External cladding of the veranda. Finishing a veranda in a private house: recommendations for choosing materials

Tired of the dusty hustle and bustle of megacities, city residents are eager to purchase suburban real estate. They build houses themselves that suit individual tastes. Therefore, the relevance of the question of how to decorate a veranda at the dacha is increasing every day. Progressive technologies and innovative materials are appearing, turning the process of hand-made cladding into a pleasure accessible to every owner of country mansions.

Purpose and types of verandas

Often, a terrace is a relatively small open space adjacent to one of the walls of a personal building. However, there are also closed options verandas acting as a warm vestibule at the entrance to the main building. In cold weather, it can be used as a changing room, leaving outerwear and outdoor shoes. This application will protect the rooms from the penetration of winter slush and dirt.

Most often, open verandas are used as a room for family recreation, arranging tea in the fresh air. Friendly gatherings bring you closer to the surrounding beauties of nature, without forcing you to move away from the familiar atmosphere of your home.

Based on location, there are two main types of combined verandas:

  1. A passageway separating rooms from the street, preceding the entrance to the main building. This familiar option is used in the construction of most small private houses.
  2. The second type includes verandas attached to one of the rooms and not having a separate exit to the courtyard.

Despite the simple design of such a structure, facing the terrace requires some effort. In this case, you can completely get by on our own, creating cozy place family vacation.

To understand how best to decorate a veranda located at the dacha, you should first thoroughly study the list of materials offered by specialists. Based on your own preferences, limited only by financial capabilities, you can make the right choice.

  1. Wooden lining is considered the most popular material for cladding a veranda. It is used to decorate the ceiling and walls both inside and outside the extension. After special treatment, the lining becomes resistant to negative influences, which allows it to withstand various tricks of nature.
  2. The interior finishing of the ceiling and walls can be done with sheets of moisture-resistant plasterboard. The ability of this material to be processed is used by designers to create original interiors.
  3. For the veranda closed type Experts recommend making interior cladding using MDF. Its advantages are its presentable appearance, reminiscent of natural wood, as well as strength and durability. However, the material's exposure to moisture, as well as significant temperature fluctuations, does not allow the use of MDF panels outside the room.
  4. Products made of polyvinyl chloride for finishing verandas are becoming increasingly popular. Thanks to diversity color solutions, types and textures, you can easily select suitable PVC panels. An attractive opportunity for beginning craftsmen is the opportunity self-installation. In addition, such panels are not afraid of water and other negative influences. A beautiful appearance does not require any special care. Dirty panels can be easily washed with soapy water.
  5. For exterior decoration, you can use siding. By purchasing material that imitates stone, brick, or natural wood, you can significantly simplify the process of facing work.

When choosing from the proposed options, be guided by your own taste. However, you should not save money by purchasing material from unverified manufacturers. Although products from well-known brands will cost a little more than counterfeit products, the quality is guaranteed.

Ceiling finishing

It is recommended to start with thorough impregnation of all elements made of natural wood with a special antiseptic composition. This way you can protect the structure from premature rotting and protect it from the encroachment of voracious insects.

After antiseptic treatment, you can begin installation frame base. The wooden sheathing is made from timber with a section of 30x50; 50x50 mm is also suitable. The frame material also requires pre-treatment with antiseptic agents.

The beams are fixed to the roofing rafter system self-tapping screws. It is allowed to fix the sheathing using long nails. When installing the frame base on the rafters, it is recommended to maintain a spacing of 30-40 cm between the bars. The use of a building level allows you to maintain the horizontal orientation of the wooden elements.

The simplest cladding option is the use of wooden lining. Fragments of finishing material are fixed on the sheathing perpendicular to the beams of the frame base. Galvanized nails are used as fastening elements.

It should be noted that a ceiling finished with wooden lining takes on a finished look after sanding and varnishing.

Independent installation of a veranda ceiling from PVC panels

It will require a little more effort than covering it with natural wooden lining. By diligently following the proposed recommendations, you can easily finish the ceiling of your country veranda with your own hands, saving on the costly call of a team of professional tilers.

  1. The initial profile is securely fixed to wooden sheathing. Subsequently, individual plastic fragments are connected with its help into a solid ceiling structure.
  2. Sheets of panels are fixed in the grooves of the original profile. The stability and reliability of the system is facilitated by the use of special clamps. Can be used as fastening elements accessible to everyone home handyman self-tapping screws
  3. Installation of the next panel is carried out using a similar method of fixation in the initial profile.
  4. The further process is a periodic sequence of the manipulations described above.

When performing self-installation, it is necessary to take into account the ability plastic material expand when heated. Having a small gap of up to 20 mm will protect the ceiling structure from troubles caused by the negative effects of heat.

The use of other materials for finishing the ceiling

If you plan to cover the veranda with siding, such a coating is quite suitable for decorating the ceiling yourself. The installation process is similar PVC installation panels. In the same way, you can finish the terrace ceiling with MDF boards. Manufacturers provide the construction market with a huge selection of different designs of siding and MDF, ensuring the growing popularity of these materials.

When using plasterboard sheets as a ceiling covering, it is recommended to replace the wooden frame elements with a metal profile. Special elements are installed directly on it. Such parts are the basis for fixing drywall sheets. Self-tapping screws are used to secure the covering fragments.

After fixing the drywall, it is recommended to prepare the surface for finishing. The ceiling must be puttied and thoroughly cleaned.

Self-clad veranda walls

Applicable only for closed premises. Open terraces do not imply the presence of walls.

Finishing should begin with the formation of a frame system from wooden blocks. The accuracy of installation is controlled by the building level.

Laying a special thermal insulation layer will make it possible in the future to use the veranda for relaxation in the cool season. It is recommended to first protect the room from moisture and condensation. For this, a special waterproofing film is used, which is fixed under the insulation.

A necessary condition is the initial treatment of all wooden elements with an antiseptic composition. This precaution will protect the structure from damage resulting from rotting.

The simplest option internal lining Do-it-yourself verandas include finishing the walls with wooden clapboards. Coverings made from MDF panels are also becoming increasingly popular. PVC products are no less in demand.

Veranda flooring

The choice of material for the terrace floor is determined by the operating conditions of the room. Today as flooring verandas use solid or terrace boards, ceramic tiles, laminate and other well-known finishing materials. Here a lot depends on financial capabilities.

The best option for a country house is considered to be a floor covered with terrace boards or waterproof laminate. Such materials are distinguished by the availability of self-installation, ease of maintenance and durability.

An alternative solution is to use modern PVC panels or traditional ceramic tiles. Inventive and creative individuals prefer tiles due to the opportunity to realize their own fantasies. By arranging fragments of the covering in a certain order, they create unique patterns and original patterns underfoot. Wealthy owners of country estates can afford finishing with new linoleum models that have improved performance characteristics that complement a fairly respectable appearance.

External cladding

The variety of modern finishing materials does not allow them to fit detailed description in one article. Therefore, we will consider the most popular options.

Many summer residents tend to cover the outer surface of the veranda with wooden clapboard. However, even careful treatment with special compounds is not able to preserve the natural beauty of natural material for a long time. Changeable weather and precipitation leave their mark, disrupting the pristine beauty of the cladding.

Horizontal siding, usually used when performing facade works, manufacturers provide a special locking mechanism. This simple device allows you to easily connect individual fragments. This quality attracts ordinary people who want to independently carry out the external cladding of the terrace.

It should certainly be noted that the installation of siding panels is preceded by a preparatory stage. It consists of forming a special frame (sheathing) onto which the plastic elements of the outer cladding will be attached.

The most important advantage country house In the age of urbanization, it becomes possible to breathe in clean air deeply. Alas, in overpopulated megacities, many have simply forgotten not only what a real forest looks like, but also a clear sky. Particularly envious among owners of private cottages are houses with open or closed verandas, where the whole family can gather in the morning and evening.

The aroma of summer or falling leaves in autumn cannot be compared with anything, and if you still have a mug of hot tea in your hands, then it seems that all your wishes in this life have come true. It’s nice, admit it, during the first thunderstorm of the year open veranda feel the sweetness of ozone, and also hear the rustling of green leaves under the streams of rain.

In the photo - finishing the veranda with wood

All this is possible only under one condition - the interior of the veranda will not push away from it, but rather attract it. If you are lucky and have a closed version of such a room, you can place a dining room here, which, by the way, will be just right in the summer. However, in order to prolong the impression of the view from the window, we need high-quality interior decoration of the veranda.

Using MDF on a terrace

Before answering the question - how to decorate the inside of the veranda, it should be said that they should be not only aesthetic, but also practical. It should be borne in mind that the veranda is usually not heated and has similar elements to the gazebo, which is attached to the main house.

In this situation, the corresponding requirements are imposed on the decor:

  • beauty;
  • resistance to high humidity;
  • are not afraid of temperature changes.

Most often, in private houses, wood is used to build verandas; probably no building material can compare with it. But, due to its naturalness, it can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, before finishing, it is necessary to treat the wood with antiseptic compounds.

If your veranda has glazing, then it is recommended to start finishing with thermal insulation works for walls under windows, as well as ceiling structures. Try not to rush and do everything carefully so that you can use the room almost until frost.

Thermal insulation with mineral wool

To insulate the ceiling, you can use the materials that are easiest for you to work with, for example, mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam; professional teams will be able to treat the surface with liquid polyurethane foam.

The price of the latter, taking into account the work, is high; it is best to take EPS boards and mats or rolls of mineral wool.

  1. Attach waterproofing to the walls and ceiling using waterproof film.
  2. Seal the joints between the sheets with metallized tape.
  3. Install wood sheathing. The cross-section of the beam must coincide with the height of the insulation, the sheathing cell must correspond to the width of the heat insulator.
  4. Insert insulation between the beams.

Advice: Before installing mineral wool, it must be wrapped in waterproof material to prevent it from becoming damp and deteriorating after several years.

  1. Install foil insulation on top of the insulation (with the foil facing the inside of the veranda). Seal the seams between the sheets with metallized tape.
  2. Insulate the ceiling in the same way.

The inside of the veranda is finished with your own hands only after all preparatory work. There are two ways here - trust your feelings and invite a professional designer. Usually they choose the first method, since today there are plenty of options to transform the inside of the veranda.

An inexpensive finishing method that will help turn an ordinary room into an interesting and cozy one. The material is not afraid of high humidity and does not deform during sudden temperature changes.

Installation is easy and without any tricks. Thanks to the different color designs of the panels and their texture, you can end up with a pretty decent room that you won’t be ashamed to show to your friends.

Among the disadvantages, the fragility of the material should be noted, although today you can buy “armored” types, the cost of which is 2 times more expensive usual options. Therefore, you should be careful when moving chairs away or leaning on it.

Advice: a construction trick will help solve the problem - the 1st lathing strip is installed at knee level, the second - at the pelvis, the 3rd - at the shoulder.

Below instructions will tell you how to do everything with minimal cost:

  1. Prepare wooden slats with a cross-section of 20x30 or 10x30 mm for the frame; you can also use a profile for plasterboard sheets. Wood material should be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Installation of metal sheathing profile

Tip: use wooden blocks laths on the wall facing the street. This way you can avoid the formation of “cold bridges”. For walls that are too uneven, it is better to use a suspended profile.

  1. Attach the slats perpendicular to the laying of the wall finishing panels. For example, for vertically installed plastic they should be placed horizontally in increments of up to 500 mm.

Tip: finish panels with a pattern from left to right, plain panels - from either side.

  1. Attach a starting corner to the finished sheathing with self-tapping screws, if the wall next to it will be finished with a different material, or a fastening corner for joining the panels together. Install a mounting strip on the ceiling under the baseboard.
  2. Install the first panel into the guide profile, with the tongue in the direction of installation. Screw it to the sheathing with a self-tapping screw and a press washer.

Tip: do not fasten the plastic tightly so that it does not become deformed.

  1. Insert the tenon of the next panel tightly into the groove of the previous one, secure it and continue to install the rest on the wall and ceiling.

Tip: at the bottom and top of the wall, leave a thermal gap for the material within 20-30 mm and cover it with a plinth.

An alternative to plastic is MDF panels, which are also popular among hobbyists self-finishing. You need to know that although they are superior in strength, they are very sensitive to moisture. Install them only on closed verandas Oh.

The installation process is similar to the previous one, only fastening occurs using clamps, special metal devices. They can be secured with a construction stapler or small nails, doing this through an extension so as not to damage the edge of the material.

The most traditional finishing option For the veranda, wooden lining is considered. It is a cladding board in which special grooves are cut to facilitate installation; the thickness of the material is up to 22 mm.

It is used for finishing the walls and ceiling of open and closed verandas. Treatment with antiseptic compounds increases the service life to 20 years. So far, no artificial material can compare with natural wood.

There are two types of lining - solid and spliced, when the best pieces are connected to each other in a special way. Although the latter looks ideal, it cannot be used to decorate the veranda. Increased humidity can cause cracks to appear at the bonding points, which will greatly damage the interior.

There are also 4 classes of material:

  • “premium” - the most expensive, but almost always spliced;
  • classes “A”, “B” and “C” - made of solid wood, differ in the number of knots per 1 linear meter. and defects. They are often treated with putty at the production stage.

Advice: when buying material in a pack, be sure to unpack it and look through it so that you do not come across low-grade or defective planks.

Natural material must be adapted to the conditions in which it will be installed. To do this, the lining must be left on the veranda for several days. After adaptation, be sure to treat it with antiseptics.

Insulation and installation of sheathing

Work to prepare the surface for installation is similar to the previous options.

You can attach it in different ways:

  1. Drive a galvanized nail into the center of the board, then hammer down the head with a hammer.
  2. Self-tapping screws. Pre-drill a hole in the board from the tenon side to a depth of approximately 10 mm, and select the diameter of the drill according to the diameter of the screw head. Screw the clapboard to the sheathing by inserting a self-tapping screw into the hole, cover it with a dowel and sand it.
  3. Use a mechanical or pneumatic staple gun to drive mounting brackets into the board.
  4. Installation of a clamper. Similar to MDF panels.

Clamping scheme

On last stage installation, cover the joints and corners near windows and doors with a corner and treat the boards with stain or varnish. The process starts with the ceiling and ends with the walls.

The work of finishing the veranda is not difficult, it is more reminiscent of creative work. Allocate time for yourself on weekends, prepare the material in advance and update its interior so that everyone feels comfortable and comfortable in it. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

There are many difficulties associated with finishing work, the main one of which is choice high-quality finishing. The fact is that over time, finishing options have become even more complex. There are many high-quality, beautiful and practical materials that are used for these purposes. In this article we will pay attention specifically to the decoration of the veranda. Those who are lucky enough to have this in their home useful area, people often wonder about finishing.

The choice is influenced by many factors, including price, the overall style of the house and the type of veranda. We invite you to get acquainted with what the decoration of a veranda at the dacha might look like and see photos that will help you visualize the idea.

First you need to figure out whether the type of veranda plays a role in its decoration. The difference between a veranda and terraces or gazebos is that it has at least one wall that is common with the house. In addition, there are verandas that are attached to general design or are part of it with walls and common roof. If we make a small summary, we can understand that verandas can be:

You should know that the decoration of an open veranda is different from a closed one. Why? It's all about the influence of the atmosphere on the material. For example, strong, durable materials are used in open verandas that can withstand the effects of the sun, precipitation, temperature changes and other negative factors. As for the closed veranda, its finishing is much simpler. Wallpaper, tiles, and other materials are used. With a closed type, you can save money on material without sacrificing quality, but with an open type, you can’t.

What type of veranda do you have? Answer this question and select the material that will be suitable for this type. What can you choose from? Let's find out.

Exterior materials

Exterior finishing is characterized by increased performance qualities and should be High Quality. Over the years, users have tested a lot of products that have proven themselves in practice. Let's start reviewing them.


This material was created for such work. It is famous for its positive characteristics. Siding is made from different materials:

For the veranda summer cottages choose either vinyl or wood siding. And if the first option is more affordable, then you will have to pay for the second. However, the material has many advantages. The products do not fade in the sun, are not afraid of moisture, are strong, durable and, most importantly, beautiful. They are not afraid of temperature changes. In addition, finishing the veranda at the dacha with your own hands will not be difficult. Look at the photo to see how attractive the material looks.


It is used quite often in decoration. This is a whole range of materials with excellent properties. These include PVC plastic panels, polycarbonate, and plastic double-glazed windows. All materials are low cost, are not afraid of moisture, are visually attractive, durable and reliable.

In addition, PVC panels trim the veranda from the inside. The material is easy to care for, easy to install, and the veranda will look decent. And thanks to the diversity color options, textures and other parameters, you can harmoniously decorate your veranda.

And from polycarbonate, which is quite flexible and durable, you can build structures of complex and original shapes. Together with metal frame, the veranda will be both reliable and attractive.

Brick and stone

As for these materials, they always inspired confidence. Everyone considers the stone durable, reliable, resistant to all kinds of influence and quite beautiful. In addition, decorative stone or brick are fireproof and are not afraid of sudden temperature changes, which makes them one of the most durable products.

Moreover, such materials can be combined with others to make the room even more attractive. As an option - glass and stone or brick and wood. It's all a matter of taste here.

Materials for interior finishing

Here the list is a little longer, since the operating conditions are different. In addition, internal work is somewhat different from external work, since the finishing of the ceiling and floor, and not just the walls, is added. What materials are suitable for this work?


Most often they stop there. After all, wood has a lot of advantages, the main one of which is environmental friendliness. We are talking about an interior space, so the finishing should not emit toxic substances. And wood is durable, strong, beautiful and clean. Available materials can be used:

Here the choice is yours. Look how beautiful the wood trim looks inside.

Working with wood is not difficult and depends on correct sequence works The basis for installing lining, block house or MDF panels is a wooden frame. It is to these slats that your trim will be attached. In addition, materials can be installed horizontally or vertically. If the veranda is not high, then you can use a trick and install the paneling vertically. And in the decoration use light colors. If the veranda needs to be expanded, fasten the lining horizontally. The finished building will appear wider.


Often closed verandas are sheathed with plasterboard. This makes it possible not only to insulate the room, but also to easily level the walls and get rid of defects. Cladding with clapboard is a fairly simple task that anyone can handle.

After such work, you have a lot of opportunities for further finishing. Everything here is like in an ordinary house: you can glue beautiful wallpaper, paint the walls or simply putty them and make decorative plaster. The decision is yours. Based on the general style of the house and interior. You can even combine several different materials.

It is also important that you can use plasterboard to finish both the ceiling and all the walls. Then the veranda will be harmonious and beautiful. As for the interior itself, everything depends on the purposes that the veranda will serve. Some people make a rest room out of it, since they don’t have one inside. In this case, you need to install a coffee table and chairs, a sofa, and take care of high-quality lighting. It would be useful to dilute the room with plants. Some even make a small swing or hang a hammock on the veranda.

In the event that the veranda will serve as an office, then you need to limit yourself to only a workplace and additional shelves. A table and a chair are all you need for work. And so that extraneous sounds do not disturb you, the veranda needs to be properly soundproofed.

Plastic panels

We have already considered them as exterior decoration. Still, I would like to say that this material is, after all, suitable for working inside. Their cost is low, but the finish is good. Everything looks quite simple, but at the same time the coating is quite practical.

Since verandas often serve as hallways where everyone takes off their shoes, dirt in them is nothing new. And cleaning the plastic surface of the panels is easy. In addition, if you make the floor from ceramic tiles, then cleaning will not be a problem for you on the veranda.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, finishing a veranda at the dacha is not an easy task. It is important to decide on the material, calculate all the pros and cons and think about your plans. The materials that were indicated are not the entire range. It’s just that they are most often used in such work, and they have won the trust of many users. But what exactly to use is up to you.

How to decorate a veranda at your dacha in an original way

Tired of the dusty hustle and bustle of megacities, city residents are eager to purchase suburban real estate. They build houses themselves that suit individual tastes. Therefore, the relevance of the question of how to decorate a veranda at the dacha is increasing every day. Progressive technologies and innovative materials are appearing, turning the process of hand-made cladding into a pleasure accessible to every owner of country mansions.

Purpose and types of verandas

Often, a terrace is a relatively small open space adjacent to one of the walls of a personal building. However, there are also closed versions of verandas that serve as a warm vestibule at the entrance to the main building. In cold weather, it can be used as a changing room, leaving outerwear and outdoor shoes. This application will protect the rooms from the penetration of winter slush and dirt.

Most often, open verandas are used as a room for family recreation, arranging tea in the fresh air. Friendly gatherings bring you closer to the surrounding beauties of nature, without forcing you to move away from the familiar atmosphere of your home.

Based on location, there are two main types of combined verandas:

  1. A passageway separating rooms from the street, preceding the entrance to the main building. This familiar option is used in the construction of most small private houses.
  2. The second type includes verandas attached to one of the rooms and not having a separate exit to the courtyard.

Despite the simple design of such a structure, facing the terrace requires some effort. At the same time, you can completely manage on your own, creating a cozy place for a family vacation.

To understand how best to decorate a veranda located at the dacha, you should first thoroughly study the list of materials offered by specialists. Based on your own preferences, limited only by financial capabilities, you can make the right choice.

  1. Wooden lining is considered the most popular material for cladding a veranda. It is used to decorate the ceiling and walls both inside and outside the extension. After special treatment, the lining becomes resistant to negative influences, which allows it to withstand various tricks of nature.
  2. The interior finishing of the ceiling and walls can be done with sheets of moisture-resistant plasterboard. The ability of this material to be processed is used by designers to create original interiors.
  3. For a closed veranda, experts recommend making the interior cladding using MDF. Its advantages are its presentable appearance, reminiscent of natural wood, as well as strength and durability. However, the material's exposure to moisture, as well as significant temperature fluctuations, does not allow the use of MDF panels outside the room.
  4. Products made of polyvinyl chloride for finishing verandas are becoming increasingly popular. Thanks to the variety of colors, types and textures, you can easily choose suitable PVC panels. An attractive feature for novice craftsmen is the possibility of self-assembly. In addition, such panels are not afraid of water and other negative influences. A beautiful appearance does not require any special care. Dirty panels can be easily washed with soapy water.
  5. For exterior decoration, you can use siding. By purchasing material that imitates stone, brick, or natural wood, you can significantly simplify the process of facing work.

When choosing from the proposed options, be guided by your own taste. However, you should not save money by purchasing material from unverified manufacturers. Although products from well-known brands will cost a little more than counterfeit products, the quality is guaranteed.

Ceiling finishing

It is recommended to start with thorough impregnation of all elements made of natural wood with a special antiseptic composition. This way you can protect the structure from premature rotting and protect it from the encroachment of voracious insects.

After antiseptic treatment, you can begin installing the frame base. The wooden sheathing is made from timber with a section of 30x50; 50x50 mm is also suitable. The frame material also requires pre-treatment with antiseptic agents.

The simplest cladding option is the use of wooden lining. Fragments of finishing material are fixed on the sheathing perpendicular to the beams of the frame base. Galvanized nails are used as fastening elements.

It should be noted that a ceiling finished with wooden lining takes on a finished look after sanding and varnishing.

Independent installation of a veranda ceiling from PVC panels

It will require a little more effort than covering it with natural wooden lining. By diligently following the proposed recommendations, you can easily finish the ceiling of your country veranda with your own hands, saving on the costly call of a team of professional tilers.

  1. The initial profile is securely fixed to the wooden sheathing. Subsequently, individual plastic fragments are connected with its help into a solid ceiling structure.
  2. Sheets of panels are fixed in the grooves of the original profile. The stability and reliability of the system is facilitated by the use of special clamps. It is allowed to use self-tapping screws as fasteners available to every home craftsman.
  3. Installation of the next panel is carried out using a similar method of fixation in the initial profile.
  4. The further process is a periodic sequence of the manipulations described above.

When performing self-installation, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the plastic material to expand when heated. Having a small gap of up to 20 mm will protect the ceiling structure from troubles caused by the negative effects of heat.

The use of other materials for finishing the ceiling

If you plan to cover the veranda with siding, such a coating is quite suitable for decorating the ceiling yourself. The installation process is similar to installing PVC panels. In the same way, you can finish the terrace ceiling with MDF boards. Manufacturers provide the construction market with a huge selection of different designs of siding and MDF, ensuring the growing popularity of these materials.

When using plasterboard sheets as a ceiling covering, it is recommended to replace the wooden frame elements with a metal profile. Special elements are installed directly on it. Such parts are the basis for fixing drywall sheets. Self-tapping screws are used to secure the covering fragments.

After fixing the drywall, it is recommended to prepare the surface for finishing. The ceiling must be puttied and thoroughly cleaned.

Self-clad veranda walls

Applicable only for closed premises. Open terraces do not require walls.

Finishing should begin with the formation of a frame system from wooden blocks. The accuracy of installation is controlled by the building level.

Laying a special thermal insulation layer will make it possible in the future to use the veranda for relaxation in the cool season. It is recommended to first protect the room from moisture and condensation. For this, a special waterproofing film is used, which is fixed under the insulation.

A necessary condition is the initial treatment of all wooden elements with an antiseptic composition. This precaution will protect the structure from damage resulting from rotting.

The simplest option for interior cladding of a veranda with your own hands is considered to be finishing the walls with wooden clapboard. Coverings made from MDF panels are also becoming increasingly popular. PVC products are no less in demand.

Veranda flooring

The choice of material for the terrace floor is determined by the operating conditions of the room. Today, solid or terrace boards, ceramic tiles, laminate and other well-known finishing materials are used as veranda flooring. Here a lot depends on financial capabilities.

The best option for a country house is considered to be a floor covered with terrace boards or waterproof laminate. Such materials are distinguished by the availability of self-installation, ease of maintenance and durability.

An alternative solution is to use modern PVC panels or traditional ceramic tiles for the flooring. Inventive and creative individuals prefer tiles due to the opportunity to realize their own fantasies. By arranging fragments of the covering in a certain order, they create unique patterns and original patterns underfoot. Wealthy owners of country estates can afford finishing with new linoleum models that have improved performance characteristics that complement a fairly respectable appearance.

External cladding

The variety of modern finishing materials does not allow them to be described in detail in one article. Therefore, we will consider the most popular options.

Many summer residents tend to cover the outer surface of the veranda with wooden clapboard. However, even careful treatment with special compounds is not able to preserve the natural beauty of natural material for a long time. Changeable weather and precipitation leave their mark, disrupting the pristine beauty of the cladding.

Horizontal siding, usually used when performing facade work, is supplied by manufacturers with a special locking mechanism. This simple device allows you to easily connect individual fragments. This quality attracts ordinary people who want to independently carry out the external cladding of the terrace.

It should certainly be noted that the installation of siding panels is preceded by a preparatory stage. It consists of forming a special frame (sheathing) onto which the plastic elements of the outer cladding will be attached.

How to sheathe the inside of a veranda inexpensively

The vast majority of country and country houses are built with a mandatory veranda, no matter whether heated or not. What is a dacha without a veranda, a full-fledged living space, and at the same time a place to store all kinds of utensils. After completing the construction of the building, sooner or later you will have to decide how and with what to cover the inside of the veranda so that it is inexpensive and beautiful.

Living in a room that looks like a barn is uncomfortable, and it’s not easy to spend extra money.

Requirements for finishing material

Before looking for material and a way to sheathe the inside of the veranda, you need to look at the conditions of the room, and only then look suitable material inexpensive.

Let's focus on the main ones:

  • Temperature and humidity indoors. It depends on which side of the house the veranda is located on, sunny or shady, whether it is possible to sheathe the inside walls with materials based on cellulose fibers, or whether you will have to buy plastic, inexpensively and reliably;
  • The frequency of people living in the house and using the premises. For a house in which a constant temperature is not maintained, and people live with long breaks in time, the problem of how to line the walls inside turns into a question of dealing with water condensation;
  • Age of the veranda and the entire building. There is no point in trying to sheathe the walls indoors until the shrinkage processes of the foundation and building frame have been completed.

In the simplest case, you can sheathe the walls from the inside cement bonded particle board, very inexpensive, practically not afraid of dampness, does not warp even with strong condensation. But from an aesthetic and practical point of view, most owners would like the cladding inside the veranda to, first of all, be comfortable and safe for health, and only then it would be inexpensive and practical. Therefore, from more than two dozen cladding options, we will leave only those most suitable for the listed requirements.

How to sheathe a veranda with wall shrinkage, inexpensively and efficiently

Instead of the traditional vertical boarding, you can sheathe the walls with horizontal padding on a cross batten. It will turn out inexpensive and practical. To prevent the finishing from being torn off the walls during shrinkage, the board is filled with a maximum gap at the tongue-and-groove joint and mandatory installation of insulation, for example, made of foamed polyethylene.

After three to four years, the decoration on the veranda can be inexpensively updated:

  • Remove the board, insulation and sheathing;
  • Treat the wood with antiseptic impregnation, stain and varnish;
  • Lay the sheathing, insulation and sheathe the walls again, but with the correct gaps in the joints between the boards.

In this way, you can inexpensively cover any room in a wooden house, or a bathhouse made of timber. For brick and block buildings, which have significantly less shrinkage, the veranda can be immediately sheathed according to the finishing scheme.

Popular materials for covering verandas

The modern market offers enough big choice materials for decorative cladding walls, including verandas. The list of the most popular finishes usually includes:

  • Lining, board, wooden slats;
  • MDF or fiberboard, boards and panels;
  • Plywood, OSB boards;
  • Waterproof gypsum plasterboard sheets;
  • PVC panels.

All of the listed materials fit well into the interior of the walls of the room, do not swell with moisture and do not create a feeling of discomfort for the owners, therefore, in the question of how to sheathe the inside of the veranda inexpensively, price and personal preferences and desires remain the determining factors.

To sheathe a veranda indoors truly inexpensively, you will have to do a larger amount of work yourself, and spend the bulk of the costs on purchasing high-quality material.

But not all indoor conditions are the same. Often, before sheathing the veranda inside the photo, it makes sense to contact a specialist for advice and clarification.

Material for a cold veranda

It’s quite difficult to choose what to sheathe the inside with. unheated veranda. There are not many finishing options that can be used inside a cold, unheated room. Most often, the list is limited to plastic panels, waterproof grades of OSB boards and coniferous lining.

The main problem that owners of unheated premises have to face is condensation that regularly forms on the surface inside the cladding. Therefore, you should not try to cover the walls of a closed veranda with materials made from cellulose fibers, primarily fiberboard and MDF. Even when painted with enamels or varnished, they quickly swell, which leads to warping and breakage of fasteners.

PVC panels are considered the best option. They do not rot, do not absorb moisture, the choice of colors is simply huge, and all this wealth will be relatively inexpensive when compared, for example, with oak or cedar lining.

If desired, the inside of the veranda can be sheathed with plastic with a pattern imitation of valuable wood species, natural stone or just a single-color color that matches the interior of the room.

To finish with polyvinyl chloride, the walls of the veranda will first need to be sheathed with a supporting frame made of galvanized profile. Metal profile strips are nailed to the walls in increments of no more than 60 cm. The easiest way is to sheathe the veranda with vertical strips of PVC; in this case, the profile is nailed in horizontal rows.

The walls of the veranda facing the street, before being covered with panels, are insulated with isolon or foil polyethylene; this is inexpensive and effective. Domestic warm walls can be sheathed with mineral thermal insulation with a gasket inside the layer vapor barrier membrane. In this case, it will be necessary to organize additional ventilation of the room, since plastic, like glass, creates an increased level of humidity from the inside.

For dachas, the problem of condensation is especially relevant during the onset of cold weather. After the owners move out with the first frosts, water accumulates through the walls. a large number of water vapor, they must be removed by flowing ventilation before the low air temperature turns into frost on the walls inside the room.

The choice of polyvinyl chloride to sheathe the inside of the veranda of a house cannot be considered particularly successful. Plastic always remains a fire hazard, when low temperatures An accidental push from a chair or a careless blow can lead to cracking of the material.

Therefore, if you can inexpensively buy lining made of oak or larch, it is better to sheathe the inside of the room with wood, which will last for several decades.

Decorating the veranda with wood

Wood has always been considered the best material for any finishing works inside the veranda. The easiest way is to cover the walls inside the room with clapboard, both in an expensive version and relatively inexpensively, approximately at the level of PVC panels.

Standard lining is divided into four quality classes:

  • Extra is the most durable and beautiful material, without a single knot or disruption in the fiber pattern. Such wood is used for expensive finishing inside the living quarters of the house;
  • C-class is the cheapest, designed to cover a shed or utility room. Despite the fact that in general the work is inexpensive, due to the extremely low quality, it is not recommended to use verandas for interior finishing;
  • Classes A and B allow some defects in the form of knots or even cracks, but most of them are located at the end of the plank. It is with this clapboard that it is best to cover the veranda.

Most craftsmen do not trust the information about the class indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging; most often the material turns out to be of lower quality than stated when sold. Therefore, before covering the inside of the veranda with clapboard, do not be too lazy to open and discard some of the planks in order to avoid defects when finishing the walls.

In addition to class, the material may differ in the shape of the front surface. Examples of the most popular profiles are shown in the figure. If you want to create the impression of a log vault and walls, you can sheathe the walls inside the room with one of the types of boards - block house.

The technology of clapboard cladding is practically no different from the technique used for PVC installation. Initially, the starting strip is laid, and then the lining boards are laid on the previously filled sheathing. It is best to sheathe the walls of the veranda using staples, without glue or screws.

Larch is the most difficult to install, but it's worth it. Even for the most comfortable veranda there is no point in purchasing cedar or ash if you need to sheathe the room quickly and inexpensively. The best option would be high-quality spruce or pine, which can be ordered inexpensively from a private carpentry shop, dried, and polished front part and cover with wax.

Even an open or unheated veranda can be covered with such cladding. A pleasant bonus will be the smell of pine forest that appears when the walls of the veranda are heated sun rays.


The most budget-friendly option for cladding the walls of the veranda will be made from wood-fiber panels or slabs. They are relatively inexpensive, and in terms of comfort, materials made from cellulose fibers are considered one of the best.

If the room needs to be made not only warm and comfortable, but also truly beautiful, then it is best to cover the walls with MDF boards. It will turn out inexpensive and beautiful, but it is worth remembering that the high decorative qualities of the slab are ensured by the glued polymer film; accordingly, the vapor permeability of the material is much lower than that of fiberboard. All the work will not cost much, but there should be no places in the veranda that fall outside the ventilation zone, otherwise the accumulating condensation will quickly destroy all the work.

Veranda at the dacha: the best ideas for decoration

Ecology of consumption. Estate: The veranda is designed to combine the warmth of the hearth and the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Veranda- an extension that acts as a connecting link in the “house - garden” duet. It is designed to combine the warmth of a home and the beauty of the surrounding nature.

It also serves as a cozy corner where you can relax, enjoying the picturesque landscape, or organize fun gatherings with loved ones.

Let’s look at how to equip an extension, and which veranda design to choose to make it bright and comfortable, in more detail.

Peculiarities different types verandas

Before you begin to analyze the intricacies of arranging a veranda, turning it into a cozy corner for relaxation, you should determine for yourself what type of structure the extension has.

Type 1 - open extensions

Many people mistakenly believe that an open veranda is the same terrace in front of the house. The difference between the architectural elements is that the veranda is a room attached to the house, and the terrace is a platform on a separate base.

Light and space are the main decoration of open verandas. The design is designed to emphasize this dignity. Pastel colors and shades that are as close as possible to natural colors are ideal for lighting design of open verandas.

Beautifully flowering vines planted around the perimeter of the extension will act as an elegant decoration of the space and protect the room from dust.

Type 2 - glazed structures

Whether to glaze the veranda or not is a matter of taste for each owner. You can glaze only part of the openings, or all the windows.

Verandas whose glazing is made without the use of frames look interesting. Glass ceilings literally erase the existing line between interior decoration and the nature surrounding it. Frameless glazing is an excellent solution when arranging a winter garden on the veranda.

Do you want to make a veranda with a small area visually brighter and more spacious? Then decorate the roof of the extension with glass inserts. The glass roof gives the extension a light and airy appearance.

Verandas with transparent roofs are literally immersed in bright streams of sunlight. The sun's rays will penetrate through the vaults of the domed glass roof throughout the day, enlivening the room with its glow. Your task is only to enhance the effect by decorating the room with furniture in light shades and creating a light atmosphere for the relaxation area at minimal cost.

There are countless options for decorating verandas using texture, stylistic and color solutions. But still, to create a holistic and harmonious image, you should Special attention focus on a number of points.

Choosing finishing materials

Most often as finishing materials for flooring verandas are used porcelain stoneware or stone slabs. This cladding method is not only attractive, but also practical. Moisture-resistant materials in an unheated room will not become damp in cold weather. And cleaning the surface from traces of pets or dirty shoes takes a minimum of effort and time.

Wooden flooring can emphasize the texture of brick or stone masonry. All that remains is to complement the interior wooden beams– and the atmosphere will take on a slight touch of country life.

Thanks to the harmonious combination of raw natural stone with natural wood you get the feeling that you are not within the walls of a suburban area, but in a house in the forest.

Application wood of different species, each of which has its own unique shade, will allow you to create a unique and memorable interior. And the bright upholstery upholstered furniture will support the warm color of the atmosphere you created.

Arrangement stone oven or a fireplace on the veranda– a fairly common design technique. The presence of a fireplace in a room that needs a heat source will provide an excellent opportunity to relax in comfort while admiring the picturesque landscape.

A cozy fireplace against the backdrop of large spacious windows and neutral furnishings create a calm and relaxing environment.

Finishing space using elements masonry brings the spirit of antiquity to the interior, giving a feeling of reliability and safety.

All about furniture and accessories

The design of a country veranda also means well-chosen, comfortable furniture. It is selected depending on the size of the extension, focusing on the style direction of the design.

If the space is small, you should first determine for yourself which zones you plan to place in the small space.

To avoid cluttering the area, you should choose folding furniture. To save space, use Furniture included with window sills:

  • reclining sofas,
  • tables with folding tops.

When arranging a more spacious room, where there is room to spread out, the main decoration of the interior can be a comfortable sofa.

When furnishing a fully glazed room in which the furniture will be protected from the effects of weather conditions, you should only be wary of the fact that it will fade under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, for decoration it is better to choose objects of desaturated tones.

It’s great when the sofas and armchairs of such a cozy corner please your eyes natural origin. Wooden coffee tables, chairs covered with cotton covers - all this will become the basis for the decoration of the open extension.

Removable soft seats will help you arrange a comfortable corner for relaxation and add bright touches to the interior, enriching color palette verandas.

The bright glazed veranda in front of the house is an ideal place for book lovers. Through large window openings from floor to ceiling most days the sun's rays penetrate into the room. So why not take advantage of this by creating a home library with reading areas on the veranda?

Looks very harmonious in the interior of an open extension furniture with forged elements. She is able to fit perfectly into styles with an ethnic flavor:

  • Country– rustic style, embodying environmental design;
  • Chalet– Alpine style, characterized by originality, simplicity and romance of design;
  • Provence– the interior of a provincial French house, enriched with an abundance of floral solutions and design techniques to create a “game of contrasts.”

As decoration floor mats made of dyed straw, wooden sculptures, hunting trophies, porcelain flowerpots with dried flowers and glass trinkets.

Mediterranean style, as well as country or chalet styles, it is characterized by an abundance of wooden interior items. A wide deck board as a floor covering, rough wooden benches and chairs will become ideal solution for finishing ethnic styles. Tablecloths, chair covers and pillows in warm sandy shades will help complement the picture. Ceramic and clay amphoras and flowerpots placed on tables and the floor will add special charm.

By covering wooden elements with a special varnish, you will give them a spectacular vintage look.

When thinking about the design of a veranda in a private house, you should not use a large number of pieces of furniture in the design. They will only clutter up the space.

It is better to decorate the interior with small accessories, using:

  • original candy bowls and vases;
  • fancy figurines and boxes;
  • colorful rugs and furniture covers.

These cute little things will help create an atmosphere of home comfort.

How to choose the right curtains

IN open spaces or verandas framed by glass surfaces, there is often too much sun. The easiest way to solve this problem is to hang roller blinds . They are very easy to use.

Curtains for the veranda play a key role in creating a harmonious design. Fabric blackout curtains will save you from the scorching rays of the sun, and sheer and heavily draped curtains will be an excellent attribute for celebrations.

When decorating a veranda in a Mediterranean or Scandinavian style, curtains made of light and translucent fabrics are ideal. Combination light shades creates a festive atmosphere with an abundance of light.

Are you planning to create original design verandas at the dacha? Then choose bamboo curtains. Vertical or horizontal blinds will easily fit into any interior you choose.

It is better to use fabric curtains on open verandas only during the warm season, after which they are removed from the eaves and hidden indoors.

Landscaping elements

The real decoration of the veranda will be flower arrangements. Living, beautiful and fragrant flowers will give a feeling of calm and tranquility, creating a favorable microclimate on the sunlit veranda.

An effective addition to the design will be forged shelving, decorated with several pots with decorative foliage plants. And dwarf trees and flowers placed in pots everywhere will unusually decorate the room.

The pleasant aroma of essential oils released by spicy plants will become an additional source of pleasure from being in the lap of nature.

You can complement plant compositions by diluting them with varnished stumps, tinted branches or beautifully arranged natural stones.

Today there are many interesting styles and original design trends, thanks to the diversity of which you can choose what you really like.

The main thing is that the design of the country veranda is harmoniously combined with both the architectural ensemble of the house and the surrounding landscape. published econet.ru


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Enclosed veranda at your dacha.

One of the most significant advantages of living in a private house is the opportunity to go out into the fresh air at any time of the day or night and enjoy the aroma of flowers in summer or the enchanting smell of rotten leaves in late autumn.
Covered veranda in country house can easily be turned into a dining room where the whole family will gather for Sunday lunch: share impressions, make plans and just chat. An important role in creating the necessary mood is played not only by the view opening from the windows, but also by the decoration of the veranda. It is she who will help you create an atmosphere of home comfort and peace.

Selection of materials
The choice of materials for finishing the veranda is not only aesthetic, but also practical. As a rule, the word “veranda” means an unheated room. In some cases, an open veranda is more like a gazebo attached to the house, so there is no question of heating here at all. This means that the decor should not only be beautiful, but also resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.

In winter, the room will be damp, and if you use non-moisture resistant facing materials, then after two or three years the repairs will have to be done again.
Usually, the bottom walls are lined with modern finishing material- plastic wall panels from PVC. The surfaces of the walls from the panels to the ceiling are covered with moisture-resistant paint.

It is not recommended to use laminate when finishing the floor on a closed veranda. Since under harsh operating conditions, in a damp room, even moisture-resistant high-quality expensive laminate will lose its original appearance and shape.

Ceramic tiles, on the contrary, will not lose their wonderful properties and original appearance in such conditions. If you use tiles as a floor covering, it is better to use large tiles as they are easier to install. As a result, if the seams between adjacent tiles are reduced to a minimum, or removed altogether, a smooth, visually uniform surface is obtained.

After final finishing floor, needs to be installed plastic skirting boards, since they are considered the most durable compared to wooden skirting boards and are not afraid of moisture.

Warming the veranda.
Great importance It has proper thermal insulation the lower part of the walls (under the windows) and the ceiling. The interior decoration of the veranda begins with it. If insulation is carried out correctly, the room can be inhabited until late autumn.

Most budget option Veranda wall decorations in recent years have been plastic panels. This material is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. In addition, it is quite easy to install and clean.

The only disadvantages of plastic include low environmental friendliness and fragility - it is very easy to break by carelessly moving a chair or accidentally hitting the wall with your knee.

Wooden slats with a cross section of 30*20 or 30*10 mm or a metal profile for mounting drywall can be used as a frame for PVC panels. When using wood, it must be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Helpful advice! On the walls of the veranda facing the street, it is better to use wooden slats for lathing. Fastening metal profiles can create “cold bridges”, which will significantly reduce the quality of thermal insulation. But for internal walls that are not too smooth, it is better to use a profile on special hangers.

The slats must be fastened perpendicular to the direction of laying the panels. So, if the plastic is placed vertically on the wall, then the slats are installed horizontally in increments of no more than 50cm.

Important! The walls of the veranda are decorated with panels with a pattern from left to right. You can start installing plain panels from any side of the wall.

When the sheathing is ready, a starting profile or mounting angle is attached in the corner of the room using nails or self-tapping screws. The first is used if the adjacent wall will be finished with a different material, and the second will allow PVC panels to be joined together.
Then the first panel is inserted into the guide profile so that the wide mounting flange is directed towards the installation.
To fix the panel to the sheathing, you can use metal holders, or you can simply screw it to the batten with a self-tapping screw.

Important! If you are not using holders to mount the panels, do not overtighten the screw. Otherwise the panel will “drive”.

We insert the next panel so that there is no gap left and fasten it.
Remember that PVC panels are subject to thermal expansion. To compensate for this, it is necessary to leave a gap of 2-3 cm at the top and bottom of the wall and cover it with a plinth.

MDF - cheap imitation wood

Another popular finishing material is MDF panels. They are somewhat stronger than plastic, but less resistant to moisture. You should not use this material on open verandas, but for closed ones it is quite suitable.

MDF panels are installed in the same way as plastic ones.

Wooden lining - a classic of the genre

When listing materials for finishing a veranda, it is impossible not to mention the most traditional of them - wood. Most often this is the so-called lining.

Lining is a cladding board, up to 22mm thick, with special grooves that facilitate installation and joining.

This material is used to cover not only the walls, but also the ceiling of the veranda. After treatment with antiseptics, the lining will serve you for up to 20 years. There is no need to talk at length about the advantages of wood over artificial materials. Just look at the delightful woody smell that will be felt on your veranda for many years.

Choosing wooden lining

First of all, it should be said that according to the production method, the lining is divided into jointed and solid. In the first case, the highest quality pieces of wood are joined in a special way. Despite the fact that this material looks excellent - there are no knots, cracks or other putty defects on it - it is not suitable for finishing an open veranda. With high humidity, cracks may form at the splice site, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the finish.

Important! When purchasing material, be sure to unpack it. Very often, in the middle of the pack there are defective or low-grade planks.

Perhaps this is all about the interior decoration of the veranda.

No one a private house or a dacha is not complete without a veranda - a place where home comfort and the tranquility of wildlife meet. What finish to choose, how to arrange furniture and fit the structure into the surrounding space?

The veranda is probably the best place at the dacha or in a country house, where you can fully relax and feel unity with nature. It can be solid, insulated, functionally planned and thoroughly furnished. Or be light, furnished with country-style simplicity - so that with the onset of cold weather it could be freed from furniture. However, any veranda needs a certain interior decoration, which will create that unique atmosphere of closeness to nature.

The most important thing is that the veranda is in harmony with the architecture of the house, its interior decoration echoes the interior. It is also important that it fits well into the surrounding landscape.

Veranda style

It all depends on the style of decoration of the house itself. But at the same time, the decor of the veranda should convey its purpose - a place for relaxation and meals. Therefore, rustic styles are perfect, for example, country, Provence, Russian style, in which comfort is intertwined with the simplicity and charm of rural life. If you want something special, you can choose Japanese or eco-style. Or build a Roman Empire-inspired patio with fountains, planters and terracotta floor tiles.


In the interior, only natural materials. The walls can be decorated with stone or brick, making a reference to the loft style. The tree will also look organic. For finishing floors, it is better to use a wear-resistant, unpretentious material - for example, porcelain stoneware. Panoramic glazing traditional for most verandas: sunlight passes through it and the greenery of the garden is visible. If you equip your veranda with sliding glass doors, you can let the garden and its freshness inside at any time, or isolate yourself from the dampness when it rains.

It is also better to choose a natural palette for finishing the veranda. In this border area between the house and the garden, natural green, gray-brown, terracotta shades with bright accents will look very beautiful.


It is important to plan the space inside the veranda in accordance with your expectations and functions that the veranda will perform in the house. If you rarely use it for cooking, but more as a place where you can sit and drink tea in the shade, you will need a simple dining room (table and light chairs) and a small grill to sometimes cook barbecue for your household.

If you are a connoisseur of country feasts with many friends, then it is better to make a competent layout on the veranda. Select a dining area and a cooking area, organize a whole kitchen: build a stove, including an oven, a hob, a hearth with a spit, a grill and a tandoor, and also put a cutting table, hang cabinets for dishes. Then you won’t need a hotel kitchen inside the house.


The open veranda should be furnished with special garden furniture. It is made of resistant materials that are not afraid of moisture, cold, and do not deteriorate in direct sunlight. You definitely need a table and a few chairs for the household. Dishes and food can be easily stored at home, so cabinets will most likely not be needed. But flower pots or flowerpots, a rocking chair or a hanging chair, a sofa swing will be very useful on the open veranda.

You will need much more furniture if you are working on finishing a glass veranda, which plays the role of a kitchen-dining room at home. Here you can already choose solid, expensive furniture for the interior decor: soft sofas and armchairs, round table so that it can accommodate more guests. An undoubted decoration will be wooden dish shelves - the perfect place for beautiful plates. Let's not forget grandma's old buffet.


The finishing of the veranda is completed by the choice of decor and accessories. Since this area combines the functions of a relaxation corner and a kitchen-dining room, the decor should be appropriate and cozy. A warm mood will be created by family photos on the walls, paintings of landscapes and still lifes, painted dishes and intricate candlesticks.

More examples of interior arrangements of verandas can be found in the photo with design projects from professionals.

Surrounding area

A private house or private estate forms a single whole with the territory adjacent to the house. The veranda should look organically in the surrounding landscape, and the garden approaching it should be a continuation of the chosen style. In short, if preference is given English style, then the garden should be English. And the eastern veranda will fit into Japanese garden stones By the way, the veranda can be combined with another functional area:

  • winter garden, greenhouse or even greenhouse
  • children's playground so kids don't get bored while adults feast
  • bathhouse or sauna to combine the pleasure of eating kebab with water treatments.

The choice of materials for the interior decoration of the veranda is no less important than the arrangement of the interior of the house itself. However, finishing materials summer veranda inside are selected according to different criteria than for heated areas of the house.

Let's figure out which items in the hardware store will help create a comfortable environment in a cozy veranda to protect from the summer heat or good mood on rainy days.

Structurally, a veranda is a light frame extension to one of the walls of the house, and not necessarily from the wall itself. sunny side. It can be open in the form of a canopy or closed with extensive glazing.

Between the two extremes there is still a huge variety design solutions, including extensions on the second and even third floor, with passage directly into the house or access only from the street.

Differences between the veranda and the interior of the house:

  • Subject to temperature changes, close to external environment, with the exception of heated covered verandas;
  • Sudden changes in humidity require the material to have good resistance to moisture or high vapor permeability;
  • An abundant amount of sunlight, including scattered light, forces the selection of materials that are resistant to ultraviolet radiation and local heating;
  • Design more often frame type on pile foundation tied to the base of the house, which imposes a limit on the weight of finishing materials.

It is better to opt for one of the following materials:

  • wood;
  • wooden or PVC lining, siding;
  • aluminum and steel panels, corrugated sheets;
  • profile systems (with or without glazing).

An option is often offered for cheap finishing of the veranda with polystyrene boards. However, polystyrene foam, by definition, is not resistant to UV rays, of which there is too much in a veranda open to sunlight, even in a diffuse form. Even after a year of operation, the texture and strength of polystyrene is reduced by half.

It is important to consider that the veranda is most often a room open to view, and therefore even the interior decoration should be more compatible with the design of the facade of the house, and not with the interior interior.


  • Grade: perfect material for the veranda;
  • Material format: timber, edged board;
  • Features of use: treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants is required.

Wood is a traditional material for building extensions to a house, including verandas. A frame is assembled from timber, resting on a columnar foundation and a canopy covered with any available roofing material, preferably as lightly as possible.

Edged board opens up a lot of possibilities on design and decoration of the veranda. This can be a completely enclosed veranda with an extensive glazing block or a simple open area with a canopy.

Australian style. Along the perimeter of the veranda, built on a simple frame of wooden beams, the height under the canopy is divided in half. The bottom part closes edged board 40x20 (50x25) with intervals of up to 50 mm between each row of boards and on both sides of the support posts.

To increase the amount of light entering the veranda, rows of cladding along the outer and inside equalized in height. To ensure darkening of the lower part of the sheathing, the rows are shifted along the outer and inner sides of the frame. So significant gaps remain that do not impede the passage of air, but the light does not penetrate.

In the American style (Western), the veranda is a simple open frame structure raised above the ground by columnar foundation with wooden floors and railings around the perimeter.

For the European region of our country, wooden enclosed verandas with extensive glazing areas have become more popular. The entire lower part is sewn up with a board in one or two rows, tightly joining them together.

The upper part is allocated for glazing to maximize sunlight. To enjoy fresh air, more often the glazing is made removable or with lifting sashes.

It is important to remember that wood for use as interior decoration of a veranda must be treated and impregnated with fire retardants and antiseptics.

Wood coniferous species is no exception, even with its own protection against pests and rot, fire treatment remains an important requirement.

As exterior finishing a combination of stain and varnish/paint is suitable, choosing the shade and stain and paint color to suit the interior design or to match the exterior of the house.

Wooden lining and plastic panels

  • Rating: impeccable appearance and easy installation.
  • Material format: panels and strips of wood or polyvinyl chloride, fixed to a prepared frame.
  • Features of use: it is advisable to use wooden lining from solid wood, and PVC panels must be protected from UV rays.

For lining or siding, the principle of use is similar to a regular edged board with the difference that the result is obviously aesthetic due to high-quality surface preparation. Availability of locks at the end facilitates the installation of internal surface lining veranda walls.

An important advantage of wooden lining is that it can be used for both internal and external decoration of an extension.

It is advisable that the selected siding or lining be designed for arranging the facades of the building, even for the interior decoration of the veranda. This is the only way the result will be durable and of high quality.

Aluminum and steel panels, corrugated sheets

  • Rating: practical, but not always aesthetically pleasing.
  • Material format: panels, profiled sheets of aluminum or galvanized steel.

Profiled sheeting finds application at almost all stages of construction and in all situations; it is simple and affordable structural element, which can be used to build the walls, subfloor and ceiling of the veranda.

The frame can be a 40x20 (40x40) profile pipe and the profiled sheet is attached to it using a bolted connection or welding. The corrugated sheet, opened with enamel or polymer film, will also act as interior decoration without spoiling the appearance of the extension.

Aluminum and steel panels are used in a similar way to PVC panels and siding. However, unlike the latter, panels can be decorated not only in the color of metal with a mirror surface.

There is a wide variety of solid-color solutions to choose from in any store according to RAL catalogs, as well as textured and even textured options for wood, stone, etc.

An important advantage of corrugated sheets and panels is their resistance to impact environment, which other materials cannot compare with. However, in the sun the metal becomes very hot, which can turn the veranda into inferno.

In this case, double-sided finishing of the walls of the veranda with separation by an air gap or any available thermal insulation material will help.

Aluminum or PVC profile systems

  • Rating: excellent option.

Development of aluminum and plastic profiles window systems greatly simplifies the task of building a maximally illuminated and at the same time protected veranda.

PVC profile in combination with double-glazed windows or lightweight sandwich panels, fittings for sliding or folding sashes, it forms a very attractive offer for creating a practical, well-lit veranda at reasonable prices.

The main advantage of profile systems is the ease of installation. It is enough to assemble the veranda on the spot, like a construction kit, in a matter of hours, having prepared in advance only a platform raised above the soil surface. Interior finishing for profile systems is not relevant, since they themselves already form a high-quality and durable surface inside and outside.

At the same time, the PVC profile has an unpleasant feature - when the temperature drops, the plastic loses strength and becomes deformed. To keep it in excellent condition, it is necessary to maintain an indoor temperature of at least 10 ° C all year round, therefore plastic profile structures should only be used for closed verandas with heating.

Aluminum profiles will in most cases cost more than plastic, but this will not senseless spending. Metal structures are lighter and take up much less space, leaving most of the area of ​​the fences for glazing.

Metal is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity. Due to their excellent appearance, they are most popular among developers of luxury housing.

Other materials

So far, attention has been paid to the external fencing of the veranda and finishing options. At the same time, for the wall combined with the house, there is more room for choice. This is how plaster and everything are used effectively possible types facade finishing which will be appropriate.

Use MDF, OSB boards and similar composite materials in the interior decoration of the veranda, for covering walls or as a subfloor, this is not the most practical idea.

They can be used in closed heated rooms and at the same time they will not last long for an outdoor area or shed. Changeable humidity and temperature will have a detrimental effect on these materials, even despite additional impregnation and protection.

For hemming the ceiling of the veranda, it is allowed to use suspended ceiling from plasterboard, but it is better to choose moisture-resistant plasterboard or special offers, such as Knauf plasterboard for facade finishing or analogues.