Successful leaders. A successful leader: what is he like?

Your career growth, authority, and the number of people who support you depend on how you succeed. And, importantly, the number of people who have a negative attitude towards you decreases. To dream that they will not exist at all is, at least, naive. There are many obstacles along the career path. Some of them are of an objective nature, and it seems extremely difficult to overcome them. It is entirely within your power to cope with others. Let's list at least some of them.

If you are an uncommunicative and closed person, you will have a hard time. Develop your communication skills, become an extrovert, stop focusing only on yourself and your work, see how beautiful the world is, and share your discoveries with others. You will be surprised how much easier and freer it will become for you to communicate with your colleagues and, first of all, with your boss.

It is not uncommon for an excellent technical worker to transition to a managerial position and turn out to be an ineffective boss. To avoid this, cultivate the qualities of a leader in yourself. Experience shows that if you can organize three people to efficient work, then you can handle thirty without difficulty.

People often tend to overestimate the level of their abilities, including their ability to manage other people. Try to objectively evaluate yourself so that there are no annoying mistakes in the future. Learn to manage, because you yourself chose this path.

But first, let’s define who a leader is, what types of leaders and methods of leadership exist, what qualities should a leader have?

The essence of a leader’s activity is organizational work. It is the leader who directs and coordinates the activities of the performers. In turn, the performers are obliged to obey him and follow all his instructions. However, sometimes the manager himself becomes an executive, but only in order to delve deeper into the specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

By organizing the work of his employees, the manager is engaged in creative work, and the higher it is official position, the more creative his approach to leadership becomes. And scientific and technological progress encourages the constant improvement of leadership skills.

However, organizing the work of a department is only one aspect of management. The manager is also obliged to direct the work of employees, promote their further development and even influence their behavior, including non-work behavior. For this, professional training alone is not enough. Requires the ability to work with people, pedagogical and psychological knowledge.

Basically, a manager deals with the following issues: he formulates tasks, plans work, controls the quality of its execution, evaluates the results of activities, motivates certain decisions (his own or those of management) and inspires his subordinates by personal example. Performing these functions often requires considerable effort, because they often conflict with each other.

As you move up the career ladder, the following trends occur:

* it is the boss who concentrates everything in his hands more features decisive power and strength, so the decision must ultimately be more and more balanced;

* informal, personal contacts with each new step career growth will be steadily narrowed, and the need for communication will have to be satisfied, sad as it may sound, within one’s own circle. The need to control your contacts and your behavior will only increase;

* you need to be prepared for the fact that with the transition to a leadership position, the attitude towards the leader of the former team will change: contacts will gradually become more formal or even break off completely, and attempts to remain “one of our own” in the team will be contradictory job responsibilities and the interests of the organization;

* controversial issues between employees or employees and management are resolved by the manager, and you also need to get used to the role of an arbitrator;

* the leader is always in sight, always in the zone of increased attention of others. Now you will have to monitor your appearance and behavior more carefully.

All people are different. There cannot be identical leaders, just as there cannot be identical people in general. Despite all the universal rules and requirements, managers differ in leadership styles, characters, professional qualities, approach to people. Each manager has his own unique leadership style. However, it is still possible to derive some patterns that will allow us to somehow classify these styles. One of such classifications is the classification of D. Casey. He divides leaders into four broad categories.

To the first, D. Casey includes leaders who can safely be called bureaucrats. These are formalists who do not like innovation and risk, preferring old, proven paths, trying to follow the letter and not the spirit of the law (instructions, directions). Such a leader is reliable, he is quite attentive to trifles and details, but in order for the enterprise to develop successfully under his leadership, he requires more flexible and agile employees. Those careerists who end up with such a leader should take into account that sometimes a promising subordinate is presented as a trial figure. That is, in order not to take risks himself, the boss entrusts the solution of sensitive issues to the one who is eager to prove himself. In case of failure, the figure surrenders instead of the cautious leader.

The other type is the exact opposite of the first. He is a fast and flexible leader, he does not like to get carried away with trifles, often takes risks and does not get lost in unusual situations. However, in order to smooth out shortcomings in working with details and in planning, such a leader requires deputies who are prone to precise and consistent activities.

The third type of leader tends to look far into the future, develop long-term plans, often not paying attention to everyday manufacturing process. The concerns of his subordinates occupy him little, as do the pressing problems of production. These issues seem petty and uninteresting to him compared to the plans and projects on which he works hard without rest or deadline. However, if such a leader does not learn to listen to the opinions of other people and take into account their interests, it is unlikely that his best and most detailed plans will come true.

And finally, the fourth type is simply mirror reflection previous one. If the third type of leader devotes his strength for the benefit of abstract progress, then the fourth - for the benefit of a specific person. At least for the good in his understanding. He devotes himself entirely to working with people, imbued with their problems, their interests. He is very friendly, does not like to conflict, and can put the interests of a particular person above the interests of the company. Often such a manager cannot refuse help to his employees, even where he is really unable to provide it. Such a leader can easily “burn out” and have a heart attack if he does not become more clearly aware of his responsibilities and stops taking on other people’s responsibilities.

This division is, of course, very arbitrary. It is hardly possible to find a “pure” type of leader. Rather, every leader has something of the first type, something of the second, with a predominance, for example, of the third.

Aerobatics is when a leader knows when to be an innovator and when to strictly follow the instructions to the letter. He knows how to be both a tyrant and a father. This is the art of leadership.

However, a clearer division has also been developed, which determines the place of the manager in the management hierarchy. There are only three types of management in this hierarchy: top, middle and lower management. They differ from each other not only in the amount of powers concentrated in the same hands, but also in their responsibilities, contacts, and means of activity.

Manager's work senior management the most difficult: you will have to work a lot, the working day is not standardized by anyone and actually lasts 24 hours a day. There is no one to ask for advice and nowhere to look for instructions. Complete independence, which does not at all imply complete freedom of action.

A senior manager has many contacts, and they are very diverse. So, if contacts with subordinates take the form of various instructions, directives and instructions, then contacts with managers of other levels and of their own rank are of a personal nature: planning meetings, meetings, meetings. While such personal meetings take place regularly, receiving visitors or business contacts with representatives of other organizations are sporadic.

What exactly does a senior manager do? The development of the main or, as they used to say, the general line.

The role of a senior executive is so complex that it is almost impossible for one person to perform it. To do this, he must be a politician, a public figure, a psychologist, an economist, and a diplomat - all rolled into one. In nature, such individuals are extremely rare, therefore, in many commercial enterprises, where a board of directors is at the head, it is customary to make decisions collectively, and the role of the manager is to lead the decision-making process.

But within the Russian administrative system, it is difficult to say unambiguously whether this practice actually reflects collegial decision-making. All decisions are coordinated with the highest echelons of power, since in our country administrative and political power have grown together like Siamese twins.

Middle managers are faced with narrower tasks, which mainly involve the development and preparation of specific orders that ensure the advancement of the general line. They issue general instructions, prepare explanations, distribute them to lower authorities guidelines according to orders and monitoring their execution on the ground.

The lower link is administrators who convey instructions to performers in the form of specific orders and control their implementation.

So, in the sphere of management there is also a division of labor. Some leaders are responsible for making major, global decisions, while others fill them with vital content.

It remains only to touch upon some of the subtleties of the leadership process, without which the conversation about leadership styles would be incomplete. In addition to the official responsibilities, which can be inquired about in the contract, the manager also has unofficial responsibilities, which may not be legally established, but in most cases are taken for granted. These are obligations to treat your subordinates with respect, to help them not only with advice, but also with deeds, to take care of their health, material and physical well-being, and to maintain good relationships in the team.

Naturally, the boss’s selection of favorites has a sharply negative impact on the atmosphere within the team. Such phenomena must be avoided. However, there is a simple way to control yourself if you are a boss: just imagine yourself in the place of your subordinate. Could you long time work under your own subordination? No? This is a reason to think about your leadership style.

Not only the subordinate depends on the leader, but also the leader on the subordinate. Ultimately, they do one thing - they care about the prosperity of the company. If the manager has no desire to delve into the problems of his employees, then it is unlikely that the employees will have the desire to work well. And in general, an attentive attitude towards people is vital for a leader, because he also depends on his colleagues, partners, and superiors, whose loyalty means a lot.

Few ordinary workers do not dream of becoming a manager. Wouldn't someone be happy at the prospect of being a boss, handing out tasks to subordinates, pointing out their mistakes and enjoying their new position?

However, as you know, a new position of responsibility means not only unlimited power, but also new responsibilities, greater responsibility and the need for constant monitoring of the work of the team.

How to learn to lead correctly? How to find an approach to each employee so that the atmosphere in the team is calm and harmonious, and everyone listens to your opinion without exception? Below we will talk about ten golden rules on how to become a successful leader?

One of the negative traits of many managers is the inability to clearly formulate and convey a task to a subordinate. When a manager does not know what he wants, then, most likely, it is unclear what he will get as a result, unleashing his anger on a bad employee, in his opinion.

Clearly defined goals, as well as the order in which tasks are completed, will significantly facilitate communication between the boss and subordinates and speed up the process of completing work.

Scold only in private

If a person has not coped with the task, then under no circumstances should you reprimand him at a general meeting or in front of other subordinates. This move can significantly ruin your relationship with him and offend the person. Be sure to express all your complaints to him, but face to face. In addition, this will allow you not to make an enemy in the team.


Most managers very generously scold their subordinates for misconduct and poor quality work, while at the same time forgetting to praise them for good results. Meanwhile, we all know that praise is usually a better incentive than blame, and makes a person do his job much better. If there is something for it, be sure to praise your employees and you will see how their attitude towards you and their work will change.

Friendly atmosphere in the team

The manager sets the tone for the development of relationships between employees. You will definitely achieve success if you create a warm and friendly atmosphere in your team, in which there is no room for squabbles and intrigues. In addition, employees will be very happy if you hold scheduled weekly meetings with coffee and cookies or pizza.

Teach employees to independently monitor their work process

First, set a rule: every day at the end of the working day, each employee of the company must make a short report of his work, so that both he and you can understand what he did that day. You shouldn't force people to write tons of explanations. A verbal answer will be sufficient. Soon this will become a habit, and work will be more productive.

Clear organization of the work process

Your subordinates should know that with a boss like you, they need to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Let them know that you intend to control all stages of the work, and if there are any problems, you are ready to help.

Keep calm

There is nothing worse at work than hysterics and shouting from a manager at his subordinates. Often it is not entirely justified, and in almost 100% of cases it is absolutely unnecessary. Everything can be settled through calm dialogue. This will help save a good relationship with people and find out the situation correctly.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility for the failures or mistakes of your subordinates

In the end, it was you who controlled how the work was done, and since you could not monitor the quality, then you need to be held accountable for it. You will significantly add points to yourself in the eyes of your subordinates if, during a conversation with your superiors, you take full responsibility upon yourself, and later, at a meeting with your team, you work on your mistakes. Nobody likes people who shout about their importance, and when it comes time to be responsible for work, they hide behind the backs of the workers.

Be an example for others

When a person sees in a boss not only a leader, but also an intelligent, developed, charismatic person, he is doubly pleased to work with him. It is very important that authority is earned not only through position, but also through personal qualities. When employees are proud of their boss, they will try to do better work.


Do not allow yourself to be addressed in a familiar manner at work. You are a leader, period!

Constantly improve

If you really want to become a successful leader, you must constantly develop as a person, improve your leadership skills, you must become a team leader who takes responsibility for productivity and successful work their subordinates.

Be sure to read business books, books for managers, books on the psychology of relationships - a manager is also a psychologist who knows how to find the right approach to his subordinates, knows how to properly motivate his employees, create a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Below are courses and trainings for managers:


  1. Secrets of motivation. 15 ways to retain a valuable employee. Go.
  2. Three tools for targeted motivation. Go.

Personnel Management

  1. Secrets of personnel management in a large company. Go.
  2. How to manage staff engagement. Go.
  3. Development of company personnel with minimal costs. Go.
  4. Creation of an effective management team. Go.

For managers

  1. Maximum managerial effectiveness. Go.
  2. Leadership skills 3.0. Go.


  1. Innovation leadership. Go.
  2. Vertical development of leaders. Go.

Vision of negotiations

  1. Verbal Aikido. How to use your opponent's power in negotiations. Go.
  2. How to conduct constructive negotiations: strategy and analysis of mistakes. Go.
  3. Games and scenarios for tough negotiations in sales. Go.
  4. Effective commercial negotiation skills. Go.
  5. The art of negotiation. How to get the most out of your opponent? Go.

Email correspondence

  1. Business email correspondence: rules of the game. Go.
  2. Problem correspondence from A to Z. Go.

Becoming a successful leader is not easy, however, by listening to some advice and your team, you can find an approach to each employee.

What do you think, what skills, knowledge and personal qualities What kind of character should a successful leader have? Share your opinion, and perhaps experience, in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to become a good leader who is loved, appreciated and respected by his subordinates. You will learn what qualities a person holding a leadership position should have. What are the differences between female managers and male directors? What mistakes should be avoided?

Why be a good leader

Supervisor is an effective manager. It is on his ability to establish the production process and find an approach to the team that the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the company, department, etc. depend.

The concept of a “good” or “bad” boss is highly subjective. After all, you cannot find an ideal person who everyone will like. Nevertheless, the leader should be respected, appreciated and a little feared by his subordinates.

Many directors or bosses who have just taken a leadership position behave “incorrectly” and this affects the atmosphere of the team, which entails a decrease in the efficiency of each employee.

To make it clear what we are talking about, Let's consider the following example.

3 days ago, a department of the company was headed by a new boss. He is quite young and came to this position from another company. As a specialist, he does not know much, but nevertheless does not want to study and learn something new. He's the Boss. Therefore, he behaves arrogantly, shifts part of his work to others and is incompetent in many matters. He considers himself an excellent leader, because he thinks that people fear and respect him.

In fact, the staff does not like him, does not value him, does not respect him and considers him an arrogant upstart. Looking at the boss, employees lose enthusiasm, and the performance of the department gradually falls. This is because everyone works on their own.

Team is a union of people who work to achieve one goal. It can be compared to a watch mechanism, where each gear is important in its own way. And the boss is the treasured key who starts the mechanism and knows how to get it working.

If you want to improve the quality of work of a department or company, earn the respect of colleagues and subordinates, then move on career ladder, then you definitely need to become a good leader. And now we’ll tell you how to do this.

Who can be a leader

In fact, good leaders are not born, they are made. At any age, a person can feel the strength of a leader. According to statistics, 4 out of 10 bosses become good leaders. This indicator is not affected by either gender or age. An excellent director can be either a young, purposeful university graduate or an elderly man with a wealth of experience.

Who is better man or woman

Nowadays, both men and women can become leaders. Women directors are tacticians, while men are strategists. It is more difficult for representatives of the fair sex to gain the authority of the team. You will have to prove your professionalism, especially if most of male employees.

Men are more stress-resistant. They are not so quick to go to extremes. Nevertheless, women are more attentive to their subordinates.

To clearly answer the question “Who is better?” It’s impossible, because it all depends on the person and his character. Therefore, women and men equally can and should fight for the title “Good Leader”.

Qualities of an ideal boss

In order to become a first-class leader, you need to realistically evaluate your positive and negative aspects of character. All people are not perfect, but people who occupy leadership positions must be able to suppress the negative aspects of their character and develop good traits.

So, let's look at what an ideal director should be like:

  • Smart;
  • Master the basics;
  • Responsible;
  • Punctual;
  • Psychologically stable;
  • Human;
  • Compulsory;
  • Punctual;
  • Be able to cope with your fears;
  • Don't be afraid to take risks;
  • Active;
  • Trainable;
  • Not lazy;
  • Peaceful;
  • Friendly;
  • Not stupid;
  • Not melancholic, etc.

Mistakes Most Leaders Make

Not every boss can be elevated to the rank of a good leader. All because they make a number of mistakes that discredit them in the eyes of their subordinates.

Let's look at the most common mistakes:

  1. Lack of desire to exert yourself. Some managers, as soon as they take their position, think that they have climbed to the top of the mountain and now they can relax and do nothing, thereby shifting part of their work to their subordinates. In fact, you need to clearly understand that the higher the position, the more you will have to work. Subordinates can help you in the first days, but you must do your work yourself.
  2. Failure to value employees. Every employee who does their job well deserves minimal encouragement (at least verbal).
  3. Inability to organize work. The manager must thoroughly know the entire production process. Very often, due to the fact that the boss does not understand all stages of production and does not know who is responsible for what, any troubles are attributed to the unprofessionalism of the team.
  4. Lack of desire to improve or learn something new. Very often, managers who have held positions for many, many years believe that they know everything and do not strive to learn and learn something new. But life and technology do not stand still. AND modern man must improve, especially the leader.
  5. Assignment of other people's merits. Let's look at this error with an example. IN scientific laboratory There is a talented employee who has made some discovery. Instead of talking about the achievement of his employee, the head of the laboratory tells everyone that “THEY” did it. Such a boss believes that this discovery is his personal merit, because he is a great worker if, under his leadership, the employee has reached such heights.
  6. Showing rudeness and disrespect for the team. Sometimes managers don’t think about the need to control their emotions and take it out on their subordinates for any reason. Of course, there are different moments, and you really want to let off steam. But you need to learn to restrain yourself, because ordinary workers, most often, have nothing to do with your bad mood.
  7. Insecurity of your employees. If a director puts his own interests above others, then he never defends his team anywhere. He doesn't understand controversial situations and does not look for the culprit. It is easier for him to punish people (impose a fine, reprimand, etc.) than to figure out who is right and who is wrong.

This is not the entire list of mistakes made by managers. In any case, you need to remember that subordinates are people for whom you bear a certain responsibility, and their professional failures are the failures of a manager who was unable to establish the production process.

Basic rules of a good leader

One of the founders of management, Peter Drucker, claims that in order to become a good leader, you need to use the following 5 rules under any circumstances.

Rule 1. Learn to manage your time.

Rule 2. Pay attention Special attention the end result, not the production process. Intervene less in the work of your employees. Explain to them that everyone is performing a very important process and is responsible for it. Make every employee feel like they are a little boss.

Rule 3. Use and develop strengths and positive qualities of yourself and your employees.

Rule 4. Always set the right priorities, bypassing unimportant tasks.

Rule 5. Make effective decisions.

Tips for those who want to become a first-class leader

Analyzing the activities of many successful managers, we have compiled recommendations that will help each boss earn authority in the team.

  • Behave “the right way” from your first day as a manager.
  • Get to know the team well. Immediately after taking office, familiarize yourself with all the personal files of your employees. Try to remember their names. This way, your subordinates will see that they are not just for you. work force, and first of all people.
  • Always be honest and keep your promises.
  • Discuss the production process in your team more often, let your subordinates express themselves, ask them to take the initiative.
  • Don't be arrogant, but be a little simpler. After all, the same people work in the team, only one rank lower than you.
  • Don't scold employees in public. It’s better to reprimand a careless employee in your office.
  • Praise and encourage staff to general meetings. You will provide incentive to others.
  • Don't sit idle. A good leader always has a lot to do. Bad directors shift part of their work to subordinates, and then suffer from idleness.
  • Don't be afraid to lose your position and let talented employees develop.
  • Control your emotions.
  • Rate yourself by your worst employee. After all, part of the blame for his failures lies with you. Perhaps you did not motivate him or assigned him a task that was too difficult.
  • Don't be sorry Money on material incentives personnel. If people do not have an incentive (for example, in the form of bonuses for the highest performance), then they will work half-heartedly and half-heartedly. Remember what average salary Average employees work.
  • Learn to resolve any domestic disputes. Do not stand by if a conflict arises in the team. Try to understand the current situation and help resolve it peacefully.
  • Demand discipline. Use discipline sometimes. The main thing is that your complaints are relevant.
  • Don't indulge your employees' whims. Behave kindly, but strictly. Otherwise you will be ignored.
  • Show your competence and do not shift all problems to your subordinates.
  • Congratulate the team on the holidays, take an interest in the health, family, and children of employees.
  • Never go to extremes, and assess any situation soberly.
  • Study psychology and attend psychological trainings. The healthy climate of your team depends on this.
  • Determine the place of each employee in the team. For example, someone is a generator of ideas, while someone likes monotonous paperwork, and someone is an inspiration.
  • Don't pick favorites. Try to treat all employees well.


A good leader is a kind of “lighter”. He is able to set his subordinates in the right mood, ignite the fire of enthusiasm and provoke them to do their work better and faster. The boss may not be able to do what his employees can do, but he is obliged to organize the work correctly and give correct installation subordinates.

Almost anyone can become a good leader. The main thing is to want it, not be afraid of change and constantly improve.

State educational institution

higher vocational education

"Chuvash State Pedagogical University them. AND I. Yakovlev"

Faculty of Technology and Economics

Department of Technology and Entrepreneurship

Essay on the topic of:

Successful leader: a person whose example inspires me

Completed by: 5th year student

TSHI, gr. B-1

Grigorieva Veronica


Ignatiev Alexey Mikhailovich

Cheboksary 2010


Today, a successful leader is one who knows how to inspire other people, lead them to achieve their goals and is able to convince his team members to accept their goals without hesitation. life values.

What do you need to successfully build relationships with people - responsiveness or amazing intuition? What is required for fruitful work with people - strictly follow the rules or use the abilities given to us by God?

Most of us can instantly tell when we are with someone who truly knows how to work with people. Such people easily make contact and focus their attention on our positive aspects and help us grow. Interacting with them turns into a positive experience that makes you want to spend even more time with them.

Some people can be called great masters in the field of relationship building. These include people such as Dale Carnegie, John Wooden, Ronald Reagan and Norman Vincent Peale. At the same time, there are those whose attitude towards others makes them masters of ruining relationships. This reputation was earned by Leona Helmsley, Henry Ford (Sr.), Frank Lorenzo and Dennis Rodman.

Oddly enough, I want to better understand the meaning of the success of a particular leader. Therefore, the purpose of my essay is to study the qualities of a successful leader in specific example, an example of a person who inspires me.

A successful leader: who is he?

What price would you pay to learn people skills? Ask the leaders of leading corporations what quality is needed to become a leader, and they will tell you that it is the ability to work with people. Talk to experienced sales managers and they will tell you that knowing consumer psychology is much more important than knowing product characteristics. Talk to teachers and retailers, shop foremen and small business owners, clergy and parents, and they will confirm that the ability to get along with people is the main difference between those who reach the top and those who are left with nothing. The importance of people skills cannot be overstated. It doesn't matter what you are going to do. If you are able to win people over, then you are able to achieve success in everything!

Many people fall into the trap of mistakenly taking human relationships for granted. In fact, the ability to build and maintain healthy relationships is the most important factor growth in all areas of life. People skills determine the scope of potential success. Robert W. Woodruff, the man whose leadership helped transform the Coca-Cola Company from a small regional producer into a global organization and financial empire, understood the importance human factor in the process of achieving amazing results. In his book Top Performance, relationship expert Zig Ziglar quotes the former CEO of the Coca-Cola Company. Sieg says Woodruff liked to hand out little notes he had written in his own hand:

“Life is a lot like being a salesperson. All our successes and failures depend mainly on how convincingly we motivate the people with whom we deal to “buy” us and what we offer.

A leader must have certain qualities that certainly characterize him as a leading unit. This is a combination of organizational skills, thinking characteristics (the ability to work on several problems at the same time, stability in situations of uncertainty), character traits (perseverance, energy, sensitivity). I believe that any successful leader (a financially successful person) is always a leader, and there are no exceptions. If you know how to adequately plan the activities of an enterprise in conditions of financial instability in the world, if you, on the one hand, are distinguished by perseverance in decision-making, and on the other hand, understanding in relation to the employees of your company - then you have leadership qualities that will help you retain avant-garde positions in the market. Leadership is a component of the competitive factor that provides an advance advantage over competing companies.

For me, an example of a successful leader are managers who integrate innovative solutions, since they have a sense of healthy risk, on the one hand, developing their industry by introducing new solutions, and on the other, betting on an as yet unexplored market. "Innovation Leaders" are not the brainchild of just one "new idea", all their achievements are based on extensive knowledge, implementation experience and were the result of research and processing large quantity information. For example, the founder of Google, Sergey Brin, came up with an effective mechanism for automatically searching for information on the Internet, and Bill Gates became an information tycoon, creating the Microsoft company, a leader in the development of software.

One of the important factors of a successful leader (and this is what a leader is) is considered to be the ability to understand staff, the ability to feel for subordinates and the ability to rely on others. So, I am interested in a job where the manager willingly shares his knowledge, the best practices that he possesses, and is always ready to help the professional growth of his subordinates. Working in a large company with such a leader is my dream. It is in such a company, in my opinion, that it is possible to use the most competent personnel management structure. Large companies can afford to invest in training and professional education frames. Such corporations use attractive staff motivation strategies, this is due to strong personnel policy, because it is the company’s employees who are motivated to succeed that are the key to a developing business.

Effective relations between the manager and employees in the company should be built on the principle of the leader’s personal example. The boss must become a model of high self-organization, of which the creation of a system of adequate self-esteem is one of the components. Important feature The work of a boss is the organization of the work of subordinates, one of the main conditions of which is the selection of optimal elements of work with personnel. In essence, a manager has three main ways of influencing employees: 1) force; 2) agree; 3) create conditions in which the employee will motivate himself (self-motivation).

An example of a leader who inspires me

Qualities such as acceptance quick solution, standing up for one’s own opinion, independence for a long time were considered to be exclusive to men. But in Lately the situation has changed. Women have proven their right to make decisions. And today we increasingly hear the phrase “woman leader”.

The stereotype of the perception of a strong woman was described by a classic: “She will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.” Here, of course, the question arises: “Who lost the horse and who set the hut on fire?” But that is another story…. The classic’s saying fully confirms scientific data about greater adaptability and vitality female body. Psychologists argue that a woman remains a woman even in a leadership position, therefore her strength, as in life outside of work, lies in her weakness. Another fairly common belief is that a successful female leader compensates for her failures in work by being completely immersed in work. personal life, which in practice is often far from the case.

Each of these opinions has a right to exist, and examples can be found among female leaders to confirm their truth. In my essay, I want to focus on the example of a female leader, an example that inspires me. After all, she became the first female leader who dared to encroach on the holy of holies of men - the management of the city of Petra. Valentina Matvienko has served as governor of St. Petersburg since 2003.

The leadership style used by V.I. Matvienko, is a combination of such qualities as kindness and severity, femininity and efficiency, calmness and exactingness, gentleness and will. Much attention is paid to establishing constructive relations with central and regional authorities, which is due to the desire to seek and find support and readiness to cooperate. Flexibility and diplomacy combined with perseverance allows V.I. Matvienko effectively builds relationships with business partners, finding mutual understanding and support from them. The combination of emotionality and a calm reaction to criticism, as well as sensitivity and intuition, allows V.I. Matvienko use humanistic approach and social support, as well as easily adapt to current circumstances. IN AND. Matvienko achieves success not as a result of copying men's style management, but through the creative use of one’s abilities, the realization of its inherent traits and qualities. Today, she is developing a new approach to management. It must become less hierarchical, more flexible, faster and more agile. A new generation manager knows how to listen well, motivate and support his subordinates. Thus, the above qualities are more in demand in modern management. Managers who effectively use the so-called “feminine” leadership style receive higher public support than when using traditionally male management methods. Margaret Thatcher, whose prestige far exceeded that of any other British leader since Churchill, said: “A woman is always successful when she remains a woman.”

In the image of V.I. Matvienko’s motives for achievement and affiliation are more pronounced, that is, the ability to set goals and achieve them. She is also characterized by a lack of authoritarianism and a desire for cooperation, which appeals to older and poorer voters.

Achievements of Valentina Ivanovna in public administration- a brilliant example feminine style leadership that combines flexibility in communication, a tendency to compromise and dialogue in solutions conflict situations, the ability not only to understand, but also to feel the aspirations of people, the ability to spend the budget economically, in a businesslike manner, and at the same time strong will, perseverance in achieving the goal. According to Valentina Matvienko, the mentality of our society is still masculine, so she feels a double responsibility. It is no coincidence that she consistently defended in the government the idea of ​​changes in the electoral legislation aimed at increasing the number of women at all political levels. With every right and not without reason, Valentina Ivanovna believes: “Increasing the number of women in politics will make it more humane, aimed at people, meeting the interests of people.”


Matvienko leadership innovative competitive

A.P. Lukoshkin (Rector of the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation): ... the most important thing for a leader is the ability to think strategically. Also insight, love for people, the ability to treat them exceptionally attentively. The power of a leader is in creating a school and educating students. And a leader must love people.

In my opinion, these words can also be attributed to Valentina Matvienko’s leadership style. Matvienko, as a successful leader, is not only a good organizer who knows how to establish business communication between people, but also deeply erudite, highly cultured person with inner independence, courage, the ability to create a team of like-minded people, inspiring and leading them. After all, without the ability on the part of a manager to establish business communication with subordinates, partners, and establish business connections, neither effective management nor efficient production.

Valentina Ivanovna's achievements in public administration are a brilliant example of a female leadership style. Her example as a successful leader is for me a collective image that reflects all the qualities that real leaders should have.


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3. Komarov E.I. Businesslike behavior of a woman leader. // Personnel Management. – 1998. - No. 7

4. Maxwell, J. Leadership: 25 key principles for building relationships with people / J. Maxwell; lane from English O. G. Belosheev. - Mn.: “Medley”, 2006. - 368 p. - ISBN 985-483-782-3…

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