Shade-tolerant flower garden. The most shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants for the garden: shrubs and flowers

Not all gardeners are able to place a flower bed on their site in a sunny place. Sometimes only a piece of soil in the shade or partial shade remains for flowers. Don’t be upset, you can choose a composition of plants that are intended specifically for such areas. In order to end up with a beautifully designed flower bed, it is important to know which plants to choose for shady places in the garden (perennials).

Growing shade-loving plants

Before filling a shady spot in the garden, you should decide which perennial flowers love shade in the garden, since the assortment in flower shops is very large. Such crops often only need 4-5 hours of exposure to the sun; the rest of the time they will feel great under the shade of other objects. Plants such as viola, rhododendron, aconite, bergenia, aquilegia and so on feel great in the shade.

In partial shade, creating a flowerbed will not be difficult; in an area of ​​full shade, it is much more difficult to build a beautiful composition.

Important! The difference between shade-loving plants is that the inflorescences are not too bright, so when choosing flowers for a flower bed in partial shade, the main emphasis is on beautiful lush foliage.

The best plants that prefer shade

Plants for shady places in the garden perennials

The most common shade-loving flowers for the garden are primroses, but after a couple of weeks they fade and disappear. The question of choosing crops to replace them is acute. There are many options, but again, preference should be given to colors that also love shade.

Among the most striking representatives of shade-loving flowers are the following.


This is the best option for a shaded garden, as hosta grows well in such conditions. The foliage is spreading and grows quickly in the shade; it will not develop productively in the sun. The shape and color of hosta leaves depends on the variety. They can be light green, yellowish or bright green. Some varieties have bright stripes or spots of white color.

Reproduction is carried out by dividing the rhizome, and the larger it is, the more difficult it is to transplant the bush.

The flowering is not too bright and the flowers do not attract the eye. But in the evenings it is from them that a pleasant honey aroma emanates. These plants have the greatest value for gardeners due to their beautiful decorative foliage.


The most ancient plant, which can be found in absolutely any forest. Decorative fern on many garden plots decorates flower beds. This is one of the most unpretentious plants, against which other flowering plants look beautiful. In duet with bright inflorescences it seems that professional designers worked on the creation of the composition. Reproduction occurs by spores, so you should not be surprised that many babies will appear in the spring.


A ground covering plant that covers a flowerbed with a dense carpet. The anemone blooms with beautiful small flowers. The flowering period varies from 2 weeks to 2 months. Very beautiful unpretentious plant, which becomes a real decoration of the flowerbed.


This plant belongs specifically to perennial flowers for shady places, as it does not like bright rays. After sunset, phlox exudes a pleasant aroma. Depending on the variety, the plant can spread along the ground or grow in beautiful bushes up to 1.5 m.

Note? The perennial has stable immunity to most diseases and is unpretentious when grown. Very often, phlox is grown in flower beds with several tiers.


The peculiarity of this plant is not only its love for shady places, but also for the abundant amount of moisture in the soil. Aquilegia begins to bloom in May, but after a month the flowering stops. Depending on the variety, the color of the flowers differs: white, blue, red, purple or blue.

Since flowering is not too long, you should immediately think about what to place in the flowerbed later.


Astilbe varieties

This flower offers the gardener a large selection of plants of different colors and growth. The minimum varieties do not exceed more than 30 cm, the tallest ones grow up to one and a half meters. The inflorescences are represented by beautiful bright panicles. When planting, you should choose areas with nutritious, slightly acidic soil. The plant is winter-hardy, but in the first year it is still recommended to protect it from the cold.

On a note. Astilbes are shade-loving perennials that bloom all summer, if you select the right varieties according to the flowering period.

Lily of the valley

This is a classic traditional version shade-loving garden flowers for placement under trees and buildings. When grown, it requires careful watering and protection from drafts. If the plant is located in the wind, the lily of the valley simply will not bloom.

This flower does not like other flowers in the neighborhood, as well as frequent replanting. At the same time, it grows very quickly. Blooms in May-June.

Important! To prevent the spread of lily of the valley roots throughout the entire area, you should limit the area in the ground. Pieces of slate about 0.5 m are suitable.


Primrose is a beautiful low-growing plant that many gardeners adore. Thanks to the great variety color palette, it will be possible to create beautiful compositions on the street. For active growth, the plant requires moist and nutritious soil.


The name fully characterizes the essence of the plant. It takes root quickly and does not require careful care. Watering is only needed during severe droughts. It begins to bloom in May, flowering lasts until June, but at the end it does not lose its beauty, forming a beautiful carpet.


Beautiful creeping plant, which covers the entire free area in the flowerbed, preventing weeds from spreading. It tolerates drought and wet periods very well, grows very quickly and blooms beautifully. Periwinkle is characterized by excellent medicinal properties, but self-medication can cause harm. There is a wide choice of colors: from delicate white to bright red and purple.

How to design a flowerbed in the shade of perennials

When planning any flower bed, including one located in the shade or partial shade, it is important to choose the right shade-tolerant perennial flowers for the garden that bloom all summer, taking into account the basic rules of combination. The tallest perennials are placed in the background, then the middle ones and the smallest in the foreground. Thanks to this principle, it will be possible to create a beautiful multi-level summer flower bed.

Important! For edging a flower bed, as well as filling in areas of soil under other plants, for example, under tall crops, ground-covering plant species should be used.

When designing a flowerbed in the shade, the concept of a competent combination of bright flowering crops and plants with lush greenery is taken as a basis.

You can achieve success using original combinations, Here are a few of the cutest ones:

  1. You can plant a fern as a background plant for a lushly flowering tiara. A beautiful lush background of green foliage will look very nice if you add an original one to the composition decorative rock, then the flowerbed will turn out with a twist.
  2. The combination of cuff and cuff looks beautiful on alpine slides.
  3. For any flowering plant, you can use a yew bush. For example, place arisema in the center and lilies of the valley along the edges.
  4. Compositions of perennials should be supplemented every year with bright annual flowers.

Experts recommend placing tall perennial shade-loving flowers singly; low plants should be planted in groups, this will help achieve lush flowering. If the flowerbed will be viewed from different sides, then the most tall flowers perennials growing in the shade at the dacha should be placed in the center.

On a note. To avoid empty spaces or thickets of weeds in the flowerbed, the plants are placed close to each other, but not too closely.

To ensure that your flower bed blooms all year round, you should approach the selection of all plants responsibly. Before purchasing and planting, the characteristics of each potential crop are studied.

What flowers grow in the shade

First of all, it's worth Special attention pay attention to the soil, as it has its own characteristics. There may be two options: the soil is too dry, since little moisture gets there during precipitation, or, conversely, the soil retains too much moisture. This entails additional care.

Important! Before planting, the soil is prepared: drainage is carried out, fertilizers are added.

When watering, you should monitor the soil moisture at a particular moment. It is important that it does not dry out, but also does not turn into a swamp.

It is easy to care for such plants:

  • Watering as required;
  • Applying fertilizers twice a season (the first time, in early spring, nitrogen should predominate in the composition to stimulate greenery, the second time preference is given to phosphorus and potassium compositions);
  • Loosening and removing weeds;
  • Removing dry inflorescences;
  • If necessary, shelter for the winter.

On a note. To extend the flowering period of many types of perennials, you need to promptly remove dry inflorescences. Many flowers are able to bloom again in the last month of summer. This will also help avoid excessive self-seeding.

As you can see, shade-loving plants for flower beds are very diverse. If desired, you can create a unique the most beautiful flower bed, which will delight you with its attractive appearance throughout the season.

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably well lying on the ground, but this experience should not be repeated in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, garter. My neighbors use all sorts of stakes, tie-downs, loops, ready-made plant supports and mesh fencing. Each method of fixing a plant in a vertical position has its own advantages and “ side effects" I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises and what comes out of it.

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The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub produces luxuriously fragrant flowers from June to September. Florists readily use large inflorescences for wedding decorations and bouquets. To admire the beauty of a flowering hydrangea bush in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. We will explain why this happens in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are the three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects appearance and plant yield, and in advanced cases may lead to their death. But not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, are one of the early aromatic berries that summer generously gifts us with. How happy we are about this harvest! In order for the “berry boom” to repeat every year, we need to take care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). Bookmark flower buds, from which ovaries will form in the spring, and berries in the summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory appetizer for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds have been pickled since time immemorial, but this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. According to my recipe, you can simply prepare pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and by the evening the spicy appetizer will be ready. Watermelon marinated with spices and chili can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of safety - when chilled, this snack is simply licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest one - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Blushing stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although very large, but also a strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick chickpea soup with vegetables and egg is a simple recipe for a hearty first course, inspired by oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and other countries South-East Asia. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your taste. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in clarified butter (ghee) or mix olive and butter in a pan; this, of course, is not the same, but it tastes similar.

Plum - well, who isn’t familiar with it?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent yields, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and a huge selection of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, in some places it feels better, in others it feels worse, but almost no summer resident gives up the pleasure of growing it on his plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in middle lane, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

Many decorative and fruit crops, except for drought-resistant ones, suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period - from sun rays, enhanced by reflection from the snow. In this article we will talk about unique drug to protect plants from sunburn and drought - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March, the sun's rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Every vegetable has its time,” and every plant has its optimal time for landing. Anyone who has dealt with planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop such that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

Chili con carne translated from Spanish- chili with meat. This is a Texas and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and shredded beef. In addition to the main products there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, scalding, very filling and amazingly tasty! You can make a big pot, put it in containers and freeze - you'll have a delicious dinner for a whole week.

Cucumber is one of the most favorite garden crops of our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to really get good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is little secret, which will significantly increase their productivity. We are talking about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell you in the article. An important point agricultural technology of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. The assortment of the best indoor plants includes many beautifully flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and optimal daylight hours, they can outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops also look like living bouquets.

Since many gardens lack the benefit of sunlight during the day, gardeners are interested in what types of plants can grow in the shade. Some believe that only mosses, ivy and low-growing shrubs thrive in dark or shaded areas, bringing to mind pictures of ancient castles surrounded by such greenery. In fact, quite a few different flowers and plants prefer cool climates and lack of bright light. sunlight.

Shade-tolerant flowers

Perennial flowers growing in the shade

These plants tolerate low light and cold weather well. Hosta is one of the most popular perennials garden flowers growing in the shade, offering gardeners a choice of more than 2,500 varieties with flowers in shades of pink, gold, white, light purple and lilac and large decorative leaves of various shapes. Among the others shade-tolerant flowers perennials worth paying attention to are Virginia bell (Mertensia virginiana), garden primrose, dicentra (“bleeding hearts”), aquilegia (columbine) and polemonium (cyanium, “Jacob’s ladder”).

Annuals shade-tolerant flowers

Your garden can burst with vibrant color all season long with a huge selection of annuals. flowers growing in the shade thrive in the shade. Forget-me-nots, pansies, balsams, begonias, coleus, violets, cyclamen, torenia and caladium - from these plants you can create a magnificent flower bed even in the shade of trees.

Bulbous shade-tolerant flowers

Flowers that reproduce by bulbs easily adapt to a variety of habitats, including cool, shady areas. Crocus, daffodils and snowdrops - great choice flowering bulbs for dark garden areas.



Shrubs growing in the shade - best option for you, because they are simply created for the shadow, and besides, they sometimes have different shape and leaf color, which allows you to form very decorative combinations even when using only one species. Although most ferns do not go beyond the green palette, Japanese fern is an exception (Pictum, “Lady in Red”) - this is an unusually attractive plant with burgundy or crimson veins and a silvery coating over the entire surface of the frond. You should pay attention to these types shade-loving plants for the garden: common ostrich, male shieldweed, female stumpweed, common foliage. Note also that there are ground cover forms of ferns. Their rhizome grows very quickly, and the plants form dense, low clumps on the site - from 30 to 60 cm. These ferns go well with flowering plants in a rocky garden. Designers' favorite species are the hair-like stonewort, the three-parted holocacrimony, the beechopteris beech, the brittle bladderwort, and Elbian woodia.

Shade-tolerant ivy for the garden

Nothing beats the versatility and hardiness of ivy. Its leaves come in a variety of sizes and present a wide range of shades in combinations of white and green. In addition, ivy can be used as ground cover plant, in hedges, plant it near a screen or in a large flowerpot on a hill - then you will get an ampel shape. Filigree weaving stems can decorate the walls of buildings or tree trunks. Ivy grows equally well in bright sunlight or in shady garden.

Ground cover plants, trees and shrubs growing in the shade

If you want larger crops that also require minimal care, there are many options for shade garden plants.


Dogwood- the most popular crop for sunless gardens and areas. Other trees that do not require large quantity light, - Japanese maple, pawpaw three-lobed and red horse chestnut.

Shrubs growing in the shade

The shade is suitable for both evergreen and many deciduous shrubs. The most popular among gardeners are yews, garden azaleas, bay laurel, boxwood, cherry laurel and holly. However, keep in mind that plants accustomed to milder climates will require pruning and covering for the winter.

Ground cover plants growing in the shade

This type of plant will require minimal care. Japanese pachysandra and English ivy are very unpretentious and affordable plants that are suitable for almost any type of soil.

Beware of active growth of English ivy, as this plant can push its neighbors out of the area if you do not regularly prune it and control the spread.

Shade-loving vegetables and herbs

The most accurate indicator of shade tolerance garden crops The purpose of its cultivation is to obtain leaves or fruits and roots used for food. The first group is suitable for dark areas. Chard (chard), mustard greens, spinach and some types of lettuce tolerate shade and produce high yields with regular watering. Many aromatic plants also tolerate shade as long as they receive at least a minimum of sunlight, even indirect sunlight, for two to three hours a day. Shade-tolerant herbs include parsley, cilantro, green onions, basil, rosemary and thyme.

Choosing shade-loving plants for the garden

Before choosing shade-tolerant ornamental or flowering plants, observe how much sunlight the area planned for planting receives during the day, whether this light will be diffused or direct. For deciduous trees, consider what time of year and how long they will remain out of shade. With this information, go to a reputable and trusted nursery, where an expert can recommend which plant species are suitable for your garden.

In this article you will find plants that grow well in shade and partial shade. This will make your search easier necessary plants to decorate shady places on your site! The photo can be enlarged by clicking on the thumbnail. Brief description, characteristics of plants:

Cladium Biocolor (Cladium Bi - Color) - originally from Thailand. It has dark leaves with bright pink spots and blue veins, such decorativeness makes it stand out from other plants. It loves full shade, and reaches a height of 75 - 95 cm. Since this is a tropical plant, it should be dug up for the winter and the roots should be stored in a dry place.

Geranium (Geranium Rozanne) - has beautiful blue - blue flowers with a white center, dark green leaves. Grows in both shade and partial shade. After the first flowering, it can be pruned, then re-blooming will occur. It reaches a height of 50 cm.

Balsam, Impatiens (Impatiens - Super Sonic Magenta) - beautiful plant, has bright, large purple flowers, dark green foliage. Reaches a height of 45 cm. Perennial. Loves both full shade and partial shade.

Arizema (Jack The Pulpit - Candidissimum) - has a fragrant aroma and decorative striped perianths. Goes well in the company of hostas and ferns. Loves well-drained soil with rotted leaves. It reaches a height of about 90 cm. Grows in full shade or partial light.

Hellebore (Lenten Rose - Golden Sunrise) - has beautiful golden flowers, reaching 5 - 7.5 cm in diameter. The leaves are shiny, the roots are thick and deep. Unpretentious, resistant to humidity and heat.

Lily of the valley is a well-known, delicate, fabulous flower that grows well in shade and partial shade. They bloom from May to June. The flowers have a delicate, subtle aroma.

Tiarella (Pinc Skyrocket) - interesting for its decorative flowers, reminiscent of small rockets. It can be used as a ground cover or mixed with other low-growing plants. It reaches a height of 15 - 30 cm.

Astilbe - to many favorite plant for exquisite, soft flowers of different colors. The leaves are green and lacy. The flowers are so bright that they reflect light well and create a wonderful effect in a shady corner. Reaches a height of 50 - 75 cm.

Trillium - has bright, decorative flowers, reaching a diameter of 5 - 7.5 cm. The flowers have a citrus aroma. Reaches a height of 45 cm, grows well in both shade and partial shade.

Lungwort (Pulmonaria - Raspberry Splash) is a beautiful plant, especially the coral flowers that create a sparkling effect in a shady garden. It reaches a height of 30 cm and grows in full shade.

Adonis, Adonis (Adonis) - varieties - spring, Amur, Siberian - are perennials, and summer Adonis is an annual. Adonis are short; They are most attractive in the flowering phase, which for many species occurs in May-June. Used in groups, borders, suitable for rock gardens or as lining of shrub plantings.

Acanthus (Acanthus) - varieties - soft, long-leaved, prickly, Balkan. Tall perennials. Plants, growing, form dense groups; used for lining tree or shrub groups, in mixed borders or as focal plants in flower beds or simply on lawns.

Alstroemeria is a hybrid. Perennials with tuberous rhizomes; highly decorative during the flowering period. They are grown mainly in group plantings.

Arum (Arum) - varieties - spotted, Cretan, elongated, Italian. Perennials with tuberous rhizomes; are in many ways similar to closely related Arizema. Used mainly in shaded rockeries.

Bergenia (Bergenia) - thick-leaved, heart-leaved, Strechi varieties. Beautifully flowering perennials, but they are valued not only during flowering - the plants form a very decorative rosette of leaves; in some species it becomes brightly colored in autumn. Used in groups near bushes, mixborders, in rock gardens, as a flower bed plant. There are creeping forms grown as ground cover.

Periwinkle (Vinca) - varieties - large, small. Low perennials with attractive flowers; There are decorative leaf forms with variegated leaf colors. They are used in gardens mainly as ground cover under the canopy of trees, as well as in rock gardens, borders, and flower bed frames.

Begonia (Begonia) is an ever-flowering, tuberous variety. Varieties and hybrids of ever-flowering begonia are perennials cultivated as annuals. One of the most popular flower bed plants; used in landscaping on an industrial scale due to its ease of cultivation, duration and colorful flowering, and resistance to urban conditions. Varieties and hybrids of tuberous begonia are less common, but are also popular garden plants. Used in gardens as flower bed plants, as well as for growing in containers; hanging forms - for hanging baskets and flowerpots.

Whiteflower (Leucojum) - varieties - spring, summer. Small bulbous perennials that resemble the related snowdrops; decorative during the flowering period. B. vernal belongs to the primroses and is most common in floriculture. Used to create blooming spring lawns in the shade of trees along with other primroses; B. summer is usually grown near water bodies.

Fighter, Aconite (Aconitum) - varieties - hooded, Fischer, Carmichel. Tall perennials with spectacular flowering; are grown mainly in group and mixed plantings on flower beds and borders. Climbing species used for landscaping gazebos and pergolas. They are decorative not only during flowering: the plants have lacy, heavily dissected leaves.

Buzulnik (Ligularia) - varieties - Przhevalsky, jagged, Siberian, narrow-leaved. Most species are tall plants with spectacular inflorescences. They are decorative not only with flowering, but also with beautiful foliage (in some species, with a jagged edge or pinnately dissected). They are planted in gardens mainly near ponds (moisture-loving). They are also used in mixborders and group plantings.

Cottonweed (Asclepias) - varieties - Syrian, tuberose, curasava, meat - red. Tall perennials with spectacular flowering. Used in group plantings. V. curasavian is cultivated as an annual.

Loosestrife (Lusimachia) - varieties - coin-shaped, ephemeral, dark purple, dotted. Perennials grown for lush and long-lasting flowering (most species). Variegated varieties have been bred for some species. Plants are used in group plantings to frame ponds (moisture-loving), mixborders in shaded areas of the garden. V. monetata is a creeping plant, it is used as a ground cover, in rock gardens, and as a hanging plant for growing in flowerpots.

Vesennik (Eranthis) - varieties - Tubergena, Cilician, winter. Beautifully flowering spring plants. Often used in joint plantings with other spring ephemeroids to create bright flowering lawns. They are also used in group plantings between bushes and in compositions on alpine hills.

Anemone (Anemone) - varieties - columnar, felt, buttercup, oak. Graceful perennial plants with spectacular flowering. Most spring-flowering anemones are ephemeroids; their growing season ends by summer. A separate group consists of autumn-flowering species and hybrids. They are used primarily as flower beds and rock gardens.

Columbine, Aquilegia - Perennials, sometimes cultivated as annuals or biennials. Decorative during the period long flowering. Low-growing varieties are used mainly in rock gardens; tall - for creating mixed compositions from herbaceous plants on ridges and in mixborders, to create flowering groups in shady places near ponds.

Volzhanka, Aruncus (Aruncus) - varieties - aetus-leaved, dioecious, Amur. A perennial that forms a beautiful spreading bush with paniculate inflorescences. Used mainly in group plantings; tall species - in single plantings under trees, to form the background of borders.

Lipstick (Mimulus) - Annuals or perennials cultivated as annuals; They have brightly colored flowers and spectacular flowering. used primarily as flower bed plants; can be used to decorate the banks of reservoirs. Compact varieties are used as ground cover and in alpine hill compositions.

Dicentra - variety - magnificent. Perennials forming a spreading bush with spectacular drooping inflorescences. Highly decorative in the flowering stage; used mainly in single plantings.

Goldenrod (Solidago) - varieties - Canadian, common. Perennial plants characterized by lush flowering in late summer and autumn. Natural species are quite tall, but bred low-growing varieties, which provides a variety of uses in landscaping. Goldenrods are suitable as background plants in the background of mixborders, grown in group plantings, in flower beds (compact varieties) and for cutting.

Saxifraga (Saxifraga) - Variety introduced into garden culture perennial species is due to the unpretentiousness and breadth of possible use of saxifrage. First of all, they are known as the most common plants for rock gardens, but are also often grown as ground cover (low-growing and creeping types), flower beds and border plants (tall). In some species, flowering is valued, but in most, it is the form of rosettes or the ability to form decorative cushion-shaped shoots. Not all cultivated species are shade-tolerant.

And also oxalis, bell, lily of the valley, daylily, lily, liriope, lobelia, moonflower, buttercup, mantle, foxglove, narcissus, nomocharis, sedge, paisandra, primrose, liverwort, peony, snowdrop, scilla, stachys, violet, fuchsia, hosta , corydalis, cyclamen, jasmine, comfrey, peppermint, rastragon, lemon balm, radiola rosea, spring navel, sweet woodruff, rotundifolia, actinidia kolomikta, ivy, iriododictium, ornithogallum, tulips, hoofweed, kupena, doronicum, tenacious, iris, Jeffersonia, Tiarca cordifolia, Telekia, Soldanella montana, Darmera thyroid, Voronets spica, Podophyll thyroid, lady's slipper. From the bushes we offer you plant in the shade: privet, elderberry, weigella, vineyard, gualteria, wisteria, hydrangea, maiden grape, deutzia, viburnum, kalmia, dogwood, buckthorn, leukote, hazel, juniper, rhododendron, boxwood, lilac, snowberry, spirea, stewartia, mock orange, enkianthus. And trees are more shade-loving: beech, hornbeam, Davidia, spruce, serviceberry, cedar, cypress, maple, liquidambar, metasequoia, nyssa, fir, rowan, yew, hemlock, hop hornbeam.

We hope this list of shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants will help you decorate your shady corner!

Geranium (Geranium Rozanne)

This plant is native to Thailand and its blue veins and bright pink spots highlight and really make it stand out from the background. dark leaves. Grows in full shade, reaches a height of 75 – 95cm. In cool climatic zones Before frost, the plant must be dug up and stored in a cool, dry place.

Caladium Bi-Color.

Caladium Bi-Color.

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Despite regulations prohibiting the installation of continuous high fences between plots of land, many gardeners strive to protect their personal space as much as possible from prying eyes. A significant disadvantage of such privacy is the loss of a fairly decent landing area along the fence on both sides. Also, shady areas are formed by the walls of houses and buildings. Some leave a lawn in such places, but real gardeners, accustomed to benefiting from the entire area, know what to plant in the shade at the dacha, what plants to choose in order not only to decorate the space, but also to get a harvest.


Perennial shade-tolerant shrubs are the best option for decorating areas of the garden where the sun does not shine. Such plants do not require weeding or special care, and some varieties, in addition to serving a decorative function, even bear fruit.

Berry bushes

Many berry bushes feel quite comfortable when placed in the shade. The soil retains moisture, and several hours during which the sun is in this zone is enough for the plant to form and ripen the fruits.

It is very popular among gardeners. This shrub has high decorative qualities; it also ripens healthy berries with original taste. It reproduces easily, is unpretentious in care, and tolerates haircuts well. Blank shade for barberry is not recommended - the leaf color will become uniform and pale. In the southern regions, the shrub overwinters without loss, but in regions with a cool climate (including the Leningrad and Moscow regions), it is better to cover young plants, otherwise there is a high risk of the upper part of the shoots freezing.

Barberry is not particularly picky about soil acidity, but if the soil acidity is too high, it is better to add ash when planting (about 100 g per bush). To create a hedge along the fence, plants are planted in a trench (2 bushes per 1 m).

Gooseberry is a universal shrub for any site, and when good care and fertilizing not only produces sweet fruits, but also looks attractive. The plant tolerates shade well, but to prevent fungal diseases it is recommended to carry out periodic treatments: in spring and autumn with copper sulfate, and during the summer with “Fitosporin”.

A snowberry will decorate shady areas of the garden not only in summer, but also in winter. The large white fruits (false berries) of this shrub remain on the branches for a very long time. It is completely unpretentious in care and winter-hardy.

Berry bushes such as and also tolerate shade well. And black currants generally do not like the scorching sun, so places where it appears for only a few hours are the most optimal for it.

Flowering shrubs

One of the few plants that bloom and develop beautifully in the shade is rhododendron - the “rose tree”. In dachas, perennial winter-hardy varieties are mainly planted. For rhododendron, those places on the site where the sun is before 11 am and at sunset are suitable - in complete shade lush flowering will not be. You can also place shrubs under spreading trees. fruit trees, their openwork shadow is an ideal option.

Rhododendrons are comfortable in acidic soils, so when planting in a hole, pine needles are often sprinkled. You cannot loosen or dig up the soil under these plants, since their roots are located very close to the surface. For the same reason, it is recommended to insulate the shrub in the winter by covering it with a thick layer of pine needles.

Wilted rhododendron inflorescences should be removed. This will enhance the decorative qualities of the plant, accelerate the formation of buds on next year and will increase their number.

Decorative deciduous shrubs

Many shrubs decorate the area with their foliage from spring to late autumn, without needing an abundance of sunlight.

We list the most popular shade-tolerant species.

  • Euonymus. The plant feels great in the shade, especially for the Sakhalin and Sacred varieties. Euonymus does not tolerate swampy soils.
  • Mahonia. Refers to evergreen shrubs, its dense leathery leaves take on a red-brown color by winter. In spring it blooms beautifully, then produces fruits that have a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • Dogwood (dogwood, pork) famous for its large number of varieties and high decorative qualities. The shrub is very unpretentious; it can easily grow in the shade both near a fence and against the walls of houses, without losing its rich color. The turf is undemanding when it comes to soil, but it is preferable to plant it in loam with a loose structure.
  • Elder. In the shade, this shrub is reluctant to bloom and bear fruit, but it forms a beautiful crown.

All the plants described above have many varieties, so when purchasing, you should choose zoned ones that are most adapted to the conditions of a particular region.

Flowers and ornamental plants

In the shaded areas of the site, pansies, forget-me-nots, lilies of the valley, irises and fragrant tobacco will develop and bloom well. But mostly decorative leafy plants are planted.

  • Brunnera has a rich palette of colors and is easy to care for.
  • Hosta has a variety of leaf shapes and colors. Blue and blue varieties prefer deep shade. In the second half of summer, the hosta throws out tall flower stalks.
  • Periwinkle - bright flowering perennial, quickly covering the area with aerial shoots.
  • Bergenia loves shade, forms entire carpets of dense leaves and blooms beautifully in early spring.
  • Ledum - “forest rosemary”, “swamp stupor” - a fragrant and spectacularly flowering, but poisonous plant.

Various types of shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants can be purchased at the nursery. But there is also a completely inexpensive option - to walk to the forest belt, from where many resourceful summer residents bring original “residents” to their plots:

  • fern is a plant with high decorative qualities, unpretentious and thrives in the shade, looks very impressive, does not require care and drowns out weeds;
  • woodlands, forest violets, snowdrops, hoofweed(grows well only in moist soil);
  • blueberries and .

Not everyone succeeds in taming representatives of forest flora, but in most cases the plants take root and get used to the new place well. To reduce the adaptation time, it is better to carry them with a lump of earth, and it is most convenient to transport them in a wheelbarrow.

If the area is not only shaded, but also too wet, then you can create a kind of alpine slide: lay drainage (branches, crushed stone, sand) as the first tier, turf, peat, small wood chips (for volume) as the second, and a layer of soil on top, not necessarily fertile.


Shaded areas in the garden can also be used for planting vegetables, but with the condition that the sun appears there for at least a few hours. This could be a strip along the fence, north side of the house. Some gardeners notice that a number of crops grow even better in the shade than in completely open areas. However, an important factor is the quality of the soil. It should be sufficiently loose, fertilized and moistened.

Will do well in shady places the following types vegetables

  • Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. The best results are obtained when planting these crops under the crowns of apple trees. It has been noticed that in partial shade plants are attacked much less by the cruciferous flea beetle.
  • Spinach loves shaded areas. If the soil is sufficiently fertile, then the bushes grow branchy with strong, succulent leaves, and in the sun they usually have weak turgor and often turn yellow.
  • Beetroot is a completely shade-tolerant plant. The root vegetables will be quite small, but sweet and of high quality. You can plant beets in the shade in order to grow them on tops, which contain mass useful substances, good in salads and soups.
  • and radish. These plants shoot in the sun and do not like long daylight hours, so the only chance to get juicy root vegetables in the summer is to sow vegetables in a shaded and humid place.
  • Turnips prefer the same conditions as radishes.
  • Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear). It is undemanding to lighting, and at the same time will decorate the area with flowering.
  • Horseradish . Grows well in the shade, producing juicy large root crops.
  • Garlic . In shaded areas, this plant gets sick less and turns yellow, but the teeth will be small.

Does well in the shade. If there is very little lighting, then its stems will be thinner and more tender, but these are the ones that are well suited for various preparations.

You should not experiment with zucchini and cucumbers, although some claim that they grow well in the shade. In most cases, in such areas not only does a normal harvest fail, but the plant itself turns out to be underdeveloped.

The region also plays an important role when choosing a vegetable crop for planting in the shade. In the south, melons, tomatoes and cucumbers grow quite well in such places, but in the north, plants and open areas do not always have enough sun, even in relatively warm summers.

Grows well in the shade and spices: lemon balm, mint, tarragon, oregano, basil. You can try to plant beans, but in this case a lot depends on the quality of the soil: some have a good harvest, while others have a plant that stretches out and does not bear fruit.

Choice planting material for shaded areas personal plot big enough. You can sow the area with greenery or limit yourself to unpretentious shrubs– it all depends on the preferences and imagination of the owner, as well as the availability of free time for care.

Few regions can boast of stable warm summers, and in cold and rainy weather mold and fungi often form in the shade - vegetable plants will not develop, and you should not count on normal root crops. To prevent your work from being in vain, it is easier to plant tall shrubs such as chokeberry or viburnum in shaded areas, which are resistant to diseases and do not require pruning or care.