What style should you use to decorate the interior of your balcony and loggia? Decorating the balcony inside: photo gallery, choice of material and original ideas Design of a small loggia in a classic style

In our country, the loggia is associated with another extra room, in reality, its appearance does not always correspond to the name of the “room”.

This is due to the fact that most people use this room for drying clothes.

But if you get serious about the design of the loggia, then there is no doubt that it can be turned into an excellent place to relax.

Loggia finishing

Finishing the loggia is necessary if you decide to adapt it as a room for any purpose.

Therefore, you first need to think about the design of the decoration of the loggia, and how to make it non-residential premises, a room suitable for living. After spending the following types works:

  • Completely glaze the loggia.
  • Seal various cracks.
  • Thoroughly insulate the room.
  • Make floors and finish walls and ceilings.

In addition to these works, it is necessary before interior decoration make rooms electrical wiring and carry out lighting.

Think about the installation of heating in advance, after which you will receive a living space for year-round use.

The first thing that needs to be done is glazing the loggia; for this you need to order the installation of ordinary plastic windows.

These windows store well warm temperature, and prevent dirt and dust from entering the room.

The positive side of these windows is their lower cost compared to wood products.

At the same time, entrust the installation of double-glazed windows on your loggia to professional craftsmen familiar with this process.

After installing the windows on your loggia, the cracks at the joints are completely sealed, thereby sealing the room. Now you can think through loggia design ideas, and also carry out electric installation work and provide heating to the room.

Further finishing

After completing the preliminary work, you will need to find information containing ideas for modern loggia design for review, and think about how to implement it all.

Then proceed to further work by screeding the floor and then laying the heated floor. If you want to make a heated floor system on the loggia, then you can lay tiles on top.

Laminate flooring can be laid on a wooden base. The most important thing is that the floors do not absorb the effects of moisture that enters when the room is ventilated.

To begin with, a wooden or metal lathing. If you insulate using polystyrene foam, this material is mounted directly on the surface using glue, but in any case you place panels on top of the sheathing. At the same time, we must not forget about waterproofing.

Final finishing of the loggia

After completing the work on insulating the room, it is necessary to begin finishing the loggia. Wherein modern design loggias should be planned taking into account the architectural and structural characteristics of your residential building.

In addition, the design of the loggia must be carried out taking into account the quality of the materials used in finishing works ah premises, since a significant number of them very soon change their appearance, from exposure sun rays.

Most affordable option decorate the loggia using clapboard. It is best to use a lining coated with a layer that protects from exposure to rays; it is also possible to use PVC panels.

They are not afraid of exposure to moisture, do not fade from sunlight, have a long service life, and there is always a huge range of colors of these products on sale.

For example, it is possible to use panels to decorate a room in the color of marble or oak. It is best to finish the ceiling with white panels or its shades.

Another way to improve a room is to use plasterboards, but in this case other finishing materials will be required, various wallpapers or paint.

The only advantage of drywall is that it can be painted or wallpapered more than once. Lighting on the loggia is best done with spotlights, which will be built into the ceiling panels.

When finishing talking about the improvement of the loggia, it is impossible not to mention this combined design of the kitchen with the loggia.

When the kitchen and loggia are connected by an arch, turning the latter into a cooking room. And the kitchen area is used as a full-fledged dining room.

Loggia design photo

A small room can be properly equipped and enlarged in this way usable area apartments. The design of the loggia is preceded by careful insulation. In this article, the photo shows a selection of ideas for decoration.

Coffee table and wicker chairs on the balcony 3 sq. m. Light tulle adds comfort and does not weigh down the space. Soft carpet allows you to take off your shoes while sitting in a chair and at the same time not freeze on the tiled floor.

Repair of a small balcony. The walls are covered with gypsum plasterboard, upper layer finishing - wallpaper for painting. For the arrangement, a compact cabinet and a small glass table, which do not take up much space.

Oriental style in design. The secret of this style consists of little things: warm colors in the decoration, textile furniture, soft lighting, Moroccan lamps. Here you can equip a hookah room. The presence of a radiator allows you to use a place to relax all year round.

  • To enlarge a small room (2, 3 or 4 sq. m.), you can make an additional extension when installing double-glazed windows. This method can increase the room by 30 cm;
  • If removal is not possible, you should turn to visual expansion methods. To do this you need to use
  • Regardless of the repair method, finishing materials must match the chosen style.

Loggia furniture

  • To be able to transform the space, it is better to purchase folding furniture models;
  • Instead of a bed that will take up the entire area, you can use a hammock for the relaxation area. If necessary, its structure is dismantled, freeing up the premises.
  • If the loggia is small, you should use compact items when decorating the interior of the room. For example, for storage they use open shelves- such designs look easy, and at the same time help to properly organize the space.

A relaxation area with a hammock and pillows allows you to use several levels at once in one space. In such a room a company of 4-6 people can gather for a pleasant conversation.

Open shelves not only serve functional role, but also decorative - they serve color accent in this interior.

For additional insulation is suitable underfloor heating system. Despite the additional financial costs, the result will convince you of the rationality of this action.

The role of lighting

Additional light sources allow you to fully use the space throughout the day.

It is better to think through several lighting scenarios, so you will have the opportunity to use all devices at once or only part of them.

The lighting system creates an atmosphere for relaxation in the evening. There is also a more powerful light source on the balcony. The design of the blinds on the windows allows you to regulate the flow of light during the daytime as desired.

A selection of design ideas

Let's look at the photographs that show.

1. Premises with an area of ​​3 square meters. m

PVC panels were chosen for covering the walls of the room. This method is one of the most practical, does not require large investments of money and time for installation. The texture of the panels perfectly complements window frames PVC, the surface of which imitates wood.

Relaxation area on the balcony with an area of ​​3 sq. m. A pastel range of shades was used as a basis, complementing the interior with active colors through decorative items, furniture, and light sources. A panel with a city perspective fits into the general idea of ​​the style and creates the atmosphere of a street in Paris.

The cabinet is designed specifically to save space and maintain order - with panoramic glazing, the area is visible from the street, if there is no tinting. The ironing board does not interfere with the passage into the apartment. Furniture material - painted chipboard elements. The walls are lined with black ceramic tiles in the shape of a brick.

Design of a balcony of 3 square meters. m in black and white. Chairs, coffee table, carpet, pillows, dishes and decorative items - everything is designed in the same style.

Modern interior. Finishing with natural materials - wood, decorative plaster, textiles.

Decorative plaster in the design of a hookah room (3 sq. m).

2. Loggia - continuation of the apartment

Two rooms are combined into one. The balcony area includes a dressing table with a pouf and a built-in wardrobe.

The loggia continues the idea of ​​living room design. Behind sliding system Residents read books from glass without being distracted by extraneous sounds in the apartment. If you open the partition, you can thereby increase the area of ​​the room.

Country style in the interior of the work area.

3. Kitchen

Not everyone needs a kitchen that takes up a lot of space. In the space of an insulated balcony you can make a kitchen with a compact set, a dining area, hob domino, coffee machine or microwave.

Mini-set on the balcony in a studio apartment with a sink and domino hob.

Full dining area can be replaced with a bar counter, which will take up less space.

The window sill serves as a bar counter. Decoration Materials: ceramic tile, linoleum.

4. Children's room

Creative corner for children's activities.

The loggia is combined with the adjacent nursery.

5. Office

Interior in country style with a workplace.

Decorative stone, paintable wallpaper and moldings are used in the cabinet design. The backlight effectively reveals the texture of the material.

It is better to order furniture for furnishing an office from a workshop custom sizes. Thus, the interior of the room will be as convenient as possible for further use.

Visualization home office V modern style on a loggia with panoramic glazing.

Sewing workshop.

A cozy place to work at the computer.

6. Space for relaxation

Despite the small area, the recreation room allows you to retire from the general space of the apartment.

Swing chair in room design.

Mini living room with sofa.

Modern interior style.

A place to relax in a small room. The base is used to store various items.

7. Green corner

The plants will be comfortable on the loggia; here they will not lack natural light.

A shelf for flowers on a balcony greenhouse.

Recreation area and winter garden.

A flower garden can operate all year round if the room is insulated, or be seasonal.

To arrange flowers, open shelves are installed, special shelves or shelves are created.

8. Terrace

Balcony terrace. Wicker furniture, bamboo curtains and indoor flowers. The parapet is sheathed wooden clapboard. Brick walls houses are painted in White color.

Natural furniture materials, street lamps and decorative stone in wall decoration - all this creates the atmosphere of a summer terrace even in the winter cold.

9. Dressing room

This method of storing things allows you to free up space in the apartment.


Almost everything modern apartments equipped with a balcony and loggia. Some square meters complement it perfectly. They are not used for living, but if you finish it and come up with an original design, it can be turned into a cozy and functional place. It’s a pleasant place to spend your evenings with a cup of tea, read books, enjoy the rays of the sun in winter and the fresh coolness in summer.

The balcony area is small and the shape is non-standard. This complicates the process of arranging and decorating the interior. Some key points will help in solving this problem. They will allow you to rationally use space and make the balcony design modern and original.

If the balcony windows overlook the city, the right decision will deliver big windows

You can hang a picture on the balcony; it will perfectly complement the interior

Additional light will make the room more beautiful

Most balconies and loggias are presented in the form of a room with a fairly small area. This moment is playing important role when choosing a design. Should look harmonious in small space. Depending on the wishes of the owners, visually expand or, on the contrary, reduce. Perfect for the first option light shades in interior design. We are talking about the color of the walls, ceiling and floors.

When choosing the design of a balcony and the interior of a loggia, it is necessary to take into account the purpose and orientation to the cardinal directions of the room. This will allow you to choose the right design concept, which can be carried out outside and inside. The room will be beautiful, cozy and comfortable.

You can put a computer on the balcony and make it workplace

The walls of the balcony can be made of wood, so you retain heat

Basics of loggia interior design

When thinking about the interior of a loggia, you must be guided by the following rules.

  • When arranging floors, it is necessary to use practical and quality material. It should look harmonious and fit.
  • Do not clutter the room with various objects.
  • IN small spaces A simple interior design looks good.
  • When choosing furniture, it is better to give preference to compact, light and convenient, both in use and care.
  • The interior of the loggia should be alive. For this purpose, plants must be placed indoors. If there are no plans to arrange winter garden, a few flowers will add freshness and lightness to the design.
  • Decorative elements are selected according to the style of the room. We are talking about lamps, textiles, paintings and more.

You can make a small place to relax on the balcony

A fireplace and large windows overlooking nature will create a pleasant atmosphere

You can put a small sofa on the balcony and make it a place to relax

Decorating a loggia: what material to choose for the walls?

The first thing you need to start work with is to renovate the premises. For this purpose, glazing and finishing of the balcony are performed. Let us dwell in detail on the choice of material for working with walls. Not only the type of room, but also the service life depends on this.

Good fit:


    MDF and plastic panels;

  • decorative stone and so on.

Flowers will pleasantly decorate the interior design of a balcony

Flowers will harmoniously complement the balcony design

These materials have their pros and cons. They differ in installation method, quality, cost and other characteristics. When choosing, it is especially important this information consider. This will avoid many problems during the operation of the material. Do not forget about the preferences and financial capabilities of the owners.

The main requirement for the material is good quality and practicality. These indicators are responsible for its reliable and long-term service. The interior of the loggia will delight the owners for many years with its beautiful view. Experts do not recommend using bright colors for decoration if the balcony is located on the side where the sun shines constantly and actively. Materials will quickly lose their appearance, become pale and unattractive.

You can make a workplace on the balcony

A great idea would be to create a workspace on the balcony.

Balcony design in Provence style looks very beautiful

Which style should you choose?

What style should I use to decorate my loggia and balcony? This question is one of the most important ones faced when arranging a room. It should be not only beautiful, but also to the liking of the owners. The second point is the main one when choosing it. You can show a flight of fancy and bring to life the most interesting ideas. The result is a cozy, comfortable and functional room.

Balcony design can be done in a modern style

You can put a bookcase on the balcony and make a green corner there

Basically, the following style directions are used to decorate balconies and loggias.

The main feature of the direction is the use of natural stone, combined with wood and fresh flowers. To add originality, you can use flooring in bright colors. Furniture should be as simple as possible: benches, ordinary tables.

Well suited for the design of a balcony of 8 square meters. m. You can make two zones that are separated by screens or partitions. This style requires maximum lighting. It is often found in balconies with panoramic glazing, as shown in the photo below. Furniture and decorative elements without excess. They are simple and have one color. For example, gray or blue.

This bold decision, which is dominated by gray tones. Minimal amount decor and furniture emphasizes its sophistication and originality. The room must be filled with light. Lamps installed on the ceiling will help.


This interior involves the use of turquoise, mint and olive shades. Will fit well wicker furniture, hammock or deck chair. As for plants, you can put a small palm tree or other exotic flower, which lives in warm regions. Staying in such a room is associated with the sea and ocean.


Oriental exoticism always finds its fans. It allows you to turn the room into the land of the rising sun with a special atmosphere. Wall panels that depict hieroglyphs, red-and-black furniture, bamboo decorative elements, screens, etc. are perfect for this. In addition, it is good to use a panel depicting a Japanese woman, a fan and cherry blossoms.


This style of interior design for a 6-meter loggia has an attractive and original look. Based on the use of furniture that does not have a frame, wicker chairs, and wall paneling. The latter may have an original design. Blinds, lamps and paintings by contemporary artists are perfect. Various colors: brown, black and white, blue. Balcony interior photo gallery modern design, which is also very popular.


This style is distinguished by its naturalness. Involves using only natural materials. For example, wood, stone, etc. The color scheme of the design should be light. Pink, beige and blue shades are perfect for decorating walls and ceilings. If you combine them, you can get an original flavor with notes of French Provence.

By placing a cabinet on the balcony you will save a lot of space

If the balcony is large, you can organize a workplace on it

You can decorate your balcony with flowers in pots

How to arrange a balcony?

For owners of small homes, it is important to use any square meters rationally. The balcony and loggia were no exception. A competent approach will turn them into a comfortable and useful territory. It will be used not only for recreation, but also for other purposes. For example, cooking, doing business, sports, growing plants.

Today, it is increasingly common to attach a balcony to a kitchen or other room. Especially in cases where it is glazed and finished. This allows you to significantly expand your living space. The design of the 3-meter loggia is made according to the one chosen for the combined room.

In addition, the loggia can be equipped as a study, children's room, workshop, greenhouse or winter garden. This is a great place to implement any ideas. It is easy to turn it into a beautiful and cozy room, which will not be like others, will become the main advantage in the house. Original design will highlight the delicate taste of the owners.

You can put chairs on the balcony and enjoy a beautiful view of the city

If there is a lot of space on the balcony, you can put a table

A small and cozy balcony can easily become an office where you can deal with documents and resolve other issues. To do this, it is enough to select work area and install a table, chair, computer in it, as shown in the photo below. Since the walls are empty, shelves, paintings, etc. are attached to them. To make the office more comfortable, a sofa will do. You can do the transformation yourself. The design will be inexpensive, but will look beautiful and original.

As a rule, it is difficult to find a place in an apartment for a workshop. Especially if its area is small. Why not use your balcony as a workshop? It is enough to place a table and a cabinet for storing creative supplies on it, as shown in the photo below. Here you can be alone with yourself, do what you love, fantasize and think.

The Provence style balcony looks very beautiful

Wood in the interior of the balcony will perfectly complement the design

Creating a workspace on the balcony would be a good idea

Balconies and loggia are often arranged as a children's room, as shown in the photo below. In such a room it turns out to be especially cozy and comfortable. This is explained by the small area and interesting shape of the room. When arranging it, it is better to use light shades and furniture that has the ability to transform. This way, there will be free space for games and other things that children need so much.

The lantern on the wall perfectly complements the interior of the balcony

Additional lighting on the balcony will look very nice

A winter garden is the dream of many apartment residents. It is quite difficult to arrange it. Since the presence of direct rays is necessary. An ordinary room is unlikely to be suitable for this, but a balcony is excellent. Especially if it panoramic glazing. It is enough to insulate the premises and it will become an excellent place for growing plants. For example, onions, parsley, cucumbers, peppers, etc. Such a small greenhouse will delight its owners healthy vegetables all year round.

For a balcony 2 sq. m design is a little more difficult to choose, but everything is real. The right approach It will make any room beautiful and cozy. It is perfect for relaxation and other purposes.

Designing a small balcony is not an easy task, but if you have the proper knowledge, everything can work out. Since the area of ​​this object is only 3 meters, you will have to work hard to turn the balcony space into a comfortable and functional corner. The most important task is to make a small corner a useful area with a special purpose. This article contains the most interesting ideas with a selection of photos of successful design solutions. If desired, even a small Khrushchev building can become a cozy nest.

How to use the Khrushchev balcony to your advantage

At first glance, it seems that it is simply impossible to create something useful in a modest area. Of course, if there is no desire, then nothing will work out. There are several ways available to everyone to radically change the purpose of a given area:

  1. Pantry. Of course, this option has long since become obsolete. Some practical and rational people are happy to equip a balcony for storing homemade supplies for the winter and other useful things that have no place in the interior. But for creative people with an enviable imagination, such a space will be a real salvation: this is where you can make a corner for yourself.
  2. Office or recreation area. To make your dreams come true, you should first glaze and properly insulate your balcony. Only in this case can you get perfect space for a comfortable time alone with your favorite book or watching a movie.
  3. Combining the balcony space with the adjacent room. In this case, you can achieve a noticeable increase in space, which can be used at your discretion. In this case, you will have to take into account additional expenses and the time it will take to redesign the premises. Very often, this option is used in the kitchen areas of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings in order to at least slightly increase the available space.

With the right approach, even a small balcony area can become a stylish, beautiful and functional place

The nuances of creating an ideal design solution on the balcony of a Khrushchev building

Naturally, when creating the design of a Khrushchev building, you can’t really go wild: you have to keep your ideas and options within strict limits. There are certain recommendations from interior designers that will help you use the available balcony space wisely:

  1. The lightest and most transparent colors should be used for finishing. This simple technique will help to visually expand the walls and make the balcony much wider.
  2. The floor can be finished with either noble wood or covered with linoleum. These simple materials don't need special care, and they will last quite a long time.
  3. It is important to think carefully about lighting. It is advisable to give preference to point or street lighting. They will not clutter up the space, but on the contrary, will make it more comfortable.
  4. The furnishings for the balcony should be unobtrusive, compact and simple. It is also important not to overdo it with its quantity.
  5. An important attribute of every balcony are plants. Beautiful flower arrangements will help make the balcony more comfortable and peaceful.

One of the popular design moves for small areas is to use light colors in the interior: they will help visually expand the room

Choosing a style direction

In order to get an ideal balcony room after renovation, you should develop a unified concept in decoration, furnishings and decor. It is desirable that the style of the balcony echoes the interior design. There are several most suitable styles that will help you competently design the interior of your balcony:

  • Mediterranean;
  • Eco style;
  • Classic;
  • Eclecticism;
  • Minimalism;
  • High tech;

Advice. To create a harmonious and simple interior in country style, you should focus on naturalness. Natural wood as wall decoration, simple furniture, a large number of fresh flowers - all this will help achieve maximum comfort in the interior. The final chord The entire composition will include checkered curtains and textile elements.

The most important thing is to catch character traits one style or another and choose the most suitable and noticeable ones that can competently decorate the entire interior. There is no need to overload it, but on the contrary, you should make it airy and relaxed.

When decorating a balcony, you should take into account the general stylistic features of the adjacent room

How to choose a shade

How much can be corrected using just one color. When choosing the main color to decorate your balcony space, you should consider some tips and constant rules.

Advice. Do not forget about the location of the balcony: it is important to consider which direction the windows are directed. If it is the south side, then preference should be given to light, cold tones; if, on the contrary, it is the north side, then the best solution there will be a light warm and cozy shade.

There are several unconditional leading shades that are perfect for a small Khrushchev loggia: coffee, light green, blue, pink, yellow-beige, light tangerine and pale gray. Still, it is better to take into account the color scheme of the neighboring room so that the interior looks most harmonious.

Owners of small Khrushchev apartments should not be upset. With a strong desire, even such a similar apartment can be made ideal and cozy. The most important thing is to arm yourself with everything necessary knowledge and begin to radically change the boring and uninteresting space of the balcony.

Video: Balcony design 3 meters

Photo: Balcony design 3 meters

November 2016

The design of balconies and loggias is gaining more and more popularity. All thanks to the fact that the interior is thought out very carefully, and accordingly it becomes a very important and functional room in the apartment. In this article you can learn in more detail about how to arrange a balcony in an original way, and you can also view photos modern ideas 2016 loggia design.

It often happens that owners of apartments with balconies use them as a storage room and a place to store all sorts of rubbish or simply unnecessary things.

But why exactly does this happen? Because the owner does not know how to organize the room, the space in the “right direction”, and also if there is simply no imagination. Check out the photo of the loggia design finishing, read the article and you can create an additional functional room in your apartment! After all, in this way you will add square meters to your own home!

The size of the balcony matters when it comes to its design!

After all, depending on how big or, conversely, small balcony You can decorate the interior of the loggia in completely different ways. Let's take a closer look.

Small balcony

Of course, if you have a loggia of only three square meters, you may think that this is very small room and you can’t really place anything in it. But in reality this is far from the case. If you approach this issue wisely, you can decorate your balcony very cozy and comfortable! For example, those who prefer flowers and love to care for them can realize even their most cherished dreams in this matter and turn their own loggia into a real flower greenhouse! Or, for example, you can create a cozy relaxation area by placing a soft sofa in the corner, next to it a compact Coffee table, and place pots of flowers on the window. In fact, ideas for a loggia exist in a huge number, and no one forbids you to dream up!

If the room is small, you need to use it to the maximum, without missing a single millimeter! For example, you can hang on the walls hanging shelves(and several pieces!), and install special furniture - a transformer, because it can always be folded or unfolded very conveniently.

Place objects and accessories very carefully in the room to make it cozy. Don't place anything too bulky. And if you use light options color range to decorate the design of the loggia, you can visually enlarge it very well!

Medium size loggia

Photos of the design of a 6 square meter loggia can be viewed in the catalogue. You can also design your own original, comfortable and cozy loggia, if it is from 4 to 6 square meters. And in fact, the limitation in fantasy can only be in taste qualities owner! Indeed, in such a medium-sized room, you can implement absolutely any interior design. If you “play” with the design of light, you can very well increase the space.

Large loggia - more than seven square meters

On such a balcony you can even create different zones using various partitions or screens. Here you can create the most wonderful option for relaxation. Place, for example, a large sofa with pillows in the corner of the loggia, which can accommodate a whole company. Another very original idea is to decorate a mini gym.

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Choosing the style of the loggia

When decorating a balcony or loggia, let your own fantasies run wild! After all, options for decorating the style of a room may be limited only because of the taste of the homeowner. Below you will find more information about the most popular interior design styles.

Provence style

Look at the photo of the design of the loggia in this style in the catalogue, please note that it is quite natural, made from natural materials, in particular from wooden boards. Great option– tiles or a natural stone, and maybe decorative plaster. Paint the walls and ceiling light colors. And it’s not at all necessary to use white, it will look very gentle light pink, beige or blue shade. Look at the photo for the finishing design of the loggias.

In general, the color scheme can be completely different: white, baked milk, terracotta, beige, mint, light orange - choose according to your taste, imagination and imagination.

If these tones are combined with each other, you can create a wonderful color scheme reminiscent of the French province. For a more distinct effect, use pastel shades that are not too bright. It is better to use furniture that is not too bulky, for example, a sofa small size, with floral upholstery or a wicker chair will be very appropriate in this style. In addition, you can put a table made in an antique style.

Provence is very original style, in which you can use any antique furniture, painted white, with a certain Provençal flavor. This option will only decorate your loggia. A metal table with white chairs included will look beautiful and original. And to complete the design of Provence, you can hang a wrought-iron chandelier, put flower pots and place different pillows on the sofa.

If you are not very impressed by this style, look at other photos of modern loggia design ideas 2016!


Enough interesting way decoration of balconies. You can use frameless furniture here; wicker chairs are also suitable; finishing can be done using decorative panels, on which the original drawing is applied. Also don't forget about accessories. You can hang pictures as decorations, or colored blinds or other bright curtains on the windows. Fresh flowers will not be superfluous either. Color palette You can use different ones, for example white and brown, as well as mint color or blue, red and blue.

Japanese style

For lovers oriental cultures, an excellent solution for decorating a balcony would be Japanese style. You can make the walls with materials with hieroglyphs printed on them. It will look great lacquered furniture in dark brown or red-black color. You can also equip your balcony with all sorts of screens, partitions, and hang bamboo blinds on the windows. You can pick up and hang an original fan or panel on the wall. Other oriental-style accessories would also be appropriate.


For a special touch in Mediterranean style must be applied natural materials. For wall cladding, use wooden materials, tiles in the appropriate style with a pattern, wicker chairs are also appropriate here, or maybe you like a hammock or chaise lounge. In addition to everything, a home palm tree will look great. But you shouldn’t clutter up the space too much, overloading it with large or voluminous objects.

The most common colors here are turquoise, mint, brown, olive or white.

Hi-tech style

If you paid attention to the photo of the design of the loggia in this style, you noticed that it contains a minimum of everything, and also contains glass and metal furniture, accessories decorated in silver, black or gray colors. And yet, the most popular color design here will be “metal”.

And in order to visually expand the space in this style, it is recommended to arrange LED bulbs, and the more there are, the better.

Country style

This design involves the use of a special decorative stone, and wooden elements, fresh flowers and bright colors. For window curtains, choose fabrics that will have large patterns on them, and colored floor runners on the floor.

Furniture can be absolutely simple: wooden benches, regular table and chairs upholstered in chintz fabric.

Modern loft

This style is perfect for those with large balconies. The photo shows the design of a 6-meter loggia. You have already seen how similar rooms are decorated. Now in more detail, because large balconies include those with an area of ​​more than six square meters.

Here you can zone the room, thanks to screens and partitions. Provide maximum lighting. That is why this style is perfect for balconies with panoramic glazing.

The decor here should be minimal, the furniture is ordinary, without any luxury, the color scheme is the same throughout the entire interior. Gray and blue tones are appropriate here.

Joining as an idea for a loggia

Among other things, loggias can be attached to a room, thereby increasing it total area! But accession is possible partial or complete. In the first case, you will only need to remove balcony doors, and no permission will be required.

If you do a complete connection of the balcony, then you need to do a complete redevelopment, which will require permits from the relevant authorities, and this will need to be done first.

Very often loggias are connected to kitchens. And in this case, there is no need to demolish the window sill. But it can be used very stylishly, for example, as a bar counter!

You can also combine a loggia with a bedroom or living room.

The only downside to the whole merging process is that it is quite labor-intensive. After all, first you will need to solve the documentary part, agreeing on all the nuances of the redevelopment in the housing and communal services, and draw up a project there. And the repair process itself will require the investment of a lot of time and effort.

Design of balconies and loggias - finishing

The interior design of any room should be beautiful, stylish, comfortable and practical. Much depends on the materials that you will use for finishing work in your loggia.

Floor and its insulation

This point is very important, especially on the balcony. As the main finishing material To insulate the floor, you can use materials such as polystyrene foam, expanded clay, penophone, penoplex or mineral wool.

Main characteristics of materials for floor insulation on a loggia:

  • Expanded clay is lightweight, fire resistant and easy to install. But you will need a lot of it, it absorbs moisture very much, and is also quite fragile. To create the best insulation effect, you will need a fairly large layer of material, and this will reduce the space.
  • Polystyrene foam is lightweight and inexpensive. But it is not very durable and hygroscopic.
  • Min. cotton wool - has a long service life, is non-flammable, and is easy to install. But she has low level moisture resistance.
  • Penoplex is a strong material, durable and, moreover, not afraid of frost. But it is quite expensive.
  • Penophone is an excellent material for hydro and thermal insulation, thanks to it you can save a lot of balcony space. But it must be used only together with penoplex.

The insulation procedure occurs in several stages, namely:

  • Surfaces are cleaned. As a rule, vacuuming the floor surface well is sufficient.
  • The first layer of thin insulation is laid, preferably in whole layers.
  • The second layer is laid.
  • Wooden beams are installed and fixed.
  • The chambers formed between the beams are filled with polystyrene.
  • Levels out.
  • Chipboard and plywood are laid on top.

This is of course a labor-intensive process, but if you have the desire and opportunity, you can do all the work yourself!

Wall cladding

Thanks to wall cladding, their surface is not only leveled, but also makes it possible to hydro- and sound-proof the room, as well as insulate it.

Selection of materials

To sheathe the walls on the balcony, you can use materials such as:

  • Drywall
  • Plastic panels
  • Lining
  • Cork panels
  • Decorative rock

When choosing a material, you need to proceed from how practical it is and how suitable it is for your room. For example, if your balcony is located on sunny side, do not use brightly colored plastic panels, choose lining or cork. For more economical cladding, you should use plasterboard or MDF. But if you live in a climate where winters are harsh, then you should generally use natural stone.

Redevelopment and interior of the loggia

If you are closely involved in the issue of organizing your balcony, you can consider various options redevelopment and interior design.

As a result, you may get:

  • The office is a work area.
  • The kitchen is compact and very cozy.
  • The bedroom – although not too big, is so comfortable!

Setting up your own loggia is very interesting. Moreover, in this regard, trust your imagination and our recommendations, and then you will definitely succeed!

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