Educational and methodological material on the topic: Modern means of assessing learning outcomes. Modern means of assessing learning outcomes

Modern means of assessing learning outcomes

    What is the role of feedback in the educational process?The result is always a product of the process, and flaws in the result express the presence of some defects in the process.

Feedback is the exchange of information between the student and the teacher about the progress of learning, the difficulties and achievements of students in mastering knowledge, in the development of skills, cognitive and other abilities, and personality traits in general.

Based on this information (external communication), the teacher diagnoses the educational process, evaluates the results, and develops a corrective program.

Feedback (internal) allows students to identify their shortcomings and achievements, receive an assessment of their performance, and advice on how to correct it. Providing feedback is one of the main functions of current control.

    What is the difference between closed and open type of management of the educational process?

Ropen-loopmanagement -without implyingnodiagnostics of intermediate states,closed-constantlyohtracking the level of achievement of results.

    Why is correction of the learning and education process necessary?Corrective work consists not only in eliminating or preventing errors and achieving the set goal, but also in finding the most optimal ways of learning.

    What is the role of pedagogical control in managing the educational process?

Control is integral part pedagogical management activity and is inextricably linked with the purpose and result of this activity.

    5. What interpretations of the concept of “control” exist, and which one is closer to you?

Control is a comparison operation, comparison of the planned result with reference requirements and standards.

Control in pedagogy, on the one hand, is understood as an administrative and formal procedure for checking the work of teachers and schools, as a management function, the results of which serve to make management decisions.Closer to me-studyethe effectiveness of the educational process based on changes in the level of students’ education and the growth of the teacher’s pedagogical skills.

    On what basis can types of control be classified?

Anticipatory (input) controlserves to identify the level of knowledge and development of students in newly formed classes in which the teacher begins teaching. It is also used in relation to students new to the class, as well as before studying a new section in order to identify basic knowledge, skills, level of interest, and experience.

Current controlin the form of an oral survey, written tests, frontal conversation, it is carried out in the process of studying the topic, and is an element of many lessons, especially combined ones.

Periodic (stage, milestone)controlin the form of tests, interviews, tests, testing is advisable after studying a major topic or section.

Final controlis carried out after studying a course or at the end of a certain stage of training (quarter, half-year, semester, completion of primary, basic or full secondary education). Its forms are tests, defense of essays, term papers and dissertations, exams.

    What forms of control are specific to the subject of “chemistry”?

Among the main methods and forms of control in teaching chemistry are individual and frontal surveys, tests, tests and independent work, dictations and abstracts (testing of knowledge), solving experimental problems, and performing laboratory tests (testing skills).

8. Why is the speed of implementation and objectivity of control results so important within the framework of correctional work? Track all the pros and cons in studying the material in a timely manner...

9. What is pedagogical monitoring?

INpedagogymonitoring is a form of organization, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information about the activities of the pedagogical system, providing continuous monitoring of its condition and forecasting the development of pedagogical systems.

10. What role does operational control play?


11. Why do you think testing is used as a control method in modern education have high hopes?

The use of testing has solved many problems associated with thematic and final control due to the breadth of coverage educational material, scaling test results, defining clear assessment criteria, differentiating levels of complexity, made the objectives of chemistry learning objectively diagnosable.

Task 2

1.What is the training function of control?

The educational function of control is to improve knowledge and skills and systematize them. During the revision process, students review and consolidate the material they have learned. They not only reproduce what they have previously learned, but also apply knowledge and skills in a new situation.

Testing helps students highlight the main thing in the material they have studied, making the knowledge and skills being tested clearer and more accurate. Control also contributes to the generalization and systematization of knowledge.

2.What is the orienting function of control?

The essence of the orienting control function is to obtain information about the degree of achievement of the learning goal by individual students and the group as a whole - how much the educational material has been mastered and how deeply it has been studied. Control guides students in their difficulties and achievements.

Revealing the gaps, errors and shortcomings of students, he shows them the direction in which they can apply their efforts to improve their knowledge and skills. Control helps the student to get to know himself better, evaluate his knowledge and capabilities.

3.What is the educational function of control?

The educational function of control is to instill in students a responsible attitude to learning, discipline, accuracy, and honesty.

Checking encourages students to monitor themselves more seriously and regularly when completing assignments. It is a condition for developing strong will, perseverance, and the habit of regular work.

4.What is the developmental function of control?

The developmental function of control is to stimulate the cognitive activity of students and to develop their creative abilities. Control has exceptional capabilities in the development of students. In the process of control, students’ speech, memory, attention, imagination, will and thinking develop. Control has a great influence on the development and manifestation of such personality qualities as abilities, inclinations, interests, and needs.

5.What is meant by assessment?

Assessment is a judgment about the progress and results of learning, containing its qualitative and quantitative analysis and aimed at stimulating an improvement in the quality of students’ educational work.

6. What is the role of grades in monitoring learning?

The conditional expression of the assessment is a mark, usually expressed in points. During the control, the compliance of the students' educational attainment with the standard established by the state is checked, and the assessment expresses the reaction to the degree and quality of this compliance, i.e. Ultimately, the monitoring and evaluation system for the teacher becomes a tool for alerting the public and the state about the state and problems of education in a given society, and at this stage of its development, this provides grounds for predicting the directions of development of education in the near and distant future, making the necessary adjustments to the education system of the growing child generations of providing the necessary assistance to both students and teachers.

7.What types of knowledge assessment scales exist in the world?

In the Russian school before the revolution, a six-point marking system was practiced - with points from “0” to “5”. In 1918, the “0” mark was abolished, and soon there was a transition to a verbal four-point system: “excellent”, “good”, “ satisfactory", "unsatisfactory". Then a five-point system is introduced - from “1” to “5”. Gradually, “one” disappears from school practice, and the system again becomes four-point: “2”, “Z”, “4”, “5”:

There are also more “extended” rating scales in the world: nine-, ten-, twelve-point, and in some African countries even thirty- and one hundred-point systems.

The increasingly widespread use of tests, including computer tests, has also become relatively new for domestic education. In the theory of modern pedagogical measurement, it is testing that provides the most objective assessment, allowing one to move to a “stronger” measurement scale.

Task 3

    What historical meaning does the word “test” carry?

The first tests originated before our era - in Ancient Babylon, Ancient Egypt. There is considerable evidence of the use of various tests in China, Ancient Greece and Sparta. Competitions and exams were held in medieval Vietnam. Pythagoras also emphasized important role intellectual abilities, arguing that “not every tree can be carved into Mercury.” And therefore he attached importance to the diagnosis, first of all, of precisely these abilities, which was done with the help of difficult mathematical problems.

In the West, the value of written work in comparison with oral forms of control was the first to be appreciated by the Jesuit Order, which saw in them a means of increasing the motivation of educational work. Using its influence, the Order spread the practice of using written works to many other countries, including America. Testing, as such, appeared later.

In Russia in 1925, a testing commission was created at the pedagogical department of the Institute of Methods school work, whose task was to develop standardized tests. In the spring of 1926, the first tests were released.

The first tests for objective control of knowledge, skills and abilities appeared in different countries at the beginning of the 20th century.

    What interpretations of the concept “test” do you remember?

Test-test, control, questionnaire... body of knowledge...

    What are the characteristic features of a pedagogical test as a measuring instrument?

* The content of the test is carefully planned. At the test development stage, the content that will be tested is selected, the form of tasks, their number and location are planned. The content of the test plan is analyzed by experts.

*Task form. In tests, the form of tasks is standardized - in the form of presentation and in the form of recording answers.

*The presence of statistical characteristics of test tasks. It is known in advance what the difficulty of the proposed task is, whether it will be performed equally by weak and strong subjects or not (differentiating ability), etc.

*Availability of special scales that are correlated with standardized norms for summing up test results.

*Availability of estimates of measurement accuracy (measurement errors). By using statistical methods we can evaluate the measurement error and, based on the evaluation results, accept or reject the test results.

Task 4

Prepare an abstract on this topic by finding the literature yourself. Reflect in it following positions: 1. What is the meaning of the concept of “testing”? 2. Why is objectivity and efficiency so important in determining the level of knowledge in training? 3. Essential features of psychological and pedagogical tests. 4. Which participants in pedagogical testing require psychological preparation? 5. What are the psychological problems of testing?

Task 5

    Reasons for identifying pedagogical tests, their essential features.

Tests allow you to obtain objective assessments of the level of knowledge, abilities, skills, check the compliance of the requirements for training graduates with given standards, and identify gaps in knowledge.

Tests are an important means of technologizing learning; they contribute to the effective organization of the educational process; without them, the final rating of students is unthinkable.

In reality, tests reveal not only achievements, but also shortcomings and omissions, and even simply poor organization of the educational process. Therefore, another name is used - pedagogical tests. They are called that because they are developed by teachers in order to solve pedagogical problems.

    Structural elements of the test.

TEST STRUCTURE- a set of information about the number and type of test tasks for each element of the content of the academic subject and for each type of knowledge or skills, which allows us to objectively judge the level of preparedness of the subjects. The expected level of difficulty of each test task and, if possible, its discrimination coefficient are also indicated.

    Test , as a structure, is a collectionquestions , united insections .

    Any test must contain at least one section. Sections are created within a test. Sections are not independent objects of the system and cannot exist without a test. The sections include questions.

    Both questions, sections, and the test as a whole haveown settings , which together determine the operation of the test:

    • Test settings are set to .

      Section settings are set on .

      Question settings are set to .

Test structure


Rules of application.

Grade for completing each task.

The structural components of the test are: test task - a task in a test form, intended to be performed, to which, in addition to the content, the requirements of the test form are imposed and a standard - a sample of a complete and correct execution actions that serve to compare the achieved level with the planned one. Since a test task is a certain task that the test subject has to solve, it is necessary to understand the concept of a task. A task is understood as a task formulated for the subject to achieve a certain goal under known conditions using previously studied methods of activity.

3. Describe the forms of test tasks.

There are 4 types of tasks in test form: tasks for choosing one or more correct answers, tasks in open form or for addition, tasks for establishing the correct sequence and tasks for establishing correspondences.

Tasks to choose from one or more correct answers are most suitable for computer knowledge testing. It is convenient to divide such tasks into the following types: tasks with two, three, four, five and more answers. The instruction for this form of tasks is the sentence: “Circle (mark, indicate) the number of the correct answer.”

In open form tasks ready-made answers are not given: they must be invented or obtained by the test taker himself. Sometimes, instead of the term “open-form tasks,” the terms “tasks for addition” or “tasks with a constructed answer” are used. For an open form, it is customary to use instructions consisting of one word: “Add”.

In compliance tasks The teacher checks knowledge of the connections between elements of two sets. The elements for comparison are written in two columns: on the left are usually the elements of the defining set containing the statement of the problem, and on the right are the elements to be selected.

Test tasks to establish the correct sequence are intended to assess the level of mastery of a sequence of actions, processes, etc. In tasks, actions, processes, and elements related to a specific task are given in an arbitrary, random order. The standard instructions for these tasks are as follows: “Establish the correct sequence of actions.” The purpose of introducing such tasks into the educational process is the formation of algorithmic thinking, algorithmic knowledge, skills and abilities.

4. What is a bank of test items, and is it expedient?

Test task bank - a set of systematized test items and tests developed by various authors for various purposes, tested and having known characteristics.

5. What are the grounds for classifying tests?

on the subject of assignments - homogeneous, heterogeneous, integrative,adaptive;

according to the procedure for forming a submission queue - mixed, adaptive , increasing complexity;

according to the form of assignments - standard, hidden, gaming, multimedia;

according to the procedure for analyzing execution results – machine, blank;

according to the information security procedure

by purpose

6. List the features of criterion-referenced tests .

Criterion-based test - a special case of a test intended for absolute testing, allowing to assess whether the test subject has overcome a certain threshold for mastering the educational material of the curriculum in question or its part.

At the same time, the test resultsare comparedWithsomecriterionlevel of preparedness.

7. What are the main activities of the second stage of test development?

At the second stage, we developtest tasks.

Having a sufficient number of test tasks allows you to move on to development

test as systems, possessing integrity, composition and structure.

The content of the test is primarily determined by the testing objectives. This,

perhaps the most main principle, which forms the basis for the development of the test.

The more complete the display of the academic discipline in the test, the more confident you can be.

talk about the so-calledcontent validity test results.

task 6

Advantages and disadvantages of computer testing

Computer testing has certain advantages over traditional blank testing, which are especially noticeable during mass testing, for example, when conducting national exams such as the Unified National Testing. Presenting test options on a computer allows you to save money usually spent on printing and transporting blank tests. Thanks to computer testing, you can increase information security and prevent declassification of the test due to the high speed of information transfer and special protection of electronic files. The procedure for calculating the resulting scores is also simplified in cases where the test contains only multiple-choice tasks. Other advantages of computer testing are manifested in ongoing monitoring, self-control and self-preparation of students; Thanks to the computer, you can immediately issue a test score and take immediate measures to correct the assimilation of new material based on the analysis of protocols based on the results of corrective and diagnostic tests. The possibilities of pedagogical control during computer testing are significantly increased due to the expansion of the range of measured skills and abilities in innovative types of test tasks that use the diverse capabilities of the computer when turning on video files, interactivity, and dynamic formulation of problems using multimedia tools. Thanks to computer testing, the information capabilities of the control process are increased, and the ability to collect additional data on the dynamics of test passing by individual students and to differentiate between missed and unachieved test tasks.

In addition to its undeniable advantages, computer testing has a number of disadvantages. Typically, students' psychological and emotional reactions to computer testing are positive. Students like the immediate issuance of test scores, a testing protocol with results for each task, as well as the very innovative nature of control when modern hypermedia technologies are used to issue the test. Dynamic multimedia support of tasks on a computer, combined with software for presentation in an interactive mode, according to students, provides a more accurate assessment of knowledge and skills, and is more motivating to complete tasks compared to blank tests. It is also convenient that instead of filling out special forms for answers, you can simply select an answer with the mouse. If testing is carried out in adaptive mode, then the time and length of the test are reduced. Negative reactions usually cause various restrictions, which are sometimes imposed when issuing tasks in computer testing. For example, either the order of presentation of tasks or the maximum possible time for completing each task is recorded, after which, regardless of the desire of the subject, the next test task appears. In adaptive testing, students are unhappy that they do not have the opportunity to skip the next task, review the entire test before starting work on it, and change answers to previous tasks. Sometimes students object to computer-based testing because of the difficulties that arise in performing and recording mathematical calculations and so on. Impact on Prior Test Performance computer experience. The results of foreign studies have shown that the experience of working with computers that schoolchildren have, in many cases, significantly affects the validity of the test results. If the test includes tasks without innovations with multiple choice answers, then the influence of experience with a computer on the test results is insignificant, since such tasks do not require students to take any complex actions when completing the test. When innovative types of tasks that widely use computer graphics are presented on the screen and other innovations, the influence of prior computer experience on test scores becomes very significant. Thus, when using computer testing, it is necessary to take into account the level of computer experience of the students for whom the test is intended.

Task 7

    What does the term taxonomy mean?

Taxomania is a theory of classification and systematization of complexly organized areas of reality that have a hierarchical structure.

    What, in your opinion, is the connection between the goals of teaching physics and the level of socio-economic development of society?

In the 20th century, new important areas of chemistry were formed, such as radiation chemistry and plasma chemistry. Together with low-temperature chemistry (cryochemistry) and high-pressure chemistry, sonochemistry (ultrasound), laser chemistry, etc., they began to form a new field - the chemistry of extreme effects, which plays a large role in the production of new materials (for example, for electronics) or old valuable ones. materials in a relatively cheap synthetic way (for example, diamonds or metal nitrides).
To one of the first places in chemistry the problems of predicting the functional properties of a substance based on knowledge of its structure and determining the structure of a substance (and its synthesis) based on its functional purpose. The solution to these problems is associated with the development of computational quantum chemical methods and new theoretical approaches, with advances in inorganic and organic synthesis.Work is being developed on genetic engineering and on the synthesis of compounds with unusual structure and properties (for example, high-temperature superconductors, fullerenes).

Methods based on matrix synthesis, as well as using ideas from planar technology, are increasingly being used. Methods simulating biochemical reactions are being further developed. Advances in spectroscopy (including scanning tunneling) have opened up prospects for the “design” of substances at the molecular level and led to the creation of a new direction inchemistry - so-called nanotechnology.
There is a huge future for chemistry. It should not be feared, but it is necessary to study and use all the achievements of chemistry to preserve life on Earth.

    What approaches exist to specifying learning goals?

The approach to their systematization proposed by B. S. Bloom can help specify the goals of education. This author identifies three groups of goals, namely: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. To specify the goals of education, the most important is certainly the cognitive sphere, covering:

knowledge of certain facts, the ability to detect and interpret them, to operate with generalizations;

understanding, ability to interpret, transfer and extrapolate existing knowledge;

use of knowledge;

analysis, i.e. the ability to decompose a given integrity into its component elements in order to determine the number and qualitative features in these elements, the ability to establish functional dependencies between elements, highlight the basis for their classification, etc.;

into synthesis, i.e. the ability to create a coherent whole from its constituent elements, to recreate an image of the whole based on partial data;

assessment of facts taking into account the set goals, internal and external criteria, compliance of the results obtained with the original goals, etc.

In turn, when dividing the first of the above components of the cognitive area into its component elements, it is recommended to teach students to correctly identify the described objects, phenomena, events and processes among others, to define, describe, organize and apply them in practice, for example, when solving problems.

Bloom's attempt to specify learning goals in this regard can certainly be of some help, because it successfully emphasizes the need to represent these goals not only in terms of mastery of knowledge, but also in terms of students' understanding and use of the acquired knowledge. At the same time, during this attempt there was a methodologically unacceptable confusion of the final learning results, which are knowledge, understanding, etc., with operations representing necessary condition their achievements (analysis and synthesis).

    Which regulations reflect specific chemistry learning objectives?

    1 . Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

    2. Project Federal Law“On education in the Russian Federation” in the second and third editions.

    3. Federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education).

    Federal component of the state standard of general education.

    4. Federal basic curriculum (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2010 No. 889 “On amendments to the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004 No. 1312 “On approval of the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs).

    5. Sample programs of primary, basic and secondary (complete) general education (Letter of the Department of State Policy in Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2005 No. 03 - 1263 “On sample programs in academic subjects of the federal basic curriculum”).

  1. 6.Federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education and having state accreditation, for the 2012/2013 academic year

    7. Federal state educational standard of basic general education (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897).

    8. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2008 No. 362 “On approval of the Regulations on the forms and procedure for state (final) certification of students who have mastered the basic general education programs secondary (complete) general education.”

5. Give examples of verbs denoting general goals in the field of development of creativity, speech actions, and interpersonal relationships.

Lists of verbs to specify learning goals.

Verbs to denote general goals:

analyze, calculate, express, demonstrate, know, interpret, use, evaluate, understand, transform, apply, create, etc.

Verbs to denote goals of the “creative” type:

vary, alter, modify, regroup, rebuild, suggest, reorganize, synthesize, simplify, etc.

Verbs to indicate goals in speaking and writing:

highlight, express in verbal form, write down, label, summarize, underline, recite, pronounce, read, tell, etc.

6. Why is it necessary to calculate the statistical characteristics of the test?

Statistical processing the obtained testing data (test results) allows us to determine the quantitative characteristics of test tasks and the entire test, which makes it possible to use the test as a scientifically based, objective tool for pedagogical measurements. Statistical processing of testing results is carried out using software.

Task 8

    Why is the speed of implementation and objectivity of control results within the framework of correctional work so important?

Track all the pros and cons in studying the material in a timely manner...Purpose of correctional classes - increasing the level of general development of students, filling gaps in previous development and training, individual work on the formation of insufficiently mastered educational skills and abilities...

2. What is pedagogical monitoring?

Pedagogical monitoring is a set of continuous monitoring actions that make it possible to observe and correct the student’s progress from ignorance to knowledge.

3. What role does operational control play?

Providing quality feedback is impossible without tracking

actions students, therefore, control of the content of the actions being formed plays a special role.

This type of control was called operational control and found its initial application in programmed training. Since the content of the action being performed and its form are not related to the correctness of the task in a one-to-one relationship, then to assess the level of mastery of educational material and the quality of learning as a whole, a set of parameters is needed, and not a characteristic of the result with just a mark

4. Why do you think there is great hope placed on testing as a method of control in modern education?

The use of testing has solved many problems associated with thematic, final control due to the breadth of coverage of educational material, scaling of test results, definition of clear evaluation criteria, differentiation of difficulty levels, and made learning objectives objectively diagnosable.

Recent appearance large number theoretical and applied work on testing problems and effective use of its results for improvement educational process in our country is not an accident. In the practice of education, a situation is emerging under the influence of which the traditional control and evaluation activities of teachers and managers, carried out at the external and internal levels, are gradually developing into modern effective forms of control, based on theoretical and methodological foundations different from traditional ones, other information flows, meters and technologies. . Test control provides educational information of the same quality at different levels of generalization of results, regardless of the properties of a specific sample of subjects or the qualities of individual examiners.

5. What is the main difference between essay and testing?

difference between essay and testing -In addition to checking the level of mastery of educational material with a set of criterion tasks, tasks are introduced that could arouse cognitive interest in students, and based on the results of their completion, assess the level of the student’s activity. Essay assignments or practical assignments are also focused on assessing performance.

Thus, it is intended to make the verification itself and its result more objective and independent of the personality of the teacher, the characteristics of the tools used, the conditions of the verification procedure, etc.

6. Do you think that portfolio design can become the main method of monitoring educational achievements?A portfolio is not only a modern, effective form of assessment, but also helps solve important pedagogical problems:

maintain high educational motivation of schoolchildren;

encourage their activity and independence, expand opportunities for learning and self-education;

develop the skills of reflective and evaluative (self-evaluation) activities of students;

develop the ability to learn – set goals, plan and organize your own learning activities.

The advantages associated with the use of a rating system for assessing educational achievements as a means of successfully developing the competence of schoolchildren are obvious, since they can significantly increase efficiency educational activities students due to a number of factors.

Firstly, students’ interest in a specific topic, and, consequently, in the subject as a whole, is stimulated to the maximum possible in a given situation.

Secondly, the process of learning and control involves all students, and their learning is monitored by the teacher and classmates.

Thirdly, the spirit of competition and rivalry, originally inherent in human nature, finds the optimal way out in a voluntary game form that does not cause a stressful situation.

Fourthly, elements of creativity and self-analysis skills are developed, and additional personality reserves are activated due to the increased motivation of students.

Fifthly, there is a turn in the thinking and behavior of schoolchildren in the direction of more productive and active cognitive activity.

The rating system helps high school students build an individual educational trajectory, plan and achieve learning outcomes in accordance with their abilities, aptitudes and interests. The rating system for assessing knowledge forces the student to study the subject systematically, to be attentive in class, to study independently, to use additional literature, which helps to intensify the mental activity of students, increase educational motivation, and develop interest in the subject being studied. This system develops analytical and critical thinking, communication skills, and allows students to psychologically transfer from the role of passive “spectators” to the role of active participants in the pedagogical process. Rating assessment contributes to the control of an integral system of universal knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as the formation of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, i.e. key competencies.

1. Pedagogical control as a necessary condition for assessing the quality of educational achievements of students

3. Cumulative assessment "Portfolio"


1. Pedagogical control as a necessary condition for assessing the quality of educational achievements of students

Monitoring student knowledge is one of the main elements of assessment quality of education. Teachers monitor students' learning activities on a daily basis through oral questioning in class and by assessing written work.

This informal assessment, which has a purely pedagogical purpose within the framework of the activities of the educational institution, belongs to the natural norms, given that the results of each student should be at least average. In other words, the grade given by the teacher is almost always “ok,” which obviously limits its value.

The modern approach to assessing results in general education is more critical. Indeed, the approaches themselves and the selection of evaluation criteria have become much more thorough. At the same time, they began to approach more carefully the possibility of using assessment results for the purposes of pedagogical or selective diagnostics, which we will talk about later.

To be used for any purpose, assessment results must have three qualities: they must be “valid” (clearly consistent with teaching programs), strictly objective and stable (i.e. not subject to change, independent of time or the nature of the examiner) , “available” (i.e., time, scientific effort and funds for their development and implementation must be available to a given state).

In most countries, the transition from one class to another is today based on a system of constant control carried out by class teachers or teachers of a particular discipline. Classical examinations at the end of the school year practically no longer exist; they are considered as certain additions to the constant monitoring of student activities. In many cases, constant monitoring is also supplemented by such forms as tests, tests, organized outside the educational institution regularly and throughout the academic year.

Pedagogical control is an essential component of the pedagogical system and part of the educational process. Until now, the result of pedagogical control is unconditionally considered to be the assessment of student performance. Assessment determines the compliance of student activities with the requirements of a specific pedagogical system and the entire education system.

Analyzing the features of the state of the problem of testing and assessing knowledge, it should be noted that this problem is multifaceted and has been considered by researchers in a variety of aspects. A large number of works have been published in our country concerning the functions, methods, principles of testing and assessing knowledge, general and specific issues of assessment. There are several main directions in the study of this problem.

A large group is represented by works that examined the functions of testing and assessing knowledge in the educational process, requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities being formed, methods of monitoring students, types of accounting for knowledge in the traditional education system (M.I. Zaretsky, I.I. Kulibaba, I.Ya. Lerner, E.I. Perovsky, S.I. Runovsky, M.N. Skatkin, V.P. Strezikozin, etc.). The published works show the controlling, teaching and educational functions of testing and assessing knowledge, reveal the methodology for conducting written, oral, graphic and practical control of knowledge, individual, frontal, thematic and final surveys, formulate requirements for the quality of knowledge of schoolchildren, for the assessment of their oral and written answers on various academic subjects.

The conviction is gradually emerging that the educational system must correctly pose the didactic task and, with the help of pedagogical technologies, be able to solve it. In this case, it is not single assessments, and certainly not the student’s average score, that should be interpreted, but values ​​that reflect the dynamics of changes in some measurable quality, for example, students’ mastery of educational material.

The scientific basis for assessing learning outcomes means that such judgments are made that are based on facts recognized as true, and which contain characteristics of significant connections, and not any externally observable signs.

In the practice of traditional teaching, significant negative aspects of the assessment system are revealed. An analysis of traditional testing methods has shown that the system for assessing the quality of education does not rely on objective methods of pedagogical measurement, therefore “quality” is interpreted today quite arbitrarily, each teacher develops his own system of testing tasks. The purpose of measurement in pedagogy is to obtain numerical equivalents of knowledge levels. Measuring instruments are means and methods for identifying, based on predetermined parameters, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of students’ achievement of a level training. Consider a body of research on quantitative research on learning and its effectiveness. In these works, learning is approached from various points of view, as an information process, the possibility of mathematical assessment of the results obtained is clarified, and the use of quantitative criteria for determining its effectiveness is discussed.

All authors agree that before operating with certain mathematical concepts and formulas, which is to a certain extent a technical issue, the specifics of pedagogical phenomena must first be established, for which it is necessary to meaningfully interpret the observed phenomena, we need meaningful criteria that can be obtained by pedagogical analysis. Approaching the learning process as a complex multi-level process, they tend to apply various options cybernetic methods and methods of mathematical statistics. The quantitative formulation of pedagogical patterns, in their opinion, opens up new opportunities for controlling pedagogical hypotheses, for validly predicting the nature of pedagogical phenomena occurring in various conditions, and creating on this basis the necessary recommendations for the complete and effective management of the pedagogical process. The problem of teaching effectiveness is sometimes identified with the problem of successful knowledge acquisition, for which quantitative methods new to pedagogy are being developed.

The subjectivity of knowledge assessment is associated, to a certain extent, with the insufficient development of methods for monitoring the knowledge system. Often, the assessment of a topic, course or its parts occurs by checking individual, often minor elements, the assimilation of which may not reflect mastery of the entire system of knowledge, skills, and abilities being formed. The quality and sequence of questions is determined intuitively by each teacher, and often not in the best way. It is not clear how many questions you need to ask to check the entire topic, or how to compare tasks according to their diagnostic value.

Each of the methods and forms of verification used has its own advantages and disadvantages, its own limitations. In addition, the shortcomings of the existing practice of testing and assessing knowledge include spontaneity, irrational use of methods and forms, lack of didactic focus, teacher ignorance characteristic features subject material and working conditions in the classroom, lack of systematicity in its implementation.

Many authors rightfully criticize the system of current and entrance examinations. A small number of questions does not allow you to objectively test the entire course; the questions often do not reflect the knowledge, skills and abilities that need to be developed; each examiner has his own judgment about the knowledge of the respondent, his own methods and criteria; The number of additional questions and their complexity depend on the examiner, which also affects the overall result.

We cannot ignore the role of psychological factors, the general and special training of the teacher, his personal qualities (principle, sense of responsibility). All this one way or another affects the result of testing and assessing knowledge. The personal qualities of a teacher are certainly manifested both in the nature of teaching and in the process of testing and assessing knowledge, which we will discuss in more detail later. Consequently, as already emphasized above, the problem of eliminating subjectivity in assessing and testing knowledge requires more in-depth research.

Another direction in the study of this problem is associated with the study of the educational functions of assessment, with the study of the influence of assessment on the formation of students’ self-esteem, on the interest and attitude of schoolchildren to the subject (B.G. Ananyev, L.I. Bozhovich, A.I. Lipkina. L. A. Rybak and others).

In the 60-70s. In connection with the development of programmed training and the widespread introduction of technical teaching aids into the educational process, new aspects have appeared in the study of the problem. In programmed learning, assessment is a necessary component of management and carries information for correcting the educational process. This increases the requirements for the accuracy and reliability of control and the validity of its criteria. In this regard, the qualitative and quantitative aspects of assessment, information and statistical measurement methods, the reliability and effectiveness of various types of testing tasks, and methods of testing using technical means and computers are considered. (S.I. Arkhangelsky, V.P. Bespalko, T.A. Ilyina, A.G. Molibog, N.M. Rosenberg, N.F. Talyzina, N.M. Shakhmaev, etc.). Researchers of these problems have formulated clearer requirements for the quality of planned knowledge, criteria and assessment standards, identified the advantages and disadvantages of various types of questions, and developed methods for monitoring knowledge.

Thus, testing and assessing schoolchildren’s knowledge as a form of pedagogical control over the assimilation of educational content depends on many objective and subjective factors.

2. Point-rating system for assessing learning outcomes

The introduction of a point system is the first step towards a full-scale transition to teaching a credit system. In addition, a mandatory condition for certification and accreditation of absolutely all universities will be the provision of results from this experiment.

The transition to a new education system will not qualitatively change the content of academic disciplines: the number of hours, lectures and seminars remains the same.

This system should be used in the educational process in all disciplines of the curriculum, including disciplines of the federal and university components, as well as disciplines of students’ choice.

The point-rating technology for assessing knowledge is used for the purpose of personality-oriented learning, stimulating the systematic work of students, revealing their creative abilities, and differentiating the assessment of knowledge.

The point-rating technology for assessing knowledge is intended to increase the objectivity and reliability of assessing the level of students’ training and is used as one of the elements of managing the educational process at a university.

understand the system for forming grades in disciplines and other types of employment in order to obtain final grades;

realize the need for systematic work to implement the curriculum based on knowledge of your current rating score for each discipline and its change due to untimely mastery of the material;

timely assess the state of your work on studying the discipline, completing all types of academic workload before the start of the examination session;

during the semester make adjustments to organize the current independent work.

plan (in detail) the educational process in a specific discipline and encourage students to work systematically;

make timely adjustments to the organization of the educational process based on the results of the current rating control;

objectively determine the final grade for the discipline, taking into account systematic work;

provide a gradation of assessment of the level of knowledge in comparison with the traditional system.

Score-rating technology makes it possible to ensure continuity of monitoring and assessment of the quality of knowledge, both in a separate discipline and throughout the semester, at the current stage of study (all past semesters) and the period of study at a given level of higher professional education (HPE).

When developing a scoring system for assessing academic performance, departments and individual teachers take into account the following points:

Departments, depending on the specifics of the disciplines taught, establish types of current control and their cost in points;

the cost of attending each lesson is calculated as the quotient of dividing the amount of points established for attending classes by the number of planned training sessions;

For each type of academic work, the maximum number of points is awarded provided that it is completed “excellently”;

if the assessment is unsatisfactory for performing any type of current control, no points are awarded;

The department has the right to declare the completion of any tasks mandatory. In case of failure to complete or receiving an unsatisfactory grade for completing such mandatory tasks, the final grade will be unsatisfactory, regardless of the amount of points scored on other types of current control.

The accumulated points are used to determine the final grade. It is proposed to use the five-point scale adopted in Russia and the slightly modified ECTS system adopted in most European countries as the final grade scale.

theoretical material - attending lectures;

practical skills - performing and defending laboratory work, seminars;

performing independent work (abstracts, creative assignments, calculation and graphic works, coursework and projects) and defending them;

educational, industrial and other practices.

The scoring technology must be clearly described for each discipline and brought to the attention of each student at the beginning of classes, as a component of the discipline study program, which is included in the educational and methodological complex (EMC).

When studying one discipline, a student can receive no more than 100 points. At the same time, the student receives most of the points during the semester, about 1/3 - the final certification.

Classes missed for a valid reason are made up at the student’s initiative upon the direction of the dean’s office; The points received during the training are included in the rating.

By decision of the department, students who have a high rating in the discipline (from 90%) may (with their consent) be exempted from taking the exam. To receive an “excellent” grade, passing an exam is required.

The complexity of studying the discipline (number of hours or credit units according to the curriculum) is taken into account by the coefficient in the assessment based on the average performance indicator (APR):

Where O1, O 2, On are the numerical equivalents of grades in the discipline;

K1, K2, Kn - accounting credit units of the corresponding discipline.

Table 1

The scoring system for assessing progress monitoring provides not only for differentiated assessment of various types of educational work, but also for compliance with deadlines for their completion. The following deadlines are established for departments (teachers) to submit reports on current student performance:

By these deadlines, each teacher submits reports to the dean’s office on the current progress of students in the groups where he conducts training sessions.

If a student who has not scored or scored few points by the time the report is submitted has a documented good reason(illness, departure for training camps, competitions), the dean’s office extends the deadline for submitting control orders to the dean’s office with mandatory notification of the student and the corresponding teacher (department).

A student who, without a good reason, has not completed test assignments and has not scored the minimum number of points required to receive a credit or examination grade at the end of studying a discipline, can only be allowed to study it again on a compensatory basis. If he refuses this or if he receives an unsatisfactory grade again, he will be expelled from the university.

Thus, the use of rating control and assessment can increase the level of motivation to study the subject. The results can be counted as the final grade for the semester test and, as a result, as the final exam grade. And when using a point-rating system, you can monitor the dynamics of the performance of the group as a whole and each student; voicing the rating results will increase the activity of students and introduce a moment of competition into the learning process, identifying the best and lagging students.

3. Cumulative assessment "Portfolio"

Today in Russian educational practice there is a growing understanding that the standard examination procedure does not allow assessing the individual capabilities and aptitudes of students that they need to successfully implement life and professional strategies after graduation.

In this regard, the need arose to develop new forms of diagnostics of educational results, with the help of which it is possible to assess the individual profile of schoolchildren’s achievements obtained by them in the course of educational, creative, social and other types of activities.

An effective tool for solving such educational problems is a student’s portfolio of individual educational achievements (“portfolio”).

Portfolio is a set of certified (documented) individual educational achievements that serves as an individual cumulative assessment and, along with exam results, determines the educational rating of secondary school graduates.

The main purpose of the portfolio is to ensure tracking of the student’s individual achievements in the educational process, to demonstrate his ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge and skills.

The main idea of ​​a portfolio is to “show everything you can do.” The pedagogical philosophy of portfolio involves a shift in emphasis from what the student does not know and cannot do, to what he knows and can do on a given topic, section, or subject.

The portfolio solves important pedagogical problems:

Maintains high educational motivation of schoolchildren;

Encourages their activity, independence in mastering educational programs of different levels and orientations, stimulates self-education;

Develops the skills of reflective and evaluative (self-evaluation) activities of students;

Forms the ability to learn, set goals, plan and organize one’s own educational activities.

The portfolio makes it possible to determine the educational rating of a primary school graduate and allows him to enter the competitive selection for specialized training at the senior level of school. In the absence of competition for specialized classes or in a small rural school, the portfolio serves as material that makes it possible to more reasonably suggest a direction (profile) of study, depending on the nature of the materials presented.

In a senior specialized school, a portfolio allows you to most fully reflect the methods and results of a student’s major in grades 10-11: it contains information about the subjects and courses completed during specialized training, the results of competitions, design and research activities, social practices, etc.

The graduate's portfolio can serve as an addition to Unified State Exam results- or any other forms of examinations - upon admission to a university, since as a cumulative assessment it reflects stable and long-term educational results, compensating for the effect of random success or failure in an exam situation.

In general, the portfolio meets the interests of the student, school, university and additional education system and can become for them a means of communication and interaction, in essence, one of the central documents reflecting network forms of education for schoolchildren.

At the same time, some difficulties in introducing a portfolio should be noted:

High level of assessment subjectivity associated with the difficulty of formalizing criteria for assessing a number of portfolio materials;

Unwillingness of teachers to approve and accept this innovation in connection with the expansion of their functionality;

The need for systematic work to improve the qualifications of teachers.

Despite the real difficulties and contradictions of implementing this innovation in the educational process, it should be noted that the introduction of a portfolio for assessing individual achievements of students is one of the directions for updating the traditional system of assessing educational results and creates a new understanding of the learning process itself.

Portfolio of documents;

Portfolio of works;

Portfolio of reviews.

Portfolio of documents. The portfolio of documents includes certified (documented) results of the student’s individual educational achievements:

Copies of diplomas from olympiads, competitions, competitions, grants (international, federal, republican, municipal, city, school levels),

Copies of extracts, letters, certificates,

Certificates of additional education institutions, etc.

Such a model assumes the possibility of both qualitative and quantitative assessment of portfolio materials.

Dignity of this type portfolio is the ability to calculate the final score, which can become a component of the student’s educational rating (along with the grades obtained during the final certification).

The limitations of using this option are due to the fact that it gives an idea of ​​the results, but does not describe the process of the student’s individual development, the diversity of his creative activity, his learning style, interests, etc.

The maximum total portfolio score can correspond to the maximum score for one exam - 5; for two exams - 10, or in some other way (which may be established by a municipal or regional education authority). The final grade of a portfolio may be determined by the maximum score for one of its components; it can be integral, including the maximum scores of the components of block A and block B, one from each, or in some other way. When compiling this section of the portfolio for students in grades 10-11, it is possible to take into account materials without assessing them within the school.

The assessment of the portfolio of a high school graduate can be carried out by the university or some other addressee of the portfolio at the place of presentation.

Portfolio of works - is a collection of various creative, design, and research works of the student, as well as a description of the main forms and directions of his educational and creative activity: participation in scientific conferences, competitions, training camps, taking elective courses, various kinds of practices, sports and artistic achievements and etc.

This version of the portfolio involves a qualitative assessment, for example, in terms of completeness, diversity and persuasiveness of materials, the quality of the presented work, focus on the chosen educational profile, etc. Quantitative assessment requires the development of a clear criteria base and its adoption at the level of the municipal (or regional) educational network.

The advantage of this type is an idea of ​​the dynamics of the student’s educational and creative activity, the direction of his interests, and the nature of pre-profile preparation.

Limitations - a qualitative assessment of the portfolio complements the results of the final certification, but cannot be included in the student’s educational rating as a summary component. However, in a number of cases it can be pedagogically very significant, since there are many students for whom a “portfolio of work” serves as an additional form of expression of the success and “worthiness” of a teenager in his educational career.

A portfolio of reviews is the characteristics of a student’s attitude towards various types of activities. Documents are provided by teachers, parents, educators or heads of additional education institutions, third-party organizations, etc.

This part of the portfolio also includes an analysis of the student’s attitude towards his activities and its results: the student’s autobiography and his life plans, self-assessment materials.

The advantages of this form of portfolio include the ability to include student self-assessment mechanisms. The scope of use of this option is limited by the complexity of formalizing and recording the collected information.

A student’s portfolio is a so-called cumulative assessment or “folder” that contains documents, diplomas, certificates and other evidence of the student’s progress at school and beyond, which helps the latter assess his capabilities and subsequently realize them in a higher educational institution .

The portfolio material is collected not just for one year, but throughout the entire period of study. A portfolio is a form of authentic assessment of educational results based on a product created by a student in the course of educational, creative, social and other types of activities. Thus, the portfolio corresponds to the goals, objectives and ideology of practice-oriented learning.

Thus, a portfolio helps solve the following important pedagogical tasks:

Support and stimulate the educational motivation of schoolchildren;

Develop students' reflective and evaluative skills;

Develop the ability to learn - set goals, plan and organize your own learning activities;

Lay down additional prerequisites and opportunities for successful specialization.

pedagogical control assessment training


1. Antropova M.V. Pedagogy: Textbook. - M.: Education, 2008. - 176 p.

Apanasenko G.A. Pedagogical control // Pedagogy, 2008. - No. 4. - p. 23-25

Baevsky R.M. Portfolio: pros and cons // Modern School, 2009. - No. 8. - p. 33-38

Beletskaya V.I. Pedagogy: Textbook. - M.: Education, 2005. - 260 p.

Kanevskaya L.Ya. Pedagogy: Textbook. - M.: - Education, 2006. - 164 p.

Klimova V.I. Pedagogy: Textbook. - M.: Knowledge, 2008. - 192 p.

Kolbanov V.V. Pedagogy: Textbook. - SPb.: DEAM, 2008. - 232 p.

Kuzmina M.F. Pedagogy: Textbook. - M.: Pedagogy, 2009. - 288 p.


Department of Computer Science


in the discipline "Technology for the development of computer teaching aids"


1Analysis of testing literature on the creation of EUP………7

1.1 Organization of the social process in the conditions of using ICT........7

1.2 Modern means of assessing test results…………10

1.2.1 Basic ideas and concepts…………………………………………….10

1.2.2 Modern means of teaching students’ educational and cognitive activities…………………14

1.2.3 Control and evaluation system in modern education…….18

2 Design and development of the EUP “Modern means of assessing learning outcomes”…………22

2.1 Structure of the created CSR………………22

2.2 Selecting a tool for creating CSR………23

2.3 Development and demonstration of EUP…………………27


List of references……………35

The capabilities of information and communication technologies have rapidly grown and increased with the advent of the global Internet and its penetration into all spheres of human activity, which includes the field of education. The use of electronic learning tools, including educational electronic resources, including those posted on the Internet, is beginning to significantly influence modern Russian education and culture, creating conditions for the development of new ways of learning. Electronic media are being introduced into the educational process at a rapid pace. Currently, it is impossible to name a discipline in the teaching of which, one way or another, electronic publications or resources would not be used.

The accelerated development of scientific and technological progress affects the use of electronic materials by the majority of scientific and educational materials. Scientific and educational material in the form of an electronic textbook is available to everyone in modern times. That is why this work is relevant to the demands of the modern world.

An electronic textbook (EUP) is an electronic publication that partially or completely replaces or supplements a textbook and is officially approved as this type of publication.

The use of electronic textbooks in the educational process allows you to better study the material and become more familiar with interesting or difficult topics.
It is very important that the student has the opportunity to use the same electronic resource both in lectures, in practical classes, and in the process of independent work, the use of which in the educational process forms a holistic image of the subject being studied.

Relevance This topic is that control in modern means of assessing student results in one form or another is always present in learning. In progress historical development educational practice, only the forms and means of carrying out inspections, priorities in assessments and methods of assigning them, the intensity of control activities, measures of influence on students, as well as emphasis in interpreting the results of control in education have changed.

The study revealed that the test as a method of study arose relatively recently. The time of its origin is considered to be the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries, when they tried to use psychology to determine the physical, physiological and mental characteristics of a person. various ways measurements.

Object of study: organization of the educational process in the conditions of using ICT.

Subject of study: modern testing results tools and assessment materials

Goal of the work: development of an electronic textbook “Modern means of assessing learning outcomes”

Research objectives:

1) analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the issues of assessing learning outcomes;

2) development of the EUP structure;

3) analysis and selection of the development of an EUP software package;

4) development of criteria for evaluating results;

5) development of control and assessment materials

Research methods: analysis, comparison, classification, algorithmization, design.

The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using the developed control and measurement materials in the practice of teaching and testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

1 Analysis of testing literature on the creation of EUP

1.1 Organization of the educational process in the conditions of using ICT

Constant progress in the field of creation and implementation of ICT tools in the education system is the main impetus for the development and intensification of open education, the ideas and specifics of which continue to influence the development of the concept of distance education. Thanks to the introduction of new information and communication technologies, access to education is expanding, and educational use ICT tools facilitate interaction between various types of educational institutions, various sources of educational materials, and also provide highly effective support for the remote location of teachers and students.

There are several types of control means. Traditional means of control include written or oral class quizzes, homework assignments, and exams. Oral lesson surveys are usually used in ongoing monitoring. They involve obtaining student responses to the teacher’s questions and have advantages because they are easy to organize, provide prompt feedback in the process of correcting students’ knowledge acquisition, stimulate class discussions and develop communicative competencies. The disadvantage of oral surveys is the fragmentation of student coverage, since a teacher can survey no more than 4-5 people per lesson. Written lesson surveys include tests that summarize the results of a certain period of study.

A special form of control is homework, the discussion of the results of which in class has a learning effect, especially in cases where the assignments allow for non-standard solutions. Final control usually uses oral or written exams, which cause significant emotional and physical stress in students.

The advantages of traditional control and assessment tools are that their development does not cause difficulties for teachers, since it is based on an extensive methodological base and is easy to implement. Teachers receive the necessary preparation to use familiar quizzes and exams from own experience school years, and also does not require preliminary financial investments, expensive computers, software, tests are not needed.

The disadvantages are that there are no connections between traditional means of control and modern teaching technologies that ensure the development of variability and accessibility of educational programs for students, low efficiency in conditions of mass education, subjectivity and incomparability of control results.

The teacher's testing activity ends with the assignment of grades. Traditionally, in the educational process, the word “assessment” means a certain result. In a broader sense, this word refers not only to the final result, but also to the process of forming an assessment; in this case, the term “assessment” is used.

Assessment is a necessary component of the control process, the results of which are of great importance for students and their parents, since school grades influence to one degree or another the future of the child and introduces an element of competition in relation to students. However, grades are often given in a hurry or depend on the personal relationship between the teacher and the student, class attendance, student behavior in class, etc.

In the search for an effective option for assessing learning outcomes, it is necessary to study the control and evaluation system in modern education.

1.1 Modern means of assessing test results

1.2.1 Basic ideas and concepts.

Electronic textbook (EUP)- this is an electronic publication that partially or completely replaces or supplements the textbook and is officially approved as this type of publication. It is an independent multimedia learning tool, so the structure of the electronic textbook should be presented at a qualitatively new level.

There are a large number of definitions of EUP. Some of them are presented:

a) an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline or its section;

b) this is a text presented in electronic form and equipped with an extensive system of connections that allows you to instantly move from one fragment to another.

The course work presents a type of EUP - test.

Test - externally, this is simplest form electronic textbook. The main difficulty is the selection and formulation of questions, as well as the interpretation of answers to questions. Good test allows you to get an objective picture of the knowledge, skills and abilities that a student has in a certain subject area.

An analysis of the scientific works of educational scientists and psychologists shows that not every task can become a test: it must meet a number of requirements and relevant criteria. In testology, in classical and modern testing theory, the following main criteria for test quality are identified: reliability, validity, objectivity

The theory and practice of testing in its modern sense have a history of more than a century. The origins of testology date back to the end of the 19th century, when psychologists began to study individual differences in the physical, physiological and mental characteristics of a person.

One of the first to use test technologies to measure individual characteristics, became an English biologist Francis Galton. He studied the issue of heredity, and developed a number of methods for determining visual, auditory and tactile sensitivity, as well as for determining muscle strength, reaction speed, etc. F. Galton formulated three testing principles, these conclusions remain relevant to this day:

1) application of a series of identical tests to a large number subjects;

2) the need to accumulate and process statistical results;

3) establishing evaluation standards.

A new stage in the development of testology is associated with the activities of the French psychologist Alfred Binet (1857-1911). He develops original methods for measuring intelligence.

At the beginning of its emergence and development, the test as a measuring tool was used only as part of an experiment and was intended exclusively for individual measurement.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the idea of ​​using testing to measure the level of educational achievement also emerged. American psychologist V.A. McCall suggests dividing tests into psychological (determining the level of mental development) and pedagogical (measuring the success of students in subjects over a certain period of study). The purpose of pedagogical testing, according to McCall, should be to identify and unite students with similar levels of learning.

In the second half of the twentieth century, a more advanced model for analyzing the results obtained was developed - modern test theory (IRT). IRT is a type of latent structure analysis (LSA) methodology (P.F. Lasersfeld method). During this period, the theory of tests from a descriptive science, engaged in the collection and systematization of factual material, begins to turn into a science about relationships, about the laws of functioning and evaluation of the behavior of subjects.

Testology in Russia

In Russia, interest in the development of tests and the practice of their use was formed in the 20s. XX century. Prominent Russian psychologists and teachers dealt with this problem. Among them is S.G. Gellerstein, P.P. Blonsky, A.P. Boltunov, M.S. Bernstein, L.S. Vygotsky, G.I. Zalkind et al.

In 1970-1980 the traditional knowledge control system was criticized. In the former Soviet Union, the development of didactic testology is associated with the works of N.F. Talyzina on programmed training and V.P. Bespalko on the problems of pedagogical technology.

Noting that educational control methods are suitable for direct communication between teachers and students in class on specific issues studied in class, since the necessary diagnosticity, accuracy and reproducibility of results are not included in them. Conventional written tests suffer from similar shortcomings. Therefore, it is necessary to specially develop test materials focused on the levels of solving certain educational problems. Now this approach is shared by many teachers.

Currently, several centers have appeared in our country that professionally work with testing technologies. Among the most active, it should be noted: the Testing Center of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which is involved in testing graduates of general education institutions, the Vocational Education Testing Center, the Center for Psychological and Professional Testing of Moscow State University and a number of others.

By means of presentation pedagogical tests are divided into:

1) blank(subjects mark or enter the correct answers on the form);

2) computer(tasks are displayed on the computer monitor).

According to the degree of homogeneity of tasks:

1) homogeneous(control of knowledge and skills in one subject, discipline);

2) heterogeneous ( measuring the level of preparedness in several academic subjects).

Types of tests

I. About open(the subject writes down the correct answer himself)

Open test forms

a) tasks for addition (short answer: formula, numerical expression, word, etc.).

b) tasks with freely constructed answers (answer in a free, detailed form: solution to a problem with explanations, a short essay. The completeness of the answer must be specified in order to receive the maximum score).

II. Closed(involve choosing the correct answer from the proposed options. The optimal number of alternative answers is 4-5. Incorrect but plausible answers, that is, similar to the correct ones, are called distractors (from the English distract - to distract).

Forms of closed-type test tasks

a) tasks of alternative answers (tasks with two answers: yes - no, right - wrong). They have a very high percentage of guessing (50%), their single use in the test is considered ineffective;

b) tasks with multiple choice of correct answers;

c) assignments to establish compliance;

d) tasks to establish the correct sequence.

1.2.2 Modern means of teaching educational and cognitive activities of students

An important condition for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process is the systematic receipt by the teacher of objective information about the progress of students’ educational and cognitive activities. The teacher receives this information in the process of monitoring the educational and cognitive activities of students.

Control - identifying, establishing and assessing the knowledge of students, i.e. determining the volume, level and quality of mastery of educational material, identifying success in learning, gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities of individual students and the entire group to make the necessary adjustments to the learning process, to improve its content, methods, means and forms of organization.

Carrying out the function of guiding the educational and cognitive activities of students, control is not always accompanied by grading. It can act as a way of preparing students to perceive new material, identifying students’ readiness to master knowledge, skills and abilities, generalize and systematize them. Control has important educational and developmental significance.

Testing students' knowledge is the most important objective form of teacher self-control. A teacher’s self-assessment will be truly objective if the knowledge test is organized in such a way that it ensures the most complete identification of this knowledge.

In an educational institution, a special place is occupied by such forms of classes that ensure the active participation of each student in the lesson, increase the authority of knowledge and individual responsibility of students for the results of educational work. These problems can be successfully solved through application technology active forms training.

The need for active learning lies in the fact that with the help of its forms and methods it is possible to quite effectively solve a number of problems that are difficult to achieve in traditional learning: to form not only cognitive, but also professional ones; teach collective thinking and practical work, develop social skills and skills of interaction and communication, individual and joint decision-making, cultivate a responsible attitude to business, social values ​​and attitudes, both of the team and of society as a whole.

Training is the most important and reliable way receiving systematic education. Reflecting all the essential properties of the pedagogical process (two-sidedness, focus on the comprehensive development of the individual, unity of content and procedural aspects), training at the same time has specific qualitative differences.

Cognitive activity is the unity of sensory perception, theoretical thinking and practical activity. It is carried out at every step of life, in all types of activities and social relationships of students, as well as by performing various subject-related practical actions in the educational process (experimentation, design, solving research problems, etc.). But only in the process of learning does cognition acquire a clear design in a special educational-cognitive activity or teaching inherent only to a person.

Learning always takes place through communication and is based on a verbal-activity approach. The word is at the same time a means of expressing and cognition of the essence of the phenomenon being studied, a tool of communication and organization of practical cognitive activity of students.

Learning, like any other process, is associated with movement. It, like the entire pedagogical process, has a task structure, therefore, the movement in the learning process goes from solving one educational task to another, moving the student along the path of knowledge: from ignorance to knowledge, then incomplete knowledge to more complete and accurate knowledge. Training is not reduced to a mechanical “transfer” of knowledge, skills and abilities, because Learning is a two-way process in which teachers and students closely interact: teaching and learning.

Table 1 - Relationship between types, methods, forms and means of control





residual knowledge





(input NOT)



test, survey,


seminar lesson,

laboratory work.


(formative, diagnostic CAT),


thematic, milestone, final CAT),



(final CAT)

Assessment and its functions

The results of monitoring the educational and cognitive activity of students are expressed in its assessment. Estimate- means to establish the level, degree or quality of something.

Grade– a qualitative indicator (for example, “You are great!”).

Mark – quantitative indicator (five or ten point scale, percentages

As is known, the pedagogical functions of control consist in identifying shortcomings in the work of students, establishing their nature and causes in order to eliminate these shortcomings. It is important for the teacher to have information both about how students have acquired knowledge and how they acquired it.

Control also plays a large educational role in the learning process. It helps to increase responsibility for the work performed not only by the student, but also by the teacher.

In general, testing knowledge is a form of consolidation and clarification. Comprehension and systematization of students' knowledge. Listening to the answering comrade, the students at the same time seem to repeat again what they themselves learned the day before. And the better the inspection is organized, the more conditions for such consolidation.

Testing knowledge is a form of pedagogical control over the educational activities of students. If we take into account that the main educational task of the teacher is to ensure that the entire body of program knowledge is mastered by the children, it becomes clear that it is impossible to do without a special test of knowledge. Moreover, it must be organized so that actual knowledge is revealed as deeply and completely as possible.

Modern teaching aids, along with the living word of the teacher, are an important component educational process and an element of the educational and material base of any educational institution. As a component of the educational process, teaching aids have a great influence on all its other components - goals, content, forms, methods.

Modern audiovisual and multimedia teaching aids (electronic educational resources) have the most effective impact on students. Audiovisual means, as well as multimedia, are the most effective means of teaching and education.

1.2.1 Control and evaluation system in modern education

One of the most important areas of modernization in educational institutions is the revision of the existing control and evaluation system, since the latter does not correspond to the student-oriented paradigm of education, conflicting with the fundamental principles of modern pedagogy. The traditional control and evaluation system to a greater extent performs the function of an external controller of the student’s learning success on the part of the teacher, without implying either the student’s assessment of his own actions or the comparison of his internal assessment with the external assessment (assessment of the teacher, other students). Within the framework of the traditional control and evaluation system, the teacher has to maneuver between recording the success of the student’s result, comparing this result with some average statistical norm.

The control and evaluation system is as follows:

Firstly, transferring the main assessment actions and responsibility for the formation of assessment to students, thereby ensuring their assessment independence and the development of reflective skills;

Secondly, taking into account the overall assessment of performance results and other objects not previously taken into account in the assessment process.
a new approach to assessment (in relation to physical education).

The changes taking place in the field of education at the present stage are caused by society’s need for independent, proactive and responsible specialists who know how to learn – i.e. independently manage your cognitive activity. In this regard, there is a special need to develop educational independence in schoolchildren as the ability to expand knowledge, improve skills, and develop abilities on their own initiative.

It is impossible to organize any activity, including educational activities, without evaluation, since evaluation is one of its components, as well as a regulator and indicator of effectiveness. But the preservation of the previous system of assessing educational work, in which there is practically no consideration of the opinions of the students themselves, makes the transition to personally oriented learning difficult.

Thus, a contradiction is exposed between the existing orientation of control and assessment activities to determine the extent to which students have mastered educational information, and the orientation of this activity, which is actually in demand in modern education, to identify the ability of schoolchildren to use the mastered content to solve practical problems. The problem arises of constructing a control and evaluation system using various instruments grade-free assessment in accordance with existing species control.

It is systematicity that ensures understanding of evaluation criteria and creates the basis for children’s self-assessment of their work. Systematicity also presupposes the organization of assessment at all stages of the lesson: goal setting (how the students accepted the goal and what the teacher should pay attention to); repetition (what has been learned well, what and how you still need to work on); learning new things (what and how much has been learned, where and why difficulties arose); consolidation (what works and what help is needed); summing up (what worked well and where there were difficulties). Most an important condition organizing effective assessment of schoolchildren's achievements in non-grade education is effective choice forms and methods of assessment. Verbal assessment is a brief description of process and results of educational work. This form of evaluative judgment allows the student to reveal the dynamics of the results of his activities, analyze his capabilities and degree of diligence.

The simplest assessment option can be considered value judgments based on scoring criteria. Thus, when assessing a student’s work, the teacher records the level of fulfillment of the requirements: he did an excellent job, did not make a single mistake, presented the material logically, completely, and included additional information;

– did a good job, explained the question fully and logically, completed the task independently, knows the order of execution, shows interest, but did not notice the errors, did not have time to correct them, next time we need to look for a more convenient way to solve them, etc.;

– fulfilled the basic requirements, understands the essence, but did not take everything into account, rearranged logical links, etc.;

– I have fulfilled all the requirements, but this is what remains to be worked on;

Such value judgments are applicable to assessing the result of an activity, and when assessing its process, other value judgments can be used, based on highlighting the completed stages and indicated by the “nearest steps” that the student needs to take.

Currently, the most important task of the modern assessment system is the formation of a set of “universal educational actions”, ensuring mainly the development of professional, specific subject knowledge and skills.

Appraisal funds – fund test assignments, as well as descriptions of forms and procedures intended to determine the quality of the student’s mastery of educational material - an integral part of the main educational program.

In the triad of knowledge, skills and abilities, the main focus is

devoted to knowledge. Traditional forms of control are built accordingly, which mainly test knowledge (less often skills) acquired as a result of studying specific academic disciplines. Hence the priority of such assessment procedures as testing, tests and exams

With the help of assessment tools, the process of students acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities is monitored and managed.

2 Design and development of EUP “Modern means of assessing learning outcomes”

2.1 Structure of the electronic textbook

In the structure of the electronic textbook, the most important blocks are the block of theoretical material and the block practical material.

The information in the theoretical material is divided into chapters; you can also move from one chapter to another, or return to an unstudied chapter, which greatly facilitates the student’s work. The student can obtain useful information in this block. In the block of practical material you can test your knowledge. He can take a common final test for all chapters, which is very convenient.

When studying the material, the student can use a reference book where he can find the meanings of some definitions. This is very convenient, since when reading the material he may have questions, he may encounter definitions that he does not understand. He can find all this in the reference book (glossary). A list of additional literature is also presented.

The interface and communication block implies that we must create a specific design for our CSR; the background, font style, and colors must be in harmony. There is no need to clutter the pages with bright pictures and animations that interfere with the student’s work. It is necessary to create all conditions for convenient work of the student.

Structure of the electronic textbook

Figure 1 – EUP structure

2.2 Choosing a tool for creating CSR

IN modern world There is a huge number of different ready-made tools necessary for the implementation of computer teaching aids. They provide an environment for processing and editing elements of multimedia products, including graphics, audio elements, animation and video clips; multimedia pedagogical software as a whole, including the structural representation of the scenario and its implementation.

A tool is a software tool intended for the design of software (systems) for educational purposes, the preparation or generation of educational, methodological and organizational materials, the creation of graphic or musical inclusions, and service “add-ons” of the program.

In order to choose a tool in which we will create an electronic textbook, it is necessary to compare well-known programs.

The table compared 5 software packages: Microsoft FrontPage, Delphi, Macromedia Flash, Adobe Authorware, Macromedia Dreamweaver.

Table 2 - Comparative analysis tools


Main advantages

Main purpose

Microsoft FrontPage

Microsoft Office FrontPage is a powerful Web document editor that allows you to post

With the help of Frontpage, even a person can create a fully functional web site or EUP in his own hands

on Web pages text and graphic information, as well as multimedia effects (sound, video, animation). The Microsoft FrontPage system makes it convenient and easy to create electronic teaching aids.

Not familiar with the electronic document markup language HTML. In the hands of an experienced user, Frontpage becomes a powerful tool with which you can build

web sites of varying levels of complexity.

Delphi is an object-oriented environment for visually designing Windows applications with developed mechanisms reuse of program code.

The most significant difference between Delphi and its closest competitors is the truly fast development of applications that have complex user interfaces, especially those with strong relationships between controls located in program windows.

Macromedia Flash

Macromedia Flash is a professional software product primarily focused on creating interactive animation for the World Wide Web.

Functional, multimedia capabilities:


possibility of integration into other applications;

Availability of developed multimedia capabilities: tools for creating animations, demonstrations, laboratory work;

Possibility of creating cartoons, educational games,

Adobe Authorware

Adobe Authorware is a powerful application for creating training programs with multimedia content for use on corporate networks, burned to disk, and distributed over the Internet.

Adobe Authorware develops interactive applications that are compatible with Learning Management System standards. Flexible interface due to the intuitive program interface; learning the program takes minimal time.

Macromedia Dreamweaver

Software environment for the implementation of electronic documents and Web pages. The Web project developer is offered convenient and powerful site management tools, including a built-in full-fledged FTP client tool, visual site maps and link control.

Dreamweaver - a tool for creating websites and electronic learning tools helps in building bright, interactive and effective interfaces. Dreamweaver lets you create objects and pages using DHTML

Table 3 - Comparison of tools using a 10-point system

Microsoft FrontPage

Macromedia Flash

Adobe Authorware

Macromedia Dreamweaver

Thus, from all the listed programs, we chose the tool - Microsoft FrontPage. This software product is one of the most current desktop programs for creating electronic textbooks. The main thing and important advantage using FrontPage in the convenience and simplicity of the program.

Let's take a closer look at the selected tool.

Microsoft Office FrontPage is a powerful Web document editor that allows you to place text and graphic information on Web pages, as well as multimedia effects (sound, video, animation). Microsoft FrontPage makes it easy to create a variety of electronic manuals. During the implementation and editing of documents, the software product itself automatically generates and adds HTML symbols (tags) to the code description of the page (when entering and formatting text, adding graphics, tables, links and other page elements).

With the help of FrontPage, even a beginner who is completely unfamiliar with the markup language for electronic documents, HTML, can construct a fully functional web site or EUP. In the hands of an experienced user, Frontpage becomes a powerful tool that allows you to build web sites of varying levels of complexity. It should also be noted that Microsoft FrontPage provides professional development and design tools, preparation and publication of data that are required to create dynamic Web sites for various purposes.

Advantages of Microsoft FrontPage:

1) FrontPage allows you to quickly create Internet sites, without going into the details, details and complexities of the hypertext markup language HTML. FrontPage creates websites according to the templates provided in it;

2) Simple and intuitive organization of the program;

3) Frontpage provides a convenient display of the map of the site being designed and provides the ability to visually edit page links. This allows you to avoid simple mistakes at the development stage and will ensure rapid development and tracking of site navigation errors, which will make debugging the site easier and faster.

2.3 Development and demonstration of the created EUP

In the Microsoft FrontPage program we created an EUP (electronic textbook).

To implement an electronic textbook in FrontPage, you do not need too much knowledge of this program, you can only have some idea about it. In order to implement our computer training tool, it is necessary to create a certain number of pages in FrontPage. To do this, click on the “Create a new regular page” icon on the toolbar. The index.htm page will be our main page on which we will place all the hyperlinks. On the remaining pages we will arrange theoretical material in the form of chapters and paragraphs. We will make a transition between pages using the “Forward”, “Back”, “Menu” buttons.

We add graphic images to pages by clicking on the “Add picture from file” icon located on the toolbar. If necessary, you can add various animations, pictures, audio recordings, etc.

The design of the manual is in subdued colors, light. The test font style is Times New Roman. Font size – 14. Font color matches the background image. The spacing between lines is one and a half.

The pages of the electronic textbook are accompanied by bright and colorful pictures, making the electronic textbook more interesting.

The program implements a navigation system. Navigate through pages of chapters, paragraphs and go to the main page. The student can build a trajectory for studying the material himself. If necessary, you can go back to unstudied material.

Referring to previous material helps to consolidate acquired knowledge by establishing semantic connections between it and previously acquired knowledge. The navigation mechanism is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – Navigation buttons

The main page of the EUP will look like this (Figure 3):

Figure 3 – Main page of the EUP

Figure 4 – Introduction

A reference book on basic concepts will help the student understand definitions and terms that are unclear to him (glossary) (Figure 5):

Figure 5 – Guide to basic concepts

The electronic textbook contains a list of additional literature (Figure 6):

Figure 6 - Additional literature

Implementation of test programs in EUP.

A test is a tool consisting of a qualimetrically verified system of test tasks, a standardized procedure and a pre-designed technology for processing and analyzing results, designed to measure the quality and characteristics of a person, the change of which is possible in the process of systematic training.

the main objective testing – detecting the inconsistency of these models, assessing the level of their inconsistency in quantitative form.

The course work included a test using the Indigo testing program.

INDIGO testing system is a universal tool for automating the testing process and processing results, which can be used to solve a wide range of problems:

1) testing and monitoring the knowledge of schoolchildren and students.

2) selection of candidates for employment.

3) determination of the professional level of employees (attestation, certification, personnel changes).

4) conducting psychological tests(for example, IQ tests).

5) conducting surveys (sociological, marketing, identifying the dominant point of view, etc.).

6) automation of competitions and olympiads.

The INDIGO test creation program has already shown its effectiveness as a result of successful use both in the educational process in educational institutions, and in commercial organizations, providing:

Effective test automation through extensive functionality.

Ease of use thanks to a modern user interface.

We have registered and created our test (Figure 8)

Figure 8 - Home page

Figure 9 – Result


When using electronic teaching aids, not only students’ reproductive activity occurs, but also abstract and logical activity, which contributes to a better understanding and assimilation of the presented material.

Obviously, electronic teaching aids and any other means are an alternative activity for the teacher; they imply unique forms of presenting material, performing exercises and monitoring knowledge.

In my course work, I relied on the clarity and accuracy of the presentation of the material. In this work, several tools for creating CSR were touched upon. But during my work, I used Microsoft Office to show the effectiveness of this tool. Also, thanks to the works of Krasnova G.A., Petrovsky A.V., Krasilnikova V.A., I was able to accurately present and provide material on the creation of my work.

List of used literature

1 Krasnova, G.A. Technologies for creating electronic teaching aids / M.I. Belyaev, A.V. Solovov - M.: MGIU, 2002. - 304 p.

2 Petrovsky, A.V. Fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology of higher education

/ M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1986. – 304 p.

3 Zainutdinova, L.Kh. Creation and application of electronic textbooks (using the example of general technical disciplines) / - Astrakhan: Publishing House TSNEP, 1999. - 364 p.

4 Krasilnikova, V.A. The use of information and communication technologies in education: a textbook

/ V.A. Krasilnikova; univ. - 2nd ed. reworked and additional 2012. - 291 s.

5 Krasilnikova, V.A. Theory and technology of computer training and testing. Monograph/ V.A. Krasilnikova. – Moscow: House of Pedagogy, IPK GOU OSU, 2009. – 33 p.

6 Bashmakov, I.A. Development of computer textbooks and teaching systems / I.A. Bashmakov, / M.: IID "Filin" - 2003, 616 p.

7 Mayorov, A.N. Theory and practice of creating tests for the education system: selection, creation and use of tests for educational purposes / A.N. Mayorov. – Moscow: Public Education, 2000. – 352 p. – (Teacher's Professional Library). – ISBN 5-87953-147-3.

8 Sergeeva, V.P. Modern means of assessing learning outcomes [Text]: educational and methodological manual / Kaskulova F.P., Grichnenko I.S. – M: APKiPPRO, 2005.

9 Chelyshkova, M.B. Theory and practice of constructing pedagogical tests [Text]. - M., 2002.

10 Belokhvostov, A.A. Electronic teaching aids for chemistry. Vitebsk: Educational institution "VSU named after P.M. Masherov", 2011

11 Gabay, T.V. Educational activity and its means - M.: 1960.

Didactic foundations of the integrated use of teaching aids in the educational process of an educational school - M.: 1991.

12 Zankov, L.V. Visibility and activation of students in learning - M.: 1960.

13 Makhmutova, M.I. Modern lesson - M.: 1981.

14 Pidkasisty, P.I. Pedagogy - M.: 2000.

15 Pressman, L.P. Methods and techniques for the effective use of teaching aids in the educational process - M.: 1985.

16 Skatkin. M.N. Improving the learning process - M.: 1971.

17 Demin I.S. The use of information technologies in educational and research activities / I.S. Demin // School technologies. – 2001. No. 5.

18 Kodzhaspirova, G.M. Technical means training and methods of their use. Textbook / G.M. Kodzhaspirova, K.V. Petrov. - M.: Academy, 2001.

Introduction to the discipline.

The concept of quality of education.

Evaluation as an element of quality management.

Traditional and new means of assessing learning outcomes.

Introduction to the discipline

The problem of measuring and assessing learning outcomes is one of the most important in pedagogical theory and practice. Solving this problem is necessary to assess the effectiveness of pedagogical innovations and technologies.

The complexity of pedagogical phenomena, as well as the presence of a large number of factors, including random ones, that influence the pedagogical process and its results, lead to the fact that the pedagogical process cannot be considered as completely determined. Even with the most perfect organization of the pedagogical process, we cannot unambiguously predict what the learning outcomes will be for each individual student.

In this regard, the modern education system puts forward the requirement: every teacher must strive to increase the objectivity of assessment, use, along with traditional means of control, innovative achievements of pedagogical science.

Purpose of the discipline“Modern means of assessing learning outcomes” - introduce students to modern means of assessing learning outcomes, methodological and theoretical foundations of test control, the procedure for organizing and conducting the Unified State Exam (USE).

Objectives of the discipline:

    consider methods for constructing and using homogeneous pedagogical tests; methods of scaling and interpretation of the results obtained; computer technologies used in testing;

    determine the psychological and pedagogical aspects of using tests to monitor students’ knowledge;

    develop the ability to compile and evaluate the results of test tasks in your subject.

Having studied the discipline, you find out:

    history and current state of the testing system in Russia and abroad;

    traditional and modern approaches to the assessment of educational achievements;

    features of test technologies, types and types of tests, forms of pre-test tasks;

    various methods for assessing test results;

    regulatory documents regulating the conduct of the Unified State Exam,

    structure and content of test materials for the Unified State Exam in their subject;

    testing procedure;


    give an expert assessment of pre-test tasks, use different types of tests in practice;

    conduct testing and analyze the data obtained within the framework of the classical and modern theory of test creation;


    methods for developing classes to prepare students for the Unified State Exam in their subject;

    skills for processing test results.

The concept of “quality of education”

The word “quality” is derived from the words “like”, “which”, “having what properties”. In practice, they usually use one of two interpretations of this concept - philosophical or industrial.

The concept of “quality of education” in its philosophical interpretation can be applied to various models educational practice and does not carry any assessments (which is worse, which is better), it captures different qualities, different properties. In philosophy, this category is not evaluative in nature, and therefore in the philosophical interpretation of quality it makes no sense to raise the question of measuring or otherwise assessing quality, low, high, etc.

As a pedagogical problem, the quality of education is considered from the perspective of qualitology - a triune science, including the theory of quality, the theory of quality assessment (qualimetry) and the theory of quality management. The quality of education as a complex category and multidimensional problem can be disclosed through the categories of property, structure, system, quantity, efficiency, evaluation, management, etc. In this case, V. Panasyuk suggests revealing the category “quality” through the following definitions:

a) quality is a set of properties (an aspect of a property);

b) quality is structural: it is a system of properties or qualities of parts of an object or process (structural aspect);

c) quality is dynamic (dynamic aspect);

d) quality is the essential certainty of an object or process, an internal moment, expressed in the natural connection of its constituent parts, elements (the aspect of certainty);

e) quality is the basis for the existence of an object or process. In this aspect, it is revealed through the categories of property, structure, system, boundary, integrity, variability, quantity (aspect of external and internal conditioning);

f) the quality of objects and processes created by humans has value (axiological aspect).

Taking into account the above definitions, the quality of education can be presented as a set of properties that determines the adaptability of education to the implementation of social goals for the formation and development of the individual in terms of his training, education, and the severity of social, mental and physical properties.

The concept of quality education appears already at the stage of formation of religious educational systems. It was during this era that the formation of ideas about education as a special kind of spiritual practice took place, the merits of which are determined by the extent of the presence of the spiritual principle in the educational environment. Accordingly, the quality of religious education was determined by the degree of compliance of individual spiritual practice with the ideas about the religious ideal recorded in certain metaphysical texts. The means of identifying this conformity were tests that made gaining recognition in a new capacity not only prestigious, but also dangerous.

Gradually, the development of society and the state was accompanied by a gradual desacralization and, in a certain sense, “democratization” of religious knowledge. These processes accelerated many times after a series of schisms in the Church that occurred in the 14th – 17th centuries, one of the results of which was the establishment of the Reformation. It was in the context of this social and cultural process that the individual ability to read, understand and interpret the Bible became a universal and binding norm. At the same time, the ideas of universality and compulsory education that have become so familiar to us are being formed in the European public consciousness.

The phenomenon of “quality of education” in that period can be represented by the concept of “literacy”. Regardless of origin and intended occupation, the ability to read, write, and perform simple mathematical operations become a prerequisite for any professional career. Thus, “literacy” is associated not so much with the “simplest” level of education, but with the achievement of public agreement regarding the “educational qualification” of every eligible citizen.

It was during this period that a five-point system emerged, focused on assessing individual achievements in individual subjects.

In parallel with this line of development of education in the Middle Ages, a whole series of relatively independent educational practices developed, ensuring the reproduction of the guild and class organization of society. In the modern understanding, we can talk about “professional education”, realizing that the very concept of “profession” belongs to a much later historical period (not earlier than the 19th century).

If we try to determine the most significant aspect of the quality of educational practice in the conditions of a workshop division of labor, then the measure of the quality of education of this kind is “mastery” as a special kind of alloy of spiritual traditions, the secrets of successful and effective activity, individual abilities and the social need to maintain appropriate production.

The category of mastery turns out to be system-forming also in relation to methods for diagnosing the quality of education: the most adequate form of professional testing turns out to be a specially organized competition, within the framework of which the ideal is not cognized, but is created in conditions of competition between representatives of the workshop.

All of the listed approaches to determining the quality of education, to one degree or another, participated in the formation of modern ideas about the quality of education in the system of professional teacher education.

The concept of “quality of education” is dynamic in nature: it varies over time, varies across levels of education, types and types of educational institutions, and is understood differently by subjects of educational activities, consumers and customers.

In pedagogical theory, various aspects of the quality of education have been studied: the quality of knowledge, the quality of teaching, the results of educational activities; interpretations of this concept are given from the point of view of didactics, pedagogy, psychology, methodology; new categories are being introduced that determine quality - functional literacy, education, competence.

Thus, we can talk about the multidimensionality of this concept both in relation to human education and in relation to the levels of quality management.

The concept of “quality of education” has been discussed for many years. The result of all these discussions was the conclusion that it is simply impossible to give an unambiguous definition to the concept of “quality of education”. However, for practical purposes, it was decided to understand the quality of education as changes in the educational process and in the environment surrounding the student, which can be identified as an improvement in the knowledge, skills and values ​​acquired by the student upon completion of a certain stage.

Existing approaches to determining the quality of education G.V. Gutnik proposes to classify as follows:

    empirical definition quality of education (it is used, for example, by parents when choosing an educational institution for their child);

    formal accounting definition the percentage of those who achieve “4” and “5” with the overall level of academic performance (this definition often appears in many indicative data of an educational institution);

    didactic(determining the level of training based on test technologies);

    psychological-didactic(psychological tests are added to subject tests);

    pedagogical(the determination of the quality of education includes an assessment of the level of education);

    procedural(assessment of the quality of education based on the parameters of the educational process);

    comprehensive(assessment of the quality of education includes material resources, personnel, programs, forms and methods of work, etc.);

    multiparameter definition quality of education (used to evaluate university education and regional educational systems);

    methodological definition(quality of education is the relationship between an operationally defined goal and a result).

According to A.G. Bermus, the quality of educational outcomes presupposes the presence of several systems of ideas about performance. Quality can be defined in terms of

    state (compliance of educational results with regulatory documents);

    society (correspondence between the result of education and the needs of the labor market);

    personality (compliance of educational results with expectations).

Some misunderstanding of the meaning of quality is reinforced by the fact that it can be used as both an absolute and a relative concept. Quality in the ordinary, everyday understanding is used mainly as an absolute concept. People use it, for example, to describe expensive restaurants (service quality) and luxury items (product quality).

When used in everyday contexts, objects that are assessed qualitatively in terms of an absolute concept represent the highest standard that cannot, it is tacitly assumed, be surpassed. Quality products include perfect items made without limiting the cost of them. Rarity and high cost - two distinctive features this definition. In this sense, quality is used to reflect status and superiority. Owning “quality” items sets their owners apart from those who cannot afford to own them.

When used in an educational context, the concept of “quality” takes on a significantly different meaning. The absolute concept of “high quality” has nothing to do with the quality management system in education. However, in discussions of quality management, the question of its absolute meaning, which has an aura of luxury and high status, often arises. This idealized use of the concept may be useful for public relations and may help the educational institution improve its image. It also demonstrates the value of quality improvement as the pursuit of the highest standards.

Quality is also used as a relative concept. In this case the quality is not attribute of a product or service. It is something that is attributed to him. Quality can be judged when a product or service meets the requirements of its relevant standards or specifications.

Quality as a relative concept has two aspects: the first is compliance with standards or specifications, the second is compliance with consumer needs.

The first "fit" often means "fit for purpose or application." This is sometimes referred to as quality from the manufacturer's point of view. By product or service quality, a manufacturer means that the products he produces or the service he provides consistently meet the requirements of standards or specifications. Quality is demonstrated by the manufacturer in the form of a system known as a quality assurance system, which makes it possible to consistently produce products, services that meet a certain standard or specification. Products demonstrate quality for as long as the manufacturer requires of them.

Due to the fact that the views of the manufacturer and the consumer do not always coincide, the question arises of who should decide whether the university’s services are of high quality. It often happens that excellent and useful products or services are not perceived by consumers as having quality. This problem is especially acute in the field of education. The abandonment of a unified state education system, many long-established traditions and the introduction of new ones (testing for admission to universities instead of traditional exams, lengthening the time spent in school, intensive development of the non-state education system, etc.) brings the problem of the quality of education to a number of government priorities and social problems.

Every university needs to plan the quality of education. Planning for the quality of education is associated with the development of a long-term direction for the activities of an educational institution. Strong strategic planning is one of the most important factors for the success of any institution in the educational system.

Lecture 3. Control and evaluation.

1.Traditional means of control, assessment and marking.

2. Innovative trends in monitoring and evaluation in education.

1. Traditional remedies control, assessment and marking

Traditional forms and means of control. IN At school, traditional means of control include written or oral class surveys, homework and exams. Oral lesson surveys usually used in routine monitoring. They involve obtaining student responses to the teacher’s questions and have the advantages of being easy to organize, providing prompt feedback in the process of correcting students’ knowledge acquisition, stimulating class discussions and developing communicative competencies. The disadvantage of oral surveys is the fragmentation of student coverage, since a teacher can survey no more than 4-5 people per lesson. TO written lesson surveys include tests that summarize the results of a certain period of study.

A special form of control is Homework, discussing the results of which in class has a learning effect, especially in cases where tasks allow for non-standard solutions. In final control they usually use oral or written exams, as a rule, causing significant emotional and physical overload in schoolchildren who are accustomed to studying conscientiously.

Advantages and disadvantages of traditional control and evaluation tools. The development of traditional control and assessment tools usually does not cause difficulties for teachers, since it is based on an extensive methodological base and is easy to implement. In addition, teachers receive the necessary preparation for using familiar surveys and exams from their own experience during their school years. Traditional control does not require preliminary financial investments; it does not require expensive computers, software and tests.

The disadvantages of traditional control and evaluation tools significantly outweigh the advantages. These disadvantages include the lack of connection between traditional means of control and modern teaching technologies that ensure the development of variability and accessibility of educational programs for students, low efficiency in conditions of mass education, subjectivity and incomparability of control results. Despite these shortcomings, many teachers, even those who are accustomed to working conscientiously, advocate the use of traditional control and assessment tools. They say that the teacher sets his own marks during the exam, but few are able to impartially evaluate their own work. Therefore, control is a rather conservative area of ​​practical pedagogy, although many teachers in their speeches draw attention to the fact that changes need to be made to the existing traditional control system.

Grades and grades. The teacher's testing activity ends with the assignment of grades. According to established tradition, in the educational process the word “assessment” means a certain result. In a broader sense, this word refers not only to the final result, but also to the process of forming an assessment. To avoid confusion, in the context of this manual, the term “assessment” is used in the latter case.

Assessment is a necessary component of the control process, the results of which are of great importance for students and their parents, since school grades influence to one degree or another the future of the child and introduce an element of competition into the relationships of students. It would seem that such arguments should cause the teacher to strive for maximum objectivity and impartiality. However, this often does not happen, for example, in cases where grades are given in a hurry or depend on the personal relationship between teacher and student, class attendance, student behavior in class, etc.

To give the assessment maximum objectivity and adequacy of the stated control goal, it is necessary to focus on the subject of assessment and minimize the influence of other factors that bias value judgments. Of course, in reality, each grade given in the traditional way is influenced by various factors, so such grades cannot be used to compare the results of teachers’ work or interpret them in managing the quality of education.

Pedagogical assessments are often mistakenly identified with grades. It should be remembered that the assessment expresses the result, and the mark serves to establish numerical analogues of value judgments. For example, according to the five-point marking scale established in our school, satisfactory knowledge is assessed as a “three”, excellent knowledge as a “five”. In fact, these scores do not have a clear pedagogical meaning and do not quantify the student's response. In many countries, alphabetic symbols ( A, B, C etc.), with the help of which the place of each student’s result in the group of controlled students is established.

Characteristics of the assessment process. The assessment process is based on comparison, which may vary depending on what is chosen as the basis for grading. Such a system could be:

1) the results of other students;

2) requirements of the program or state standards;

4) the amount of work expended by the student and his diligence in mastering the educational material.

In the first caseWhen grading, the preparedness of each student is compared with the results of the entire class or a certain group of students, after which the students are ranked into groups, within which everyone has the same grades. Usually in the classroom the teacher is guided by exactly this logic. For example, if during an oral questioning the majority of students give weak answers, a “C”, a stronger student’s answer compared to the previous ones always deserves a “Four” or “A” in the eyes of the teacher.

In the second case , when comparing a student’s preparedness with the established requirements for educational achievements, the results of other students do not play any role, and the grade is assigned depending on the percentage of requirements met and the full scope of requirements planned for mastery. The percentage obtained for each student is compared with criteria established by experts or empirically. Based on the comparison results, grades are assigned depending on the percentage obtained. Although in words such a process seems quite simple and objective, it is difficult to implement in practice, since it is unrealistic to develop reference sets of requirements for all schools and every lesson.

In the third case the student’s achievements are compared with his potential capabilities, intuitively assessed by the teacher. Those students whose abilities, in the opinion of the teacher, are high, but whose achievements are below their capabilities, receive low grades. Students with low potential who demonstrate the same achievements as more capable students during the control process receive higher grades. This approach seems very attractive to many teachers, because, in their opinion, it motivates students to improve their level of educational achievements. In fact, it is unfair, subjective and usually causes confrontation in the classroom.

In the fourth case as a basis for comparison, instead of abilities, the efforts expended by students to acquire new knowledge, intensity of educational activity and diligence. Compared to the previous one, this approach is even more unfair, since it is directed against brightly gifted children and reduces the motivation of the most capable students to achieve high grades. For students who are inclined to work hard, teachers usually inflate grades, guided by simple logic - the more effort expended, the higher the grade. Those who learn the material easily are graded lower, while others are rewarded for spending more time learning the same or less amount of material.

Modern tendencies V assessment processes. The absence in our country of standardized tests, which record the requirements for students’ preparedness in unified scales for many years and set certain standards for assessments, has led to the devaluation of the existing five-point scale. According to a study conducted by A.G. Shmelev through a survey of hundreds of respondents, in the minds of teachers there is often an idealized scale in which marks are set by comparing the planned and achieved level of mastery of educational material. The scale used in schools looks much more neutral and allows teachers, with a few exceptions (in strong, specialized classes), to assign a minimum number of “twos”.

The introduction of the Unified State Exam in 2001 refuted somewhat idealized ideas about the quality of Russian education. Objective Unified State Exam data for most regions of Russia showed that existing border between a “D” and a “C” is much lower than subjective ideas about it, since instead of absolute academic performance, up to 20% of D students have appeared in many schools. Generally Unified State Exam experience can be assessed as positive. The combination of teachers' subjective value judgments and objective testing data will inevitably lead to more valid grades in schools over time and will encourage students to improve their levels of educational achievement.

2. Innovative trends in monitoring and evaluation in education

Update conditions control and evaluation system in school education. Innovative trends characteristic of modern education, affect not only the education process, but also the control and evaluation system, putting forward increased demands on its effectiveness. To update the control and evaluation system you must:

Minimize subjectivity in the final control and move to the expanded use of standardized tests;

Abandon the primary focus of current and final control on assessing the results of memorization, model-based activities, and algorithmic knowledge and move to innovative meters that provide assessment of competencies, abilities for creative and practical activities;

Replace the usual focus on the “average student” with individualized methods for correcting educational activities in the process of ongoing control, systematically use input control;

Reduce the share of traditional written tests by introducing authentic forms of assessment, which involve the use of relevant assessment tools that are meaningful for students: tests of practical skills, situational tasks and portfolios.

Main innovative trends in control. The last decade has seen an increasing connection between control and learning. Targets that determine educational outcomes are set in terms of measurable results. In turn, the learning process is structured in such a way as to activate the training and development functions of control by optimizing the content and difficulty of educational tasks selected for ongoing control in an individual mode. Control is becoming increasingly important; it is changing its character and combining the traditional functions of checking and assessing learning outcomes with the functions of quality management of the entire educational process.

Significant changes are taking place in the system of assessing learning outcomes, which are characterized by a transition from a behaviorist point of view to a cognitive one and are manifested in a shift in emphasis from the primary assessment of learning outcomes to the components of the process of obtaining the result, from a passive answer to a given question to the active construction of the content of the answer, from the assessment of individual, isolated skills for integrated and interdisciplinary assessment. In control, attention to metacognition has significantly increased, which involves the formation of interdisciplinary knowledge, skills of transferring knowledge from one subject to another and general academic skills. When assessing learning outcomes, the context for deciphering the concepts of “knowledgeable” and “able” has changed. Instead of the previous priority of factual and algorithmic skills, the ability to apply knowledge in non-standard or practical situations has come to the fore.

In modern control, measurements have become an organic part of the educational process, the most important means of obtaining information widely used in managing the quality of education. Against the backdrop of the ever-growing role of tests, there came an awareness of the limitations of quantitative methods, due to which the so-called mixed methodology, based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessments, began to develop in pedagogical control. Accordingly, a new generation of meters has emerged that, together with traditional means of control and tests, provide multidimensional authentic (complex, multifaceted) assessments that cover the results of educational activities both at school and outside of school. The priority of static assessments that record the level of preparedness of students at the time of control has recently been replaced by the predominance of dynamic analysis of changes in the quality of student preparedness, based on widely developed and implemented systems for monitoring the quality of education.

Portfolio and tests to assess practical activities students. In modern control, new types of meters have appeared that reveal the positive dynamics of changes in preparedness, the activity of students in mastering new knowledge, the growth of their competence, as well as the degree of mastery of communication and intellectual skills. First of all, such meters should include portfolio(working folders) containing targeted collections of student work in one or more academic disciplines and compiled by the teacher in collaboration with the student. The student’s participation in the selection of work is an important factor in the positive motivation of educational activities, stimulating the desire for self-assessment of one’s achievements. Therefore, many teachers see portfolios as an effective means of developing students' critical thinking skills and gaining real self-assessment. Despite the individualized approach when selecting tasks, the results of which require mainly expert assessments, portfolios provide fairly objective information about the quality of educational achievements. This is due to the fact that the process of testing them is extremely standardized, the criteria for assessing achievements are clearly defined, developed in collaboration with students, and evidence of students’ independent work is carefully provided.

Today in the field of education there is a certain portfolio typology, presented in domestic and foreign works. First type - work portfolio – includes the student's work over a certain period of time, which shows the changes that have occurred in his knowledge. Second type - protocol portfolio – in documentary form reflects all types of educational activities and confirms the independence of the student’s work. This type of portfolio may include drafts of the student’s finished work. Third type - process portfolio – designed to demonstrate the student's achievements at various stages of the learning process. Fourth pitchfork final portfolio – usually used to obtain a summary assessment of the student's knowledge and skills acquired in the core subjects of the curriculum. In the latter case, the portfolio usually includes the student's best completed work, selected by him and the teacher. Forms of presentation of portfolio materials may be different. Audiovisual media are often used, such as photographs, videos, and electronic versions of the student’s work.

Proponents of portfolios usually classify them as a means of authentic assessment and cite their high validity and adequacy to modern requirements for the quality of education as positive arguments. However, portfolios, like tests, do not solve all the problems of assessing the quality of education, since they have shortcomings. They are expensive, take longer to use than tests, and raise concerns about reliability.

New forms of meters include tests, which are developed to assess the practical activities of students ( Performance assessment ) . Such tests make it possible to identify the level of mastery of practical skills with the help of experimental tasks of an activity nature, the result of which is a certain material product, assessed by experts on a standardized point scale. Many of the tests of practical skills do not meet the requirements of the theory of pedagogical measurements in their characteristics. Nevertheless, they have high validity and arouse great interest among students. Experimental tasks are usually used in the process of monitoring, but do not influence administrative decision-making in education, so low accuracy of estimates is not a problem. If they fail, the student can retake the tests and succeed.

Automated control . In the last decade, new computer technologies have been intensively developed, making it possible to automate the process of current and final control based on the use of software and tools. Monitoring programs are often combined with training programs, using teacher-student dialogue to check or correct learning activities with the help of additional information that fills identified gaps in students’ knowledge. Modern instrumental systems for monitoring and assessing knowledge, as a rule, have a user-friendly interface, support various forms of tasks and allow you to implement control scenarios, use text, still and animated images, sound, video, etc.

Giving preference to one or another innovation, one should always strive for a multifaceted assessment of the quality of learning outcomes and an understanding of the feasibility of using innovations in the educational process. For example, information obtained about a student’s preparedness using automated monitoring tools must necessarily be supported by additional data about the characteristics of his memory, imagination, thinking and speech. The level of readiness of the student to work on a computer, his communication abilities (the ability to conduct dialogue, discussion, verbally express his views and thoughts, communicate and collaborate with his peers and teachers, etc.) should be taken into account.