Is unlimited internet from mobile operators profitable? Unlimited modem tariffs from Russian operators Are there any operators with unlimited Internet?

“Tariffishche” is mobile Internet in any volume, customizable packages of minutes and SMS, home conditions valid in the MTS network throughout Russia, and you don’t even have to pay for all this! Want details? Let's talk.

Internet without end

Everything is simple here: download as much as you want by activating the “Unlimited Internet” option. 10, 20, 30 GB... More? Yes, if you can, but don’t forget about healthy sleep too. Are you expecting any “buts”? It is the only one: MTS reserves the right to limit the traffic generated by torrents. The “Unlimited Internet” option is free in most Russian regions. By the way, even without it, the subscription fee for the tariff includes a large Internet package - 25 GB. Here and below are the conditions for Moscow. You can check the tariff features in your region at.

On which devices

"Tariff" - for smartphones and tablets. In modems and routers, a SIM card with this tariff will not work.

Is it possible to distribute the Internet?

Can. Up to 10 GB per month - free. This traffic is spent from the Internet package included in the tariff, even if you have the “Unlimited Internet” option activated. If 10 GB is not enough, then you can continue to distribute by activating the “Turbo Button” service, which provides an additional traffic package.

What about minutes and SMS?

By default, the tariff includes 500 minutes and 500 SMS per month to any telephone numbers in Russia. That is, until you have used up these packages, there are no long-distance calls in this tariff. If 500 minutes and SMS are not enough for you, customize their number for yourself: increase the volume of packages to 750, 1000 or 1500 SMS and minutes. This can be done in the free My MTS application or in your Personal Account on the operator’s website. After the monthly minutes limit has been reached, calls are billed on a per-minute basis. The cost of calls after the limit is exhausted is lower, the larger the connected package (prices can be clarified).

How conditions for the Internet and packages change when traveling around Russia

The “Unlimited Internet” option does not work outside of your home region. All traffic when traveling around Russia will be debited from the Internet package included in your tariff or from an additional connected package.

What is the price

A tariff option with minimal packages of minutes and SMS costs 650 rubles per month in Moscow. If packages are increased, the cost will also increase:

750 minutes and 750 SMS - 800 rubles;

1000 minutes and 1000 SMS - 950 rubles;

1500 minutes and 1500 SMS - 1200 rubles.

The fee is debited once a month, on the same date on which the tariff was activated. If the next month of using the tariff has not yet ended and you increase the packages of minutes and SMS, then at that moment the difference between the old and new tariff costs will be debited from your mobile account.

Do you want Tariffische for free? When you activate the “Online Cinemas” option in the MTS TV application, you will get access to four well-known movie services, including ivi, MEGOGO and Amediateka, for only 790 rubles. If at the same time you have a “Tariffishche”, then in most Russian regions you will receive a discount on the subscription fee for it in the amount of the minimum subscription fee for this tariff.

You can reduce the size of packages in the middle of a month of use, but the new tariff conditions (cost and size of packages) will take effect after the current month of using the tariff. But the cost of minutes after the monthly limit is exhausted changes immediately after changing the package size. You can find out more about the cost and terms of the tariff.

Is it possible not to pay at all?

Yes! Apply for an MTS Smart Money bank card. Use it to make purchases in stores, pay for housing and communal services, trips to cafes, etc. in the amount of 20,000 rubles per month or more and - do not pay anything for your “Tariffishche”. How it works? Details.

What else should I know?

The tariff includes the “Zabugorische” option, which allows you to use the packages of minutes included in the tariff for calls to Russia while traveling in many popular countries, not pay for incoming calls up to 100 minutes per day, and not pay for mobile Internet up to 1 GB per day. The fee for the Zabugorishche service is only 390 rubles per day, but it is debited only if you use communication services while abroad. When traveling within Russia, there is no charge for this option.

The operating conditions of the option may vary in different countries. Details for each country can be clarified.

Do you use mobile Internet a lot? Is the standard traffic package on your tariff not enough? Beeline subscribers can solve this problem using the “Unlimited Internet” service. It removes the traffic limit on the tariff plan and provides Internet access at maximum speed.

Description of the service “Unlimited Internet”

Most modern Beeline tariffs provide users with small traffic packages. After the limit ends, the Internet speed drops to a minimum, which, of course, does not allow you to freely communicate, work, listen to music and watch videos.

With the “Unlimited Internet” option from Beeline, the traffic on your phone will never end! It allows you to use the mobile Internet without limiting the speed or volume of downloaded information.


  • Connection is free
  • Subscription fee – 4 rubles per day

When you first activate the option on a number, the subscription payment is debited daily. When you reconnect, the fee will be charged immediately in 30 days - in the amount of 120 rubles. The option will return to the usual, daily payment debit mode starting from the 31st day.

The daily payment for using the service is debited simultaneously with the subscription fee of the tariff plan. If at the time of debiting there is not enough money on the phone balance, access to the network is suspended until the account is replenished.

Conditions for providing the option

Activation of the option is possible in older versions of Beeline tariffs for mobile phones “EVERYTHING” and “ALL IN ONE”. In Moscow and the Moscow region - starting with the tariff plan "", in other regions of Russia - starting with "".

You cannot use the service on tariffs for tablets and USB modems. It is also not allowed to use a SIM card with already connected “Unlimited Internet” in USB modems or routers - if you try to access the network, access will be blocked.

When traveling around Russia, the coverage area of ​​the option corresponds to the conditions under which the main traffic on the tariff plan is provided. The service is not valid when roaming abroad.

To access the network abroad, Beeline has a service with a similar name - “”.

A phone with an active service can be used as a modem or Wi-Fi access point for distributing Internet traffic, only if the additional option “ ” is available on the number. If you try to connect other devices without it, Internet access will be blocked for them.

Note! If a subscriber creates an increased load on the network, Internet access may be temporarily blocked or its speed limited.

Unlimit cannot be shared within the “ ” option. It provides access for additional numbers only to the main traffic package of the tariff plan.

How to connect “Unlimited Internet” to Beeline?

Use of the service is allowed only on older versions of “EVERYTHING” tariffs for mobile phones. Therefore, before activating the option, make sure that your tariff plan meets all the conditions. Also, make sure in advance that there are enough funds on your balance - the first subscription fee for the service is charged simultaneously with its activation.

Activation of the “Unlimited Internet” service is possible in several ways:

  • By calling the short number 067445451
  • Through the mobile application ""

How to disable the “Unlimited Internet” option?

The service is not limited in time - it will function until there is enough money on the balance or the service is not disabled by the subscriber. When changing the tariff plan, the option is automatically disabled.

To disable the “Unlimited Internet” service yourself, use:

  • Short number 067445451
  • Subscriber's personal account
  • Application "My Beeline"

In different regions of Russia, the conditions and cost of the option may differ - before connecting, be sure to check the current characteristics of the service on the operator’s official website or through.

Corporate tariffs give you complete freedom of action in the mobile world. Now all clients need only high-quality and inexpensive communications. All these benefits are provided by the corporate tariff. These include discounts on calls, a variety of plans for each specific user, and the ability not to count the minutes of a call. Everything is clear with calls, but what about the Internet? After all, now it is impossible to do without access to the Internet, either on a smartphone, or on a tablet, or on a computer.

For those people who want to have unlimited access to the global Internet and not worry about their expenses, the MTS company offers an unlimited tariff that is profitable in all respects - Business Connect.

Business Connect is based on three components: low cost of Internet traffic, the ability to connect traffic packages, and, of course, unlimited Internet access. Let's take a closer look at this beneficial service.

So, MTS Business Connect is available on regular SIM cards and on new generation micro-SIM cards, which are suitable for Apple iPad and iPhone devices. There is no subscription fee for this tariff, and the cost of one megabyte of Internet data is only 99 kopecks per megabyte!

The connection fee for the Business Connect tariff is 200 rubles, the same amount must be deposited into the account as a down payment.

The client has the opportunity to choose: either connect one of the package services to the Internet, or connect one of several unlimited options.

GPRS traffic is available in five options. These are 125, 275, 575, 1150 and 3350 megabytes. The subscription fee for one of these data packages will be 100, 200, 300, 400 and 600 rubles, respectively.

But MTS Business Connect has an even more advantageous offer. The corporate client is asked to choose one of four types of access:

  • Unlimited mini is 3 gigabytes of traffic without limiting access speed for a price of only 330 rubles per month.
  • Unlimited maxi is already as much as 5 gigabytes with unlimited speed at a price of 530 rubles.
  • Unlimited super for active users, 15 gigabytes for 730 rubles should be enough for them.
  • And finally, Unlimited VIP gives you the opportunity to use 30 gigabytes for 930 rubles per month.

But that's not all. Users of unlimited Internet access can press the “Turbo button” for a certain time! This means that for the duration of this service all restrictions on speed and data volume will be lifted. For 20 minutes of using the “Turbo button” you need to pay 10 rubles, 2 hours will cost 50 rubles and 6 hours - 75 rubles.

For each additional megabyte received or transmitted, a corporate client pays only 0.99 rubles!

Calls to MTS Business Connect also please with their tariffs. A minute of an outgoing call will cost the client 4 rubles if the call is made to the device of the mobile operator MTS in Moscow and the Moscow region. If the call is outside the region, the price will be 5 rubles.

As you can see, the advantages of unlimited Internet from MTS are obvious. This is a variety of connection options and low cost per megabyte of data.

The Infinite Internet May Not Be So Infinite After All

The latest trends in the mobile communications market are not just to offer more services included in the package tariff, but also to give, in fact, unlimited access to the Network. decided to figure out what conditions must be met in order to take advantage of this opportunity, and what restrictions one might encounter.

"Optional" MegaFon

MegaFon offers the MegaUnlimit option. It can only be used in combination with the “All Inclusive” and “Warm Welcome” tariff plans. Moreover, its cost will vary depending on the tariff. Thus, for users of the cheapest packages “All Inclusive S” (subscription fee - 300 rubles per month) and “Warm Welcome S” (400 rubles per month), MegaUnlimit will cost the most - 9 rubles per day (or 270 rubles per month) .

For the average price category represented by the “All Inclusive M” (500 rubles per month) and “Warm Welcome M” (700 rubles per month) tariffs, this option will cost two rubles less - 7 rubles per day (210 rubles per month) . Even cheaper - 5 rubles per day (150 per month) - it will cost subscribers “All Inclusive L” (800 rubles per month) and “All Inclusive XL” (1,200 rubles per month). All-inclusive VIP users (2,700 rubles per month) can activate the service for free.

· “All inclusive S”/“Warm welcome S” - 570/670 rubles;

· “All inclusive M”/“Warm welcome M” - 710/910 rubles;

· “All inclusive L”/ “All inclusive XL” - 950/1,350 rubles.

However, it will not be without restrictions. So, you can use unlimited only in your home region. But turning your Internet into an access point in order to “distribute” the Internet via Wi-Fi to friends (or other devices) will not work: the speed will drop to 8 kbps, which is only enough for exchanging text messages. The option of connecting “Mega Unlimited” only as needed will also not work: only the first connection is free, but the second one will cost 100 rubles.


MTS offers two unlimited options. Moreover, unlike MegaFon, not as options, but in the form of independent tariffs. The first is the already well-known Smart Nonstop, under the terms of which the subscriber is offered 10 GB per month of daytime traffic and unlimited traffic from 1 am.

The second option is the “Smart Unlimited” tariff, offering completely unlimited Internet for 19 rubles per day (570 rubles per month). The tariff also includes 200 minutes of calls and 200 messages, which is not so much. But at the same time, unlike competitors, using a smartphone as an access point is not prohibited (you won’t be able to just insert a SIM card into the modem), and the Internet will work throughout Russia.

Postpaid “Everything”

Beeline offers unlimited Internet, valid throughout Russia, only on postpaid tariffs of the “Everything” line. The subscriber has access to connection options for 500, 800, 1,200 and 1,800 rubles, differing in the number of included minutes and messages.

You won't be able to insert a SIM card into the modem. Just as you won’t be able to use the Internet on another device by activating the mode of operation in your smartphone as an access point. You will have to pay extra for this opportunity. It is also interesting how Beeline describes possible limitations: “If the subscriber creates a significant load on the network, including using peer-to-peer protocols, the speed of the mobile Internet cannot be guaranteed by the operator.” And if everything is clear with “peer-to-peer protocols,” then the wording “significant load on the network” is rather vague.

The virtual operator Yota, in fact, specializes in unlimited Internet, allowing you to add packages of minutes and messages to this service. The simplest tariff with “unlimited” will cost 440 rubles and will include a package of 300 minutes.

But Yota’s rules for using unlimited Internet access are perhaps the strictest. Not only can the Internet not be “distributed” for free from a phone, but a SIM card cannot be used in a tablet. The speed of the Network will also be reduced if the fact of working with file-sharing networks is detected.

What's the result?

Practice says that many are willing to overpay a little for an expanded package of options just “just in case” or “to have it.” However, it should be remembered that often the average volume of services consumed remains the same. An example is the latest changes in the cost of tariff plans: the number of options has increased, but prices have also increased slightly. And despite the fact that the average cost per minute of conversation has decreased, subscribers did not talk more because of it.

The situation is similar with unlimited Internet. Despite the generosity of the offer, the subscriber may find himself squeezed by rather harsh rules for the provision of services. Therefore, first of all, you will have to set priorities and answer several questions. What is more important - a large package of minutes or the ability to “distribute” the Internet from a smartphone via Wi-Fi? Do you need unlimited travel? Is it possible to use a SIM card in a tablet if necessary? Everyone will have to look for answers to these questions on their own.