Vertical cultivation of strawberries in an apartment all year round. Harvest varieties of strawberries

Strawberries on the windowsill all year round- this is a reality if you use a potted culture with temporary shading of some specimens

To bookmark flower buds requires a short period of short daylight hours. Therefore, you can put some of the pots with strawberries in a dark room for 30 - 45 days. Then, by exposing them to light, you can get the berries to bloom and ripen.

Before you grow strawberries at home all year round, you need to study the biological characteristics and development rhythms of this crop.

To get strawberries at the end of April or early May, proceed as follows: in mid-August, young rooted shoots from the mustache, growing closer to the mother plant, are dug up and planted in 2-inch bowls, after planting, watered and placed in partial shade for speedy rooting .

Rooted bushes remain in bowls in the open air until frost. When frost occurs, the pots are put into the vegetable cellar, and if this is not the case, then into the cellar (without ice), and left until March 1 without watering.

In March, the pots are brought into the room and placed on the floor, where it is colder, for 3-4 days; after this period, the plants are placed on windows closer to the light, and watering should be moderate. After 10-12 days, the plants begin to fall away. In mid-April, and sometimes later, depending on the weather, strawberries are already blooming.

During flowering on sunny and warm days, it is useful to take the pots out into the air for 10-15 minutes for fertilization (the pots are placed nearby), otherwise do artificial pollination. When the ovary appears, you need to monitor watering, do not allow the plant to become lethargic, that is, until the leaves drop. In good clear and warm weather, the berries ripen in April.

To obtain an even harvest of monthly strawberries throughout the entire fruiting period, proceed as follows: let only 1/3 of the planting bloom freely, pick flowers from 2/3 of the plantings in the spring, let the other third bloom from mid-June, and from the end of summer let everything bloom freely planting. Cut off all the lashes.

Agricultural technology for growing strawberries in a greenhouse is based on the fact that month-old seedlings lend themselves well to greenhouse cultivation

The seeds were sown at the beginning of February in a greenhouse, at the end of March the seedlings were transplanted, and the pots were placed in the greenhouse, from mid-June they were exposed to the open air, the first fruits were received at the end of June, the vines were plucked all the time. At the end of August, the pots were placed in the greenhouse at a temperature of 12 degrees during the day, 5.6-8 degrees at night. At the beginning of October, we got a lot of quite aromatic and sweet fruits.

The technology for growing strawberries all year round in practice shows that late greenhouse forcing is more profitable than greenhouse forcing. Plant in an uncovered greenhouse (i.e., a greenhouse box) in July or August at a distance of 6-8 inches, in soil with 1 part of greenhouse soil, 2 parts of leaf soil, 1 part of turf soil and 1 part of sand, add 1 pound of land 1 lb. horn sawdust and plan it so that you get a slope 1.5-2 inches to the south. Strawberries grow much easier if they have previously been exposed to light frosts, so cover the greenhouse (box) for the winter with boards or spruce and cover it with old manure only after the onset of frost, when the temperature has already dropped to -3 or -5 degrees.

In February, in accordance with the technology for growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round, you need to remove the cover and cover the greenhouse with frames, covered with mats at night.

In sunny but cold weather, spray with lukewarm water and ventilate carefully. During flowering, do not spray and ventilate more; if the weather is still cold, cover the greenhouse with fresh manure, water with slurry diluted with lukewarm water. Plants for growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round can be planted for 2 years in a row, and fertilized more heavily in the 2nd year.

Watch how strawberries are grown in a greenhouse all year round in the video, which demonstrates all the nuances of agricultural technology:

Growing strawberries and wild strawberries all year round at home

You need to start growing wild strawberries all year round by choosing planting material. In the spring, when new leaves appear on the strawberry beds, stronger plants that have developed from last year's tendrils are selected and planted with a small lump in 2-2.5-inch pots; The soil for backfilling the plants is made up of strong turf and rotted mullein.

In a completely open, dry place, dig a strip of 12-14 inches wide; the depth is given according to the height of the pots in which the strawberry bushes are planted, that is, 2-2.5 inches. The length of the strip depends on the number of pots that are expected to be placed here. Having leveled the bottom of this strip, pour a layer of ash about an inch thick, on which the plants are placed, 5-6 pieces each. in a row. Ash bedding prevents earthworms from entering pots through drainage holes. In the future, these strawberries at home will be kept in a container with a closed root system all year round, so it is important to prevent earthworm larvae from entering there.

The gaps between the pots are filled with earth or, even better, filled with moss, which prevents the walls of the pots from heating up. Summer care consists of timely watering, covering the surface of the ridge with pots with rotted mullein, weeds are immediately weeded out. By the beginning of August, the plants finish their growth and are brought to a dormant state with gradually reduced watering.

To further grow strawberries at home all year round, these plants are transferred to 3-4-inch pots, in which they remain until forcing. When transshipping, the lump is only slightly cleaned and any damaged roots are trimmed; it is also necessary to clean off the top layer of soil in the pots and add fresh soil. Pots with soil remain in the indicated place until frost sets in (about 4 degrees), which highest degree contribute to the success of forcing. After such frosts, the pots are taken to a cleaned greenhouse, covered with dry leaves and covered with shields, on top of which dry leaves are also poured.

Which variety of strawberries that bear fruit all year round should you choose for growing?

For getting bountiful harvests It is not enough just to cultivate strawberries well, but you need to be able to select their varieties. The consistency of strawberry varieties for cultivation all year round is very weak, and the best cultivars are subject to rapid degeneration. Remontant varieties of strawberries, which bear fruit all year round, after being propagated for several years in a row, begin to produce small berries. In this case, there is only one means to restore fertility - reproduction through seeds. For this purpose, ripe berries are collected from the bushes that are richest in fruits and sown. From such sowing usually most of The plants turn out to be of little use for further cultivation, with small berries, while the smaller part turns out to be well repaired, with large and numerous fruits. Plants of the latter genus are selected and intended for further propagation.

What variety of strawberries can produce stable harvests all year round? Gardeners answer this question in different ways. It all depends on breeding and selection. For example, large-fruited English varieties of strawberries are so variable that when propagated by seeds it is almost never possible to obtain the same variety.

When propagated by mustaches, these varieties begin to produce two types of plants within a few years: some are stronger, having strong mustaches that appear, but are infertile; others are weaker, with mustaches appearing on them later, but are more fertile. For propagation, they usually take tendrils from the first plants, as from stronger ones, without noticing that these are degenerating plants.

With this method of reproduction, even the most the best varieties, which at first earned worldwide fame for their productivity, after a few years degenerate and produce only mediocre yields. To avoid degeneration of the variety, it is important to take runners only from those plants that bear fruit abundantly and produce the largest berries. Only enough tendrils should be left on each bush so that the mother plant can feed them well without damage. The effect of selection is that in this way the yield can be increased by half.

Watch how strawberries are grown all year round in the video, which presents a wide variety of ways to implement the technology:

To taste sweet and aromatic strawberries, you don’t have to wait for the season and look for them at the market - these berries can be grown at home. There are many ways to do this, outlined in this article.

Amateur and professional summer residents who cannot live a day without working on their summer cottages or home garden, be sure to find a place in the garden for growing strawberries.

Frequent weeding, formation of correct bushes and timely harvesting are only a small amount of care required for getting good harvest . But if you know certain secrets, then growing strawberries will seem like a pleasant experience, bearing excellent fruits.

How to properly grow strawberries in open ground at home?

First you need to know what to plant strawberries only in lowlands, preferably on a sunny, windless side - ideal southwestern side of the plot.

For a rich harvest of strawberries, you must follow the rules for growing them.

Do not think that strawberries are planted once and for all in the same place - it is advisable that they grow in one area no more than three years. If you do not periodically change the place where strawberries are grown, then the fertile qualities of the soil will dry up, and the berries will become small and not sweet.

It is better to plant strawberry seedlings in open ground early June in the evening. This way the seedlings will strengthen a little overnight and will be better able to withstand the hot summer sun. When you first plant strawberries, first clean the soil well - remove all weeds and dig up the area you have chosen for planting berries.

Strawberry bushes are important plant not very close– determine a distance of about half a meter between the bushes, so it will be convenient for you to collect fruits and strawberries it will be big and tasty.

Choose healthy sockets, carefully place them in the ground and plant at medium depth. The main thing is to dig holes for seedlings correctly - if you plant very deeply, the roots may rot; If you dig small holes, the soil will quickly dry out and the roots will dry out.

Watering is very important for strawberries.

After you have planted all the seedlings - water the seedlings well and after a couple of days add fertilizer to the watering. When strawberries begin to bloom, place straw under the bushes - this way you will protect future fruits from rotting. So that the berries are large - trim the plant's tendrils that are too long. After following all the tips, strawberries in open ground will delight you with tasty and sweet fruits.

How to grow strawberries vertically?

Modern innovations in gardening have invented an excellent alternative classic options growing strawberries - vertical beds. Summer residents who do not own large land plantations should be interested in this idea.

This type of beds very convenient for harvesting. Also, the possibility of rotting fruits, which, thanks to vertical beds, no longer lie on the ground, is practically eliminated.

A good solution for a vertical bed would be to use flower pots. You can either stack them on top of each other or secure the pots to a metal or wood stake driven deep into the ground. Fill the pots with soil, plant strawberries in each rosette and that’s it, the vertical bed is ready.

Vertical growing of strawberries in pots

Can come up with different options: use small boxes, barrels, or buy special construction kits for vertical beds in the store - it’s up to your imagination. There are positive and negative sides to everything.

Disadvantages of vertical planting:

  • Limited food– due to the small amount of soil, seedlings need more frequent feeding
  • Dryness– Strawberries in pots dry quickly in the sun. Therefore, you have to water much more often. If you come to the dacha only on weekends, arrange drip irrigation for the seedlings
  • Freezing– in a pot that is too shallow and not covered with snow in frosty winters, strawberries can quickly freeze. Therefore, it is better to bring the seedlings indoors for the winter.

Vertical planting allows you to get a larger harvest

But there is also positive aspects of such planting:

  • Save time– to harvest, you no longer need to bend your back and look for berries
  • Easy to care for - You won't need to weed
  • Space saving— A vertical nursery takes up much less space than traditional
  • Absence of diseases– the fungus does not often infect strawberries when vertical way landings

Having considered all the pros and cons of the vertical method of planting strawberries, each gardener has the right to choose the most convenient method for him. But it is important to note that this method not only effective, but also very aesthetically pleasing - a beautifully decorated nursery with white blooms and red berries will look very unusual and bright.

Video: Vertical method of growing strawberries

How to grow strawberries in bags?

Technology growing strawberries in bags almost the same as traditional method growing. But let's look at this method in more detail. First, choose a room where you will grow strawberries. In such a room it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature all year round - 20-24 °C.

In order to grow strawberries you will need large plastic bags. You can buy them or make them yourself. The length of the bags should be not less than 2 m, diameter approx. 20 cm. After you have decided where you will plant the strawberries, fill this bag with soil and fertilizer.

Growing strawberries in bags is more productive than in pots

Make cuts along the vertical line of the bag in a checkerboard pattern in four rows for planting, about 8 centimeters in size and at a distance at 25 cm. Bags must be placed on the floor. Place them not next to each other, but at a distance of approximately 30-40 cm from each other.

Use for watering and fertilizing dropper tubes(they will need to be attached to the bag). You will need three tubes per bag, which are inserted the entire length of the bag into one hole.

Connect the upper ends of the tubes to the main pipeline, which must be laid over the bags. To water each bag you will need about 2 liters of water per day.

Planting and harvesting strawberries in a bag

The positive aspects of such cultivation are:

  • preservation of the genetics of the variety
  • high yield
  • fruits that can be obtained throughout the year, because cultivation takes place indoors with a comfortable temperature.

With this method of growing strawberries, you will always have delicious berries without chemicals, grown with your own hands.

Video: Growing strawberries all year round in bags

How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round?

Many gardeners are accustomed to the fact that such a tasty berry as strawberry produces a harvest only once - in early June. Some varieties of strawberries bear fruit for up to three months- These are remontant varieties, but they can only grow in certain conditions. And if you create a certain temperature in the greenhouse, you can achieve the fact that tasty and sweet fruits will be on your table all year round.

In order to have a harvest all year round, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Install correct lighting
  2. Create a specific temperature regime
  3. Ensure timely watering and fertilizing

For growing strawberries in greenhouses You can use several methods:

  • Growing in soil
  • Planting in small containers
  • Landing using Dutch technology
IN greenhouse conditions strawberries can bear fruit all year round

The main method for many gardeners is precisely planting strawberries in the ground. For those who want to get a good harvest indoors, you should take note of the other two methods.

Planting in a container is similar to the vertical method of growing strawberries - planting seedlings is also produced in pots filled with soil.

Also used in greenhouses Dutch technology- This is an already well-known method of growing strawberries in bags, which uses a drip irrigation system.

Strawberries in a greenhouse

The greenhouse in which you plan to grow berries all year round should be well heated and lit. Because seedlings need to be well moistened– water should be within easy reach. If you create the right conditions in a greenhouse, then planting by any method will bring good results.

How to grow strawberries in pipes?

If you have a small summer cottage or you want to please your children with delicious strawberries, this would be an excellent option. grow strawberries in pipes. Creating such a nursery is a simple and inexpensive activity. To do this you will need a regular sewage pipe . You can create a nursery in horizontal or vertical form.

If you choose horizontal version – cut the pipe into two halves and the nursery is ready. With the vertical method, it is worth cutting holes for future seedlings with a drill at a distance about 30 cm.

Growing strawberries in a pipe

You can place pipes even in greenhouses - this will significantly save space. The main thing is to ensure proper lighting - no less 15 hours in a day. Otherwise, you won’t see tasty and sweet fruits.

To plant, select young, strong seedlings, which need to be planted at medium depth and well watered. Mandatory two days after landing use complex fertilizer.

If you are beautiful paint the pipes with bright colors, then this method will not only save space, but will become beautiful decor Your plot or apartment.

How to grow strawberries under film?

One of the well-known methods of growing strawberries is landing under black film. Growing berries this way is great option receive an excellent harvest every year. In this case, you won’t have to fight weeds or worry about rotting berries.

Growing strawberries under film

To prepare such a “dark” greenhouse you need take the film and hose, the length of which will be equal to the length of the beds - from it you will make a kind of drip irrigation system.

First, dig up the soil, clear it of weeds. The width of one bed will be about a meter, the row spacing will be no more than 50 cm. The soil must settle down - after digging, it is worth planting the seedlings only after a week.

Make small ones between the rows, no more 10 cm recesses and lay the hose in them. Make small holes in the laid hose - at a distance 7-10 cm from each other - this will be the drip irrigation system.

Film covering on beds with strawberries

In a checkerboard pattern, you will need to cut holes of the same size - approx. 15*15 cm– places for seedlings are ready. Plant the seedlings by first moistening the roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

For this method, the ideal landing time is the beginning of June, preferably in the evening. A positive aspect of this method is the absence of weeds and good impregnation water, thanks to drip irrigation.

Using this method, already at the beginning of August You can enjoy large and sweet strawberries from your own plot.

How to grow strawberries from a mustache?

It's hard to imagine summer without delicious strawberries. It is not only tasty, but also healthy, vitamin C– one of the main vitamins that this red berry is rich in. The process of growing strawberries is very labor-intensive and purchased seedlings are not always accepted on a summer cottage. Therefore, gardeners try to grow seedlings on their own.

A good harvest of strawberries can also be obtained by growing them from whiskers.

Get good seedlings strawberries possible from her own mustache. Healthy tendrils should be cut from the bush and placed in a peat tablet. After this, place them in a tray with water and cover the top in the form of a cap. It will take about a week to antennae have sprouted.

To do not damage young fragile roots, transplant the seedlings into the ground also in a tablet. So plant the resulting tendrils in the garden bed. seedlings in a peat tablet so as not to injure the young plant.

After this you should regularly water the seedlings and use complex feeding.

It is best to plant strawberries there where there were previously radishes, carrots, onions, garlic, peas or dill. Under no circumstances should you plant seedlings in the area where there were potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers last year - this can only be done after three years.

It is advisable to cover the ground under the strawberries with straw or sawdust - this will protect against weeds

Seedlings obtained from strawberry tendrils will bear fruit only next year, when it is already well strengthened. It is advisable to cover it for the winter pine sawdust, to protect from the frosty winter.

This method of reproduction quite troublesome, but a year after planting, strawberries will definitely delight you with sweet fruits.

How to grow remontant strawberries?

Very often, many gardeners grow such strawberries, but not everyone distinguishes them from ordinary strawberries. Main difference remontant strawberries is the frequency of fruiting. Such strawberries bear fruit 2 or more times per season.

More often periods for harvesting remontant strawberries is:

  • For the early period - July
  • Second, later period – end of August – beginning of September

Remontant strawberry fruits

The fruits of such strawberries can weigh about 100 g. These are especially large berries. The average weight of such strawberries is about 60 g, which is also quite a lot compared to regular strawberries.

For growing remontant strawberries It is worth considering certain nuances:

  • The fruiting period of such strawberries is short - no more than 3 years
  • The second harvest is usually more abundant, but it is worth removing the spring bloom to achieve this. To grow large remontant strawberries, you will have to sacrifice part of the future harvest by removing flower stalks

These strawberries can be grown from seeds or seedling method . With the help of seeds, the purity of the variety is maintained. The container with the seeds should be covered with film and placed in a warm, sunny place. When the seedlings have already grown enough, you can plant it in holes. The soil around the holes should be constantly loosened to ensure that the strawberries are saturated with oxygen.

Remontant strawberries can be grown in a greenhouse all year round

To prevent weeds from clogging the beds - spread straw between rows. During flowering and ripening, remontant strawberries should be watered generously with water and potash fertilizers.

This variety of berries is already quite common due to harvest frequency and large fruits. Try planting remontant strawberries on your plot and enjoy a delicious harvest twice a year.

How to grow strawberries from seeds?

Strawberries can be grown not only by seedlings or propagation by mustaches, but also using seeds. This has the following advantages:

  • seeds keep for a long time
  • there is no transmission of fungi and viruses

You can buy seeds or prepare your own. To do this, select bushes on the site that produce good fruits and take seeds from ripe berries. Let dry a little and store in a glass container until next year.

Strawberry seeds can be purchased, or you can collect them yourself from your own harvest.

Three months before planting, place the seeds in the refrigerator, constantly making sure that the seeds are moist - place them on damp gauze.

Sow strawberries in early January this way:

  • Place a 2 cm drainage layer on the bottom of the box
  • layer of earth on top
  • make rows in it about half a centimeter
  • fill with water
  • sow the seeds and sprinkle a little soil

After this, make sure that the soil was always moist. You will see the first shoots within a month. The main thing is that the box should be in a warm and well-lit place. After the first leaves, the seedlings should be replanted in a new big box to provide space. Seedlings can be planted in the ground at the end of April.

Seedlings can be grown in boxes or pots and then transplanted into the ground

If you have room to grow seedlings in boxes in winter, then you can get excellent strawberry rosettes grown from seeds.

As you can see, there is great amount options for growing strawberries. Choose the best one for yourself, taking into account the climate of your region and your site. After all, you can please yourself with delicious fruits that are grown at home, even without having a summer cottage.

Video: Secrets of growing strawberries

Strawberries are everyone's favorite berry. However, to grow it in an open area, you will have to make a lot of effort. Its taste characteristics will greatly depend on weather conditions. And insects, rodents and birds, who also love it, will bring many problems to this berry. Professionals advise growing strawberries in a greenhouse.

In the video, growing strawberries in bags in a greenhouse all year round as a business idea:

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse in winter: description

Strawberries are easy to grow in a greenhouse . And this method has its advantages:

  • The ability to create optimal weather conditions, which will lead to increased yield;
  • The risk of developing various diseases is significantly reduced;
  • Convenient placement, this berry can be grown on shelves, pots, boxes, which saves space;
  • Possibility to grow strawberries all year round.

And also, by planting strawberries in a greenhouse, the basic procedures for caring for them are reduced - there is no need to weed the bushes, you can organize a drip irrigation system.

Types of greenhouses for strawberries

Which greenhouse to choose will depend on the purposes for which the berries are grown. If strawberries are planted only for your own purposes, then the area and equipment of the greenhouse will be the same. When a business is built on this, the type of structure will be different.


Such greenhouses are only suitable for growing early berries. They are a frame covered with film. The advantage of such buildings is their ease of assembly and installation. The disadvantage is poor protection from frost.


This option is suitable for those who grow on a large scale. In this building it is possible to organize a heating and lighting system, and place the necessary technical devices to facilitate maintenance. And all this will be a “plus” of such a greenhouse. The disadvantages include the complexity of the structure, because the foundation needs to be laid. This also includes the fragility of glass. But such greenhouses will still be more durable than others.

Hydroponic strawberries in a greenhouse:


This modern material has made life much easier for gardeners and increasingly personal plots you can see the buildings from it. The disadvantage of such a greenhouse will be its cost, but it will also last a long time and will be able to provide all the conditions for growing strawberries.

Home greenhouse

If the berries are grown for personal consumption, then a room in an apartment, a balcony or a garage is quite suitable for such purposes. It is only necessary to install special lighting and equipment that will facilitate maintenance.

Equipment that makes it easier to care for

The greenhouse will protect the berries from weather conditions, but to make your work easier, you can equip the room with all kinds of devices for caring for strawberries.


The rows can be made traditionally on the ground, or it is better to install special racks. Access to them should be convenient and easy.

You can grow strawberries in pots or special containers.


If the greenhouse will be used all year round, then you need to think about the heating system. In the southern regions, biofuels are used. For middle and northern areas this is not enough. During the construction of a greenhouse, it is possible to lay pipes through which hot water is supplied in winter. This will provide a kind of “warm” floor for the plants. To heat the air, a water heating circuit is installed.

FOR REFERENCE: You can also use the Dutch method and grow berries in hanging beds.


If the greenhouse is glass or polycarbonate, then it is easier to install electric lighting in them. In all others, it is worth installing phytolamps, since in autumn and winter the berries will need additional light.

Irrigation systems

Of course, you can water manually, but it is much easier to install a drip or automated systems glaze. Everything will depend on the scale of cultivation.

Drip systems supply water in doses, which means they save it. You can make them yourself or choose from the proposed types. The main thing is that there is a centralized water supply.

Automatic systems are installed for industrial cultivation.


It must be provided for during construction. Vents are located on the roof and in the side walls.

If the area is large, then it is better to install special ventilation systems.

Ease of access

This is one of important conditions. Everything inside the building should be located in such a way that you can easily get into any corner.

So, if strawberries grow on the soil in beds, then their width should be 0.7 - 1 m.

The height of the racks is adjustable to suit the height of the person who will be caring for the berries.

IMPORTANT: It is possible to provide small corridor where the inventory will be stored.


The site for the greenhouse is chosen to be flat and not muddy. There should be no trees or buildings nearby that could cast a shadow.

It is better to attach the greenhouse to the house, it is easier to carry out communications, and in winter you can get inside without leaving the building.

Construction of a greenhouse for growing strawberries all year round at home

Before construction, you should make drawings, think over the location of all elements, calculate Construction Materials and equipment.


For capital construction you need a good foundation.

The foundation can be strip or columnar. The first type is most often done:

  • A trench is dug, filled with sand 20 cm below ground level and compacted well;
  • The formwork is installed 20 cm above ground level and smoothed around the perimeter with a metal rod or reinforcement;
  • Next, everything is poured with concrete;
  • Bricks are laid on top of the concrete in one row.

Waterproofing made of roofing felt is installed on the concrete.


The frame posts are made from metal profile section 40 by 50 mm. They are placed at an equal distance from each other and secured with anchor bolts.

You will need rack and guide profiles. The first is installed vertically, the second – horizontally. Fastened with bolts or rivets. Triangular elements are placed in the corners, which will give strength to the structure.


Polycarbonate is the most practical coating. With its help, they build straight greenhouses with gable roof. If you bend this material into an arc, you can lose light transmission.

Choose polycarbonate with a thickness of 6 mm, the cell size will be 75 by 75 cm.

Thermal insulation will depend on the type of fastening:

  • Using overlays. Rubber is installed at the fastening point, a sheet is placed on top, and a metal strip is placed on top of it. All this is fastened with self-tapping screws treated with sealant;
  • Fastening with H-shaped profile. In the corners, the joints are closed with corner elements and sealed with an elastic band or sealant.

Now the doors and windows are installed and the greenhouse is ready.

If you have minimal experience in growing at least greenery for your table on windowsills, then there is a great temptation to aim for something much more interesting, for example, getting juicy and fragrant strawberries in the depths of winter. Let's try!

Is it possible to grow strawberries on a windowsill and balcony?

Nothing prevents you from growing strawberries from seeds at home. This will not require much expense or effort. If winter is chosen as the harvest season, you will need to provide artificial lighting. Phytolamps are well suited for this purpose, which today can be purchased in the same stores that sell pots and soil for planting.

The secret to getting a strawberry harvest on your balcony making the right choice seed material, which should be undemanding to growing conditions. Our tips will help you get a guaranteed excellent result.

Strawberry varieties for growing on a window at home

A common mistake is to buy varieties intended for greenhouses to grow strawberries from seeds at home. Only remontant varieties that are insensitive to daylight hours and temperature fluctuations in the apartment are suitable. Hanging varieties that are sown in hanging containers and flowerpots are also perfect.

To please your family with balcony strawberries all year round, you should pay attention to the following well-proven remontant varieties:

How to care after planting and before harvesting, step by step

Carefully considering each stage of cultivation is exactly what will increase the chances of fruitfully growing strawberries in winter at home. Properly selected varieties tolerate a lack of light well, but are demanding in terms of temperature conditions, as well as fertilizing, and soil quality. Our tips for growing strawberries will help you avoid common mistakes and get a great harvest the first time.


The best place for planting will be southern windows, but eastern and western windows in the apartment are also suitable. Only northern ones are not suitable, since natural light still plays a role important role in the growth of bushes. Artificial supplementary lighting only partially solves this problem when growing strawberries at home. Also, the plant is extremely sensitive to drafts, so it is better not to use an uninsulated loggia.

In addition to window sills and hanging containers, flowerpots, you can try using multi-tiered floor flowerpots. They have only one drawback - to approach such a bed from all sides it requires a lot of space.

Strawberries in a pot on the balcony

The rapid ripening of berries directly depends on the length of daylight hours. Ideally, it should be 12 hours. In summer this is not difficult to achieve, but in winter you will need a phytolamp. You do not need to turn it on all day, but only in the morning from 8 to 11, and in the evening from 16 to 19. It is most convenient to set this mode using a special timer, with which such lamps are sold.

The temperature regime is selected quite loyally. It is important not to fall below the acceptable minimum. For strawberries it is + 18 0 C. Optimal humidity– in the range of 50-75%. IN heating season The air in apartments can be very dry. Spraying the bushes with a spray bottle in the morning helps solve this problem. clean water room temperature.

What container to plant in?

Considering that a bush lives in one pot from 2 to 5 years, it is best to use clay containers of at least 3 liters in size rather than plastic ones. There should be enough holes at the bottom for drainage, and the pan should not be too shallow. If hanging boxes are used to grow strawberries on the windowsill, then it is optimal to take 10-15 liters, in which 4 bushes can be planted at once. Small stones, expanded clay, and crushed eggshells must be placed at the bottom of boxes and pots.

Pot for indoor strawberries

However, it is important to consider the type of planting material. Only bushes with several leaves can be planted in large pots. If you germinate seeds, then first they are sown in small cups. This approach is quite justified, since the weak root system seedlings are not able to draw enough moisture from the soil to prevent its stagnation and the appearance of mold.

What soil to plant homemade strawberries in?

If you go to a specialized store to buy soil, you can look for a special substrate, or purchase a universal one for vegetables or flowering indoor plants. However, you can prepare soil for growing strawberries in boxes yourself. To do this, take sand, coniferous land, humus in equal proportions. The second option is to prepare a mixture of vermicompost and peat. The result should be an airy and slightly moist mixture, into which phosphorus fertilizer is immediately added.

Advice: you cannot take soil from the garden. It may contain pests and fungal diseases. If there is no other way out, then the entire volume of soil is thoroughly steamed in the oven for at least half an hour at a temperature of 180 0 C.

Preparation of planting material

Planting material can be purchased at specialized markets and stores. You can buy seeds, but they take a lot more work, because you need not only to sow, but also to nurture young strawberry plants in pots for a very long time until they gain sufficient strength to bear fruit. Of all the bushes, the strongest ones are selected, which are thoroughly washed in a disinfecting solution (for example, Fitosporin). This will prevent you from worrying about root rot.

If the seed method is nevertheless chosen, then stratification is required for all varieties. The seeds are placed on damp gauze, rolled up and placed in a sealed bag. They place it on the top shelf of the refrigerator, where they need to stay for 2-4 weeks.

Direct landing

Seedling bushes for growing strawberries on the balcony should be planted in pots very carefully, carefully straightening the roots so that they reach their full height. If the spine is too long, it can be shortened.

Stratified seeds are planted in a common box, where they are planted to a minimum depth. Then the box is wrapped in film and placed in a warm place. There it stands until shoots appear. Only after this the film is removed and the box is transferred to a bright place. Transplantation into pots can be done at the stage of 2 true leaves. Perfect time for growing seedlings - early spring or late summer.

Don't forget about fertilizing:

It is recommended to fertilize the soil with complex mineral fertilizer twice a month.

Diseases and pests

IN natural conditions Strawberries can be subject to a wide variety of diseases and pests. And on the windowsill in the apartment she is most often threatened gray mold And spider mite. Rot often appears due to thickening of the planting or hypothermia of the bushes. Following recommendations for planting density and monitoring room temperature will help avoid the occurrence of the disease.

But spider mites are a frequent visitor to window plantations. Garlic tincture will help get rid of it. Crush two cloves and pour a glass of water. You need to infuse the mixture for two days, and then pour the expressed liquid into a spray bottle and spray all the bushes.

Timing of germination and harvesting

The exact ripening time depends on the variety. The peculiarities of growing strawberries are that the timing of flowering and appearance of berries is influenced by many factors: frequency of fertilizing, length of daylight hours, room temperature.

Ideally, 2 months should pass from planting the seedlings in the pot until the first berries appear.

Then it all depends on the variety, because many bloom and bear fruit continuously, while others require a month to rest between fruitings. If you see that there are no flowers or berries on the plant, then it’s time for rest. It is necessary to stop intensive watering and fertilizing until the strawberries have rested and resumed their growing season.

Pollination of strawberries at home in winter

Knowing how to grow strawberries on the balcony, we must not forget about pollination. Under natural conditions, bees do this. And now you will have to work instead of them.

Take a watercolor brush and carefully brush the bristles over the flowers, not forgetting any. If this is not done, then there will either be no berries at all, or they will be deformed and tasteless.

How to grow strawberries at home, video

Now you see that growing strawberries all year round is not that difficult. It’s quite possible to try, especially if you have the opportunity to buy seedlings.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 10 minutes


The demand for such berries as strawberries is invariably high. Moreover, it grows every year, therefore, its prices also increase. It is not surprising that gardeners are changing their qualifications from hobbyist to entrepreneurial. Some grow strawberries on their own plot, others use rented land. What approach to business will depend on how ambitious the businessman is and what funds he has to start a business. In any case, this type of activity brings profit.

The best strawberry varieties to grow for sale in summer and winter - where to buy good seeds and seedlings for propagation?

Strawberries are valued for their taste and beneficial features. A good harvest of this berry can only be achieved if the growing technology and other important standards are followed. Cultivation of this crop brings profit not only in summer period, but can be year-round profitable business, if you approach its organization correctly.

All strawberry varieties are divided into two types:

  • Breeding . Their creation is carried out by scientific and research institutions related to the system of state testing of varieties. On Russian market There are also varieties from foreign breeding developments;
  • Local . These are the fruits of amateur gardeners, grown on the basis of selection of the most best forms from local strawberries.

Varieties differ in different yield volumes under the same growing conditions. Each agroclimatic zone requires the selection of those strawberry varieties that are most adapted to the proposed conditions, therefore, their yield will be maximum.

There are remontant varieties that produce several harvests in one growing season:

  • Albion . Refers to greenhouse varieties. Is different for a long time fruiting - before the onset of frost. The berry has a typical conical shape and a pleasant taste. It can be used in fresh, cook preserves, jams, and make other preparations from it. This variety is characterized by resistance to diseases and bad weather.
  • Winona . It can be grown both on mulch and under film, which avoids rot during the rainy season. The variety is late ripening, so it is not processed and is consumed fresh.
  • San Anders - a variety bred by American breeders, something of a novelty. It is an improved version of Albion. It requires neutral daylight hours. It produces fruits from the end of May (if covered, then in April) and ending in October. The taste of the berries is balanced, the flesh is firm and resists rain well.

There is an ampel variety of strawberries - a climbing bush that bears fruit on vertical support. In addition to consumption, it is often used for natural decoration. Fruiting lasts all summer. Climbing strawberry bushes are not prone to diseases caused by contact with soil.

Some varieties of ampelous berries tend to bear fruit all autumn; prominent representatives of the varieties of this variety are:

  • Aluba , obtained by crossing two varieties - Flistar and Rapella. It is characterized by: long peduncles, oblong berries, large size, weight up to 40 grams, sweet, dense pulp.
  • Geneva . Is early varieties with an even larger peduncle than Aluba. It has a high yield; you can harvest up to 3 kilograms per bush.

There is, of course, such an exotic variety as Pineberry, which comes from the South American wild strawberry. It was preserved thanks to Dutch farmers. Ripe berries small size(up to 23 mm) are white in color, and their seeds are red; the pulp has the taste of pineapple. The variety is most interesting to professionals and decorators.

To others, no less popular varieties early maturation include:

  • Honey . This is a high-yielding greenhouse variety. The berries have a dark red color, a glossy shine, and a piquant sour taste. It is characterized by resistance to diseases, temperature changes, and is not afraid of heavy rains and frosts.
  • Clery - a creation of Italian breeders, having dense, sweet berries in the shape of a cone, approximately the same size, up to 40 grams. Gives a high yield and is perfectly transported. Less susceptible to disease than others.

To purchase elite varieties of strawberries, you can use the services of a nearby nursery or other farms specializing in plant breeding.

Specialists working in the local government department can advise on this issue. Agriculture. In addition, special publications place advertisements for the sale of strawberry seedlings offered by local lovers of this crop.

How to properly grow strawberries at home and on an industrial scale all year round - criteria for choosing a room for growing strawberries in winter and summer

Premises for growing strawberries are used both in winter and in summer. These are greenhouses and greenhouses located on personal or summer cottages.

The advantage of such buildings is as follows:

  • Saves space through the use of multi-tiered cultivation (on racks, in hanging pots and so on).
  • Maximum crop protection available from the occurrence of diseases and pest invasions - the soil is checked and protected in advance.
  • Are being created Better conditions for growth strawberries, climate indicators such as light, temperature, and humidity are monitored.
  • When installing automatic system management The time required to care for strawberries is reduced and the growing process is simplified.

Premises for growing strawberries must meet the following criteria:

  • Square – from a few squares to infinity.
  • Sufficient illumination or the presence of additional lighting (a long day contributes to rapid maturation berries).
  • Possibility of influx fresh air into the room.
  • Availability of an irrigation system.
  • Possibility of temperature control (heating system, opening windows or removable panels).

We should also not forget about artificial pollination of plants, since productivity directly depends on this. Some entrepreneurs manage to grow strawberries in basements and garages. If all conditions are met, then this is quite acceptable, although talking about big harvest doesn't work. These premises are most suitable for preserving seedlings with their subsequent planting in open ground or in a greenhouse (greenhouse).

Features of the technology for growing strawberries for sale - Features of planting material for growing strawberries all year round

Usually planting material for strawberries are mustaches taken from mother plants, formed on open ground. This material is obtained as a result of pruning. Next, it is planted in soil, which is suitable as soil after cereals, turf land, peat, but all this must be loosened.

For year-round cultivation berries often use seeds belonging to remontant varieties and not forming a mustache, i.e., they use seed or vegetative method– dividing one bush into 10-15 seedlings. It is more economical than buying ready-made seedlings, but has its own difficulties.

It is necessary to avoid the difficulty of seed germination, for which they must be kept at low positive temperatures in a humid environment. It also takes more time for them to germinate in the soil (about 40 days), which must also be moist. But, as you know, humidity is the friend of mold and mildew.

To eliminate such problems, use for sowing seeds peat tablets. This ensures easy seed germination and rapid development.

Another feature of the year-round growth of strawberries in greenhouse conditions is the use of hydroponics (in this way). This method allows you to use various nutrient mixtures (instead of soil) to nourish the root system.

How does this happen: seedlings are planted in a substrate (peat mixture, mineral wool or coconut), after which, using droppers, a solution is constantly supplied to the roots, feeding the plants with mineral salts. Urea, magnesium, potassium, superphosphate and other nutrients are used for feeding.

Modern methods of growing strawberries - what equipment do you need to purchase to grow strawberries on your property or indoors?

There are a lot of methods or technologies that allow you to effectively grow strawberries. Each requires its own specific equipment, so novice businessmen need to understand the basic modern methods to choose the most optimal one for your business.

  • Growing strawberries using Dutch technology

This technology involves growing berries throughout the year, which requires a greenhouse with constant humidity (up to 80%), sufficient lighting, air circulation, proper temperature conditions(not lower than 18°C ​​and not higher than 28°C). Continuous harvesting is ensured by the fact that seedlings are planted constantly, an approximate period of 2 months.

The seedlings used are called frigo. It has a shelf life of 7-9 months. It is stored in refrigerators with a constant temperature of 0°C or -2°C, in polyethylene bags with a film thickness of up to 0.05 mm, and defrosted for a day before planting.

Strawberry when using this method Grows in any container. These can be pots, containers, polyethylene bags, placed both vertically and horizontally, and filled with a substrate that is moisture-resistant, porous, and non-toxic. Seedlings are planted in them in a checkerboard pattern (pattern 25 by 30 cm). A hole is made in the bags with a depth of 8 cm. The distance between rows is up to 50 cm.

Watering is carried out by drip, which prevents water from entering the plant itself. For a gravity system as a “water tower”, you need a large container with pipes extending from it 70 mm in diameter, then they should narrow to 25 mm. Tubes with a diameter of 6 mm are connected to bags or other containers. And the last condition of the Dutch method is pollination, carried out in a timely manner. It is done either manually with a brush, or by bees (the hive is brought into the greenhouse).

  • Vertical growing of strawberries

This method is recognized as more economical and is used for year-round strawberry business - a much larger number of seedlings can be placed vertically in enclosed spaces (on racks in pots, in boxes, in bags). But the organization of lighting should be taken into account: either these are greenhouses with transparent walls, or there is additional uniform lighting. Good air circulation is also important.

  • Growing strawberries indoors and outdoors in the garden

Strawberries are grown outdoors in different regions of Russia. It is valued for its richer and more aromatic taste, although its yield in this case is slightly lower. You should also use at least three varieties with different ripening periods.

For this method of growing strawberries, you need to first take care of the garden bed: choose a well-lit place where the soil is sandy or loamy and contains humus. When planting, you should not mix varieties; it is recommended narrow beds– 80 cm with two-line planting, the distance between the beds is one meter. The soil around the seedlings should be well compacted to eliminate voids around the root. Sufficient watering and fertilizing are required.

You can increase the yield of berries if you make a trapezoidal bed and cover it with film or a film tunnel (there are higher and lower ones). To do this, you need to stock up on special equipment that helps form the ridge ( high bed) and cover it. This ensures that you receive early harvest and late, in the cold autumn months.

Planting tubers on agrofibre is also widely used for beds; this provides a number of advantages:

  1. No weeds.
  2. The “mustaches” do not grow.
  3. Excess water collects under the spread agrofibre, which means there are no slugs, mole crickets, or ants.
  4. Harvesting and routine processing of strawberry bushes are made easier.
  • Growing conditions for hanging strawberries

This technology allows you to grow environmentally friendly strawberries without additional hassle, only the seedlings are not planted in boxes or beds, but in special bags filled with soil and hung outdoors or indoors.

This method makes harvesting easier and improves its quality due to the fact that there is no contact with the soil. The main conditions for such cultivation include periodic feeding of strawberries, ensuring sufficient lighting and ventilation of the plants. It is necessary to take into account other factors inherent greenhouse cultivation strawberries (watering, air temperature, etc.).

  • Growing strawberries according to Mittleider

Basic conditions of the method:

  1. Open ground.
  2. Narrow beds in the form of boxes without a bottom, filled with multi-layer soil.

Special food for seedlings mineral compounds, introduced into the soil fractionally and sequentially. This ensures balanced feeding and develops plant resistance to microorganisms, bad weather and weeds, and increases productivity.

Advantages of this technology:

  1. Minimum argotechnique.
  2. Reduced watering costs.
  3. Reducing the number of weeds.
  4. Less time spent on care.

Plants receive the whole set nutrients, which means more strawberries are harvested - several harvests per year. The technique is relevant for almost any climatic conditions.

  • Israeli technology for growing strawberries

The technology is based on a vertical method of growing berries using hydroponics (there is no natural soil). Strawberry seedlings are located in specially designed plastic troughs filled with a neutral substrate of artificial origin. They are supplied with water containing the entire set of components necessary for the successful growth and fruiting of strawberries. As a rule, the system for preparing, adjusting the composition and supplying the solution is fully automated.

This technology saves the space occupied by strawberries on the plot. For planting seedlings, pyramidal multi-tiered structures made from any available material are used. The frame is made of boards or wire covered with mesh for enclosures.

The size of the pyramid is chosen arbitrarily, for example, the area is one square meter, the height of the structure is 160 cm, and the height of the tiers is 20 cm, provided that each tier has a smaller perimeter than the previous one. Plants can be planted in the gaps left between the tiers and filled with a nutrient mixture or soil. Such a pyramid can accommodate up to 70 strawberry bushes.

Business plan for growing strawberries for sale - what are the costs and how to calculate profitability and net profit?

  • Primary expenses

On initial stage can be used for year-round cultivation of strawberries finished premises, located on a summer cottage. Let's say it will be a barn with an area of ​​20 square meters. m., converted into a greenhouse. Then the costs at the start will be minimal - up to 30,000 rubles. These include: the purchase of seedlings, peat, perlite, 3-mm-thick polyethylene film, costs for lighting, heating, and wages of employees.

  • The easiest way to grow

Bags are made from film - tall containers with welded edges, with round up to 20 cm. They are filled with soil with the addition mineral fertilizers, the top of the bag is tied with twine. Next, peculiar “beds” are located in the greenhouse at the rate of 3 pieces per square meter. Each bag should have 8 slits with a distance between them of 18 cm; seedlings are planted in them. The irrigation system will consist of plastic bottles, suspended above each “bed”. Several thin tubes are passed from each bottle to the bag.

  • Profit calculation

You can get three harvests per year: 1 sq. m. will give about 30 kg of strawberries.

So in a year it will be:

20 x 30 = 600 kg from one harvest.

600 x 3 = 1800 kg for the whole year.

The cost of a kilogram of berries varies depending on the season - 200 rubles in summer, 550 rubles in winter.