Benjamin Bible. Benjamin

The son lay in all blue among the white walls. He looked endlessly at the ceiling, at the green damp spot with which early spring was trying to seep into his room. He mentally animated the outline of the spot, imagining it either as a frog, or as a bat’s wing, or as a large worn-out wallet. Least of all his attention was devoted to the problem of major repairs, for which the walls and ceiling have been crying for a long time. Still, most likely it was a simple frog, as thoughtful and taciturn as he himself.

So, he lay in all blue in the middle of white, studied his ceiling and sucked on a red pacifier. My mother brought it a long time ago, a week ago. Nothing was known then. True, she did not have breast milk, but her hands touched his body so often with the delicate smell of imported soap! And yet so many times he listened to her voice - albeit addressed to the father, and not to the son, and therefore not such a soft sound - the voice was enchanting. To be honest, it was pleasant to echo the sounds of her speech with a cheerful cry: “Ah! Ah! A!"

Then many, many hours passed. The mother's voice sounded ever shorter from the depths of the room, the clicks of suitcase clasps and the slamming of doors were heard more and more often, the father, already an inaudible, dim man, became ever more silent. Only once did he discover the power of his voice: when the door slammed for the last time and his mother’s steps disappeared, he loudly shouted after him the word “rubbish.” Apparently, that was the name of the thing that my mother forgot to put in her suitcase...

One morning the world became unrecognizable. Some absent-minded figure apparently mixed up the times of day and immediately blinded the room with an unfamiliar yellow light of some special warmth. It became impossible to just lie and watch. I had to squint, twist and constantly knead the warm blue pillow with my cheek.

Another surprise of the day was the appearance in front of his bed of a strange creature in an apron, in a scarf, with wrinkles and with gentle hands, each of which resembled today's pillow. Next to the old woman stood the father, a silent, dim man. He always has in his hands this big-headed ruler and a shiny two-legged drawing instrument. The two bent over the crib, obscuring even the green frog, and busily discussed all sorts of nonsense. It was not interesting to listen. He closed his eyes and waited for that one voice. And a third surprise happened. For the first time in his long and curious existence, his mother did not enter the room; her ringing, rapid speech did not please his ears. It was strange, but not offensive yet. There is so much time ahead that any strangeness will have time to dissipate. She, of course, will appear soon, beautiful and necessary, with the fabulous aroma of her hands. Day passed.

Two more days passed. He began to get used to the confident caress of a strange creature in an apron and wrinkles. Father's arrivals with an eternal big-headed ruler in his hands seem almost pleasant. Sometimes he smiled, and the smile was quite funny. First there was a look, then the eyes laughed, then the head shook and the smile led to sadness. Then the eyes widened greatly, the head and gaze froze, the son hummed briefly, spat out the pacifier, after which the father laughed, put the pacifier in its place and quickly went behind the partition. It was funny. And the greenish frog on the ceiling, stuck somewhere on the path of its vigorous fatness, suddenly withered, turned pale and almost disappeared from the ceiling. Only the strong habit of seeing her in a certain place somehow kept the frog silhouette. The same thing happened with my mother. The desire to see and hear her shortened the days of strange separation, as if it revived beautiful outlines before my eyes. The last days have even brought him closer to the rest of the population of this world: it seems that the silent father and the old woman in a headscarf were also exhausted, tired without his mother, otherwise why would the old woman’s palm-pillows be so warm?

However, the sun heated the pillow so much that the green ceiling friend disappeared forever. A little imagination, and a small gap to the right of the chandelier depicted a thin and flat man, jumping on one leg, moreover, bent at the knee. Oh, this gap to the right of the chandelier is a real find, a surprise. No, he’s just a weirdo for wasting so much good energy on this nasty traitorous frog! Now it’s clear that the man will be faithful to him to the end: look how merrily he gallops - he won’t even make it to the chandelier on a flat, half-bent leg!

Days and nights have passed since that thrice unexpected day. Days and nights he pondered the events. Much has changed little by little. My father, for example, literally brought joy with his smiles. It’s okay that he is silent and dim; it would be worse if he began to imitate the one who disappeared. But he had new mobility and even dexterity. He loved how his father, rolling up his sleeves and putting down the ruler, took him on his lap and coped with bottle feeding no worse than the old woman. He liked his father’s humor: when his son felt the urge to be capricious with food and he pressed his lips tightly together, the father suddenly pretended that he himself no longer wanted to feed him, and began to hum, not very musically, “Captain, captain, smile, because a smile is a the flag of the ship... The captain always smiled, the nipple of the bottle exactly hit the center of his mouth, and he joyfully surrendered to the cunning winner. But the mother never showed up. My father worked a lot, drew and wrote. Phone calls were heard, the father left and returned, the briefcase lock clicked and the door slammed, causing a bitter echo in the memory... Once upon a time, my mother clicked a lot of clasps when she was going somewhere.

At night the son slept soundly, and in the morning the nanny came in an apron and with wrinkles. The two leaned over the crib, blocked the flat jumping man and talked about their adult, uninteresting topics. But the mother never showed up. It was as if history with the green spot was repeating itself. The ceiling frog gave way to a jumping man, that’s all. Everyone walks calmly, the daily routine is carried out diligently, weight grows, height increases, the phone rings, the radio sings, sometimes guests come in, and the sounds of cars and people, wind and birds constantly flow from the street - and all this together means that the world is full of order. But this is still a lie. He felt it deeply and acutely, but he didn’t want to reproach anyone.

Sometimes this feeling was passed on from the rest of the people in the world... Then suddenly the father, playing with him or singing about ships and captains, would squint, be silent, straighten the collar of the child's undershirt and go away, coughing, behind the partition... And then suddenly the nanny, having spent time with him park and seeing a cloud, he sighs and pushes the stroller towards the house, as he goes, addressing either him or the same neighboring nannies: “Oh-ho, let’s run away from the rain, let’s run, let’s eat some non-native milk, you’re my little orphan, oh- ho..."

The time when he learned to lift and hold his head up coincided with another new mood. He began to feel the desire to disturb those around him. He became more and more capricious. He was unnerved by the increasing heat of the city. He was irritated by the way the nanny took him from the square home to the cool white walls. Even the man to the right of the chandelier caused some kind of annoyance: why did he always have one leg, where did he hide the other, and why did he have the urge to gallop towards the chandelier, and if he decided to gallop, then gallop, and not an eyesore for a week!

The only consolation was my father. Even if the motives of his songs were not very precise, and the words were incomprehensible, still both his voice and the very presence of his father had a calming effect. And it's not even about the songs. It was like a secret conspiracy gradually established between father and son. The conspiracy is just and sacred, its destiny is eternity. Most things in the world do not have eternity, but there are real eternal things - such as the secret conspiracy of father and son.

And there was a day when he was several months old. In honor of this event, the room expanded unusually from the noise of voices, the continuous trampling of many unknown people, loud music and the laughter of others. It was in the evening, and during the day he was tormented by the heat of the street, the coolness of the room, the nanny, the man and the monotony of food. The evening invasion of guests did not change his mood at all, and the fact that it alienated his father from him irritated him no less than the city heat. Glasses clinked, shouts were heard, and the businesslike nonsense of speeches became more and more depressing... When he tried to escape from this torment into sleep, chairs rumbled behind the partition, and all the guests, led by his father, rushed to his crib. He glanced disapprovingly at the entire group out of the corner of his eye. A terrible thought struck him: what if this is a new change in the daily routine?! What if this happens every evening now? Well-fed, self-confident, self-satisfied, they laugh unpleasantly, they touch him, torment him with attention: “Oh, what a bummer!”, “Wonderful, what a beauty!”, “What a beauty, a sweetheart...” What kind of a “sweetheart” is this, the father never speaks sweet empty words. And suddenly - stop! So no one has dared to take it yet. Strong hands and a very sad look. A determined woman... Nice. And your hands smell of a forgotten aroma... This is the story. No, it’s not like that at all, she’s just a beautiful woman, and her father looks at her well... If only she hadn’t let her out longer, she would have walked around the room with him in her arms. No, I put it back, my father ordered it. How rude it is, what does he care... That's it. The guests left behind the partition. And he never fell asleep. What did it take for him not to cry, not to throw a hysteria in order to drive out of the house all the screamers who had been celebrating his personal affairs for several months!... What did the father care about how rude it was to force a beautiful woman to put her child in bed...

The man by the chandelier suddenly disappeared along with the chandelier and the room. Far, far away, the voices of people faded away. The lock clicked. The father went to bed without even approaching him. Complete silence. An unbearable day. So everything is clear. A new regime has begun, tomorrow a terrible evening will happen again, and father will again have no time for him. But the woman won’t come again, her father scared her away, although it’s rude and no one asked for it.

Patience ran out and he screamed. He didn’t cry, he just screamed - persistently and angrily. My father woke up and realized that this would last for a long time. He looked for his glasses, turned on the table lamp and walked unsteadily towards his son. He pulled the stool closer and leaned over it. He began to scream even louder, not wanting to listen to his father’s entreaties, not noticing his father’s confusion, talkativeness, drunkenness... “Sorry, I didn’t have any... I’ll tell you the whole truth now... Just don’t cry, you know I can’t... For God’s sake “Listen, baby...” came to his ears, he took in his breath and screamed even stronger and more recklessly. The father was completely at a loss, it began to seem to him that the whole street, all the objects and even the images of the departed guests were emitting this even, howling sound that petrified his ears. His throat worked uninterruptedly, his son’s hands were knocked out from under the diapers, nipple after nipple flew out of the crib, his face became flushed and wrinkled like an old man. The father was tired of mooing and struggling, took his son in his arms and began to shake him dully, staring sadly into space. Very good, this is what you all need... And the father, and the guests, and the new regime, and the nanny, and the little man from the ceiling, and even the mother, who, perhaps, never existed, but was simply imagined, or this was the first option for the nanny , who did not suit his father...

He shook it like shaking an apple tree. He shuddered and fell silent and turned pale from incredible fright. This had never happened before in his life. Tired ears painfully sucked in the silence, and the silence pierced the soul with electricity. Father and son looked closely into each other's eyes for the first time. The glasses lay on the floor in the company of rejected nipples. The son was amazed by his father's gaze, the father was killed by his wild trick. And suddenly something changed in my father’s eyes. Among the huge pupils and eyelashes, excess sparkled, moved and fell like hot moisture onto the child’s face. The father buried his head in his hand, moaned and sobbed, and the son lay obediently on his knees, afraid to move and draw attention to himself, to those burnt cheeks. There the evidence of his grave offense cooled. He dared to violate the only sacred and eternal thing - the secret conspiracy of father and son, the oath of loyalty and unity, which cannot be changed.

...The summer sun, bright and kind, awakened hopes for happiness, illuminated endless paths to an interesting future. Everyone around him was extremely pleased with him - the father, the nanny, and the little man - everyone around him. And he, who had managed so well to restore peace in his world, decided one day... to speak. So far, his babble has been translated for himself by one father, who enthusiastically welcomed the end of such a long silence. The son seems to have realized that it’s time to speak out, it’s time to express his point of view on an interesting life. Sometimes it seemed that he was not just talking, but humming in his own way. About ships, about captains, about frogs and jumping men, about male friendship and loyalty to the father.

The summer sun, bright and kind, aroused intense interest in the future, made him talk and talk... Some shadow lay on the stroller, someone else stood between him and the summer sun, bright and kind. He felt a long gaze on him, heard the nanny's confused whisper, stopped talking and opened his eyes. And then he saw his own mother.

She became even more beautiful, taller and dearer. She looked at him cheerfully and in surprise, and her hand froze on her chest, near her neck, as if stopping someone’s movement from there, from within. Mother and son admired each other a little more. Then she calmly extended her hands to him. He was scared and wanted to grab the stroller, but the diapers that bound all his movements turned out to be strong. He wanted to object with his voice, but in his mouth there was a new nipple of unheard-of beauty. His mother took him in her arms, kissed him loudly, the familiar thick aroma powerfully lulled his vigilance, and his voice completely deprived him of his strength. Not knowing what to do next, he fell fast asleep, submitting to the beautiful hands.

The name Veniamin, soft and plastic in sound, imparts many positive traits to its bearer. He is always ready to help anyone who asks. Kindness, responsiveness and the inability to refuse create many difficulties for Veniamin. The name confronts him with a choice: follow the dictates of his heart or overcome himself? Is it true that life in the modern world requires abandoning the naivety, gullibility and delicacy characteristic of Veniamin’s nature?

History of the name

The name Benjamin is biblical. First mentioned in the Old Testament. The patriarch of the Jewish people - Jacob - named the son born from his beloved wife binìjamin (‏בִּנְיָמִין). The translation from Hebrew of the double word “bin-yamin” is ambiguous; he is interpreted as “son of the right hand,” “son of happiness,” or “son of days.” The elderly father, who, according to scripture, was a hundred years old at that time, similarly expressed his delight at the birth of his child. The mother died soon after giving birth, having managed to name the baby “ben-oni” - son of sorrow. But Jacob, who buried Rachel, gave him a different name, accepting the newborn as a consolation.

Jacob's beloved wife Rachel dies after giving birth to a second son, named by his father Bin Yamin

Name day

The name spread along with Christianity. There are many ascetics named Benjamin in the Catholic and Orthodox churches. This name, like other Christian names, is non-national. It is widespread wherever the Bible is read. Benjamin will celebrate his name day on the day of glorification of the saint in whose honor he is named.

Church name: Benjamin.

Table: days of remembrance of patron saints

The naming of a saintRite of CanonizationDay of RemembranceAdd-ons
Benjamin of SinaiVenerable MartyrJanuary 27One of the Forty Martyrs of Sinai, 312
Veniamin PecherskyRecluseOctober 2614th century, merchant who took monastic vows at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.
Benjamin of PersiaHieromartyrFebruary 8A deacon in the 5th century suffered martyrdom for preaching Christ among the pagans.
BenjaminReverendJanuary 11He labored on Mount Nitria and healed the suffering.
BenjaminMartyr11th AugustNew Martyr.
Veniamin KononovHieromartyrApril 17Archimandrite, abbot of the Solovetsky Monastery, new martyr.
Veniamin VladimirskyHieromartyr20 NovemberDeacon, new martyr.
Veniamin VoskresenskyHieromartyrOctober 5Bishop, new martyr.
Veniamin BlagonadezhdinHieromartyrOctober 1Priest, new martyr.
Veniamin LukaninHieromartyrJune 20Priest, new martyr.
Veniamin ZykovHieromartyrDecember 2ndHierodeacon, new martyr.
Veniamin KazanskyHieromartyrAugust 13Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, new martyr.
Veniamin FamintsevHieromartyrMarch 14thArchpriest, new martyr.

Video: the meaning of the name Benjamin

Name forms

Benjamin is a full, separate name. Conveniently transforms into short and diminutive versions.

Short forms:

  • Venya;
  • Corolla;
  • Vennie;
  • Vinya;
  • Minya.

Diminutive forms:

  • Veniaminchik;
  • Veniaminushka;
  • Venechka;
  • Venulya;
  • Venyulya;
  • Venusha;
  • Venyusha.

The son's patronymic is Veniaminovich, the daughter's is Veniaminovna.

Photo gallery: cards with name

Benjamin - the name Benjamin is written in English, French and German. The color of the name Benjamin is blue. Benjamin is characterized by sophistication, aristocracy and good taste. The fate of Benjamin is like a stormy sea.

What middle names go with the name Veniamin?

Benjamin is a long name, consisting of soft, easy to pronounce syllables, ending with a consonant. This means that a middle name that begins with a vowel is suitable:

  • Andreevich;
  • Alexeyevich;
  • Evgenyevich;
  • Emelyanovich;
  • Igorevich;
  • Ivanovich;
  • Ioanovich;
  • Olegovych;
  • Emilievich;
  • Yakovlevich.

Table: spelling and pronunciation in other languages

GreekΒενιαμίν Benjamin
Japaneseベンジャミン Benjamin
Chinese本傑明 Ben-ja-ming
Punjabi (India)ਬਿਨਯਾਮੀਨ Benjamin
Hindi (India)बेंजामिन Benjamin
Korean벤자민 Benzamine

The name in Latin according to the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is VENIAMIN.

Veniamin on the Internet

From the name Benjamin you can generate many interesting nicknames. Here's what these versions might look like on Youtube, Instagram and social networks:

  • smehov-veniamin1940;
  • veniamin_kaverin18;
  • venia777;
  • venia-min-son-happyness;
  • ben-jamin-son-of-happiness;
  • franklinben-the-face-of-$100.

The name Veniamin is quite rare, so it can be transformed into an interesting and memorable nickname

The mystery of the name Benjamin

The main conflict in the nature of the name is the contradiction between idealism and reality. It is very difficult for Veniamin to live in the modern world, because he is always ready to give in, move away, agree. It is clear that such selflessness makes some people want to endlessly benefit from his kindness. Intelligence, goodwill, and trust in people create a false impression of spinelessness and weakness among others. But this is far from true.

Venya - little "professor"

A boy with glasses and with a book - this is how the image of Veniamin as a child is seen. Curiosity, inquisitiveness, collecting, music, modeling, and drawing distinguish him from his peers. Mental subtlety manifests itself in increased vulnerability, which makes him vulnerable to rudeness and arrogance. Like any deeply feeling person, Benjamin fears not only for himself: he is unable to inflict pain on another. Wise parents will not break him, since inner strength will over time help the boy gain the confidence and perseverance so needed in life.

In general, Veniamin is in good health. Apart from some nervousness, his only concern is his poor eyesight.

Venya is a little professor, that’s what his friends jokingly call him

Love, sexuality, marriage

Benjamin, unlike other young people, is little concerned about sex problems. He is too smart, well-read and enthusiastic to get hung up on physiological needs. For him they are inseparable from the spiritual: he cannot imagine sex without love. A cunning woman can take advantage of a young man’s immaturity, marry him and use her husband to her advantage all his life. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to find Benjamin a friend in time, someone close to him in spirit, who will share his difficulties and inspire him to heroic deeds. A faithful, loving wife and children can motivate him to great achievements. The test of loneliness is not for him: he needs the support of loved ones all his life.

Table: compatibility of the name Benjamin with female names

Woman's nameLoveMarriageDescription
Anastasia100% 100% Calmness, trust and selflessness are the three pillars on which their life together rests. These people seem to be made for each other. If they are destined to meet, it will be love, which over time turns into friendship and respect, replacing passion.
Ada90% 60% Ada and Benjamin are a couple in which the woman is in the lead from the very beginning. The initiative comes from her: she takes him first to bed, then to the registry office; then he brings his mother into the house, and Benjamin puts his life on the altar of their common well-being.
Elena70% 100% Beautiful Elena easily conquers Veniamin, who is not indifferent to beauty, and then reigns throughout his life in his heart and in his home.
Olga100% 70% Passions are fueled by mutual suspicions, often fictitious and without any basis. Jealousy in this union is an element of a joint game, to which both surrender unconsciously and selflessly for the sake of the sweetness of reconciliation.
Irina70% 60% The union is dangerous and unfavorable. Irina is not suitable for the role of a friend of an unrecognized genius; she prefers accomplished men. If they are unlucky and meet before Benjamin reaches a high position, he will never achieve it.
Tatiana100% 100% Tatyana is capable of a feat of humility for the sake of the happiness of love. She becomes a man's mother, lover, cook and secretary - that is, an ideal wife.
Julia50% 80% This is a union of two adults, when the passions have subsided and the eyes have gone out. It promises nothing but silence, boredom and growing old together.
Lydia70% 90% Lydia is able to give a man a full family life. She is confident in the chosenness of her husband, and even if Benjamin fails to conquer the whole world, he will feel protected and inspired by her presence.
Hope70% 90% Nadezhda fully lives up to its name in marriage. The devil himself is no brother to Benjamin with her: she will feed him, give him something to drink, and put him to bed. And in the morning he will wake you up and show you the direction of where and why to go.

Profession, business, career

For Veniamin’s talents to fully reveal themselves, he needs a strong rear. He is ready to move mountains, if only for the sake of someone. Family can be a good motivation.

Professions in which Benjamin is able to realize himself:

  • researcher, inventor;
  • philosopher, poet, priest;
  • journalist, TV presenter;
  • teacher, lecturer, trainer;
  • artist, writer, actor.

Veniamin cares about variety in life; his artistic nature cannot stand everyday routine

Inner comfort is very important for Benjamin. And maintaining peace of mind is achievable when he follows the dictates of his heart. Ambition, greed and careerism are contrary to his nature. He is one of those rare people who enjoy the work process.

Of course, such selfless workaholism plays into the hands of many, and Benjamin knows very well that his bosses, friends, and colleagues use him. But they are unfamiliar with creative inspiration! Therefore, Benjamin forgives them and continues to live and work not for glory, but for the sake of life on Earth.

Character by season

The time of year in which a person was born leaves its mark on the character:

  • Those born in winter are characterized by greater physical and mental stability. He is less susceptible to stress, independent of other people’s opinions; flexibility of mind and diplomacy help him turn enemies into friends. “Winter” Benjamin is a good politician, lawyer or priest;
  • “spring” Veniamin is dreamy, romantic, a little out of this world. He is characterized by uncertainty, instability, and susceptibility to other people's influences. He gravitates toward painting, writes poetry, composes fantasy novels and plays, and constantly falls in love. At the same time, he can earn a living by quite prosaic work: to be a mechanic, welder or shoemaker;
  • “summer” Veniamin is active, easy-going and adventurous. Some unrealistic projects are constantly nesting in his head: he is either going to conquer Everest, or write a great novel, or go on a hike to places of military and labor glory. Eventually he settles down in the position of church warden or watchman at the local museum;
  • Benjamin, born in autumn, is a homebody, loves communicating with children, neighbors and nature. He is even capable of founding a successful business: a parking lot or a home service agency. Romanticism manifests itself in collecting, breeding aquarium fish and reading detective stories.

The dreams of “summer” Veniamin, like paper boats, perish from the first contact with reality

Significant years of life

Veniamin’s life is like a movie in which black and white frames are replaced by color ones and vice versa. The order of its existence depends on many components. These include birth dates when fate gives Vienna gifts:

  • 16 years old - first love;
  • 25 years - first sexual experience;
  • 30 years - professional growth;
  • 40 years - spiritual crisis, search for the meaning of life;
  • 55 - 60 years - revaluation of values, age crisis;
  • 60 - 70 years - drawing up a will.

Astrological and other correspondences

The connection between man and nature is expressed not only in visible, material ways. The name, as an energy-informational substance, connects its owner with the entire Universe, from giant cosmic bodies to inconspicuous insects and modest wildflowers.

Table: astrological and other correspondences

Photo gallery: talismans for Benjamin

The Moon gives Benjamin a tendency to be nervous. Zodiac sign Cancer brings timidity to Benjamin's character.
An excellent gift for Veniamin would be a talisman with the image of the Freesia beetle in esotericism - a guardian of strength, a protector from energy vampires

Name horoscope

Astrologers, psychologists and other researchers of the relationship between man and nature say that the name Benjamin is best suited for children born in the constellation Cancer.

Table: characteristic features of the zodiac constellations

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesDirectness, spontaneity, openness to new things, intuition.
TaurusMystery, complexity of the inner world, inspiration.
TwinsDuality, changeability, the gift of storytelling.
CancerSensitivity to the opinions of others, touchiness, capriciousness.
a lionAristocratism, sublimity, luck.
VirgoPracticality, prudence, love of order.
ScalesSearch for the meaning of life, instability, desire for balance.
ScorpionMystery, secrecy, jealousy. Unbridled desires. Powerful intelligence.
SagittariusLightness, optimism, focus on success. Adventurism.
CapricornPerseverance, patience, consistency in achieving the goal.
AquariusForesight, breadth of outlook, independence.
FishSacrifice, depth of inner world, sensitivity, compassion.

Decoding the letter code

Each letter of the name brings its own special features to Benjamin’s character:

  • B - interaction with nature, sociability, creativity;
  • E - self-expression. talkativeness, insight;
  • N - disagreement, inconsistency, criticality;
  • A - beginning, love of comforts and pleasures;
  • M - shyness, consumer attitude towards the world;
  • And - sophistication, the search for higher truth, dissatisfaction with earthly joys;
  • N - disagreement, inconsistency, criticality.

Famous namesakes

Biographies of the famous Veniamins serve as proof of the rich possibilities the name conceals:

  • Veniamin Kaverin is the author of the adventure novel “Two Captains,” which went through more than forty editions, and in life he followed the stated principles of honor, valor and glory. He owns the slogan of the youth of the twentieth century: “Fight and search, find and not give up!”;
  • Benjamin Franklin is the founding father of the American nation, his autobiography can serve as a textbook on achieving success. He is the author of the apt aphorism: “Time is money!”;
  • Veniamin Smekhov is a talented actor, director and screenwriter, known for his work in theater and cinema.

Other famous bearers of the name include scientists, athletes, and religious figures.

Photo gallery: famous Benjamins

Benjamin Franklin - politician, diplomat, inventor, physicist, the first American invited to become a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Veniamin Smekhov - Soviet, Russian theater and film actor, performer of the role of Athos in the film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" Veniamin Kaverin - Soviet writer, USSR State Prize laureate, author of the adventure novel “Two Captains”

Fate does not spare its beloved children. As the biblical God says: “Whom I love, I punish!” A name whose history includes so many saints, confessors and martyrs cannot but carry the energy of asceticism, chosenness and sacrifice. How does this manifest itself in the lives of modern Benjamins? Someone with a high level of resistance will rise to great heights and leave their mark on history like their great namesakes; someone, unable to withstand the test, will break down from the first failure and remain lying on the sidelines. And someone, cleverly bypassing difficulties, will live their life quietly and unnoticed. If, of course, the name allows it...

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Vladimir asks
Answered by Alexander Dulger, 12/27/2010

Peace to you, brother Vladimir!

These are the texts:

"The sons of Benjamin: Bela and Becher and Ashbel; Gera and Naaman, Ehi and Rosh, Muppim and Huppim and Ard." ()

"Benjamin has: Bela, Becher and Jediael, three.
The sons of Bela: Ezbon, Uzzi, Uzziel, Jerimoth and Iri, five, heads of generations, warlike people. There are twenty-two thousand and thirty-four recorded in the genealogical lists." ()

In this case, we are faced with one feature incomprehensible to the modern reader, which at the same time is common and understandable in the culture of the ancient East, and perhaps in the modern culture of the East.

The essence of this feature is that a person's grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and sometimes even later descendants, can be called his sons or daughters. This technique is quite common in biblical genealogies and causes confusion for readers from other cultures.

The meaning of this technique is to emphasize that this or that person is a descendant of some famous ancestor.

The most famous example is the title “son of David”, which was applied to Jesus Christ: “And behold, two blind men who were sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, began to shout: have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!”
(From )

It is interesting that the same name was also applied to Jesus’ stepfather: “....An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: Joseph, son of David! Do not be afraid to accept Mary your wife...” (From)

Another example was discussed in this answer:

Let's return to the sons of Benjamin. I am not going to do a complete analysis of the list now, as there is very little information on some names and they are difficult to identify. In addition, the Jews of that time had several names. For example: “Jerobaal, who is also Gideon” (). The same person with different names is often found in different books of the Bible. Sometimes a person with different names can be identified by context, and sometimes not.

Let's look at some of Benjamin's "extra sons":
- Hera, is the son of Bela and the grandson of Benjamin according to
- Naaman, the same thing (see , )
- Ehi, probably the son of Benjamin Ahiram ()
- Rosh, not mentioned anywhere else, may have died prematurely (childless) and therefore not mentioned in other genealogies
- etc

I have described the general principles, and you can take the Symphony and find all the names or those consonant with them, thus restoring the exact picture.

I think the most accurate picture is reflected in . The Book of Numbers was written by Moses himself and is the most reliable source of the generations and generations of the Israelites who came out of Egypt.


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Short form of the name Benjamin. Venya, Vienna, Vinya, Veniaminka, Minya, Venyulya, Venulya, Venyusha, Venusha.
Synonyms for the name Benjamin. Benjamin, Benjamin, Vinyamin, Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin.
Origin of the name Benjamin. The name Benjamin is Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish.

The name Benjamin is of biblical origin; it is the Russian version of the name of the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel, Benjamin. The name has analogues - Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin, Binyomen, translated as “son of my right hand”, “son of the right hand”, also interpreted as “happy son”.

In some European countries, "Benjamin" is an address to the youngest son, especially in cases where he is much younger than all the other brothers. Sometimes elderly parents choose this name for their son, knowing that they are unlikely to have more children. This name is also a surname.

The name Benjamin is often shortened to Ben, Benny and Benji, and Veniamin is often addressed affectionately as Venya.

Benjamin celebrates Catholic name days on March 31 and October 9, the remaining dates indicated are Orthodox name days.

Veniamin is a multifaceted person; he can be both an extrovert and an introvert. Thus, he is able to find a place for himself both in a large company and alone with a fishing rod on the river bank. This is a deeply solidarity person who is ready to help and happy to communicate. At the same time, Benjamin chooses a less hectic pace of life, prefers a somewhat mundane existence, which allows him to enjoy leisurely activities. Therefore, this man will not choose bright public work, for example, in the field of politics, he will prefer to do good deeds in such a way as to do them, rather than demonstrate them.

The owner of the name Benjamin is, first of all, a pragmatic person, his life is associated with concepts such as profitability and efficiency, and his approach to life is very practical. He must feel passionate about his work, and only then is he able to achieve significant success in his work.

As a child, Benjamin is a curious and energetic boy, who is sometimes very difficult to control. He usually wants to do several things at once, so the concepts of order and discipline should be instilled in him to avoid further disorganization and distraction. It is worth drawing the boy’s attention to physical activity and sports.

In addition, Benjamin knows how to see people, observe them, and draw conclusions regarding their behavior. He is not opposed to change, loves discovery and gets a lot of pleasure from what this world has to offer him. He can consider any event in his life an adventure, such as a trip by transport or a vacation in tropical countries. He is not afraid of restrictions or monotony. He cannot be called a disciplined young man; he admires other people for their love of freedom and travel, and it is a short trip that can give Benjamin a new breath and a taste for life, especially in those moments when sadness and apathy overtake him.

In love, Benjamin is a passionate man, he can lose his head over his beloved to such an extent that he can forget about safety and start doing stupid and dangerous things. He may not always be a model of marital fidelity; he himself is uncompromising, jealous and intolerant in matters of relationships. He is looking for his soulmate who can understand him, because his freedom is very dear to him. However, this does not necessarily mean that he will abuse the trust placed in him.

Benjamin is capable of achieving success through enormous titanic and hard work if he sticks to his straight line, which he chose to achieve what he wants. It is important for him to do something concrete that he believes in and understands. Avoiding routine, he can choose the field of travel, sales, business, public work, journalism, and creative professions. He will also like technical professions, for example, an engineer or a logistician, as well as professions in the scientific field.

Veniamin's name day

Benjamin celebrates his name day on January 11, January 27, March 14, March 31, April 13, June 5, June 20, August 11, August 13, September 10, October 1, October 9, October 26, November 20, December 2.

Famous people named Benjamin

  • Veniamin Efremov ((1926-2006) Soviet scientist-designer of air defense systems, was also a public figure and a good organizer)
  • Veniamin Dorman ((1927-1988) Soviet film director, wrote scripts, also directed episodes of “Jumble”)
  • Veniamin Klyachkin ((1858-1931) Russian doctor, distinguished himself as a sanitary doctor and infectious disease specialist, taught at the Medical Institute of Omsk)
  • Veniamin Sikora ((1940-2004) Ukrainian economist)
  • Veniamin Chebotaev ((1938-1992) Soviet physicist, conducted research in the field of quantum electronics and laser physics, it was he who opened a new direction of spectroscopy. He developed various new types of lasers, and also worked with optical fields.)
  • Veniamin Smekhov ((born 1940) Soviet and Russian actor, played in theater and acted in films, directed television plays and documentaries, wrote scripts, author of books)
  • Veniamin Makovsky ((1905-1985) Soviet civil engineer, specialized in underground tunnel construction. Author of books on this technology. He is a design engineer for the Moscow metro.)
  • Veniamin Grigoriev ((1932-2005) Soviet chemical engineer, worked with rubber products, director of the Kazan plant of rubber technical products. Engaged in research, author of scientific publications, inventor.)
  • Veniamin Yudin ((1864-1943) Russian and Soviet doctor, hero of labor)
  • Benjamin of Tudela (12th century Jewish traveler)
  • Benjamin Franklin ((1706-1790) American politician, was also an inventor, journalist. One of the most famous leaders of the American War of Independence. It is his portrait that can be seen on the 100 dollar bill.)

[Heb. , - son of the right hand], (memorial in the Cathedral of Saints, forefather and in the Cathedral of Saints, father), the youngest son of the Old Testament patriarch Jacob from Rachel and the ancestor of the tribe of the same name (Gen. 35. 16-20). Rachel, dying, called him “son of sorrow” (Heb. - Gen. 35.18). Patriarch Jacob changed his name to Benjamin, which also means “son of happiness.” After Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, V. became the beloved son of the patriarch Jacob.

V., who enjoyed the favor and love of his father and brothers, played a special role in the story with Joseph: his father did not dare to send V. to Egypt for a long time; Joseph could not hold back his tears when he saw V., he generously gave him gifts, etc. (Genesis 42.4, 36; 43.14-30; 45.14). Despite his meek disposition, V. is called a “ravenous wolf” (Gen. 49.27) in the blessing of the patriarch Jacob, which prophetically indicates the subsequent warlike nature of representatives of this family. The special status of the tribe of V. in history is confirmed by the words of the prophet. Moses that it is loved by the Lord and is safely under the protection of God (Deut. 33.12), later. this was manifested in the independent position and welfare of its representatives, in the increase in their numbers (Numbers 1. 19-43) and power (2 Chronicles 14. 8; 17. 17). Initially, V.'s tribe occupied a small fertile area west of the river. Jordan, north of Jerusalem, with 26 cities and surrounding areas (Joshua 18:21-28), bordering the possessions of the tribes of Judah, Ephraim and Manasseh (Joshua 18:11-20).

The leading role in the settlement of the tribe of E. in the territory of Transjordan was played by Joshua (Joshua 2-9) from the tribe of Ephraim (Joshua 24. 29-30). A military alliance existed between these two clans even earlier, which was confirmed by the construction of a common sanctuary in Gilgal on the border of the tribes (Joshua 4-5). The close dependence of the tribe of B. on the tribe of Ephraim is reflected in the song of Deborah (Judgment 5.14). Representatives of the tribe of V. were excellent warriors (Judgment 3.15; 1 Chronicles 8.40; 12.2 ff; 2 Kings 1.22), they skillfully wielded weapons with their left hand (Judgment 3.21), which gave them an advantage in battle in fact. The belligerence that distinguished these warriors brought the tribe of B. to the brink of destruction in a decisive battle with other Israeli tribes (Judges 19-21). The surviving warriors were allowed to take wives from neighboring territories to preserve the lineage (Judges 21).

Eod, who freed the Jews from the oppression of the Moabites, came from the tribe of B. (Judgment 3. 12-30). The most famous representative of the tribe of W. in the OT was the first Israeli king Saul, under whom this clan reached its heyday and strong influence on the other tribes (1 Kings 9. 1-2, 21), spreading to territories located far in the west . King Saul conquered such ancient Canaanite cities as Gibeon and Beth-oron. After his death, members of the tribe of V. recognized the power of his youngest son Ishbosheth, and also supported the rebellion of Absalom and Shimei (2 Kings 16.11), but later. went over to the side of King David. After the transformation of Jerusalem into the capital, the tribe of Britain was in close alliance with the tribe of Judah; together they formed the Southern Kingdom under the rule of King Rehoboam (1 Kings 12.21). During the clashes between the kingdoms, the boundaries of the territory of the tribe of V. were constantly changing (2 Chronicles 13.19; 1 Kings 14.8-14; 15.17, 22).

After the destruction of the kingdom of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar II in 587, the territory of the tribe of Egypt, where the center of political opposition to the last Jewish king Zedekiah was located, suffered to a lesser extent. Prophet Jeremiah, who denounced Zedekiah, came from the city of Anathoth, from the tribe of V. (Jeremiah 1.1; cf. 37.12). Belonging to the tribe of V. Mizpah became adm. center founded by the Babylonians on the conquered territory (2 Kings 25. 22-23; Jer 40. 6), and its sanctuary acquired official status. status (Jer 41:5).

The bulk of the population of Judah after the captivity were members of the tribe of B., who played a significant role in the restoration of Jerusalem (1 Ezra 4.1; 10.9). Under control Zerubbabel and especially during the time of Nehemiah, the territories of the tribes of Britain and Judah received the status of an independent province in the Persians. satrapy Zarechye, which survived during the reign of Alexander the Great and under his successors.

Perhaps the historical memory of the inherent qualities of the representatives of the tribe of V. was reflected in the fact that the ap. Paul specifically pointed out his origins from the tribe of V. (Rom 11.1; Phil 3.5). Mentioned in the Apocalypse (Rev 7.8), it, according to St. Andrew of Caesarea, mysteriously predicts that the Jews will convert to Christianity at the end of time (Apoc. VII 19).

V.'s memory is celebrated on St. Sunday. forefathers.

Lit.: Schunck K. Benjamin//ABD. Vol. 2. P. 671-673; Averintsev S. WITH . Benjamin // Mythological Dictionary. M., 1994. P. 121.

A. E. Petrov