The influence of sport on children's health. Theory

Unfortunately, statistics inexorably show a deterioration in the general health of children in Russia. Many factors are to blame. The influence of environmental factors, the rhythm of modern life, the emergence of gadgets, computers, workload at school and even in kindergarten; overwork, the influence of numerous electrical appliances surrounding the child instead of flowers and trees, a basic lack of walks in the fresh air - weaken the health of a little person. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the body’s defenses with preventive measures aimed at strengthening immunity, as well as through physical activity. The earlier you start doing physical exercise and sports, the greater the benefits for physical and psychological health. Physical education, sports and health are closely interconnected. There are two different concepts: physical education and sports. Physical education is aimed at improving health, and sports is aimed at obtaining maximum results and sports awards.

Physical Culture has a positive effect on the growth, development and strengthening of the child’s body. Current objectives are to instill in children an interest in physical exercise and teach them accessible motor skills. But physical education is not just running and squats. This is a principle, an ideology, a system that includes a set of actions and exercises, correctly set up and correctly performed. Therefore, in order for physical education to be effective and beneficial to the body, it is necessary to follow some rules. Physical education for children of different ages includes very different activities. Physical education for children under one year old includes reflexive, passive and active exercises. As the child grows up, the exercises become more complex and varied. At first, everything happens in a playful way, but closer to the age of 6 it approaches a school lesson. Parents should be interested in ensuring that their children’s daily routine includes physical activity every day. It is important that the joint work of preschool institutions and families is achieved in using all the possibilities of physical education. If measures to improve a child’s health carried out in kindergarten are supplemented by daily exercises and outdoor games in a family setting (taking into account the child’s individuality and the use of a variety of exercises), he develops individual inclinations and interests.

The family largely determines children’s attitude towards physical exercise, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. Children are especially susceptible to the beliefs, positive behavior of their father, mother, and family lifestyle. Therefore, it is desirable to involve parents in the active pedagogical process, so that the knowledge they acquire is embodied in the specific work of raising children.

Movement, physical education and sports- This is an opportunity to give the child a vital exercise for the body. Little physical activity in a child can lead to a number of serious changes in his body. Today, 4-8% of schoolchildren are diagnosed with obesity. The optimal age to start physical education is 6 years old. Various dance clubs can accommodate 4-5 year old children. In any case, the child should not be sent to where adults want, but to the section that is most suitable for him - in terms of weight and height, in terms of the degree of emotional formation.

Positive characteristics of sports:

  • during physical exercise, the human body accelerates metabolic processes, as a result of which fat cells are intensively burned;
  • sport helps strengthen the immune system, especially against viral and colds;
  • regular exercise promotes a healthy lifestyle, excluding smoking tobacco and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • sport has a positive effect on the human spine, developing correct healthy posture;
  • Constant sports activities help strengthen the muscle frame, improve bone tissue, oxygen flows much more easily to all muscles, thereby improving cellular metabolism and lipid metabolism;
  • thanks to sports, a large number of blood vessels appear, the condition of the cardiovascular system improves;
  • has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. During sports, speed and agility, as well as reaction speed, improve;
  • improves attention and cognitive abilities of children;
  • the person becomes more resilient. Sports build character.

Due to new movements and team games, for example, playing basketball, volleyball, football, lateral vision develops, which contributes to quick decision-making. Brain activity improves. In the process of physical activity, endorphins are produced, hormones of happiness, which improve mood and give a feeling of satisfaction with life.

In cases where a child has health problems, physical therapy classes are recommended. Therapeutic exercise is a set of physical and breathing exercises that has a general health-improving and therapeutic effect on the young body. Exercise therapy classes are very useful for chronic or congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory, and digestive systems. Regular adequate physical activity promotes the harmonious development of the child and reduces the frequency of colds and other diseases. In addition to the main task, physical therapy provides the necessary positive emotional background. A competitive spirit in the company of peers helps to develop favorable motivation, which is a necessary condition for training.

Duration of physical therapy sessions:

20-50 minutes (depending on age, physical fitness, severity of disorders, psycho-emotional state of the child, features of the treatment complex).

Classes are conducted under the guidance of a specialist instructor, where the following tasks are solved:

  • developing the skill of correct posture;
  • strengthening and healing the whole body, training the respiratory system and heart;
  • relaxation and stretching of overstrained muscles;
  • training weakened muscles;
  • meeting the child’s physical and social needs for self-development.

So, the influence of physical education on a child’s health is difficult to overestimate.

Sport is vital for the normal development of children. You can send your child to a sports section for swimming, or you can study at home. Physical exercise promotes normal physical development and strengthens the immune system.

The pace of life of a modern person is extremely lively and rapid. We spend most of our time working, trying to climb the career ladder as high as possible. We try to enroll our children in the best school, gymnasium or lyceum, where the workload is enormous. In addition to this, parents in most cases, in addition to school, enroll their children in various creative and intellectual clubs and sections. A person of the twenty-first century wants to do absolutely everything, while forgetting about himself, the desires and needs of his body. Thus, we have no time left for entertainment, relaxation and our health.

Most often, we pay attention to our well-being only in cases when our condition is approaching critical. Therapeutic and preventive measures are no longer effective, the body is completely exhausted and asks for help. Only at this moment do we remember about proper rest, which is so necessary for health, about regular sports that keep the body in good shape, about therapeutic massages and about basic healthy sleep.

It is well known that physical exercise has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to instill a love of sports and regular exercise from childhood. Of course, before taking up any sport, you need to consult with your doctor, who will give his recommendations and useful advice. Then you need to decide on the choice of a gym, section or fitness club. And finally, accustom yourself to systematically attend training. In addition to the fact that you will do a great service to your body, you will make new friends, look at life in a new way and will always be in shape and in a good mood.

Experts have proven that physical exercise helps strengthen the human immune system, improves overall well-being, increases resistance to various diseases and is simply enjoyable. Training is especially necessary for those who work in offices, sitting all day long at computers and behind piles of endless papers. For children who spend the whole day at school desks and then doing homework at home. The lack of any physical activity leads to atrophy of muscles and joints.

We are in no way trying to extol the benefits and positive effects of sports training. We are simply stating facts that have long been proven by medical science. Sport is vital for the normal development of children. At a young age, children do not realize this. In most cases, they do not like to attend school physical education classes or go to additional sports sections. Parents, in turn, should clearly explain to their child how beneficial physical activity and sports are essential for them.

Almost all parents want their child, even if he doesn’t want to, to attend a sports section. A child who regularly plays sports, as a rule, gets sick less often, recovers faster from illness, and feels cheerful and light. Physical training improves appetite, promotes healthy, sound sleep, improves metabolism, and normalizes the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory system.

Today there are a huge variety of sports sections and gyms for the youngest and for older children. In order to purchase a subscription for your child, in addition to the desire, some medical documents are required. A mandatory medical certificate is a medical certificate for a child’s sports section. A medical certificate for a child to engage in sports is issued at the children's clinic. Medical certificates for sports activities are issued by a pediatrician. They indicate that the baby does not have any contraindications to physical activity. The doctor conducts an examination, based on the results of which he determines whether the child can attend training or not. For example, children suffering from chronic diseases of the heart or respiratory system are strictly prohibited from putting strong stress on the body. Intense training is contraindicated for them. In these cases, doctors recommend simply doing physical therapy.

Experts do not recommend serious sports activities for children under nine years of age. This does not mean that it is forbidden to engage in physical exercise. The loads just need to be limited. Thus, doctors and specialists in the field of physical education and sports select their own programs for each category and age of children.

Which sport should you choose for your beloved baby? Firstly, in addition to indicators of physical development, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the child himself. If he doesn't like football or basketball, why force him to attend such training? Such a coercive measure will not have the desired effect, and the child himself will not be happy with such an order.

If your child loves to splash in the water, you can take him swimming. It calms the nervous system, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, improves breathing, blood circulation and digestion. During classes, all muscle groups are used, so swimming is beneficial for a growing child's body. Only here you will not need medical certificates for children to play sports, but a special certificate for the pool. It is also prescribed by the pediatrician based on the results of the examination and confirms that the baby has no contraindications to this type of activity.

You can send your child to the table tennis sports section. It develops coordination, has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system, develops motor skills, develops agility, team spirit and communication skills. The section is accepted from the age of seven.

Basketball and volleyball are basically everyone's favorite sporting and at the same time entertaining activities. Such classes help develop reaction, speed, endurance, and teach you to work in a team. These workouts are a preventative measure for the treatment of scoliosis and strengthen the muscles. It is recommended to start classes at the age of six, seven or eight.

The favorite game of almost all boys is football. Of course, it won’t be without scratches and bruises, but the child will be healthy and happy. Football is not just a sport, it is a game, and an exciting and active one at that. With regular training, muscle strength, respiratory system, endurance and endurance develop. We draw the attention of parents that this sport is intended for absolutely healthy children.

As for girls, they often choose tennis. Representatives who engage in this type of physical activity have a strong physique, elastic skin, and a beautiful, toned figure. In addition, tennis has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The section accepts children who have reached the age of six or seven years.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a beautiful and graceful sport. Girls involved in this sport are very flexible, have a flexible, elastic body, and they develop an ideal, even posture. Meanwhile, gymnastics corrects flat feet.

In addition to the listed sports sections, there are many other types: acrobatic sections, horse riding sections, figure skating and hockey schools, schools of various martial arts and others.

If you prefer music or art school to sports training, for example, and there is no time left for sports, you can arrange half-hour training at home. It is enough to do exercises in the morning, arrange evening runs in the park, but, in no case, do not completely exclude physical activities from the child’s life. At the same time, we still recommend consulting with a doctor, however, medical certificates, such as Form 1, for example, will not be needed for home exercises.

When enrolling a child in a sports section, you should not idealize this method of children’s physical development. Unsuccessful training experiences in childhood and adolescence can greatly complicate a person’s subsequent life.

The first mistake that many parents make is to place full responsibility for the health and development of the child on the coach. No matter how highly qualified the trainer is, we must remember that he works with a group of children (5 – 20 people) for a fairly short time (1-3 hours), and it is very difficult for him to control each child and his state of health. Therefore, parents should take an active part in the physical development of their children and monitor the child’s condition after training.

It is necessary to pay attention to two aspects, ignoring which over time can lead to problems - the psychological and physical development of children.

Psychological condition

1. The easiest way to assess relationships between children within a section is by attending several classes. It is best if these are 1 and 2 workouts, and it also makes sense to come back after a few weeks. Thus, it is possible to fairly reliably determine the attitude of the coach towards the children and the relationships between the children. If something doesn’t suit you, first of all, you need to discuss this issue with the coach - he must respond adequately to the situation. If this does not happen, the child is reluctant to go to training and, most likely, he needs to look for another sports section. For the harmonious development of children, it is necessary, first of all, to have full communication with peers - sports should contribute to this, and not vice versa.

2. All people, including children, have a penchant for either individual sports (athletics, boxing, wrestling, and so on) or group sports (football, basketball, and so on). A properly selected sport will help the child’s harmonious development, because it will help him bear the load more easily, enjoy himself and delight others with his results. If the chosen sport does not bring joy, but, on the contrary, causes only negative emotions, then over time the child may develop various symptoms.

Physical state

1. Any sport, with rare exceptions, provides a uniform load on the skeletal muscles, joints and the skeleton itself. Since all these components grow and develop in a child, playing sports will correct development away from the norm. At first, this may not be noticeable, but over time it will lead to disturbances in the development of the skeleton and spine, in particular. A few of the most striking examples: passion for football or cycling develops the leg muscles to the detriment of the torso muscles, which over time results in a disproportionate body structure; Boxing usually results in slouching.

An incorrectly selected sport can lead to various problems in the spine or skeleton as a whole.

There is a way out of this situation: if the child does not have the opportunity to engage in another sport, it is necessary, in addition to the main activities (this can be done at home), to perform corrective development of the body. In addition to football and cycling, you can install a wall bars at home with a horizontal bar and a thick rope. Exercises on the wall bars, horizontal bar and rope stimulate the development of the muscles of the upper half of the body. After boxing, you should do exercises at home to prevent slouching.

It is recommended to carry out such a test for your child regularly. With proper development of the skeleton, the head and torso are located on the same vertical, the shoulders are turned and slightly lowered, they are at the same level, the shoulder blades do not protrude, the chest is raised (slightly protruded), the stomach is retracted, the legs are straightened at the knee and hip joints, the foot is without deformities with a clearly visible recess from the side of the inner arch.

If deviations from the norm are detected, you should not let the situation take its course, but contact the appropriate specialist.

2. Any active sports are accompanied by injuries, and the child’s body, in accordance with heredity, can tolerate such situations differently. For example, if the blood vessels of the head are weak, you should not start practicing martial arts (boxing, karate, etc.), as this will lead, at a minimum, to nosebleeds. At the same time, this child, having strong joints and leg muscles, can successfully play football.

If monotonous, characteristic injuries often appear, it makes sense to think about changing your sport.

3. Any type of sport increases the load on internal organs and can lead to disruption of their functioning. To prevent this, it is recommended to regularly take tests and undergo examination by specialists. Such prevention will allow you to notice deviations in the activity of internal organs at the initial stage and take appropriate measures in time.

With some control and the right approach on the part of the coach and parents, playing any sport will make the child stronger physically and mentally, increase self-discipline and responsibility, and will also contribute to the development of social life skills.

(№2 23.01.2001)
Author: Fridrikh Kuznetsov
The article is located at:

In the last 100-150 years of human existence, the basic laws of the physical and mental development of children from the age of 1 year to adulthood - 17-19 years - have been clearly defined. A huge number of works have been written on this topic, many studies have been conducted, from which, without much difficulty, you can choose a system that would work well in relation to our living conditions.

The positive influence of physical development on mental development was known in China, back in the time of Confucius, in ancient Greece, India, and Japan. In the monasteries of Tibet and Shaolin, physical exercises and labor were taught at the same level as theoretical disciplines. At the end of the 19th century, Baden-Powel created a perfect system for educating the younger generation in the form of the scout movement, which was adopted by all civilized countries of the world, including Russia before and after the revolution. The revival of the scout method of educating the younger generation at the state level in any country in the world can give a qualitative leap in the standard of living of the population, but in 10-20 years. In every family, parents wish their child a good fate, but the desired is not always combined with the actual, and why? But because parents lack knowledge and time, and government officials responsible for the fate of the younger generation lack desire or opportunity.

In such cases, the child himself chooses the method of his upbringing, but this happens too late and is not always correct, since he becomes stable on the right course at the age of 16-17 years, and the main growth of brain cells ends at 14-16 years old, so and he lives the rest of his life at half his strength and capabilities. Recent research by American neurobiologist Lorenz Katz and molecular biologist Fred Geig has proven that in the brains of people of all ages, under the influence of certain conditions, new interneuron connections can arise and new nerve cells can appear. One of these conditions is physical activity. In physically active individuals, along with nerve cells, new blood vessels were also found in the brain. This is regarded as follows: under the influence of physical activity, the blood supply to the brain improves, and accordingly its nutrition, which stimulates the formation of new interneuron connections and new nerve cells. In the USA, a new system has already been developed - “neurobics” - a set of special exercises for training the brain. It is noteworthy that the above changes are most pronounced in the hippocampus, a small brain formation that processes incoming information.

Research by Lawrence Katz and Fred Geig confirms the close connection between mental development and physical development.

This work gives future and current parents a minimum of knowledge to create an individual program for the mental and physical development of their child, the maximum possible, taking into account the living conditions of this family.

Forms of extracurricular physical development in the form of various sports schools and physical education sections have acquired great importance. Among them it is worth noting the following:

Tennis (all types)
Running and athletics
Martial arts
Boxing, kick boxing

And so, if we imagine wealthy parents who would like to give their child out-of-school physical education - where, to which school from this list should they send their child, if we assume that the sections have been working for a long time, and have good authority and a normal level . It is necessary to take into account that children from 3 years of age need to engage in physical education in groups, individually - from the first months of birth, and sports with a serious competitive regime - after the end of the growth of the musculoskeletal system. A child’s brain grows quantitatively and qualitatively (interneurons and other cells) until approximately 16 years of age, the frontal lobes for the first 3 years, and then the remaining parts. At this time, the child has maximum learning abilities, both control of his body and theoretical knowledge. In accordance with living conditions, under gentle loads (without overloads), the child’s brain adjusts the genetic program for the growth of all cells of the body, allowing it to survive even with heavy overloads in adulthood. That is why people who did not engage in physical education or work in childhood, already in adulthood due to the weakness of the cardiovascular system, even with slight overloads, have strokes, heart attacks and ruptures of blood vessels in the body, limbs and internal organs, headaches occurs when atmospheric pressure changes, and due to the small thickness and strength of musculoskeletal tissue, bone fractures and joint dislocations occur during everyday falls. In the city of Odintsovo, Moscow region, in 1989, a Ju-Do section was created (from the Iskra s/k), where it is aimed at ages from three to four years. The main task of the section is proper physical development at a fairly high level, without mandatory competitive regimes, that is, high sports results were not squeezed out of children to create and confirm the authority of the coach and the club. A child who diligently studied in the section for about two years acquired high tissue strength and was not afraid of even large overloads. Let me give you an example from the life of the JJU-DO section of the ISKRA sports club. During the summer holidays, in August 1999, a boy at the age of 8 fell from a tree, from a height of about six meters onto the bare ground and only broke his nose, did not receive any other injuries and after a few days he was already running along the street, and in September, after a thorough medical examination, started classes in the section. Another boy, aged about three years old, received a concussion from a fall at home, and two years later he began to study in the section. After two years of training, I fell from the roof of a barn during a summer holiday in the village from a height of about three meters to the ground and hit my head, got a bump, but there were no signs of a concussion. Jackie Chan is known as a film actor, stuntman and film director, and as a champion for the severe injuries he suffered on film sets. The secret of its vitality lies in correct and timely physical development from early childhood.

There is a pattern: the more a child develops the ability to control his body, the faster and better he assimilates theoretical knowledge, but the more symmetrical, varied and accurate the movements, the more evenly both hemispheres of the brain develop. Baden-Powel advised developing the left and right hands equally. Children's coaches of any sports must adhere to these tips.

Let’s take a 3-year-old child (for such classes, although they are rare, they do exist). Going through the list of sections, we can stop at 4 sections: swimming, gymnastics, acrobatics, wrestling.

Swimming in our mid-latitudes should take place in indoor pools, the water of which is disinfected with various gases that are harmful to the respiratory organs and the cornea of ​​the eyes. There are pools with water purification through filters, but they are few. In southern latitudes, few wealthy parents can afford classes in open seawater pools; sections do not operate on the open sea. Therefore, short-term courses for acquiring swimming skills may not fail in the process of growth of the child’s body.

Gymnastics, including artistic gymnastics, as well as acrobatics, have no contraindications for children 3 years of age and older.

If we compare swimming and gymnastics in terms of their impact on the child’s body, then swimming provides greater physical development, and gymnastics also provides high coordination of movements, which also accelerates mental development. Accurate eye measurement, calculation of muscle effort, a large number of movements with complex coordination create experience necessary in everyday life, especially valuable for a person associated with technology.

Sports games with a ball (volleyball, basketball, football), as a rule, begin at the age of 10-12 and have their own characteristics in the physical development of the child. Volleyball and basketball stimulate a child’s growth, provide a high motor response, develop well the leg muscles, eye and alertness, and accelerate mental development. There are a large number of games with the ball, which are not sports, but are good for development from the moment he learns to stand and walk until the age of 10-12, when he can already play sports games with the ball, including football.

Running and athletics, like team sports, are designed for children from 12-13 years of age and have a purely physical side of development, without the need to make decisions in a split second. In addition, at an early age, short-distance running can be included in some games and exercises. Long-distance running over 10 km can be recommended for people who have already completed the formation of the musculoskeletal system, but not for children.

Water sports are more technical; you can’t do any exercises without a boat. Very valuable sports for children from the point of view of developing personal qualities. Rowing is similar to running, but the muscles in your upper belt work harder. Sailing contributes to the development in a child of many positive qualities of physical and mental development. Designers have created sailing ships for children 4-5-6 years old, and small ponds in any village and city can serve as reservoirs for them.

What does sailing a ship give to a child? First of all, it is a sense of responsibility. He is the helmsman, the pilot. Traffic safety depends on it, that is, a personality is formed like no other sport. Physical development is closely connected with mental development, since every second you have to decide and carry out your decision with physical actions, that is, respond to the influence of the external environment, which is constantly changing (wave, wind, obstacle, etc.). Acquaintance with aerodynamics (taking into account that the movement of a yacht is flight in a horizontal plane), with the basic laws of physics and the technical side of sailing (a dinghy is already a machine). In order to avoid hypothermia, special clothing is required, the price of which is very high.

Skiing is limited only by external temperature. It is important that the child does not catch a cold in the bronchi and lungs, but basically this type of physical education is more enjoyable for children than running, and the muscles of the upper belt develop more effectively. Very useful if the ski track is in the forest!

Alpine skiing is more interesting than cross-country skiing, but it requires so much equipment and equipment that sailing cannot be compared with it, and it provides less physical development.

Martial arts drums -
Karate (kung fu)

Eastern martial arts have a very good effect on the physical and mental development of a child, provided that the classes are properly organized in the sections.

High coordination and accuracy of movements, a well-developed vestibular apparatus, the development of all muscle groups, a motor reaction to the movement of the enemy, caution, the development of volitional efforts - this is the main list of positive qualities that develop when practicing martial arts with striking techniques. You can study from the age of 5 until the end of your life, but only if classes are properly organized in children’s sections:

Contact fights should not be allowed, since each blow to a block from the hands and feet causes damage to the periosteum, which in the future, after adulthood or in adulthood, can lead to unpredictable consequences (oncology).

You should not allow blows to the head, the same applies to boxing and kickboxing. Even protective helmets and masks do not protect against concussions. This type of injury is very harmful to children.

The idol of striking fans, Bruce Lee, was a trained fighter and devoted himself completely to this art, but the vessels of the brain could not withstand the blows, and his end came in the prime of his life. Blows to the head received during a child's developmental period can be a time bomb that can go off at any point in his life.

Constant monitoring of the behavior of section members outside of class is necessary, i.e. at school, at home, on the street. Is it possible in our time?!? Possible, but only in closed boarding schools!

Practicing striking techniques often creates the illusion of permissiveness, especially with the moral decay imposed on our children by action videos, and the good side of physical development is often crossed out by deviation from the norms of behavior in everyday life.

Aikido is not based on striking techniques, but throws are based, for the most part, on painful techniques, and these classes are not recommended for children under adulthood.

Jiu-Jitsu is a type of martial art that is not at all for children and will only be detrimental to their physical development, because... Painful techniques on joints and bone crushers occupy a large place in it. When training, it is difficult for children to find the boundary of a safe technique.

Throwing martial arts include the following types of wrestling:
- Classical (Greco-Roman)
- Freestyle
- Judo
- Sambo

Judo is a wrestling close to our sambo, but more athletic, mainly designed for any age. In Japan, where she was born, in kindergartens and schools physical education is based specifically on Judo wrestling. And this is not surprising, since the physical development of a child involved in this wrestling has a great advantage over other sports. There is no striking technique, and painful and choking techniques are easy to control. Painful techniques, especially choking techniques, do not need to be studied until a certain age, but everything else provides very good physical development and self-defense.

Sambo has many types of painful holds, and the level of training of the wrestler is determined in competitive modes. It is advisable to engage in this type of wrestling from the age of 15-16, having prepared the body at a high level, which does not have a negative impact on the development of the child.

When developing through wrestling in pairs, the muscles constantly work in feedback modes, that is, not only direct but also reverse movement is controlled, and the speed of transition from direct to reverse movement is very high. If compared with striking types of wrestling, the latter lose in the formation of interneurons of the brain. In striking types of wrestling, muscles work with maximum tension in one direction and the reverse movement does not play a decisive role, as in throwing types of wrestling.

If we look at an example of any throw, we get the following picture of the work of the muscles of both partners:

The first one entered the throwing position and, tensing his muscles, began to throw.

The second one felt and realized his position in space, tensed his muscles for a countermovement in order to prevent the first one from performing the technique.

The first, sensing the resistance of the second, increases the effort or includes another muscle group, which will slightly modify the initial nature of the throw, perhaps switch to another technique, switching the direct pull of the muscles to the reverse, while using the opponent’s pull directed in the opposite direction of the first technique, but coincides with the direction of the second reception. This struggle of opposing efforts creates a picture of infinity, since the second one can also switch to the opposite thrust and create a completely new counter-movement in quality, but all this lasts a fraction of a second, and which of the partners has the reaction speed (signal transmission from the tactile, visual, vestibular to the brain and from it to muscle groups, as well as the speed of activation of the muscles, that is, the actuator) is higher, which is closer to victory.

If we take into account that the second, as a rule, does not allow the first to perform a basic technique correctly, then we get an infinite number of variants of basic techniques, including completely new ones, obtained by improvisation, like playing chess, but only time for reflection is not given. Given this feature of physical development, one can guess how it will affect mental development. In extreme situations, stressful fear does not hinder a person’s ability to solve problems at high speed and therefore the decisions are mostly correct! When preparing the body for wrestling, gymnastic and acrobatic exercises are used, and the vestibular apparatus develops at a high level. High precision of movements of the musculoskeletal system will allow a wrestler to successfully master the profession of a pilot, astronaut, vehicle driver, surgeon, crane operator, and also to have success in the exact sciences, music, organizing the movement of any business in any direction!!!

All these qualities of physical and mental development relate not only to Judo wrestling. Both classical (Greco-Roman) and freestyle wrestling develop everything in the same way. The transition from one wrestling to another does not take much time and for better physical development the following scheme can be proposed: classical - freestyle - Ju-Do - sambo.

In Japan, in order to protect a child from mental disorders, they developed a non-competitive method in Judo wrestling to determine the level of training of a wrestler. In our country, preparations are still underway for this method, and it has not received legal justification.

The competitive regime at different levels of a child’s mental development can have both positive and negative results, while the child’s character, his upbringing and genetic characteristics are of great importance. It is not clear why psychologists have not yet raised this question? Almost all sports sections had a general focus on results. These are medals in competitions, categories and titles based on victories. And all this began from the age at which the child’s psyche had not yet formed and had not reached the level where defeat would not cause bitterness of tears and mental pain, and victories would not create cruelty, self-exultation, and narcissism in the character! Physical training at school would be very good if, from the first grade to the last, 3-4 times a week, instead of the physical education that follows the programs, they taught wrestling lessons, since the training of a wrestler includes athletics, gymnastics, and acrobatics , as well as to develop endurance and increased reaction, many coaches include both football and basketball. The ideal option for teaching physical education at school is lessons every day: 3 days of wrestling, 1-2 days of playing with a ball, 1-3 days of athletics, gymnastics, acrobatics. Disciplinary control in this case will be much more effective than during the work of a section.

Parents should think about which section and which trainers they should send their child to for physical development, so that he is not disfigured physically and mentally.

The throwing technique also has negative sides - the child’s body, unprepared for throwing, begins to receive concussions during falls, especially on hard carpeting. Missing classes, lack of homework (exercises in the morning) in the intervals between sections, as well as the lack of normal hygienic conditions in the halls: heating, toilet, shower, locker room, doctor on duty also have an impact.

As a result, we can say that the choice of section, level of preparation, as well as the timeliness of the competitive regime can significantly change the fate of a child for the better or worse, not to mention the fact that the lack of normal physical development (it cannot be said that the school program provides it) definitely will negatively affect his fate. Based on the above, we can determine the degree of influence of various types of physical education on mental development in the following order:

1 - all types of wrestling (Greco-Roman, freestyle, judo, sambo); 2 - gymnastics, acrobatics, ball sports, sailing; 3 - martial arts (wu-shu, kung fu, take-wan-do, karate); 4 - athletics, skating, skiing, swimming. In addition to the above, when engaging in physical education, endomorphine appears in a person’s blood, which removes stress and reduces to a minimum the desire to use drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Medicine warns about the negative impact (high degree) on the mental development of children who use these substances!

Parents, do not expect new solutions to these issues from the Ministry of Education and take the solution to this problem into your own hands, and if you are not indifferent to the fate of your child, take control over his physical development, and, if possible, become his sensei ( teacher). Perhaps this will be the best solution.

Elena Blednova
The influence of sport on the comprehensive development of personality

In our country, physical culture and sport are considered as one of the most important means of educating a person who harmoniously contained spiritual wealth, moral purity, and physical perfection. Physical culture and sport are not only an effective means of physical human development, strengthening and protecting his health, the sphere of communication and manifestation of social activity of people, a reasonable form of organizing and spending their leisure time, but undoubtedly influence and other aspects of humanity life: authority and position in society, work activity, on the structure of moral and intellectual characteristics, aesthetic ideals and value orientations

IN development and personality formation Physical education, strengthening strength and health, developing correct posture and sanitary and hygienic culture are of great importance. It must be borne in mind that it is not without reason that people have developed proverb: In a healthy body healthy mind. Without good health and proper physical training, a person loses the necessary working capacity, is unable to show strong-willed efforts and perseverance in overcoming difficulties, which can hinder him develop in other areas of personal development. In this sense, physical education acts as an extremely important condition comprehensive development

During classes Sports strengthens the will, character, the ability to manage oneself is improved, quickly and correctly navigate in a variety of difficult situations, make decisions in a timely manner, take reasonable risks or refrain from taking risks.

For successful life and work, a person needs such moral and volitional qualities as discipline and responsibility, perseverance and determination. They allow personalities easily adapt to the moral and legal norms of society, without being forced to follow them; perform their duties efficiently, strive for success and achieve it. Since these qualities relate to complex mental formations, their upbringing should begin in childhood, and special attention should be paid to this in preschool age. In preschool age, the leading activity is play. Outdoor games are of particular importance. which are carried out in physical education classes and walks.

Game is one of those types of children's activities that are used by adults to educate preschoolers and teach them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. All sides are in play personalities children are formed in unity and interaction. He develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities and his relationship with people will subsequently depend.

Play is a meaningful and active activity for a child, in which he willingly and voluntarily participates. New experience gained in the game becomes personal property of the child.

Physical culture has enormous potential in moral personality development. One of the most significant moral and volitional qualities personalities are discipline, responsibility, perseverance and determination. The formation of these qualities, as well as the formation personalities, occurs in, in physical education sports activities. From an early age, physical activity occupies an important place in the upbringing of children.

It is important to note that physical development person creates the prerequisites for full-fledged mental work. It is known that intellectual work requires a lot of physical effort.

Physical exercise is associated with all other aspects of the educational impact on a person and thereby contributes to the formation of a socially active personalities, combining physical, social and spiritual health, contributing in every possible way to achieving the main goal of the entire system of educational work - the formation comprehensively developed personality.

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