Options for attaching drywall to the ceiling. How to attach drywall to the ceiling: learning how to install single-level and multi-level ceiling structures

Finishing work often cause a lot of difficulties, especially when carrying out processes on your own. Biggest problems occur during fixation sheet materials on elevated horizontal bases. It is necessary to attach drywall to the ceiling in compliance with all rules in order to avoid serious problems further.

The fixation of the slabs is carried out most in a convenient way, which is selected taking into account the available capabilities and type of base and ensures a smooth and reliable surface.

Metal carcass

Laying drywall on a profile is the most popular. This is explained by the fact that such installation allows you to correct significant differences in heights and hide communications.

Fastening of frame parts is carried out as follows:

If you do everything correctly, you will get a metal frame with a single plane.

You should know! To avoid problems with possible shrinkage, the parts should not be positioned sideways.

Wooden sheathing

This option is more suitable for working with wooden bases, since close temperature expansion is ensured. The timber must be free of defects, well dried and necessarily treated with fire retardants and antiseptics.

Step-by-step instructions for installing the sheathing:

  1. The base is prepared according to the same scheme as when installing a metal frame.
  2. Marking is being carried out. Due to the absence of a guide system, a line is marked on the walls, taking into account the greatest unevenness and a margin of 3–6 cm. This will be the starting point for pulling the cord.
  3. The beam is attached to installed hangers, which are fixed to concrete base or wooden joists if there is significant unevenness.
  4. It is recommended to install the side parts first, with a distance of 10–15 cm from the walls. The edges of the elements should also not come into contact with vertical structures, so a gap of 10 mm is set.
  5. A cord is stretched between the parts. Further installation is accompanied by leveling and tensioned rope.

Timber is usually used for arranging suspended ceilings in wooden houses

The slats can be attached directly to the ceiling joists, but for this there should be no height differences. If work is carried out with attic floors, then additional thermal insulation and waterproofing can be installed.

Glue method

This process is rarely done by hand. The base should not have significant deviations and open systems communications. In addition, the surface requires mandatory preparation.

Before attaching the gypsum plasterboard, the following procedures are carried out:

  1. The old coating is completely removed. Whitewash, paint and wallpaper are removed especially carefully. The ceiling must be clean.
  2. Primer is applied. Compositions with deep penetration which can significantly improve grip.
  3. Gaps and cracks that could allow moisture to pass through are eliminated.

Gluing sheets is most often used when low ceilings or arrangement of multi-level structures, when one of the levels is the base

On a note! Fixing large format sheets is very problematic, so sawing them in half is allowed.

Installing drywall on the ceiling alone

Before starting work, you need to think through all the steps to avoid problems. Screwing the plates is very difficult; this will require auxiliary devices.

If using a pendant frame system, you can fix drywall sheets using several methods.

Telescopic lifts

They are a device with stops on which the plate is placed and evenly raised to the desired level. The disadvantage of this option is the high price of the equipment, which does not allow purchasing it for home use.

There are many types of professional telescopic lifts, but all of these models have one serious drawback - their high price

It is possible to make such a system yourself, but not always. For this, pipes of different diameters are used:

  1. Thinner parts are welded into a single lower frame. The result should be a structure with two outer supports on legs, reminiscent of an open clothes hanger.
  2. The posts are drilled through in increments of 5 to 10 cm. All points on the two posts must be located at the same level.
  3. Thick fragments are put on top. On their upper edges there is a vertical crossbar glued with rubber. General system consists of two T-shaped pillars.
  4. As the pipe rises larger diameter fix with a pin at the desired level.

It’s possible to build a lift from 4 poles and an upper support frame, but without experience using one homemade equipment it's difficult alone

Using brackets and hangers

A faster and easier method to secure drywall sheets. Algorithm of actions:

The technology may seem complicated, but if you get used to it, the work will not take much time and will provide excellent results.

Attention! To simplify the procedure, making a special strap on the wrist, on which there is a magnet or sewn holes for self-tapping screws, will help.

Glue mount

To glue plasterboard sheets directly to the ceiling, you must do the following:

Further work is performed in the same order. Although the process will take a lot of time, this will allow all the elements to be glued extremely securely.

To hang drywall yourself, you should consider some nuances:

  • Everything needs to be thought through in detail; you can’t rush.
  • The chosen tool is extremely light.
  • The manufactured stops must be assembled rigidly, without loose parts.
  • The main thing is to securely fasten the main part, since it bears the main weight.
  • If fatigue occurs, work should be postponed, otherwise there is a high risk of not only damage to the material, but also health problems.

Although it is not easy to screw or glue gypsum boards alone, following the technology and recommendations makes it possible to achieve a high-quality result.

Gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKL) are very convenient and profitable facing material, giving an unsurpassed result among the price-quality ratio building materials. Most often, the ceiling is made of plasterboard, and if you do not know how to attach drywall to the ceiling correctly, then this page is at your service.

In addition, here is a video on this topic that will help you clearly understand the intricacies of installation.

Installation of plasterboard ceilings

Ceiling markings

Ceiling markings

Installation of a metal frame

  • Along the line marked around the perimeter, screw the UD profile so that its lower part exactly coincides with the line.
    For fastening, it is best to use a plastic dummy dowel with a diameter of 6 mm and a screw with a diameter of 4-5 mm. The length of the screw and dowel will depend on the density of the wall.

  • Attach U-shaped hangers along the lines marked on the ceiling. To attach the pawn, it is better to use internal holes rather than ears, since the suspension attached to the ears will be pulled back a couple of millimeters under the weight of the gypsum board, and this will disrupt the level of the plane.
    The diameter of the dowels and screws needed is the same as for the wall.

Advice. IN concrete floors there are voids and in order to prevent the dowel from falling into them, you need to use flared dowels or, if there are none, impact dowels.

But the factory impact dowel-screw ratio is too weak, so the screw should be replaced with a thicker one.

  • Now cut the CD profiles to the required length and insert them into the UD profiles installed around the perimeter.
    Cut the profile 5 mm shorter than the absolute distance between the walls, and it will fit freely.
  • In order to level the CD profiles, you need to stretch a thread under them, and in order to prevent these same profiles from pulling the thread, bend each middle suspension under the profile, pulling it above the level of the plane.
  • Stretch the nylon thread from wall to wall, across the CD profiles, securing it to the UD profiles with small self-tapping screws.

  • You align each profile along a stretched thread, fastening it to the hangers with small self-tapping screws for plasterboard profiles.
    You fasten the CD profile to the UD profile in the same way. Bend the protruding ends of the hangers to the sides.
  • Disconnect all the electrical wires needed for lighting and hide them in a corrugated cable channel. Next, we will look at how to attach drywall to the ceiling, or more precisely, to a metal frame.

Installation of plasterboard sheets

Advice. Since you need to attach drywall without tearing through the paper on the sheet, use a drywall attachment for this.

It is equipped with a special lampshade, which, when tightened, rests against the sheet, controlling the depth of recessing of the cap.

  • Do not forget to route wires through the plasterboard for lighting in the right places. If, when installing drywall, some sheets did not meet by a few millimeters, do not be upset - these cracks will be filled with putty or fugenfüller.

  • We looked at how to attach drywall, and now we need to prepare it for putty. To do this, all screws that are screwed in are sealed with putty.

  • The seams between the plasterboard sheets can be glued with adhesive mesh tape and then puttied (see).
    You can also seal these seams with fugenfüller, which is also a putty, but when hardened it has great hardness and strength.
  • After the sealed seams and screws have dried, you can begin to putty the drywall.


We looked at some of the nuances of such arrangement as plasterboard on the ceiling - how to attach it correctly and how to prepare it for finishing. For installation of more complex multi-level and figured ceilings, you need to learn how to make even, single-level, living room, bedroom, understanding the structure of which will allow you to go further and assemble more complex structures.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

It is advantageous to create simple and complex ceiling structures using plasterboard sheets(GKL). The material has good specifications and relatively cheap. The easiest way is to make a single-level suspended ceiling. There is nothing complicated in this process, the main thing is to understand how to attach plasterboard to the ceiling or, in other words, with the technology of mounting the frame and installing plasterboard sheets.

Exist following methods drywall fastenings:

Fastening sheets to the ceiling with binding materials

Drywall can be glued to the ceiling and walls without a frame, which saves room space. The base surface should be prepared in advance:

  • First of all, peeling paint or plaster is removed.
  • All irregularities are eliminated using putty after pre-treatment with a primer.
  • The surface must be degreased.

In the presence of significant differences and defects glue method is not suitable, in this case a frame is used. Also, you can’t do without lathing when laying communications on the ceiling.

Drywall cannot be glued to the following surfaces:

  • wooden, since wood can change sizes;
  • wet or painted with oil paint;
  • to smooth concrete surface(first, notches are made on it).

Glue mounting

Plasterboard is glued to the ceiling using mastic - reliable and inexpensive adhesive material. You can buy special glue "Perlfix".

  • Creamy glue is applied to the surface of the sheet with a spatula.
  • Drywall is applied to the ceiling and pressed. To create a tight connection, holders are used.

Important! The sheets are staggered so that adjacent seams do not coincide.

  • The horizontality of the sheet surface is checked with a level; if necessary, the position of the drywall is corrected with a rubberized hammer.

Near windows and doors, glue is applied to the entire surface of the sheet.

You can glue any drywall, for rooms with high humidity choose moisture-resistant material. It is necessary to distinguish between ceiling and wall plasterboard: sheets for ceilings are thinner, they are lighter and more convenient to attach.

Mounting on polyurethane foam and dowels

Foam can be used to glue sheets not only to the ceiling, but also to the walls. The surface is prepared in the same way as for glue, only there is no need to level the base surface, since there is an air gap between it and the sheets.

  • The sheet is placed against the ceiling and holes for dowels are drilled through it into the surface in increments of 0.5 m.
  • The sheet is removed, after which, at a distance of 10 cm from the holes to it, inside pieces of foam rubber of equal thickness are glued, and the spacer parts of the dowels are inserted into the ceiling holes.
  • Then the sheet is again aligned along the holes with the base surface and attached to it with dowels. A washer is installed under the head of each self-tapping screw.
  • The position of the sheet is set using a level. Due to the foam pads, a gap is formed between it and the base.
  • A hole with a diameter of 6 mm is drilled in the drywall near each fastener and foam is pumped into it. Then, using dowels and a rubberized hammer, the horizontal position of the sheet is adjusted.
  • The next day, the washers are removed and the screws are screwed back in, recessing the head. The sheet attached to the foam will be additionally fixed with dowels.

Drywall frame fastening

Installation of sheets is carried out in several stages.


This is done as follows:

  • On the base surface there is the lowest point, which should be transferred to the wall in the nearest corner. The minimum distance from the ceiling to the metal profile is 25 mm - a value corresponding to its thickness.
  • Having retreated 30 mm from the mark on the wall, you should make another mark and move it to all corners, using a building level.

If they will be mounted in the ceiling Spotlights, the indentation of the frame from the base surface is made taking into account their height.

  • Using a painting cord, horizontal lines are drawn along the entire perimeter of the room. The lower level of the frame will be set according to them.
  • Also, the lines for the location of the hangers are marked on the ceiling, calculating the placement of sheets 50 cm wide. The first mark is made from the wall at a distance of 30 cm.

Frame installation

Installation of plasterboard sheets

They have a lot of weight and dimensions. An assistant is needed to install them. But before attaching drywall to the ceiling, additional operations are required.

  • If the sheets were cut to size, chamfers should be made in these places for further sealing of the joints with putty.
  • In addition, holes for lamps should be cut in the sheets.

There are many in various ways fastening drywall with your own hands, but not everyone is suitable for installing sheets on the ceiling surface. Sheets of plasterboard can be easily screwed or glued to the surface of the walls, but gluing plasterboard sheets to the ceiling with your own hands is inconvenient and even dangerous, because under the influence of vibrations and under the weight of the sheets, the adhesive layer can crack.

And this can lead to the collapse of the ceiling structure. Only two methods are used, using which it is possible to install plasterboard in sheets on the ceiling surface:

  • by mounting on a supporting profile frame;

  • using screws directly into the ceiling.

Technology for self-installation of drywall by screwing sheets of material directly to the surface of the base ceiling.

The method of screwing plasterboard sheets directly to the ceiling surface can only be used on ceilings made of wood. This method is simpler and does not require preliminary installation of a supporting frame. But it can only be used on wooden ceilings.

The surface of the base ceiling must be completely flat, otherwise the new surface will not have a flat surface. Working with sheet plasterboard is easier and more convenient for two people.

Tools required for installing a plasterboard ceiling by attaching directly to the ceiling surface:

  • cordless screwdriver with a set of attachments (you can use a network one, but this is inconvenient);
  • construction knife - for cutting sheets to the required size;
  • marker;
  • simple pencil;
  • construction ruler;
  • construction square;
  • self-tapping screws for drywall and wood;
  • dowel - nails;
  • building level;
  • marking cord.

When screwing plasterboard sheets to the ceiling surface, use wood screws with a length of 7 to 10 cm. It is more convenient to do this work while standing on a table. It is advisable to select the height of the table in such a way that, standing on it, you can lightly touch the surface of the ceiling with your hands.

You need to prepare two lengths of rods for work in advance equal to height premises. They will be used as supports for the plasterboard sheet. It is convenient to make supports from a metal profile. They should be similar in shape to a mop, the length of the handle being equal to the height of the room and with a crossbar of 50-60 cm. The rods must be installed against the wall in the place where the installation will be carried out, so as not to interfere with the lifting of the plasterboard sheet.

For installation, you need to lift the sheet of drywall with your hands above your head. At the same time, holding it on your head with one hand, use the other hand to substitute the prepared support. Pressed against the ceiling with supports on both sides, the sheet will not fall. You can align the sheet more accurately by loosening the supports. Then you can screw it on. Fastening plasterboard ceiling without a supporting frame and with a profile frame, the difference is in the length of the screws used. When attaching plasterboard sheets directly to the ceiling surface, you need to rely on the thickness of the sheet, so self-tapping screws 7-10 cm long are used for installation.

A method of attaching plasterboard to the ceiling by screwing it to a supporting frame.

When marking the secondary guide profiles of the frame, it is necessary to take into account the static load, which will depend on the thickness of the sheet and the type of material plasterboard boards. To perform this type of drywall fastening, you will need the same tools that were used when attaching sheets directly to the surface of the base ceiling.

Materials for installing plasterboard sheets to the ceiling surface:

  • plasterboard in sheets;
  • for mounting the frame: ceiling hangers, guides and main profiles, connecting elements (couplings, crabs and brackets);
  • insulating materials;
  • soundproofing tape;
  • tape for sealing seams;
  • gypsum putty mixture;
  • perforated metal corner.

Apply markings yourself.

Marking involves drawing a horizontal line on the surface of the walls, which, when installing the frame, will correspond to the boundary of the outer surface of the suspended ceiling, as well as marking the places where the wall profile will be located, the main and secondary guide profiles of the frame.

When drawing marking lines for the secondary guide profiles of the frame, it is necessary to take into account the static load on the structure, which will depend on the thickness of the sheet and the type of material of the plasterboard boards.

Do-it-yourself installation of a supporting frame on the ceiling.

Frame assembly includes the following work:

  • drilling holes for dowels - nails in the base ceiling;
  • fastening the dowel - with nails of ceiling hangers;

  • installation of main and supporting profiles.

There are several types of metal profile frame, which differ from each other mainly only in the way of attaching the main profiles to the supporting profiles and the type of ceiling suspensions used.

Two main schemes are usually used:

  • secondary profile guides are located perpendicular to the main profiles on different heights and then connected to each other using U-shaped connectors. This scheme is used when there is no great need to fight to save height in the room. As profile sections, the secondary frame guides are placed between the main profiles and oriented perpendicular to them in the same horizontal plane.

  • The profiles are connected using X-shaped couplings. This method is used when the height of the room needs to be saved.

Photo of a frame with crab connectors for attaching plasterboard sheets to the ceiling.

Installation of the structure begins with the preparation of all holes on the surface of the base ceiling. Then, using dowels, the installation of ceiling suspensions is carried out. For this purpose, use a hammer drill, screwdriver and hammer.

The design of ceiling suspensions should allow adjustment of the height of the main ceiling profiles and thereby achieve a perfectly horizontally aligned surface of the mounted suspended ceiling.

Photo of hangers for the frame when attaching plasterboard sheets to the ceiling.

Then along the walls of the room, according to pre-applied markings, guide profiles are installed in a horizontal plane. To obtain the maximum possible sound insulation, it is advisable to install these profiles on foam rubber or polyurethane foam self-adhesive soundproofing tape. When the tape is glued, the profiles need to be fixed to the walls using a hammer drill.

Installation of dowels and nails should be done correctly using a hammer (plastic part), and the screw should be screwed into it with a screwdriver or screwdriver. Guides metal profiles have already punched holes designed to accommodate dowels and nails. If necessary, drill additional holes.

Each profile must be secured to the surface using at least three dowels. It is convenient to reduce the length of the profile by using metal cutting scissors.

The method of fastening depends on the design of the supporting frame. Then you need to start installation ceiling profiles, which need to be inserted into the grooves of ceiling hangers and wall-mounted guide profiles. If necessary, the profile can be lengthened by splicing two profile sections, twisting them with self-tapping screws and using a CD connector. After that, secondary frame profiles are attached to the main profiles.

The choice of fastening method depends on the chosen design of the supporting frame:

  • when connecting profiles at different horizontal levels, connecting U-shaped brackets are used, which are inserted into grooves on the load-bearing lower profiles of the frame;
  • To connect frame profiles at one horizontal level, special couplings are used X-shape, which are assigned to secondary frame profiles screws for metal.

After completing the installation, you need to use building level check the horizontal position of the frame and, if necessary, adjust the height of the ceiling suspensions. Insulating Additional materials are used when it is necessary to manufacture a structure with increased sound insulation or properties.

The installation of these materials is carried out after laying all communications on the ceiling (electrical wiring, ventilation, alarm system cables, etc.).

Do-it-yourself installation of plasterboard sheets on the ceiling.

To install frames with a complex surface shape, it is necessary to use a specially curved profile or make a frame from straight standard profiles mounted on curvilinearly cut plasterboard sheets.

Sheets of drywall must be correctly marked in advance, placing them on a flat surface. smooth surface and using a square, a construction tape and a simple ruler, draw marking lines. After which the sheet of drywall is cut with a knife along the marking line.

If a knife was used to cut the sheet, then the sheet of material cut along the marking line is laid along the cut line on the edge of some surface, for example, a table, and broken, after which the cardboard is cut using a knife on the side opposite to the break.

From the edges of plasterboard sheets cut with a plane, approximately a third of the total thickness of the slab is chamfered at an angle of 45°, if the installation seams are planned to be finished using sealing tape or 2/3 of the total thickness of the slab at an inclination angle of 22.5°, if tape is not used when filling the joints.

The cut edges of the material are cleaned with a flat rasp. Round holes in plasterboard, those necessary, for example, for installing lamps, are cut out with a special cutter mounted on a drill.

Drywall sheets are mounted on a level-checked supporting frame with drywall screws, using a screwdriver and a screwdriver. In this case, you need to move sequentially from edge to edge to avoid deformation of the sheet.

It is recommended to fasten the plasterboard sheets perpendicular to the supporting guide profiles. If a second layer of drywall is applied, the installation seams between them must be shifted relative to each other. Each layer of drywall is fixed separately.

It is necessary to achieve a tight fit of the plasterboard sheet to supporting frame. During installation, the screws should be spaced from each other at a distance of 25 cm. The screws are screwed in first from the side of the U-shaped main profile, while a small groove with a thickness of approximately 1 mm should be left between adjacent plasterboard sheets.

To avoid chipping the material, screws must be placed at a distance of at least 15 mm from the edge of the cut sheet. Among other things, screws into a plasterboard sheet must be twisted strictly perpendicular to its plane, maintaining a right angle.

The depth of insertion of the screw should not be less than 10 mm. The head of the screw is inserted into the slab of material by approximately 1 mm (for convenience during subsequent puttying). At the joints of drywall, adhesive-based separating tape should be applied. In the same way, it is necessary to separate elements from plasterboard sheets from various functions, such as suspended ceilings and wall cladding.

In order to make a metal frame of complex shape, you need to use a bent plastic profile or bend the profile and drywall yourself.

Sealing plasterboard installation seams.

Before you begin sealing drywall joints, you need to complete all “wet work” in the room. And also check whether all the screws that secured the drywall to the frame are recessed and how well and firmly the drywall is fastened. Since the drywall that is sold has different kinds edges, then further work will depend on what kind of edge the drywall has.

Beveled edges of a sheet of drywall and edges that are cut at an angle of 45 degrees must be sealed with putty using tape. Semicircular edges of a sheet of drywall and edges that are cut at an angle of 22 degrees can be sealed with putty without using tape. In order to properly finish the ceiling with plasterboard you need a little patience, accurate calculations and information from professionals on the Internet.

Video on attaching plasterboard boards to the ceiling.

May 30, 2017
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

How to install drywall on the ceiling? I used to often ask myself this question, but now, having some experience, I will tell you how to assemble a frame and correctly attach plasterboard to the ceiling on a profile. I am sure that this information will help beginners cope with this work on their own.

Installation of gypsum boards on profiles

The process of installing drywall (gypsum board) on the ceiling can be divided into several main stages:

Performing markup

Before attaching drywall to the ceiling, you must make markings. This determines how smooth and high-quality the ceiling will be.

The marking process looks like this:

Illustrations Description of actions

Level designation:
  1. First of all, you need to decide on the ceiling level. If you do not plan to insulate the surface or hide communications, then the distance from the base to the surface of the gypsum board should be minimal - 4.5 cm;
  2. Step back the required distance from the ceiling and make a mark on the wall;
  3. Draw a horizontal line through the mark along the perimeter of the room, as shown in the photo.

It's even easier to mark a line using a water level. Use it to move the mark to the corners of the room, then connect the dots with a paint cord.

Marking for profiles. Draw lines across the entire ceiling in 600 mm increments, 250 mm from the wall. Keep in mind that the lines must be across the sheets, i.e. you need to decide in advance how you will place the gypsum board on the frame.

Marking for hangers. Mark lines on the ceiling perpendicular to the existing ones in increments of 0.5 m. Draw the first line at a distance of 0.25 m from the wall.

At this point, the marking process is completed, and you can begin assembling the frame.

Frame assembly

Since the gypsum boards are attached to the ceiling using a frame, it is extremely important to assemble it correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this operation no less responsibly than applying markings.

Instructions for marking are as follows:

Illustrations Description of actions

  • Direct hangers;
  • CD profiles;
  • UD profiles.

Installation of UD guides. Along the perimeter of the room, guides need to be attached to the walls, aligning them to the intended level. For these purposes, use dowel nails.

If the walls are wooden, you can use self-tapping screws.

Installation of hangers. Secure straight hangers using dowel nails. During the installation process, make sure that they are positioned strictly according to the markings.

Installation of CD profile. The CD installation process is generally quite simple. However, keep in mind that the profiles sag, especially if the room area is large. Therefore, the work should be done like this:
  • Cut profiles to fit the length or width of the room;
  • Insert the outer profile into the guides and position it opposite the hangers;
  • Support the profile with a rule and secure it in this position with self-tapping screws in the hangers;
  • Install the CD in the same way near the opposite wall;
  • Pull the thread between the outer profiles;
  • Install intermediate CDs, aligning them with the tensioned beacons.

Jumper installation:
  • To give the frame strength, you need to install jumpers between the CDs. To do this, you can use crosspieces or make jumpers from guides, as shown in the diagram.

If the base is fairly level, install the gypsum boards on wooden slats. The latter can be attached to the ceiling using dowel nails.

GKL fastening

So, we have figured out the installation of the frame, now we will look at how to properly attach drywall to the ceiling. To avoid a number of problems after covering the frame, the following rules must be observed:

  • The gypsum board must be positioned correctly. Cut the sheets so that they do not form cross-shaped seams on the frame;

  • The edges of the sheets should be on the profile.“Hanging” edges of gypsum boards will lead to the formation of cracks;
  • The screws must be positioned correctly relative to the edge of the sheet and relative to each other. The distance from the edge of the sheet to the screw should be 1 cm, optimal step between screws – 25 cm;
  • Drive screws correctly. Mounting for plasterboard on the ceiling, i.e. The screw should be deepened by about a millimeter. If the cap sticks out above the surface of the ceiling, it will not allow you to perform the putty properly.

If you deepen the screw too much, the head may break through the cardboard, and the material will not be fixed at all.

When finishing a bathroom or kitchen, sheets marked GKLV should be used. Their price is higher than the cost regular drywall, but they are resistant to moisture.

Before attaching drywall to the ceiling, you will probably need to cut the sheets. The work is done like this:

Illustrations Description of actions

Cutting cardboard from one side:
  • Attach a long ruler to the cutting line, having previously marked it with a pencil;
  • Cut the cardboard as shown in the photo.

Bending the sheet. Break the sheet along the fold line, as shown in the photo.

Cutting the cardboard from the second side. Cut the cardboard along the fold line.

After cutting the sheets, you can attach the plasterboard to the ceiling. The work itself is quite simple - you need to attach the sheet to the frame and secure it with self-tapping screws, following the rules that we discussed above. The only thing, keep in mind that the sheets are quite heavy, so it is more convenient to do the work together.

If you are going to work with your own hands without helpers, you can do special devices in the form of mops. The length of such a mop should slightly exceed the height of the room. This will allow you to place the sheet on the mop and support the frame with it.


In cases where the base is flat, you can do without a frame by gluing drywall to the surface liquid nails. This solution allows you to significantly reduce finishing time and costs.

The process of gluing drywall looks like this:

Illustrations Description of actions

Preparing the base. Preparation involves removing the topcoat, if any. This could be wallpaper or, for example, water-based paint.

If the base is in poor condition - the plaster is peeling off or the paint is difficult to remove, then it is more advisable to abandon gluing and attach it to the frame.

Padding. Prime the base with a universal primer or deep penetration primer.

Gluing drywall:
  • Apply liquid nail glue to the surface of the sheet as shown in the photo;
  • Attach the sheet to the base, level it using a level and hold in this position for a while until the glue sets.