Vasilisa the Beautiful Russian folk tale fairy tale plan. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Vasilisa the Beautiful"

We determined the topic of the lesson, set goals, and outlined an action plan.

Let's read the fairy tale and find out if our assumptions were justified.

Vocabulary work:

Before reading the fairy tale, let's do some vocabulary work:

Pay attention to the slide and read what words you come across in the fairy tale.

Who can explain the meaning of these words themselves?







Let's check:

Bless- cross, conveying patronage, wishes of happiness, good luck.

Merchant - a person (trader) engaged in trade, buying and selling.

Widow- This is a woman whose husband died.

Resignedly submissively, humbly, obediently.

Closet- utility room for utility purposes.

treat - treat. feed

I invite you to get acquainted with the fairy tale. The teacher and students read.

Primary perception:

Were our assumptions justified?

What mood is conveyed in the fairy tale? (words on pieces of paper)











Justify your choice.

What feelings arose in your heart?










Justify your choice.

Did you like the fairy tale?

What type of fairy tales can be classified as? Why?

What's magical about a fairy tale?

What lesson can be learned from this fragment of a fairy tale?

Look at the blackboard. What have we already done?

What is the 2nd goal?

To begin with, you and I

We only turn our heads.

(Rotate your head.)

We also rotate the body.

Of course we can do this.

(Turns right and left.)

Finally we reached out

Up and to the sides.

We caved in.

(Stretching up and to the sides.)

Flushed from warming up

And they sat down at their desks again.

(Children sit at their desks.)

Read question 1:

- Who became the most dear creature for Vasilisa after the death of her mother?

- Find and read about how her doll took care of Vasilisa.

- Why was Vasilisa called the Beautiful?

Was Vasilisa only beautiful in appearance?»

How did Vasilisa’s stepmother and her daughter treat her?

Support with words from the text.

Answer the main problematic question:

Why did mom give Vasilisa a doll before her death?

You see, guys, even after death, my dear mother helped her daughter.

What proverbs do you know about mom? (slide)

What is the next item on our action plan?

I invite you to work in pairs to create a filmstrip based on the part of the story you read.

- Look at the picture plan in the textbook on page 18

Only the most important things are reflected in the picture.

Please tell us for each frame what happened in the fairy tale.

Picture plan: (Slide)


3.Death of mother.

4. Father's marriage to someone else.

Are all the events of the fairy tale conveyed by the illustrations of the picture plan, or do they need to be supplemented?

The filmstrip should be more detailed; it conveys not only the main events, but the entire plot of the fairy tale.

You will work in groups:

You have a template of the filmstrip on your desk. In this template, the main points of the picture plan are already included in the first four frames.

Read them. (slide)

1. The merchant had a beautiful daughter.


3.Death of mother.

4. Father's marriage to someone else.

Your task:

Select words from the text in order for each picture and write them down. In order for words to fit in the frame, there should be few of them, and they should reflect the main content of the work

Use cards to show how you understood the task.

Let's check what you got?

At home, students read the fairy tale to the end and complete two tasks in the TVE notebook.

Let's summarize the lesson

What fairy tale did you read?

What is the main idea of ​​the part of the fairy tale you read?

Remember the most interesting parts of the lesson and share with us.

Will this lesson be useful to you later in life? How? Where?

You have signal cards on the tables.

Red circle - very satisfied with my work.

Green circle - I can work better.

Yellow circle - you need to be more careful.

Thank you for the lesson!

Genre: fairy tale Main characters: Vasilisa, Baba Yaga, stepmother, king and old woman

A fairy tale is a true story, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows. Fairy tales, with their content and meaning, have brought various knowledge and skills to the present day, because they were taken by our ancestors from the everyday life of ancient times.

The fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful” was also written by ordinary people who understand that the beauty of a person’s soul and body is more valuable than wealth. This is the main idea of ​​this fairy tale, thanks to which good defeats evil, and the rich marry the poor. You can be beautiful and lazy, but in the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful” the girl is not only very beautiful, but also an expert in any work. Thanks to her ability to spin, weave and sew, Vasilisa the Beautiful was able to attract the attention of the king, who was delighted with her beauty.

The meaning of this tale is very deep. Labor and beauty go side by side in her. But there is also a feeling of maternal love, which is expressed here in the dying blessing of the daughter by the mother and the gift that accompanies and helps the girl throughout her life. This gift is both a talisman and an assistant, having the magical power of good, which Baba Yaga’s magical power of evil did not even try to resist.

Vasilisa the Beautiful is the daughter of a merchant whose mother died early. Mom went to another world, not leaving her daughter alone in this world, but blessed her and gave her a doll. This doll had magical powers. In difficult times or simply when you needed advice, the doll needed to be fed and talked to.

When my father married for the second time, he made a mistake in choosing a new wife, hoping for her kindness and thriftiness. The stepmother, having two daughters of her own, disliked Vasilisa the Beautiful for her beauty. She and her daughters forced Vasilisa to do all the difficult work and a lot of it, hoping that the work would make her lose weight and lose her complexion. At the same time, they themselves often did nothing. But Vasilisa, doing all the work, became more and more beautiful, because the doll helped her in everything.

When the daughters grew up, suitors began to woo Vasilisa, but no one paid attention to the older ugly daughters of the stepmother. At the beginning, the stepmother set the condition that she would marry Vasilisa only after her older sisters got married. And then she decided to kill her completely. In the forest lived the terrible Baba Yaga, who ate people. Sending her stepdaughter into the forest on assignments, the stepmother hoped that there she would meet Baba Yaga and that she would eat her. But the doll always led Vasilisa out of the forest, pointing her to the right path.

One day, the stepmother and her daughters came to an agreement in the evening, when the sisters were sitting at work near a candle, one of the sisters, allegedly by accident, put out the fire. It was difficult to get fire; it was necessary to go to the forest to Baba Yaga to get it. Both stepmothers’ daughters refused to go, they kicked Vasilisa out of the door and told her not to come back without fire.
Vasilisa was not afraid of Baba Yaga and her evil spells and went to her and worked for her for several days. And when Baba Yaga found out that the girl was blessed by her mother before her death and she was blessed. Then she kicked her out of her territory, saying that she did not need the blessed. At the exit, she took one of the human skulls from the fence, with fire shining in its eyes, and gave it to the girl.

The houses were glad to see the fire brought, since there had been no fire in the house for a long time; no one could light it. Fire began to glow from the eyes of the skull in the room, it followed the stepdaughter and her daughters everywhere, no matter what corner of the room they hid in, and burned them until the morning.

Vasilisa went to live with her lonely grandmother, waiting for her father to return from a long trip. In order not to be bored, she asked her grandmother to buy her the best flax. She spun the thread, then weaved the finest cloth. The fabric was so thin that it passed through the loop of a needle like thread. And then she asked her grandmother to sell it.

The grandmother took the fabric not to the market, but to the king. She showed the fabric to the king, and he also really liked it. He decided to use it to sew shirts for himself that no one else had before. But none of the craftswomen could do such work, so the king turned to his grandmother to find out who the craftswoman was who wove such fabric and whether she could now sew shirts for him. Vasilisa sewed a dozen shirts for the king, which he really liked. Vasilisa herself brought the shirts to the king. He also saw the beauty of the girl. Fell in love and proposed to her. After the wedding, the young couple took their grandmother and father, who had arrived from a long journey, to their palace.

Picture or drawing of Vasilisa the Beautiful

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Vasilisa the Beautiful (Russian folk tale)

Drawings that are related to this fairy tale

  • doll - Vasilisa’s mother gave it to her before her death; the doll helped its owner.
  • Baba Yaga - the evil sisters sent Vasilisa to her for fire
  • skull - Baba Yaga gave it to Vasilisa so that she would bring fire into the house
  • shirt - woven by Vasilisa for the Tsar
  • Tsar - married Vasilisa

The Snow Queen (H.H. Andersen)

1. The Snow Queen put Kai in her sleigh and took him to her castle. The boy was hit in the heart by fragments from a magic mirror, and he became cruel and insensitive.

2. Kai's named sister Gerda went in search of her friend. On the way, she came to an old woman, who combed her hair with a magic comb so that the girl would forget about Kai. But she still remembered him and ran away from the old woman’s house.

3. Gerda met a raven who lived in the royal castle. She thought Kai was there, but it turned out to be another boy.

4. Gerda fell into the hands of robbers, but the little Robber took pity on her and let her go, giving her a reindeer, which rushed the girl to the North, to the Snow Queen.

5. Once in the Snow Queen's castle, Gerda saw Kai. He sat frozen and unconscious, collecting crystals from the ice. Gerda's love managed to melt the ice in his heart, and they went home together.

Every fairy tale is unique and inimitable in its own way. The storyline is exciting and original. As children, parents repeatedly read to their children a story called “Vasilisa the Beautiful.” Russian folk tales taught kindness, understanding, respect and endurance.

If we analyze all Russian fairy tales, the conclusion suggests itself that in any of them you can find a certain idea. Initially, the fairy tale goes in one direction, but suddenly the idea changes, although the essence remains the same, unchanged.

Fears of humanity

A child is afraid of monsters living under his bed, of the dark, but an adult has more serious fears, overcoming which, you move to a new stage in life. “Vasilisa the Beautiful” is a Russian folk tale, the basis of which is the fear experienced by a person almost every day and day after day throughout his life. It is present everywhere, even though sometimes it may seem that there is no reason for it. It takes up a lot of space in a person’s life, regardless of age.

For example, it begins to creep into our hearts when the child is far from us and we do not know what is currently happening to him. How can you help your baby and suggest the right path in life?

Mystical amulet doll

The fairy tale says that before her death, Vasilisa’s mother called her daughter to her and gave her a doll, which, according to her, should protect the girl from misfortunes and troubles. How did the mother try to protect her daughter, what could she do after she left? To convey to her a piece of yourself, your kindness, soul and love, embodying all these honors in a doll that you made with your own hands.

By the way, they also had dolls that helped them in everything, Vasilisa had such a doll, she didn’t just lie there, but came to life, ate and gave practical advice, showed the way, helped to quickly and smoothly do certain work that was asked by her stepmother, with Vasilisa the Beautiful managed it. A brief summary will help you understand why there is so much cruelty, hatred and anger in the world and how to deal with it.

Our ancestors had in their arsenal various dolls created to help a woman, for example, do everything around the house, give birth to healthy and beautiful children, get rid of moral garbage, envious people, and gossips. The fairy-tale girl Vasilisa had a similar amulet.

In ancient times, people created amulets, the main function of which was to help and guide. When such a doll was created, the woman seemed to convey her kindness, she read a prayer - and it acquired mystical power.

These dolls were not used for play. They had to be kept away from prying eyes. Mostly they were given on the wedding day or, for example, in a fairy tale, before death. There was an opinion that such a doll would help preserve the family hearth and bring love, kindness, and warmth into the house. This doll was given to Vasilisa by her mother.

Everyone could not make such a talisman; initially it was necessary to learn a whole science. This was done exclusively for another person; if you make it for yourself, then it will not acquire magical power. It is important to observe a special ritual, that is, the secrets and purity of the soul and thoughts.

“Vasilisa the Beautiful” is a Russian folk tale, and, as you know, the people have always kept certain secrets and riddles that not many knew about. For example, the same amulets. Mothers and grandmothers knew how to create them, what rituals to observe.

The amulets made by blood relatives had enormous power. At the time of creation, it was necessary to think only about the person for whom such a talisman was being made; in addition, the use of piercing and cutting objects was prohibited; it had to be wound with threads and made from straw or scraps of fabric. It was believed that sharp scissors or a needle would kill the pure and immaculate soul that had entered the doll. There was also a custom of passing this amulet by inheritance from great-grandmother to granddaughter and so on.

“Vasilisa the Beautiful”: summary and main characters of an instructive story

The name Vasilisa means strength, courage, ingenuity. What are the characteristics of Vasilisa the Beautiful, did the girl have honesty and positive qualities? In herself, she is a persistent, strong girl who is not afraid of either the hardships of fate or hard and backbreaking work. She is left without her mother early, and she dies of illness. The father is a man whose fate is also not easy. He is forced to work hard from dawn to evening so that his beloved daughter has a piece of bread.

But morally, it’s difficult for him alone without a woman’s shoulder and help, so after the death of his wife, he decides to tie the knot with another woman, who, it seems to him, is a kind and good mother.

So, the girl’s mother dies, her father decides to marry another woman, Vasilisa the Beautiful suffers. A Russian fairy tale tells that the stepmother also had daughters of her own, so she disliked her adopted daughter. The girl was much kinder and more beautiful than her own daughters, and her stepmother in every possible way infringed on her, humiliated her and forced her to work until she was tired in order to destroy the girl’s beauty and break her firmness and determination in everything.

And so, one fine day she decided to get rid of her hated stepdaughter. While the husband was not at home, he instructs the girl to go into the forest and bring fire, since all the candles in the house ran out and it became dark, it was impossible to do anything. The girl has no choice but to go to the dark, scary place where Baba Yaga lives, because only she has fire.

Baba Yaga as a mystical force of justice and goodness

In fairy tales, Baba Yaga has always been considered a mysterious creature. It’s a little strange, but an evil and cruel woman, if we look at her in more detail, looks morally much better than Vasilisa’s named mother.

Our ancestors believed that Yaga is the guardian of the world of the dead and the living, she is in the middle and does not allow either side to cross such a border. To understand, it will not be enough to just interpret this one fairy tale; it is necessary to carefully analyze other Russian fairy tales and draw a parallel between the rituals and beliefs of our great-grandfathers. Let's think, after all, this grandmother is not so evil, she can be kind, and cunning, and at the same time fair. Vasilisa the Beautiful is the same. A summary of a fairy tale cannot reveal the essence and understanding of all the characters; it is necessary to read every detail, try to understand the inner world of each individually.

Baba Yaga knew how the girl lived with her stepmother, and therefore could not watch, turning a blind eye to the blatant injustice, she decided to punish the culprit of Vasilisa’s suffering, but more on that a little later.

The eternal struggle between Christianity and paganism

So, the girl, before going into the dark, scary, huge forest, full of mystical creatures and angry animals that were ready to tear apart the lost traveler without delay, takes the doll given by her mother, crosses herself and puts it in her coat pocket.

Here the question immediately arises: how is the simultaneous coexistence of Christianity and paganism possible? Of course, but since ancient times Christianity, at any cost, has tried to completely eradicate paganism and destroy it, burying it under the shadow of years.

Strange, but the ancestors also made sacrifices, at the same time they were baptized and asked for help from God. The explanation is simple: everything began from somewhere, took its origins, the truth is inseparable and it was very difficult to say goodbye to what you are used to, what you have believed in since childhood. And in this fairy tale, grains of the past are preserved in order to convey to the current generation the real and unshakable truth, without which present life is impossible.

Do the hut on chicken legs, the broom and the mortar really exist?

So the girl, thanks to her doll, which showed her the way, got to Baba Yaga’s hut so that she would give her fire. The house in which the old woman lives is already familiar to us, but how did the broom and the mortar end up here and what is their role?

Our ancestors had an interesting ritual, which consisted of burying the body of the deceased in a special house installed on a tall ancient tree. Such a dwelling was considered the dwelling place of the soul of a person who had died.

In order for her to eventually find peace, a small doll was placed in such a grave to help the soul pass between the world of the living and the dead. In addition, in such a house there were no windows and doors, just like in Baba Yaga’s hut. This can be explained by the fact that windows and doors were made in the house of the living, but the dead had no use for it; only one entrance hole was enough for the soul to eventually find shelter.

Don’t forget about the porch that was present in Baba Yaga’s house. Everything is connected with the fact that in real, not fairy-tale life, there were no steps in such a house for the deceased; it was located high on a tree. Relatives who came to visit the deceased took a piece of log with them, placed it, thus getting to the hole and paying tribute to the deceased.

The folk tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful” also refers to ancient magic. Let's try to understand what a stupa with a broom was like. For example, in the everyday life of the ancient Slavs there was a custom when the midwife took a mortar and a special large oak stick and began to pound water in it.

Such actions spoke of the origin and union of the masculine with the feminine, and water was used because it was believed that what was happening in it. In our fairy tale, Baba Yaga famously copes with these details, it turns out that she is considered the goddess and patroness of women, which means , always ready to advise, help and direct you on the right path in difficult times.

Life balance between good and evil

Why did she go to Baba Yaga? Of course, in order to receive protection and justice. In fact, the old woman was not a villain, she did not destroy human lives, she did not eat children. She was fair, did not tolerate atrocities, and she punished the guilty, they died before reaching home, and their skulls were decorated with a fence, but they did not stop suffering for the atrocities that they committed during life, it is something like hell and heaven, an eternal fork in the road for those who deserve universal peace or punishment.

Baba Yaga acted like a goddess of justice, who did not compromise on anything. If a person proved that his thoughts and soul were pure, she would let him go, and destroy evil and cruelty, thus creating a balance on Earth, without which it is impossible to exist.

Not everyone who went to the witch for help could return from her alive, and the road to the kingdom of darkness was not open to everyone. Everyone who could not complete her tasks was evil, callous and cruel, and did not make it out of the forest alive. This is evidenced by the skulls that hang on the fence near the hut on chicken legs, and who escaped a similar fate is none other than Vasilisa the Beautiful, a brief summary of the tale tells about this.

Vasilisa the Beautiful as a symbol of purity, integrity and hard work

Before realizing what fate awaited the girl Vasilisa, Baba Yaga gave her a difficult task, which was supposed to decide what to do next. After this, the qualities of the witch were revealed; she was either fair and kind, or, conversely, evil and cruel.

Vasilisa completed all of Baba Yaga’s tasks perfectly, proving that she is an innocent creature who deserves peace and joy. She, in turn, gave her wisdom and punished the offenders. The mother and daughters, after Vasilisa left, sat for a long time without fire in the house, the father returned and also suffered without the presence of a life flame.

The girl worked, and those who work are revered. On the instructions of the witch, Vasilisa wove an exceptional fabric (possibly silk), which was distinguished by its lightness and transparency. The old woman took it to the father-tsar and sold it, he was indescribably delighted, because he had never seen anything like it in his life.

An order was received in the kingdom to sew the same stunning shirt from this unique fabric, but, unfortunately, no one could do it except Vasilisa. While the girl was working, the king fell in love with the hardworking beauty and married her. “Vasilisa the Beautiful” is a Russian folk tale that will teach children justice and kindness.

Before getting married, our great-grandmothers locked themselves in a room and worked on sewing a shirt for their betrothed; no one was supposed to know how the process itself happened, otherwise they could jinx it, and future married life would be fraught with disagreements and scandals between the couple. The secret lies in the embroidery of special enchanted signs, symbols that had mystical powers and helped the spouses throughout their lives.

Three horsemen as a symbol of life

Thanks to Baba Yaga, Vasilisa changed a lot, she became unrecognizable, and most importantly, she found true happiness in life - a family. The qualities of Vasilisa the Beautiful speak volumes: she is pure in soul, believes in mystical powers, respects her elders and will not contradict them.

Walking along the path, the girl met three horsemen whom she had never seen before, and interestingly, they were galloping towards Baba Yaga’s hut.

No one had the courage to admit that the sun, night and day are his servants, but the old woman with a hooked nose said that these were her faithful companions and helpers. Or perhaps Baba Yaga is actually not as simple as it seems, and acts as one of the ancient gods and is considered the mother of humanity, born before the creation of the whole world?

Well done girls and women in their quest for truth.

If you dig even deeper, and this can be seen from the fairy tale, the good fellows, the girls, did not just go to this old woman through dense forests and rivers, but were looking for truth, consolation and help, which is what happened to the girl. Such young people include Vasilisa the Beautiful and Ivan Tsarevich. As in most fairy tales, the story of the life of Vasilisa the Beautiful ended with a wedding ceremony. She found her way to Baba Yaga, who helped her become wiser and smarter. The summary of the fairy tale tells how wise Vasilisa the Beautiful is, because the girl knows exactly what will happen next, she has the gift of guessing events, because, she says, after she has created delicate material, she will have to sew shirts for the king, since no one else will knows how to do it.

So, we can conclude that it was not the gaze of the skull that killed the envious mother and her daughters, but their anger and cruelty, from which Vasilisa suffered. The fairy tale is still capable of sowing empathy for the girl in the reader’s soul, allowing him to feel injustice, cruelty and indescribable delight and joy that, finally, all the difficulties on the path of the main character were crowned with success and happiness.

"Vasilisa the Beautiful"! What a fairy tale! How instructive there is in it! The girl, in turn, was able to pass all the tests of Baba Yaga thanks to her compliance, ingenuity, and soul, embodied in a doll donated by a loved one.

Due to the fact that the story is exciting and interesting, the cartoon “Vasilisa the Beautiful” was created, from which not only children, but also adults were delighted. The characters reflect the depth and moral teachings of the Russian people. This is the content of the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”.