Installation of coating waterproofing of the foundation - choice of means, consumption per m2 and price analysis. Coating waterproofing for foundations The best coating waterproofing for foundations

We will consider the types and technologies: pasting, bitumen mastic, coating, roll. You will learn how to make waterproofing yourself, as well as current prices in Moscow for waterproofing work.

Foundation waterproofing - necessary condition strength and durability of any concrete base. On the page you will learn why waterproofing is so important, where and in what cases it is used, and also get acquainted with the main types of waterproofing - coating and pasting.

Types of foundations where waterproofing is used

Waterproofing is necessary for all types of concrete foundations:

  • slab;
  • tape (shallow and deep);
  • collected from FBS blocks.

Let's figure it out why concrete- the strongest monolithic material, so afraid of moisture. The fact is that the surface of concrete is covered with many micropores that are difficult to see with the naked eye.
Since the technology for laying foundations requires them to be laid quite deep, the foundation concrete is constantly in contact with groundwater. The same applies to shallow strip foundations(up to 80 cm), only they interact not with ground moisture, but with precipitation, which saturates the soil.

Rice. 1.1: Micropores on the surface of heavy concrete

In the warm season, when moisture disappears into micropores, nothing negative happens - the pores are washed out, but the rate of such destruction is extremely insignificant. But in winter the situation changes dramatically.

When freezing moisture tends to increase its original volumes, that is, the volume of ice will always be slightly greater than the volume of liquid water from which it originated. In practice, this results in the following: moisture that gets into the pores freezes and increases in volume, as a result of which the pores of the concrete simply burst.

Undoubtedly, critical damage do not occur in a month or a year, however, if you ignore the waterproofing of the foundation, over time, the smallest pores in size turn into serious cracks that can lead the foundation to an emergency condition.

Foundation waterproofing, technology

The goal of any waterproofing method is to prevent moisture from entering the material from which the foundation is made. Today, in industrial and private construction, two types of moisture protection are widespread - pasting and coating, which we will discuss in more detail in the following sections of the article.

Rice. 1.2: Coating waterproofing foundation

Now let’s look at the basic principles and requirements that any waterproofing technology must meet:

  • Waterproofing coating must be continuous. It is necessary that moisture protection covers not only the entire surface of the base, but also the places where it connects to the walls, including the base of the house;
  • In places where the base is connected to other structures - walls or floor slabs, it is imperative must be present expansion joint from any elastic material, the presence of which guarantees the resistance of the waterproofing coating to deformations caused by shrinkage of the base;
  • Waterproofing surface must be covered protective layer preventing its destruction under the influence of soil;
  • Before applying waterproofing, the foundation of the house must be cleared of any contaminants, which help reduce the adhesion (cohesion) of materials, it is also necessary to seal all cracks with a cement-adhesive mixture, and level out any detected damage with concrete mortar.

Pasted waterproofing of the foundation using rolled materials

One of the easiest foundation waterproofing methods to implement is the use of rolled lining materials. These can be either fairly cheap options - the same roofing felt or roofing felt, or modern membrane materials - glass insulation, waterproofing.

Rice. 1.3: Waterproofing the foundation with fused rolled material

The classification of rolled waterproofing is carried out depending on the method of gluing it, according to which all rolled materials are divided into three types:

  • Single-layer materials, installation of which is carried out using adhesive composition or bitumen mastic;
  • Floating waterproofing - such materials have a two-layer design: a direct waterproofing layer and a working coating, usually made of cold bitumen. To glue such material, it is necessary to melt a layer of mastic with a burner and connect it to the surface of the foundation;
  • Membrane materials- can have either a self-adhesive back surface (you just need to remove the protective paper and stick the insulation onto the surface to be treated), or it can be attached mechanically- dowels with umbrella-shaped caps. Membrane materials are mainly used as additional waterproofing, in which case they are fixed on top of the coating layer of bitumen mastic.

Cost of work for roll waterproofing of foundations in Moscow today varies between 100-200 rubles per linear meter(the price of materials is not included in the cost of the service).

Waterproofing the foundation with bitumen mastic

Despite the widest range of moisture-proofing materials on the market, bitumen mastic has been and remains one of the most popular options for coating waterproofing. Its main advantage is its low cost and ease of use.

There are two types of bitumen mastic: hot application - a thick material that must be melted before application (a cheaper but more difficult option to use), and cold application - ready-to-use liquid formulations based on bitumen, to which a solvent is added (usually aviation kerosene).

Rice. 1.4: Bitumen mastic for foundation waterproofing

Weakness of waterproofing bitumen mastic is the fragility of such a coating. Bitumen is a material prone to losing its elasticity when exposed to low temperatures. In practice, this results in waterproofing coating In winter it cracks and loses its functional properties in 5-6 years.

Exist modern options bitumen mastic, to which various polymer additives are added to improve elasticity and heat resistance, but they fundamentally pose a problem don't decide.

The cost of waterproofing the foundation with bitumen mastic in Moscow is 250-300 rubles per linear meter, taking into account the price of the mastic.

Coating waterproofing for foundations

The above disadvantages of bitumen mastic significantly limit the potential of its use. As a result, today more than one modern materials: polymer rubber compounds and mixtures based on synthetic resins.

They have everything advantages of bitumen mastic(except higher price):

  • high-quality adhesion with concrete surface;
  • effectiveness of moisture protection;
  • have good elasticity even with sub-zero temperatures, which contributes to the durability of such a coating.

The most effective type of coating moisture protection is penetrating waterproofing. The essence of this technology is that the material that covers the surface of the foundation penetrates the micropores of concrete and clogs them, preventing any possibility of moisture ingress (unlike conventional coating waterproofing, which is a monolithic film covering the concrete surface).

Rice. 1.5: Scheme of action of penetrating waterproofing

The main advantage of penetrating waterproofing is its tendency to continue to penetrate concrete even several months after application. Crystallization of the material in the pores is activated by any contact with moisture, as a result of which, after a certain period of time, the pores of the concrete will be clogged 30-40 centimeters deep into the foundation.

Cost of work for the installation of coating waterproofing of the foundation in Moscow varies between 350-400 rubles per linear meter (including material), penetrating waterproofing - from 500 rubles. per p.m.

Rolled waterproofing for foundations

Rolled moisture-proofing materials (roofing felt, roofing felt, glass insulation, waterproofing) can be used both as the main waterproofing and as an additional layer located on top of the coating material.

Installation of roll waterproofing is performed in several stages:

  • A trench is dug along the perimeter of the building. Its depth should correspond to the depth of the foundation, and the width should be sufficient for comfortable work;
  • The foundation is cleaned of soil, paint and oil stains, and inspected for damage. All detected defects are eliminated: a mixture of glue and cement is used to seal cracks, and a cement-sand mortar is used to level out unevenness and potholes. Then you need to wait until the surface of the foundation is completely dry;
  • Bitumen mastic is applied to the surface to be treated (used as an adhesive material) and glued roll waterproofing(the coating must be monolithic over the entire surface of the foundation, no voids are allowed). The overlap at the joints of the insulation must be at least 10 centimeters;
  • The insulation joints are coated with bitumen mastic;
  • On top of the rolled waterproofing, geotextiles or any profiled material are glued in the same way. protective covering and soil is poured into the trench.

Rice. 1.6: Pasting waterproofing with a profiled protective membrane

Waterproofing cost when using the services of contractors in Moscow, it is 100-200 rubles per linear meter of rolled insulation (the price of digging a trench and the cost of the material used are not included in the service price tag).

Do-it-yourself foundation waterproofing

If you want to do all the work to protect the foundation from moisture yourself, choose coating waterproofing - this technology the easiest to implement. It is recommended to give preference to bitumen-polymer emulsions and penetrating compounds.

Coating waterproofing of the base with bitumen mastic is carried out in the following sequence:

  • We dig a trench around the perimeter of the house: the depth is equal to the depth of the foundation, the width is such that it is convenient to work;
  • We clear the foundation from the soil, repair cracks and damage;
  • Apply a layer of a special bitumen primer (primer) to the prepared surface (to the entire height of the foundation and plinth) with a roller or brush and let it dry completely;
  • Let's start applying the mastic. In order to achieve standard flow(it is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the mastic) you will need to cover the foundation with 2-3 layers of insulation;
  • We create a protective coating. To do this, you can use extruded polystyrene foam, this way you will kill two birds with one stone - protect it from moisture and insulate the foundation at the same time. Also suitable are special profiled membranes or ordinary geotextiles, which are glued over a layer of mastic;
  • We fill the trench.

A good addition to foundation waterproofing is the arrangement concrete blind area around the perimeter of the house.

Rice. 1.7: Scheme of a concrete blind area around the house

Foundation waterproofing price

Let's briefly summarize what has been said. When doing waterproofing work with your own hands, the cost of the project lies only in the price of the moisture-proof material - the cheapest waterproofing is with bitumen mastic or roofing felt, however, saving on the services of contractors, it makes sense to use higher quality and durable materials - penetrating emulsion, glass insulation.
The cost of waterproofing, if you use the services of Moscow companies, will cost you about 100-200 rubles per 1 linear meter of adhesive waterproofing (in this case, you will need to purchase the material yourself). Prices for driving piles. To order work on driving reinforced concrete piles, leave a request:

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Waterproofing underground structures is an extremely important task, the correct execution of which determines how dry the room will be. The fact is that the walls of foundations, basements and reinforced concrete tanks are constantly in contact with water. Naturally, over time this leads to their destruction and the appearance of cracks.

It is immediately necessary to give several clarifications regarding methods of protection against high humidity. Coating waterproofing is just one of the methods, which, due to its simplicity and reliability, is very popular among builders.

Attention ! There is also injection and penetrating waterproofing.

What is coating waterproofing?

It must be recognized that each type of waterproofing is optimal for use in certain conditions. Coating waterproofing for foundations is no exception.

In its structure, coating waterproofing for foundations is a multilayer coating, the thickness of which can vary from one millimeter to several centimeters. This parameter depends on the conditions where protection of the building from groundwater.

Attention ! Coating waterproofing can be used for both external and internal protection of buildings.

If we talk about internal coating waterproofing, it helps protect the room from the accumulation of capillary moisture. As a result, the inside will be dry and cozy at any time of the year. Even during spring floods.

Coating waterproofing for foundations can be either cement or bitumen based. Naturally, the properties of the two materials differ significantly from each other.

Attention ! If we recall the most popular coating waterproofing for foundations, then we can cite the TechnoNIKOL bitumen mixture as an example.

When concrete or metal piles are treated with coating waterproofing, a special film is created. It allows you to protect the foundation from groundwater with much greater reliability. Its main function is to retain moisture. As a result, the main material of the structure cannot be deformed.

An important advantage of coating waterproofing for foundations is the reliable protection of the entire surface of the slab. Moreover, to use this substance you do not need to have any skills. It is also necessary to note the low price of the substance.

How to choose mastic

Naturally, it is best to buy bitumen-based coating waterproofing for foundations. But that's not all. The point is that there is great amount modifications of a substance, each of which has its own unique qualities. Therefore, when choosing, you should consider the following parameters:

  1. Temperature at which work will be carried out.
  2. The surface area that you intend to cover with coating waterproofing.
  3. For internal or for external works a remedy is needed.
  4. Dates.
  5. What loads will be placed on the coating treated with a protective agent?
  6. Finances you can allocate to this type works

These are the six main parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing a foundation waterproofing coating.

Features of using different types of coating waterproofing for foundations

You need to start with hot bitumen. Similar material for coating waterproofing of foundations, it is relatively inexpensive and provides fairly good protection. Moreover, this technique is considered one of the most ancient in the world.

Of course, over many centuries, many additives have been added to the basic composition, which gave the substance new properties. As a result, the coating waterproofing for the foundation began to penetrate better into the structure of concrete slabs, and the elasticity parameter also increased.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to do without disadvantages. Hot bitumens require special heating equipment on site. It is responsible for ensuring that the mastic passes from a solid state to a liquid one. Also, when using these substances, you must strictly follow safety precautions to prevent accidents.

Attention ! Compliance with safety precautions when using liquid bitumen allows you to avoid burns and injuries during work.

An important advantage of this material for coating waterproofing of foundations is the ability to work even with negative temperatures. As a result, if necessary, you can waterproof it even in winter.

It is best to purchase mastics that are based on organic solvents. In this case, for application you will only need a brush or spatula, which does not require any special skills to handle. In comparison, it will not be possible to work with the same injection waterproofing without professional technical skills and appropriate equipment.

Bituminous mastic for coating waterproofing of foundations may or may not contain polymers. In the second case, the substance will be much more elastic. Moreover, the quality of adhesion to the base will increase several times. The temperature range at which the product can be used will also increase significantly.

Polymers in coating waterproofing for foundations greatly expand the possibilities for using the substance. This way you can additionally cover it, for example, with a roof. But the inclusion of additional substances has a significant impact on the price.

Attention ! Polymer-based mastics can be used at sub-zero temperatures.

Therefore, if you just want to make coating waterproofing exclusively for the foundation, you can do without polymers in the composition of the substance. But if the scope of work is quite wide, additional additives will allow you to choose a universal substance for many types of surface.

You should also know that solvent-based mastics are not recommended for use in enclosed spaces. Due to insufficient air flow inside, harmful fumes can harm your health.

To prevent this from happening, you need to use mastics based on plain water. The characteristics of the substance are no different from analogues with solvents. But it has virtually no odor and is recommended by many experts for indoor work. One of the important advantages of the product is the short drying period.

Attention ! Water-based mastic as a coating waterproofing of the foundation can only be used at a temperature of at least +5 degrees Celsius.

When you need to do coating waterproofing of a large area, and time is running short - the best option There will be bitumen-latex emulsions. They are also called liquid rubber. Such substances are excellent for treating foundations of various industrial facilities.


The process of applying the substance to the foundation is not particularly difficult. But to get reliable protection, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. Clean the surface from dust and dirt.
  2. Prepare the foundation: seal cracks, round corners, and get rid of sharp protrusions. The surface must be perfectly flat.
  3. Apply primer to the foundation.
  4. After the primer has dried, treat the surface with quick-drying bitumen varnish.
  5. Prepare the mastic for application.
  6. Apply the first layer of mastic. To do this, it is best to use a roller and spatula. Strokes should be vertical.
  7. Make the second and third layers.
  8. In new buildings for better protection you can use fiberglass. This will prevent damage to the protective layer during shrinkage.
  9. For horizontal waterproofing It is best to use hot mastic. In this case, it must be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees.

If you decide to build Vacation home, as they say, for centuries, you will have to take care of reliable protection its foundation - the foundation. First of all, this concerns waterproofing work to prevent reinforced concrete from becoming saturated with excess moisture. As you already know, for this you need to use special materials and compositions, and in the latter case we are talking about coating waterproofing of the foundation, a solution that is easiest to implement with your own hands. In this article we will talk about what a coating waterproofing for a foundation is, what it can be, and also consider the procedure for carrying out work to protect the foundation of a house from moisture and give some valuable recommendations on this score.

What is coating waterproofing?

Modern coating waterproofing materials designed to protect underground structures from negative impact humid environment - multi-component viscous compositions that are applied in one or several layers to the surface of the foundation. The thickness of such waterproofing, depending on the type of material, can range from 1 mm to 1-2 cm. The effectiveness of combating not only capillary moisture, but also the influence of groundwater at a high location of the aquifer layer of soil has been proven. Today there are 3 main types coating materials, which are in the same high demand as roll foundation waterproofing:

bituminous. Coating waterproofing compositions based on construction bitumen. Effectively used by many generations of builders;
polymer. The same bitumen mastic is used as a basis, however, modern compositions differ in various additives and solvents, which ultimately affect the properties of the resulting waterproofing layer;
cement-polymer, which, as the name implies, uses cement and various kinds plasticizing additives

The main advantages of using coating waterproofing for foundations include the following: all work to protect the foundation can be done with your own hands; you don’t need to be a professional for this, the main thing is to choose the right material. So, if the glued waterproofing of the foundation requires the help of at least one person, then in our case you can do it on your own. In addition, using viscous compounds, we can obtain a uniform protective surface, without any joints. Additionally, we can note the convenience of transporting the material, as well as a very reasonable cost.

Bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics

As we noted above, the most popular coating waterproofing compounds are those based on bitumen. IN Lately The popularity of modified products, so-called bitumen-polymer mastics, is increasing. There are coating compositions for cold and hot use.

Hot bitumens

Most cheap option– use hot bitumen. In addition, such materials allow you to work at any convenient temperature, even in “severe minus”. The only difficulty that an individual developer may encounter in this case is that such mastic will have to be converted into a liquid state by heating it.

Mastics based on organic solvents

If for some reason you do not want to additionally heat up the bitumen mastic, then you suitable material, the liquid consistency of which is provided by organic solvents. If the surface area of ​​the foundation is small, then for its waterproofing it is better to use mastics based on organic solvents - it will be faster and cheaper.

Bitumen emulsions - safe work in the basement

If you decide to build a house with basement, then you will have to think about additional internal waterproofing of the basement. As you understand, working with materials based on organic solvents in a closed or even semi-closed room, in which there is no effective system ventilation cannot be called safe. But even in this case, there is a solution - water-based coating waterproofing. It is recommended to use this mastic at positive air temperatures - in this case, the quality of the protective layer will be no worse than when treated with hot bitumen. To everything else, we can add that bitumen emulsions harden faster, thereby reducing the technological pause in work.

A few words about liquid rubber

The next option is suitable for processing large areas of the foundation, and it is unlikely that it can be efficiently implemented with your own hands without resorting to the use of professional equipment. We are talking about the use of special bitumen-latex emulsions ( liquid rubber), which is sprayed onto the surface of the foundation.

Before purchasing coating waterproofing for the foundation

When planning to buy a certain composition for waterproofing a foundation, you should solve several issues at once:

decide on what temperature conditions mastic will be used. The packaging usually indicates the operating range, which is highly recommended not to be neglected;
evaluate the conditions of use of the material. Some mastics are intended for external waterproofing of the foundation, others can also be used when forming an internal protective layer, for example, in basements;
immediately assess the scope of upcoming work. We are interested in the surface area that needs to be treated with mastic. We study the packaging and find data on material consumption per 1 square meter. We compare price and consumption, compare offers from different manufacturers(economic part);
load on the treated surface. It is very important to consider what impacts the part of the foundation we have processed will be exposed to. Not all mastics can be used to form a horizontal protective layer at the foundation-wall interface

Some tips for using coating waterproofing

In conditions individual construction For houses, it seems most appropriate to use hot (bitumen-polymer) and cold mastics based on organic solvents. They are applied using ordinary brushes, spatulas, and rollers in several layers (if necessary, the foundation surface is prepared for waterproofing by impregnation with primers). It is necessary to ensure that the thickness of the waterproofing is the same, without breaks. It is not recommended to shorten the technological pause by artificial means. In terms of fire safety, you need to behave very carefully in relation to mastics based on organic solvents.

It is better to additionally reinforce the junction areas of the foundation surfaces with glass reinforcing mesh. The same applies to the places where they were found small cracks. It is better to carry out all work in warm, dry weather, however, follow the manufacturers’ recommendations, which are usually indicated on the packaging with coating waterproofing. Remember that there are compositions that polymerize within one day after application, but there are also those that need 7-10 days.

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Coating waterproofing is one of the most common methods of foundation waterproofing, which is associated with the ease of application of mastics, the absence of seams, the possibility of using complex configurations on building elements and mechanized application (sprayed waterproofing).

The main disadvantage in using these materials is shrinkage, which can lead to rupture of the waterproofing. The mastic is applied from the water pressure side (on the clamp), and before backfilling, the coating waterproofing requires mandatory protection, which can be made in the form of protective walls, the use of flat drains (profiled membranes), thermal insulation (XPS), etc.

Coating waterproofing should be used mainly for protection against capillary (ground) moisture and soil water in draining and low-moisture soils, when groundwater is 1.5-2 m below the basement floor level. With hydrostatic head it can be used if the pressure does not exceed 2 m for waterproofing from bitumen mastic and 5 m for waterproofing from bitumen-polymer mastic.

Coating waterproofing made from pure liquefied bitumen is not recommended due to the insufficient durability of bitumen coatings.

Waterproofing thickness

Bitumen or bitumen-polymer mastic should be applied 2-4 layers. The total depends on the depth of the foundation (see table).

Due to the fact that they are applied in a liquid state, compliance with the designed thickness of the waterproofing layer plays a decisive role. In this regard, control should include measurements of the thickness of the coating in wet and dry conditions. The wet film thickness is controlled with a comb or disk; the dry film thickness is measured with universal thickness gauges.

The disadvantage of mastic coating is that it is difficult to achieve a guaranteed thickness of the insulating film, especially on large slopes and uneven surfaces. Therefore, it is necessary to either carefully prepare the surface or increase the consumption of material. Both of these lead to an increase in the cost of coverage.

Consumption per 1 m2

Consumption of coating bitumen waterproofing in 2 layers - 2.0-2.5 kg/m2

Interlayer spacing

Each layer of bitumen mastic is applied only after the previous one has completely dried or hardened. If the next layer of mastic is applied after the previous one has not dried, this may lead to peeling or lack of necessary adhesion of the mastic coating to the base.

A waterproofing layer made of mastic is considered dry if its surface is not sticky when tested. The drying time of the mastic layer depends on the composition of the bitumen mastic, temperature and humidity, both the surrounding air and the base.

Waterproofing device (technology)

Preparing the base

  • The base for coating waterproofing must be strong and continuous, with rounded corners and edges (radii 3-5 cm) or chamfered. In places of transitions from horizontal to vertical surfaces, fillets should be made to ensure smooth coupling of intersecting planes.
  • A concrete surface with a large number of holes from air bubbles in order to prevent the formation of bubbles that burst after 10-15 minutes in the freshly applied mastic layer is rubbed with fine-grained cement mortars from dry construction mixtures.
  • Especially dangerous for mastic waterproofing are “scallops” with sharp and prickly protrusions that form at the joints of formwork sheets that must be removed.
  • The surface of the base is cleaned of dust, dirt, and construction debris.
  • The surface to be waterproofed must be dry.
  • Substrate moisture - the most important indicator the surface is ready for the application of bitumen mastic. The presence of moisture leads to the formation of blisters or detachment of the mastic from the surface.

    The permissible surface humidity for bitumen (bitumen-polymer) mastic should be no more than 4%. Water-based mastics can be applied to damp (up to 8%), but not wet substrates.

    The simplest test for moisture involves laying on a prepared concrete surface polyethylene film size 1x1 m. If condensation does not appear under it within 4-24 hours, then applying bitumen waterproofing is possible.

Primer application

  • To improve the adhesion (adhesion) of the mastic to the concrete surface, the prepared base is primed (with a ready-made bitumen primer).
  • The primer can also be prepared from bitumen (grades BN 70/30, BN 90/10, BNK 90/30) and a rapidly evaporating solvent (gasoline, nefras), diluted in the ratio
    1:3-1:4, by weight or bitumen mastic with heat resistance above 80 °C, diluted to the desired consistency.

  • The type of primer (primer) must correspond to the mastic used.
  • The primer composition should be applied over the entire surface in one layer, in places where the grout joins cement-sand mortar- in two layers.
  • The bitumen primer is applied to the surface using a roller or brush. The base, which has dried after priming, is ready to begin installing coating waterproofing.

Applying mastic

  • Bituminous mastic is applied to prepared surfaces on the humidifying side (water pressure side).
  • The mastic is applied in layers with a roller, brush, spatula, or pouring. Each layer must be continuous, without breaks, of uniform thickness, with parallel stripes. The direction of applying bitumen mastic is from bottom to top.
  • The next layer of mastic should be applied after the previous one has hardened and dried (there should be no traces of astringent on the attached swab).

Waterproofing reinforcement

In places of abutments and interfaces where cracks may form, locations of cold seams, identified cracks in monolithic concrete and so on. defects, the coating waterproofing must be reinforced.

The fiberglass material is embedded in the first layer of mastic and rolled with a roller, which ensures a tight fit of the panel to the base without the formation of voids underneath. After the “bitumen mastic - reinforcing material” system has dried, a second layer of mastic is applied. Overlap of a strip of fiberglass or fiberglass on both sides of the axis problem area must be at least 100 mm.

The presence of reinforcing material in the waterproofing coating leads to the distribution of tensile load over the entire insulation strip, reduces the elongation of the material at the crack opening, which ensures the preservation of its continuity, reliability and durability of the waterproofing.

Walls with coating waterproofing should be backfilled only with soft soil; a protective coating (screeds, walls) is not required in this case.

Waterproofing underground structures is a task that requires a serious approach. Surfaces that are constantly exposed to water, for example, the walls of foundations, basements, canals, reinforced concrete tanks, etc., require waterproofing that can maintain its properties for a long time.

There are several ways to carry out waterproofing work.

Injection waterproofing- these are materials based on mineral, polyurethane, epoxy and other bases. Using pressure, through specially prepared holes, the material penetrates the structure of a concrete, brick or other wall, solidifying in the pores and capillaries, creating a horizontal cutoff, preventing moisture from rising higher. This method of waterproofing is mainly used when it is impossible to free the foundation from the soil and carry out coating waterproofing. This method is expensive and requires not only specialized equipment, but also the skills of the work producers.

Penetrating waterproofing- Penetrating materials are made of cement with additives of chemically active substances and specially crushed sand. It is mainly used for internal waterproofing of foundations and basements, as well as for the repair of concrete structures. During operation, in contact with water, chemical reaction continues, and the sealing process continues - self-healing of concrete occurs. This results in a double waterproofing effect: waterproofing of the outer layer and crystallization of the pores inside the concrete. This material can be used both during reconstruction and new construction, if access to external surfaces is limited, and the only way to install waterproofing is to work from inside the room. This method is more suitable for fresh concrete. When repairing old concrete, it is necessary to mechanically clean the surface of plaster and degrease it to open access to the capillary system of the surface.

Coating waterproofing- This is a single-layer or multi-layer coating with a thickness from a millimeter to several centimeters. It is applied for external protection houses from groundwater, and internal protection from capillary moisture. Coating waterproofing includes cement-based materials, but the most popular are bitumen-based materials. Waterproofing using bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics TECHNONICOL refers to coating waterproofing.

As a result of processing a concrete or metal pile in this way, a film is formed that allows it to effectively retain moisture, preventing deformation of the base material. The advantage of this type of foundation waterproofing is high degree protection of the entire surface concrete slab or metal pile and lack of special training of the person carrying out the work. This is the most available method waterproofing, both in price and in simplicity of design.

Selection of mastic based on bituminous materials

Choice bitumen material for coating waterproofing depends on many factors:

  1. Temperature environment during work
  2. Waterproofing will be carried out on internal or external surfaces
  3. What is the area of ​​the surface to be treated and the timing of the work?
  4. Planned loads on finished waterproofing coatings during operation
  5. Budget for waterproofing work

Answers to these simple questions will help you do right choice material. And they will provide an opportunity to save money without compromising the quality of the coating waterproofing of the foundation.

Usage hot bitumen most often characterized by a low price per square meter. This is the most ancient method of waterproofing; over time, only the amount of additives has changed, making the material more elastic and penetrating. Disadvantage when choosing similar type material is the need to be present at construction site additional heating equipment to convert the mastic into a liquid consistency and stricter compliance with safety regulations to avoid burns and injuries. You can work with such material at subzero temperatures.

To avoid such difficulties, you can choose mastics based on organic solvents. This is the most common method of installing bitumen coating waterproofing. To carry out the work, an ordinary brush or spatula is enough; the workman does not require any additional skills. Depending on the type of work performed, you can choose a conventional solvent-based bitumen mastic or bitumen mastic with the addition of polymers.Polymers add to the material additional qualities in terms of elasticity, quality of adhesion to the base, and increases the temperature range of use of the material. In other words, adding polymer to bitumen mastic makes it possible to use the material on the roof, but increases the cost of the material itself. Therefore, to carry out the majority simple work For the installation of coating waterproofing of foundations, ordinary bitumen mastic is quite sufficient. These mastics can also be used at subzero temperatures.

If you need to carry out work in internal parts foundation from the basement side, where there is not sufficient air access - carrying out work using solvent-based mastics may become unsafe for the person doing the work. For this there are bitumen mastics water-based (emulsion). This type materials are no different in characteristics from solvent-based mastics, however due to water based, does not contain solvents, has a neutral odor and is ideal for indoor use. This mastic has a shorter drying time, but the temperature range of application is reduced to a lower level of at least +5C.

In cases where it is necessary to carry out work on large areas in a short amount of time - they will come to help bitumen-latex emulsions for mechanized use (liquid rubber). With different labor productivity, the surface area to be processed can be 1000 m2 in 8 hours.

TechnoNIKOL Corporation produces all of the above types of bitumen-based mastics for coating waterproofing of foundations and basements. You can choose the one that is most suitable for you in the catalog on the website