Entrance plastic doors. Plastic doors made of PVC profile Large plastic door

Plastic entrance doors for private homes have only recently gained popularity. No one could have imagined that they had so many advantages and were so practical to use. All features of use are discussed further in our article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Until recently plastic doors Obviously they were inferior to their competitors, wooden and metal ones, in terms of strength. Now, with the development of technology, they have become much more reliable. And from the point of view of beauty, it was difficult to find fault with them even before.

Any material has its advantages. PVC, from which entrance doors are made, is no exception. It is characterized by:

  • High strength . Modern plastic ones are equipped with additional reinforcement - the thickness of a metal sheet is added to their thickness, which is difficult to damage even with the presence of an electric tool.
  • Ease. PVC is the lightest of the materials used to make entrance doors. A structure made from it is easy to transport, easy to install, plus you don’t need to calculate whether the wall will support it.
  • Modern plastic is coated with a special layer that is not sensitive even to aggressive chemicals. But even cheap designs without such a coating are easy to clean - most of Contaminants are removed from them with an ordinary wet cloth.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage. PVC, which is used in construction, is difficult to scratch or dent. He is not afraid of animal claws.
  • Durability. At proper care the design can last a couple of decades. Many companies, wanting to attract customers and emphasize the quality of their products, promise a guarantee of five or even ten years.
  • Diversity. The aesthetics of plastic is always questionable - many people think that it is too simple and cheap material. But one advantage cannot be taken away from it - it is as diverse as possible. All kinds of colors, patterns, decorations - for every taste.
  • Noise insulation. The level of noise insulation characteristic of plastic structures cannot yet catch up with either steel or wood. Thanks to the tightness provided by special rubber gaskets, the plastic at the entrance to the house completely cuts off the sounds of the outside world.
There may be construction work going on in the neighboring house - you will not hear it.
  • Thermal insulation. Thanks to the same tightness, a closed PVC entrance door does not let heat in at all. Even if it is equipped with double-glazed windows, heat loss will be very small.
  • Sustainability. The plastic is made in such a way that it is not afraid of exposure to moisture (and for some of the exterior decoration this is important because of snow and rain), or exposure to ultraviolet radiation (does not fade in the sun), or biological threats (does not mold, cannot be damaged by pests).
  • . Repairing a plastic structure - or, if the need arises, replacing it with the same one - is much easier and cheaper than steel or wood.
But no material is perfect, so in addition to the pros there are disadvantages:
  • Simplicity. Plastic, whatever one may say, is a cheap material. It does not suit truly expensive finishes, pompous interiors, or natural materials; it is out of place, no matter how well it is made.
  • Fire hazard. Plastic does not burn the way wood burns - with a bright scarlet fire. But it melts, emitting choking black smoke in the process.
  • High probability of dishonesty on the part of the manufacturer. You can't do anything too bad to wood or steel to make it unusable. But with plastic you can. If it is not made according to GOST, it can melt from very small temperature changes, crack easily, and emit fumes harmful to humans.

In addition, the cheapest of plastic structures are made without the use of a metal sheet, which means that, with a certain level of physical strength, they can be punched with a fist.

Unscrupulous sellers may sell them at a higher price and not focus on the fact that they do not have metal inserts.


Buy plastic model It’s worth it if you have a style that suits it - the same as modern, for example, democratic in the materials used. But if the house is lined with natural wood, the plastic will look alien and inappropriate.

Design features

A good reliable plastic design that can last a decade is:

  • frame- it is also a box, which must be sufficiently rigid, have a rubber seal that will provide sound insulation with thermal insulation, and on which reliability, service life, and general appearance primarily depend;
  • door leaf- usually consists of a layer of plastic and a layer of metal, often supplemented with double-glazed windows, which gives it a more elegant look and insulation, which increases thermal insulation;
  • accessories- handles, hinges, which ensure overall reliability;
  • threshold- usually high, with a seal, which also increases reliability.
The materials for plastic doors are standard - galvanized steel, which strengthens the leaf along with the frame, as well as PVC, which forms the basis of the structure.


There are designs without metal reinforcement, but they are not suitable for the role of input. It is better to place them at the exit to the courtyard or even between rooms.

Accordingly, there is no point in giving the materials a thorough analysis. But some design features can radically affect how it will look and how convenient it will be to use.

Opening method

Of course, interior structures have many more ways of opening - here there is an accordion and a pendulum. But the inputs are also different.

The first ones are swing ones. These are standard doors that open away from you or towards you by turning them on hinges. They have advantages:

  • reliability- it is difficult to break the hinges, unless a child is trying to swing on them or someone is trying to purposefully break them;
  • traditional look- this is the design that is found in most houses, fits into most styles, and does not surprise anyone;
  • no difficulties with searching- this design can be bought in any store.

The second ones are sliding. In our latitudes they are rare, but they are traditional for the Japanese style. The principle of operation is simple - the doors slide apart along the wall in different sides, and then move behind the newcomer. The advantages are as follows:

  • originality- if you love Japan (and Asian countries in general), a sliding front door can change the appearance of your home and bring it closer in style to the countries of your dreams;
  • lack of space- doors that roll along the wall allow you to free up space for something else - at least for a flower bed.
But there is also a minus:
  • difficulty finding- this is the main disadvantage, since due to the low prevalence of sliding structures, you will have to look for a company that can sell them, install them, and provide them with a guarantee.
In fact, sliding structures In terms of reliability they are not inferior to swing ones.


If originality is your priority, and the exterior decoration of the house allows it, install a sliding structure. If originality is not a priority, it will be easier and cheaper to buy and install a hinged one.


They usually have standard sizes:

  • height - two meters one hundred centimeters is considered optimal, since even the most A tall man will be able to pass under a ceiling of such height without any problems;
  • the width of a single door is about nine hundred centimeters;
  • width one and a half - up to one and a half meters, according to the tastes of the owner;
  • double width - up to two meters (although some can reach up to three).
But knowing the standard size is not enough to be able to choose it for your specific home:
  • The height depends on how high the ceilings are in the house. If they are about four meters, standard door It will look poor, you need at least two and a half meters. And if the ceilings are low - and the inhabitants are not very tall - you can take even less.
  • A single design is worth taking if it fits well. If the house itself is small, if nothing large will pass through it, if the hallway is small and there is no room in it for two huge doors.
  • One and a half is worth taking if the size of the house requires it. Its smaller side, as a rule, does not open in ordinary life, but if you need to carry something large, you can open it.
  • It is worth taking a double door if the house is a huge pretentious cottage, in which a two-meter door will not look too pretentious, but just right. In addition, it will be useful to you if you like to change the interior and often need to bring large-sized furniture into the house.


If you did not build a house from scratch, but bought it from someone, you can simply measure the dimensions of the existing opening to design it to your liking.

Aesthetic side

In addition to design features, it is also important to consider how it will look as a result. The colors, shape, presence or absence of glass inserts may differ - all this must be taken into account.

Door without glass inserts

Glass inserts - The best way get a more beautiful result, but at the same time make it more expensive. If you are limited on finances - or do not trust glass - it is quite possible to order without it. This solution will have the following advantages:

  • lightness - glass adds additional weight, without it the mass decreases;
  • low price - pure plastic is much cheaper;
  • simplicity - no frills of design, which can sometimes look great.
But there will also be disadvantages:
To give it some aesthetics, if you are not satisfied with a smooth, even surface, you can use:
  • embossing - as a rule, produces the simplest geometric patterns formed by differences in surface height;
  • photo printing - allows you to cover the door with a special film that will give any color, any pattern, any design, even a night city or streams of rain;
  • counterfeit natural material- the same film allows you to imitate wood or stone quite tolerably.

Or you can leave it monochromatic, emphasizing its simplicity instead of hiding it - this can give an unexpectedly interesting effect.


If you are in doubt whether you should take a door without inserts, look at photographs with examples on the Internet and evaluate the impression they make.

Door with glass insert

This design is much more aesthetically pleasing - which is why, if you are going to look for a plastic door, it will most likely have glass elements. To make them look good - and also be practical - there are three main factors to consider.

The first is form. Glass can be placed in different ways:
  • Over the entire surface. This solution looks impressive, but for middle zone Russia, and even more so for the northern regions, is applicable with reservations. The glass should be thick, specially treated so as not to let out heat, most likely, opaque on one side. It will be expensive. But the result will be ideal for European styles. And he won't need a peephole.
  • At the top. Traditional location. The size of the glass insert may vary, as well as the shape, but it looks good in any case, and the peephole also replaces it perfectly. You can add patterns on the surface of the door that would emphasize its presence.
  • In the lower part. It should be used only if the glass on the outside is opaque. It looks original, interesting, but is rarely used, since people usually focus on the level of their own eyes.
  • Vertical stripes. Visually they make the door higher, narrower. They may be singular, or they may be in two or three copies. It is traditional to place the glass strip closer to the edge of the door on which the handle is located, but you can always experiment.
  • Horizontal stripes. If one vertical stripe looks good, then one horizontal stripe doesn’t look so good. Usually there are two or three of them, one shorter than the other. They make it wider and lower, but they also look interesting and attractive.
  • Patterns. There can be any degree of whimsy - it's up to you to decide. These can be the simplest geometric ones, there can be flowers, plants, birds, there can even be drawings made of glass. But, of course, the more complex the pattern, the higher the cost of the final design.

The second is the manufacturing method. It is known that glass of different manufacturing methods can be used for entrance doors - but not all of them are well suited and will serve for a long time, reliably.

  • Leafy. The most common glass that is sold at a low price. It is not very durable - in fact, it is an open invitation to a hacker, and moreover, it is most often transparent. But small inserts can even be made from it.
  • Tempered. Sheet, heated to high temperature, and then quickly cooled. It is much more resistant to mechanical damage, but it can still be broken. Also suitable for making small inserts.
  • Triplex. Suitable for a large insert, since it is very difficult to break it - especially if you take a proven triplex with a certificate. It can be sun-protective, matte, and provides significant noise insulation. It is made up of two or more sheets of glass glued with a special film.
  • Float. For small and medium inserts. Ideally smooth, ideally transparent, unless specially shaded. Produced by pouring molten glass onto molten metal.
Such glass breaks with difficulty, although it is easier than triplex.
  • Reinforced. Ideal for full-size inserts - has inside metal mesh, which is filled with glass and does not allow it to break, even if it is hit with force. At most, several fragments will fly out of it. Never transparent.
  • Acrylic. Lightweight plastic that looks indistinguishable from glass. Lightweight, does not break, but cracks, it is not suitable for a full size, since it does not have suitable thermal insulation and sound insulation, but it can be used for small inserts. Costs less than other glass.
For small inserts - acrylic, float, sheet and hardened. For medium and large ones - reinforced and triplex. Large ones will cost more, small ones are easier to damage.

When choosing a type of glass, first decide what pattern you want. You can start from it.

The third factor is glass processing. It should be either completely matte or opaque on one side - while looking good without being too fragile.

  • painting. It is most often done manually, professionally. These are usually intricate patterns that are combined with general style Houses. However, it is rarely used - finding a good master is not too easy.
  • Photo printing. The same painting, but without the artist. Applicable only to triplex - the thin film that connects its layers is painted in the desired colors. It could be patterns, it could be drawings, it could just be beautiful tints of color.
  • Sun protection. The dark film, which makes the glass appear grayish or purple, protects the room behind it from ultraviolet radiation, and prevents people outside from looking into the house. Quite aesthetically pleasing, but not too original.
  • « Chameleon" Such glass is expensive, but has an interesting feature: it changes color depending on the level of light. In the dark, such glass will appear transparent, but in bright light it will turn purple or dark yellow. For a door, however, it is of little use - unless you like the color change on its own.
  • Stained glass. The most common finishing method. Thin pieces of glass are inserted into a special frame, forming a design or pattern. Light passing through it is colored, which also looks interesting and beautiful. The only drawback is fragility. Stained glass windows easily break, fly out, and deteriorate.
  • Fusion. The same stained glass window, but not in a grid, but fused onto a sheet of glass. The result is the same picture or the same pattern, but much more durable.
It is much more difficult to knock out such an element than stained glass.
  • Sandblasted matte. This glass is treated with sand under high pressure. It cuts it, resulting in small scratches that look aesthetically pleasing and make the sheet matte. One drawback is fragility. It is better not to process large elements this way; they are too easy to knock out.
  • Matte triplex. In this case, not a transparent, but a matte film is placed between the layers of glass. This does not change the strength in any way, but the appearance does not change completely.
  • Mirror. Usually they do it on one side of the glass, so that you can look out from the other and see who is standing at the door. Reflects sunlight.
  • Etching. Produces not very strong glass that looks like it was struck by lightning, leaving a mark. Looks good in small elements.
  • Colored. Multi-colored glass, even if it is not stained glass, still looks good. If you look through it, the whole world changes color. In addition, it allows you to make the door contrast by choosing plastic of one color and glass of another.
All these factors give a huge scope for choice. You can combine different types of processing, getting an original, interesting result.


If you want your door to be completely unique, come up with a sketch and order it from a company that specializes in manufacturing.

Shape and color

In addition to the presence or absence of glass inserts, the shape and color of the door also matters.

The form could be:

  • Traditional. The rectangular door is a classic that will never go out of date, can be seen in almost any home, and always looks good.
  • Semicircular arch. It is less common, but it looks impressive, especially if the house is large, bright, with notes of Greek style.

Plastic doors have begun to appear more and more often in city apartments. The first sign for many was balcony doors installed in combination with plastic windows. One could be convinced of their practicality quite quickly: convenient operation, unpretentiousness, stylish design. Gradually, plastic doors began to be ordered for other purposes.

Types of plastic doors

Doors can be single or double leaf, laminated, solid or glazed. The variety of plastic door models is so wide that it will satisfy the most demanding customer. Exits to the terrace, entrance to a technical or utility room in the house, sliding structures - all this is made of high-quality plastic. The following types of plastic doors can be ordered from the RehauPartner company in Moscow and Moscow Region:

Portal doors Accordion doors Balcony

Features of manufacturing a plastic door

Plastic doors are made from profiles produced at the same factories that produce windows. However, these products have differences, since increased requirements are placed on them. The profile is more durable due to powerful reinforcement, its surface is resistant to dirt. The profile connection is given Special attention: it is tied at the corners with special structures. Thanks to this, the door plastic profile stable throughout the entire service life.

The following components are used to make plastic doors:

For the residential sector, plastic doors are increasingly being ordered as an entrance group (glass walls and door). Such structures are usually used as an unheated hallway, vestibule, or dressing room. If the room is planned to be heated, we recommend using energy-saving double-glazed windows. This design will retain maximum heat in the room, helping to save on heating in the autumn-winter period.

At the company "plasokna" you can order plastic doors that meet all your requirements for price and functional characteristics. For the production of doors, profile systems of famous brands are used:
1) REHAU - time-tested reliability
2) KBE - European quality at a reasonable price

By contacting the company "plasokna" you get the opportunity to buy plastic doors from the manufacturer at affordable prices and a number of other advantages:

Examples of work of installed plastic doors

Why are plastic doors becoming more and more popular?

Having appreciated the advantages of plastic doors, property owners began to order them not only for non-residential public facilities (business centers, retail premises, etc.), but also for the residential sector. Today, plastic doors can often be seen as an entrance group in townhouses (so-called vestibules), cottages and even in apartment buildings to separate zones between apartments.

What decorative solutions are used for plastic doors?

1. Various types of filling are used

2. Various types of decoration are used

Lamination Tinting Layouts (spreads) Stained glass

Along with wooden interior doors, plastic ones are also available for sale today. Like any other product, they have both advantages and disadvantages. This and much more regarding plastic doors will be discussed below.

Installation of plastic interior doors

The design of a plastic, or rather metal-plastic, door, like a wooden one, has a frame and a door leaf. The latter consists of a frame and filling. The frame and door frame are made of galvanized steel profile, enclosed in a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) shell.

PVC door structure diagram: 1 - door frame; 2 - canvas; 3 - hinge; 4 - glazing; 5 - opaque filling

The fabric is filled with glass or a plastic “sandwich”, consisting of two sheets of PVC and a polyurethane foam layer between them.

Door decoration is done in two ways:

Plastic interior doors have the following advantages:

  1. Resistance to changes in temperature and humidity conditions. At any value of relative humidity, a plastic door will not dry out or swell like a wooden one.
  2. Moisture resistance. All elements that make up a plastic door do not rot or corrode, so they are not afraid of contact with water.
  3. Easy to care for. Moisture resistance, coupled with the inherent smoothness of plastic, allows plastic doors to be cleaned of dirt.
  4. Impact resistance. PVC is plastic, therefore, when struck, pieces do not break off from it, like wood.
  5. Light weight. Blind plastic door standard sizes with fittings weighs 4–5 kg, while a wooden one with the same parameters weighs from 25 to 40 kg.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Plastic - soft material and therefore it is easy to scratch.
  2. A PVC door loses its attractive appearance over time due to scratches and natural aging of the plastic.
  3. PVC, like all polymers, burns with copious amounts of toxic smoke. Various fire-fighting additives only slightly delay ignition, while even plastic that has not caught fire still smokes from exposure to high temperatures.
  4. PVC gases, that is, it emits harmful gaseous substances - vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate. At room temperature, the concentration of evaporation is much lower than the maximum permissible, but under heating conditions it increases sharply.
  5. Due to the design features, the threshold is a mandatory element.

Where are interior plastic doors used?

PVC doors with their cold, unnatural shine do not fit into a living space: wooden doors are more appropriate here. The exception is bathrooms with inherent high humidity.

But for public buildings, such as hospitals, offices, various institutions, plastic doors are an excellent solution. Even in high-traffic areas, the product is easy to keep clean; thanks to its plasticity, it can easily withstand frequent openings and accidental impacts. Plastic doors are indispensable in rooms with high humidity- swimming pools, baths, saunas.

Plastic doors can be installed between the dressing room and the wash room, rest room - the exception is the entrance to the steam room

Only they cannot be installed directly in the steam room - as mentioned above, thermal decomposition occurs in PVC when heated, accompanied by the release of harmful gases.

Types of plastic doors

Metal-plastic doors are divided into several types according to the following design features:

  • number of cameras;
  • type of filling;
  • form;
  • opening method;
  • number of doors.

Number of cameras in profile

The aluminum profile in the frame and sash frame is divided into several chambers by longitudinal partitions. The more there are, the higher the noise absorption coefficient of the door. But the cost of the product also increases. Experience shows that the optimal profile is with 3 - 4 cameras.

Inexpensive plastic doors have single- or double-glazed windows installed

With a larger number of them, there is a significant increase in the price of the product, and the noise insulation increases very little.

Fill type

Plastic doors can be:

Along with ordinary glasses Safe varieties are used:

  • triplex: double-layer glass with polymer film inside, holding the fragments in place when cracking;
  • hardened: it breaks not into large, but into small fragments with blunt edges.

The safest doors are those equipped with transparent polycarbonate instead of glass. But such an insert becomes cloudy over time and is easily scratched.


Metal-plastic doors are manufactured in two versions:

Arched plastic doors look less elegant than wooden ones, since the top crossbar bends segmentally. Several cuts are made in the profile, so that after bending it is not a curved, but a polygonal arch.

Opening method

According to this criterion PVC doors are divided into:




folding (accordions)


The most common option: the canvas is suspended on hinges and rotates around a vertical axis.

When closed, the leaf of a swing door with a rebate rests against the projection of the frame

There are two subspecies:

Pendulum type doors are good for the following:

  • do not delay the flow of people, therefore they are suitable for places with high traffic;
  • they can be easily opened by a person with busy hands, which is important for storage facilities and shops.

But swing doors, unlike swing doors, do not provide noise and heat insulation.

A common disadvantage of swing doors is that when open, they block the space near the opening. In small rooms this can create inconvenience.


The canvas also rotates, but the axis of rotation runs not along its edge, but in the center.

The rotation axis of the swing door is located in the center of its short side

Advantage: the space next to the opening is not blocked when the door is opened.


  • a wide opening is required;
  • To bring furniture into the room, the door has to be removed.

Sliding (sliding)

The sliding door leaf moves to the side. To do this, instead of hinges, it is equipped with rollers that roll along guides attached to the floor and ceiling. This opening method is suitable for small rooms, as it allows you to install, for example, a closet or a hanger next to the opening. And if the door goes into narrow corridor, then when opening it will not block it.

Sliding doors have a low degree of sound and heat insulation, so they are not suitable for kitchens, bathrooms and toilets.

But sliding doors do not close as tightly as swing doors with a rebate, and therefore do not provide complete protection from noise and drafts.

Sliding doors are divided into the following types:

Number of sashes

According to the number of leaves, plastic doors are divided into:

  • single-leaf;
  • bivalve.

Sliding doors, as mentioned, can also be multi-leaf.

There is a rare type of plastic door in which fiberglass is used instead of PVC. This material is much stronger, but it also costs significantly more, which is why fiberglass doors have not yet become popular.

Manufacturing of plastic doors

List of main stages production process looks like that:

It is impossible to make a plastic door at home, even if you have ready-made steel and PVC profiles, since this requires, as has been shown, complex and expensive equipment.

Special equipment is used to produce plastic doors

Video: production of glass composite windows and doors

Installation and operation of plastic interior doors

Let's look at the installation procedure using the example of a swing structure. Plastic doors are delivered from the production site assembled, that is, with the door leaf already installed in the frame. Only the lock cylinder and handle are removed, otherwise the door may be damaged during transportation.

Installation is performed in the following order:

  1. Special wedges are placed on the floor in the opening and then a door with a threshold is installed on them. You can make your own wedges from wood or buy ready-made plastic ones.
  2. Having installed the door in a vertical position (roughly), hammer the same wedges into the mounting gap on top and on the sides of the frame, fixing it. You need to act carefully and with moderate force, otherwise you can deform the structure or scratch the plastic.
  3. By controlling the position of the door with a level or plumb line, it is now accurately placed in a strictly vertical position. To do this, tap the wedges with a rubber hammer.
  4. The level may give an error, so the correct installation is also checked in this way: open the canvas to 30 0 and release, then repeat the check for angles of 45 and 60 0. Right installed door in each case remains motionless. If, under its own weight, it tends to close or open, it means that the structure is installed with a deviation from the vertical.

    The door position is controlled in three positions of the door leaf - 0, 45 and 60 degrees

  5. Markings are applied to the inside of the box posts and then holes for fasteners are drilled along it using a metal drill. The distance between the holes is 150–200 mm.
  6. Re-equip a drill or hammer drill with a concrete drill and use it to make notches at the ends of the wall through the holes drilled in the box.

    A concrete drill is used to drill holes.

  7. They take the door out of the opening and use a larger concrete drill to drill holes in the wall at the notches for the dowel sleeves.
  8. Install the sleeves into the holes.
  9. Return the door to its place and screw it to the wall with dowels. The fasteners are screwed in without effort so as not to deform the door frame.

    The door frame is screwed to the wall using a screwdriver

  10. The protruding parts of the wedges are cut off with a hacksaw.
  11. The installation gap between the box and the wall is filled with mounting foam (polyurethane foam sealant). You need to apply the composition little by little, since when it dries, it greatly increases in volume and develops significant pressure on the door.

    The voids formed along the contour of the door frame are filled with polyurethane foam.

  12. Use a knife to cut off the dried foam protruding from the gap.
  13. Remove the protective film from the profile.
  14. Screw the platbands.
  15. Install the lock face and handle.

Video: installing a plastic interior door

Operating rules

Proper operation of plastic doors implies the following:

Accessories for interior plastic doors

Several types of fittings are used in the design of metal-plastic doors.


The door leaf is attached to three hinges: two are attached to the top part, one to the bottom.

The hinges consist of two main parts, which are attached to the door leaf and frame

The loop consists of the following elements:

  • part attached to the box (contains fastening pins);
  • part attached to the canvas (contains a metal tab);
  • spacer sleeve (material - Teflon);
  • fastener

The loop parameters are:

  1. Width. Varies from 90 to 110 mm. Selected in accordance with the width of the profile from which the door is made.
  2. Maximum permissible load. The narrowest hinges are designed for a load of 80 kg, the widest - for 160 kg.

Hinges for plastic doors are available in a variety of designs and, in addition to the main parameters, may differ:

  • material;
  • design;
  • method of fastening;
  • possibility of adjustment.

Locks and latches

Metal-plastic doors are completed mortise locks following types:

  1. Simple single point lock. It holds the door by sliding one narrow bolt into the strike plate. The locking mechanism is cylinder, with the ability to open with a key on both sides. For interior doors this is the most common option.

    Mechanical locks are most often used for interior doors.

  2. Rail multi-point lock. They are equipped with the doors of rooms for storing valuables. Crossbars ranging from 3 to 7 pieces are installed along the entire height of the door. The most reliable is the anti-burglary locking mechanism.
  3. Invisible castle. It does not have a keyhole or other external elements. The crossbar is set in motion electrical device via radio signal from the remote control.
  4. Electromagnetic and electromechanical locks. Installed in rooms with increased safety requirements. They are opened remotely by a security guard using a special remote control to which they are connected by wires.

    Electromagnetic locks can be opened remotely from the command panel

The most reliable locks are those with a body made of special high-strength steel subjected to high-temperature treatment (hardened).


If a lock is not needed, a latch is installed instead. Two types of products are used:

  • mechanical: equipped with a spring-loaded ball or cylinder that fits into the strike plate when closing;
  • magnetic.

Mechanical latches are available with the ability to lock: to do this, you need to turn the small handle on one side. If there are children in the house, you should buy a model with a slot on the back side, into which the latch can be unlocked by inserting a coin or other thin object. This is important because young children sometimes turn the lock handle out of curiosity, but then cannot figure out how to open it again.


The following types of handles are installed on plastic doors:

Rotary knobs are divided into two types:

  1. Push. They look like a horizontal lever that you need to press to open the door. This can be easily done even with busy hands, which is why plastic interior doors are most often equipped with push fittings. Disadvantage - it can get caught on clothes.

    Handles in the form of a lever located horizontally are convenient to use

  2. Knobe handles. Products in the form of a ball or cone. It is impossible to get caught on such a handle, but it is more difficult to open it, since this requires clasping the handle with your hand. Because of this, they are mainly installed on doors that are opened relatively rarely.

    The knob handle can be equipped with a lock

Of the rotary handles, the most reliable are those in which both parts, in addition to being attached to the blade, are also tied together with a steel tie. If this part is missing or forgotten to install, the handle may soon become loose.

Handles are made from aluminum, various alloys containing it, including zinc-aluminum-copper (ZAM alloy), and brass. The last option is the most reliable.

A closer is a mechanism for automatically closing a door. When the door is opened, the spring inside is compressed and then, when released, returns the door to the closed position. Closing occurs smoothly, since the spring has to overcome the resistance of oil with high viscosity.

Closers are not installed on interior doors in residential buildings, but for office premises they are necessary

The closer design also includes a stopper to secure the door in the open position.

Based on the installation method, closers are divided into the following types:

  1. Upper. They are installed next to the door and connected to it using a knee or slide mechanism. In the first case, the door is fixed in the open state with locking levers, in the second - with a spring-loaded stopper.
  2. Lower ones. They are installed in the floor under the door and simultaneously act as additional support. To fix the door on the axis there are two protrusions: for swinging at 90 and 105 degrees.
  3. Hidden. The mechanism for locking the door in the open position is the same as for bottom closers.

According to their intended purpose, closers are divided into 7 classes - from EN1 to EN7 (according to the European Union standard). The class is selected taking into account the weight of the door leaf, with EN1 corresponding to the lightest.


This part is screwed to the floor and serves to prevent the door from hitting the wall when opening. The different models differ only in design.


The eye is selected according to the following parameters:

There are a lot of plastic interior doors strengths, so it’s worth getting to know them better. We hope this article helped the reader with this. All that remains is to find a reputable manufacturer and place an order taking into account our recommendations.

Many people are accustomed to thinking that plastic doors are intended for installation exclusively in non-residential premises: offices, schools, medical institutions. Most consumers also have the impression that this type of door can be used either as an entrance or balcony when combined with a regular double-glazed window. However, recently, interior plastic doors have become popular and in demand, which can be installed in any residential premises without harm to health and with maximum aesthetic comfort.

What it is?

Interior doors made of plastic are an excellent solution when the buyer especially values ​​the practicality, durability of the product and minimal care behind him. There are a lot of prejudices against installing plastic in residential premises: people assume the possibility that plastic doors will be installed as entrance doors, or in best case scenario, performed the usual functions of balconies. Due to deep-rooted stereotypes, the imagination of most potential buyers who have not encountered the latest technologies production, immediately draws glass door, made of white metal-plastic, and nothing more.

However, thanks to the fact that modern production has made significant progress in recent years; there have long been developments of plastic structures of various types, intended exclusively for installation in residential premises.

In appearance they are almost no different from wooden doors or more familiar products from particle boards and their analogues. As for their environmental safety, if the manufacturing company is fully responsible for the quality of its product, such doors always have certificates. This means that the material has successfully passed safety tests and is completely ready for installation in a house or apartment.

In order to completely dispel the remnants of prejudice, it will also be important to know that the PVC from which plastic doors are made is initially subject to repeated recycling in order to remove all possible chemicals that could cause harm. to the human body. During the processing process, the material acquires durable high-tech characteristics, and the door itself does not look cheap and ordinary.

The color of such doors has long been not only white with a glossy tint, you can choose any color that will ideally fit into the structure of the existing renovation and interior, or if you are just planning to renovate a house or apartment, you can decide in advance on the general tone of the room and select the color of the doors depending on the decision made.

If you look back at those harsh times when replacing doors in a residential area was a whole problem, now everything can be solved quickly, efficiently, and economically - plastic doors are much cheaper than their wooden counterparts and are sold everywhere. There is always the opportunity to order a set of doors from good manufacturer, and competent specialists will help you choose color, design and fittings.

Advantages and disadvantages

The scope of application of interior plastic doors is very wide. Due to the fact that, unlike wooden ones, they do not have the ability to accumulate harmful microorganisms, improved plastic is perfect for use in restaurants, canteens, and medical institutions. Such doors will look no worse in any room of a residential building: as already mentioned, a varied design allows them to skillfully disguise themselves as wooden products without disturbing home comfort surrounding space.

Despite the fact that plastic doors are quite light, they are durable, reliable and, considering ample opportunities structures perfectly protect living spaces in cold weather. Products made of wood and wood-based materials quickly deteriorate in conditions of high humidity, so plastic options in the literal sense of the word are a salvation not only for baths, saunas, swimming pools and summer terraces, but also in all places where the climate is harsh, humid, with a lot of rainfall.

Plastic does not need to be painted often and should be protected from rain.

Along with being light, they have a good degree of strength. The basis of their composition is aluminum, and plastic is on top as a cladding. Such doors, unlike wooden ones, do not deform over time and do not sag under their own weight, and the lightweight design does not visually burden the space. The tightness of metal-plastic copes well with drafts, cold, bad weather and even the strongest extraneous sounds: such products provide a lasting sound insulation effect, which is important both for home and public places.

The sound insulation effect of plastic doors is ensured not only by the fact that they close tightly and securely, but also by the use of high quality sealing substances. Of course, this is most relevant if metal-plastic is used for the manufacture of entrance doors, but for interior options it may be no less necessary and relevant.

In addition, additional mention should be made of the uniquely designed clamping device included in the package of metal-plastic doors. It is this that helps ensure their tightest contact with the jambs, leaving no gaps or cracks for noise or drafts to penetrate, which also helps to retain heat in the room.

Doors made of metal-plastic are unpretentious in maintenance; they do not require the use of special compounds for processing, unlike wooden ones. Their colors retain their original brightness much longer, while wood can quickly lose its color under the influence of temperature changes and precipitation, and the paint easily fades in the sun.

Along with the undeniable advantages of interior plastic doors, before purchasing them you should familiarize yourself with some of their features, which should not be called disadvantages, but must be taken into account when purchasing.

It is unknown where the myth came from that metal-plastic doors supposedly have increased resistance to fire and do not even burn in the event of a fire. This is far from true: any person who knows the characteristics of metal-plastic will confirm that such products burn, alas, in almost the same way as wood, except that the aluminum base can temporarily contain the fire. Of course, this fact should not be a disappointment for buyers, but sometimes it is useful to know basic things and not believe what they say in words, so as not to end up in a funny situation later.

Modern colors and coatings add elegance to metal-plastic and the possibility of installing it at home, but for those who fundamentally prefer natural materials, this option is unlikely to be ideal. Painting and lamination will not be able to satisfy the needs of particularly demanding customers, despite all the obvious advantages and practicality of such a product. In addition, due to the specifics of the material, the production of such interior doors is limited to standard rectangular shape– it can be problematic to make them metal-plastic, for example, an arch, while maintaining accuracy and the absence of visible breaks in the structure.

Despite certain features, metal-plastic doors undoubtedly have more advantages, which can serve as an additional incentive to purchase them. Their strength and practicality are quite capable of competing with beautiful, but capricious wooden products, requiring special treatment and care, and the affordable cost and wide selection of colors, designs and coating methods will allow you to install such doors wherever convenience, cleanliness and practicality are valued.

Which is better - PVC or veneer?

When choosing the material from which the doors will be made, the question often arises about which material is better to choose. Of course, purchasing a product based on natural wood panels is a more tempting prospect. By the way, the concept of PVC is not limited to traditional doors made of solid plastic. There is also a variety of products, the frame of which is made of wood, and a film of any color made of polyvinyl chloride is applied on top using special technologies.

The process of covering doors with PVC film is very interesting. from the point of view of its technology: door panels, pre-treated with glue from synthetic derivatives, are placed in chambers specially prepared for them.

The film is applied to the prepared surface, and then it is processed at very high temperatures. high temperatures. The most interesting thing about this is that the film, without melting or losing its color and pattern, seems to “penetrate” the wood structure of the MDF panel and become one with it. Externally, it can be difficult for an untrained eye to distinguish such a product from a wooden one: only by touch, and even then not always.

And “film” doors, and plastic ones, and products made from “pure” veneer can be equally good in quality and beauty. The main thing is to know certain features of these materials in order to make right choice. For residential premises (provided there is no high humidity), veneer doors can become optimal solution, and in the bathroom or sauna it is best to put one or another version of PVC, remembering that the film, despite its strength, may not withstand dampness and begin to swell. However, this mostly happens when the purchased product is of poor quality.

Any choice should be made based on the purpose of the room and its stylistic features. It is also important financial side: Wood products of any type will always cost more. It is worth giving preference to veneer doors if the entire interior is made in a more strict style - such as classic or minimalism. Doors covered with film can become a “golden mean” for those buyers who still prefer to purchase a product, most of the material of which is natural. Also, film options are more affordable than veneer.

As for doors made of solid foam PVC, they can be placed anywhere if the buyer is not particularly picky about the subtleties of appearance and design. Solid metal-plastic doors, unlike veneer products, are more airtight, resistant to moisture, are able to retain more heat and, as already mentioned, provide ideal sound insulation.

Of course, if we talk about environmental friendliness and compare PVC products with veneer, based solely on this point, the advantage will be on the side of wood. However, it is better to consider the situation more broadly, weighing all the pros and cons - including the issue of practicality and durability.

Thus, when choosing between veneer and different options for PVC products, you need to be guided by the specifics and purpose of the home, office, institution, their level of humidity and interior style. Of course, personal preferences and financial capabilities also play a decisive role when purchasing. If the consumer is confused, not knowing what to choose, he should become more familiar with the characteristics of each material in order to make the right decision based on this reliable information, comparing it with the characteristics of a particular room.


Interior plastic doors, like any other, differ from each other in how and where they open. This should also be known and taken into account when planning their installation.

Double swing doors more often they are installed outside as entrances, when, if necessary, they are allowed inside the room a large number of people can open the second flap at any time, or leave it closed depending on the traffic. However, double-leaf structures can also be used for interior purposes. Double doors are established if we are talking, for example, about large rooms in country mansions or government institutions, when the doorway is too large to install a standard single-leaf door that can open both outward and inward.

When installing swing double doors in the interior space, you need to immediately decide in which direction they will open: outward or into the interior space of the room. It happens that it is best to choose the option when the doors open inward, due to the fact that technically there may not be enough space in the corridor, although, willingly or unwillingly, the customer has a desire to leave as much free space in the room as possible. Of course, wide doorways in large houses and large apartments present a challenge, but it can ultimately be solvable if all the pros and cons regarding the technical possibilities of planning and installation are weighed.

One of the most competent and technically feasible solutions in the case of non-standard and wide doorways is the installation cassette type interior doors. Thanks to their unique design, these “sliding-sliding” doors can be installed inside the wall - with absolutely no damage to the room and with maximum savings space. In fact, cassette doors are the same sliding counterparts, the movement of which is carried out by using a roller mechanism. The difference between roller doors and cassette doors is the so-called frame. It is this that is mounted into the wall and becomes the ideal place for the doors themselves and the very mechanism that ensures their movement.

For plastic doors and their analogues, this design is very suitable: since they have an enviable lightness, unlike their wooden and wooden “brothers”. Being placed in such a cassette box, they move easily, almost silently, without the risk of distortions, falls and other problems that could theoretically arise when using heavier materials.

Cassette interior doors close very tightly, which provides additional sound insulation, and if they are installed in the kitchen, this prevents kitchen odors from penetrating into living rooms. All cassette structures are made exclusively to order, so if you wish, you can install a single-leaf cassette door instead of a standard hinged one, which will be an excellent solution to the problem in the case of small rooms.

The only obstacle to installing cassette interior doors may be the high cost of such a mechanism and installation, but in some cases this option may be the only way out of the situation, especially when it comes to non-standard layouts inside individual rooms.

The easiest way, of course, is to plan the size and installation of the door if the opening is standard and provides for a simpler single-leaf design in the form of a regular swing door. In this case, confusion when making a decision rarely arises, unless you also need to decide where the door will open - into the room or into the corridor, which depends on the size and area of ​​both the room itself and the space that adjoins it.

Plastic folding door in the shape of an accordion, despite its unusual and extravagant appearance, is a very practical invention of designers in the event that the interior space is very small and installing a regular swing door is problematic. Also, with the help of an “accordion”, you can carry out the necessary zoning of space, separating one part of it from another. This folding door is compact and takes up minimal usable space.

The accordion door leaves are connected to each other with special hinges, the number of which directly depends on how many parts of the accordion a particular door has. Much, as always, depends on the doorway, which most often happens non-standard sizes. In the vast majority of cases, this type of door is installed precisely in such conditions, becoming a “saving” way out of the situation.

Such an “accordion” is attached to the upper and lower rail structures, and its doors move freely along the rails with the help of an additional mechanism that ensures the smoothest possible movement. However, this option, given the features of its design, cannot be called completely silent, which should also be kept in mind when installing it. An accordion door, like any other interior door, can be made of plastic or wood shavings, however, when choosing a material, it is important to take into account that the folding type of door is an additional load on the entire sliding mechanism. It is best to use lightweight material in the form of plastic, without using laminate and heavy types of chipboard.

“Accordion”, like other types of doors, can have solid doors, or can have plastic or glass inserts that allow light to penetrate.


If we are talking about standard apartment buildings, the sizes of door frames and openings are also standard. They are very easy to work with and there should be no major snags or problems when planning the installation of interior doors. Due to the fact that all manufacturing companies are focused specifically on the standard door dimensions adopted by GOST, this greatly facilitates all the work.

When renovating residential premises, it is important to consider whether the apartment owner plans to dismantle the partitions between rooms and move doorways to other places. If the repair will be carried out without transfer interior partitions, all standard dimensions are preserved, and no technical discrepancies arise during the installation of doors. If a major redevelopment is carried out along with the renovation, it would be advisable for the apartment owner to take care to maintain the dimensions of the new doorways in accordance with GOST standards.

Of course, if the customer wishes, it will be possible to take measurements of the premises and produce equally high-quality interior doors according to custom sizes. But this will cost much more than generally accepted standards, primarily because it will require special manufacturing of doors, and ready-made kits it will hardly be possible to apply. Therefore, it would be best to keep the generally accepted door sizes in your house or apartment. This will ensure not only maximum ease of installation, but also a much faster installation process.

The generally accepted dimensions of interior doors according to GOST are:

  • a door with a height of 1900 mm should have a width of 550 to 600 mm,
  • a door with a height of 2000 mm should have a minimum width of 600 and a maximum of 900 mm.

The same parameters apply to all cassette and compartment types of doors, which have recently become increasingly widespread due to the widespread need to save surrounding space.

Door dimensions according to GOST:

  • room doors – height 200 cm, width 80 cm, doorway depth – from 7 to 20 cm;
  • kitchen doors – height 190-200 cm, width 60 cm, opening depth 7 cm;
  • doors to the toilet and bathroom – height 200 cm, width 70 cm, opening depth 7 cm;
  • important size: the thickness of the door frame itself should be 75 mm.

Such a universal sizing system, accepted everywhere, allows you to easily select the right door or set of doors with necessary mechanism and accessories. This greatly simplifies all preliminary calculations and ensures quick selection of optimal options.


As has already been said many times, the choice of colors for interior doors is absolutely unlimited for buyers, because modern production technologies can provide any desired color. The range of colors offered is more than diverse, and each consumer has the opportunity to choose the color that will definitely suit him.

Doors made of solid metal-plastic can be colored in the literal sense of the word. They are treated with durable and often bright dyes that look perfectly even, without bumps or unnecessary changes in shades. Colored doors can be purchased for children's preschool institutions, and if desired, put the houses as interior rooms, if the entire interior of the apartment is decorated in the appropriate youth style.

The main thing is not to overdo it with a variety of colors and choose bright colors tastefully so that, despite all the brightness of the environment, you maintain an atmosphere of home comfort.

It is known that white metal-plastic doors can most often be seen in kindergartens and in almost all medical institutions due to the fact that they have increased hygiene and ease of maintenance. If there is a desire to install soft white doors at home, an option made of MDF with a polyvinyl chloride film coating will be the most preferable - it looks natural and looks completely homely.

We can talk endlessly about the possibilities of film coatings to disguise themselves as the most expensive wood. The film, firmly merging with wood panel may look like solid walnut or pine, and its shades range from brown to wenge. Any door can be either solid, without inserts in the form of glass or plastic, or transparent, which gives it additional aesthetic advantages.

How to choose?

Interior doors with glass look very elegant and cozy. At first glance, serious doubts may arise about the fragility and impracticality of glass, but now this is far from the case.

Modern glass for plastic doors is highly durable and does not require particularly careful maintenance. In a pinch, they are very easy to repair, and an experienced technician can easily replace any glass elements. Glass inserted into the door can be of different shapes and colors, depending on the range and personal wishes of the customer. Their surfaces can be glossy with shine or matte, and a special tinted film is often used as a coating.

Ordering doors with or without glass inserts is a matter of taste. Of course, this option will be much more expensive, and if the buyer has a limited budget, door panel without glazing can become the most the best way out from the situation. Such doors are often lightweight, and if you decorate the panels in warm colors, they will not look gloomy, and the design itself will perfectly complement the existing modest interior.

If the customer prefers door structures without a threshold, a sliding-type cassette-compartment ensemble is what he needs. Compact interior doors, clad in a cassette mechanism that can be built into the wall, will provide both heat retention and additional sound insulation.

It is only important to resolve the main technical issues: is it possible to install just such an option in a specific room or will you still have to limit yourself to simpler actions.

When it comes to installing multiple interior doors in a private house, which can be quite large, it is important to think about what type of doors and where it would be best to install. Large private houses usually have basements, swimming pools and saunas. In order to provide these premises best care, you should install moisture-resistant metal-plastic doors that will not care about water, humidity, or dampness.

You also need to pay attention to the climate itself and the area in which the house is built, in order to draw conclusions based on this whether it is worth installing expensive wooden panels in it at all.

As for the residential sector of any private home, doors made of plastic with a tasteful laminated coating can be installed in any room. Glass design in its different options will be most preferable: if you wish, you can even order stained glass for the doors to the living room or bedroom. If in the house big kitchen, again it’s worth mentioning once again about cassette interior doors, which will significantly save space and prevent odors from the kitchen from freely penetrating into the living spaces.

The advantages of interior plastic doors, despite the prejudices that some consumers still have, are much greater than the disadvantages, so if you decide to install them, you should make sure that it is carried out professionally and efficiently. Of course, the customer can take all the dimensions and install the structure himself, but this requires some experience. If there is one, to professional craftsmen You don’t have to contact us, but if it’s not enough, it’s best to entrust the installation to those who are sure they won’t make mistakes either in the calculations or in the installation process itself.

Also, customer reviews indicate that it is better to entrust the installation to professional craftsmen, because during the entire process some non-standard situation may arise that an amateur craftsman may not be able to cope with. Of course, the temptation to save almost half is very great, but given the possible consequences, it is not worth taking such a risk. Moreover, if installation is ordered from official manufacturers who have been working on the market for a long time, they bear full responsibility for the level and quality of the work performed.


Any plastic doors, including interior ones, include a door frame, as well as a panel or leaf. They are connected by canopies, and fastening is done using different types accessories. When ordering, it is important to take into account the list of additional functionality that the fittings allow: for example, in the case of plastic windows or a balcony door, this can be a different level of ventilation (up to “micro”), and if the doors are interior, the fittings will provide an insulated structure and, if necessary, fixing the door in the desired position.

The door leaf may include a double-glazed window (also called a sandwich panel). It is present in the door ensemble most often for heat and energy saving and is most relevant in the case of installing entrance doors. As for the interior options, if desired, they can be equipped with a single sandwich panel, but in this case you will have to take into account technical features, because this option can significantly increase the weight of the door structure.

How to wash?

Unlike products made from natural wood, plastic doors are impervious to sources of contamination and are perfectly resistant to the most simple methods caring for them. For those who especially love cleanliness and order, it will be enough to simply wash the doors from time to time with a sponge and soap or a soft powder detergent. After washing, it is better to immediately wipe them dry (especially if we are talking about laminated coating or PVC film).

Subject to simple rules care, the doors will last a long time and their appearance will not deteriorate under the influence of environmental factors. Behind metal-plastic doors It is even easier to care for, because the material from which they are made practically does not warp or fade.


If the materials from which the doors are made are of good quality, and the installation was carried out by a conscientious, qualified craftsman, the structure will work properly for a long time. However, various situations may arise that require repair of interior plastic doors. If the doors are used intensively, sooner or later they may require cosmetic repairs. Experienced craftsmen can eliminate chips, scratches or even dents - it all depends on the nature and level of damage. There are a large number of chemical products that can easily eliminate minor cosmetic defects. If desired, you can use them yourself.

Places where there are scratches or chips are first cleaned of dirt and degreased, then a layer of a special adhesive is carefully applied to them (it is sold in large hardware stores). After the glue has dried, the surface is sanded using fine sandpaper. Processing is carried out until the surface is completely leveled. Then the treated surface must be degreased again (for example, with a plastic solvent), and finally a varnish matching the color of the door is applied.

If the door has a laminated coating, instead of varnish, use a construction marker that matches the color.

Another most common malfunction of a plastic door, which can also sometimes be fixed with your own hands, is a problem with the handle. This is perhaps the most important and most frequently failing element of the door. It may stick, turn poorly, or become loose. If, when turning, the door handle does not want to return to its straight position, before you panic and urgently call a technician, you should try to do a so-called emergency reset. Just below the lock there is a “tongue” made of metal; you just need to press it, and if there are no other problems, the door handle will immediately return to its previous position.

If the door handle turns constantly, this may indicate distortions in the door profile. The door profile can be deformed for several reasons: for example, during installation, the master could incorrectly calculate the weight of the structure, taking into account the pressure on the doorway, and the door could simply “sag.” If this is the case, then the metal tongue does not come into contact with the adjacent strip because the door has changed its position.

The door profile may fail not necessarily due to the fault of the installers: this may be a consequence of sudden temperature changes, an emergency situation, or high humidity. In order to eliminate this malfunction, you can disassemble the counter strip yourself, and then place a 3 mm thick pad under it. Such measures can at least partially compensate for the deformation. In the future, you should monitor the operation of the door: if distortions no longer occur, you can leave the mechanism in this state, and if, nevertheless, the “drawdown” continues, you need to invite a professional to help eliminate possible reasons. You will probably need to completely or partially replace the door profile, which can be done quickly and is not always expensive.

A door handle may not turn well due to the simplest and most easily remediable reason: it simply needs to be treated with a special door lubricant. If the screws simply become loose, you can simply tighten them with a suitable screwdriver. Glazed doors are also subject to professional repair.

If the glass breaks or cracks, it can easily be replaced with a similar one, or, if desired, choose a different type of glass that matches the size and weight of the door in order to update and refresh the decor.

Options in the interior

If you plan to completely replace all interior doors in a room with plastic analogues, it is important to consider before installation whether they will fit into the existing interior. With a wide selection of colors and styles of doors, making the right decision is not so difficult. For example, if the room is already installed plastic windows a certain color, it is desirable that the doors be matched to achieve the greatest possible harmony and comfort. It would not hurt to remind lovers of arched structures once again that plastic is not the best material for this: even if the arch is made as carefully as possible, kinks cannot be avoided.

Despite the fact that plastic is still considered a material that is not capable of bringing elements of beauty such as natural wood into the interior, the use of glass and fiberglass elements different types when making doors, it easily refutes all speculation about the uninteresting and unaesthetic nature of plastic from the point of view of interior solutions. Interior plastic doors are often decorated with entertaining and eye-catching accessories in the form of door handles of a special shape and color, all kinds of finishes and patterns applied using modern technological means.

A great way to decorate plastic doors so that they cannot be distinguished from their counterparts from natural materials– options with layout. Layouts are all kinds of decorative elements that are placed inside the doors. This can be glass divided into several segments in the form of symmetrical squares, inside of which there is a colored pattern that skillfully imitates stained glass. There are many options for such decor, and any of them can attract the attention of an inexperienced visitor for a long time.

Glass inserts may not always be clear geometric shapes with sharp corners: the lines can be smooth, and the glass element itself can be made in the form of a streamlined figure of a bizarre shape.

Layouts can cost the owner much less if an option is chosen that is simply glued to the glass using a special compound. This sticker lasts a long time and can be easily changed if desired. Of course, for a strict classic interior, a cheaper accessory may not be the best option. In this case, it is better to order a door with glass inserts, which will be divided into several shaped segments correct form in order to maintain the entire ensemble as practically and strictly as possible.

All such accessories and decorated elements (and they can be made from various materials– from the same plastic to lightweight aluminum inserts) should be selected in accordance with the color scheme and style of door manufacturing. If the door imitates wood, the recommended colors of the elements can be: brown in different shades, cream, dark yellow. A white door will look good only if it is decorated with accessories of all possible golden shades.

In case the owner country house wants to decorate his home in the style of the Middle Ages, cross-shaped decorations that divide the glass texture of the doors into several parts will be an excellent solution.

So, contrary to established ideas about plastic, interior doors made from this material can look no worse than their counterparts made from natural wood, and sometimes they cannot be distinguished from high-quality wooden doors. Fans of environmentally friendly natural materials can argue here, but modern technologies make it possible to maximally neutralize the materials available in the arsenal and make them suitable and safe for use.