Growing Amur grapes. Amur grapes - secrets of growing a frost-resistant variety

Amur grapes(Vitis amurensis) is a powerful deciduous vine with edible fruits in loose clusters, native to the Far East, China and Korea.

This type of grape is very unpretentious and frost-resistant (withstands frost down to –40 degrees), in nature it climbs a support to a height of 30 m; trunk diameter is 10-20 cm. The shoot-forming ability and growth rate of the vine are very high, the annual growth is about 2.5 meters; tolerates pruning and replanting well.

The ornamental dark green leaves of the Amur grape are large (up to 30 cm), have several lobes or are almost entire. In autumn they acquire a bright red-violet color. In autumn attire and with an abundance of dark fruits, the liana is especially beautiful; is used for vertical gardening on supports.

Amur grapes bloom in early May. Its yellowish flowers in racemes are small, inconspicuous, with a delicate aroma and an abundance of nectar.

The berries are round, black with a bluish coating and thick skin, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, juicy, with a taste ranging from sour to sweet.

The fruits of Amur grapes ripen in mid-September and are used for consumption in fresh and processing, but do not have wide industrial significance. Oil and coffee surrogate are obtained from the seeds.

It is better to plant Amur grapes in a bright place, in fertile and well-drained moist soil.

Amur grapes can be propagated by seeds, cuttings or layering. Crossing Amur grapes with cultivated ones made it possible to create valuable winter-hardy varieties with high-quality fruits.

Seeds are sown in the fall (immediately after picking the berries), and when sowing in spring, they require stratification for 2-4 months. Amur grape seedlings bloom at the age of about 5 years. Vegetative propagation grapes can significantly accelerate its fruiting.

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Amur grape (Vitis amurensis) is perhaps one of the hardiest and most frost-resistant types of grapes. Under natural conditions it grows in the forests of the Russian Far East, China and Korea. In nature, Amur grapes reach impressive sizes, climbing trees to a height of twenty meters, deftly clinging with their tendrils to protrusions of bark and branches. These are beautiful plants with thick, twisting trunks, up to 15 cm in diameter. Numerous vines with purple, almost black clusters of berries hang from the branches of tangled trees, sometimes almost to the ground.
In cultivation, Amur grapes have a more modest size, usually limited by the height of the support used. The berries of Amur grapes are round, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, purple or black with a bluish tinge, juicy, with thick skin, collected in conical or cylindrical clusters. On different plant specimens, the berries can vary greatly in taste; there are plants with both sour berries and quite sweet, pleasant-tasting ones.
Amur grapes ripen in mid-September. Due to its hardiness and unpretentiousness, Amur grapes are often grown in amateur gardens in central Russia, where they bear fruit abundantly and annually.
The plant is so frost-resistant that its above-ground part can withstand temperatures down to -40°C without damage. The root system of Amur grapes can withstand frosts down to -16°C, which is comparable to the most frost-resistant apple tree rootstocks. Thanks to these properties, grapes easily survive cold winters with little snow, which often happen in our area.

Planting holes are prepared in advance. Mineral fertilizers are poured onto the bottom: 250-300 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium sulfate. To fill the volume of the pit, use the top fertile layer of soil, with the addition of well-rotted compost or humus.
Amur grapes are characterized by strong growth from the first year of planting, so they immediately need support. Despite its unpretentiousness, a beautiful plant can only be obtained with good care. The decorative effect of fast-growing species primarily depends on formation. Almost any type of crown is suitable for Amur grapes. Plants on a tall trunk or formed in several tiers look very beautiful. But even if the goal is not to maintain a strict form, it is necessary to regularly carry out sanitary pruning and remove weak and chaotically growing shoots that excessively thicken the crown. The issue of fertilizing is no less important.
If the planting pit has been prepared correctly, then in the first two to three years you will only need spring feeding nitrogen fertilizers. In summer they are fed with complex fertilizers, and in autumn with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Among the forms and varieties obtained with the participation of Amur grapes, there are also bisexual ones. For example, "Amur Potapenko 1" And "Aleshkovsky". In this case, one plant is enough.

Amur breakthrough grape variety: description and cultivation features

Grapes are known and loved in different parts of the world. He is raised on garden plots, and on plantations. The popularity of the plant is explained by the fact that its berries are suitable for making wonderful drinks, confectionery, and raisins. The leaves of grape plants, which have beneficial properties, are eaten. One of the best representatives of this culture is the Amur Breakthrough grape.

History of the variety

In the wild forests of the Far East and northern regions of China, a variety of grapes grows called Ussuri, and more often Amur. It has strong branches, matte wrinkled foliage that turns red-burgundy in autumn.

Grape bushes grow near streams and rivers. The size of its seedless fruits is approximately 2 cm. They are colored dark purple, more reminiscent of black. Grapes have a varied flavor range. There are plants with female or male flowering. They bloom at the end of May. The fruits appear on a grape bush that has a female type of flower. The grapes ripen towards the end of the last ten days of September.

Numerous experiments involving crossing local frost-resistant varieties led to the development of a new type of grape, frost-resistant and disease-resistant. From wild grape bushes of the Amur region by world-famous breeder A.I. Potapenko genetically produced a variety called Amur Breakthrough. It gave rise to varieties of frost-resistant grape crops.

The Amur breakthrough grape is found under the names Potapenko-7 and Odin.

Wild Amur grapes - the progenitor of the Amur breakthrough

Description of the Amur breakthrough grape variety

This is a vigorous plant. The vine bush develops quickly. The shoots that appear in the 1st year first have green color, in the autumn they darken and acquire a red tint. Many shoots are formed. In one season, the bush can grow 2.5 m. The grapevine, resting on trellises and building walls, stretches up to 35 m in a few years. The trunk diameter can reach 20 cm. The bark is thin, Brown. Every year there is more and more detachment of it.

The leaves are round or elongated in shape, with teeth at the edges, reaching 250 mm in length. On back side leaf blades - short light fluff.

In autumn, the foliage of the Amur Breakthrough grapes turns red, which looks very elegant

The berries of the Amur Breakthrough are round, dark pink, dark blue or purple in color. A bunch of grapes weighs on average about 300–400 g. Its weight is directly influenced by the growing conditions of the crop. Each berry weighs about 4 g. Its size is approximately 15 mm.

The berries are larger than wild grapes, but the increase in size has weakened the dark pigmentation, making them paler.

The skin of the fruit is dense. The taste of the juicy sweet pulp is pleasant. The fruits are well transported and are not damaged by wasps. The Amur breakthrough grape variety is similar in properties to representatives of the Far Eastern varieties: Amethyst, Triumph, Neretinsky.

Potapenko was able to improve the taste of the berries of local wild grapes and make the resulting variety useful both for table consumption and for use as a valuable raw material in the production of quality wines, juices, compotes, and jams. Essential oils and coffee substitutes are obtained from berry seeds.

The Amur breakthrough is distinguished by its increased sugar level - 23%. This value is also significant for a number of southern varieties.

Amur breakthrough grape berries - with thick skin, juicy pulp, pleasant taste

Features of the variety

Amur breakthrough resists frost better than all grape varieties. In mature plants, the vine can withstand outdoors at a temperature of -40°C. This quality allows such grapes to be grown in the Northern regions and the Far East. The variety has also gained popularity in the regions of central Russia.

Grapes are not afraid of spring frosts. After them, he quickly recovers. Even if individual branches freeze, the shoots that replace them will bear fruit. A feature of the Amur Breakthrough grape is its increased need for moisture. The development of the variety is negatively affected by dry climate and summer drought, so the plant must be watered in a timely manner.

Amur breakthrough grapes produce good yields at sufficient quantity moisture

The variety has an average degree of resistance to various diseases, but can be susceptible to the dangerous fungal disease mildew (downy mildew), characteristic of European grape varieties.


The grape bunches ripen towards the end of summer. The yield of this variety is good. More than 10 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush.

Since bushes are capable of developing rapidly, grown perennials, having a gazebo shape, can produce up to 100 kg of harvest.

Features of planting and growing

Amur breakthrough grapes are planted in different ways:

A plant obtained from seeds may lose the taste qualities inherent in the variety. In addition, fruiting with this method of planting occurs late: you have to wait from 3 to 5 years. Therefore, it is easier to grow grapes from seedlings or cuttings.

Video: seedlings for planting


When planting, you need to choose a well-lit land plot, for example, its southern, southwestern side - grapes love sunlight. It is preferable to plant vines along the border of garden property. Plants located along the same line will take up less space and will be better illuminated by the sun from all sides.

Grapes require a lot of light to ripen well.

Wind protection

During the period of fruit ripening, the grapevine does not tolerate wind well, especially cold wind. Therefore, on the northern edge of the site, they try to cover the plants with a wall or trees.

Any soil is suitable for growing the Amur breakthrough, but it is preferable to choose loose acidic soils, moist, with good drainage. You should not plant grapes in an area where groundwater flows close to avoid washing away the roots, which is harmful to the crop.

Grapes grow worse on limestone lands, which tend to dry out quickly. When the soil on the site is alkaline, turf soil and peat are added to it. If there are buildings nearby, then water from the roofs should not fall on the plant.

On flat areas of land next to the ridges there should be furrows to drain water. On fertile soils, the roots of the plant develop well at first, but when the soil becomes waterlogged, they begin to suffocate. Excess moisture can be removed using deep holes in the ground with normal natural drainage, or perhaps artificial drainage conditions can be created.

Planting dates and scheme

The crop is planted after the soil dries and warms up. In the southern territories this occurs on May 5–20, in northern regions The time for planting is the whole of June. If grapes are planned to be planted in two or more rows, then the distance between rows is 2 m, between plants - 1.5 m.

Preparation and planting of seedlings

Annual (biennial) seedlings with a well-developed root system and more than 3 internodes are used as planting material. The main roots of the planting material at the bottom of the cutting are cut off before planting, leaving 15 cm; remove all diseased and frozen roots.

When the main root system is underdeveloped, the roots of the nodes are left. In this case, instead of a vertical landing, an inclined one is carried out.

1–2 year old seedlings are used for planting

Together with the roots, the cutting is shortened, leaving 3–4 lower mature buds on it. The cut roots are immersed in a mixture of clay and manure (mash). After this, they take root better. If there is no such mixture, the roots are dipped in a container of water and the plant is left in this state until planting.

Before planting grape seedlings, dig a hole or a common trench under each of them, 0.8×1.9 m wide and no less than the length of the root shoots. The soil below can be loosened to the depth of a spade bayonet, the bottom can be paved with drainage: sand, gravel, broken brick. Then, at the bottom of the pit, a mound is built from extracted soil, compost (10 kg), superphosphate (300 g), potassium salt (calcium chloride) or fertile forest soil (100 g).

For the convenience of planting grapes, you can dig not separate holes, but a single trench

A seedling is placed on top of a raised platform, distributing the roots along the entire circumference. Pour 10 liters of water into the recess. Then it is covered with fertilized soil to the very top. The bud located at the bottom of the seedling should be located at the same level as the ground surface. Once again, the planted plant is watered so that the soil settles. The top of the seedling is covered with fertile soil to a height of 4–5 cm, and hay and straw are placed. The role of mulch:

  • retain moisture in the soil even in hot weather;
  • prevent weed growth;
  • protect plants from rodents.
  • The soil under the grapes is regularly loosened. During this time, the mulch is transferred, and after the work is completed, it is returned back. A trellis is installed near the plants for support. In the very simple version it is simply a stick to which a vine is tied.

    Video: mistakes when growing grapes

    Making trellises

    It is necessary to provide a trellis design that will last a long time and will not need to be changed.

    1. Pegs are prepared from long thick acacia branches or other material. The height of one is approximately 1.5 m.
    2. The outside is treated with resin to prevent rotting. The part of the pegs protruding above the ground can be painted or varnished.
    3. The pegs are driven into the ground, leaving a gap of 4 m between them.
    4. To make the structure more stable, additional supports are placed at the first and last peg.
    5. Stretch wire or ropes between all pegs in 2 rows. The location of the first row is 0.3–0.4 m from the ground surface. The second row is pulled 0.3 m from the first.

    For grapes you need to install a trellis

    How to care for Amur breakthrough grapes after planting

    In dry weather, the grapes are watered. In order to accelerate the growth and development of the bush, simultaneously with watering, fertilize with slurry diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Instead of manure, you can use a complex fertilizer containing phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium (70 g of fertilizer per bucket of water).

    You can simplify the procedure for watering the plant by installing a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm inside the hole when placing the shoot in it. Its tip should rise above the top of the soil. The planted sprout is watered through the hole. Water will go directly to the root system.

    To water the grapes even while planting the seedling, you can install a pipe in the hole.

    The ripening of the vine is stimulated by breaking off the resulting stepsons. With the onset of September, the main shoots are pinched. In grafted branches, the roots that have arisen on the scion are cut off at the point of adhesion of the rootstock (main shoot) and scion (scion grafted to the main plant).

    Formation of grape bushes

    If the grape bushes are not given the necessary shape in time, then during their development the plant will develop many additional unnecessary shoots that grow chaotically. They harm future crops by consuming food. By year, the formation occurs as follows:

  • In the 1st year, no more than 2 strong shoots are brought out, of which the base (shoulders) of the bush will consist, the remaining shoots, including the branches that appear in the places where the foliage of the left shoots grow, are broken off.
  • In the spring season of the 2nd year, you need to leave 2-3 buds on one branch, and remove the rest of the branch.
  • In the 3rd year, the 2 strongest shoots are left on each shoulder, cut off by 0.5 m, and the others are removed. These shoots will be the sleeves of the bush. During the summer season, 2–3 shoots are grown on each sleeve.
  • IN spring period In the 4th year, the upper shoot of each sleeve should be left for fruiting, cutting it off after 10–15 buds. The lower shoot is left for replacement; it is cut off, leaving 3 buds. Fruiting and replacement shoots will form the fruiting unit of the bush. In total, 4–6 fruit links should remain on the bush. Thus, fruitful shoots will develop from the buds of fruiting shoots next year, and new 2-3 shoots will be ready to replace shoots that have completed fruiting.
  • Subsequently, pruning of grapes is carried out in a similar way: on one of the shoots grown for replacement, intended for fruiting, up to 15 buds are left; on another shoot grown for replacement next year - up to 3 buds.

    The bushes are pruned twice: in the fall before digging up the plant, in the spring after digging it up. For fruiting, you need to leave young annual shoots in such quantity that they have from 60 to 100 buds with the rudiments of inflorescences.

    In the spring, the bushes are freed from shelter, shoots are pruned for replacement (by 2–3 buds), and the vines are tied to a trellis. The sleeves with fruiting branches are tied horizontally to the two lower rows of wire, and the shoots that will grow in the summer are tied vertically. During the summer period, all excess shoots and some shoots from the shoulders and sleeves are removed from the grape bush.

    With the onset of September, in order for the vines to ripen better, chasing is carried out, which consists of removing the upper part of the shoots, 3 to 5 internodes (places where leaves are attached), from the shoots. If you do the chasing too early, when the bush is developing, many stepsons will form.

    What does annual care of Amur breakthrough grapes include?

    Some features of grape care:

  • Each season begins with the removal of covering material. In spring, cold weather often occurs and snow falls. Grapes are a heat-loving crop, and the formation of juice requires a soil temperature of at least 8 o C. For the southern regions, such conditions are typical for the first ten days of May. If you open grapes too early, their branches and buds will begin to dry out and die. If you open the plant too late, the buds that have begun to develop may get stuck and break off when the covering is removed;
  • Removal of the covering material is followed by pruning and “dry” (spring) tying it to the trellis. Sleeves are tied to the lower part of the support (wire or hemp twine), and hearth branches are tied above;
  • Before the “dry” garter, the plant is pruned in order to form fruit-bearing branches of the bush. The fruit links of the current year's harvest consist of shoots that formed on replacement knots. On bushes of four branches, about 8 fruit links should be left. For this purpose, you need to save 2 low-growing shoots on replacement knots. The one above must contain at least 15 buds, the lower one (replacement shoot) - 4–5 buds. When forming fruit links, it is better to leave the shoots located at the bottom so as not to promote the growth of older parts of the plant, which will make it difficult to dig up the bush;
  • Autumn pruning of grapes is best done while removing the branches from the trellis. Spring pruning is best done when the buds swell or begin to bloom;
  • Amur breakthrough likes moist soil and needs timely watering. Water consumption is measured by 3 buckets per mature plant. When watering, it should be remembered that the crop does not tolerate when the roots are washed away. To prevent the flowers from falling off the plant during the flowering period, the plant does not need to be watered a week before.
  • Video: caring for Amur breakthrough grapes

    Shelter for the winter

    Amur breakthrough grapes are frost-resistant varieties. It is not covered at a temperature of -20°C. The exception is young seedlings, which should be closed in the first year after planting.

    At lower temperatures, the grapes are covered. It is removed from the trellis on winter period so that they are covered with snow. Severe frost can destroy up to a third of the branches of the crop, but the remaining branches are quite enough for restoration and a good harvest. For this reason, grapes are sometimes grown without pruning.

    The Amur breakthrough is resistant to frost, but in the northern regions it also requires shelter for the winter

    In the village of Amursky Proryv we have 4 winegrowers. We concluded that he loves acidic soils (such are the case in his homeland), climate humidity and warmth, but not heat. We have a forest-steppe, dry, chalky soils, carbonates.


    So far I have one seedling of Odin; if you count the year of rooting, then it is in its third year. I'm waiting for the signal harvest. Last year, the bush didn’t really grow until July - it produced only 2 vines, 70 cm each, and matured after the frost. In the fall I was too lazy to cover it, I just pressed it to the ground, but all the buds overwintered. In the spring I had to break off all the lower ones and half of the upper ones. As of May 25, the growth is already up to a meter and more than half of the shoots have tassels - it’s time to normalize. So far I see the variety’s promise for landscaping a fence - powerful early growth, high declared winter hardiness and elegant leaves.

    Sergey Sergeich

    Amur breakthrough (One) - Amur. I have had one near St. Petersburg for seven years. One grows and ripens even in open ground on the Smolensk ridges. The first two years I covered it for the winter, then I stopped, there were no cases of freezing. I don’t apply any treatments at all, only in the spring with Bordeaux mixture. If you get mildew, it’s after the harvest. The wine turns out great. I myself am a former Khabarovsk resident, summer in St. Petersburg is far from being the same as in Khabarovsk, however, some grape varieties ripen well. Mainly inside the greenhouse, but also in the open ground, Odin, Boyarinov's Star, New Russian, Valiant ripen. But it is necessary to plant on the Smolensk ridges; there is still much less heat here than in Khabarovsk. But there are fewer diseases.


    The Amur Breakthrough grape variety should attract the attention of gardeners. It is good for growing in different climatic conditions, being an unpretentious and frost-resistant crop. In addition, the variety has a stable yield, large berries with a memorable taste and original foliage that decorates the garden.

    Amur grapes (Ussuri)

    Amur or Ussuri grapes (Vitisamurensis) are the most frost-resistant and most unpretentious appearance grapes IN natural conditions it grows in the Far East, as well as China and Korea. Lianas, covered with dense green foliage, are found in thickets and on the edges of forests, in river valleys, and on mountain slopes. Wild grapes entwines tall tree trunks, rising towards the sunlight, or spreads along the ground. Heavy clusters of dark berries decorate this plant.

    Amur grapes began to be cultivated in the 50s of the 19th century. Due to its exceptional hardiness, this type of grape survives well in regions with cold winters and does not require complex care.

    Distinctive features of Amur grapes

    Amur grapes have a powerful vine that can climb a support 10 m or even more. Dark green leaves are usually different large sizes– their length is up to 15 cm.

    Young leaves are colored light shades green and in summer can create a beautiful contrast with rich dark greens. The shape of grape leaves can be whole, 3-5-lobed or heart-shaped. The first leaves appear when average temperatures approach +10°C.

    Flowering occurs in the first weeks of June. Amur grape is a dioecious plant. You can plant only female plants on the site: in this case, the berries will be small, but sweet and sultry (there will be no seeds). To obtain good harvest large berries, one male and several female grapes should be planted nearby for pollination.

    The Amur variety gives a stable and rich harvest in central Russia. The fruits usually ripen in September, becoming purple or almost black in color with a bluish waxy coating. Their diameter is approximately 1-1.2 cm.

    The taste of the berries varies from sour to pleasant sweet and sour and even sweet, and improves after frost. Most often, excellent wine, compotes, fruit drinks, preserves and jams are prepared from the fruits of Amur grapes. Fresh young leaves are suitable for preparing delicious salads, first courses and dolma.

    Russian breeders have developed wonderful varieties of Amur grapes, characterized by resistance to weather factors, diseases and pests, excellent taste qualities and productivity.

    Among them, it is worth highlighting “Amursky Breakthrough”, “Amethyst”, “Aleshkovsky”, “Amursky Potapenko”.

    Decorative value

    Amur grapes are successfully used in landscape design. This is an excellent plant for vertical gardening of residential buildings, hedges, gazebos, arches, pergolas and other small architectural forms.

    Resistance to frost and air pollution allows it to be grown in relatively unfavorable urban conditions and to improve the areas of industrial enterprises.

    Amur grapes look especially attractive in autumn. Its beautiful leaves are painted in various shades of color: red, orange, pink, scarlet. Dark bunches of berries look very advantageous against an elegant background of variegated foliage. These decorative qualities are of particular value for decorating a site.

    Planting and care

    First of all, you need to decide on the planting site, taking into account the characteristics of the soil. Amur grapes love acidic and loose soils and do not tolerate excess lime. Fertilizing the soil with strongly acidic peat will have a beneficial effect on the plant.

    Grapes are planted in areas open to sunlight or slightly shaded. Be sure to take care of reliable and strong support for this fast-growing type of grape. You should not choose places for planting that are close to other fruit and berry crops to avoid them being drowned out by grapes.

    The optimal size of holes for planting is 50x50x60 cm. Before planting, mineral fertilizers are applied to the holes. Fill the holes with a fertile layer of soil with the addition of organic fertilizers.

    Amur grapes require regular good watering and periodic fertilizing with fertilizers. Formation is of great importance for plant care. First of all, choking shoots should be removed. The plant can be grown on a high trunk with shoulders and sleeves extending from it, or a crown can be formed into several tiers.

    With good care, Amur grapes will serve as an excellent decoration for your site for many years and will bring joy a bountiful harvest tasty and healthy berries.

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    Amur breakthrough grapes: variety description, cultivation features and reviews

    Amur grapes are found naturally in the Far East (in forests) and in the northern provinces of China. It has powerful vines covered with brown bark and wrinkled matte green leaves that turn a beautiful red-brown color in the fall.

    Wild Amur grapes settle near rivers and streams. The berries are about two centimeters in diameter, dark purple, almost black in color with various flavor accents. In the wild, the plant has male and female flower types. Lianas with bisexual inflorescences grow quite rarely. Grape female type flowering fruit bears seedless berries. Flowering begins in the second half of May. The bunches fully ripen at the end of September.

    These grapes can be divided into three ecotypes:

    Breeder A.I. Potapenko played a special role in the cultivation of this plant. He was one of the first to decide to cultivate noble varieties from wild vines. And it must be said that his idea, taken up by his followers, made it possible to create numerous Amur varieties and forms of grapes, characterized by frost resistance and hardiness.

    Popular hybrids

    Amur grapes today are represented by a huge number of varieties. Below we will present you the most popular and well-proven varieties.

    Medium-sized clusters ripen in early September. The berries are small, slightly elongated. Thin skin dark blue. They have a subtle aroma and the taste is not very expressive.

    Quite a powerful plant, which is characterized by bisexuality. Up to four clusters ripen on one shoot. The berries are fully ripened at the end of August. They are very juicy and sweet, the skin is colored dark blue color. The clusters are large, the berries are medium in size, round. The fruits of this variety do not infect wasps. This variety gives the first harvest on next year after landing. It is resistant to most fungal diseases typical of grapes.

    The plant is quite powerful. The fruits ripen at the end of August. They are painted dark pink and are quite large in size. The variety has excellent taste. Productivity increases with plant age.

    Many winegrowers believe that this variety has the juiciest and most delicious berries. Excellent juices and wines are made from them. The plant is bisexual and highly resistant to common diseases.

    The variety has functional female flowers. Pollinators can be Amethyst, Agate, Marinovsky and other bisexual forms. Wine made from the berries of this variety has a chocolate flavor. The berries ripen at the end of August. It often bears fruit in the second year.

    Extra early table variety. The fruits ripen at the end of July. Powerful and bisexual variety. Berries oval shape with red skin. It has a special spring taste. The pulp is juicy and fleshy.

    This is, without exaggeration, the most popular variety. It is for this reason that we will talk about it in more detail.

    Amur breakthrough grapes: variety description, reviews

    It was developed by A.I. Potapenko based on Amur natural forms. The Amur breakthrough grape is distinguished by its powerful growth force and unusual foliage, which acquires an elegant crimson color in the fall. Thanks to these decorative properties the variety, according to winegrowers, can be successfully used in landscape design.

    External features

    Externally, the Amur Breakthrough grape resembles a very powerful deciduous vine, covered with rather loose clusters. With the help of antennae, the grapes climb up nearby buildings. This variety is characterized by a high rate of shoot formation. The growth of the plant per year can be up to 2.5 meters.

    The bark covering the vine is dark. On old shoots it peels off. On young branches it is green or reddish. In autumn it turns red-brown.

    The Amur breakthrough grape, a description of which today can be found in almost all reference books on gardening and viticulture, produces fairly large leaves of a light green color. They have a round or elongated shape, with small sharp teeth along the edges.

    Inner side sheet plate covered with soft down. In autumn, the foliage turns purple-red, which is why the variety is often used to decorate fences and gazebos. Leaf fall begins in early October.

    The Amur breakthrough grape begins to bloom in early May with small racemose inflorescences that have a yellowish tint. They are inconspicuous, but have a pleasant subtle aroma and emit a large number of nectar.

    The Amur breakthrough grape variety is famous for its excellent taste, although many believe that northern varieties must be sour and small, suitable only for making compotes.

    The berries are round in shape with dark purple or dark pink dense skin that literally glows in the sun, about one and a half centimeters in diameter and weighing up to four grams. The fruits of this grape are characterized by a high sugar content (23%). This figure is considered high even for many southern table varieties.

    The weight of the bunches largely depends on the cultivation conditions. The average weight of a bunch is 400 grams, but some winegrowers manage to grow kilogram bunches. From one bush, 10 kg or more of berries are harvested. The fruits have a pleasant, refined taste and can be used for consumption both fresh and for use in making wine, preserves, compotes and jams. A coffee substitute is made from the seeds and aromatic oil is obtained.

    Frost resistance

    Without exaggeration, we can say that the Amur Breakthrough grape is a champion in winter hardiness. Amazingly, adult bushes are able to winter without shelter and tolerate frosts down to -40°C. However, it is better to protect young vines from severe frosts. It is better to remove the grapevines from the trellises for the winter so that they are covered with snow.

    Very low temperatures can destroy a third of the vine, but the plant instantly recovers and bears fruit beautifully. It is these qualities that made the Amur Breakthrough grape so popular. Buying seedlings in Moscow is not difficult. You can increasingly see these grapes in areas near Moscow.

    Features of cultivation

    Unpretentious and hardy Amur breakthrough grapes require compliance with the most simple rules when planting and leaving. You can grow it in the following ways:

    The seeds remain viable for five years. The average germination rate is 60%. However, in this case there is a risk of loss of varietal qualities. A vine grown from seeds bears fruit late, after almost five years.

    Seeds are planted in the fall to a depth of one and a half centimeters. They are soaked before planting. In the spring, they can be planted in pots and grown indoors until they germinate and become seedlings.

    However, most gardeners prefer to plant Amur breakthrough grape seedlings in the summer. The bottom of the planting hole, fifty centimeters deep, is covered with a ten-centimeter layer of crushed stone, then soil, fertilizers and top nutrient layer of soil are poured.

    Amur breakthrough grapes are undemanding to soil quality. The description of the variety given by A.I. Potapenko, at the same time, emphasizes the fact that the variety grows and bears fruit best on acidic, well-moistened soil. If the soil on your site is alkaline, then it can be acidified by adding turf land or peat. After planting, seedlings are watered abundantly.

    This variety really needs moisture. In Primorye there is usually no shortage of it, but in drier areas where these grapes are cultivated today, they need timely watering. For watering it is recommended to use warm water, this is especially true during the fruiting period. In too dry summers, Amursky Proryv grapes are watered generously twice a week.

    Medicinal properties

    We hope that you have learned a lot of interesting things about Amur grapes (planting, care). The medicinal properties of this plant also cannot be ignored. Amur grapes are a unique plant, one of the survivors of the Ice Age. He adapted to the harshest conditions. This grape produces more than one hundred and fifty active substances.

    The berries contain many B vitamins and pectins, fiber and essential oil, hemicellulose and protein, folic and organic acids, sucrose and antioxidants. A unique substance was found in the leaves and skin - resveratrol. It is called the “elixir of youth” for its special ability to slow down the aging process. This is a very powerful antioxidant that has been proven effective in scientific experiments.

    A medicinal tincture is made from Amur grapes, which helps fight many diseases:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • benign tumors;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • some liver pathologies;
  • varicose veins;
  • angina pectoris;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension.
  • To prepare this tincture, petioles, berries or leaves of the plant are used. If you use berries, you need to squeeze them out and leave only the dry cake - in this case you won’t need juice. It must be filled with 500 ml of vodka and left for a week in a cool and always dark place. The tincture is consumed in the morning, adding a teaspoon to one hundred grams of tea.

    A decoction is first made from the leaves and petioles. One hundred grams of raw material is poured into 500 ml of water and brought to a boil. Add 100 ml of vodka to the hot broth and cool the mixture. The product is ready for use as soon as it cools down. The dose is the same as in the first recipe. Healthy people this tincture is suitable as prophylactic. It will improve memory, give strength, and improve the condition of hair and skin.

    Amur breakthrough grapes: reviews from gardeners

    This variety can be grown not only in the northern regions, but also in the middle zone. Although some winegrowers from the Moscow region note that it is quite difficult for it to take root, the powerful bushes then delight with rich harvests of healthy and very tasty berries.

    This variety has received conflicting reviews regarding disease resistance. In most reference books, the variety is called complexly resistant, but at the same time, winegrowers in the middle zone note that the plant is often affected by mildew. Many believe that the Amur breakthrough best shows its qualities in Primorye, where weather conditions are somewhat smoother: there are no spring frosts, characteristic of the middle zone.

    Gardeners include the following undeniable advantages of the variety:

    • abundant fruiting;
    • genetically inherent high plasticity;
    • high frost resistance;
    • the ability of the vine to withstand high loads;
    • early growing season;
    • excellent taste characteristics of berries;
    • most valuable medicinal properties, inherited from parental varieties.

    Amur grapes are a variety of varieties that are most adapted to severe frosts. The cultivation of wild vines began in the 50s of the 19th century, and today Amur grapes number in dozens of hybrid forms. Its berries are not as large and sweet as those of elite or classic varieties, but phenomenal frost resistance makes it possible to obtain unprecedented grape yields in areas with the most severe climate.

    This is the most ancient representative of the grape culture, still found in the wild in the Far East and China. Throughout the history of its existence, Amur grapes have remained virtually unchanged and have always demonstrated excellent adaptation abilities to any climate. It takes root well both in the Moscow region and in Siberia, and everywhere its productivity remains at high level– 60–80 c/ha. This yield is due to the fact that 80% of the shoots are fruitful, and the vines are very long - without proper pruning they can reach 30 m.

    The clusters of Amur grapes are cylindrical, sometimes cone-shaped, with a total weight of 150–500 g. The berries are small (1–1.2 cm), round, traditionally black in color with a blue or purple tint, but among the hybrid forms there are also white and pink grapes. The skin of the berries is very dense, so the clusters are not deformed and are easily transported.

    The pulp is light, sour or sweet-sour taste (depending on ripening conditions and varietal characteristics). The purpose of the berries is mainly industrial (juices, wine, vinegar), however most of hybrids have a very good taste.

    Almost all Amur varieties of cultivated grapes are mid-season and ripen in early autumn. good weather and timely pruning vines make it possible to speed up this period until the second half of August, because if there is space in the vineyard, the grapes receive more sun and heat.

    Endurance and resistance to negative factors (pests, diseases, frosts) are a distinctive feature of Amur grapes. However, it is not grown on an industrial scale, since preference is given to breeding forms with higher quality fruits.

    Varietal forms

    Having appreciated the high adaptive qualities of Amur grapes, breeders began to use them for crossing with well-known classical varieties. As a result, new forms appeared with the same set of characteristics, but with sweeter and larger berries:

    • grapes with the symbolic name “Amur Breakthrough”. This is one of the very first hybrids obtained by breeder Ya. I. Potapenko from wild Amur grapes. In terms of yield and taste, it is almost not inferior to famous European varieties and can be consumed fresh. Ripens towards the end of summer. The berries are relatively large, pink-violet, with light touch, sweet and sour taste;
    • Amur triumph. Another table hybrid with high yield and excellent taste. Triumph grapes are different early maturation and has a variety of uses. The clusters are large (up to 500 g), the berries are black, covered with a blue coating. The Triumph grape variety has a rich, muscat-like taste;
    • Victoria. One of the most successful table hybrids in this line. It is very disease resistant and ripens early. The clusters are large, the berries are oblong, rich pinkish-raspberry color. The taste is pleasant, sugary;
    • Amur golden Potapenko grapes, Liepajas Dzintars are representatives of white grapes and have very beautiful description varieties. The berries of these hybrids when fully ripe are transparent, amber in color, sugary, with a pleasant nutmeg aftertaste.

    For winemaking and juice production, the following technical varieties are used: Neretinsky, Amethyst, Marinovsky, In Memory of Thor Heyerdahl (Amursky No. 9), Agat Donskoy and many others.

    Features of cultivation

    Amur grapes are unpretentious, so planting and caring for them is not labor-intensive. Any piece of land will suit it except overly shaded areas, but for varietal seedlings it is better to choose a sunny and windless place - then the berries will be sweeter. Since Amur hybrids are often planted in regions with an unstable climate, planting is carried out on ridges or in trenches.

    When arranging trenches and planting holes, you should take care of drainage, on top of which a soil mixture of soil, coarse sand, high-moor peat and humus is poured. Ash and complex mineral fertilizers are also added there. The grapes grow strongly, so the distance between bushes should be at least 0.8–1 m, and between rows up to 2.5 m.

    Caring for a young vineyard consists of watering and loosening the soil. It is immediately necessary to install trellises along which the vines can unravel.

    During intensive growth, the tips of the shoots should be pinched. Formative pruning is carried out in the fall, starting from the second year - if they are not done, the berries will shrink and become sour. In the northern regions, the vine is covered for the winter.

    With the trench method, it is placed in a trench and covered with earth, after which it is covered with agrofibre and spruce branches.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Despite the very mediocre taste of some Amur hybrids, gardeners find many advantages in this line of varieties:

    • the highest frost resistance (up to -40 °C), thanks to which the vine can withstand any winter, and when grown in the Moscow region does not require shelter;
    • natural immunity to diseases;
    • good survival rate and intensive plant growth (up to 2.5 m per year);
    • early ripeness of hybrids and the ability to harvest before the first frost;
    • widespread use of berries;
    • decorative qualities of vineyards - they can be used as hedges.

    The only obvious drawback of these varieties is the strong growth of bushes, which is why it is not possible to get some bunches during harvest.

    Video “Growing grapes from cuttings”

    From this video you will learn how to grow grapes from cuttings.

    In another way, Amur grapes called Ussuri. This crop is quite easy to care for. Amur grapes are classified as a variety that tolerates cold well. Often found in China and Korea. Sometimes this grape is called a vine, as it is entwined with various supports. Can reach ten meters in height or more. A breakthrough in cultivation occurred in the fifties of the nineteenth century. As mentioned above, it tolerates cold well and does not require careful care.

    Breeders recognized this variety as one of the most frost resistant and one of the most unpretentious. As mentioned earlier, the first cultivation of this northern variety took place in the mid-nineteenth century.

    Often Amur grapes can be seen next to streams or rivers.

    Features of the variety, description

    Amur or Ussuri grapes are mid-season variety. Almost all shoots bear fruit (about eighty percent). Several clusters (usually three) can form on one shoot. If the year is fruitful, then usually up to sixty centners of grapes are harvested from one hectare. Amur grapes finally begin to ripen in the fall.

    If the planting is quite modest, then by taking good care of it, that is, by pruning the bushes in a timely manner, you can get a harvest not in the fall, but a little earlier, in mid-August.

    Usually the plant has only female or only male inflorescences.

    Small seedless berries grow on bushes with female inflorescences. Flowering begins towards the end of May. The berries ripen in autumn, or more precisely, at the end of September.


    A significant breakthrough in cultivation was made by a breeder who put a lot of effort into cultivation - Alexander Ivanovich Potapenko. He was one of the first to decide to cultivate this noble variety. Thanks to Potapenko’s idea, which was continued by his followers, a breakthrough occurred in the creation of new frost-resistant grape hybrids.

    The most popular hybrids of Amur grapes are:


    1. The berries of this variety have bluish tint, their diameter is about a centimeter. Freezing helps improve the taste. At each stage of ripening, the berries have a different taste: first sour, then slightly sweet with sourness, then only sweet.
    2. The clusters look like a cone or cylinder.
    3. The pulp, which is enveloped by a dense skin, is light.
    4. The leaves are quite large, reaching fifteen centimeters, and have a dark green tint. Their shape can be different: lobed or solid, or heart-shaped.
    5. This variety perfectly tolerates various diseases or changes in weather.

    What are the benefits of Amur grapes?

    In addition to the fact that grapes of this variety are used in preparing all kinds of dishes or wines, it is used as decoration in landscape design. With the help of "lianas" you can easily turn your home into a beautiful green garden. They are perfect as decoration for arches or various hedges. They can be used to camouflage some unsightly buildings. Amur vines show all their beauty in the autumn. It is at this time that the leaves acquire interesting shades: starting from red and ending with pink. Those who like to decorate their summer cottages should definitely like this grape variety.

    It is very useful to eat ripe grapes fresh, as they have a huge number of beneficial properties. For example, doctors recommend consuming these berries for various diseases: nephritis, gastritis (only if with low acidity), anemia, tuberculosis, gallbladder and liver diseases. And for those who want to lose a little weight, it is recommended to consume grapes daily (about two kilograms per day) for one and a half months.

    From this variety you can cook a lot of things. For example, jam, juice, compote, wine, preserves or raisins. Freshly squeezed grape juice can have a laxative and diuretic effect. Thanks to the juice, you can reduce your blood pressure a little.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Based on the reviews, it is easy to notice the following advantages:

    But, unfortunately, it was not without its drawbacks. Main disadvantage The problem is that the bushes themselves grow very much, and because of this, first of all, it is difficult to harvest. To prevent this situation, grape bushes must be periodically pruned. If you take good care of the plant, avoiding thickening and other things, then you can soon get an excellent harvest.

    How to grow and care for grapes?

    Care and planting of Amur grapes depends on the characteristics of the soil. Agronomists know several ways to place plantings.

    So, having planted grapes in sandy soil, it is necessary to deepen the shoots into the trenches, and more precisely, then:

    First, they dig a hole, the depth of which should reach thirty centimeters and the width - fifty. Secondly, the walls of the pit are strengthened boards, cobblestones or slate. And thirdly, the grapes are planted in trenches.

    If you come across a hybrid variety of Amur grapes, it may be less resistant to frost. In this case, in winter, the vine must be slightly tilted and sprinkled with sand.

    The best soil for planting Amur grapes is loam or clay. Seedlings must be purchased two years old. They are planted in small holes, the diameter and depth of which can reach sixty centimeters. To drain water, it is necessary to arrange drainage (expanded clay or scrap bricks are often used). Next, you need to sprinkle everything with a mixture of humus, soil, peat and sand (river).

    To reduce acidity, in the pits pour ash (three shovels) and fertilizer (two tablespoons). Having taken the seedlings out of the temporary container, they are watered and then planted in the hole. After planting the bush, you need to water it again and make a small hill next to the root collar. In order to protect the young growth from the wind, which can significantly damage the leaves, you need to install a peg and tie a bush to it.


    To prevent the inflorescences from falling off and the ripening of the bunches to slow down, it is necessary to water the bush correctly, otherwise due to excess humidity you can achieve the problems listed earlier. Watering should be done at the root. The grapes need to stop watering a few days before flowering (preferably a week).

    There is no need to trim grape leaves during the first year after planting. After this time bushes are pruned, removing frail shoots and extra branches along with leaves. You need to start breaking off from the bottom.

    Avid gardeners are well aware of the Amur grape, which is not afraid of low temperatures, adapts well to the proposed conditions, and can be grown in both the southern and northern regions of the country. Next we will talk about the varieties and characteristics of this culture.


    The grapes have average term ripened, used as food in its natural form and for making wine. The liana looks like a strong stem with foliage and loose clusters, quickly entwines a fence, can grow up to 30 m in height, and the trunk diameter reaches 20 cm. The crop quickly forms shoots, growth can be up to 2.5 m per year, easily tolerates pruning and needs in such a procedure.

    Fruits from the vineyard can be collected in late August - early September. From 1 hectare in a good year they get from 60 to 80 centners of berries. The clusters have the shape of a cone, the weight of each reaches 1 kg, and up to 3 pieces are formed on the shoot. The description of the berries is also interesting: they are oval or nipple-shaped in shape, each weighs between 2.5-4 g. The color of the fruits can be yellow, like the Golden Potapenko variety, or dark pink. The taste of the berries is sweet, sugar content is up to 22%.

    Video “Grape Care”

    From this video you will learn how to properly care for Amur grapes.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of the crop include a high degree of frost resistance, which makes it possible to obtain good yields even when planted in the northern region of the country. Also impressive is the plant's vitality and its ability to quickly recover from damage due to bad weather. Persistent immunity to disease, ease of care and excellent taste of the fruit are valued.

    The disadvantages include the inability to obtain a very high yield, since the crop is tall, as well as the need for proper and constant pruning, otherwise the vineyard will become simply decorative.

    Variety varieties

    Before purchasing seedlings, you need to have information about Amur varieties.

    One of them is called Proryv, the berries are colored dark color, pigmentation is possible on the surface. The fruits are sugary and are used to make wine and juices. The culture is characterized by resistance to low temperatures and infections.

    Triumph only needs regular feeding and fertilizing, has good immunity and resistance to insect attacks. The fruits ripen at the end of April, they are large with a light-colored peel.

    Voldemar is a tall and strong vine with dark green foliage that looks like a wild vineyard. Medium-sized fruits are harvested closer to September.

    Among the popular Amur varieties of frost-resistant grapes is Zolotoy Potapenko. The sugar content of its berries is about 25%, and delicious wines are made from them.

    To obtain white, the seed of the first of the species described above was used; it combines best qualities wild crops and European table varieties.

    Features of cultivation

    Seedlings take root best in areas with loose and acidic soil. The plant is moisture-loving, watering is important for young shoots. Mature vineyards do not suffer from drought, although they can be watered in moderation, otherwise the inflorescences may fall off and the fruits will ripen slowly.

    The soil near the vineyard is mulched with straw, sawdust, dry grass or moss. To maintain moisture for a long time, watering stops a week before flowering.

    Today, Amur grapes are especially popular. Since it can be planted in almost any region of the country, from the south to the north. It is not afraid of frost, takes root well and recovers from damage, and produces a good harvest with excellent taste. And how exactly to plant and care for it, creating optimal conditions for growth, we will talk further in our article.

    White grapes received their amazing qualities thanks to the breeding of A.I. Potapenkom it from a wild plant - the Amur liana.

    This made it possible to create a variety that could withstand severe frosts and cold, but still remained sweet and tasty, as if it was planted in the south, and not in the north of the country. IN winter time Some of its branches freeze, without the need for further pruning.

    There are several varieties of Amur grapes:

    • Amur breakthrough;
    • Amur triumph;
    • golden Potapenko;
    • new early Russian.

    Depending on the variety, fruit ripening occurs from the end of July to August.

    The mass of the bunches also varies from 0.3 to 0.8 kg. On average, the sugar content of berries is in the region of 20-22%. The new early Russian begins to bear fruit first, and then the breakthrough, triumph and golden Potapenko.

    Characteristics of berries

    Amur grape berries are generally small, but the bunches can weigh up to 1 kg. It all depends on the specific plant variety.

    The same applies to the color of the fruit:

    • Amur breakthrough and triumph - dark pink;
    • golden Potapenko - yellow.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

    The main advantages of the variety include:

    • amazing viability plants. It recovers well after damage;
    • high frost resistance, allowing you to get a good harvest even in the northern region of the country;
    • excellent taste;
    • good resistance to plant diseases;
    • ease of care.

    The disadvantages of the variety include:

    • in view of the high growth of the plant to achieve high yield is almost impossible;
    • the need for constant pruning of the plant, since grapes can turn into an ornamental plant.


    Most often, Amurets are planted by cuttings in mid-October. In order for the plant to take root well, it is better to choose an area with loose and acidic soil. It is worth paying attention to ensure that the amount of mineral components is sufficient.

    Although the plant is frost-resistant, cuttings should be planted in a sunny place, protected from drafts.

    It is best that there are no trees nearby, since the vine can “take over” it, thereby losing fertility.

    It is worth planting cuttings at a distance more than one meter apart. Moreover, it is important to pay attention to the occurrence of wastewater. To prevent damage to the root system of the vineyard, their depth should be more than 2.5 m.

    A hole is dug deep 60*60 cm. Crushed stone, fertilizers and soil are poured into its bottom. One seedling needs about a bucket of compost.

    Caring for young and mature vines

    The need for regular watering of the bushes arises only for young vines, while later in adulthood the plants are not at all afraid of drought. But in the spring it is best to water the grapes abundantly to ensure a normal growing season.

    To ensure long-term preservation of moisture in the soil, the watering area is covered with mulch. For this you can use dry grass, straw, sawdust or dry moss.

    There is no need to prepare bushes for wintering. Because they show excellent resistance to low temperatures. Whereas you can still worry about young seedlings. Especially if they were planted in the fall.

    Amurets tend to grow quickly. That's why the bushes it is important to trim on time. Otherwise, the grapes may become an ornamental plant without producing fruit.

    It is recommended to feed grapes with mineral fertilizers once a year. This will be quite enough. But subject to the fertility of the soil on which it grows. If the soil is poor in this regard, you need to increase the number of fertilization processes.

    Although Amur grapes show high resistance to plant diseases, preventive spraying with specialized means is necessary.

    Reproduction methods

    There are several ways to grow grapes. The most common of them are landing seeds, cuttings and seedlings.

    Amurets can be purchased in a specialized store, hermetically sealed. The shelf life of seeds is no more than five years. If you plant them in autumn time, at the end of cold stratification, shoots will appear within 30 days. The planting depth should be no more than 15 mm.

    Grape bushes can be propagated by cuttings. However, they do not need to be treated with stimulants before planting. To ensure high-quality rooting, it is better to cover the cuttings with non-woven material.

    Propagation of Amur grapes by seedlings is practically no different from normal landing plants. Here the requirements and recommendations are still the same. Fertile, loose and moisture-absorbing soil, abundant sun rays and protection from the north wind. Although practice shows that green seedlings survive the winter well, without any shocks.

    Diseases and pests

    Amur grapes exhibit high stability in various types of plant diseases. It is practically not affected by mildew and oidium.

    But this does not mean that it is not worth carrying out preventive treatments of bushes. To do this, you can use specialized remedies for diseases and pests, the range of which is extremely wide today.

    It is also important to note that even the sweetness and high sugar content of berries does not cause wasp damage. This insect does not swarm around grapes.

    If you decide to grow grapes, then Amurets - great opportunity get a decent harvest. It is unpretentious, takes root well, is frost-resistant and very tasty.

    This variety is recommended to be planted even by beginners, since there are no special difficulties in this matter. We hope our article will allow you to learn about the propagation, planting and care of Amur grapes in full.