Imaginary animal test. Projective technique “Non-existent animal”: interpretation

Projective technique personality research; proposed by M.3. Drukarevic.

The subject is asked to invent and draw a non-existent animal, as well as give it a previously non-existent name. From the available literature it is clear that the examination procedure is not standardized (using different sizes sheets of paper for drawing, in some cases the drawing is done with colored pencils, in others - with one color, etc.). There is no generally accepted system for assessing drawings. The theoretical premises underlying the creation of the technique coincide with those of other projective techniques. Like many other drawing tests, the test is aimed at diagnosing personal characteristics, sometimes its creative potential.

This is one of the most popular drawing techniques. It is widely used by domestic psychologists when examining children and adults, sick and healthy, most often as an orienting technique, that is, one whose data allows us to put forward some hypotheses about personality characteristics.

Theoretical basis

Personality research method using projective test“Nonexistent Animal” is based on the theory of psychomotor connection. To register the state of the psyche, a study of motor skills is used (in particular, the motor skills of the drawing dominant right hand, recorded in the form of a graphic trace of movement, drawing). According to I.M. Sechenov, any idea that arises in the psyche, any tendency associated with this idea, ends with movement (literally - “Every thought ends in movement”).

If a real movement or intention is not carried out for some reason, then in the corresponding muscle groups a certain tension of energy is summed up, necessary to carry out a response movement (to a representation - a thought). For example, images and thoughts-representations, fear-inducing, stimulate tension in the leg muscle groups and in the muscles of the arms, which would be necessary in the event of a response to fear by flight or defense with the hands - to hit, to shield. The tendency of movement has a direction in space: moving away, approaching, tilting, straightening, rising, falling. When making a drawing, a sheet of paper (or a painting) represents a model of space and, in addition to the state of the muscles, fixes the relationship to space, i.e. emerging trend.

Space, in turn, is associated with the emotional coloring of the experience and the time period: present, past, future. It is also connected with the effectiveness or ideal-mental plan of the psyche. The space located behind and to the left of the subject is associated with the past period and inactivity (the absence of an active connection between thought-idea, planning and its implementation). Right side, the space in front and above are associated with the future period and effectiveness. On the sheet (model of space), the left side and bottom are associated with negatively colored and depressive emotions, with uncertainty and passivity. Right side (corresponding to dominant right hand) – with positively colored emotions, energy, activity, specificity of action.

Besides general patterns psychomotor connection and relationship to space, when interpreting the test material, theoretical norms of operating with symbols and symbolic geometric elements and figures are used.



“You are invited to invent and draw a non-existent animal, that is, one that has never existed and does not exist anywhere before (you cannot use fairy tale and cartoon characters). And also call him by a non-existent name.”

Instructions for group testing (advanced version)

“Today you are offered a task to reveal your creative abilities, imagination, and ability to solve non-standard problems.

Within 25-30 minutes, come up with and draw a non-existent animal. At the same time, it is important not to use clues-images previously invented by other people, for example, “Cheburashka”, “losharik”, etc.

Give the animal you invented a name that is non-existent but, in your opinion, suitable for it. The name must consist of one word, parts of which should not reflect words already existing in the Russian language (for example, “dolphin wing”, “konekit”, etc.).

Write a description of it in free form(approximately 10-15 sentences). It is advisable to reflect the following points in the description: the size of the animal, where and with whom it lives, what it eats, what it is afraid of, how much it lives appearance combined with his habits, why he lives and what is the use of him, etc., etc. This list of questions is provided for your guidance. Show your imagination. We are sure that you will come up with something more original. At the top of the sheet, put your reference number and today’s date. Below is your painting.

We wish you creative success!”

Processing and interpretation

Position of the drawing on the sheet

Normally, the pattern is located along the midline of a vertically placed sheet.

It is best to take a white or slightly creamy, non-glossy sheet of paper.

Use a medium soft pencil; You cannot draw with a pen or felt-tip pen.

The position of the drawing closer to the top edge of the sheet (the closer, the more pronounced) is interpreted as high self-esteem, as dissatisfaction with one’s position in society, lack of recognition from others, as a claim for advancement and recognition, and a tendency towards self-affirmation.

The position of the picture in the lower part is the opposite trend: self-doubt, low self-esteem, depression, indecision, disinterest in one’s position in society, in recognition, lack of a tendency to self-affirmation.

The central semantic part of the figure

(head or part replacing it)

The head is turned to the right - a stable tendency towards activity, efficiency: almost everything that is thought out, planned, carried out, or at least begins to be carried out (if not even completed). The subject actively proceeds to the implementation of his plans and inclinations.

The head is turned to the left - a tendency to reflect, to think. This is not a man of action: only a small part of his plans are realized or even begin to be realized. Often there is also fear of active action and indecision (option: lack of tendency to action or fear of activity - should be decided additionally).

“Full face” position, i.e. the head is directed at the person drawing (at himself), interpreted as egocentrism. On the head there are details corresponding to the sense organs - ears, mouth, eyes. The meaning of the “ears” detail is direct: interest in information, the importance of others’ opinions about oneself.

Additionally, using other indicators and their combination, it is determined whether the subject is doing anything to win a positive assessment or is only producing appropriate emotional reactions to the assessments of others (joy, pride, resentment, grief), without changing his behavior. A slightly open mouth in combination with the tongue in the absence of drawing the lips is interpreted as greater speech activity (talkativeness), in combination with the drawing of the lips - as sensuality; sometimes both together. An open mouth without drawing the tongue and lips, especially a drawn one, is interpreted as the ease of apprehension and fear, mistrust. Mouth with teeth - verbal aggression, in most cases - defensive (snarls, bullies, is rude in response to someone addressing him negative property, condemnation, censure). Children and adolescents are characterized by a pattern of a drawn, rounded mouth (fearfulness, anxiety).

Particular importance is attached to the eyes. This is a symbol of the inherent human experience of fear: it is emphasized by the sharp drawing of the iris. Pay attention to the presence or absence of eyelashes. Eyelashes - hysterical and demonstrative behavior; for men: feminine character traits with the drawing of the pupil and iris rarely coincide. Eyelashes are also an interest in admiring others for external beauty and manner of dressing, giving this of great importance.

An increased (relative to the figure as a whole) size of the head indicates that the subject values ​​the rational principle (possibly erudition) in himself and those around him. Additional details are also sometimes located on the head: horns - protection, aggression. Determine by combination with other signs - claws, bristles, needles - the nature of this aggression: spontaneous or defensive-reactive. Feathers are a tendency towards self-decoration and self-justification, towards demonstrativeness. Mane, fur, a semblance of hairstyle - sensuality, emphasizing one's gender and sometimes orientation towards one's sexual role.

Load-bearing, supporting part of the figure

This includes (legs, paws, sometimes a pedestal). The solidity of this part is considered in relation to the size of the entire figure and shape:

A) thoroughness, thoughtfulness, rationality of decision-making, paths to conclusions, formation of judgment, reliance on essential provisions and significant information;

Pay attention to the nature of the connection of the legs with the body: accurately, carefully or carelessly, weakly connected or not connected at all - this is the nature of control over reasoning, conclusions, decisions. Uniformity and one-directionality of the shape of the paws, any elements of the supporting part - conformity of judgments and attitudes in decision making, their standardness, banality. The diversity in the form and position of these details is the originality of attitudes and judgments, independence and non-banality; sometimes even creativity (corresponding to the unusual form) or dissent (closer to pathology).

Parts that rise above the level of the figure

They can be functional or decorative: wings, extra legs, tentacles, shell details, feathers, bows like curls, flower-functional details - energy covering different areas human activity, self-confidence, “self-propagation” with indelicate and indiscriminate oppression of others, or curiosity, the desire to participate as much as possible in more affairs of others, winning a place in the sun, passion for one’s activities, courage in enterprises (according to the meaning of the Symbol Details - wings or tentacles, etc.). Decorating details - demonstrativeness, a tendency to attract the attention of others, mannerisms (for example, a horse or its non-existent likeness in a plume of peacock feathers).


They express their attitude to their own actions, decisions, conclusions, to their verbal products - judging by whether these tails are turned to the right (on the sheet) or to the left. Tails turned to the right - attitude towards your actions and behavior. To the left - attitude towards your thoughts, decisions; to missed opportunities, to one’s own indecision. The positive or negative coloring of this attitude is expressed by the direction of the tails upward (confident, positive, cheerful) or the falling movement downward (dissatisfaction with oneself, doubt about one’s own rightness, regret about what has been done, said, repentance, etc.). Pay attention to tails consisting of several, sometimes repeating, links, especially fluffy tails, especially long and sometimes branched.

Figure outlines

They are analyzed by the presence or absence of protrusions (such as shields, shells, needles), drawing and darkening of the contour line. This is protection from others, aggressive - if it is done in sharp corners; with fear and anxiety - if there is darkening, “smudging” contour line; with fear, suspicion - if shields, “screens” are put up, the line is doubled. The direction of such protection is according to the spatial location: the upper contour of the figure is against superiors, against persons who have the opportunity to impose a ban, restriction, or exercise coercion, i.e. against elders, parents, teachers, bosses, managers; lower contour - protection against ridicule, non-recognition, lack of authority among lower subordinates, juniors, fear of condemnation; lateral contours - undifferentiated caution and readiness for self-defense of any order and in different situations; the same thing - elements of “protection” located not along the contour, but inside the contour, on the animal’s body itself. On the right - more in the process of activity (real), on the left - more defense of one’s opinions, beliefs, tastes.

Total energy

The number of depicted details is assessed - is it only required amount, to give an idea of ​​an imaginary non-existent animal (body, head, limbs or body, tail, wings, etc.): with a filled outline, without shading and additional lines and parts, just a primitive outline - or there is a generous image not only necessary, but additional parts that complicate the design. Accordingly, the more components and elements (besides the most essential), the higher the energy. In the opposite case - saving energy, asthenicity of the body, chronic somatic disease (the same is confirmed by the nature of the line - a weak cobweb-like line, “moving a pencil on paper” without pressing it). The reverse character of the lines - bold with pressure - is not polar: it is not energy, but anxiety. You should pay attention to sharply pressed lines, visible even on back side sheet (convulsive, high muscle tone of the drawing hand) - severe anxiety. Also pay attention to what detail, what symbol is made in this way (i.e. what the alarm is attached to).


Assessment of the nature of the line (duplication of the line, negligence, sloppy connections, “islands” of overlapping lines, blackening of parts of the drawing, “smudging”, deviation from the vertical axis, stereotypical lines, etc.). The assessment is carried out in the same way as when analyzing a pictogram. The same - fragmentation of lines and shapes, incompleteness, raggedness of the drawing.

Types of animals

Thematically, animals are divided into threatened, threatening and neutral (similar to a lion, hippopotamus, wolf or bird, snail, ant, or squirrel, dog, cat). This is an attitude towards one’s own person and one’s “I”, an idea of ​​one’s own position in the world, as if identifying oneself by significance (with a hare, a bug, an elephant, a dog, etc.). In this case, the animal being drawn is a representative of the person drawing.

Likening the animal being drawn to a person, starting with putting the animal in a position of walking upright on two legs, instead of four or more, and ending with dressing the animal in human clothes (pants, skirts, bows, belts, dresses), including the similarity of the muzzle to the face, legs and paws to hands, indicates infantility, emotional immaturity, according to the degree of severity of the “humanization” of the animal. The mechanism is similar to the allegorical meaning of animals and their characters in fairy tales, parables, etc.


The degree of aggressiveness is expressed by the number, location and nature of the corners in the drawing, regardless of their connection with a particular detail of the image. Particularly significant in this regard are direct symbols of aggression - claws, teeth, beaks. You should also pay attention to the emphasis on sexual characteristics - the udder, nipples, breasts with a humanoid figure, etc. This is an attitude towards gender, even to the point of fixation on the problem of sex.

The figure of a circle (especially one not filled with anything) symbolizes and expresses the tendency towards secrecy, isolation, closedness of one’s own inner world, reluctance to give information about yourself to others, and finally, reluctance to be tested. Such figures usually provide very limited data for analysis.

Pay attention to installation cases mechanical parts into the body of the “animal” - placing the animal on a pedestal, tractor or tank tracks, tripod; attaching a propeller or propeller to the head; mounting an electric lamp into the eye, and into the body and limbs of the animal - handles, keys and antennas. This is observed more often in patients with schizophrenia and deep schizoids.

Creative possibilities

They are usually expressed by the number of elements combined in a figure: banality, lack of creativity take the form of a “ready-made” existing animal (people, horses, dogs, pigs, fish), to which only a “ready-made” existing part is attached so that the drawn animal becomes non-existent - a cat with wings, a fish with feathers, a dog with flippers, etc. Originality is expressed in the form of constructing a figure from elements, and not from whole blanks.


Can express a rational combination of semantic parts (flying hare, “hipper cat”, “fly zher”, etc.). Another option is word formation with a book-scientific, sometimes Latin suffix or ending (“ratoletius”, etc.). The first is rationality, a specific attitude in orientation and adaptation; the second is demonstrativeness, aimed mainly at demonstrating one’s own intelligence, erudition, and knowledge. There are names that are superficial and sound without any comprehension (“lyalie”, “lioshana”, “grateker”, etc.), signifying a frivolous attitude towards others, the inability to take into account a danger signal, the presence of affective criteria at the basis of thinking, the preponderance of aesthetic elements in judgments over rational ones.

Ironic and humorous names are observed (“rhinochurka”, “bubbleland”, etc.) - with a correspondingly ironic and condescending attitude towards others. Infantile names usually have repeating elements (“tru-tru”, “lyu-lyu”, “cous-cous”, etc.). The tendency to fantasize (usually of a defensive nature) is usually expressed by elongated names (“aberosinotykliron”, “gulobarnicleta-myeshinia”, etc.).

, T eats “Non-existent animal” is intended to describe the inner world of a person, both an adult and a child. This technique can rightfully be considered one of the most informative drawing tests.

Take a sheet of white A4 paper (or a double piece of notebook paper), simple pencils or colored pencils (you can use an eraser). If everything is prepared, you can start the test - start drawing a non-existent animal for three minutes, and then call it a suitable name.

The test is performed for three minutes, since during this time your consciousness does not have time to turn on, and you draw this picture on a subconscious level. And don't look at the transcript until you complete the task.

Interpretation of the “Non-existent animal” test

Pattern position

It is considered normal if you placed the sheet vertically, and not if it does not exist the animal is drawn approximately in the center, along the midline.

The closer the picture is to the top edge, the higher your self-esteem, the more dissatisfied you are with your position in society. You lack the recognition of others, you claim more.

The lower the figure is relative to the midline, the more self-doubt you have. You have low self-esteem, indecisiveness, depression, lack of desire to assert oneself.

Head or replacement parts

Turn your head

If your animal's head is turned to the right, you are a person of action. You constantly make plans and implement your plans, are active and result-oriented.

A head turned to the left means a person thinking and experiencing. You are plagued by bouts of indecision and fear of active action. You want to think about every action you take before you take the next one.

The position of the head in full face (looking directly at the viewer) means egocentrism.


The eyes tell how strong fear is in a person. The more detailed the eyes are, the greater the feeling of fear. If a person depicted not only the pupils, but even clearly identified the iris, then he probably suffered terrible events in his life.


Men rarely depict eyelashes; this is typical for women. Eyelashes are an indicator of feminine character traits, especially in combination with a drawn iris. Eyelashes mean the desire for others to admire you, your beauty and the way you dress. Also, the presence of eyelashes on an animal hints at some hysteria.

The larger and more detailed the ears are drawn, the higher value you value and depend on the opinions of others.

A slightly open mouth in combination with the tongue means talkativeness; with painting on the lips it is interpreted as sensuality. An open mouth without lips and tongue, and even more so a shaded mouth, means fear and mistrust. Mouth with teeth - aggressiveness and rudeness. Children and teenagers often draw a round mouth, which means anxiety and fearfulness. . A disproportionately large mouth is interpreted as erudition, rationality, high intelligence.

Additional details

If you draw horns on an animal, this means aggression and a desire to defend itself (especially in combination with stubble, claws, needles). But this aggression is not attacking, but response . Feathers on an animal-the desire to decorate oneself, the desire for originality,manifestation of demonstrativeness. Wool, mane and similar hairstyles mean sensuality, emphasizing gender. The more noticeable these details are, the more sexual instinct manifests itself in a person.

Paws and feet

The supporting part of the figure (bottom) is considered as a degree of rationality, thoroughness, and the ability to think things through.

Wide paws, occupying at least a third of the entire figure, are a sign of a respectable and balanced person who knows how to make decisions.

Emotional people draw thin little legs, which means impulsiveness, superficiality, frivolity, and inability to make decisions. Partial or complete absence of paws further aggravates these qualities.

Pay attention to how the legs are connected to the body - carefully, carelessly, weakly or not at all. This speaks about the degree of your self-control, your ability to reason, bear responsibility and draw conclusions.

Uniformity and one-pointedness of legs can mean traditionality, lack of originality, banality . If the paws are written differently, if they unusual shape and are different in their position, then this speaks of your creativity and even dissent.

Additional parts

Extra legs, wings, tentacles, feathers, shell - this is energy, passion for one's activities,coverage of different areas of activity, curiosity, self-confidence, desire to be among people and earn a place in the sun. Curls, curls, flowers mean a tendency to attract attention,demonstrativeness, mannerism.


Tails express your attitude towards your decisions and actions. If the tail is turned to the right, you are satisfied with yourself, if to the left, you are unhappy. Up - cheerfulness, confidence, positive character. Down - regret, depression, repentance, “harmful” character.

Figure outline

The presence of spines, protrusions, shell, needles - This is protection from others. The protection is especially aggressive if the pattern is made in sharp corners.

If shields, “barriers” are placed and they are directed upward, then such a person often faces restrictions, prohibitions, coercion, his will is constantly suppressed “from above” - by bosses and older relatives.

If the shields are directed downwards, then a person often hears ridicule from his own kind, faces non-recognition, suffers from a lack of authority, and it is very difficult for him to defend his opinion.

General form

Look at how the animal is drawn - sparingly or generously, with shading and additional lines. How more details, the higher a person’s vital energy.

Animals are divided into threatening, suppressed and neutral. Give an assessment to your animal - this will be your attitude towards your “I”, an idea of ​​​​your position in the world.

If the animal is similar to a person (for example, it stands on two legs, the muzzle is similar to the face, dressed in human clothes) - this indicates emotional immaturity.

Pay attention to sexual signs - nipples, breasts, udders . Is it possible to determine the sex of an animal? This symbolizes your idea of ​​sexuality.

Your animal must truly be non-existent. An uncreative and bananas person will draw a beast that looks suspiciously like an existing animal.


If you named your animal based on the principle “Waterfowling Deer”, “Flying Hare”, this indicates that you have a clear understanding of the direction in which you are moving in life.

Scientific names, sometimes with a Latin suffix (“Glabironis”, “Cornoletius” ), indicate the erudition that you like to demonstrate.

There are names without any thought -“sound” (“Balyaka”,"Myumzik" ). This denotes ordinary frivolity and nothing more.

There are humorous names ( "Homo non-sapiens""Bubble") - they characterize your positive or ironic attitude towards the world.

Infantile people often use repeating elements in their names (“Tru-tru”, “Ho-ho-ho”).

The tendency to fantasize (most often this means the need to defend oneself) is expressed by an excessively long name.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Test "Non-existent animal"

This test allows you to identify the characteristics of a person’s character, his inclinations and preferences. Give it to those who want to take it blank sheets paper and pencils (felt-tip pen or marker are not suitable) and offer to draw a non-existent animal and come up with a non-existent name for it. Then collect the pictures and describe them using the following description.

Interpretation of drawings

Position of the animal on the sheet

The placement of the drawing in the center of the sheet is the norm and indicates a harmonious personality. Deviations from the center indicate the presence of certain qualities.

The location of the animal is closer to the upper edge of the sheet

This suggests that this person:

A high self-evaluation;

Dissatisfaction with one's position in society;

Lack of recognition from others;

Desire to advance up the career ladder;

Tendency to self-affirmation.

The location of the animal at the bottom of the sheet

This indicates:


Low self-esteem;



Lack of interest in one's position in society;

Lack of desire for self-affirmation.

The central part of the figure (the head or what is shown instead of it)

Head turned to the right

This indicates that a person has such qualities as:


The desire to achieve set goals;

The desire for self-realization.

Head facing left

This person has:

Increased reflection;

Tendency to think;

Lack of desire for activity;


Fear of active actions.

The head is drawn straight

A person who depicts this animal in this way is characterized by:


Focus on your own experiences and problems.

As a rule, sensory organs are drawn on the head: ears, mouth and eyes.

Ears are an indication of a person’s interest in the information he receives, as well as the importance of the opinions of the people around him about him.

The mouth is an indication of a number of signs. The image of a slightly open mouth with tongue but no lips indicates talkativeness. The same mouth, but with drawn lips, speaks of sensuality. An open and drawn mouth without a tongue and pronounced lips is considered a sign of mistrust, fears and frequent concerns about something. A mouth with drawn teeth is nothing more than verbal aggression in response to condemnation and censure, protection from criticism. The rounded shape of the drawn mouth in the drawing of a child or teenager betrays a feeling of anxiety and timidity.

The eyes have special meaning. The presence of fear in a person’s soul is revealed by eyes with a careful drawing of the iris. Eyelashes indicate a hysterical and demonstrative manner of behavior, a person’s desire for recognition by others, their admiration for his external beauty and manner of dressing.

Head size also matters. If it looks larger compared to the body of an animal, this indicates that the person values ​​intelligence and the ability to make rational decisions in himself and others.

The presence of horns and other details on the head, especially in combination with bristles, claws and

needles) is a sign of aggression towards others.

Feathers are a clear tendency towards a demonstrative type of behavior, self-justification and self-decoration.

Hair on the head or mane indicates sensuality, sexuality and emphasizing one's masculinity or femininity.

Paws, legs, pedestal on which the figure is depicted

When interpreting such details of a drawing as legs, paws or a pedestal, on which an animal is often depicted, their size in relation to the entire figure is of great importance.

Large paws, legs and pedestal

This talks about:

The desire to think through decisions;

Thoroughness in everything;


Reliance in drawing conclusions on verified information.

Small paws, legs and pedestal or lack thereof

A person who depicts these details in this way or who does not draw them at all is characterized by:

Superficiality of judgments;


Unfounded judgments;

Impulsivity in decision making.

The nature of the connection of the paws or legs with the body is also important. The one-pointedness and uniformity of the shape of the paws or legs indicate the banality of the decisions made and the standardization of thinking. Conversely, the variety of shapes and positions of the limbs testifies to the originality of judgment, the originality of attitudes, independence and the desire for creative self-expression.

Details of the drawing rising above the figure

Such details can be purely functional (wings, tentacles, additional limbs or parts of the shell) or decorative in nature (bows, feathers, curls, flowers, etc.).

Functional details

Their presence in the figure indicates that such a person has:

Ability to understand various areas knowledge and activities;

Tendency to dictate;

Self confidence;


Active life position;

The desire to win your place in the sun;



Decorating details

They indicate such personality characteristics as:

Tendency to shock;


Dependence on the opinions of others.

By the tail you can judge a person’s attitude towards himself, his decisions, behavior and words. In this case, you need to pay attention to which way this detail of the drawing is turned.

Tail turned to the right

The tail turned to the right expresses the attitude towards one’s actions. If it is directed upward, this means that the author of the drawing is satisfied with his behavior and does not allow criticism of himself. If the tail is lowered, then this indicates low self-esteem. If it is depicted neither raised nor lowered, this indicates an objective attitude towards oneself

Tail turned to the left

The tail turned to the left can suggest a person’s attitude towards his thoughts and speeches. The positive or negative coloration of this relationship also depends on the vertical position of the tail.

Figure outlines

When analyzing a non-existent animal, its contours (the absence or presence of spines, shields, needles, shells, etc.), as well as the quality of drawing the contours, are also important. Numerous protrusions (especially sharp corners) and careful drawing of contours indicate the presence of aggression towards others, as well as the fact that a person feels a threat from society and subconsciously seeks to protect himself from danger.

The so-called dirty contours of the figure indicate that the author of the drawing is in fear and anxiety. And the doubling of the contour line, shields and all kinds of barriers suggest that in the soul of such an “artist” there is a place of suspicion and fears about something.

It is worth paying attention to the direction of the protrusions: those directed upward (upper contour) mean protection from superiors or elders; those directed downward (lower contour) mean from disrespect from subordinates, their ridicule and condemnation; those directed to the sides (side contours) ) – readiness to defend in any situation. This is also indicated by details such as shields depicted inside the main outline, that is, on the body of the animal. Moreover, those located on the right indicate a desire to protect and defend one’s activities, and those located on the left indicate a desire to protect one’s beliefs and thoughts.

Energy rating

The number of details depicted (in addition to the most necessary ones, which include the head, paws, tail and body) indicates the level of vital energy in a person. The more there are, the higher it is. Absence additional elements may indicate the presence of chronic diseases, especially in combination with a poorly drawn, cobweb-like outline

A bold outline made with strong pressure, in the absence of additional details, is a sign of anxiety. An element of the drawing made in this way will tell you what it is attached to.

The nature of the line and some details of the figure

The character of the line must be assessed according to the following criteria

Line dubbing;


Inaccurate connections;

Sections of a contour made up of lines overlapping each other;

Sketching the details of the drawing;

Deviation of the line from the vertical axis;

Unidirectional lines;

Fragmentation of shapes and lines;

Ragged and unfinished drawing.

All depicted animals can be divided into 3 conditional groups: threatening animals, threatened and neutral. The animal itself demonstrates an attitude towards its own person, gives an idea of ​​a person’s position in the world and his identification of himself by significance (for example, with a lion or a bug).

A non-existent animal is psychological picture author of the drawing. Characterization can begin with the position of the animal: does it stand on 4 or more legs or is it upright, is it covered with fur or dressed in human clothing, does it resemble a person in some individual parts of its appearance. The last two signs indicate the emotional immaturity and infantilism of the author of the drawing. Moreover, the greater the similarity between an animal and a person, the more pronounced these qualities are.

How aggressive a person is can be judged by the number, nature and location of the corners in the picture. These are direct symbols of aggression (claws, beaks, needles and teeth), which were discussed above.

You should not ignore symbols associated with sex (udders, nipples, breasts, etc.), which will tell about a person’s attitude towards his own and the opposite sex, as well as his fixation on the problem of sex.

The presence of a circle figure in the drawing (especially one not sketched in pencil) speaks of a person’s secrecy and isolation, his reluctance to give information about himself to others.

A special case is an image of an animal with mechanical parts, which can be in the form of a pedestal, tripod, tank or tractor tracks, screws, propellers, antennas, keys, lamps, handles, etc. Such drawings are most often observed in mentally ill people.

The lack of creative abilities can be judged by the similarity of a non-existent animal to an existing one (for example, a cat with flippers, a fish with a snout, a pig with wings, etc.). The larger it is, the creative potential less.

Animal name

The most interesting thing about this test is the name of a non-existent animal. It is often a rational combination of parts of a word (elephant fly, pig cat, etc.) or a word formed with the help of Latin, book-scientific suffixes and endings (turla-metius, etc.). The first option indicates such a trait as rationalism, the second - the demonstrativeness of one’s own knowledge and erudition.

Sometimes an animal is given a sound name without any thought (for example, lulula, kalushara, bukatupa, etc.), meaning a frivolous attitude towards everything, an inability to recognize a danger signal, and irrationality of thinking.

Ironic and humorous names (gupochurka, tazoland, etc.) indicate a condescending attitude towards people. Names with repeating elements (zi-zi, boom-boom, etc.) indicate infantility.

The dreamer and the irrepressible visionary are given away too much long titles type brahkamdun-samosis.

The use of diverse methods to study aggression and aggressive behavior children were given the opportunity to obtain broad and varied information about the subject being studied.

Results of the analysis of the “Non-existent animal” test

  • 1. Nastya F. The drawing is located along the middle line of a vertically placed sheet and is slightly shifted downwards, which indicates correct self-esteem and at the same time about self-doubt, indecision, disinterest in one’s position in society, and the absence of a tendency to self-affirmation. The ears are too small, therefore, the opinions of others are not so important to her. The absence of eyelashes indicates a lack of interest in the admiration of others for external beauty and manner of dressing. The animal has no horns, no claws, no needles, no bristles, which indicates a lack of aggression in this child. The connection of the legs to the body is careless, which means the girl is characterized by superficial judgments and frivolity in conclusions. The uniformity and unidirectionality of the shape of the legs indicates standardization in decision making. There is no tail, therefore, she is not inclined to attract the attention of others. The overall energy is weak, as there is a very small number of details depicted (only three: head, torso and legs). There is not a single sharp corner in the drawing, therefore the degree of aggressiveness is low. The figure of an empty circle symbolizes and expresses a tendency towards secrecy, isolation, closedness of one’s inner world, and reluctance to give information about oneself to others.
  • 2. Polina T. The drawing is located closer to the left edge of the sheet and is slightly shifted down, which indicates slightly low self-esteem and a lack of tendency towards self-affirmation. The full-face head position is interpreted as egocentrism. The ears are too large, therefore, the opinions of others are important to her. A mouth with teeth indicates verbal aggression, in most cases defensive. The absence of eyelashes indicates a lack of interest in the admiration of others for external beauty and manner of dressing. The animal has claws and bristles, which means the child can show aggression. The paws are small, which indicates frivolity in conclusions and unfounded judgments. The tail is large, bushy, turned to the left. This indicates an adequate attitude towards your thoughts and decisions; to missed opportunities, to one’s own indecision. The positive coloring of this relationship is expressed by the upward direction of the tail. The overall energy is high due to the large number of details depicted (head, torso, legs, tail, ears, arms) plus shading lines. The animal is placed in an upright position, which indicates infantility and emotional immaturity.
  • 3. Bogdan S. The drawing is located horizontally, closer to the bottom edge of the sheet, which indicates self-doubt, low self-esteem, depression, indecisiveness, disinterest in one’s position in society, and a lack of tendency towards self-affirmation.

The head is turned to the right, which indicates a stable tendency to activity. Small size head proves that the boy does not value the rational principle (possibly erudition) in himself and those around him. The eye is small, there are no eyelashes, which means the child does not experience fears and does not attach importance to the manner of dressing. There are many additional details in the drawing: horns, beak, hooves, hump, which indicates defensive-response aggression. The paws are disproportionate, which indicates impulsive decision-making. The thin tail is raised up, which means the boy is pleased with himself, does not regret what he has done, and does not doubt that he is right.

The overall energy is average as there is not much detail depicted.

  • 4. Dasha M. The small drawing is located at the very bottom of the sheet, slightly shifted to the left, which indicates self-doubt, very low self-esteem, depression, indecisiveness, disinterest in one’s position in society, and a lack of tendency to self-affirmation. The full-face head position is interpreted as egocentrism. The eyes are very poorly drawn, but the mouth is strongly highlighted, which indicates a lack of emotion. The animal has no horns, no claws, no needles, no bristles, but it has a threatening pose, which indicates that this child does not have pronounced aggression. The overall energy is average as there is not much detail depicted.
  • 5. Valya R. The drawing is located strictly in the center, which speaks of correct self-esteem, self-confidence and, at the same time, dissatisfaction with one’s position in society, and lack of recognition from others. The “full face” position is interpreted as egocentrism. On the head there are details corresponding to the sense organs - ears, mouth, eyes. The ears are small, which indicates an interest in information and the importance of others’ opinions about themselves. The iris of the eye is sharply drawn, therefore, the girl is inherent in the experience of fear. There are small horns on the head, the body is covered with stubble, which indicates the manifestation of spontaneous or defensive-response aggression. The legs are not connected to the body, this indicates that the child does not control his reasoning, conclusions, and decisions. This is confirmed by the absence of a tail. The drawing line is doubled on the sides, which indicates undifferentiated caution and readiness for self-defense of any order and in different situations. The overall energy is average as there is not much detail depicted.
  • 6. Alena O. The drawing is large, located in the middle line, starting from the very bottom of the sheet, which indicates high self-esteem, a claim for advancement, a tendency towards self-affirmation, a need for recognition, a desire to meet a high social standard, a desire for emotional acceptance from the environment. The head is slightly turned to the left, which indicates a tendency towards reflection and thinking. The ears are small, therefore, the opinions of others are not very important to her. A slightly open mouth is interpreted as greater speech activity (talkativeness). The iris of the eye is sharply drawn, therefore, the girl is inherent in the experience of fear. The absence of eyelashes indicates a lack of interest in the admiration of others for external beauty and manner of dressing. The absence of legs indicates superficiality of judgment, frivolity in conclusions and unfoundedness of judgment, and sometimes impulsive decision-making. The absence of a tail confirms that the child does not control his reasoning, conclusions, and decisions. Bold lines with pressure indicate anxiety. There are no direct symbols of aggression. The overall energy is average as there is not much detail depicted.
  • 7. Nastya Z. The drawing is located horizontally, closer to the right edge of the sheet, which indicates the active nature of the child. The distance from the top and bottom edges of the sheet is the same, which indicates correct self-esteem. The head is turned to the left, which indicates a tendency to reflection, to thinking; her plans are not always realized. The ears are large, therefore, the opinions of others are important to her. A slightly open mouth is interpreted as greater speech activity. Eyelashes emphasize the fact that the girl attaches great importance to the way she dresses, as well as her interest in admiring others for her external beauty. A small head indicates that she does not value rationality, erudition in herself and those around her. The front legs are too short, therefore, the child may sometimes be characterized by impulsive decision-making. The drawing shows creativity, as the animal has an unusual shape. The tail is bushy and turned to the right, which indicates an adequate attitude towards one’s actions and behavior. The figure is almost entirely shaded, which speaks of protecting one’s opinions, beliefs, and tastes. The overall energy is high due to the large number of details depicted (head, torso, legs, tail, ears, arms) plus shading lines. There are claws on the hind legs, and there are many sharp angles in the outline of the tail, therefore, the child is prone to aggression.
  • 8. Yaroslav M. The drawing is too small, located at the bottom of the sheet in the center, which indicates self-doubt, low self-esteem, depression, indecisiveness, disinterest in one’s social position, lack of desire to be accepted by the environment, a tendency to fixate on obstacles to achieving situational needs. The head is directed back, the eyes, mouth and nose are absent, which indicates the secretive nature of the child, his isolation, and at the same time - the absence of individualism and selfishness. His ears are long, therefore, the opinions of others are important to him, but he does nothing to gain a positive assessment or only produces appropriate emotional reactions to the assessments of others (joy, pride, resentment, grief), without changing his behavior. The absence of a tail confirms that the child does not control his reasoning, conclusions, and decisions. There are no direct symbols of aggression. The overall energy is weak as there is very little detail depicted.
  • 9. Masha M. The drawing is located close to the right edge of the sheet and shifted down, which indicates low self-esteem and a lack of tendency to self-affirmation. The head directed to the right indicates a stable tendency to action: almost everything that is thought out and planned is carried out, or at least begins to be carried out (if not even completed). The child is determined to realize his goals and intentions. There are no ears, therefore, the opinions of others are completely irrelevant to her. An open mouth speaks of mistrust, apprehension and fear. The eye is indicated by one dot, there are no eyelashes, this is a sign that the girl does not attach much importance to the way she dresses, and is also not interested in admiring others for her external beauty. There are sharp spines on the back, which indicates protective and retaliatory aggression. The connections of the legs to the body are careless, which means that the child does not control his reasoning, conclusions, and decisions. The one-pointed shape of the legs indicates standardization and banality of judgments. The tail is directed to the left and lowered down, this is a sign of dissatisfaction with oneself, doubts about one’s own rightness, regret about what has been done or said. The overall energy is average as there is not much detail depicted.
  • 10. Arina S. The drawing is located at the top of the sheet and shifted to the left, which indicates high self-esteem, dissatisfaction with one’s own position in society and insufficient recognition, a claim for advancement, a tendency to self-affirmation, a need for recognition, a desire to meet a high social standard, a desire for emotional acceptance from others. environment. The full-face head position is interpreted as egocentrism. The ears are large, therefore, the opinions of others are important to her. Eyelashes emphasize the fact that the girl attaches great importance to the way she dresses, as well as her interest in admiring others for her external beauty. The size of the head is large, this indicates that the girl values ​​the rational principle (possibly erudition) in herself and those around her. Correct symmetrical legs speak of thoroughness, deliberation, rationality of decision-making, the formation of judgment, reliance on essential provisions and significant information. The legs are carefully connected to the body, which indicates that the girl controls her reasoning, conclusions, and decisions. The animal has only small claws, which indicates a slight manifestation of aggression in this child. The overall energy is average as there is not much detail depicted.


Having analyzed the drawings of all the children, I came to the following conclusions: based on the presence of a strong, confident line in the drawing, 60% of children have an indicator of good affective control, 60% of children show inaccuracy in the execution of the drawing, hesitant, interrupted lines, “smudged” drawings, which indicates mild tension and an increased level of anxiety. In 30% of children, there are no direct symbols of aggression. In 30% of children who drew spikes and shells, a defensive-response form of aggression is observed. 40% of children who drew claws, horns, and stubble show hostile aggression to one degree or another. According to availability in the picture large quantity sharp corners, 20% of children have a high rate of aggressiveness. In addition, 80% of children depicted in the drawing the direction of their head to the left or to the front, which indicates the children’s tendency to reflect, to think, and often this is also indecision, fear of active actions, and 20% of children - the direction of their head to the right, which indicates a stable tendency to action, the child is determined to realize his attitudes and intentions. Not a single child depicted an attack weapon. Most of The drawings represent the form of a “ready-made” existing animal, to which only “ready-made parts” are attached so that the existing animal becomes non-existent. This indicates banality, lack of creativity.

Based on the results of the analysis of the “Non-existent animal” test, out of 10 children examined, it was revealed that the following forms of aggression predominated among the subjects: spontaneous, defensive-response (defensive), active (hostile).


From the experience of a practical psychologist

justice institution psychologist,

These practical recommendations for a psychologist are based on a comparison of data obtained from examining representative groups using a set of psychodiagnostic techniques, including the method of objective observation. The “Non-existent animal” test was not the basis of diagnosis - the study was carried out using the M. Luscher test, the Szondi eight drive test and its modification, and other tests.
The experimental group included students from a vocational school, conscripts, and clients of private psychological practice.
The examination was mainly carried out in the daytime, before lunch, under normal lighting.
Each subject was tested individually and was monitored.
The test results are confirmed by the client’s behavior in society.
Testing material: sheet of A4 paper (you can use a double notebook sheet, close in size to A4 paper); a simple pencil (colored pencils) or a ballpoint (capillary) pen.

    You can ask the subject to position the sheet of paper as it suits him - vertically or horizontally. It is best not to mention it at all, but to purposefully observe the test being performed.

    It must be remembered that this test is more effective when used individually.


    You are invited to come up with and draw a non-existent animal, that is, one that has never existed anywhere before and does not exist (you cannot use fairy tale and cartoon characters). And also call him by a non-existent name.

    You can offer to determine the sex of the animal at the end of testing: “Write what gender your animal is - male, female or average?”

Stages of interpretation

    General impression.

    Semantic interpretation.

    Graphological features.


By portraying a non-existent animal, the subject expresses himself, his image. Accordingly, a characteristic is given to the person. Typically, a drawing leaves one of three impressions: either the person is an aggressor, or he is offended and threatened, or he is neutral. This is the first impression. Its results are used during the initial introductory examination.

The ratio of the area occupied by the drawing to total area The sheet reflects the degree of self-prevalence of the individual in society from the point of view of the subject.

A circle figure or an animal consisting of circles filled with almost nothing symbolizes the tendency to concealment, closedness of the inner world, reluctance to give information about oneself to others, and finally, reluctance to be tested.

The latter may have several reasons. Firstly, the subject’s reluctance to communicate with you: he sees you as a representative of the administration. The way out of the situation is very simple - explain who psychologists are and what they do. Secondly, in many cases this may be due to certain stereotypes (associations with the teacher, etc.). If this is so, then you should think about who made the subject think so. Thirdly, some serious problems of the client, up to the presence of mental disorders. Then a consultation with a psychiatrist or a re-examination using another, non-verbal technique (for example, the Szondi Eight Drives Test) is necessary.

In the case where the client wants to avoid the examination, but after a little explanation still performs the test, the result is not very convincing. Examples of such a case would be Figures 1A and 1B.

Based on Figure 1A, the client was given a specific characteristic. It was confirmed during further examination.
A brief description of the client is as follows. Fears that he may be prevented from achieving his goals. These fears lead him to fussy, illusory and meaningless activity. Had three major violations of discipline at school. It is assumed that he is prone to drug use. Sources of stress: psychological trauma resulting from parental divorce.
Figure 1B is also an example of a client leaving the examination. The initial psychological characteristics were confirmed. Has several disorders, requires constant monitoring, is prone to inappropriate behavior.
Representatives of this type (especially men) are often well versed in politics, know and can talk about the disadvantages and advantages of any policy known to them. political system. They remember how orders changed throughout their lives and can imagine how they will change in the future. The subject is no less confident in his ability to make a career than in his ability to make inferences, because a career is nothing more than a change in his position in the hierarchy that is so clear to him. Impeccable consistency and clear logic lead to methodology, perseverance in achieving goals, firmness and the ability to manage the situation.


Here the position of the drawing on the sheet, its direction, and general dynamics are analyzed.
Normally, the drawing is located in the center of the sheet or slightly to the left and above. However, it must be remembered that the norm is a relative concept.
If the picture is located at the top of the sheet, then the person is characterized by high self-esteem, dissatisfaction with his position in society, considers himself unrecognized by others, has a tendency to self-affirmation, claims for recognition, promotion, is predisposed to conflict behavior, aggression (violence, hooliganism, oppression, etc.) .P.).
If the picture is located at the bottom of the sheet, then the characteristic has the opposite indicators: self-dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, depression, indecisiveness, lack of interest in one’s social position, recognition, lack of tendency to self-affirmation, tendency to fixate on problems; often these are “outcasts”, “outcasts”.
On right- extroversion, focus on the future, emphasizing masculine character traits, desire to control the situation, focus on others, aggressive sexuality.
Far right- a tendency to insubordination, unpredictability, excessive conflict, and in extreme situations - self-aggressiveness.
As a result of the survey, it was revealed that people in whom such signs predominate are prone to leadership of a negative nature, as well as conflict in society (see Fig. 2).

If the drawing is located on the left side of the sheet, then the subject is characterized by introversion, an emphasis on the past, a pronounced sense of guilt, and shyness.
The subjects who exhibited this characteristic almost always avoided conflict situations.
Small picture in the upper left corner - high anxiety; often found in suicidal individuals (Fig. 3).

The client is a heavily alcoholic person. During the initial examination, a psychological diagnosis of suicidal tendencies was made. Upon further examination, the fact of committing a suicidal act in a family environment was confirmed. Preventive and corrective work was carried out. The main reason for suicidal behavior: fixation on a subconscious level of a stereotype about the aggressiveness of the father towards the mother and both parents towards him.


Ideomotor aspect

The discontinuity of lines and the degree of pressure are interpreted. Weak pressure (web-like lines) - asthenia. Strong (bold lines) - anxiety, impulsiveness.
You also need to pay attention to which detail, which symbol is more clearly drawn, and what anxiety is associated with.
The presence of shading is a sign of anxiety (Fig. 4)


Client: age 18 years. I came in with increased anxiety. During the appointment, it turned out that anxiety is situational in nature. The cause of situational anxiety is an aggressive family environment. After psychological corrective measures, situational anxiety stopped bothering the girl.
This characteristic can only be used for psychological work.

Spatial-symbolic aspect

The contour of the figure is interpreted as the boundaries of the “I” image in relation to the general space of the sheet. The direction of the lines is considered. From top to bottom - low energy, depression, asthenia.
When carrying out educational work, the nature of depressive behavior and its causes are clarified. If there are no subjective reasons, then transfer to another society is recommended. Work can be done to change the living conditions of the subject (Fig. 5).

It is also necessary to evaluate the number of details depicted: is only necessary depicted to give an idea of ​​the animal (body, head, limbs, etc.), with contours filled in without shading and additional lines, or is there a generous depiction of not only the necessary, but also additional parts complicating the design. Accordingly, the higher the energy of the subject, the more details, and, conversely, the absence of such - energy saving, asthenicity, organics: chronic somatic disease (Fig. 6).

The head (or parts replacing it) is the central semantic part of the figure. An increased size of the head in relation to the figure as a whole indicates that the client values ​​rationality, and possibly erudition in himself and those around him.
In practice, one often encounters drawings depicting only one head, or, more precisely, a skull, with an illustration of the attributes of a musical subculture.
Pay attention to the image in Fig. 7.

Client characteristics: he has been registered in the children's room since 1995 (he was born in 1981), has criminal experience. Aggressive, engaged in homosexual relationships, had a traumatic brain injury in 1989 (falling from a height of three meters onto bricks). Psychological diagnosis: he is in a state of post-traumatic stress due to a physical head injury against the background of conflicts in the family.

Interpretation of head direction

Right: a stable tendency to activity - almost everything that is conceived or planned is carried out or at least begins to be carried out, if not even completed (a person actively implements his plans).
Left: tendency towards reflection and reflection. The subject is “not a man of action.” Only a small part of the plans are being realized or are beginning to be realized. Indecision, fear, and fear of active action are common. There are no dominant character traits. Additional information gives a conversation with the client after the test, in which you can find out the motives of behavior, as well as phobic manifestations (Fig. 8).

The client is a girl, born in 1983, weak-willed, indecisive, afraid of everything new and unusual; the result is a low degree of adaptability. Psychological diagnosis: stress caused by psychological trauma resulting from fixation on the death of her parents, which occurred when the girl was still a small child (Fig. 9).

The front position (the head is directed towards the person drawing) is egocentrism. Directness and uncompromisingness are possible as a reaction to the internal insecurity of the individual, touchiness, and a tendency to break rules (predisposition to criminal behavior).
As a rule, such subjects are prone to aggressive behavior and negative leadership (Fig. 10).
Figure 10 has all the signs listed above. The client belongs to the group of so-called outcasts, outcasts.

Interpretation of details

Eyes- a symbol of inherent fear in humans. Its presence is especially emphasized by the sharp underdrawing of the iris. Eyelashes are an indicator of hysterical and demonstrative manners; interest in admiring others for external beauty and manner of dressing, attaching great importance to this. The drawing of eyelashes on male test subjects indicates the presence of feminine features (Fig. 11).

Most of the subjects who exhibit these signs have this characteristic feature - excessive talkativeness. Communication skills and high level intelligence create many difficulties for the client when adapting to society. Often this group of clients is characterized by game uniform behavior (clown, playful).

Ears- interest in information, the importance of others’ opinions about oneself. Additionally, based on other indicators, their combination determines whether the subject is doing anything to positively evaluate himself to those around him (Fig. 12).

Clients with this characteristic can usually exert a positive influence on the group. They intelligently evaluate the information they receive and easily gain confidence in their interlocutor.

Mouth- slightly open mouth combined with tongue (no teeth) - talkativeness; in combination with lip painting - sensuality, possibly the presence of sexual problems. An open mouth without drawing on the lips and tongue, especially a blackened (shaded) one, means the ease of fears and apprehensions, mistrust. Mouth with teeth - verbal aggression, in most cases defensive: snaps, defends itself, is rude in response to condemnation or reproach (Fig. 13).

Brief psychological characteristics of the client in this group. Wants to produce pleasant impression. He wants to be seen as an extraordinary person, so he is always on the alert, he needs to see how successful he is in this and how others react to him. This gives him a sense of self-control. To achieve influence and recognition, he resorts to various techniques. Sensitive to the aesthetic or original. Sensitive and responsive, but there is some tension in him. Needs peace, which can only be found in the company of a loved one. Able to derive satisfaction from sexual activity. Alert, very emotional. Tears appear easily, which indicates neuropsychic instability. Prone to conflict behavior, aggressive.
Additional details are often located on the head: horns - protection, aggression (determined in combination with other signs of aggression - claws, bristles, needles). The nature of this aggression is spontaneous or defensive-response (Fig. 14).

Feathers- a tendency towards self-decoration, self-justification and demonstrativeness, a predominance of feminine traits, a tendency towards homosexual behavior.

This client (Figure 15) had a traumatic brain injury at age ten. During the preventive work, it became clear that his sexual orientation was seriously disturbed. Among his equals, he demonstrates leadership qualities. He is acutely receptive, needs an aesthetic environment and an understanding partner with whom he could enter into an intimate relationship.

Mane, wool, similarity of hairstyle - sensuality, emphasizing one's gender, sometimes orientation towards one's sexual role (Fig. 16).

Various kinds of accessories (bows, jewelry, bells) speak of demonstrativeness, femininity, desire to please, mannerism.
When interpreting test results, you need to pay attention to the presence or absence of protrusions (such as spines, shell, needles), drawing or darkening of contour lines. This is protection from others:

a) sharp thorns (corners, needles) - aggressive defense;
b) shields, double lines- suspicion, distrust;
c) darkening of the contour line, protrusions - fear, anxiety.

Direction of protection:

a) up - against people who actually have the opportunity to impose a ban, that is, against elders, parents, bosses, managers, leaders;
b) down - against ridicule, non-recognition, lack of authority among subordinates, fear of discussions;
c) to the side - undifferentiated caution, readiness for defense and self-defense of any order in different situations. The same thing - protective elements located not along the contour, but inside the contour, on the animal’s body itself;
d) to the right - protection in the process of real activity;
e) to the left - defense of one’s opinions, beliefs, tastes.

Aggression is also indicated by the presence of instruments of aggression (weapons, horns, spikes, fangs, claws).
The client (born in 1981) has a criminal history, there is stress caused by improper upbringing on the part of his stepfather, as well as a somatic illness. The family is financially secure, the client’s intellectual level is high (Fig. 17).

In Fig. 18B shows an animal with two heads. In the process of working with the subjects, clients were identified who portrayed an animal with this trait.
This may mean that people of this type are at a crossroads between two problems that they cannot solve themselves.
In Fig. 18And this situation is further aggravated by the client’s self-centeredness and the fact that he does not recognize the existence of a problem at all.

general characteristics of this type. Insists that his hopes and plans are real, but needs reassurance and encouragement, is self-centered and therefore touchy. Believes that in all situations it is necessary to cooperate with others. But the lack of understanding and recognition makes the subject think that no real union with other people is possible. Dissatisfaction makes him hypersensitive. He wants to feel free and confident. He wants to free himself from what now seems like a burden to him and regain his individuality.
He believes that he can establish himself as an individual only through constant self-control, and that only this will allow him, despite real difficulties, to maintain his position.
The cause of this psychological state may be bad family relationships, namely the relationship with his father and half-brother. He is afraid of active actions, there is a distinct feeling of fear, and there is a tendency to self-decoration. The decisions made are thoughtful. There are creative abilities, a high level of anxiety, and rationality. Prone to self-aggressive behavior in cases of improper educational influence. Easily suggestible, easily influenced by other people.
Supporting part (legs, paws, pedestals) - a feeling of stability or instability. The solidity of this part of the figure is considered in relation to the size of the entire figure and to the shape.
Solid support - thoroughness, satisfaction with the situation, thoughtfulness of decisions and rationality of their adoption, reliance on essential and significant information.
Otherwise - superficiality of judgment, frivolity of conclusions, dissatisfaction with the situation. In the absence or almost absence of legs - sometimes impulsive decision-making.
Uniformity, one-pointedness, repetition of legs (“centipede”) - conformity of judgments and attitudes, standardization and banality when making decisions.
Various shapes and positions of the legs - originality of attitudes and judgments, independence, non-conformism, creativity in the norm or dissent (closer to pathology).
Pay attention to the nature of the connection of the legs under the body: connected precisely, carefully or carelessly, weakly, or not connected at all. This is the nature of control over your reasoning, conclusions, decisions.
Clients who create such drawings (Fig. 19) usually have somatic diseases (head injuries, mental retardation, etc.).
Figure 19 belongs to a boy whose father is raising him alone; his mother does not live with them. Such children are prone to inappropriate behavior, have mental disorders, can become the target of violence, are easily suggestible and susceptible to the influence of other people.

Hands- communicative sphere of personality. If they are drawn, the person is characterized as an extrovert. If the hands are not drawn, then there are problems in the field of communication. Hands can be replaced by wings.

Wings- self-prevalence of a person with possible infringement of the interests of other people. High energy potential, interest in various areas of human activity, self-confidence, curiosity, “participation” in as many events as possible, winning one’s “place in the sun”, passion for one’s activities, courage in events.
The client (Fig. 20) is deprived of contacts with peers, lacks initiative, and is lonely. Likes monotonous work that requires accuracy and thoroughness.

Tentacles may have a functional meaning of the symbol of legs and arms (it is clarified in a conversation), then the corresponding interpretation is given.

Tail- expresses the client’s attitude to actions, deeds, decisions, verbal products (that is, to internal and external forms of activity). If the tail is directed to the right, this is an attitude towards external manifestations (actions, deeds); to the left - to internal (thoughts, decisions). If the tail is directed upward, the attitude is positive; down - negative.
Particular attention should be paid to tails consisting of several, sometimes repeating links, especially lush, long, branched ones (Fig. 21).

Subjects of this type are characterized by activity, endurance, the ability to inspire trust, sociability, resourcefulness in unusual and stressful situations, and a willingness to take responsibility. They often explode with anger, their aggressiveness is directed outward, towards people or things around them; their protest is always effective (they act, not say). Running away from home, illegal behavior in a group, alcoholism - the subject commits all this in a company where he prefers to be a leader.
If the subject draws an animal, likening it to a person (placing the animal in an upright position, imagining it in human clothes, making the muzzle look like a face, the legs and paws like hands), then this indicates his infantilism and emotional immaturity (Fig. 22).

General characteristics of subjects of this type: in case of failures, they blame everyone, but not themselves; They promise readily, but never keep their word. Their protest is unconscious, they just do like everyone else (meaning members of the company). They know how not to overwork and get strong and vivid impressions of life every day. Trusting, loyal to society.
The installation of mechanical parts into living tissue (placing an animal on a pedestal, tractor or tank tracks, a tripod, a screw attached to the head, electric lamps mounted in the eyes, handles, keys, antennas in the body and limbs) is observed in schizoid individuals (Fig. 23).

In this case, the psychologist’s actions consist of expert assessment conditions (in school conditions). The remaining activities are carried out by a psychiatrist.
Usually the depicted non-existent animal is the same sex as the subject. At least that's what is implied. If this is not the case, the client may have problems in the sexual sphere. To clarify the sex of an animal, you can ask how the animal reproduces or where its genitals are located. Drawing of the reproductive organs (genital organs, udder, nipples, breasts) indicates sexual problems (Fig. 24).

The client repeatedly violated discipline during his studies, but these violations cannot be considered as a manifestation of his desires, since all violations occurred under pressure from other schoolchildren. He is registered as suicidal. A detailed examination revealed that the client is predisposed to auto-aggression. Frequent mood swings, disruption of the logical flow of mental processes, excessive cheerfulness.


Pets. The choice of pets to represent oneself indicates a tendency to “tame” one's vital energy.
Dog- tendency towards dependence, subordination. Often identified on an everyday level with fidelity and service.
Cat- need for tactile contact, self-isolation, preference for non-verbal interaction over verbal.
Birds in cages and fish in aquariums(or animals similar to them) - a tendency to suppress the signals of one’s body, self-suppression, the desire to subjugate one’s life manifestations to oneself, narcissism is often present.
Cow and other useful animals that serve as a source of nutrition - identifying oneself with the “breadwinner” or “nurse”, the desire to give more than to receive, leaving others in the role of debtors (often unconsciously).
Beast of burden- negative attitude towards the character (“everyone rides me”). The tendency to blame others, masking the inability to take responsibility for one’s life, giving others the right to decide for themselves, followed by making claims. With a positive attitude towards the character - the perception of one’s life and bodily manifestations as a source of energy and strength.
Wild animals. Their images may be chosen for various reasons.
Choosing a conformal image, for example, a dove - a “symbol of peace”, the subject wants to express that he is very a kind person. It can be assumed that this indicates his refusal to study the problems associated with his own life manifestations.
A selection of despised, underground and nocturnal animals(mice, rats, worms, spiders, etc.) - the idea of ​​life manifestations as the focus of everything negative and denied in oneself.
Dangerous animals(scorpions, wolves, etc.) symbolize a threat to human life, the perception of one’s life manifestations as unpredictable and threatening. Tendency towards self-suppression.
Animals symbolizing strength, power and special abilities(elephants, lions, eagles, etc.) - perception of one’s life manifestations as a source of positive energy, special resources and strength.
Animals - fairy-tale heroes (clients sometimes ignore instructions) are interpreted in accordance with the role of a particular character.
Stylized and fantastic animals - book and cartoon characters(Winnie the Pooh, Cheburashka, Mickey Mouse, etc.) - refusal to analyze one’s problems.
Images of specific human animals. They are interpreted in accordance with the needs of a person that he satisfies in contact with a given animal. It should be remembered that a person who gets a pet satisfies in communication with it those needs that, from his point of view, cannot be satisfied in contact with other people.


Cheburashka - real - concrete thinking, focus on real problems.
Flying cat - functional - pragmatism, realism.
Homosapiens - Latin (book-scientific) elements - demonstrativeness (of reason, erudition), emphasis on details.
Little imp - ironic and playful, diminutive and affectionate - an appropriate attitude towards the environment.
Potatoes - banal and repetitive - infantilism.
Clusterspider - long - abstractness of thinking, tendency to fantasize.
Bozol - superficial sound - frivolity.

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    A careful study of the “Nonexistent Animal” test convinces us that it is easy to master, that its interpretation is original and not replete with psychoanalytic concepts. However, this test reveals the teenager's personality problems.

    The study addresses deep-seated personality problems that are beyond conscious control. Some interpretations may hurt the client's pride. Therefore, the psychologist must conduct the post-test conversation in such a way as not to harm the subject or cause a negative reaction in him.

    The use of this test in combination with other psychodiagnostic techniques in the context of the information available about the subject and in his specific situation provides additional opportunities for revealing the unique human individuality.