have softening effect, making it suitable for people sensitive to chemicals. However, due to the small amount of methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone in the composition, despite all the company’s promises, it is better not to use the product for children’s dishes.

    3 SAFSU Workshop of Olesya Mustaeva

    Strong antibacterial properties
    Country Russia
    Average price: 213 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    The relatively small brand "Olesya Mustaeva's Workshop" manually creates the best household products from natural ingredients. Safsu is designed for washing cutlery and children's toys. The formula is enriched with silver - the most powerful antibacterial substance. It is safe for the environment, people and animals. Contains no phosphates, fragrances, or PEGs. The washing liquid has the consistency of water with a yellow tint. The slight aroma dissipates quickly.

    Reviews are pleasantly surprised by the slow consumption. Other eco-friendly products spread on the sponge and foam slightly, but not Safsu. One bottle lasts for 2-3 months. Foam washes dishes until they squeak and copes well with glass, crystal, and silicone. The drug comes in a plastic bottle. A dispenser would be nice, there are no other drawbacks.

    2 Posh One Charcoal

    Double concentration for maximum purity
    Country Russia
    Average price: 208 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    High on the list of the best is Posh One. The drug decided typical problem environmentally friendly compositions: poor laundering of congealed fat. Thanks to the highest concentration, the formula copes with any contaminants. It is designed for washing dishes, baby supplies, vegetables and fruits. The drug is enriched with natural minerals and charcoal extract, contains trace elements. It does not dry out your hands and does not cause allergies. The consistency is like a clear thick gel. One press is enough for abundant foam.

    The reviews note that the drug copes with its tasks perfectly. Removes fat from pans after frying and washes away dirt the first time. There is no residue left on the dishes. Charcoal– one of the most famous antibacterial ingredients, it has powerful absorbent properties. The foam on the sponge lasts a surprisingly long time, which ensures economical consumption. One bottle lasts for 3-4 months.

    1 Synergetic Apple

    The best universal eco-product
    A country: Germany (produced in Russia)
    Average price: 118 rub.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    The undisputed leader among the best broad-spectrum products has become a detergent concentrate of truly German quality. Synergetic not only does not contain chemicals and allergens, but has not been tested on animals, which means it fully complies with environmental and humane concepts, and is therefore absolutely safe for human health and the environment.

    Thanks to simple composition, which includes only natural plant components, and is 100% washable even in ice water, the product is ideal for both removing the most difficult stains from adult dishes and for washing children's accessories and food. The medium-thick consistency is especially convenient for processing vegetables and fruits. Since the gel contains only glycerin, which is also found in sweets, as well as geranium, bergamot and santhal oils, the gel is harmless even if a small amount is swallowed. This means it can be used for washing berries.

    The best hypoallergenic, unscented dishwashing detergents

    It is very difficult for people prone to allergies to choose suitable remedy for dish washing. The lion's share household chemicals, in addition to active substances for breaking down fat and other types of contaminants, contain synthetic flavors, dyes, fragrances and solvents. Of course, there are also natural liquids where a pleasant smell is achieved by adding essential oils and citrus or aloe vera concentrates, but some are allergic to them.

    The best solution for those with very sensitive skin is a high-quality, fragrance-free product. You should also give preference to transparent substances. Thus, the best representatives of the class are distinguished by a modest but effective composition and the absence of flavoring components.

    5 Synergetic Antibacterial Gel

    The most gentle formula, biodegradable components
    A country: Germany (produced in Russia)
    Average price: 69 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.5

    Antibacterial gel from Synergetic has been on the list of the best for many years and is a bestseller of the brand. This is not surprising: the odorless formula is suitable for washing baby bottles, toys, and dishes. It consists of safe components. It is completely washed off with water and is not absorbed into objects. The brand allows use for newborn items. The natural composition has an unusual property: it freezes at low temperatures. Once it is heated, it will become washable again.

    The translucent plastic bottle allows you to see the amount of product. The portion is controlled by a dispenser. The fluid, medium-thick formula tries to escape from the sponge, and it doesn’t turn out to be very economical. At first, it may be unusual for buyers because foam formation is low. However, this is enough for a large number of dishes.

    4 BioMio odorless

    Popular hypoallergenic antiseptic with silver
    A country: Denmark (produced in Russia)
    Average price: 133 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    The five most harmless and practical products would be incomplete without the popular dishwashing liquid and fruit from the famous Danish company. BioMio is distinguished by the complete absence of not only odors, but also preservatives. However, naturalness does not prevent it from successfully fighting bacteria. Natural antiseptic obtained by mixing citric acid and silver ions, not only does not pose a threat to health, but is not a potential allergen.

    Cotton seed extract is also an effective natural ingredient that softens the skin and increases its own protection. The product has received many positive reviews due to its good cleansing properties, economy, easy rinsing, versatility and, of course, affordable price for such qualities. Many housewives use BioMio to disinfect herbs, grapes and vegetables.

    3 Celesta Bio-gel

    Best quality for low cost
    Country Russia
    Average price: 73 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    Bio-gel from Celesta is created for the most sensitive to chemicals people. The composition does not contain phosphates, aggressive surfactants, PEG, SLES, or petroleum products. It is harmless to children and animals. The formula is odorless and dyeless and rinses out completely from dishes. The product is indicated for children's items and toys. The drug is packaged in a regular package rectangular shape without handles. By saving on a plastic bottle, the manufacturer was able to significantly reduce the price.

    Dishwashing liquid works great on pots, pans, and ceramics. It is best choice for people with sensitive skin, some don’t even need gloves. Simple packaging has a stable bottom, does not leak Sun rays. It is safe for the environment. The formula produces a medium lather and is quite economical. When applied to a washcloth, it is not absorbed and does not spread. Buyers gave it 5+ for the quality of laundering, but the packaging received only 2 points.

    2 Meine Liebe

    Organic gel based on olive soap
    A country: Germany (produced in Russia)
    Average price: 166 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    Olive soap is a natural antibacterial product with a thousand-year history and outstanding cleaning abilities. Therefore, a thick dish gel containing such a powerful and time-tested component is, by definition, one of the prominent participants in the rating. After all, thanks to olive soap, Meine Liebe foams perfectly, removes traces of wax, phosphates, dirt from fruits and vegetables, congealed grease from frying pans and even dried-on stains. The same component has a delicate effect on the skin of the hands, softening and protecting it.

    Despite the not too high cost, the product lasts a long time, so it can be called a bargain. In addition to olive soap, the composition contains only surfactants of plant origin and a small amount of preservative. Therefore, the transparent gel is non-toxic, completely washes off with water and is biodegradable.

    1 LV

    Best for sensitive skin. Minimum components
    Country: Finland
    Average price: 316 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    The best in the category was a dishwashing detergent and food detergent, awarded the national Finnish quality mark, which is considered a guarantor of safety and reliability. The brand produces cleaning products and care cosmetics not only for Finland and Russia, but also for many European countries and is among the industry leaders.

    The liquid is hypoallergenic and universal. Pans with burnt food residues, children's toys, pacifiers, pacifiers, apples, grapes, cucumbers - the list of what can be washed with LV is almost endless. According to numerous comments, the product is absolutely odorless, has a fairly dense consistency, does not irritate even very sensitive hand skin, and removes grease from dishes well in ice water. At the same time, LV has become the only remedy widespread in Russia approved by the Finnish Allergy and Asthma Association, which also speaks in its favor.