Humidifying the air at home without a humidifier. How to increase air humidity in an apartment

For a natural and healthy microclimate in the house, periodic ventilation and proper humidification are extremely important. The first one is simple - you can open the window, and access to freshness is guaranteed. But how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier? Devices that provide the necessary atmospheric humidity are not cheap. Not every family can afford such a purchase. It turns out that there are simple ways to solve this problem on your own.

A high-quality humidifier will create a favorable atmosphere in the home

Natural humidity, corresponding to the needs of the human body, a value of forty to sixty percent is considered. Under such conditions it is easy to breathe, the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs do not dry out.

If the humidity is higher:

  • the windows in the house “fog up”;
  • breathing becomes heavy, like in a steam room;
  • Fungus and mold form on the walls.

If the air is dry:

  • there is a feeling of constant nasal congestion and soreness in the larynx;
  • the skin of the face “tightens”, cracks form on the lips, peeling occurs;
  • synthetic fabrics and hair are constantly electrified;
  • The tips of the leaves of domestic flowers dry out and turn yellow.

Humidifying the air in the apartment is especially important if there are children in the house. It is the overdried atmosphere that can contribute to the development of allergic reactions and frequent illnesses acute respiratory infections.

Helpful information! Too dry mucous membranes are not able to fully protect themselves from viral attacks. As a result, the development of dangerous complications: asthma, bronchitis and sore throat.

If one of the household members suffers from a skin disease, dry air in the apartment will aggravate the problem.

Pros and cons of humidifiers

So, to the question: “Do I need a humidifier in the apartment?”, the answer is obvious. Now you need to decide whether to buy a ready-made device or can you make do with home remedies?

Manufacturers offer a wide range of humidifier models. They vary in cost and principle of operation, but all are quite effective.

  • Traditional humidifiers evaporate cold water and spray it with a miniature humidifier. Such devices are equipped with filters to clean the air from dust.
  • Steam humidifiers heat water up to sixty degrees. The devices are equipped automatic shutdown when the tank is empty. They pose a certain danger to small children and indoor plants.
  • Ultrasonic devices are economical and silent. They work on distilled water.
  • A device with the prefix “air washer” simultaneously humidifies and cleans the air. Ionization is carried out using a silver element in the design.

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Such a device is simply necessary in a nursery, especially in winter time. In this special review you will find recommendations for choosing the best model for your budget.

Any of these devices will help achieve optimal humidity in the room. All electrical appliances require strict operating rules, otherwise problems may arise:

  • may form in the device limescale which will interfere with normal operation;
  • In the absence of regular cleaning, water may bloom in the tank or pathogenic microorganisms may develop.
Note! Only proper care of the humidifier will ensure its functioning and the safety of the whole family.

How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier: methods and ideas

What to do if the air in the apartment is dry, but it is not possible to buy a humidifier? There are several simple and effective techniques:

  • The easiest way out is to pour water into a wide plate and place it next to heating device or place on hot radiators wet cloth. This is a completely safe, but ineffective method.
  • Humidify the atmosphere using a container of boiling water, a kettle or a ladle. In this way, you can quickly normalize the atmosphere, but you should be extremely careful if there are children or pets in the apartment.
  • You can increase air humidity by growing flowers in pots. Plants with large leaves evaporate moisture well. Hibiscus, Monstera, Dieffenbachia and indoor citrus fruits are especially effective. By constantly watering and spraying the flowers, you can get excellent results.
  • An aquarium will help solve the problem of humidifying the atmosphere in the apartment. It requires attention and care, but is one of the most optimal natural methods of hydration.

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For people with pulmonary diseases and allergies, this device is a must. But we will analyze how to choose it wisely in the corresponding publication.

How to make a humidifier with your own hands at home

Having considered usual ways How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier, you should switch to simple devices made from scrap materials.

The simplest option is a humidifier made from a regular plastic bottle.

  • Option 1. Materials: gauze bandage, two small wires, a bottle of mineral water or lemonade. You need to make a side cut ten centimeters long on the bottle. You need to secure the bottle with wire to the pipe leading to the radiator. Water is poured into the container. One end of the gauze strip is lowered into the liquid, and the other is wrapped around the pipe. To operate the device, you must remember to add liquid.
  • Option 2. Materials – small fan, large bottle. The top of the container is cut so that a fan can be fixed into it. At a height of about ten centimeters, holes need to be made around the perimeter for air to escape. Water is poured so that it does not reach the ventilation slots by a few centimeters. The fan is inserted into the neck of the bottle and turned on.

Another method for humidifying the air in an apartment without a humidifier is to make a device based on a plastic canister:

Another device created from computer coolers and CDs:

Another simple, but surprisingly efficient design can be made using ordinary sponges for wet cleaning. The device will require a plastic container with a lid with a volume of 6-8 liters, about fifteen square flat sponges for wet cleaning and a computer cooler. The jaws are threaded through two guides. They can be simple wooden sticks for barbecue or solid pieces of wire. Such a “garland” is fixed in the container in such a way that one of its edges drops almost to the very bottom. You need to make three slits in the lid of the container. Two on the sides for air circulation and one in the center to secure the cooler. How such a device works is clearly shown in the following video:


If dry air in the apartment provokes allergies and frequent complications of respiratory diseases, you should think about installing an atmosphere humidification device. If you wish, you can purchase a ready-made device that will quickly solve the problem.

When solving the problem of how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier, you should use available methods: get indoor flowers with large leaves, place wet towels on the radiators, or install an aquarium.

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Today they constantly talk about the need to monitor the humidity in an apartment or house and maintain the required level. But not everyone understands why this is necessary. However this important indicator, which affects the health, well-being and comfortable living of household members.

Excessively dry air in an apartment leads to allergies, deterioration of the respiratory system and rapid fatigue. It negatively affects the condition of young children, causing frequent colds and other diseases, especially in winter.

To avoid these problems, it is important to maintain a comfortable humidity level. It is 30-60%, in a newborn’s room it can reach up to 65%. Read more about what humidity and temperature should be in an apartment for a comfortable and healthy stay.

Today, humidifiers and ionizers that clean, disinfect and humidify the air have become popular. But there are also traditional methods that will help improve the atmosphere in the house. In this article we will learn how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier.

Why is low humidity dangerous?

  • Dry air irritates your throat, nose and eyes, especially if you wear contact lenses. It causes tickling and coughing;
  • Rapid accumulation of dust and animal hair. It can cause an allergic reaction, especially in a newborn or infant. Worsens the condition of people with allergies and asthma;
  • Increases fatigue and drowsiness, while impairing sleep. The person sleeps restlessly and often wakes up;
  • May cause headache, worsen overall health;
  • Dries out the skin, makes nails and hair dull and brittle;
  • In a warm, dry room, harmful bacteria and viruses multiply quickly. This increases the risk of colds and infectious diseases;
  • Dry air is especially dangerous in winter period when due to heating and minimal ventilation the humidity level drops significantly;
  • Low humidity negatively affects the condition of pets. They shed and feel unwell;
  • Due to dry air houseplants and the flowers do not grow or dry out;
  • Insufficient humidity negatively affects natural materials, first of all, on the tree. Thus, wooden furniture, windows, doors, musical instruments and other products crack. They lose their attractive appearance and short term fall into disrepair.

How to determine the humidity level in an apartment

Experts advise monitoring the temperature, humidity, and level of harmful bacteria in the apartment, especially if children and people with various diseases live in the room. A hygrometer, which is installed away from radiators, radiators and other heating devices, will help determine humidity. It will show accurate results.

If you cannot or do not want to use a hygrometer, humidity can be measured using improvised means. But they will give approximate information. For this, a bottle with plain water Place in the refrigerator for several hours. After this, take out the container and leave it indoors. Drops of condensation will quickly appear on the walls of the container.

If the drops are almost dry within five minutes, the air in the room is dry. If they form a puddle, the air is too humid. This is also bad. Excessive humidity leads to colds and infectious diseases. In such rooms, walls and ceilings become damp, wallpaper comes off, and mold and mildew appear. If the drops slowly slide down the bottle, the humidity is normal.

A fir cone can also help determine the level of humidity in a room. If it has fully opened indoors, the humidity in the house is low. When the scales are pressed tightly against each other or slightly open, the humidity level is normal. If there is not enough humidity in the apartment, certain measures should be taken.

The most practical method of humidifying the air in an apartment is to install one that independently maintains the required humidity levels in the house. If you do not plan to use this device, you can use home methods. Let's look at how you can humidify the air in a room without a humidifier.

Alternative battery-powered humidifier

Putting damp towels on the radiator - traditional method air humidification in the apartment. However, the towels will have to be constantly wetted.

Today, manufacturers offer special humidifiers for radiators. They represent a container into which water is poured, and then hung and secured to the radiator. The water in the device gradually evaporates and fills the room with moisture.

Such moisturizing products are made from steel, ceramics, plastic and other raw materials. They are released in different designs, forms and color scheme. You can easily select the device to match the interior of the room. The container has universal fastenings and is securely fixed on any type of radiator.

The most practical, rational and aesthetically pleasing is the ceramic humidifier due to affordable price, reliable fastenings and a variety of colors. Unlike standard household humidifiers, battery-powered devices do not make noise and are cheaper. In addition, they cannot burn.

You can make such a container yourself. To do this, choose a container made of material that does not melt from high temperature. Heat-resistant plastic or ceramic will do. Make holes in the device and stretch wire or other reliable fastening. If desired, you can decorate the product.

How to replace a household humidifier

  • Ready-made or homemade battery-powered humidifiers. By the way, so that the room is both moisturized and filled pleasant aroma, add a few drops of essential oil to a container of water;
  • In a humidified room, place a container of water in front of a fan or next to heating appliances. In addition, you can periodically spray water from a spray bottle. You can also add essential oils to this water;
  • In the warm season it is required regularly. Fresh air outside is more humidified than indoor air. In addition, it has a positive effect on well-being, improves sleep and stimulates brain function;
  • Leave the bathroom open after taking a shower or bath or after washing your face. After all, the bathroom is a source of high humidity in the house;
  • Hang washed clothes and linen in the room next to the radiator. Damp fabrics will quickly and without additional effort fill the air with moisture. In addition, this will speed up the drying of clothes;
  • Hydrogel is used not only for growing flowers, but also for humidifying the air. Sprinkle the product into containers, add a little water and place around the room;
  • Frequent use helps keep the house clean and increases the moisture content in the air. Remove dust in a timely manner;
  • Choose plants and flowers that love moisture and humidify the air. These are ferns, ficus, hibiscus and others. Such plants require regular watering and spraying, and only 1% of the water goes into the ground and roots. The rest evaporates through flowers, stems and leaves;
  • Use an open aquarium without a lid, an indoor waterfall or fountain. Any open container leads to evaporation of water, and, therefore, makes the air humid. But a bowl of water is unlikely to decorate the room, and an indoor pond or aquarium will become original decoration and addition to the interior.

When trying to increase the humidity in the apartment, it is important not to overdo it. Too high a level also leads to problems. The apartment becomes damp, mold and mildew appear, and the wallpaper peels off. Excessive humidity worsens the condition of books, leather goods, clay and wood.

For comfort and coziness in the home, as well as a person’s well-being, the microclimate is important. And this is not only a temperature range of 20-21 degrees, but also an optimal air humidity of 40-60%. And if this indicator is below the norm, you need to seriously think about how to humidify the air in the room at home.

During the cold season, the air in living quarters becomes dry from a lack of negative ions oxygen. This depends on certain factors, including excessively hot batteries, frequency of ventilation and regularity of wet cleaning. In addition, computers, televisions, washing machines, water heaters, microwaves, ovens, vacuum cleaners and others Appliances dry the surrounding air.

Even ventilating rooms does not always help improve the situation, because frosty air has low humidity and evaporates quickly. You can measure the humidity level with a hygrometer, and adjust it using different ways. Moreover, you can use not only humidifiers for this, but also many home folk methods.

The dangers and harm of dry indoor air

Before you figure out how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier, it is important to understand the dangers of constant low humidity in a living space. There are several factors that influence dry air on the human body:

  1. The load on the heart and lungs increases, which causes functional disorders: drowsiness, distracted attention, sudden fatigue, decreased immunity.
  2. The mucous membrane of the eyes is depleted, which causes inflammation and pain, especially felt by people who use lenses.
  3. The skin of both children and adults suffers. Especially in people with dry and problematic skin, irritation and rashes appear.
  4. Drying of the respiratory tract, due to a long stay in a dry room, affects the respiratory system. Therefore, they become defenseless against viral and respiratory infections. Allergy sufferers and people with asthmatic tendencies are especially affected, since the self-cleaning function of the bronchi is disrupted. Dry airways can lead to worsening colds and the development of chronic, nosebleeds, especially in the elderly and children.
  5. Hair and nails dry out, become brittle and faded. If you use cosmetics to moisturize them, then the components cosmetics, maintaining moisture, begin to pull it from the skin.
  6. Increased cooling of the body. No matter how you insulate yourself, dry air does not retain heat. And the moisture evaporated by the body cools the body, so residents in such a room are constantly freezing.
  7. Dry air stimulates snoring. It contains particles of dust, wool, spores and bacteria that interfere with comfortable and smooth breathing.
  8. Children, during intrauterine development are in a humid environment. When they are born, you need to be very careful about maintaining the parameters of their external and internal humidity. Frequent bathing and humidification of the air in the children's room are necessary.
  9. Static voltage from the use of electrical appliances does not allow dust particles to settle. It feels like dust is hanging in the air.
  10. Dry air causes furniture to dry out, musical instruments, electrification of synthetic fabrics, wear of carpets and fur products.
  11. Pets, as well as plants that require comfortable humidity, suffer from a lack of moisture just as much as humans.

The list of negative consequences from low humidity encourages residents to look for options on how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier. You can, of course, buy a device based on the size of the room and forget about the problem of dryness. But there are other methods that are much cheaper. A review of ways to humidify the air will help you choose for yourself best option or even several.

Methods for increasing indoor humidity

Any person, having felt the effects of dryness and low humidity, will think about how to humidify the air in the apartment. List simple options contains many methods from which you can choose several of the most suitable ones. The most effective measures to increase humidity in a room include:

  • ventilation;
  • wet cleaning;
  • water tanks;
  • damp cloths on radiators;
  • water sprayers;
  • drying clothes;
  • houseplants;
  • fountain;
  • aquarium.

Each of them is easy and simple to use in any apartment or house, regardless of the size and number of rooms. Having tried their use in practice, you can make sure that the question of how to humidify dry air in an apartment will disappear by itself.


With the onset of cold weather, caring owners first of all try to insulate windows and doors. Circulation fresh air At the same time, it is disrupted and sometimes completely disappears. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate living spaces as often as possible, preferably 2-3 times a day. Although this will humidify the air for a short time. The hot batteries will do their job: the cold currents will heat up and evaporate. It is recommended to go outside more often and ventilate the respiratory system.

In addition, you need to remember that the stronger the frost outside, the lower the humidity of this air. Therefore, ventilation at low temperatures gives only short-term results, but this does not mean that this method is useless. You just need to add other methods of increasing humidity to ventilation.

Wet cleaning

Frequently wiping floors and removing dust from furniture surfaces and radiators will not only increase humidity, but also get rid of harmful bacteria.

Therefore, wet cleaning should be regular and thorough, especially in rooms where children live. It is advisable to use as little as possible chemicals and sprayers, since dry air will spread them throughout the room, and residues household chemicals will be there for a long time.

Water tanks

One of effective ways, demonstrating how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier, is to enrich the room with moisture by evaporating it from open containers.

Must be placed on open places flowerpots, jugs or even buckets of water. You can place a container filled with water near the battery or on the windowsill. Can you build it from plastic bottle a glass with a tail for attaching it to the battery. Water from the vessels evaporates under the influence of dry heat and saturates the room with moisture. The disadvantage of this method is that the process is slow and that the tanks need to be washed frequently to prevent the water from blooming.

Damp cloth on radiators

Humidification of the air in the apartment is achieved by hanging wet towels or gauze wrapped around the pipes coming out of the radiators on the radiators.

Towels need to be wetted as they dry, and if the humidity in the room is too low, this will have to be done at least twice a day. But the lower part of the gauze can be lowered into a basin of water, which it will constantly evaporate, and then there will be less manipulation with such a “home humidifier”.

Water sprayers

There is another way to quickly humidify the air in a room. You can use a spray bottle to spray flowers or iron clothes by sprinkling clean water curtains, drapes and flowers. The advantage of this method is its simplicity and ease, and the disadvantage is the short-term effect. But if you perform such manipulations several times a day, or even entrust this task to children, it will be much easier to breathe in the room.

Drying clothes

This is an old method proven by time and experience. After washing, you can hang your laundry on special dryers and move them from room to room. Another option for this method is to dry washed clothes on radiators, then the evaporation of moist air will occur constantly and intensively.

In apartments with low humidity, washed clothes dry in a few hours, so you will have to do a lot of washing and often.


Fresh flowers clearly demonstrate how you can humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier. This is the simplest and eco-friendly option hydration. Flowers themselves produce oxygen into the air and require constant care. They must be periodically washed or the foliage wiped, and then sprayed with a spray bottle.

Plants absorb water from the ground and evaporate through their leaves, and also secrete phytoncides that protect human body from pathogenic microbes. Air evaporation from earthen pots also increases humidity. For home greenhouse Suitable flowers include sheflera, monstera, cyperus, saintpaulia, orchid, hypoestes, hibiscus, nephrolepis, phytonia, dracaena, ficus.


Another effective way to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier is to purchase a small home fountain. This cute device comes in all shapes and sizes.

It can be matched to any decor, and it runs on batteries or from the mains and does not consume a lot of electricity. Constantly flowing streams fill the air with the necessary moisture, maintain the microclimate of the room and soothe nervous system. As water evaporates, it must be added to a specially built-in container.


What child doesn't dream of fish in an aquarium? The colorful inhabitants of a small pond will lift your spirits, and the aquarium itself will create a unique coziness. You can additionally install a pump in the aquarium with artificial fountain, which will add the amount of evaporated air into the home.

Since a person is 85% water, humidifying the air in an apartment is a pressing issue that increasingly arises in Everyday life. And in order for this parameter to be normal, you need to use any methods and means. Moreover, their quantity and variety allows you to choose the optimal one and feel great in a clean, fresh room with air of sufficient humidity.

For comfortable life a person needs not only comfort and warmth in the room, but also a certain humidity. Dry air or high humidity are all bad for the body. It is necessary to maintain a certain level of this indicator.

Therefore, today we’ll talk about what to do if the air in the room is very humid or very dry.

Negative consequences of a poor microclimate

When the air is dry, the mucous membranes dry out, the throat gets sore, the skin dries out, the eyes become inflamed, and there is a risk of developing allergies. If you stay in such a climate all the time, too much mucus is formed, and its excess creates fertile ground for harmful microbes. They begin to multiply quickly. Diseases such as sinusitis, bronchitis, and tonsillitis may begin.

If the room is very damp, there is a risk of mold, bacteria and fungus growing.

Their disputes end up in Airways and lead to many diseases. This includes bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, allergies, and runny nose. In addition, constant weakness may be a concern.

It is especially important to monitor the microclimate in the children's room. After all, a child’s body is very susceptible to all kinds of microbes.

What to do if there is high air humidity in the apartment

If there is such a problem of high humidity in the apartment, you need to find its cause. If there are problems with the pipes, they must be eliminated.

If everything is in order, then take the following measures:

  • Ventilate the room more often, moisture will evaporate faster;
  • you can lay out linen bags with sugar or salt, the moisture will be absorbed by these products;
  • After each wet cleaning, wipe the floor dry;
  • regularly wipe furniture with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • buy a special dehumidifier effective remedy in the fight against excessive humidity, unfortunately, it costs a lot, but health is more important.

What devices will help you?

There are condensation, assimilation and adsorption dehumidifiers.

An assimilation dehumidifier removes moist air from a room and fills it with dry air. Now it is hardly used.

Condensing units work on the following principle: air enters the evaporator, where it cools and condenses. The resulting water is removed through the drainage, and the air is heated and re-entered into the room.

Desiccant dehumidifiers absorb moisture using adsorbents. Such devices are used in very large rooms.

How to increase the humidity in a room

Of course, the easiest way is to buy special humidifier. It will constantly maintain the necessary humidity in the apartment.

There are three types of humidifier:

  • steam;
  • traditional;
  • ultrasonic.

The steam model saturates the air with moisture through evaporation hot water. The electrodes are immersed in water and, heating it, evaporate. It is not safe to purchase such devices for a family with small children. And the plus is that if the water boils away, the humidifier turns off itself.

A traditional humidifier is very easy to use. Just add water and the fan will drive it through the filters. Particles cold water will evaporate. The advantage of this model is the ability to adapt to environment. It regulates the rate of water evaporation. The downside is that you only need to humidify the air with distilled water, otherwise the filter will become clogged.

The ultrasonic model is the most popular among consumers. Water hits a special plate using vibration. And then it is broken into small particles and sprayed in the apartment. It requires little energy, is very efficient and compact, and is also silent. The downside is that the water needs to be demineralized. Otherwise, your furniture will be covered with plaque (water with dissolved salts). You can also use special filter cartridges that need to be changed every three months.

Heating appliances dry out the air greatly in winter. And this has a bad effect on you and on plants, books, furniture. But don't rush to the store to buy a humidifier. You can solve the problem using available tools.

In winter, the humidity level in the apartment drops to 15–20%. And that's bad. Why?

Firstly, because dehydrated air dries out the skin and mucous membranes, contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis. By the way, young children are especially sensitive to its effects.

The second reason is that insufficient humidity harms plants, books, wooden furniture and musical instruments.

The optimal humidity level in an apartment is about 40–60%.

You can measure air humidity using a special device - a hygrometer. If you don't have one, use the following method. Fill the glass cold water and leave it in the refrigerator until the temperature of the liquid drops to 3–5 °C. Then take out the glass and place it in a room away from the radiators. Observe the glass surface for five minutes. Evaluate the result this way:

  • If the walls of the glass first fog up and then dry out after five minutes, the air in the room is dry.
  • If after five minutes the glass remains foggy, the humidity is average.
  • If streams of water appear on the glass, the humidity is increased.

Is the air dry? Then use one of the following techniques to restore normal humidity levels.

1. Use the bathroom

Probably one of the most simple ways. Leave the door to your room open every time you shower or bathe. Evaporation will penetrate into the apartment and humidify the air.

You can also not immediately drain the water from the bath, but let it cool first: this will increase the amount of steam.

2. Dry things in the room

Another way that doesn’t require any effort on your part. Just place the dryer with washed clothes next to the radiator: the clothes will dry faster and the air will be saturated with moisture.

The main thing is that there are no cleaning products left on things. Otherwise you will breathe chemicals.

A similar way to humidify the air is to hang wet towels on the radiator. You can increase the lifespan of such a humidifier using a water bottle.

How to build such a structure is described in detail here.

3. Boil

All you need is a stove and a saucepan or kettle.

  • Option 1. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil and place it on a table or windowsill so that the steam humidifies the apartment.
  • Option 2: Boil the kettle and leave it on low heat for longer evaporation. This technique can be used when you are preparing food (the air often becomes dry at this time).

You can also add a few drops of tea tree or eucalyptus oil to the water. Their aroma is soothing, and the vapors kill germs and reduce the risk of colds and flu. In addition, you can throw cinnamon sticks, herbs or other spices into the water to make the air fragrant.

4. Place containers of water around the apartment

You can do without boiling. Simply fill vases, bottles and other containers with water and place them near heat sources. If you add stones and flowers it will be beautiful composition- guests most likely will not even realize that this is not decorative elements, and homemade humidifiers. Just remember to periodically wash the containers and change the water.

8 simple and effective ways to humidify the air in your apartment

Heating appliances dry out the air. And this has a bad effect on you and on plants, books, furniture. But you can humidify the air using improvised means.

Drying clothes and indoor fountain. How to increase humidity in an apartment

With the beginning heating season The humidity in most city apartments has become noticeably lower than the standard. You can return the indicator to a comfortable level using special devices, indoor flowers and simply improvised means.

According to international standards, optimal humidity air in residential premises should be kept at 45-50% and not exceed the level of 65%. However, with the start of work central heating V apartment buildings the figure often drops to 25-30%. It is officially impossible to complain about too dry air - the level is not regulated by federal standards of care utilities. has found five simple ways to help increase indoor humidity.

Trays with water. Most often, owners simply install containers with liquid throughout the house: the water evaporates evenly and the air becomes more humid. The main disadvantage of this method is its impracticality, moisture evaporates quickly, and the containers are constantly in the way.

Humidification of batteries. The most common way. The easiest way is to place containers with water in close proximity to radiators or hang wet terry towels on the radiators. The main disadvantage of the method is its relatively short duration of action. The wet towel will become dry in a few hours, and the procedure will have to be repeated. You can extend the operation of the structure using a bucket of water: one end of the towel is immersed in water, and the other is secured to the radiator. A rational alternative to hanging radiators is drying clothes directly in living rooms, wet clothes can dry faster and the air becomes more humid.

Applied landscaping. Flower growers are confident that common ones are best suited for humidifying the air in an apartment. unpretentious plants cyperus and chlorophytum. According to official estimates, a large bush is capable of releasing 500 milliliters of moisture into the atmosphere per day. The secret lies in proper care: according to standards, the soil in a flower pot should be moist all the time, the water from it will, accordingly, evaporate. By analogy, inconspicuous cyperus and chlorophytum can be replaced with other moisture-loving indoor flowers. Creating comfortable humidity using plants alone can become quite labor-intensive: for a ten-meter room you will need 3-4 bushes. An alternative to flowers is an aquarium with fish. The least problematic way is to install an indoor fountain.

Limited ventilation. On frosty days, it is better to open the windows for no more than 10 minutes - in winter the air outside is quite dry. On rainy days, when the humidity outside is higher than indoors, you can ventilate longer. To preserve moist air, some owners prefer to curtain the ventilation compartments. This solution will indeed increase the level of humidity in the room, but at the same time the room will most likely become quite stuffy.

Humidifier. There are two types of devices on the market - with hot and cold humidification. In the first case, the water poured into the apparatus is brought to a boil, and steam enters the room. In the second, we are talking about the spread of cold water. For most residents major cities the steam unit will most likely be too powerful, and too high humidity air will lead to the appearance of mold on the walls. The cost of a simple model in all variations ranges from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles.

Drying clothes and indoor fountain

With the beginning of the heating season, the humidity in most city apartments became noticeably lower than the standard. You can return the indicator to a comfortable level using special devices, indoor flowers and simply improvised means.

We humidify the air in the apartment using improvised means

For a comfortable life, a person needs not only a comfortably furnished place in the form of an apartment or house. The microclimate in the home is also important. And for this it is necessary to support optimal temperature and understand how to humidify the air in the apartment.

Why is air humidification so important?

Everyone knows that dry air in an apartment is bad. This causes the flowers to dry out. It's even worse with people. The skin dries out, the throat gets sore, the mucous membranes of the nose and lungs become dry, an abundant secretion of mucus begins as a protective mechanism against dust, and its excess is a risk of illness due to pathogenic bacteria that can multiply in it. The eyes dry out and begin to become inflamed. A lot of bad things can happen to the human body due to dry air. You can solve the problem if you humidify the air in the apartment with your own hands or using special devices.

In addition to the detrimental effect on all living things, dry air also spoils everything wooden furniture. Musicians are most familiar with this when the material of an instrument dries out - consider the instrument irrevocably damaged.

In the opposite case, when the humidity is too high, this is also not good. However, the consequences are less terrible, and the problem is solved by simple ventilation. Therefore, it is worth paying more attention to the problem than humidifying the air in the room.

For a normal and comfortable life in an apartment or house, relative air humidity must be maintained in the range from 40 to 60%. It is very important to maintain it within this limit all year round.

A little theory

When thinking about the microclimate of your apartment, it is important to ask yourself not only why to humidify the air, but also to understand what this process depends on. When discussing the microclimate of an apartment, they operate with such concepts as air temperature and relative humidity. The first one is clear. But relative humidity is defined as the percentage of moisture content in the air. Changes from 0 to 100%. At 100% humidity, water can no longer evaporate, since there is nowhere else to go. If there is still evaporation, then the excess above 100% immediately condenses. The value of relative humidity is inextricably linked with air temperature and pressure. There is even a complex and tricky way to display this dependence: i-d chart invented by L.K. Ramzin.

It is important to understand that the lower the air temperature, the less moisture it can hold and the less it is needed to reach 100% (dew point). And vice versa, as the temperature rises, more water vapor is needed. For example, if humidity at 15 degrees is 60%, then when the temperature rises to 25C, the humidity will already be approximately 35%, and all this with the same amount of water vapor.

During the winter period, when the cold air from the street in the apartment is heated by heating means to the desired temperature, the air humidity drops to catastrophically low values.

How to increase indoor air humidity?

The answer is simple - you need to evaporate it in a room with dry air. sufficient quantity water. An effective option there will be an acquisition special device- humidifier. However, you can still humidify the air in your apartment without a humidifier. There are a number of activities that you can do with your own hands and still achieve the desired goal.

  • The simplest one is to place water tanks around the room. These can be jugs or vases with water. Slowly but surely the water will evaporate.

However, this may not be enough. Then the next option would be a wet, thick towel that should be placed on the battery. Evaporating due to heating from the battery, the water will quickly enter the air in the form of vapor and will help humidify the air in winter. As the towel dries, you need to wet it again.

  • If you don’t want to constantly run to the bath and back, then you can do something drastic. Place a container of water on the battery. It will take quite a long time before the water completely evaporates. As a result, you will only have to add water once every few days.

The second option involves a whole host of implementation methods. You can place the container on the floor, and hang a bandage folded several times on the radiator, the end of which will hang into the container with water. The water will rise through the fabric of the bandage and evaporate due to the heat of the battery.

You can cut a cup with a tail from a tin or plastic bottle. Using the tail, attach the cup to the pipe that goes to the battery and constantly fill it with water.

What else will help with hydration?

Simple household little things and nuances will help make it easier to humidify the air in your apartment. If you dry clothes indoors, then the humidity will rise to a sufficient level. Also, indoor plants that humidify the air, distributed throughout the apartment, will reduce the problem to nothing. For example, cyperus can evaporate up to 3 liters per day. And the process of regularly spraying plants will also help significantly.

How to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier at any time of the year

We humidify the air in the apartment using improvised means. For a comfortable life, a person needs not only a comfortably furnished place in the form of an apartment or house. The microclimate in the home is also important. And for this

In pursuit of health: how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier? Tips to help save your home from dryness

One of the reasons high level respiratory diseases in the cold season - excessively dry indoor air. In addition to health problems, it affects our condition and appearance. Drowsiness, brittle hair, dull skin are a consequence of lack of moisture in the environment.

It is very important to humidify the air in an apartment where there are small children due to the structure respiratory system They react to dryness more acutely than adults.

The importance of humidifying living spaces

It is necessary to maintain a certain humidity in the room, since this indicator affects the health of all residents. Lack of moisture provokes:

  • drying of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, which leads to the creation favorable conditions for viruses and bacteria;
  • sleep disturbance at night;
  • attacks of allergies, bronchial asthma due to dust and other particles floating in the air (with sufficient humidity they settle);
  • People who wear contacts notice that their eyes become very dry and feel rubbing after a few hours.

In addition, in dry rooms, floors begin to creak, furniture becomes deformed, and objects can give an electric shock when touched.

How to determine air humidity at home?

There is a special device called a hygrometer to determine humidity. It shows the amount of water vapor in the room.

For the hygrometer readings to be reliable, it must be installed at a distance from heating radiators and sources of moisture. For example, a device located near a heater or in the bathroom will give unreliable information.

Criteria for normal humidity have been determined for different types premises:

  • children's room - from 60 to 70%;
  • adult bedroom - from 50 to 70%;
  • living room - from 40 to 60.

Not every home has a hygrometer, but you can determine the humidity (approximately) yourself. To do this, you only need a container of water. The vessel is placed in the refrigerator for several hours, then placed in the center of the room and set for 5 minutes. Due to the temperature difference, condensation will appear on the container.

  • the outer walls of the container are dry - the air is dry;
  • drops flow slowly - normal humidity;
  • A puddle has appeared under the container - the humidity is too high.

In the first case, it is necessary to humidify the air. In the third, you need to normalize the indicator to prevent the formation of mold and mildew.

Ways to quickly humidify the air in children's rooms

Humidifiers have been specially developed to maintain humidity in residential areas. different principles actions, costs and modifications. You can cope with dryness without their help.


You need to open windows 2-3 times a day, even in winter for 10-15 minutes. The flow of fresh air will improve circulation in the room and normalize the local microclimate.

In summer, during drought, it is better to ventilate the apartment in the morning and evening hours, in cool weather and during rain, you can open windows at any time as often as possible.

Sometimes ventilation can aggravate the microclimate in the apartment:

  • if the home is on the ground floor and the street is dry and there is a lot of dust;
  • if the windows overlook a polluted highway.

In this case, it is better to purchase a special system that will purify and humidify the air.

Wet cleaning

To eliminate dryness in the premises, it is recommended to dust and wash the floors daily. This will not only maintain the level of humidity in the apartment, but will also remove settled particles, hairs and dead cells that can cause allergies. Doing wet cleaning It is not advisable to use bleach and detergents(especially if there are small children in the house).

Damp cloth

One of the easiest ways to humidify a room is to dry clothes in it after washing.

An alternative to this is to place wet towels, sheets or thick fabric. It is advisable to place the cloth moistened with water near heat sources for better evaporation. For example, you can throw a towel over the radiator while opening the curtains.

As soon as the fabric dries, it needs to be wetted again.

Useful interior items

Indoor air humidification can be made an element of apartment design.

Aquarium in the room or decorative waterfall will cope with this task perfectly. They constantly contain and evaporate water, which creates a favorable microclimate. How larger area evaporation, the more effectively the humidity increases.


Decorative plants indoors perform 3 functions at once: moisturize, release oxygen ions and purify the air.

These abilities are possessed by:

Regular spraying and watering will maintain indoor humidity at a high level.

Plants are a natural hygrometer. With a lack of moisture, their leaves become soft and dry.

Other ways to increase humidity

There are several other methods that will help increase humidity and maintain the indoor microclimate:

  • place wide containers of water (preferably near radiators);
  • spray from a spray bottle;
  • turn on the steamer in the room;
  • place several containers with boiling water;
  • Place a wet cloth over the fan.

When using hot water or electrical appliances you need to be careful. Such methods are not suitable for children's rooms, since it can be very difficult to keep track of the child.

You can place an aquarium near your baby’s bed, hang a damp towel, or place indoor plants. When choosing flora you need to be careful and avoid poisonous plants(monsters, for example).

Types of humidifiers for home

If the problem of room humidification is acute, for example, one of the apartment residents suffers from allergies (especially a child), you can purchase a special humidifier for the home.

There are several varieties:

Before purchasing, you need to consider the advantages of each type. Important criterion choice - the area of ​​the room that needs to be humidified.


Cold-type humidifiers work on the principle of natural evaporation. The design is simple:

  • container with water;
  • fan;
  • filter (from which the liquid evaporates).
  • minimal energy consumption;
  • when all the liquid evaporates, it will not break;
  • cessation of evaporation at optimal humidity.

Disadvantages of a cold type humidifier:

  • frequent replacement of filter elements;
  • use only purified or distilled water;
  • inability to regulate humidity (when 60% is reached, the device ceases to perform its function).

The operating principle of this type of humidifier is to release hot steam into the air.

  • fast hydration;
  • It is acceptable to use tap water;
  • no need to change filters;
  • automatic shutdown when liquid boils away.

Disadvantages of hot humidifiers:

  • the possibility of burns due to careless use cannot be excluded;
  • high consumption of electricity.

Such devices should not be used in areas where children or animals are present. The main selection criteria: stability and mobility.


The new generation humidifying device works thanks to high-frequency vibrations of a special membrane that breaks water into cold steam.

Such devices are very popular due to their advantages:

  • compactness;
  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • possibility of humidity control;
  • fast hydration;
  • low price.

The device has only one drawback: marks appear on the surface when using tap water.

Some models of modern air conditioners are equipped with humidifiers.

When humidifying the room, you need to take precautions. When the indicator increases above 70%, a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and mold is created in a warm room.

How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier: easy ways to achieve optimal humidity levels

Frequent respiratory diseases chronic fatigue, skin and hair problems can be caused by dry indoor air. To humidify the air in your living room, it is not necessary to purchase a humidifier. At reasonable approach You can get rid of dryness at home in simple and sometimes aesthetic ways.