Service life of polystyrene foam. Complete information about extruded polystyrene foam

Foam plastic is a modern universal material, widely used for insulation of industrial and residential buildings. It is produced by thermal foaming of polystyrene cellular granules under the influence of gas-forming agents.

Types of foam plastics

The starting materials for production are various polymers, the main types:

  • polystyrene;
  • polyurethane;
  • polyethylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • phenol-formaldehyde;
  • Urea-formaldehyde.

All types of heat insulator can be divided into 3 types:

  • pressless;
  • press;
  • extrusive.

They are identical in basic chemical composition, the difference is chemical composition various additives (porogens, plasticizers, flame retardants and others).

Gas occupies the bulk of the foam, so its density is significantly less than that of polymer raw materials, and this causes the presence of high thermal insulation characteristics. When using different raw material compositions and their processing technologies, foams of different mechanical strength, density and resistance to external influences, which allows the use of a heat insulator in the most various areas depending on density. An increase in density leads to a decrease in gas volumes inside the structure and a decrease in thermal insulation performance. But at the same time, resistance to mechanical stress increases.

Based on density in kg/m3, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • PSB-S-15, the main application is in construction cabins and trailers, as well as at other sites where there is no permanent residence of people;
  • PSB-S-25 - for roofing thermal insulation and foam plastic as external wall insulation;
  • PSB-S-35 - foam plastic as insulation frame house, for permanent formwork reinforced concrete structures and polystyrene foam as floor insulation;
  • PSB-S-50, used in road construction and other areas.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of polystyrene foam as insulation:

  • high thermal insulation performance;
  • not hygroscopic;
  • mold and mildew do not form on the surface;
  • odorless and does not generate dust;
  • no radiation or evaporation is emitted during operation;
  • operating temperature range from -200 to +80 degrees, not subject to deformation due to sudden temperature changes;
  • the slabs are lightweight and do not create additional loads on the structures;
  • low cost;
  • stable dimension;
  • ease of cutting and installation;
  • The service life of foam plastic as insulation is ≥ 20 years.

The negative side of insulation includes:

  • limited mechanical strength, which necessitates additional protection;
  • easy destruction under the influence paint and varnish compositions nitro based;
  • almost zero vapor permeability;
  • movement when internal insulation inside the walls or in the gaps between the heat insulator and the wall, which leads to the need for good insulation and regular ventilation;
  • insufficient sound insulation;
  • flammability, destroyed at temperatures ≥ plus 80°, harmful gases are released during combustion;
  • attractive for making passages for rodents.

Almost all of these shortcomings can be eliminated by holding special events. Main question arising from consumers - is polystyrene foam harmful as insulation indoors? Many believe that yes, citing the tragedy in the Perm club “Lame Horse” as an argument.

There is no doubt that using polystyrene foam in residential areas is not recommended. But, subject to technology, it is permissible.

To the question “what is polystyrene foam?” there is a short and concise answer. Polystyrene foam (insulation) is a modern, environmentally friendly pure material, which is made from substances that cannot harm humans.

1 Features of the material

Foiled polystyrene foam, like its other analogues, can be used in places where other types of thermal insulation materials cannot be used due to the fact that capillary rise of groundwater can occur there.

Thus, the use of expanded polystyrene is due to the protection of waterproofing from environmental factors that can cause irreparable harm to it.

The presented material has its own GOST. GOST 15588-86 (it is made according to it) regulates the composition, properties and use of expanded polystyrene.

If you compare the presented insulation with a material such as mineral wool, then it is better to prefer the first.

Expanded polystyrene - warmth insulating material for walls

The fact is that mineral wool does not have such a spectrum useful characteristics, although in some respects it is still better than polystyrene foam.

In addition, mineral wool is non-flammable material and it is incapable of harming human health. All this is indicated in the corresponding GOST.

It is best to first pay attention to the moisture-resistant characteristics of polystyrene foam, which are combined with its lightness, reliability and durability.

When choosing insulation, it is best to give preference to expanded polystyrene, since these products are not as heavy as mineral wool and differ high degree ease of installation.

Externally, this insulation is presented in the form of small granules that are sintered together under the influence of high temperatures. GOST 15588-86 strictly regulates the size of granules of the substance.

Their size ranges from 1 to 10 mm and may depend on the intended purpose and required density products.

GOST also states that polystyrene foam granules may be heterogeneous in structure.

Each granule contains great amount thin-walled microscopic cells. This greatly increases the area of ​​contact between the substance and the air.

The presented foam insulation consists of 98% air, which is why it unique properties. Reviews about this material are mostly positive; in addition to its excellent heat-insulating properties, it is often mentioned that it cannot cause harm to the human body How .

1.1 Areas of application of expanded polystyrene

The presented material, thanks to its outstanding technical and operational characteristics V construction industry used almost everywhere.

Foamed polystyrene can be used as an insulating material. In addition, the product can successfully perform the function of a filler.

In some cases, polystyrene foam can even help solve problems associated with poor soil quality.

It can be used to form embankments during the construction of roads or bridges.

Expanded polystyrene PSB-S-35 2000×1000x180

2 Properties of polystyrene foam

The presented material has a fairly low thermal conductivity. Thus, expanded polystyrene is an almost ideal insulation material that can provide high heat conservation capabilities.

This feature is explained by the structure of the material, which consists almost entirely of air.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of a substance can vary between 0.032 and 0.043 W/(m∙K).

This figure is many times lower than that of wood, brick, expanded clay and other insulating materials. building materials.

Low level of thermal conductivity affects the ability high level energy supply.

The use of expanded polystyrene as a heat insulator during the construction of buildings allows for its further operation to significantly reduce costs associated with heating.

High energy-saving properties allow the product to be actively used to protect pipelines from excessive freezing.

The presented substance provides reliable soundproofing protection against impact noise. This effect is directly related to the ability of a substance to convert sound energy into heat energy.

Based on this, thanks to the cellular structure of polystyrene foam, the presented material has effective sound-absorbing qualities.

It is worth noting that the material has a high degree of structural stability, fluctuating over a wide temperature range.

At the same time, low temperatures are not able to influence the mechanical, chemical and physical parameters of the substance.

When the temperature increases to +90°C, even during prolonged exposure, foamed polystyrene will not radically change its properties.

Due to the fact that polystyrene foam is completely synthetic, it is not perceived as food by insects and microorganisms, which does not contribute to their reproduction.

This material is absolutely unsuitable for bacteria or harmful fungi to survive in it.

The presented product is characterized by high resistance to water vapor diffusion and an increased moisture resistance coefficient.

Products cannot be dissolved in water and are not able to absorb it. Thus, the insulation is not subject to deformation and swelling.

This high degree of resistance to moisture means that foam products can be used to... This is especially true in situations where the insulating material is in close contact with the ground.

It is worth noting that the density of polystyrene foam products is quite low and equals 15-50 kg/m³, however, along with this, the substance has high strength for compression, tension and bending.

This facilitates the use of the product as a durable building material that can withstand mechanical loads for a long time without being subject to deformation. Thus, due to the relatively small mass of the rearranged material, it is possible:

  • Do not use special equipment when moving products;
  • Reduce construction costs;
  • Significantly reduce the installation time of structures.

In fact, polystyrene foam elements are plastic, and therefore, with proper use, the material is able to retain its physical properties unchanged for a long time.

It is worth noting that foam granules consist of carbon and hydrogen molecules. This determines the high degree of environmental purity of the material.

Polystyrene foam does not show poisonous properties, does not generate dust and is odorless.

Toxic substances are also not released from it. This insulation allows air to pass through quite easily, and therefore all structures in which it is included “breathe.”

Foam blocks can be easily pre-treated and do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes

As mentioned above, reviews of polystyrene foam are mostly positive.

Vitaly, 38 years old, Kaluga:

I decided to start insulating the apartment and start with the loggia. Polystyrene foam was used as insulating material. Excellent cutting and installation. I advise you to use it.

Sergey, 54 years old, Vologda:

I have an outbuilding in the courtyard of a private house. I decided to insulate its walls in order to live in it until late autumn. I used polystyrene foam boards. Now the heat stays inside very well. I recommend this material to everyone.

Vasily, 35 years old, Voronezh

I am engaged in the sale of insulation and building materials. Customers take the expanded polystyrene off the counter almost immediately. Everyone is very happy with him.

2.1 What is better to choose: polystyrene foam or mineral wool?

Mineral wool definitely loses to foam plastic in terms of thermal insulation properties. The thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam is much better.

However, mineral wool has excellent fire safety characteristics. This product has a high degree of fire resistance.

Polystyrene foam does not have such stability. The level of thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam is high and mineral wool is significantly inferior to it.

Mineral wool has a high degree of resistance to spontaneous combustion. The vapor permeability characteristics of mineral wool significantly exceed this parameter of its competitor.

Along with this, polystyrene foam has a very high degree of hygroscopicity, therefore foam plastic can be used in environments with a high degree of humidity and is characterized by low cost.

The convenience of polystyrene foam lies in the fact that its weight is several times less than the weight of mineral wool, in addition, this material can be processed with an ease that is not possible when processing mineral wool.

There is one minus - polystyrene foam boards with some difficulties they are subject to docking with each other. On the other side, mineral wool has a high degree of resistance to almost all types organic matter and fungi.

Along with this, polystyrene foam is significantly susceptible to all kinds of organic solvents, but fungi and mold do not take root on it.

Obviously, the process of choosing insulation is a complex and multifaceted task. In order to solve it with a high degree of efficiency, it is necessary to carefully take into account the current conditions and your own priorities, including.

It is important to give preference only to well-tested heating systems. We must also remember correct selection most optimal thickness thermal insulation material.

Mineral wool can easily pass moisture through itself. This indicates that this material indispensable when insulating a house built of wood or beams.

It is important to remember that under a layer of polystyrene foam the wood quickly rots. In this case, you should first take care of installing the so-called parabarrier, and then secure the sheathing.

Mineral slabs, in most cases, are laid in two layers. This is done to prevent the creation of so-called “cold bridges”.

The material is covered with a film on top that provides waterproofing. When insulating a balcony, preference is almost always given to polystyrene foam since during installation there is no need to use lathing, which has a positive effect on saving balcony space.

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that the selected insulation must necessarily correspond to the climatic conditions in which it is used.

2.2 Pros and cons of polystyrene foam (video)

Today, the use of expanded polystyrene for facade thermal insulation systems is very common and the demand for such services is growing rapidly. In fact, according to operational properties he has practically no worthy alternatives on the market, despite big choice other materials. However, one of the most important issues for those who have already insulated their facades, and those who are just planning to do so, is the durability of polystyrene foam. How long can it last and is it possible to extend the service life through the use of special moves?

Durability of the material

Considering the fact that expanded polystyrene was invented relatively recently (in the 50s of the last century), it is impossible to loudly declare that the service life indicator is time-tested. However, scientists were interested in the material, and during modern tests by the NIISF laboratory it was revealed that slabs in multilayer structures withstand cyclical changes in temperature and humidity conditions well for 80 “conditional” years.

At the same time, the service life of polystyrene foam is not affected biological factors. The material is resistant to various negative and specific processes that can affect durability:

  • rotting;
  • damage by pests, microorganisms, mold;
  • sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

Due to the vapor-permeable structure, it allows air to pass through, providing ventilation, which reduces the risk of dampness developing on the slabs or walls. As for decomposition processes, plastic, as the starting material for expanded polystyrene, is an inert material and is second only to glass in terms of decomposition time. The period of destruction of polystyrene foam (plastic) is determined in each specific case by the manufacturer itself and is indicated among the main characteristics on the packaging. Therefore, it is important to choose material from well-known brands who monitor their reputation in the market.

Also, the key to the durability of a multilayer structure (when insulating facades) is the quality of installation. Depending on whether the technology is followed correctly and whether all stages are used, the service life of the slabs can be significantly extended or shortened. It is worth noting that there are still factors affecting the service life of expanded polystyrene. This ultra-violet rays and mechanical impact. For this reason it is important to ensure reliable protection sheets when organizing a facade thermal insulation system.

Ways to extend service life

Considering the relevance of the question of how to extend the service life of expanded polystyrene, it should be noted that all measures to accomplish this task are available. In addition to choosing quality material well-known company and strictly follow the installation technology, there are a few more points - the sheets should not be allowed to come into contact with PVC film and bitumen. In the latter case, the destruction of polystyrene foam occurs faster. Upon contact with PVC film she suffers. When working with expanded polystyrene, a polymer-cement waterproofing composition is used. It protects the material slabs from moisture, in particular from climatic factors.

It is also important not to skimp on a layer of plaster and paint. The latter must be carefully selected for outdoor work. Contains paints used for decoration external walls, there is a special polymer. Due to this, it not only dries quickly, but forms an elastic, dense coating. In this case, it should be done in 2 layers, this way you can eliminate possible errors, make the color of the facade more saturated, and ensure reliable protection of polystyrene foam from moisture.

What is extruded polystyrene foam? - nothing more than some special dense foam. In our century this synthetic thermal insulation material, more often orange color, quickly gained universal popularity.

Developed in the distant 50s of the last century by the American company The Dow Chemical Company, extruded polystyrene foam has found wide use as thermal insulation of foundations and plinths, and there is probably not enough paper to list all the places where this bright modern material can be laid.

The material is produced using a perfect method of foaming polymer compositions during the extrusion process. This is why we can hear the name of the material as extruded polystyrene foam. After pressing the material through a special high-strength mold, a very durable reliable material with almost unique thermal insulation properties.

Before it was established that freon gas has a destructive effect on ozone layer planet, it was used as a foaming agent.

Since the current 21st century, the so-called “Freon-free” method of manufacturing thermal insulation material has been used all over the world.

Extruded polystyrene foam, or rather specifications which it possesses are not the same and differ depending on the manufacturers. On Russian market The most well-known brands with the highest sales volume are:

If the above brands are not available on the market, carefully study the technical instructions. The EPP designation begins with two numbers. Refuse to purchase if the marking value is less than index 28; such a polymer is not suitable for construction and insulation works. It is not beneficial for the seller to mention this, and most likely he will modestly keep silent about it. At facade works For thermal insulation, the PSB-S-40 brand is ideal; in addition, it is a self-extinguishing material.

A quick quality check can be done by breaking a small piece of polystyrene foam. A smooth fault indicates that you are facing an EPP. Otherwise, if the break line is uneven, there are many small balls, then most likely, in your hands regular foam, which is only suitable for packaging household items.

It must be understood that the production of EPP difficult process, And different manufacturers do it by different technologies. Some of them are completely safe for health, others cause irreparable harm to humans.

When choosing extruded polystyrene foam, look at large companies that have long established themselves as reliable manufacturers. In this case, we can confidently say that quality product. Unknown brands with big names may be initially more profitable, but the risks associated with subsequent alterations will cost you much more!

remember, that poor quality polystyrene foam will not only not serve as a good heat insulator, but will also not affect better side for the health of your loved ones.

Thermal insulating boards made of extruded polystyrene foam

When constructing and renovating a building, the question of its insulation always arises. Warm house– this is the key to your family’s health, as well as an opportunity to save on utility bills. As soon as you ask yourself this question, you need to decide: what material is better to choose as insulation? Currently, the market offers several options for insulation: glass wool, stone wool, extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

You need to choose one of these materials depending on the characteristics of your home and the specific area of ​​work: floor, balcony, walls, etc. Eat certain rules, which must be followed when choosing insulation.

Practically universal material Extruded polystyrene foam boards are used to insulate the premises and the outside of the building. It has the following positive qualities: moisture resistance, strength, high thermal protection, durability and safety for the health of home residents. Let’s take a closer look at why these material properties are important.


The material for insulating a building must be resistant to moisture from the environment, and also prevent the accumulation of condensation inside the insulated surface. If during operation the insulation accumulates water, it will lose its heat-shielding properties, and your home will be cold in winter and hot in summer.

In addition, mold will begin to accumulate in damp insulation; it will gradually destroy it and harm the health of the residents, who will have to inhale mold spores. Expanded polystyrene is resistant to moisture and is ideal for insulating walls, foundations, roofs, and floors.


When insulating a floor, foundation or basement, you need a particularly durable material that can withstand high pressure. Extruded polystyrene foam boards are such a material, because... they do not settle over time, do not collapse for a long time, and do not sag. These same qualities are also useful when insulating walls, which will increase their strength and prevent shrinkage.


Thermal protection is the main property that we wanted to achieve when choosing the material. Thermal protection is determined by the thermal conductivity coefficient. This component is always indicated by the manufacturer in the accompanying documents for the product. The lower the thermal conductivity coefficient, the higher the thermal insulation properties of the insulation. The thermal conductivity coefficient of expanded polystyrene varies within 0.030. This is a good indicator that will allow you to save on the amount of material when calculating the thickness of the insulating layer.


The estimated service life of extruded polystyrene foam boards is from 40 to 50 years.


Extruded polystyrene foam for heat-insulating boards is mainly used in the same brands as children's toys, disposable tableware, and medical supplies. When there is a temperature difference, this insulation does not release any substances hazardous to health into the external environment.

But polystyrene foam boards also have their disadvantages. Some consider low vapor permeability to be such a disadvantage, since the walls do not breathe. But this same “disadvantage” is a great advantage when insulating the foundation and floor, as it provides reliable waterproofing. But flammability extruded polystyrene foam indeed somewhat limits the scope of its application.

And although some manufacturers have learned to add special substances that increase the material’s resistance to fire, this is still rare. More often, extruded polystyrene foam is found on sale in the form of a slab of flammability group G3-G4. In any case, you will not use such slabs without protective coating, they will be located inside the structure. If there are high fire safety requirements, it is allowed to use heat insulating material flammability group not lower than G3.

The most major manufacturer boards made of extruded polystyrene foam in Russia is the company “PENOPLEX”. The company's factories are equipped with modern European equipment and produce materials High Quality. The choice of products by purpose is also great. You can choose slabs: for the roof, for the walls, for the foundation, etc.

When choosing insulation, pay attention to its purpose, technical characteristics, appearance. If the insulation is of high quality, it will have a uniform structure, an even and smooth edge and resistance to mechanical pressure.

Expanded polystyrene, also called polystyrene foam, is a white insulating material. 98% of the material is air, trapped in thin-walled polystyrene foam cells. The biological safety of the product makes it possible to produce packaging from polystyrene foam for food products. The technical characteristics of expanded polystyrene, lightness and ease of processing have become the key to success and widespread use as a thermal insulation material.

Properties and technical characteristics of polystyrene foam


Expanded polystyrene can be reused. From the production process to disposal, it does not cause harm environment and health.

Numerous studies have been carried out, during which styrene was not detected in air samples taken from building structures using expanded polystyrene.

Thermal conductivity

Air, the main component of polystyrene foam, has an extremely low thermal conductivity of 0.027 W/mK. For this reason, the thermal conductivity of foam plastic boards ranges from 0.037 to 0.043 W/mK, which is confirmed by tests carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15588-86.

Such low thermal conductivity values:

  • guarantee good energy saving indicators;
  • reduce space heating costs;
  • increase the service life of pipelines, protecting against freezing.

The heat-saving properties of the material, which are preserved during high humidity And low temperatures, used in equipment refrigeration units and storage facilities.

Polystyrene foam balloons

Thermal conductivity indicators different varieties expanded polystyrene depend on density - the more compressed the material is, and, accordingly, the greater the styrene content, the worse material keeps warm. Extruded polystyrene foam has a lower thermal conductivity (0.028 W/mK), since the styrene granules are soldered into a single sheet, and there are no gaps between them.




Mineral wool, slabs

Expanded polystyrene (foam)

PSB-S 50

Extruded polystyrene foam

Mark 35
Mark 45

Concretes and mortars

Reinforced concrete
Expanded clay concrete
Foam concrete

Other materials

Gas silicate

The comparison table of building materials clearly shows that the thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam is not comparable to other materials.

Soundproof and windproof

When insulating with polystyrene foam boards, additional wind protection is not needed, and at the same time, the sound insulation of structures is improved.

As the thickness of the layer increases, the noise-absorbing and sound-proofing qualities increase.


The structure of the material is not hygroscopic, it does not absorb moisture and water, does not dissolve and is not subject to deformation and swelling. The amount of water that can penetrate into the cavities between the granules does not exceed 3% of the weight of the slab, while all the properties of polystyrene foam remain unchanged.

Water and steam escape easily from polystyrene foam; design rules must be followed to avoid condensation.


Moisture resistance allows the material to be used for insulating foundations, where direct contact of the insulation with the ground is inevitable.

Resistance to biological and chemical factors

Polystyrene is able to retain its properties even in contact with:

  • saline solutions, for example sea water;
  • soap solutions and detergents;
  • bleaching agents (chlorine water, hydrogen peroxide, hypochloride);
  • acids (except for concentrated acetic and nitric);
  • ammonia;
  • lime;
  • plaster;
  • adhesive solutions;
  • water-soluble paints;
  • cement.

Expanded polystyrene is not suitable for animal food and does not promote the development of algae and microorganisms. During installation, termites and rodents should be prevented from accessing the foam, as they can cause damage. Partially decomposes under the influence of bitumen solutions and organic solvents. Stability is determined by the quantitative ratio of closed and open pores, which depends on the type and brand of material.

Fire resistance

Being a combustible material, polystyrene foam has good fire resistance, since the spontaneous combustion temperature is +4910 C. This indicator is 1.8 times higher than that of wood, for which +2600 C is enough. In the absence of fire within 4 seconds, the combustion dies out. During combustion, the material releases about 1000 MJ/m3 of energy, while wood - 7000-8000 MJ/m3 - which means that when burning polystyrene foam, the temperature increase will be much lower.

Manufacturers offer self-extinguishing polystyrene foam made with the addition of fire retardants. However, experiments show that the self-extinguishing effect is lost over time, and in the design the material, which was initially classified as belonging to the G2 flammability group, after some time already corresponds only to the G4 class (research carried out at the Research Institute of Industrial Safety and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus).

At the same time, it should be recognized that the products released during combustion different brands expanded polystyrene are still little studied.


With a low density (0.015-0.05 g/cm3), polystyrene foam has high bending and compressive strength. Due to this, it is used in the construction of roads and runways.

Dimensional stability

IN building structure expanded polystyrene does not shrink, does not dry out, does not move, and does not change configuration.


Long service life ensured correct use. According to research, no irreversible changes occur in polystyrene foam within the range from -1800C to +800C. With prolonged exposure to higher temperatures, the material is destroyed, but within a few minutes polystyrene foam can withstand temperatures of +950C. This allows the material to be used in cases where short contact with hot bitumen is required. Recommended operating temperature - from -200 to +85°

Facade insulation

The service life of expanded polystyrene is also extended by the fact that the material is not susceptible to rotting. Manufacturers indicate the service life range of the material from 15 to 60 years.

Ease of use

The low weight of the material facilitates transportation and installation, and practically does not create additional loads on supporting structures and foundations, which opens up ample opportunities use in the reconstruction of old buildings.

Conventional tools can be used for cutting. No use required during operation special means protection. Work can be carried out at any time of the year.

Application in construction

The low cost of expanded polystyrene reduces material costs, and ease of installation reduces labor costs. Reduced heating costs allow you to quickly return the money spent on thermal insulation.


Polystyrene foam can be used for both internal and external external thermal insulation walls The most common method is when insulating polystyrene foam boards are glued to the outer surface of the wall with a binder solution and covered with a layer of plaster. Reinforced fabric, which is used as a gasket, serves as a compensator for stresses arising from temperature fluctuations.

Another thermal insulation system is permanent formwork. The parts are laid dry and the voids are filled with concrete mortar.

It is possible to use polystyrene foam together with hollow brickwork when an insulating layer is placed between load-bearing wall and facing masonry.

For internal insulation wall cladding is used with polystyrene slabs in combination with plasterboard, chipboard, decorative plaster or ceramic tiles. Simple and almost dry installation allows for quick occupancy of the premises.


Expanded polystyrene boards as floor insulation additionally significantly reduce the transmission of impact noise from footsteps, the operation of office equipment, and moving furniture. Plates up to 50mm thick are laid on an insulating layer, and chipboard is laid on top.

Expanded polystyrene floor insulation is often combined with heated floors to prevent downward heat loss. In this case, slabs with formed recesses are used, which simplify the installation of heating system elements.


Roof insulation

Two main types of roofs can be constructed using polyurethane:

  • unventilated roof when Basic structure covered with slabs whose thickness reaches 70 mm, and a waterproof bitumen roofing covering is laid on the surface of such a layer;
  • ventilated roof when polystyrene foam boards are mounted on back side roof, while leaving a ventilated cavity that prevents the formation of condensation.

Expanded polystyrene can be used for both flat and pitched roofs.


The condition of the entire building largely depends on the condition of the foundation. IN modern construction expanded polystyrene is often used as permanent formwork, reducing the consumption of reinforcement and concrete.

When constructing buildings without basements, the insulation slabs laid on the site are poured with concrete and then construction is carried out according to the planned scheme.

To protect the foundation from freezing, a trench is dug around the perimeter, the depth of which is determined by the depth of soil freezing, polystyrene foam slabs are laid in it and covered with soil.


Heat loss through utilities can reach 30%. Expanded polystyrene, the use of which is becoming increasingly widespread for pipeline insulation, allows you to protect pipelines from freezing, while reducing the installation depth. The ability to shape the material into virtually any shape increases functionality and the ability to adapt to design requirements.

Refrigeration equipment

Expanded polystyrene meets all equipment requirements refrigeration chambers. It can be used for thermal insulation of walls, ceilings and even floors that are subject to large static loads from stored goods and dynamic loads from the movement of forklifts.

In order to block rodents' access to the insulation, a special mesh is used.

The consumer must be aware of the qualities of the common material, this makes it possible to make thoughtful and optimal solution when choosing building materials.