Outdoor flower pots made from plastic bottles. DIY planter made from a plastic bottle

The idea of ​​creating a flower pot from a plastic bottle is not new. However, I have not yet seen this craft in this version. In fact, the container was originally intended for planting onions, which in the spring, while still in the refrigerator, begin to actively germinate.
Ordinary cups or boxes do little to decorate the windowsill, if not to say that they completely spoil it appearance. Last year, my household successfully planted onions in pots where flowers grew. The plants turned out to be quite friendly neighbors. The flowers did not react in any way to the appearance of the onions, and the uninvited guest, in turn, pleased the hostess with lush greenery.
This year, in order not to embarrass indoor flowers, I decided to make several flower pots from plastic bottles. Here is the result of one of the works.

For used:
- brown and white plastic bottle
- ready-made eyes for toys
- scissors
- pliers
- fire
- pink nail polish
- glue for plastic, glass or wooden parts.

First, cut the brown bottle in half to get a glass of the required height. Further from the top part with the neck, we cut out the lion cub's head in the form of an irregular oval. Initially, the shape of the bottle makes our head convex.
We cut the edges of the oval into thin strips up to 1 cm long. This is how we imitate animal fur. We bring the ends of the strips to the flame gas burner, matches or candles for a few seconds. The plastic melts and takes on slight bends. The base for the head of the craft is ready.

We return again to the top of the bottle with the neck and cut out the lion cub’s face in the form of a figure eight. This part also turns out to be convex. Traditionally, melt the edges of the muzzle over the flame of the burner.

We cut out rings from white plastic and make two strips from them. Then, using scissors, we thickly cut strips along the length, leaving approximately 0.5 cm intact from the opposite edge. We melt the parts over the fire and get a fluffy mustache.

Then we cut out a drop from the remains of white plastic and paint it in pink color. This is the language of an animal.

All that remains is to decorate the lion cub's tail. To do this, we bend half or even 2/3 of a brown ring cut from a plastic bottle in several places, and burn the tops of the bends with fire. Due to the deformation of the plastic, we get the curved line we need.

To decorate the tail tassel, you need to cut one side of the rectangular plastic into thin strips, then roll the rectangle into a tube and burn both ends of the “tassel” over the fire. The stripes will curl and become curly. Next, we will attach the tail itself to the rounded base of the brush.

On last stage putting the pieces together. First we glue the head of the lion cub, then the muzzle, and attach the mustache, nose and mouth to the muzzle. We glue the eyes above the cheeks, and the tail from the back.

Gardeners and hobbyists indoor plants You should definitely know how to make flower pots with your own hands. Tubs and pots will transform the interior and add a “zest” to each plant. In addition, homemade pots will help you save money and get rid of unnecessary items and materials.

Decorative pots provide great opportunities for creativity. They can be painted, decorated with decoupage, ribbons, fabric, accessories, made from different materials and give it the most unusual shape.

We do it ourselves

It’s not hard to think of what you can make pots out of.

Any material is suitable for flower pots, including waste material, which does not allow moisture to pass through and holds its shape well.

Undoubtedly, the most beautiful and comfortable pots are ceramic. If it is possible to make a pot on a pottery wheel, then you should confidently use it. Clay - optimal material for planting domestic and ornamental plants. It retains moisture and allows air to pass through, does not overheat and holds its shape well.

If it is not possible to make a pot yourself, then you can purchase a ready-made one and figure out what and how to decorate it. There are many ideas for decorating pots. It is not necessary to paint the pot with paints; you can use your imagination and come up with the most unusual “outfits” for it.

Thrifty gardeners can save money on a ceramic pot and make it from scrap materials. The simplest pots and tubs are made from plastic bottles. It is enough just to cut off the top part, add soil and start planting the plant. However, you can get a little creative and make elegant flower pots from such an unattractive material as plastic.

For making two versions of pots will be needed following materials and tools:

  • 1.5-2 liter bottle;
  • CD;
  • glue gun;
  • stationery knife;
  • marker;
  • hole puncher;
  • spray paint.


  1. Draw a wavy line in a circle approximately in the middle of the bottle (you can have a straight line) and carefully cut the bottle into two parts along it (you get two blanks for pots);

  1. Glue the part with the neck to the middle of the disk (before screwing the lid tightly);

  1. When the glue sets, turn the workpiece over and drip a little glue along the edges for stability;

  1. Use a hole punch to make holes along the wavy edges;
  1. Spray paint the resulting pots and wait until completely dry.

The pots are ready! You can plant plants.

To ensure that the edges of the cut bottle are even and smooth, they can be trimmed with a soldering iron. You can also use a soldering iron to give the edges an original shape.

Hanging pots are also easy to make from bottles. The most simple model suspended from both sides - by the bottom and neck. One side of the bottle must be cut lengthwise, and two through holes must be made on the sides with an awl or soldering iron so that the pot-bottle can be hung.

Plants can be planted directly in such pots, or they can be used as flowerpots. If desired, paint the outside of the bottles with acrylic paint.

More interesting models- cats. To make them you will need:

  • bottles with embossed bottom;
  • marker;
  • spray paint;
  • stationery knife;
  • soldering iron or awl;
  • ropes or pieces of strong fishing line (4 pcs.);
  • sample.
  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle;
  1. Draw ears by hand or using a template and cut them out;

  1. Paint the workpiece from a spray can and wait until it dries completely;

  1. Make a muzzle with a marker: draw eyes, ears, mustache, nose;
  1. To hang the pot, you need to make holes on four sides and thread ropes or fishing lines into them.

Ready! You can plant a plant.

Instead of cats, you can make other animals, for example, a bunny or a bear.

Original pots are easily made using tin cans and clothespins. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Peel off the label and wash tin can, dry;

  1. Attach ordinary wooden clothespins tightly to each other to the wall of the jar.

The result was a small pot, reminiscent of a traditional tub. If desired, you can paint the clothespins with acrylic paints, and so that they retain their original appearance longer, coat them with varnish.

Eco-friendly pots and vases can be made from wood. They will decorate both the apartment and Vacation home. Tree - cheap material, easy to process. However, it is worth remembering that when making wooden pot The hygroscopicity of wood should be taken into account. To prevent the tub from starting to rot or deteriorate from moisture, it must be treated in a special way - soaked in moisture-protective agents, covered with stain, varnish or other means.

The easiest way is to assemble a pot from ready-made wooden beams, securing them with glue or nails.

Unusual street wooden tubs and flowerpots for summer cottage can be made directly from a piece of log. To do this you need:

  • a log or stump of sufficiently large diameter;
  • drill with a drill length of up to 25 cm and a diameter of 20 mm;
  • chisel;
  • file and sandpaper for smoothing the walls of the pot;
  • impregnation for wood against moisture and decay;
  • polyethylene.

What to do:

  1. Cut the selected log, making it the desired height (usually ground flowerpots are made from 40 cm);

  1. Using a drill, destroy the core of the log: make several holes in a circle at equal distances from the walls, and then make holes in the middle;
  1. Using a chisel, remove the middle of the log and level the walls;

  1. Impregnate the wood from the inside with moisture-proofing agents, lay down polyethylene and begin planting plants.

You can also use a log pot as a flowerpot: place a plastic or ceramic pot with a plant in it.

A few ideas on what else can be adapted for flower pot, you can see in the photo:

Video on the topic of the article

Below is a thematic selection of videos with master classes.

If you want to plant your flowers in a beautiful decorative pot, but there is no suitable container on sale, you can make a flowerpot from plastic bottle. A homemade container can be stylized as bronze, gold or any other metal.

To make an original flower pot you will need:

  • volume 5 l;
  • several old newspapers;
  • napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • dye.

You will need to use scissors, a soldering iron and paint brushes. To make the base it is used glue gun. You can make a pot in a few hours. The finished product is varnished to give the pot a “metallic shine.”

Preparing a plastic container

To make a pot, cut plastic container in half. Cut off the bottom of the bottle. It will serve as a stand for a flowerpot. In the center of the base you need to cut a hole for the neck of the bottle. Its second half is the main part of the pot.

In the cap of a five-liter bottle, cut several drainage holes to drain water. Without them root system the plants will rot. The stand for the pot and its main part need to be fastened liquid nails or glue using a glue gun.

Preparing decorations for a flower pot

To decorate the pot, you need to make decorations from newspapers. To do this, roll up several tubes of newsprint. Then make six “snails” from the tubes. Make flower petals out of five, and use the sixth “snail” as its middle.

When all the decorations are ready, you can start decorating plastic base pot. It is covered with newspaper paper. Then another layer of PVA is applied to the newspaper to glue the napkins to the paper. Use a brush to wrinkle them a little. This gives the flowerpot texture. Then the pot is decorated with a flower made from newspaper tubes.

Painting the pot

When the glue dries, you can paint the pot any color you like. To style the pot as bronze, it is painted black with splashes of purple and bronze paint. The flower pot can be varnished to make the flowerpot look stylish.

After the paint has dried, such a pot is filled with fertile soil mixture and plants are planted in it. In such original flowerpot Any indoor flower will look great.

Flower pots are a favorite handicraft theme. In this case, improvised raw materials are often used. Take, for example, a plastic bottle: it can become the basis for the most unexpected creative ideas. Let's look at the technique of turning a flower pot from a plastic bottle and note the main features of such products.

Features of homemade models

Pots made from plastic bottles have many advantages. There is no need to buy them, spending large sums of money. family budget. These products are lightweight, they are not afraid of temperature changes and can serve the grown plants for a long time. Considering that they do not crack and are not afraid of mechanical damage, Such pots can be placed on the floor, where there is a risk of accidental contact.

It is worth noting the nuance that pots made from plastic bottles can be very diverse. Selecting for their manufacture various materials and decor, you can make them to suit different interior styles or even landscapes. Plastic bottles can be painted, they are not problematic when working with glue, they allow the decoupage technique and cutting the working surface in any place.

In addition, drainage holes can be made in them to ensure the drainage of excess water.

The resistance of plastic to water is amazing: it takes more than 100–200 years to decompose. There is no need to be afraid that such pots will be destroyed under the influence of moisture and constant dampness. If the craftsman has the skills to melt plastic, he will be able to decorate the pots with the melted material, giving it the shape of, for example, a multi-layered flower. By using colored bottles, beads and wire for this, you can get a product with the illusion of airiness, which is not inferior in filigree work to analogues made from the finest textiles.

For such pots you can create similar plastic trays. Also, pots made from plastic bottles can be used with regular pallets. From this raw material you can also make group potted compositions for decorating the landscape or small home greenhouses. Such pots can be used as independent interior elements or internal containers, decorating the top with flowerpots made of various materials.


To work, in addition to the plastic bottles themselves, you may need various raw materials. These can be acrylic paints and transparent acrylic lacquer, permanent markers, twine, satin ribbons, buttons, beads, seeds. In addition, textile scraps and knitted fabric can be used in the work. The type of material that will be preferred will depend on the features of the style, to emphasize which it is planned to make a flower pot.

In addition to decorative elements, you will have to use a knife or scissors. The decoupage technique requires special three-layer napkins for decoupage with a beautiful pattern. In addition, you will also need a brush to level the napkin layer and remove air bubbles. If the technology requires it, use a soldering iron and a glue gun when working.

Making holes

Holes for water drainage can be made different ways, which depends on the type of plastic of the bottle itself. If the thickness is large, you can drill holes with a screwdriver or drill. When it is thin, it is enough to heat up a screwdriver or a thick awl and, until the tool has cooled down, pierce the bottom of the future pot with it. It is difficult to make holes with a soldering iron, since they will turn out to be large, however, some craftsmen have found an alternative to it in the form of dowels.

Other craftswomen use old knitting needles, heating them and piercing thin plastic.

How to do it?

The options for making a flower pot from a plastic bottle are varied. For example, if you have artistic skills, you can paint a cut piece to look like a bee or a May beetle. Such a product can become a decoration for a summer cottage or veranda. If you need something very simple, you can put wicker or knitted covers on the cut bottles and draw funny faces on them.

If you want something more sophisticated, you can do the following. Take a transparent bottle, cut it into 3 parts, removing the one in the middle. The lower part will become the base and at the same time a pallet, the upper part will serve as the main container with soil. The edges of the upper part are cut off with scallops, after which they are melted using a soldering iron. The sharp edge of the lower part is refined with a soldering iron.

Next, take blue paint and paint the top part with it, leaving the neck transparent. The edges are folded back, forming a kind of flower. The lower part is decorated using special markers or acrylic paints and brushes.

In the second case, dyes are used water based, which after drying become resistant to moisture.

You can draw anything on the lower part, from flowers to monograms and lace. After the paints have dried, you can pour soil into the working container and plant a plant. To prevent the soil from spilling out, initial stage manufacturing, you can plug the bottom and make holes in it for drainage. You can use a hot awl or knitting needle for this.

Using an approximate diagram, you can make such a funny pot with your own hands. Take a small plastic bottle and cut it in half with scissors. Upper part decorate with a funny face using improvised decorative elements(you can buy eyes for soft toys, draw a mouth on paper and cover it with tape on top).

Need to do in a traffic jam drainage hole, into which you then need to insert a rolled-up piece of fabric. The flap is secured with glue and then cut from the bottom, making a kind of wick through which water can flow down or, conversely, rise to the roots of the planted plant. After this, close the lid, pour soil into the top container and plant the flower. The upper container is then inserted into the lower one.

Using this principle, you can make a flower pot from a five-liter bottle. If you want something different, you can resort to using cement mortar and old towels. In this case, pallets should be made of the same material so that ready product it looked holistic and organic. To create a unique shape, you need to soak old towels in the cement paste, then turn the bottle over with the neck cut off and put these towels on it, forming folds and draperies.

After drying, the product must be turned over and painted with gold or bronze paint. In this case, the holes must be drilled extremely carefully. You can simply wrap a bottle with a cut off neck and drilled holes in textiles, tying it with a beautiful ribbon. You can then secure the fabric by spraying clear varnish.

When the winter cold forces us to sit at home and wrap ourselves in blankets, we really want to add a little color to our lives. And since nature forces us to spend more and more time at home, let's do something interesting and useful. For example, let's make flower pots from plastic bottles. It’s not that difficult, and even more so with our ideas.

Beauty made of plastic

Empty plastic bottles often give us trouble because we don’t want to throw them away and clutter up the space. Therefore, in order to save environment from excess plastic, reuse it. Choose one of the proposed ideas and implement it!


Photo source:

These are so beautiful hanging pots can be done if you use the decoupage technique on cut bottles. Choose a color and design style that matches the shades of your interior, thread the ropes and place it in a visible place!

funny animals

Photo source:

To decorate a nursery, you can use these pots with images of funny animals. Make a template out of paper, then mark the bottle and cut it. Now cover with white acrylic, and then trust the kids to paint the faces as they want. The children will be delighted!