Installing a hot water meter in the apartment. Water meters: types, installation and legal aspects of the issue

Installing water meters is topical issue. According to the law, every home must have such a flow meter. There are two ways to carry out such work: hire a company that specializes in this, or do everything yourself. The first option suits few people, since the services of professionals are not cheap. As for the second option, not every owner knows how to properly install water meters.

Which flow meter to choose

Installing a water meter yourself begins with choosing a device. There is a wide range of such products on the market. The best option turbine mechanical devices are considered. They are inexpensive and have good reliability. As for modern electronic flow meters, although they look cool, they often fail. As a result, you will have to replace the water meter, which will entail financial and time costs.

Cold and hot water meters have some design differences. This is noticeable in their belts. So, the “hot” water meter has a red belt, and the “cold” one has a blue belt. The red belt flow meter is suitable for both hot and cold water. The problem is that it costs an order of magnitude more than its “brother”. If a flow meter with a blue belt is placed on hot water, then the inspector will not be able to accept it into operation.

It is better to buy regular flow meters for an apartment. They have the appropriate certificates. Therefore, there will be no problems with commissioning. When purchasing, you should check whether the kit includes all the elements used for installation. Unscrupulous sellers They open a kit on the market and sell the parts separately from the main product. That's why better purchase carried out in special stores. Full set comprises:

  • filter;
  • connector with nipples – 2 pcs.;
  • union nuts;
  • check valve;
  • gaskets

When purchasing a water meter, it is worth checking whether a passport is included in the package. It is printed typographically and sealed with a factory stamp. The serial number of the product and the passport number must be identical. If instead of a passport there is a xeroxed piece of paper, then during the check you will need to pay extra.

Shut-off valves: why and which ones are better

Hot cold water meters are often equipped with special shut-off valves. There is a special hole on the tap that is used for sealing. If the apartment or house has a plastic pipeline with welded joints, then the water meter is installed without a seal. Of course, the final word remains with the city water supply inspector.

When purchasing, it is also worth checking the type of faucet. If it is silumin, then problems may arise in the future. The fact is that such products are subject to sudden destruction from corrosion. This is dangerous because the destruction of this element will lead to a leak, and there will be nothing to shut off the water. Therefore, it is better to purchase a water meter with a metal-plastic shut-off valve that can last for a long period.

Installation features

When installing a water meter with your own hands, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • If the apartment where the flow meter will be installed has a fire drain, then you will also need a valve. It is installed on the bypass pipe and sealed. According to all standards, this work must be performed by firefighters. Therefore, you need to warn them in advance about installing a water meter. Of course, if necessary, you can do the work yourself.
  • There are also problems with DHW, which are carried out according to two-pipe scheme. Such systems are extremely rare. Here you will need to additionally install a bypass valve on the circulation pipe. Otherwise, cold water meters will constantly work and count cubic meters of water that are not actually used.
  • It is also important temperature regime to the room where the meter is installed. The temperature should be at least 5 degrees Celsius. This is especially true for private homes, when the devices are installed on the street or in the basement. At low temperatures The hot water flow meter may fail.
Installation diagram of a water meter in multi-storey building using a pressure reducer.

These nuances must be taken into account before proceeding with installation. Otherwise, problems may arise that will lead to malfunction of the device or errors in measuring water consumption.

The pressure reducer serves to reduce the pressure to a nominal value of 5 atmospheres.

Checking and sealing

Self-installation water meters begins with checking them. There is no need to demand from the seller a device with all zeros and a check. Initial readings are recorded when the meter is put into operation. As for performance, everything is quite simple. If, as a result of the inspection, it turns out that the meter is faulty, then the owner is issued an expert opinion. If he has such a document, he can easily change the device. The exception is cases when the product was purchased secondhand without issuing any documents.

When purchasing a water meter, it is very important to have a passport for the meter. It is imperative to look at the date of manufacture of the water meter, since this date can be indicated as a check. For cold water meters, check after 6 years. For hot ones after 4 years.

The meters are checked by the instrumentation service. You can find it at the housing office or at the water utility. You can also use the services of specialized companies. Regardless of this, the inspection is carried out free of charge, which complies with the law. The housing office engineer will provide all the information you need.

Meters are submitted for inspection with the manufacturer's passport, which came with the device. At the end of the check, a stamp from the relevant service is placed in the passport. The service is required to take any device for inspection, even if it does not have the appropriate documents. This is specified in legislative acts.

Interesting: If the device is “left-handed”, then you will need to pay extra for an inspection, as a result of which the relevant documents will be issued.

The measuring instrument control service must indicate the time when the device will be sealed. If the seal is damaged as a result of transporting the device, the engineer may refuse to accept the meter into operation. Once the check is completed, you can begin to resolve the issue of how to install water meters.

Where to install the meter

Before starting work, you need to choose a location for installing the water meter. It is better to do this as close as possible to the entry of the pipeline into the enclosed space. The fact is that if there is a possibility of connecting to a pipeline in front of the flow meter, then the inspector may refuse to seal it. This is because there is a high risk that water will be consumed unaccounted for. Better question decide with a specialized organization. This problem will fall on their shoulders. But, if you connect water meters yourself, you will have to think carefully about where it is best to do this.

As practice shows, there are many schemes for installing cold water meters. So, the inspector can accept it into operation if it is installed near the consumer or half a meter away from him. If this is not possible, then the water meter is mounted in the wrong place. Before making any decisions, you need to consult with experts on how to install a water meter.

Interesting: In some cases, the water supply may be installed incorrectly, which will result in the device not being installed in the intended location. It is better to coordinate such nuances with the housing office engineer who services the house.

Do-it-yourself water meter connection in private homes is controlled more seriously. So, the device should be no more than 20 cm from the wall where the pipe exits. If we are talking about a private house, then there are some features. Thus, a water well located on the territory must be located in a permanent structure with a metal cover that fits tightly. A seal is also placed on it to prevent it from cutting into the pipeline and consuming water bypassing the meter. If you need access to the well, you will need to unseal it. So, you can find out in detail how to install a water meter by watching the video below?

Installation procedure

Correct installation of water meters is carried out according to a certain scheme. There should be no water intake devices before the shut-off valve. If the pipeline is made of metal pipes, then the first and last joints are insulated with waterproofing. The rest use conventional seals. Installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Ball type shut-off valve. If necessary, it allows you to shut off the water supply to consumers located in a given room. When it comes to welded plastic water pipe, then the flow meter can be moved back a little.
  • Mesh filter. It is used to collect fine suspended matter. This allows you to protect the water meter from clogging. According to technical conditions, this element is installed in the water supply of both city apartments and country houses.
  • Counter. The name speaks for itself. The main thing is to install the water meter correctly.
  • Check valve. Provided technical specifications and prevents the water meter from rolling back.

Particular attention is paid to installing the filter. If the flow meter is installed on a horizontal pipeline, then the filter pipe is placed downwards. In a vertical water pipe it should stick out to the side. This prevents the water meter from becoming clogged when cleaning the filter. To perform installation work you will need an adjustable wrench and tow to seal threaded connections. Now, it’s probably clear to everyone how to install a water meter yourself.

Installation diagram of a water meter in an apartment with low water pressure.

It's important to know that check valve It is necessary to install it to avoid pressure differences in the water supply and the overflow of water from cold to hot or vice versa.

There are meter models that already have a check valve included. But it is so tiny that it is better to install a full-fledged check valve.


After the flow meter is installed, the pipeline must be checked for leaks. If they are not there, then you need to immediately contact the water utility and find out when an inspector will come to seal the device. Until the seal remains in place, water will be charged at the old rate. The water meter sealing scheme looks very simple.

The inspector is given only three working days to seal. To carry out the procedure, you will need a water meter inspection report and a technical passport. There is no need to provide any documents indicating that the installation was carried out by appropriate specialists. Therefore, you should not worry if this work was carried out independently.

Important: The inspector does not have the right to demand from the consumer that the installation of the water meter be carried out by specialists.

When sealing, the inspector draws up a certificate of commissioning of the flow meter, which indicates the initial readings. At the end of the procedure, the water utility employee provides a service agreement. It needs to be carefully studied, as there are known cases of fraud. So it may contain a subscription fee for service, as well as information that the consumer is obliged to periodically provide a water meter for inspection at his own expense.

Some nuances

After weighing all the pros and cons, you have decided to install water meters in your apartment or in your organization. What do you need to know?

Do not trust this important event random people, do not buy meters secondhand on the street, market or just from friends, do not install them yourself. This will lead to a number of problems, ranging from a low-quality device and, most importantly, no warranty on the water meter. Once you decide to save on installing a water meter, you will inevitably go through this process again from beginning to end, when you will have to verify the meter, since installation, maintenance and the meter itself will be for the organization that records water consumption and sends you the invoice , you must provide licenses, certificates for the installation of water meters and a passport for the device itself. Only if you have the entire package of documents, your meter readings will be recognized as correct, and installing a water meter will not cause you any trouble in the future.

Having installed water meters, you will have to read the meter readings monthly and send the readings to the Unified Information and Calculation Center. The readings are read from the indicator device, compared with those previously taken, the difference is calculated, and this difference is considered an indicator of the water you consumed for the month. There are two types of indicator devices: roller and pointer. Based on your performance, you will be charged in accordance with the established tariff for this service and sent in the form of a receipt.

You can submit an application for the installation of hot and cold water meters either online on the website of a company that has access to this type of work, or by calling the company’s phone numbers. The installers will arrive at any time convenient for you. There is no need to sit and wait all day; the main thing is to agree in advance on the time for the work to be completed.

It is worth noting that the use of metering devices in residential apartments allows you to save up to three thousand rubles over the entire period of consumption throughout the year, but in enterprises the savings will be many times greater over the same period of time. It is especially beneficial for legal entities to establish industrial devices accounting, having large size and more throughput. Organizations performing all types of work on installation, verification and maintenance of water meters work with both physical and legal entities. Payment is possible both in cash and by bank transfer. The devices have antimagnetic protection, dimensions established for these types of devices, and are included in the list of all individual devices for metering the consumption of volumes of resources used.

Installing water meters that will record the water used, both for the whole house and for one apartment, allows you to save a large number of funds. The amount indicated on the receipt will depend on how you use cold and hot water and in what volumes. In addition, by installing such a water meter, you will not pay for water losses that occur due to wear and tear of pipes and systems, which people like to blame on ordinary people water utility employees.

You can install such a counter yourself or with the help of a wizard. After the installation procedure is completed, the water meter must be sealed and registered. We will tell you how to register a water meter, install it and where to go in this article.

Self-installation of the meter

Before installing the meter on the pipe, you should prepare it. To do this, you need to attach a cleaning filter to it, which will protect the device from debris. It is also necessary to install a check valve. It will not allow the measuring device to rewind the readings. If you install it, the water inspector will not allow you to register it. In addition, you will need tow or FUM tape, which will ensure the tightness of the nuts.

Next begins the procedure for directly installing a meter that takes into account the amount of water consumed. This is easiest to do on pipes made of metal-plastic or polypropylene, which can be easily cut even kitchen knife. It will be possible to connect the pipeline using a compact soldering iron.

The procedure for installing the counter is as follows:

If you have metal pipes, then installing the meter yourself will be very difficult and you will not be able to do it without the help of specialists.

Choosing a company for installation

If you don’t want to bother with installing the meter or are afraid of getting confused in the order and doing something wrong, then you can invite a special technician to do it for you. When choosing a company to install water meters, you need to take this seriously. Good companies differ:

If the water utility inspection refuses to register such a measuring device, then the company will be responsible for all shortcomings. Specialists will do everything necessary work correct and in the shortest possible time, after which they will give you documents with which you will subsequently contact the management company for its registration and sealing.

What do you need to register?

Before registering the meter in management company or at the Unified Information and Settlement Center (EIRC), you will need to receive documents from the company that installed it. The list of required papers will include the following:

If you installed the meter yourself, you will still have to contact the service company that installed them so that they can check whether the water meter was installed correctly and the order in which it was connected. If there are no problems, then it will be sealed and you will be given all the papers that are necessary to register the water meter.

Where to register the meter

Registration of meters for the amount of water consumed is carried out by the EIRC and the management company, which you will have to visit in person with the package necessary documents. You cannot register your meter online or by mail. However, you will be able to report its indicators in the future using a telephone or an online service.

After you submit the documents, the EIRC will check them and certify them with seals. Data from them will be entered into the information base.

When registering water meters, the following will be recorded:

  • Water meter serial number;
  • The year in which this device was manufactured;
  • Meter installation date;
  • The amount of water passing through it.

Once the registration of water meters is completed, it will be put into operation. Every month the user must report his indicators to the management company or to the EIRC, which in the future will issue the person a receipt for payment for the consumed water.

Availability of benefits

If a family or one of its members has the right to benefits regarding the payment of utility services, then information about this should be indicated in the agreement that was concluded by the company providing the services. At the same time, in order for benefits to begin accruing, you will need to write a corresponding application and attach papers confirming your right to the benefit.

Pipelines centralized water supply passing through an apartment or along the territory near a private house are the property of the owner of the home or personal plot. Therefore, when you need to install water meters, you can easily do everything yourself and not take any permits. But along with the right, there is also responsibility: the procedure must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the law and current regulations. Let's look at how to install water meters and complete the paperwork correctly in order to register with the local water utility.


First, a few words about whether it is necessary to install water meters. We answer right away: no, not necessarily. But having flow meters officially registered with the management company provides undoubted advantages:

  • a clear scheme for calculating the cost of services: cubic meters consumed monthly are multiplied by the current tariff;
  • the opportunity to save money through careful use of water and working plumbing fixtures (no leaks);
  • there is no need to pay money when in fact there is no consumption of hot and cold water during your absence.

Reference. If water meters are not installed in the home, the supplier organization charges payment at standard rates. According to statistics, a family of 4 people on average consumes about 7 m³ in 1 month, and according to the norms they have to pay for almost 12 cubic meters. That is, accrual based on metering devices is more profitable.

The procedure for independently installing water meters is divided into the following stages:

  1. Visit to the management company to obtain technical specifications.
  2. Selecting a meter and purchasing related materials.
  3. Do-it-yourself installation and connection of a water meter unit.
  4. Sealing of the device and registration with recording of initial readings and conclusion of an agreement.

Contacting your local water utility

This step must be taken before purchasing and installing water flow meters. Why is this particular procedure important? Firstly, the management company is obliged to provide its requirements for the metering device and its installation diagram. Secondly, you or your apartment may belong to a preferential category of subscribers for whom meters are installed free of charge.

Advice. In some cases, representatives of the supplier organization prohibit residents from installing water meters on their own and impose the services of various companies. Remember that this type of activity does not require a license and you have every right to install a water metering unit in any suitable way.

On the technical side, water utilities in different regions and cities may put forward the following requirements:

  • put the device model with additional functions– with pulse transmission of signals or taking into account hot water at different tariffs depending on temperature;
  • mandatory introduction of a separate check valve into the circuit;
  • instructions on the location of the metering unit and the possibility of access to it.

Armed with comprehensive information from the management company, proceed to the purchase of components.

There are 4 types of devices that record the volume of flowing liquid per unit of time:

  • mechanical type (tachometer);
  • electromagnetic;
  • vortex;
  • ultrasonic.

For commercial metering of water supply to apartments and private houses, the first type is usually used - tachometer water meters. They are characterized by a reliable and inexpensive design that meets the requirements for accuracy of readings.

Mechanical water meter device

The principle of operation is simple: the flow of water rotates the impeller, and it turns the digital sections of the flow meter through a system of gears. There is no point in considering other types of devices, since they are used extremely rarely in private homes due to their high price.

When choosing an apartment or house water meter, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Don't buy too cheap products. Good device must serve for at least 12 years and undergo verification at least twice during this period.
  2. Don’t forget that cold and hot water require different units (in the latter, the mechanism is designed for contact with water up to 100 °C, and in “cold” ones - up to 40 °C). There is an option to purchase universal water meters, but they are more expensive.
  3. The passport must contain the product number, which matches the inscription on the case, and the value of the verification interval (4 or 6 years). Pay attention to the date of the factory seal - perhaps the device has been in the store for a long time and half of this period has already passed.
  4. The presence of a built-in check valve is not necessary; it is better to install it separately. Due to an element hidden in the housing, water utility representatives may reject your application because it is simply not visible.
  5. Purchase certified water meters included in the relevant state register.

Reference. The sizes of connecting fittings for household products are 15 and 20 mm (1/2 and 3/4″). According to reviews from apartment residents, the most common flow meters are from the brands Betar, Valtec, Triton and Aquatechservice.

To install a water meter, additionally prepare the following materials and fittings (per 1 water supply line):

  • ball valve;
  • filter – mesh mud pan;
  • poppet type check valve;
  • metal-plastic pipe with compression fittings;
  • FUM tape, flax or thread for wrapping joints.

Advice. Choose high-quality taps, don’t go for cheap ones. A broken or cracked valve on your water supply will cause you a lot of trouble. If docking with steel pipes, buy special crimp adapters, for example, from the Gebo brand. More details about such connections are described in the video:

Installation instructions

When it comes to installing a water meter in an apartment, the first thing you need to do is cover the risers. There are 2 ways: contact a house plumber or turn off the water supply yourself by going down to the basement. If the bathroom has already been done correct connection and there is a main valve in working order, then there is no need to shut off the water supply.

Advice. Warn your neighbors in advance about the time and approximate duration of the work, and hang a warning sign in the basement so that no one opens the tap and floods your apartment.

To assemble a small circuit with a counter, it is advisable to allocate space for horizontal installation plot. When this is not possible, install the unit vertically, the main thing is that the device does not hang upside down.

Vertical installation of metering devices

The assembly technology is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the house water supply pipe from the main tap. The steel pipeline will have to be cut with a grinder.
  2. As a rule, old valves in apartments jam or leak and therefore must be replaced. Unscrew the valve from the pipeline with a gas wrench and install a new shut-off element in its place.
  3. Pack the threaded part of the valve and screw it strainer. If both elements have internal thread, you will need a transition piece - a footer.
  4. Install the meter, observing the direction of flow. To do this, the fitting with the union nut (American), included in the kit, must be connected to the mud trap (don’t forget to put the nut on!), and then screw on the device itself.
  5. The last part is the check valve. Connect it to the second terminal of the flow meter, also maintaining the direction of the water, it is indicated by the arrow on the valve.
  6. Cut the pipe to size and connect it to the valve using a compression fitting.

Typical wiring diagram

Note. Installation of a water meter in a private house is carried out in the same order, only in some cases the water meter unit is installed in a dry well.

After assembly, smoothly open the main tap and supply water, making sure the connections are tight. If necessary, tighten or repack the leaking joint. How installation work performed by a master plumber, watch the video:

Legalization and sealing

For execution last stage you need to call the inspector or technician-supervisor of your housing office. He will inspect the water meter assembly and put a seal on the meter by threading a special thread through the eyes in the body and the upper union nut (and sometimes the lower one). Acceptance will go smoothly if the device is installed without violations of the rules and has a factory passport with a note indicating the date of the next verification.

Reference. It is important that access to the water meter is provided, the unit corresponds to the diagram, and there are no taps into the pipeline in front of the flow meter.

After sealing, the current meter readings are entered into the documentation and compiled new agreement(or the old one is corrected). Next comes operation, during which you check the water meter readings and periodically clean the strainer.


Central water supply is not gas pipelines, where only licensed firms and trained specialists are allowed. However, pipelines and fittings operate under a pressure of 2-6 atm and therefore must be installed efficiently and without leaks. Otherwise, installing water meters is not difficult and does not require much experience in the plumbing field.

Design engineer with more than 8 years of experience in construction.
Graduated from Eastern Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.

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Control over accounting for resource consumption by the state has tightened. Paying for water consumption with a markup of 10 or 20% of the cost of the calculated norm leads to the conclusion that water meters must be installed. It is better to pay for exactly the resource used, especially since the prices for public utilities grow regularly.

The homeowner, in order to avoid future troubles, needs to know certain rules, order and water meters in the apartment.

Rules for installing water meters in an apartment

Regulations regulating the use and installation of metering devices are mandatory for all participants - users, resource providers and service companies.

Requirements for metering devices. Devices manufactured in accordance with GOST R 50601 and 50193 and included in the register of measuring instruments are allowed for installation. The diameters of the device’s pipes must correspond to those common in the Russian Federation. The design of the device must exclude the technical or physical possibility of changing the readings.

Technical requirements for the operation and installation of water meters in the apartment. The rules require:

  • where to install water meters - the location of the devices should be accessible to both the resource supplier and the user himself, and the room temperature should not fall below 5 °C;
  • sealing the device, the procedure is free for the consumer;
  • registration of the installed device;
  • regular transmission of evidence to regulatory authorities;
  • verification, repair or replacement of the meter by the homeowner;
  • for organizations carrying out water supply systems, the obligation to install, replace and verify water meters at the request of the consumer and at his expense, but with possible installment payments;
  • service companies must have the appropriate license to carry out work on installing metering devices.

The homeowner should remember that neither the organizations supplying water resources nor the management of the condominium can impose any meter models or services. If the housing is considered dilapidated, the project for installing a water meter must be approved by the responsible organizations.

Water meter installation procedure

Information on how to install water meters in an apartment can be found faster in Moscow than in small cities. From huge amount With capital companies offering all types of work and full service, you can get confused. But, in any city, the installation of water meters is divided into two stages:

  • installation work;
  • registration of devices.

Water meters in an apartment or private house

The work begins with drawing up a project for installing water meters in the apartment. It is necessary to determine how many supply pipes (risers) there are in the residential premises. The number of devices to be installed depends on their quantity. Next, select optimal place installation of devices in accordance with current regulations.

The device is installed at the point where the apartment water supply branches off from the riser, at a distance of 20 cm from it. In private households, no further than 0.2 meters from the central water supply main. Installation sequence:

  • check the reliability of connections and the integrity of plumbing fixtures for possible leaks;
  • turn off the water supply to the serviced area;
  • installation - filtering the water flow entering the meter from debris and rust will extend the time of reliable operation of the device;
  • connection of the metering device - it is recommended to install it with rubber gaskets and so that the direction of flow through the device follows the marks on the body;
  • for hot water meters operating at temperatures up to 90 °C, it is necessary to take seals and sealants that can withstand such conditions;
  • installation is an optional design element, but will prevent unmotivated inspections of devices by regulatory authorities, as it eliminates unauthorized interference in the operation of the device.

Specialists perform similar works in 1-2 hours, if there are no difficulties in the apartment water supply system. For individual housing, installing a water meter may be complicated by installing a special well to accommodate the devices.


Registration and commissioning can be carried out service departments who installed the meters. But, in most cases, the consumer independently notifies his HOA about this and submits an application for sealing of the devices. The responsible organization must complete the application within three days. Commissioning is carried out from the beginning of the next month and from this time you can pay according to the meter readings.

Guided by the rules and procedure for installing water meters in an apartment, you can avoid many troubles, not succumb to provocative offers and not run into unscrupulous performers. Know how to protect yourself.

Let's consider the legal basis and aspects of the practical implementation of metering of hot and cold water consumption. Let's look at the rules and procedure for installing water meters in an apartment.

Accounting for the consumption of water is regulated by paragraph 5, 13 of Article of the Federal Law “On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ: “Until July 1, 2012, owners of residential buildings, owners of premises in apartment buildings put into operation on the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, are obliged to ensure that such houses are equipped with meters for used water, heat energy, electrical energy, as well as putting installed metering devices into operation.”

Wherein " apartment buildings V specified period must be equipped with collective (common house) meters for water, heat, and electrical energy, as well as individual and common (for a communal apartment) meters for water and electrical energy.”

Legal subtleties and practical solutions

The interpretation of the meaning of the act implies that the owners of the premises are obliged to ensure that the resources supplied by the relevant organizations are accounted for. This means that a consensus must be reached between the supplier and the consumer on the procedure for accounting for resources and the equipment used. The accounting procedure is ensured by the integrity of the device, that is, the meter, which is sealed by a representative of the organization supplying water. In general, this is a management or housing and communal services office.

Measuring equipment approved for installation for metering water consumption is entered into the database of the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements and is available for review at The passport of the purchased measuring device must indicate the registration number of this type of equipment in the Information Fund database. Additional testing or inspection of the purchased device is not required, but in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, this issue should be previously agreed upon with the operating organization.

Meters may not be installed if the building is considered dilapidated and there are relevant documents stating this situation. A building with a significant degree of wear and tear has communications in appropriate condition.

It is simply dangerous to install any equipment on them. It should be added that the refusal of the homeowner to install water meters is not a punishable action. In this case, payment is provided at an increasing rate, but no administrative or punitive sanctions are expected.

Installation elements of the system.

When installing a water meter in an apartment or house, two related procedures arise, which can be performed separately or simultaneously, depending on prevailing local characteristics and practices. The first procedure is the installation of equipment on the water supply system.

The owner of the premises can perform it himself or involve specialists, including those associated with the operating office that supplies his apartment or house, drinking water. This does not violate the rules and procedure for installing water meters in the apartment. The work is carried out at the expense of the owner of the premises.

The second procedure is the acceptance of devices into operation by the management organization, which will receive money for the resources received, based on the readings of installed measuring instruments. Sealing of meters and, if necessary, other elements of the system is carried out by a representative of the management office. The procedure should be performed by them free of charge.

If the installation of the measuring equipment is carried out by a company authorized by the resource supplier to accept it into operation, both procedures can be completed in one stage.

Installation of control devices

Water accounting must be carried out along all highways transporting it to water collection points. The number of metering devices must correspond to the number of supply pipes. In an apartment with one riser for cold and hot water, it is necessary to install two meters, one for each riser. If water is supplied through separate lines to the kitchen and bathroom with toilets, then the number of meters will be equal to the number of risers.

In apartments with gas or electric water heaters that do not have a centralized supply of hot water, the meter is installed only at the risers supplying cold water. When performing work, it is necessary to turn off the water supply to main pipe. If it is not possible to shut off the outlet from the riser, the water supply through the riser must be shut off.

The meter is mounted as close as possible to the riser, by inserting it into the outlet main pipe. The complexity and cost of work on inserting into existing system depends on the materials from which the internal wiring is made and its technical condition. It will cost more to install the meter in a copper pipeline and, if necessary, to overhaul the distribution manifold.

Connection to risers.

For reliable operation water metering device and branches of the water supply system, the following are also installed:

  • pressure regulator (installed upon request);
  • mechanical cleaning filter;
  • fine water filter (optional);
  • check valve

All these elements are mounted sequentially with the products oriented along the water flow, according to the markings on the body. It is advisable to use pipe connections that make it easy to dismantle the unit if necessary.

Having completed the installation of meters, it is necessary to check the normal operation of all water collection points of cold and hot water supply systems. During operations, the pipe may contain contamination from the outside or rust formed from the inside. It is necessary to check the tightness of the joints and the absence of leaks or leakage of liquid from the joints.

Commissioning of the system

The installed equipment is presented to the organization that supplies water to your apartment or house to begin accounting for resources in accordance with the readings of measuring instruments. If the work is completed, observing the rules and procedure for installing water meters in the apartment, this does not present any difficulties. Some possible regional features the procedure itself.

The owner of the premises must provide passports for all installed equipment in order to register it with the organization. Further actions depend on the adopted order. In most cases, a representative of the management office comes to the site, authorized to assess the correct installation of equipment and install seals for his enterprise.

Having completed the physical inspection and assessment of the installed measuring instruments, a representative of the resource supplier or operating organization draws up an appropriate act of acceptance of the system into operation. The starting readings of all instruments are simultaneously recorded. Having completed these formalities, the owner of the apartment or house can begin to pay for the services received according to their actual quantity, and the supplier is obliged to accept payment in accordance with the readings of the control and measuring instruments he has accepted for operation.