Holy water: when to collect? How to collect holy water for Epiphany. Holy water in the church

If we go back to ancient history, then the holy Epiphany water was previously reported in the sermons of John Chrysostom. It is argued that in Rus' until the 12th century the custom of consecrating water was not performed. It appeared only after the Jerusalem liturgical charter, which was criticized and canceled several times, became widespread. For example, Patriarch Nikon in 1655 generally prohibited the blessing of water at Epiphany. This ban was lifted only at the Great Moscow Council in 1667.

Let's try to understand the question of what holy water is, when to collect it and how to use it.

What is holy water

In Christianity, its use dates back to the 2nd century. in the Church it received its name from a special rite, which was called the blessing of water. This phenomenon is associated with the Old Testament traditions of worship and with biblical history when the prophet John baptized Christ himself in the waters.

Archaeological museums of the East and West are overflowing with clay vessels and flasks in which ancient Christians kept holy water. This tradition has survived to this day.

Divine Grace

Many Orthodox Christians come to the temple to collect blessed water and then use it. After all, they believe that after special prayers it receives some special properties and does not even deteriorate, which, by the way, does not always happen. Such water differs from ordinary water in that a special Blessing descends on it. And she stores Divine power within herself. Therefore, every person who uses this water with reverence will receive sanctification and grace. Many are interested in the question: “What is holy water, when to collect it, on what day?” And it’s worth looking into it carefully.

Baptism: date

In the Orthodox Church there are three rites for the blessing of water. The first rite is the great consecration of water on January 18 (5), the next day, on Epiphany, the date of which is January 19 (6). It is on this day that many believers make a solemn procession to the reservoir (the procession to the Jordan). The second rite is the abbreviated great consecration of water. It is performed just before the sacrament of Baptism. Those being baptized are then immersed in this water. And the third rite is the small consecration of water, which is carried out with the help of certain prayers on holidays.

On the day of Epiphany, you need to sprinkle holy water on your home walls with the words of prayer: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” For convenience, you can buy at any church shop a special broom - a sprinkler - or, as a last resort, use just a twig of a bush or tree. At this time, it is better to sing a special troparion, which is a short holiday prayer.

Holy water: when to collect

Many are deeply misconceived about when water is most healing and when is it better to collect it - January 18 or 19? The main thing is to understand that on both the first and second days the water is sanctified in exactly the same way.

In some churches it is poured for several more days after Epiphany. Therefore, if it is not possible to stand in a long line, which usually forms on this holiday, then you can find out in the temple on what day it is better to come and calmly draw water.

It is a mistake to use Epiphany water as a pill for an illness - drink it and be cured. Holy water collected for Epiphany has healing properties, but it must be taken with faith and prayer, and only then can real healing really be achieved.

Properties of Epiphany water

The Christian tradition of consecrating water calls upon it the grace of the Holy Spirit, which gives it powerful healing power. They drink it not to quench thirst, but to heal the soul and body. It is recommended to drink a small cup of this water every day on an empty stomach to strengthen mental and physical strength. The Holy Fathers blessed the sick to drink Epiphany water one tablespoon every hour. A few drops taken could change the course of the disease. Seraphim Vyritsky generally believed that consecrated oil and water help better than all medicines.

How to store holy water

You shouldn’t strain yourself and carry whole cans of holy water on yourself. It is enough to collect it in a small amount so that it will last until the next holiday. Since this water has a special property: added to ordinary water, it sanctifies all of it. It is advisable to label the container in which it will be stored and place it with

Some people believe that on the day of Epiphany holy water flows from the tap. In general, any miracle depends on a person’s faith. If he approaches the sacrament of Baptism unprepared and an unbeliever, then nothing good will come of it. God enters a person only when he is willing and ready to accept him. The Church claims that all the water elements on earth are sanctified and purified on January 18 and 19. Therefore, a deeply religious person can get water from the tap with all its unique properties. It will not spoil and will be stored for a whole year. But since people’s faith is often not very strong, it is necessary to take the Epiphany water from the Church. It is also necessary to know that in the temple there is always the opportunity to collect water of minor consecration. Only before accepting it is a prayer for holy water read. Then you can drink it and not necessarily on an empty stomach.

in the ice hole

The tradition of swimming in an ice hole on the occasion of Epiphany has already become stronger in our country. Many people mistakenly believe that if you plunge headlong into an ice hole three times, you can thus atone for all your sins, but this is not true. Without spiritual work on yourself, nothing will work out. For this purpose, the church has the sacrament of confession, where the sins of a sincerely repentant person are forgiven. By plunging into the water, he receives Divine grace and, through his faith, can even be healed.

Gospel story

The Holy Scriptures tell the story that there was once a pool at the Sheep Gate of Jerusalem. And sick people always waited for an angel from heaven to descend onto the water. And when this happened, the first one who plunged into the water was immediately healed. At this font lay a man who had been ill for 38 years and wanted to be cured. The Lord asked him if he wanted to become healthy, and he answered that he really wanted to. But for some reason he was unable to enter the water, since someone was sure to get ahead of him and dive into the font first. And then the Lord had mercy and healed him himself.

This story suggests that healing depends not only on the strength of faith, but also on the degree of readiness for a miracle.

The answers to questions about what holy water is, when to get it and how much, how to use it, are not that complicated. The most difficult and important thing for a person is spirituality and morality, you need to work on this every day with the help of good deeds, visiting church services and holy places. Then God will definitely protect, help and heal. It’s not for nothing that people say: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself!”

Holy water is water that is ordinary in composition and original origin (well, spring, lake, river, tap), miraculously acquiring sanctifying (graceful) and healing properties after performing a special prayer service called water blessing.

All our lives there is a great shrine next to us - holy water (in Greek “agiasma” - “shrine”). We first plunge into it at Baptism, when, upon receiving this Sacrament, we are immersed three times in a font filled with holy water. Holy water in the SacramentBaptism washes away the sinful impurities of a person, renews and revives him in new life in Christ.

Holy water is necessarily present during the consecration of churches and all objects used in worship, during the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, and any household item. We are sprinkled with holy water on religious processions, during prayer services.

Blessing of water or blessing of water, there is a small one performed at any time at the water-blessing prayer service, and a great one. The Great Blessing of Water takes place twice a year - on the very day of Epiphany, and also on the eve, on the eve of Epiphany (Epiphany Eve). On Christmas Eve and on the very day of the feast of Epiphany (Baptism of the Lord), the same rite is performed during the blessing of water.

Epiphany water is a shrine that should be in the home of every Orthodox Christian. It is customary to drink Holy Epiphany water on an empty stomach along with prosphora after the morning meal. prayer rule with special reverence as a shrine.
“Consecrated water,” as St. Demetrius of Kherson wrote, “has the power to sanctify the souls and bodies of all who use it.” She, accepted with faith and prayer, heals our bodily illnesses. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov, after the confession of the pilgrims, always gave them to drink from the cup of holy Epiphany water.

St. Seraphim Vyritsky always advised sprinkling foods and the food itself with Jordanian (baptismal) water, which, in his words, “itself sanctifies everything.” When someone was very sick, Rev. Seraphim blessed to take a tablespoon blessed water every hour. He said that stronger than drugs than holy water and blessed oil - no.

It is important to know that swimming in consecrated reservoirs is only a tradition; it does not bring any cleansing from sins and is not a substitute for the Sacrament of Repentance (Confession). On church holidays, Christians try to participate in divine services and the main Sacrament of the Church - Holy Communion.

There is no need to stock up large containers of holy water: when it runs out, just add regular water to it. clean water, which will be sanctified by the existing Epiphany.

The Great Hagiasma, according to church canons, is considered as a kind of lower degree of Holy Communion: in those cases when, due to sins committed, penance and a ban on approaching the Holy Body and Blood of Christ are imposed on a member of the Church, the usual clause according to the canons is made: “Let him drink the agiasma.”

Statements that holy water acquires its properties thanks to silver ions from silver cross, which the priest immerses in water during the Rite of Blessing of Water. There is even this joke about this:
“How many silver ions are contained in a liter of consecrated Epiphany water, if the consecration was carried out in an ice hole cut out in the ice of the Volga (as was usually the case before the revolution and is practiced today), in a place where the width of the river reaches a kilometer, the depth is ten meters, the speed of the current is 5 km/hour, and the cross with which the village priest blessed the water is wooden?”

The consecration of water in the Sacrament of Baptism is generally performed simply by the hand of the priest. And yet, this water has all the properties that holy water should have.

IN Orthodox Church Holy water has the widest application as a source of God's grace in the mysterious sanctification of everyone and everything. Thus, newborn babies (or unbaptized adults) through baptism in water are freed from original sin and united with Christ, becoming a new creation. A person dies, his remains and his final abode - the coffin - are sprinkled with holy water as a farewell to eternity, as is his resting place - the cemetery.

When someone goes on a journey, he is blessed by sprinkling with holy water. Before starting the teaching, the youths are sprinkled with holy water. Both the foundation of the house and the person’s dwelling itself are certainly sanctified with holy water. In the church, everything that has sacred use is necessarily sanctified through sprinkling with holy water, just like the temple itself at its foundation, at the completion of its construction, and constantly on special days and holidays of the year.

Thus, in the church, everything belonging to the altar and the altar servers is blessed with holy water - the throne, the altar, the antimension, service vessels, crosses, Gospels, altar clothes, clergy vestments, etc. All sacred objects are also blessed - icons, crosses, banners, reliquaries, bells, etc.

It is difficult to find something that would be so necessary for people in their earthly life and constitute such an urgent need as bread and water. Bread is the simplest and natural food for man, supporting and strengthening his strength. A person uses water to quench thirst and prepare food, and washes the body and things it uses with it.

These two essential for a person in his bodily life substances appear to him integral elements and in spiritual life. Bread, consisting of many grains, personifies the Church - One with the plurality of its members. Bread serves the greatest Sacrament - Holy Communion.

By consecrating water, the Church returns water element primitive purity and holiness, by the power of prayer and the Word of God, brings down the blessing of the Lord onto the water. Blessed water is an image of God's grace: it cleanses believers from spiritual impurities, sanctifies and strengthens them for the feat of salvation in God, extinguishes the flames of passions, and drives away evil spirits.

Therefore, holy water is necessarily present during the consecration of temples and all objects used in worship, during the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, and any household item. Believers are sprinkled with holy water during religious processions and prayer services.


Lord my God, may Thy holy gift be: prosphora and Thy holy water for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities according to Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

ABC of Faith

All our lives we have a great shrine next to us - holy water. Blessed water is an image of God's grace: it cleanses believers from spiritual impurities, sanctifies and strengthens them for the feat of salvation in God. We first plunge into it in baptism, when, upon receiving this sacrament, we are immersed three times in a font filled with holy water. Holy water in the sacrament of baptism washes away the sinful impurities of a person, renews and revives him into a new life in Christ.

Holy water is necessarily present during the consecration of churches and all objects used in worship, during the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, and any household item. We are sprinkled with holy water during religious processions and prayer services. On the day of Epiphany every Orthodox Christian carries home a vessel with holy water, carefully preserves it as the greatest shrine, prayerfully communing with holy water in illnesses and any infirmity.

Epiphany water, like Holy Communion, is taken by believers only on an empty stomach. “Consecrated water,” as St. Demetrius of Kherson wrote, “has the power to sanctify the souls and bodies of all who use it.” She, accepted with faith and prayer, heals our bodily illnesses. Holy water extinguishes the flames of passions, drives away evil spirits - that is why they sprinkle holy water on their homes and every thing that is consecrated. After the confession of the pilgrims, St. Seraphim always gave them to drink from the cup of holy Epiphany water. Reverend Ambrose He sent a bottle of holy water to a terminally ill patient - and to the amazement of the doctors, the incurable disease went away.

Elder Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky always advised sprinkling food and the food itself with Jordanian (Epiphany) water, which, in his words, “itself sanctifies everything.” When someone was very sick, Elder Seraphim gave his blessing to take a tablespoon of consecrated water every hour. The elder said that there is no stronger medicine than holy water and blessed oil.

It can be argued that there is not a single stream of water in the world, not a single drop that has not been sanctified, spiritually fertilized by prayer, blessed and, consequently, which would not be life-giving and saving for people, animals, birds and the earth itself. If we always acted as the Church and the Word of God teach us, then the gracious gifts of the Holy Spirit would constantly pour out on us, then every spring would be for us a source of healing from bodily and mental ailments, every cup of water would serve as purification and enlightenment, “water of healing and peace”, holy water. But that doesn't happen. Water makes people sick, water becomes a dangerous, deadly and destructive element. Well, what about tap water - and holy water doesn’t help us! Are the prayers of the Church powerless?

When God was about to punish the first world with water, then He told Noah: “The end of all flesh has come.”

before Me, for the earth is filled with evildoings from them; and behold, I will destroy them from the earth... I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the spirit of life under the heavens; everything that is on earth will lose life” (Gen. 6, 13. 17). These words can be applied to our days. You shouldn’t be surprised that water doesn’t heal or bring benefits. What is surprising here, when the most important sacrament - the Eucharist, the reception of the Body and Blood of the Lord - serves many not for salvation, but for condemnation... “Whoever eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks condemnation for himself, without considering the Body of the Lord” ( 1 Cor. 11:29).

Miracles and healings still occur today. But only those who accept it with living faith in the promises of God and the power of prayer of the Holy Church, those who have a pure and sincere desire to change their lives, repentance, and salvation, are rewarded with the miraculous effects of holy water. God does not create miracles where people want to see them only out of curiosity, without a sincere intention to use them for their salvation. An evil and adulterous race, the Savior said about his unbelieving contemporaries, seeks a sign; and no sign will be given to him.

In order for holy water to be beneficial, we will take care of the purity of the soul, the lightness of thoughts and deeds. And every time we touch holy water, we will offer this prayer in our minds and hearts.

Prayer for accepting prosphora and holy water

Lord my God, may Thy holy gift and Thy holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of the Holy One Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

It's no secret that people have long used Epiphany and holy water to get rid of illnesses and heal their spirit.

Every year on January 19, people go to church to take an unusual liquid, and thousands of people who want to improve their health rush to swim in the ice hole without looking at And not in vain. Known various cases healing of the sick thanks to the properties of baptismal grace.

And in fact, studies of water taken from one of the churches showed that the frequency spectrum of the liquid’s radiation is similar to the electromagnetic indicators of healthy organs of the human body. Thus, the unusual properties of holy water arise due to the information program embedded in it in the form of a balanced set of frequencies healthy person.

While few people doubt the miraculous qualities of something taken from a church, not everyone knows that ordinary tap water also becomes bioactive for the holiday and is able to retain its unusual properties for a year or longer. Research has shown that water taken from the tap on January 19 changes its structure within 24 hours. The experiments included measuring the biofield, acid-base balance, hydrogen potential and the results of the impact of liquid on a person during external and internal use.

Data obtained through research indicate that the properties of holy water have a positive effect on human health. A multiple increase in the biofield was recorded, as well as an improvement in its energy and physical indicators when using baptismal liquid externally and as a drink. This contributed to improved health and increased human protection from the effects of pathogenic radiation external environment. It can be assumed that the meaning of holy grace is that it cleanses the body of harmful toxic and pathogenic formations.

It has been established that the properties of which have been studied for several years, has two maximum biological activity during baptism: at night, about two hours, and at noon. Moreover, during these peaks the electrical conductivity is the highest, changing throughout the day, and the samples taken correspond to these parameters long time.

It follows from this that it is on January 19 that the structure of all water existing on Earth changes, and this is a cyclical planetary phenomenon. And it doesn’t matter at all where it comes from: whether it’s poured into a bottle, a jar, or in the sea, river, or in the form of snow. And now the water takes on its standard structural state.

All samples taken at Epiphany subsequently retained their properties, and the maximum bioactivity was shown when collected for about two hours at night. As experiments have shown, this particular healing liquid does not lose its amazing qualities when diluted and mixed. Water from other sources returns to its normal properties the very next day.

Therefore, if on Epiphany from a quarter past midnight you draw liquid from the tap during the day, it will have the properties of holy water all year. And in order to get the maximum bioactive effect without plunging into an ice hole, then, from half past two to two in the morning, you need to take a shower or at least wash your face in a regular water supply.

Dowsing studies have proven that treatment with holy water gives tangible healing effect. It increases the size of a person’s biological field tens and even hundreds of times and replenishes its energy. After a one-time bath on January 19, it is enough to drink baptismal liquid in small quantities for a year, preferably on an empty stomach. The properties of holy water will allow you to maintain an increased level of the biofield and will provide positive impact to your health.

From our article you will learn what words you can use to speak holy water so that it heals and protects.

For many of us, water is just a source of quenching thirst. And, probably, only a few people know that it can heal diseases, protect against negative energy and calm the soul. Of course, not all water has all these properties. In order for it to become life-giving, a church ritual must be performed over it. In view of this, if you want to stock up on holy water, then do it on Epiphany.

On this day, absolutely all liquid on our earth becomes healing. In addition, the priests strengthen her with their prayer, removing from her all the bad things that she has accumulated over time. last year. With holy water you can perform various rituals that will help you restore health, attract good luck or get rid of bad habits. We will talk about how to do this correctly in our article.

Prayer for healing before taking holy water: text

Text of prayer for healing

As you probably already understood, holy water can save a person from many diseases. But in order for it to be able to expel illness from your body, you need to properly prepare your body for its use. This must be done, of course, with the help of Christian prayer. Before you take holy water, you must read a certain prayer over it three times.

By such actions you will cleanse your soul and further strengthen healing properties water. It is best to read such a prayer in front of the images, placing in front of you a glass filled with life-giving liquid. After reading the prayer, cross yourself three times, bow low to the images and slowly drink the holy water. During this process, try not to be distracted by worldly problems and worries and think only that now a liquid will enter your body that will expel the disease from you.

What does the full moon spell for holy water give?

Full moon spell

Everyone knows that the moon has quite strong energy. It has the strongest effect on water. And since human body Almost 80% consists of liquid, then on a full moon this celestial body simply begins to control our actions and thoughts. And that is why water charmed on the full moon has even greater healing and life-giving properties.

If you read a spell over it, and then put it on the window so that it falls on it all the time Moonlight, then the next day you will receive a liquid so energetically strong that you can solve almost any problem with its help. But still know that the power of the enchanted water will begin to decrease as the moon wanes. Therefore, it is advisable to use the liquid charmed on the full moon literally 2-3 days in advance.

Prayer for washing with holy water against the evil eye

Prayer when washing with holy water

Unfortunately, a person is not at all protected from the envy of others. The most unpleasant thing is that we may not even notice the negativity coming from another person, and we will quite calmly continue to communicate with him. And the closer our spiritual contact is, the greater the portion of negativity our body and soul will receive. If you begin to feel some kind of strange anxiety around a certain person, which means it’s likely that he jinxed you. Holy water will help you get rid of this problem and protect yourself from the repeated evil eye.

If you wash your face with it before each time you leave the house, then no negativity can have even the slightest impact on you. Start washing your face with your eyes and then move on to your cheeks, chin and forehead. Wash yourself in a cross shape, as if drawing a church cross on your face. Accompany this entire process with the prayer given a little higher. If desired, you can repeat the procedure in the evening. This way you can get rid of the evil eye as quickly as possible.

Conspiracy against the evil eye on holy water and ritual

Conspiracy against the evil eye

Water has one feature that allows it to be used for certain rituals. Due to the fact that she absorbs information like a sponge, she can be talked into a specific action. If you want to get rid of the evil eye, then try the following ritual. First take a herbal bath and then change into clean clothes. Pour holy water into a glass and cross it three times. Then stand in front of the icons and read the Lord’s Prayer. After these steps, you can proceed to charming the water.

While reading the plot, try to pronounce the name of the person who needs help as clearly as possible. When the water is charmed, give it to the person you asked to drink it. He should literally take three small sips and wash himself with the rest of the water. You need to wash your face the way we taught you at the beginning of our article. As soon as the ceremony is completed, return to the icons and thank God for his help.

Prayer for accepting prosphora and holy water

Prayer for accepting the prosphora

You can buy a prosphora in a church shop, and then, after reading a prayer over it, give it to your family. According to generally accepted church rules, prosphora should be taken on an empty stomach. It is believed that under no circumstances should it come into contact with regular food as this will reduce all its beneficial qualities. It is washed down exclusively with holy water, so if you want to have the opportunity to take prosphora throughout the year, then try to stock up on it for Epiphany.

You must begin your prayer with a request for enlightenment of the mind, and only after that can you ask for the restoration of moral and physical strength. At the end of the prayer, be sure to ask the Almighty to deliver you from sinful temptations and guide you on the righteous path.

Holy water from three churches: for what?

The water from the three churches has a very strong energy

Holy water from three churches is enough a strong talisman capable of getting rid of the most serious diseases, as well as returning to a person peace of mind. In the old days it was also called three-ring. As a rule, they stocked it up for great Christian holidays, for the Epiphany of the Lord or for Easter. You need to take it in those different temples at the end of the festive service, and already at home, pour everything into one container.

But in order for the water to be truly three-ringed, you will have to find three temples located very close to each other. It is believed that water acquires healing qualities if the church bells of one temple are heard in the other two. Therefore, if you need holy water from three churches, then go to whichever Holy place, where many temples can be placed in a small area. In this case, you can get healing three-ring water without any problems.

Conspiracy to trade and sell holy water

Conspiracy to trade and sell

I would like to say right away that the church does not approve of a person’s desire to get rich. Therefore, if you still decide to carry out this ritual, then be sure to go to the temple before performing it and make a small donation there, or simply go out into the street and help someone in need. After this, you can return home and read the spell over holy water. But keep in mind that the water absorbs itself the right energy, it must be collected in a new glass.

If you pour it into an old cup covered with cracks, you are unlikely to be able to send the right energetic message. After the plot has been read, wash your face and hands with this water and let them dry naturally. If you dry your skin with a towel immediately after washing, you will simply wipe away the energy of money.

Holy water spell for love

Love spell

Love conspiracies are best read on the waxing moon. If you do everything correctly, then as the circle of the moon increases, your loved one’s feelings for you will increase. Besides this, you must have the right inner mood. This means that you must be completely focused on your feelings and with all your heart desire to be reunited with your loved one. To enhance the effect of the properties of water, you can tie a red ribbon around the glass or put it on a photo of your chosen one.

If you don't have a photo of him, then try to imagine his face all the time. Read the plot three times, then cross yourself and leave the glass for several hours in front of the images. You will need to drink the charmed water yourself and discreetly give it to the object of your adoration. Try adding it to tea or compote, but under no circumstances force him to drink it. He must drink the charmed water in good location spirit, otherwise the ritual will not give you a positive result.

Conspiracy against illness using holy water

Conspiracy against diseases

As already mentioned at the beginning of our article, properly charmed water can relieve many diseases. People who have tried this method on themselves claim that regular use of such a healing remedy even saved them from chronic ailments.

In view of this, if you also want to drive out illnesses from your body with the help of holy water, then simply read the correct spell over it, and then take it internally or simply wash the sore spots with it. And of course, do not forget to pray to God every day and ask him for healing.

Holy water use treatment of female diseases

Conspiracy against female diseases

Holy water can help get rid of almost all female diseases. The best part is that it can be taken along with more traditional treatment, without fear that it will harm the body even more. But in order for such treatment to be effective, certain rules must be followed. Before starting treatment, you must go to temple and repent of all your sins. You should also remember to pray to God every morning and evening and thank him for another day you have lived.

As soon as you feel that your soul has become calmer, start taking holy water. Drink it every morning on an empty stomach, after eating prosphora before that. Once in your stomach, these two products will literally immediately begin to fill your body with grace. You need to drink holy water until the disease completely disappears.

Conspiracy to work on holy water

Conspiracy to work

It is better to charm water for such a ritual during the period when the moon is growing. This time period is considered the best for attracting the necessary energy. You need to start chanting water on Saturday, because it is this day that helps people choose the right direction in life.

If for some reason you were unable to do this on Saturday, then perform the ritual on Wednesday. This day promotes rapid career growth and salary increases. It is best to start reading the plot with the first rays of the sun and this must be done as sincerely as possible.

Spell for holy water from fear

Conspiracy from fear

Young children, especially unbaptized ones, can be frightened by absolutely everything. A loud sound, a servant, or a barking dog can cause severe fright in children. The most unpleasant thing is that parents find out about this problem only when the baby goes to bed. Such children refuse to fall asleep and toss and turn and cry all the time. In view of this, if you do not want this problem caught you by surprise, then stock up on holy water and, if necessary, speak to it with a special prayer.

You can give this water to your baby to drink throughout the day or, if the baby is very small, wash him with it. Yes, and don’t say too much water at once. After all, although you perform a ritual over church water, the effect of the spell will begin to decrease after some time and you will have to prepare a new portion of the healing liquid. And since holy water cannot just be poured onto the street, it will be better if you pour out such an amount that you can use during the day.

Conspiracy for holy water from enemies

Conspiracy from enemies

This is how life works, but every person has his own personal enemy. Sometimes hostility arises literally out of nowhere and begins to quite poison people’s lives. If former friends or relatives cannot reconcile, we must look for a way to protect ourselves from this negativity. As in all previous methods, enchanted holy water will help you do this.

Once you read over it the right words she will immediately begin to put a barrier between you and the person who wishes you harm. And so that its protective properties are always with you, drink a couple of sips of this liquid before leaving the house. You can also use it to protect your home and car. To do this, you will simply need to recite the Lord's Prayer and then apply water in a cross pattern to the doors and windows of your property.

Holy water spell for drunkenness and alcoholism

Conspiracy against drunkenness

Drunkenness is considered a pretty big sin, so if your close person has such an addiction, then try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. To do this, take Epiphany water and read a prayer over it. Do all this in a peaceful environment without the presence of a person suffering from alcoholism. Pour water into a jar with an airtight lid, stand in front of the images, bend over it as low as possible and start whispering the words of the spell.

When saying the prayer, your lips should lightly touch the water. Read the plot three times, cross yourself and close the jar with a lid. Open it only when you are adding water to a sick person. If the charmed liquid runs out and your husband or brother does not recover, cast the next portion and continue adding it to food or drink.

Holy water spell for weight loss

Weight loss conspiracy

As you probably already understood, water can be used to get rid of different problems and ailments. But perhaps best of all, it helps fight excess weight. If you use it correctly and drink it regularly, your weight will gradually begin to decrease, and this process will occur with additional benefits for the body.

The enchanted water, getting inside a person, comes into close contact with all body fluids, thereby healing the entire body as a whole. In addition, holy water transfers the laid down program to our subconscious and the body gradually begins to lose extra pounds.

Conspiracies for holy water for pain

Conspiracy for pain

Headache is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that most often appears unexpectedly. Usually we fight this problem with pills and don’t even think about the harm they cause to our body. In view of this, if you want to get rid of headaches more useful method, then use holy water for this, preferably Epiphany water.

All you need to do in this case is simply speak to her with the spell, which is located a little higher. After you read the prayer, you only need to drink the liquid and lightly moisten your whiskey with it. If your belief is this folk remedy will be very strong, then for an hour headache will leave.

Holy water spell for money

Money plot

The symbol of money in nature is the moon, so it is best to charm water to attract finance during the full moon. You will need to spray your entire home with this water, especially the place where money is stored. This procedure must be repeated until a new moon appears in the sky.

From this moment you need to stop spraying and wait patiently for the result. In case your financial position does not improve, then on the full moon you will need to repeat the procedure again.

When do they draw crosses on their faces with holy water?

Sprinkling with holy water

Most often, crosses are drawn on the face with water on major church holidays. It is believed that holiday water has the most powerful energy, so if on this day you apply it crosswise on the face, the person will receive quite powerful protection.

Thanks to these invisible crosses, you will not be afraid of the evil eye, envy and simply human malice. Also, a cross on your face will help your soul avoid temptations that periodically appear in the life of every person.

Prayer for sprinkling a house with holy water

Prayer for sprinkling the house

If you wish, you can use holy water to rid your home of negative energy. To perform this ritual you will need Epiphany water, church candle And strong prayer. First, you will need to clean your home with a live candle flame. When this stage is completed, proceed to reading the prayer over the water. Read it at least 3 times, and then proceed to the process of sprinkling your house or apartment.

Try to sprinkle all the rooms as thoroughly as possible, Special attention paying attention to corners and pantries. Since in these places all the negative energy, then holy water must be applied here in two stages. First you will need to draw small crosses from bottom to top, and then seal them alone with a large one.

Video: Prayer. Cleansing the aura with prayers. Orthodox prayers