Maintenance of fire alarm and warning systems. Maintenance of fire alarm systems

After the fire alarm system is put into operation, the main question becomes its proper operation. This requires constant monitoring by specialists with maintenance.

Their actions are aimed at troubleshooting elements of a complex system and ensuring appropriate signal activation when emergency situations occur.

Maintenance fire alarm– an important procedure that requires maintaining appropriate documentation.

Responsibility for preventive and repair measures lies with the head of the protection facilities or the head of the serviced organization.

Right to maintenance

Maintenance of fire alarm systems and automatic installations is carried out by a certain organization that has permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The customer has the right to choose the company that carried out the installation of equipment and commissioning work, or contact any third-party company with the same responsibilities.

As a rule, these are self-regulatory SRO organizations in the field fire safety. The main thing is that the competence of employees is not in doubt.

The parties enter into an agreement in which they must indicate the following requirements:

  1. possible access to elements of the fire safety system;
  2. validity period of the services provided;
  3. cycle of preventive maintenance, including repairs.

Fire alarm maintenance - the service agreement is under the control of the State Fire Supervision. The results of the activities of a company or SRO are regulations– protocols, statements, journals, inspection reports containing a report on the activities.

Basic steps

The activities of the competent organization are conventionally divided into groups:

  • The production process at the enterprise requires a responsible approach. Therefore, after installing fire protection, company specialists instruct personnel who will be responsible for workplace safety.
  • Rendering technical assistance for equipment operation.
  • Repair of devices is carried out in accordance with the warranty service agreement.
  • Routine inspection of fire alarm installations.
  • Checking documents indicating maintenance rules.
  • Drawing up recommendations, which may include decommissioning, repairing failed equipment or increasing its service life. Entries are entered into the “Defective List”.

Required Documentation

Facilities where fire systems are serviced must have the necessary documents.

Here's what's included in the list:

  1. design and estimate documentation for construction production fire protection complex;
  2. agreement with companies or SROs that have a license;
  3. schedule of repair activities;
  4. maintenance and repair log;
  5. list of installed security and fire alarm systems;
  6. certificates of commissioning of the installation and acceptance of completed work;
  7. operating instructions for automation and control systems;
  8. shift schedule of working personnel;
  9. fire-fighting equipment fault log;
  10. operational certificates of equipment;
  11. job descriptions of internal and external employees of the enterprise.

Standard calculations

The regulations for work aimed at servicing fire alarms presuppose a certain frequency and requirements for the implementation of actions.

This is because the sensors have intricate sensing circuits. Penetration of dust, steam, cigarette smoke or small particles can result in failure. important elements systems. Loss of serviceability of detectors leads to a general malfunction of the devices and sharply reduces the degree of safety in the room.

The order of events is reflected in the document on industry standards. Execution deadlines may vary by agreement of the parties. This requires justification related to the special operating conditions of the fire alarm components.

If individual technical devices are not reflected in the document, the customer and the contractor can individually determine the regulations for their maintenance. This takes into account necessary requirements, registered in technical documentation in accordance with GOST standards.

Regulatory document - GOST for the maintenance of fire systems

For high-rise buildings there are separate regulations and standards specified in the Instructions defining the repair and maintenance rules of fire alarms. Facilities with large crowds of people are subject to monthly inspections. Small industrial premises The fire fighting complex is required to be serviced once a quarter.


The technical regulations provide for a certain time interval for the maintenance of fire alarm systems.

Every day you need to do the following:

  • visual inspection of escape routes, protective equipment and important alarm elements: detectors, communication loops, controllers for dirt and mechanical damage;
  • checking the performance of detectors and the integrity of factory seals control panels, position of the shift levers, according to GOST standards.

Every week company employees or self-regulatory organization(SRO) check the state of connection to the power grid of low-current systems, test the backup charge of batteries. After inspection, the alarm is tested twice a year to identify weak points.

Testing is implemented in two ways:

  1. Full check of the security complex with fire simulation. What is important here is the immediate response of the alarms to the threat.
  2. A random check allows you to monitor the operation of the sensors included in the alarm system in certain areas of the facility. The technique involves artificially increasing the temperature, simulating smoke or fires. The action is selected depending on the type of sensor. The tests are analogues of real situations, therefore they determine the malfunction of elements with high accuracy. If necessary, experts recommend replacing the equipment.

Scheduled inspections at the enterprise are announced in advance. In case of threat emergency situations unscheduled control is required.

Every year, employees of a company that maintains security and fire alarm systems are required to measure the grounding.

Once every three years they monitor the condition insulating material. The more often equipment is checked, the more efficiently it works. Fault detection is necessary procedure, which can save lives during a fire.

Examination results

Based on the results of checking the operability of the fire alarm system, the service company or self-regulatory organization draws up a corresponding report.

It contains information:

  • address of the object location;
  • date of the examination performed;
  • persons included in the commission;
  • device type;
  • methods and requirements used;
  • state of the fire protection system;
  • conclusion on the readiness of the signal in emergency situations;
  • additions to the document;
  • individual information about participants in test events indicating their position.

The act, drawn up in two copies, is certified by the control service. It is signed by the head of the enterprise. During the next inspection, the report must be presented along with the maintenance log fire protection system protection.

How to keep a log of regulatory events

Maintenance of fire alarm systems at each stage of inspection must be recorded.

The data, taking into account GOST standards, is entered into the “Logbook of registration of work on maintenance and preventive maintenance of automatic fire extinguishing installations.” The parties to the agreement maintain identical documents.

Periodically, independent regulatory authorities check records to ensure they match. The integrity of the records is evidenced by numbered pages, stitching and seals on both sides.

The routine maintenance document contains information:

  1. safety instructions during equipment operation;
  2. date of switching off and switching on the equipment when repairs are carried out;
  3. complete neutralization of the complex during preventive measures with notification Government agencies fire supervision;
  4. record when maintenance is completed. It ends with the phrase: “The system was delivered to the Customer in good condition for subsequent operation in automatic mode.”

Order cost

The organization that has the right to service fire alarms independently determines pricing policy services. Cost calculation involves the use of a tariff grid and a whole list of coefficient indicators.

The final price depends on the main factors:

  • The total area of ​​rooms where fire alarms are used. How smaller size, the greater the calculation for 1m 2.
  • Number of employees located in production premises.
  • Type and structure of the overall system.
  • Type of service.

Many expert organizations offer comprehensive installation maintenance services, including video surveillance and access control management. They may cost less. There is an option to include a fire safety engineer on the company’s staff.

Calculation of the cost of services is indicated in the commercial offer after registration technical assignments. A fire safety audit is organized at the enterprise voluntarily.

Video: Infographics about the work procedure when servicing fire alarms

Any system, regardless of operating conditions, requires regular maintenance. Speaking about security systems, everyone should understand that maintenance is simply necessary for any system, since the safety of your life and your property depends on it.

Maintenance of security systems and routine maintenance form a system of preventive measures that are necessary to improve the performance of the complex security system enterprises. Competent and timely maintenance of the security system increases its service life and ensures reliable operation. Maintenance of security systems is a list of necessary measures that are aimed at maintaining already installed equipment in working order.

Scheduled maintenance is carried out once a month in accordance with the schedule and list necessary work, which are determined for each system and equipment based on the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and operating instructions. Once a year, a technical inspection of fire safety systems is carried out, which gives a complete picture of their technical condition, and their interaction with each other and with the engineering systems of the facility is checked.

Scheduled maintenance includes:

External inspection of system components;
- Cleaning external surfaces technical means. Removing dust and dirt;
- Checking the condition of internal surfaces;
- Preventive or restoration work with internal elements of equipment (wiping, lubricating, soldering);
- Checking and bringing to established standards parameters of system equipment, line-cable and distribution devices;
- Adjustment of system settings;
- Preparation of equipment for seasonal operation;
- Monitoring the position of automatic mode switches of security and fire systems;
- Testing of main and backup sources uninterruptible power supply And so on.

In addition to equipment repair and configuration software carried out by our specialists documenting works Key stages of maintenance are reflected in the relevant documents: a maintenance log, a certificate of monthly preventive maintenance, a report technical examination fire extinguishing systems, fire alarms, fire warning and smoke removal systems, a test report for fire detectors, etc. In addition, our consultants provide mandatory training to operation service employees on effective use system resources.

Automatic fire alarm (AFS) is a complex designed for timely notification of a fire. Installation of APS in buildings and structures – necessary condition to ensure safety and mandatory requirement provided for by legislative acts.

The main task of the fire alarm system is the timely detection and notification of a fire, which allows for the rapid evacuation of employees or visitors, as well as avoiding large production losses.

Quite often, fire alarms are linked to many systems in a building. For example, it begins with the launch of systems automatic fire extinguishing and smoke removal. It is also possible to use APS together with a video surveillance system (security and fire alarm). To provide reliable operation Automatic fire alarm system needs to be serviced.

Components of APS

The fire alarm system includes the following elements:

  1. Fire detectors, whose task is to notify the alarm system about a fire.
  2. Fire warning system – technical device alarm system to warn of a fire, including different types sirens (light, sound, speech or combined).
  3. A communication device that transmits signals to a control point using communication channels (telephone line, radio, GSM).
  4. A receiving and control device (control panel) is a device that receives, processes and analyzes information received from touch sensors.
  5. “Exit” light board, installed in buildings and belonging to the type of light indicators for evacuation exit points in the event of emergency situations.
  6. Backup power supply providing uninterrupted operation APS.

Based on the type of fire factors controlled, sensors are divided into:

  • smoke;
  • thermal;
  • light;
  • combined;
  • flame detectors;
  • gas;
  • manual fire call points.

Types of APS

The peculiarity of the warning system is as follows: with the help of sensors, information is automatically transmitted to the control panel, where the location of the fire is reflected.

The types of warning systems are varied and depend on the requirements set for them.

Depending on the area of ​​the object, the APS can be:

  1. address;
  2. non-addressed;
  3. addressable analog.

Non-addressable systems are installed at facilities with non-addressable large area. The requirements for it are minimal. Touch sensors in these systems are combined into one common loop. With such a system, the APS notifies about a fire using a general signal and it is impossible to accurately determine which specific sensor was triggered.

At facilities with a large area (more than a thousand square meters) it is customary to install addressable warning systems. They notify about a fire using general and individual signals. In these settings, the control panel displays the number of the specific sensor from which the fire signal was received.

The analogue addressable system is also installed in facilities with a large area. Information is transmitted from sensors to the control panel via telemetry.

Installation and maintenance of automatic fire alarms

Installation and maintenance of automatic fire alarms is carried out by specialized companies licensed to carry out these types of work.

The work consists of developing a project, purchasing and installing materials and equipment, obtaining the necessary permits in the field of fire safety, as well as further maintenance of the automatic fire alarm system.

Maintenance procedure

APS maintenance involves the following procedures:

  • checking the functionality of the APS and SOUE;
  • inspection external state fire complex as a whole;
  • checking the activation of sensors, uninterrupted signal transmission to the main control point;
  • adjusting fire alarm system settings;
  • repairing damage;
  • implementation of preventive measures.

Timely maintenance of APS is necessary for:

  1. ensuring uninterrupted operation of the APS;
  2. control general condition fire alarm complex;
  3. timely identification and elimination of problems;
  4. warnings and solutions negative consequences exposure to harmful factors.

Checking the APS and SOUE, its maintenance must be carried out in a timely manner, no less than within the time limits established by law. Maintenance of automatic fire alarms can be regular or extraordinary.

Reason for extraordinary maintenance:

  • occurrence of false alarms or complete system failure;
  • inspection upon completion of correctional work;
  • appeal from the director of a facility with an installed automatic fire alarm.

In general, automatic fire alarm maintenance is required on a monthly basis.

Prevention of APS

During maintenance, it is customary to carry out preventive measures.

They are:

  1. in cleaning the surfaces of the system and its individual elements from dust and dirt;
  2. in lubrication and strengthening of joints;
  3. in replacing expired parts.

If any malfunction is identified during preventive maintenance, immediate repair or replacement of the failed part is carried out.

Registration of maintenance work

In the process of drawing up regulations, one should take into account the range of measures recommended by manufacturers of fire alarm devices.

Activities carried out as part of maintenance, including checking the functionality of the alarm system, are recorded in a special operational log.

In addition, information about any failures, false alarms, and information about equipment replacement is entered into the log. The employee who is responsible for meeting the deadlines for maintenance and preventive work, as well as for maintaining a log, is appointed in accordance with by internal order organizations.

Responsibility for violating the terms of APS maintenance

Carrying out timely maintenance is especially important when alerting in cases requiring immediate evacuation of people.

If a situation arises in which there is a malfunction in the APS and SOUE (warning and evacuation control system), then this circumstance will become the basis for initiating a criminal case against the director of the enterprise for violations of the requirements for timely maintenance of the system.


Installing the latest APS in premises solves the problem of timely identification and elimination of the source of fire, which increases the safety of the objects they protect.

Warranty and preventive maintenance are a necessary condition for maintaining the functionality of the complex, ensuring the reliability and durability required for the safety of enterprise employees and property.

Video: Maintenance of fire and security alarm systems: powering systems

The PTM24 company offers professional maintenance services for alarm systems for premises and facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region. Any complex structure needs maintenance with the participation of professionals. Without the necessary control, the equipment cannot be fully operated. Thus, the issue is with the maintenance of the APS system (automatic fire system). The current regulations for working with APS will be described in detail in the presented article.

APS maintenance – goals and nuances

The company needs a working fire protection. We are talking about an alarm that notifies people about the start of a fire so that they can evacuate. The presence of such a network guarantees employee safety and the ability to quickly take action to extinguish a fire.

Maintenance of the APS system occurs for two reasons:

  1. Maintaining operational condition, including carrying out inspections and repairs.
  2. Confirmation that the equipment is installed correctly and the alarm system works according to regulations.

Today there are two concepts that are often confused - APS and AUPS. The first term is general concept and technically, it is wider.

For information! A detailed explanation is given in the layout of GOST 12.4.009-83. SSBT. AUPS is a set of technical means that are installed at the facility to protect against fire.

APS maintenance (2 regulations)

The APS is serviced according to the regulations. The second regulation (TO-2) requires a quarterly inspection of the alarm system. During this inspection, structural elements are inspected and necessary repairs are made. A comprehensive fire alarm inspection to confirm the functionality of the system.

APS maintenance (3 regulations)

The third regulation is more full list verification activities. Typically, the first and second regulations are also supplemented by cleaning detectors, checking the integrity of fastenings, and correcting sagging cables.

Cost of APS maintenance at PTM24

Number of equipment units in the APS systemCost per month in rubles
Up to 10 units1450
From 11 to 20 units2350
From 21 to 30 units3250
From 31 to 50 units3950
From 51 to 100 units6950
From 101 to 200 units8550
Added value for every 50 units over 200from 890

Prices for APS examination

Initial fire alarm inspectionfor free
Drawing up an estimate for fire alarm maintenancefor free
Audit of the system in order to develop a strategy for its maintenancefor free
Comprehensive inspection of the APS systemfree when concluding a maintenance contract

The cost of APS maintenance in each case is determined individually, since it depends on a common set of factors.

The following indicators can affect the final price:

  • Type of equipment.
  • System structure and number of connected elements.
  • The presence of breakdowns and their level of complexity.
  • Cost of necessary parts.

As a result of determining the commonality of factors, the master performs standard calculations and announces the amount to the client. An official invoice is issued for payment.

Savings on preventive measures are regarded as negligence on the part of management and lead to a negative outcome. Contacting a dubious organization will also not bring any benefit. Therefore, you should not save money and refuse a technical inspection, but it is better to take care of finding a reliable company in advance.

PTG KONTUR SAFETY LLC carries out design, emergency repairs and scheduled maintenance of fire alarm systems.

Based on our experience, we are ready to offer service for systems from various manufacturers: Esser by Honeywell, Simplex, Bolid, Rubezh and others.

A complex network of wired and wireless sensors capable of warning about smoke or fire must be constantly in working order. Maintenance by our company allows us to ensure uninterrupted operation of automatic fire alarm systems, which is an essential condition for safety in commercial, government and private facilities.

Any technically complex system requires regular and high-quality maintenance during its service life, which ultimately affects the uninterrupted operation and durability of its operation.

The concept of maintenance (TO) of automatic fire alarms combines:

  • planned procedures aimed at maintaining the system in working order;
  • current and emergency repairs;
  • repair of some components.

In turn, the service can be:

  • warranty,
  • periodic.

Typically, maintenance is performed by the same company that performed the installation. However, in some cases, cooperation with an installation organization does not work out due to the high price of services. In this case, the employees of PTG SAFETY CONTOUR LLC are ready to perform the full range of preventive maintenance work on fire alarm systems.

Service prices

Warranty maintenance of fire alarm systems

Warranty maintenance most often covers equipment and installation work. As a rule, the warranty is one year from the date of completion of the alarm installation work. If equipment breakdown does not occur due to improper operation, then the manufacturer recognizes this case as covered by warranty, and the equipment is replaced free of charge. However, damage to equipment due to improper use, flooding of the system, or power surges does not apply to warranty cases.