Learn to swim with a snorkel and snorkel. What is snorkeling

For swimming a special mask is used underwater, which allows you to clearly reproduce all underwater objects. If you are planning to dive deeper than 2m, regular goggles will not work for you as they put a lot of pressure on your eyes, which can lead to nasty bleeding.

A mask designed for swimming under water helps to equalize the pressure created near the eyes, which is provided by exhaling air through the nose. but when diving with a mask, you must follow some rules which will avoid many inconveniences and problems.

How to properly dive with a mask

V during the dive, water can flow under the mask. This happens as a result of a loose fit of the mask to the face, hair getting under the flange, etc. You can remove water as follows: for this, it is enough to bend forward and press the upper part of the mask, and then exhale through the nose. If your mask has a special valve, then in this case you do not need to press it.

Water is removed through the bottom edge of the mask. The procedure should be repeated until all the water comes out of the space under the mask.

During diving, the mask glass in some cases fogs up, which leads to significant inconvenience. There are several ways to prevent fogging: for example, you can wipe the upper area of ​​the glass with saliva and then rinse with water. This method helps to quickly get rid of fogging and get a full underwater view.

Once the dive is completed, be sure to process the mask fresh water . The mask must not for a long time remain in direct sunlight, as this leads to a violation of its characteristics. Take care of the glass, try to avoid contact of the mask with sharp or hard objects. It is best to store the mask and transport it in boxes made of plastic.

Pressure on the eardrums when diving

When diving with a mask, unpleasant situations can arise in the form of an increase in pressure in the ears. This is due to the pressure difference between water and air.. You can equalize the pressure in a simple way- To do this, you will need to blow out your ears by exhaling through your nose with your nostrils pinched. If the mask has a special protrusion for the nose, then blowing out the ears can be done very easily.

Slow exhalation through the nose into the space under the mask also allows you to stabilize the pressure on the eyes that occurs with increasing depth of immersion.

With fins on your feet, it is most convenient to enter the water backwards (ie, facing the shore). Try it - see for yourself. By the way, and getting out of the water, if you have fins on your feet, it is also better with your back forward.

Entering the water to the waist or to the chest, calmly lie down on the water, freely stretching your arms and legs or spreading them to the sides. Lower your face with the mask into the water and breathe through the breathing tube without raising your head. Try to relax your muscles, do not strain. Don't hold your breath. Try to breathe evenly and freely. Do not be alarmed if in the first minutes it seems to you that there is not enough air. This happens. Equipment has nothing to do with it.

Stand on the bottom with your feet, remove the mouthpiece from your mouth, take a break and start all over again. If it still doesn’t work, breathe through the tube, just standing in the water up to your waist, then lower your face into the water and continue to breathe.

After these preparatory exercises, things should definitely go smoothly and very soon you will be convinced that you are able to long time float on the surface of the water, like a float, without any muscular effort.

A set of sports diving equipment made you unsinkable. You are now lighter than water. The fact is that the body of a swimmer usually has a somewhat negative buoyancy, i.e., it weighs somewhat more than the volume of water displaced by it. In full accordance with the law of Archimedes, such a body must sink. Therefore, those who do not know how to swim in the water have a bad time. All this is so. However, as soon as a person, having inhaled more air, immerses his face in water, he immediately, regardless of the ability to swim, acquires the ability to lie freely at the surface of the water, and without the slightest physical effort. Now his body no longer sinks, but floats freely.

Reception this under various titles described in all swimming instruction manuals. It is widely used in the first lessons with future swimmers to inspire them with confidence in their own abilities, to remove fear of aquatic environment, show simplest way gain invincibility. But here's the problem: for obvious reasons, a person cannot stay in this position for a long time. And when a swimmer raises his head for the next breath, his buoyancy again becomes inexorably negative. Swimming with a breathing tube is another matter. This simplest device allows you to renew the air in your lungs without raising your head. Hence the possibility of maintaining positive buoyancy for a long time without any additional effort on the part of the swimmer.

Having learned to lie freely at the surface of the water, breathing through a tube, begin to swim a little. For this you have fins. Use them. Stretching your arms in front of you, make movements with straightened legs up and down, as when swimming in the crawl way, only less often and with greater amplitude.

Try not to splash your fins in the water. Make sure that the legs are straightened at the knees, and the movement is carried out with the whole leg, due to work in hip joint. With this swimming technique, the main load falls on the thigh muscles, which do not get tired so soon. At the same time, the legs should not be tense, and even relaxed in the ankle joints. Make sure that your body is in a horizontal position, lying freely in the water. Avoid excessive deflection in the lower back, because a long stay in this position is very tiring.

Swim along the shore, controlling the correctness of the implementation of the proposed recommendations and at the same time observing the life of the bottom that has opened before you. After you have mastered swimming well due to the work of the legs in fins, and this is the most important thing in underwater sports, start helping yourself with your hands. They row them in the same way as when swimming in the crawl on the chest.

It will take you from several minutes to several days to master such swimming in set No. 1. Here everything will depend on your swimming training, perseverance, determination and others. individual qualities. Of course, it may happen that not everything goes smoothly for you. Then be patient, double your attention and try to quickly get rid of the “saving” thought that you have come across a tube of too small diameter and a defective mask.

Very soon everything will be fine with the breath. The mask will take longer. But in the end, you will successfully cope with this, I assure you. Therefore, you should not be especially upset. It doesn’t work out - go ashore, have a good rest, warm up, remember once again what and how to do, and only then proceed to a new attempt. It doesn't work the first time - it will probably work on the tenth. Remember in a difficult moment that hundreds of thousands of underwater sports enthusiasts have successfully passed this way before you.

I remember my first timid steps in this field. Despite the fact that I was an experienced surge swimmer, mastered several methods of sports swimming and easily dived from end to end of a 25-meter swimming pool, the development of set No. 1 did not go very smoothly for me at first. Frankly, at times nothing worked at all. Neither experience in swimming nor familiarity with diving helped. I had a particularly bad time when I tried, imitating experienced athletes, to dive vertically into the depths. Every now and then, before I had yet fully submerged under the water, I convulsively tossed my head above the surface of the water, hastily snatched the mouthpiece of the breathing tube from my mouth, spit out the bitter-salty sea water and greedily inhaled the air. How tasty it was, this clean sea air! I didn't notice this before...

Finally got used to the breathing tube a little. Breathing improved. But then water began to penetrate under the mask. And where did she come from in such quantities? I had to turn for help and advice to an experienced scuba diver, since he was nearby. My mentor, having dived to his heart's content, sat on the beach, basking in the sun and watching, as he put it, the process of turning a good swimmer into a mediocre diver. It must be assumed that my first steps on this path looked quite comical from the outside, for he observed and commented on them with genuine interest.

After listening to my stream of complaints, Victor (that was the name of the scuba diver) first stunned me with the message that I had a full mask of water all the time. Then he ironically asked how I only now noticed this “detail”. And finally, turning to a businesslike tone, he advised me to carefully pick up the hair and the edge of the swimming cap, which fell under the edge of the mask on the forehead, and also slightly tighten the adjustment strap. The water from the undermask space disappeared ...

But here is a new problem: the window glass began to fog up intensely. It was all covered with the smallest droplets of water and became completely opaque. I immediately went blind. Now I could no longer see anything in the air, let alone in the water. I had to wash the glass sea ​​water, i.e. remove the mask, rinse and put it back on carefully. Visibility became excellent, but, unfortunately, not for long. Again, treacherous haze began to appear on the glass ...

I barely had time to cope with the troubles that swept over me and was close to despair. The desire grew stronger in me, having given up on all this wisdom, to return to the usual swimming and diving again without any equipment that causes so much trouble. I was already beginning to come up with an appropriate joking response to yet another ironically condoling remark from my mentor. Something like: born to swim - can't dive. And I was just about to, throwing away both the mask and the pipe, to stretch out next to him and the guys on the hot Crimean pebbles under the gentle sun, when suddenly, completely unexpectedly for me, everything began to work out.

The glass stopped fogging up. The mask was dry. From the mouthpiece of the breathing tube came regularly fresh air, and not half and half with water, as before. After that, apparently in compensation for the inconvenience experienced, the beauties of the underwater world opened up before me. Previously, I simply did not notice anything around me, being completely absorbed in a fierce struggle with recalcitrant equipment. Later it became clear to me that I was too hasty, deciding to immediately learn to dive into the depths, for which I was punished ...

How to choose a snorkeling mask

main function
The human eye is not able to clearly reproduce information about objects in a denser, from an optical point of view, medium, which is water. An air space is needed between the eye and the water.

The simplest device for this is swimming goggles. However, diving with glasses to a depth of more than 1-2 meters should not be. The pressure under the goggles at this depth becomes significantly less environment, and the glasses begin to work like suction cups. As a result - a mesh of hemorrhage in the eyes (and this is at best!).

Therefore, for swimming under water, it is necessary to use a mask that allows, by exhaling through the nose, to equalize the pressure in the space under the mask with the pressure of the environment. According to the generally accepted opinion, the mask is the main item in the equipment of a submariner.

Recall that according to the international codes of all underwater federations, swimming without a mask is a distress signal.

Mask elements
Any mask consists of a soft shell, a rigid rim, into which one or more portholes are inserted, and a mounting strap.

Most modern masks have a silicone body (however, rubber masks are still available).

Silicone is softer and more elastic than rubber (although inferior to it in strength), it is more durable and less susceptible to the damaging effects of water and sunlight. Silicone can be either black or transparent.

The choice here is a matter of taste. However, be aware that the transparent silicone housing increases the field of view, but may create slight reflections on the sight glass.

The rim is made of metal or impact-resistant plastic.

The porthole must be mechanically strong, not form fragments with sharp edges when broken, and withstand the chemical action of sea water. These requirements are met by some types of plastics (but they are expensive, so they are used mainly by professionals) and tempered glass. The porthole must be marked "TEMPERED" for glass and "SAFETY" for plastic.

The mask strap can be made of both rubber and silicone (the latter, of course, is preferable).

Mask selection

The choice of masks is wide. You can choose from numerous colors and shapes. The best masks offer maximum visibility with minimum undermask space.

The space bounded by the mask on one side and the diver's face on the other is called the mask space. This space is filled with air. Naturally, the larger it is, the greater the lifting force and the more difficult it is to keep the body horizontal or head down. Therefore, it is better to choose a mask with a small volume (about 200 mm3).

The wider the angle of view, the better. The angle of view depends on the size and shape of the porthole.

The hydrodynamic resistance depends on the size and shape of the mask. The smaller this value, the more comfortable the mask.

To blow your ears under water, you need to pinch your nose. When snorkelling, this can be done with one hand. If there is a mouthpiece in the mouth respiratory apparatus, then it is already difficult to do this procedure with one hand. This is where a mask with a separately made protrusion for the nose comes to the rescue.

This design allows you to blow through with one hand, in addition, this reduces the space under the mask and increases the field of view, due to the approach of the porthole to the eyes, and also reduces hydrodynamic resistance.

Masks are available with a convenient mechanism for quick adjustment of fastening straps and with swivel buckles.

This mechanism allows you to tighten or loosen the belt without removing the mask and quickly pick up optimal angle belt position.

To test the mask for tightness, you need to attach it to your face without a belt and take a light breath through your nose.

If the mask "sucks" and stays on the face, it means that its shape suits you.

By the way, if you wear a mustache or light unshaven, then you should either shave or put up with the slow but inevitable leakage of water under the mask. There is nothing terrible in this.

How to snorkel

(instructions for using the mask)
A. How to remove water from under the mask.

During swimming, water can enter the undermask space. This can be caused by hair caught under the flange of the mask, or if you laugh, talk, or yawn.

To remove water, tilt your head back, press upper part mask (if your mask is equipped with a valve, then there is no need to press the top edge) and exhale through the nose.

Water must be removed through the bottom flange of the mask. This procedure can be repeated up to complete removal water from under the mask.

When immersed in water, the mask glass may fog up. To prevent fogging, simply wipe inner part glass with saliva and rinse with water. This procedure reliably prevents fogging.

Rinse the mask with clean fresh water after diving. Try not to leave the mask in direct sunlight for a long time.

Protect the glass from contact with hard objects, and the body from excessive and prolonged deformation. For storage and transportation, it is better to use special plastic boxes.

B. Effect of water pressure on the mask when diving.

When diving, as a result of increased water pressure on the mask, you may experience discomfort.

This is due to the pressure difference between the outside and inside of the mask. You need to equalize these pressures by slowly exhaling through the nose into the mask.

C. Pressure on eardrums.

Another unpleasant result of increased pressure can be discomfort in your ears.

This is due to the difference in pressure on the eardrum of water on one side and air on the other.

To equalize these pressures, it is necessary to "blow out", i.e. pinch your nose with your fingers and exhale through your nose (it is very convenient to blow in a mask with a protrusion for the nose).
How to choose a breathing tube

At the time of purchase, choose the tube that is comfortable to use, fits you and offers minimal breathing resistance. To properly fit the breathing tube, place the mouthpiece in your mouth so that its flange is located between your lips and teeth. In this case, the tube itself should be near the left ear. Choose the position of the mouthpiece in your mouth that is most comfortable for you: the mouthpiece should be straight, not too loose, but not too tight, otherwise the jaw will get tired.

The breathing tubes are available with or without a drain valve.

Tubes with a drain valve at the bottom of the mouthpiece or on the side of the mouthpiece have a special unidirectional vent valve.
By design, it is a poppet-type non-return valve, which simplifies the process of cleaning the tube from water.
The principle of operation of the valve is very simple: when you float on the surface of the water, the valve is below the "waterline" of the tube, and according to the law of communicating vessels, water from the tube, pressing the valve plate from the seat, flows outward until its level in the tube is equal to the level of the water surface .

All you have to do is to blow out about a third of the original volume of water from the tube, which consumes much less energy than when cleaning a conventional tube without a drain valve.

Learn to swim with a snorkel and snorkel

Put on the mask correctly, taking into account all recommendations for its use. Insert the mouthpiece of the tube into your mouth while holding it.
Entering the water to the waist or to the chest, lie down calmly on the water, freely stretching your arms and legs or spreading them to the sides. Lower your face with the mask into the water and breathe through the breathing tube. Try to relax your muscles, do not strain. Don't hold your breath. Try to breathe evenly and freely. Do not be alarmed if for the first time it seems to you that there is not enough air. This happens. Equipment is irrelevant here.
Stand on the bottom with your feet, remove the mouthpiece from your mouth, take a break and start all over again. If it still doesn’t work, breathe through the tube, just standing in water up to your waist, then lower your face into the water and continue to breathe.
If water gets into the tube, blow it out sharply. The water will come out through the tube.
Swim along the coast. Control the correctness of the implementation of the recommendations proposed to you and at the same time observe the beauties of the underwater world that have opened before you.
It doesn’t work out, go ashore, have a good rest, warm up, remember again what and how to do, and only then proceed to a new attempt. It doesn't work the first time - it will probably work on the tenth. In a difficult moment, think about the fact that hundreds of thousands of lovers of the deep sea have successfully passed this path before you. Good luck!

The word "snorkeling" is popular. For those who are "not in the know", it evokes different emotions - from simple curiosity to associations with Moomin trolls (there were snorks in the novel by Tove Jansson). Perhaps we should finally figure out what kind of unknown beast it is.

What is snorkeling

The word "snorkeling" in Russian came from English, which, in turn, borrowed it from the Germans. In Germany, Schnorchel ("snorkel") means a breathing tube, in Britain Snorkeling ("snorkeling") - scuba diving. In Russia, it is permissible to say both snorkeling and snorkeling, which means this word is a type of diving along with special equipment that allows you to see the beauty of the underwater world and its inhabitants with your own eyes.

Depending on the depth of diving, there is such a subspecies of snorkeling as skin diving (going to great depths). Snorkeling itself does not involve a large-scale dive, it is enough to sit horizontally on the water and lower your head under the water. That is why snorkeling is considered accessible to people of different age groups and sport level.

Diving and snorkeling: what's the difference

The first question that arises when reading the definition of snorkeling is what is the difference between it and diving (from the English Diving - “dive”)? Everything is simple. As mentioned above, snorkeling does not require a deep dive from a person, the body can remain on the surface of the water, it will not hurt to see the world of underwater inhabitants. Diving just involves the maximum care under water. Snorkeling available at financial plan diving requires expensive equipment. Snorkeling does not limit the amateur of underwater observations in time, the duration of diving depends on the amount of air in the tank.

Another, perhaps, important difference between these two types of underwater research is that diving requires a license, while snorkeling is available just like that. This type of swimming, by the way, is not only a sport, but also entertainment - which cannot be said about diving. It also helps lifeguards work on the water. That's what snorkeling is!

What you need to know

Despite the fact that in general snorkeling is available to everyone, a person must have some basic knowledge and skills. Just like that, you can’t do snorkeling from the bay - after all, this is a rather risky project.

So, in order to try yourself in snorkeling, you need to be able to stay on the water well - this is the first and mandatory requirement. With insufficient confidence, a person can simply drown. Experts recommend that before you go snorkeling, practice staying on the water for at least fifteen minutes. Basic swimming skills on the stomach and back - too useful thing. It is also very important to learn how to use the breathing tube correctly in advance, otherwise there is a great danger of choking. You should be confident in your ability to hold your breath for more than a minute.

It is also extremely important to get used to the equipment for snorkeling in advance, get used to it and to yourself in it, learn to swim with all this equipment. Only after that you can proceed directly to training.

What you need for snorkeling

So, what is snorkeling - understandable. And what is needed in order to do it? Actually, not so much. There are only two mandatory attributes - an underwater snorkel mask and a breathing tube. Also, “spare” (not everyone, not always and not everywhere) elements are fins and a wetsuit or a life jacket.

Already experienced snorkelers (as those who practice this sport are called) can dive underwater without equipment, only in special swimming goggles. But for this you need to be confident in your abilities and the capabilities of the lungs. And, of course, such a dive does not provide for going to great depths.

How to choose the right mask

paramount, most important element snorkeling mask for swimming. The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing it is compliance with the size. This means that it should not leak. It is easy to check this: you need to attach the mask to your face, inhale strongly through your nose and stop holding the attribute. If the mask has fallen - the size is not the same, if it remains to "sit" on the face - it is what you need. You should choose a mask without valves - in this case, it will definitely not leak.

It is also recommended to choose this species equipment with one or two glasses, with the presence of a mask space and a guarantee of a good viewing angle. It is important to pay attention to the glasses: if they are marked T or S, it means that they are hardened and the mask is safe.

The silicone on the snorkel mask can be clear, colored or black. Everyone is free to choose to their liking, but you need to remember that best review will be with transparent silicone. At the same time, however, it glares more than others. Beginners are advised to stop at this option.

An important point: if the future snorkeler has vision problems, this will not become a hindrance. There are special masks for swimming, where glasses with diopters can be placed instead of ordinary glasses. This point needs to be clarified in advance.

Before putting on the mask for the first time, it must be processed - wiped from the inside so that it does not fog up in water. Available for sale special means for this, however, they cost money, so those who want to save money can get by with just their own saliva, and then rinse with water.

snorkel tube

A snorkeling snorkel is needed to stay underwater for as long as possible. It should be borne in mind that its length is usually no more than thirty to forty centimeters, that is, it does not imply deep diving. However, swimming with it on the surface is very easy and comfortable for breathing.

When choosing a snorkeling snorkel, you need to pay attention to the presence of a bottom valve - it makes it easier to clean the snorkel. It is also important to choose the correct diameter - the larger it is, the easier it is to breathe, but the more difficult it is to clear the attribute from water. It is recommended not to take tubes with a diameter of more than two and a half centimeters. The location of the mouthpiece is also important - it should fit freely in the mouth so that it does not need to be bitten, in addition, it should not be hard.

A swimming tube can fit even on the left, even on the right, but it should be remembered that it should not fit closer to the ears, but to the face. When choosing this type of equipment, you should try it on and understand whether the location is convenient. Breathing in a snorkel should be deep, measured and careful, otherwise there is a risk of water entering the lungs.

Fin selection

Fins are not a mandatory element, but with their help it is much easier to be under water. They allow you to maneuver and reduce the time and effort spent on diving and ascent, so beginner snorkelers, perhaps, cannot do without them.

When choosing fins, you should first of all pay attention to how comfortable they sit on the leg. They need to be worn on bare feet, they should be light, not too long, not hard and not tight. There are also fins with boots, when choosing this option, you need to look at whether the mount is comfortable or weak.

The best choice would be fins made of plastic and rubber - they are the lightest. But they are worn only at depth, and you will have to go barefoot to it, which is fraught with various dangers. Fins with boots can also be worn on the beach, but they are, of course, more expensive and heavier.

It is important to remember: if the dive takes place in a place where there is a lot of algae and various mud, fins can serve not as a help, but as a hindrance. Therefore, when snorkeling with fins, you should carefully choose the area of ​​your underwater observations.

The right wetsuit

A wetsuit or life jacket is not always needed. It is required only if the future snorkeler cannot stay on the water at all (however, in this case, you need to think twice before starting such a procedure at all). The material from which the wetsuit is made does not allow sinking and keeps the person on the surface. At the same time, diving in it is much more problematic than without it.

You also need this type of clothing for some temperature features. V cold water it is better to wear a long wetsuit made of neoprene. But made of lycra, it will protect from hot sun rays and make it easier to stay warm water. In the latter case, there is no need to wear a long suit at all - sets of T-shirts and breeches are sold.

You can also replace a wetsuit with a life jacket - of course, if diving is not expected. It will make your stay on the water more comfortable. In addition to it, you can purchase special armlets and bracelets for your legs. The vest, like a wetsuit, is easy to deflate and inflate.

Snorkeling technique

What is snorkeling and what is required for it is now clear. It remains to find out in more detail how exactly to start doing this fascinating business.

The first step is the mask. Then you need to attach a tube to it and adjust it in height. Fins are put on last (important: if a wetsuit is used, it is the first to put on it, even before the mask). You should enter the water in fins backwards, movements should be accurate, smooth - otherwise there will not be a single underwater inhabitant near the snorkeler and there will simply be no one to watch.

In the water you need to immediately relax as much as possible, lie down on the water and breathe deeply, evenly and calmly. The legs should not flounder in the water, they should be moved evenly, slowly and from the hip. Hands should be kept along the body, do not try to help the legs with them. Immersing your head in water, you need to take a deep breath, bite the mouthpiece of the pipe tightly, lower your head and exhale. Only when you feel tired, you should calm down and relax, while the mask should not be removed. Having emerged to the surface, it is imperative not to forget to blow the water out of the tube - for this you need to make two or three strong exhalations into the tube.

  1. After diving, all equipment used must be thoroughly rinsed in fresh water.
  2. The mask and snorkel must not be left exposed to direct sunlight.
  3. Use sunscreen before diving to avoid burning.
  4. In water, visibility is distorted by about twenty percent - everything seems closer than it actually is.
  5. Do not touch any of the underwater inhabitants.
  6. Before snorkeling, it is important to study the underwater terrain of the area and its inhabitants.
  7. Even with some experience, you should never dive alone - anything can happen. Before diving, be sure to tell someone about it.
  8. When diving with two (three / four, etc.) and wanting to talk, you should not take off and put on your equipment every time. It is enough to think over your signals for communication in advance.
  9. For underwater photography, there are inexpensive disposable devices.
  10. Sea water “holds” better, so it’s better to train for snorkeling right away in the sea than in the pool.
  11. It is recommended to carry out the first dives under the supervision of an experienced trainer.
  12. You should not start diving from a great depth, it is better to first master the area near the coast.
  13. Snorkeling is recommended in calm weather, without waves, with water and air temperatures around thirty degrees above zero.

Ideal spots for snorkeling

Where are the snorkeling beaches? At first glance, it would seem - on any sea coast. In principle, it is, but there are also the most popular places among snorkelers. One of them is the beaches of the Red Sea and, accordingly, the Egyptian resorts. In this country, snorkeling is best done in spring or autumn.

Snorkeling in Thailand is another popular destination. The Philippines, Dominican Republic, Vietnam are also great for these purposes. In Vietnam, the best time to snorkel is during the winter months, from November to April. Snorkeling is also popular in Tunisia and the Maldives. However, the islands are chosen mainly by professionals - the current is painfully turbulent there, beginners should not meddle in such places.

Our world, our nature is full of mysteries and wonders. We do not half know those amazing beauties that lurk in the bowels of our planet. Technologies modern life give a chance at least a little bit to touch these secrets. Therefore, snorkeling is an amazing opportunity to get one step closer to the beautiful earthly nature.

The underwater world beckons with beauty and mysteries. Snorkeling is an opportunity to look into this magical world of fish, coral and absolute blueness. This article will focus on snorkeling, where I will touch on both technical and psychological aspects. From it you will learn how to choose your snorkel and mask, whether you need fins and a wetsuit, where and when it is better to dive and how to do it in order to get the most out of it. I will also cover the issue of underwater photography and video filming.

If you are attracted by the desire to see rivers, lakes, seas and oceans from a non-standard angle, and not just lie on the shore under the sun - then this article is definitely for you, do not be too lazy to read, and you will know the beauty of snorkeling!


What is snorkeling

It is also called snorkeling and it's a real thrill, believe me! We are talking about swimming with a snorkel and a mask in the water, without diving. This allows you to snorkel from childhood, without special training.

At the same time, many beautiful and interesting inhabitants do not live deep, and the transparency of the water allows them to be viewed from the surface. With minimal effort, a swimmer can observe the underwater world for a long time, especially if the weather favors it.

Personally, I swam and snorkeled in early childhood in a puddle called the Sea of ​​Azov. Then it was forgotten, but in 2018, on the Red Sea in Sharm el-Sheikh, I discovered this activity again, from the other side. And not a bit sorry! Even near the shore I met such beautiful and bright inhabitants of the deep sea that I wanted to return and swim there again!

Equipment selection

For comfortable snorkeling you will need high-quality equipment. Without this, there is nowhere to go and the choice must be approached thoughtfully. As experience has shown, even a Chinese mask with a snorkel is difficult to find in Ukraine, not to mention something more decent. At the same time, the prices are huge, the quality is low ... However, you can find a way out.

How to choose a mask

I want to warn you right away from buying the most expensive or cheap equipment. So, a mask for $ 50 and more is not needed for a beginner. It will be a waste of money, like cheap plastic ones from China, which are sold in bulk at the Cherkizovsky market or in Egypt for 1-2 dollars per dozen.

Good masks start at $10 and up. AND common choice is to find a silicone mask (much better fits the face) with tempered glass(this is 99% of the masks on the market) that will sit well on the face.

Properly selected mask and snorkel is the key to successful snorkeling

It is with the fitting of the mask to the face that problems can arise. Thanks to the straps, it is adjustable for both an adult and a child, but different masks sit differently on different types of faces. Therefore, if possible, buy a mask in person, and not through the Internet. The only exception can be masks with diopters (for myopia), which you will not find during the day with fire, and enterprising Chinese offer options for 17-25 dollars.

When choosing a mask, you need to attach it tightly to your face, not putting it on your head, then inhale through your nose and release your hands. If the mask fits well, it will hold on to the vacuum. In this case, water will not get under it when worn correctly.

V Lately full-face masks have appeared, they can often be found on the Internet, both branded and cheap Chinese fakes. In my opinion, they are extremely inconvenient, and I do not recommend using them. Moreover, I have not seen a single professional who would give them preference.

How to choose a handset

Much easier with a tube. You can also choose via the Internet, and even easier - purchase complete with a mask.

Make sure the mouthpiece is silicone and fits your mouth. You should keep it in your mouth effortlessly, without biting your teeth.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to take care of the presence of a “float” on the upper tip of the tube, which will protect against water ingress by an accidental wave or splash.

How to choose fins

To begin with, it is worth deciding whether fins are needed at all. If you plan to go for a week at sea and in coastal strip swim 10 minutes a day - they will only interfere.

On the other hand, if you are a fan of snorkeling and will swim far or from a boat, then it is advisable to get fins. Fins add speed and maneuverability, creating the effect of a "motor" behind the back.

Prices for good fins start at $20 and up. We need fins of medium hardness, made of rubber or silicone in combination with plastic. You need to select on the spot, trying on the size of the foot. And pay attention to the fact that they do not fall off, but do not rub your legs, otherwise comfortable swimming with fins you can forget.

It is worth the fate that fins add inconvenience when entering the sea - you have to move back until you go deep enough to start swimming.

How to choose a wetsuit

If you plan to be in the water for a long time, it is advisable to buy or rent a wetsuit. This is a separate topic that can be discussed: there are different kinds and types of costumes.

I will try to briefly draw a conclusion from everything that I have studied. It is advisable to take one-piece, and in the summer - it is enough with a short sleeve (however, a long sleeve also protects against contact with jellyfish). It should be a "wet" wetsuit, 2 - 3 mm thick.

If the water is cool or cold (temperature below +15), then something serious will be required. Take with a long sleeve and a thickness of 6 - 8 mm.

You also need to buy a wetsuit in a store, measure and take only one that will fit well. If the suit begins to loosely fit the body, the effect will be lost and there will be no sense.

A wetsuit works on the principle that during a dive, water enters under it, and then circulates, heating the body and maintaining the temperature. Such suits are cheaper than dry or semi-dry (somehow I immediately wanted good wine ...).

Often a wetsuit or lycra suits are worn to avoid sunburn (which is easy). In such cases, you can not spend money on expensive suits, but buy a lycra sweatshirt (the so-called rashguards). They do not warm, but they will protect from burning, as well as from some jellyfish and corals. You can also use 120 den leggings.

How to learn to swim with a snorkel and a mask

Swimming with a mask is a pleasure. The fact is that the reason why people do not stay well on the water, in addition to panic (but this is for a psychologist), is tense neck muscles. As soon as you put on a mask and immerse your face under water, the neck muscles relax on their own and it becomes much easier to lie on the water.

First, put on your mask and snorkel correctly. Make sure that no hair gets under the silicone, as this will cause the mask to leak. In addition, keep in mind that under water you should at least strain your facial muscles (do not smile, do not grimace, etc.), as this will also lead to water penetration, which is unpleasant and painful (especially in salty waters).

Then go aground so that the water is waist-high, but no higher than your chest, so you can stand firmly on your feet at any time if you suddenly panic.

Inhale deeply, place the mouthpiece of the snorkel in your mouth and exhale sharply. Thus, clean the tube from water or sand, if it suddenly remains there. Then inhale again on a full chest and lie down horizontally on the water.

It is important to understand that water, especially salty water, will keep you going. lungs filled with air - akin to lifebuoy, will not let go to the bottom.

Relax as much as possible. Do not strain your neck, do not lower your ass. If the reservoir is not very salty, you will have to immediately start swimming.

Use the breaststroke - slightly move your feet up and down, like flippers, and spread your arms from your chest to your sides. This type of swimming creates a minimum of noise and splash, which scares away underwater inhabitants and does not require you to raise your head above the water.

Start with swims along the coast so that the depth does not take you by surprise. Make sure that there is a person nearby who can swim well.

Be carefull. Often, when we see an interesting fish, we begin to swim after it, forgetting about caution and depth.

Where is the best place to snorkel

Of course, it is better to snorkel where there is a beautiful underwater fauna (Red Sea, Virgin Islands USA, Palau, etc.) and high water density (Red, Mediterranean, Adriatic, Ionian Seas).

The high salt content on the last list is heaven for people who don't swim well. For example, I practically don’t know how to swim, but I calmly swam in the Red Sea, as if I had been swimming since birth. Moreover, to drown there - you need to try. I made an incredible effort just to dive, submerged completely under the water - water element put up the strongest resistance.

It is important to learn about the presence of undercurrents that you can not cope with, especially if you are not a good swimmer.

Also, read about dangerous fish and other inhabitants of this underwater area so that you do not come into contact with them when you meet while diving.

How to shoot underwater

For shooting under cotton, you can use different equipment. Let's quickly go through the main ways that I know.

  • Waterproof Camera - There are dozens of cameras on the market that claim to be waterproof. Usually they keep up to 10 meters underwater, which is quite enough for snorkeling, but the prices do not match the quality. Phones are better now.
  • Photo and video shooting on mobile phone in a waterproof case, which many indulge in Egypt. It's simple - we order an inexpensive phone case from the Chinese (2 - 4 dollars apiece), insert the phone into it and shoot underwater for instagram. The main thing is to make sure in advance of the reliability of a particular instance of the cover by putting a dry toilet paper and having tested without a phone. For amateur snorkeling is also enough. It remains only to choose the right phone for the trip.
  • Action cameras with aquabox great way. A good $100-$300 action camera, complete with a protective underwater case, shoots 4k video at 60 fps, thanks to which it is also possible to pull out beautiful still frames as photos (freeze frames from 1080p video in the post). Personally, I chose this option for myself by buying an inexpensive Chinese SJcam SJ7 for $170.
  • Photos and videos taken with a camera in an aquabox are a professional option. If you want to get the highest quality result, then you should purchase an aquabox for it. A branded protective box costs $ 1,000 or more, but this is a guarantee of water protection for expensive photographic equipment. But they sometimes give punctures, as a result of which the equipment fails.

Answers on questions

I saw a very interesting fish underwater. How can I find out what kind of dweller of the depths it is?

I also find it interesting to find information about what kind of animal I met under water. Unfortunately, like most of my readers, they are not oceanologists, and therefore I have to search on the Internet. Found on different sites great amount catalogs and classifiers of fish with illustrations, but I did not find a universal one for myself. To determine what kind of character I met, I use several resources at once and try to determine it visually.

Here are the sites:

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