Country house chalet type. Chalet style house - design and description of options for applying the style to the interior (80 photos)

Starting construction country house on their site, everyone already has an idea of ​​the final result. Some people want to see a traditional Russian hut, for some ultra-modern designs are relevant, and some dream of an exotic Chinese pagoda. However, many people prefer cozy and comfortable chalet-style houses.

Vacation home the chalet style attracts many for several understandable reasons:

  • reliable durable construction;
  • attractive unique appearance.

Translating the name “chalet” we get “shepherd’s hut”. The first buildings of this type were typical of the province of Savoy. It was here that shepherds settled on the alpine slopes, building their cozy small houses from available materials in the form of wood and stones. The main purpose of these houses was to shelter from bad weather and wild animals.

In Russia, many people fell in love with chalet style houses due to the development of alpine skiing. It is difficult to build a chalet into a special type of architecture, but this style has nevertheless found its niche in the construction of country apartments.

Distinctive stylistic features

Chalet style, this is a completely eco-friendly building. Among all other types of buildings of this type, it is distinguished by the following features:

Unusual looking roof

The roof is the most recognizable feature of the chalet style. The roof is chosen to be massive and sloping, the projections are left large. The shape of the roof is determined natural conditions, where the first chalet houses were built.

Many windows, mostly panoramic. This is done so that the residential atmosphere inside is completely connected with the landscape.

Terraces and spacious balconies

Open terraces and balconies are also built in order to merge as much as possible with surrounding nature. The balconies are located under an overhanging roof, which protects them from precipitation.

Use only natural building materials.

A strong foundation and ground floor are built of stone, and the attic and second level are made of wood. Stone, due to its strength, serves as a solid foundation, and wood perfectly holds in winter period warm, but in sultry heat - cool.

Number of floors of the building

The buildings have never been tall chalets. As a rule, the first basement is made of stone, the second - wooden. If there is a need to expand the area of ​​the house, this was done through horizontal extensions. In modern buildings there is also an attic floor.

Chalet house design

To country house really corresponded to the chosen style direction, designs of chalet-style houses are being developed.

The first place to start is the roof, which is a style-forming element. Main characteristics chalet roofing is its angle of inclination, which should be very large. With such a slope there is no need for a drain, since water and snow will roll off on their own.

The indentation of the roof from the wall should be at least 1 meter, thanks to which it can protect not only the walls, but also some of the ground around the house from precipitation.

When choosing the optimal roofing angle, you should take into account the amount of precipitation in a particular climatic zone. When the angle is 45 degrees, then such a foundation is not strong and you will have to build a reinforced rafter system. Therefore, it is advisable to do more sharp corner, in which the snow will roll away on its own.

When choosing a roof covering, preference can be given to corrugated sheeting, which is distinguished by its flexibility and lightness. If you want to follow the style exactly, you should choose shingles - tiles made of oak, spruce or larch. It is also permissible to use ceramic, composite or bitumen tiles. Ondulin is relevant. But what is strictly prohibited is metal tiles.

Projects one-story houses They are also considering the construction of balconies and terraces. They, as a rule, are lined up from the south or east so that they can penetrate there sunlight. They are decorated with figured planks or balustrades. The perimeter is sheathed with wooden elements.

Now you can work on the first (ground) floor. It is built cold, from strong stone. Then the wall surfaces are plastered and whitewashed. The basement contains a kitchen, guest rooms, a bathroom, a hallway and other utility rooms.

The second (warm) floor is built from wood. Here they arrange bedrooms filled with warmth and comfort.

The attic includes rooms for accommodating and receiving guests and utility rooms. A balcony area can be located here. It is also made from wood.

As for windows, in addition to the fact that they must be large, it is not permissible to use plastic here. It is better to replace it with wood and add beautiful shutters.


Living room

The interior of a chalet-style house begins with arranging the living room, because this is the most a large room, which has high ceilings and large windows that cover the entire wall. The main thing here is to use only natural Decoration Materials without replacement with analogues.

An atmosphere of unprecedented warmth and comfort is created by soft carpets on the floor and luxurious fur coverings, luxurious lamps and elegant large chandeliers. The furniture pieces are massive, made of wood. The upholstered furniture group has natural noble upholstery with wool, leather, velor or linen. The atmosphere is soft and calm.

The lighting in the room is made calm, slightly dim. For this purpose, a multi-level lighting system is erected, represented by wall sconces, floor and table lamps.

A must in a chalet house is home. The whole family will gather here. They decorate it with stones and stuffed animals around it.

Sleeping area

The main role in the bedroom is given to the bed, which should be made of polished wood, it is massive, with decorations in the form of carvings. Will complement cozy atmosphere textile inclusions made of cotton, linen. Bright pillows and bedspreads will enliven the design.

It is appropriate to spread a soft skin or carpet on the floor. Concerning color palette, then preference is given to natural shades: terracotta, beige, wood and the entire brown palette.

Kitchen and dining area

The kitchen equipment of the chalet is environmentally friendly and uses natural materials. Finishing and kitchen sets made of noble wood - colorful stylistic features. All built-in equipment is hidden under wooden facades or cute textile curtains.

The finishing of wall surfaces ensures the original appearance of wood. The maximum permissible is to plaster the surfaces or cover them with natural stone elements.

The ceiling is plastered in light shade, dark-colored beams are erected on it. The floor surfaces remain wooden, only slightly varnished with antique imitation.

The photo of a chalet-style house exudes unprecedented warmth and comfort, which is why this style is so often chosen for the construction of country apartments.

Photo of a house in the Chalet style

In the practice of country house-building, chalet-style houses (they are also called alpine or combined) are in steady demand. This interest is an echo of the boom that arose in Europe after the popularity of ski resorts And active rest. And if half a century ago such buildings could only be admired by visiting a high-mountain village on an alpine slope, today they can be found in any landscape environment, including the lowland regions of Russia. One-story chalet-style houses, the designs of which are proposed by architectural bureaus, retain the general concept of their predecessors, while at the same time offering the familiar comfort of modern life.

Modern interpretation of style Source

About the origins and distinctive features of the chalet style

The ancestor of the chalet was a shepherd's hut (this is how the name of the style is translated), which served in cold winters as a shelter not only for shepherds, but also for weakened and young animals. Initially small, such houses were built mainly from stone - in the mountains, unlike wood, it was in abundance. A hundred years ago, chalets were very different from modern buildingslow ceiling, low Entrance door and lack of windows; everything was done to preserve heat.

Changes began when Europeans massively discovered the delights of hiking in the mountains and skiing. alpine skiing. Already in the 40s of the last century, chalet houses increased in size, acquired a familiar external gloss and began to be built, first near resorts, and then in regions that had nothing to do with the Alps. The style evolved, but retained its distinctive features, including:

    Use of natural materials in construction and finishing. Traditionally, the lower part of the house is built of stone, the upper part of wood. In the past, this had a practical meaning: the stone increased the strength of the building.

This is what an ordinary chalet looked like a hundred years ago Source

    Characteristic roof with far protruding eaves overhangs (visors). This design reliably protects the walls from rain and snow.

    Veranda. Another architectural feature of modern chalet projects is a spacious veranda.

    Facade decor. Initially, there was no external decor, and the buildings looked as brutal as possible. Over time, paintings and carvings began to decorate the facade of the house. Photos of private one-story, attic, two-story buildings are striking in their diversity.

    Interior. There is always a fireplace in the house; the fireplace chimney is often exposed to the façade. The interior is decorated in natural colors.

Modern interpretation of style

"Shepherd's cottages" are valued for their combination of elegant appearance and excellent performance characteristics. One-story chalet-style houses, the projects of which are presented on construction sites, differ from the original buildings:

    Replacement wall material . The canonical chalet houses were built mainly from stone. In Russian climatic conditions for the construction of walls one-story house economically justified use modern building materials; the style is maintained by facing the ground floor and corners with stone; the second (usually attic) - with a wooden beam.

Decorative plaster for the chalet façade Source

    Projects with an attic. The ground floor is tiled artificial stone to highlight the style. To build the second floor, not only timber is used, but also aerated concrete, brick or frame technology. Wherein exterior decoration should only be wooden.

    Window. Modern projects are characterized by a large percentage of glazing. The buildings are decorated with large, often panoramic windows with improved energy-saving properties. If the owners want to emphasize the unique Alpine style, good addition There will be wooden shutters to the windows.

Advantages and disadvantages of chalet projects

Chalet houses are classified as houses combined type, since two materials are used for their construction - stone and wood. The combination of natural materials gives such buildings many positive properties. The following characteristics are considered to be the advantages of a one-story chalet house:

    Lightweight design. Compared to a house built entirely of brick or stone, a chalet puts less pressure on the foundation; you can get by with a lighter (and more affordable) foundation.

Modern project for any type of soil Source

    Saving materials. The combination of stone (brick) and wood allows you to get a house with an impeccable price/quality ratio.

    Adaptation to soil and terrain features. A one-story chalet can be built on a site with high groundwater levels or with difficult terrain.

    Variety of options. The most recognizable feature of the chalet is the combination of stone and wood in the wall structures and the characteristic roof. Otherwise, the projects are strikingly different in shape, area, facade decoration and interior design.

    Thermal efficiency. Chalet buildings have good thermal insulation properties.

    Environmental friendliness and a healthy microclimate. Two interconnected components of a comfortable life.

The disadvantages of chalet projects include the following considerations:

    Stone and wood have different period services.

    Due to the difference in the physical and technological properties of stone and wood during operation, deformation wall structures caused by temperature changes.

Chalet houses are equally well maintained winter warmth and summer coolness Source

    Tree is fire hazardous material, which reduces the overall security of the building.

    Stone is much heavier than modern block materials. The chalet house will need reinforced foundation, capable of protecting the structure from subsidence and distortion.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

One-story chalets: design features

The design of a chalet house must solve two main problems: develop a plan taking into account modern technologies and working methods, while at the same time preserving the traditional features of housing. The result of compliance with this rule is a modern building that preserves the romantic charm of antiquity. Two- and one-story chalet houses, the designs of which combine these trends, are distinguished by their beauty and functionality. When drawing up the project, the following considerations are taken into account:

    Material selection. Both the exterior and interior are dominated by stone and wood. In finishing it is unacceptable to use concrete, glass and chrome elements inherent in other styles, for example, high-tech or modern. If blocks are used in the construction of wall structures, they must be masked with decor.

Protruding overhangs - a preserved tradition Source

    Replacing material. In finished projects expensive materials(dry timber, natural stone and Finnish polar pine) are replaced with modern ones. The base is made of bricks or blocks (gas silicate or expanded clay concrete), the upper level is built from rounded logs, profiled or laminated veneer lumber.

    Facing. For cladding protrusions and corners, it is allowed to use brick, stone and decorative plaster"under a stone"

    Reduced construction costs. Usage monolithic technology for the construction of walls and plaster for finishing allows you to reduce the construction budget. Plaster can be replaced plastic panels with imitation wood.

    Simplification of design. If the project is developed for flat rather than mountainous terrain, it will not be threatened by rockfalls. This assumption makes it possible to lighten the foundation and base - use it for masonry cellular concrete, and for cladding use siding similar to natural stone, which will be much cheaper. This solution is also suitable for a residential floor, only a block house or other suitable material is used for its cladding.

Project with full façade cladding Source

    Use of technology. Modern energy-efficient engineering systems and technological techniques (use protective impregnations and coatings) make housing more reliable and comfortable.

    Roof. Traditional chalet roofs were covered with shingles. IN modern projects it was replaced by ceramic and flexible tiles muted natural colors; Both gable and hip roofs are used.

    Terrace. Ideal place for outdoor recreation. The terrace is often equipped with a fireplace, stove or barbecue, and comfortable furniture is placed.

Video description

About the chalet houses in their historical homeland in the following video:

One-story chalets: features of space organization

The atmospheric quality of the buildings is based on the use of natural materials and time-tested design techniques. One-story chalet houses are considered one of the most comfortable; This quality is achieved by following several simple factors:

    Single level space. People who have never lived in a house with a staircase see it as a spectacular and romantic interior detail. Others know that the novelty of perception wears off quickly; All that remains is a tiring interior detail that takes up useful space and poses a danger to children, and often to adults. Customers who think about the future choose one-story options.

    Comfortable seating area. A spacious terrace, protected from rain and prying eyes by roof overhangs, is an indispensable attribute of chalet projects. Subsequently, the covered terrace can be glazed and insulated; Such an increase in living space will be quite inexpensive.

    Garage. A chalet project with a garage is a popular option. A country house with an area of ​​one hundred or more square meters can be easily supplemented with a garage.

Alpine style veranda Source

    Comfortable interior space. To create comfort, designers offer spacious rooms with high ceilings, fireplace with natural stone cladding, big windows and stained glass. There are projects with a circular terrace, a wide balcony, and a built-in sauna.

Chalet project layout

Even finished projects, offered on the websites of construction organizations, often allow for the possibility of redevelopment of the internal space. If you don’t entirely like the proposed solution, you can indulge in an exciting activity - planning your future home yourself (with the help of an experienced design engineer, of course). Leaving the foundation in unchanged places, load-bearing walls and roof, you can change the area and configuration according to your taste and needs interior spaces. It is usually allowed to change the area of ​​the open terrace (due to it, you can increase the usable area of ​​the cottage).

Video description

ABOUT implemented project chalet in the following video:

No matter what changes the initial version undergoes, cottage chalet style accommodates a very specific set of rooms:

    Rooms common use . Living room, dining room and kitchen; these rooms are often combined into one space. The volume of the resulting room allows you to fully use chalet-style interior design techniques - a large fireplace, ceiling beams, massive furniture.

    Bedrooms. They are usually located in the rear, quieter part of the chalet house.

    Bathrooms. A practical solution the bathroom and kitchen will be placed next to each other; this will simplify and reduce the cost of engineering communications.

    Hallway. In a climate with cold winter and during prolonged autumn bad weather, the hallway serves as a barrier against cold air.

    Utility rooms. They try to place the pantry and furnace close to the kitchen.

    Corridors. It is not always possible to do without them; care should be taken to keep them as small as possible usable area. At the same time, the corridors fulfill important role zoning and soundproofing of the internal space, separating the living room and bedrooms from the auxiliary rooms.

3D visualization of a one-story chalet project Source

Selecting the right project

Construction organizations offer ready-made (standard) projects, as well as the opportunity individual design. When choosing, the future owner is guided by the allocated budget and his own preferences; the options are different:

    Ready project. Such a house is fully prepared for sale, which means that construction can begin quickly; Moreover, its cost is clear. The disadvantage is the averageness of its characteristics. If the site has elevation changes or high lying groundwater, this is not taken into account in the project. Of course, many companies are ready to supplement or change a standard project, but only to a certain extent, and not always for free.

    Individual project . It will be created taking into account all your wishes and the characteristics of the site. The downside of this option is that if you carefully think through every detail, make and agree on amendments, then the design may be unreasonably delayed, delay all deadlines and cost a decent amount of money.

Plan of a chalet with a terrace Source

If you not only buy a project, but also order construction from the same company, building a turnkey house will be a profitable option. In most organizations, the basic package of a turnkey chalet includes the following items:

    Project with some modifications (at the request of the customer); Toconsultation architect and designer.

    Paperwork(including licensing); drawing up an estimate.

    Selection of construction crews and concluding an agreement with them.

    Purchase and delivery of building materials to the site.

    Home construction from zero cycle to external and internal finishing.

    Time and quality control execution of work (independent construction expertise is involved).

    Equipment engineering equipment.

    Interior Design And landscape works Location on. (at the request of the customer).

Video description

ABOUT virtual tour around the chalet house in the following video:

One-story chalets: prices for projects and construction

Comfortable and functional projects country houses chalet style inspires with a variety of architectural and interior solutions. One-story buildings are not inferior to two-story and attic buildings in terms of aesthetics and functionality; in addition, the geological characteristics of the building site often make such a choice the only possible one.

Construction companies have a wide selection of one-story cottages that can be built from various materials and using various technologies. Popular projects are made from double or laminated timber, based on frame technology, from light blocks; the cost of typical projects ranges from 29-35 thousand rubles. The cost of building one-story chalet-style houses ( standard projects) can be defined as follows:

    Project 70-80 m 2 (log house for shrinkage, 2 bedrooms): from 720-770 thousand roubles.

    Project 85-90 m 2 (gas, foam concrete, brick): cold circuit – 1,4-1,9 million rubles, warm contour2,3-2,8 million rubles, turnkey – 3,5-4,1 million rubles

    Project 90 m 2 (profiled chamber drainage timber, turnkey): 2,5-2,6 million rubles

Chalet made of laminated veneer lumber Source

    Project 110 m 2 (laminated veneer lumber, turnkey): 2,8-3,0 million rubles

    Project 170-180 m 2 (log house, bay window, terrace): for shrinkage - from 1,4-1,7 million rubles, turnkey – 4,5-4,7 million rubles

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of combined houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.


A chalet-style country house, despite its traditional fairy-tale appearance, meets all modern ideas about comfort. Whatever material serves as the basis for its construction, the cottage remains an attractive, functional and harmonious building.

Today Chalet style house designs are gaining popularity in all European countries. The main reason for this trend is the desire to be closer to nature - the main vector of any post-industrial society. In this sense, a Chalet-style house fits perfectly. It got its name from French word"chalet", which translates as "shepherd's hut".

At sight Chalet style houses pastoral alpine landscapes immediately appear before your eyes. By the way, the growing popularity of Swiss ski resorts also contributed to the popularization of this architectural trend.

Features of Chalet style houses:

  1. Up and down. If you look at classic house Chalet, you can visually note significant differences between the first and second floors. Initially, the ground floor was built by shepherds very high, and the material for this was stone. Such a chalet house protected from heavy snowfalls and strong winds in the alpine meadows. Modern technologies allow you to build a durable base from cheaper materials, such as wood. However, designers still try to adhere to traditions. Very often you can see a stone-like finish for the first floor wooden houses in Chalet style. Concerning building material for the second floor and - nothing has changed, high-quality solid wood or .
  1. Roof. The design of a Chalet-type house can be easily recognized by its classic sloping gable roof. Its design also reminds us of the vicissitudes of shepherd's life in the Alpine foothills. To protect the walls and foundation from getting wet during snow melt, Chalet house designs are equipped with far-protruding roof overhangs.
  1. Terraces and balconies. Almost all projects of Chalet-type houses include extensive ones that extend far beyond the facade - overhanging or resting on columns. There are also balconies under the roof overhangs, allowing you to breathe fresh air without fear of rain or direct sunlight.
  1. Interior decoration. Any Chalet-like house is as environmentally friendly as possible. In his interior design only safe ones are used natural materials with a predominance of wood. Therefore, it is always warm and cozy here.

Construction of houses in the Chalet style

Do you like alpine style house designs and want to build your own? Take advantage of the services of experienced North Forest professionals. On our website you will find. Any changes can be made to each of them at the request of the client.

Over 15 years of work, we have built more than 500 houses throughout Russia; photo reports from construction sites on these objects can be viewed in the section

All Chalet style house projects come with a proprietary five-year warranty. Infrastructure and accommodation utility networks have already been thought out by our specialists. We will build your dream home! Call right now at the numbers listed on the website. Houses in the “Chalet” style from the North Forest company are profitable, reliable and beautiful!

Video about “Chalet” houses

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Today I want to bring to the attention of developers 16 beautiful projects Chalet style houses. Of course, everything is subjective, and this is just my design opinion, but you can take note of the ideas of houses in order to build on something in the future when designing your cottage. All pictures and plans can be enlarged by clicking on them.

House project Chalet No. 1

The first project is a Chalet style house on two levels with overall dimensions in plan 10.5 by 10.5 meters. total area about 160 square meters. At the entrance we find ourselves in a living room of 25 m2, to the right of it is a kitchen-dining room of 20 m2.

On the ground floor there is also a 15 m2 bedroom with its own dressing room and bathroom. On the second floor there are two more bedrooms and a bathroom.

Photo Chalet style houses up to 200 m2

General view of the same house with a different façade finishing option.

House project in the style of Chalet No. 2

Chalet style house project with large windows

The second version of the chalet project is a small cozy house with a two-story living room and an attic. The house has a total area of ​​about 100 m2.

On the ground floor there is: a single kitchen-dining-living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a laundry room. Kitchen area 10 m2, dinner Zone 12 m2, living room - 20 m2. In the attic there is a second bedroom of 15 m5 with a dressing room.

Idea from

Free house drawing

Project Chalet No. 3

Project of a Chalet style house on two levels with a fireplace

Project of a spacious house on two levels with a total area of ​​about 160 m2. The first level space includes a single kitchen-dining area and living room; on the same floor there is a bedroom with a bathroom and dressing room. On the second floor there are two bedrooms, a large bathroom, a toilet, and a laundry room.

House project in the style of Chalet No. 4

Chalet style house project with a large living room

Pay attention to this house project in the Chalet style - it is made on two levels, with the premises of the lower and top level connected by stairs. The house is designed specifically for areas with mountain slopes, so the first tier is limited to the kitchen and living room, then there is a staircase leading to the second tier. On the plan, everything is done in a single plane.

The chalet dimensions are 8 x 15 meters. Front stained glass and the space in the kitchen - living room - is one with the second floor.

Project of a cottage in the style of Chalet No. 5

Chalet style cottage project

The next project is interesting because the chalet cottage is quite small - only 10 by 14 meters. A cozy building for the whole family to relax. The roof of the house is sloping, and there is a boardwalk terrace outside the chalet. The living room space is high, combined between the first and second floors.

Chalet style cottage project - 1st floor plan

On the ground floor at the entrance we are greeted by a living room, to the left of it there is a kitchen-dining room, to the right there is a staircase to the second floor. At the back of the chalet there are two bedrooms and a bathroom.

Chalet style cottage project 2nd floor plan

On the second floor, in the attic, one large bedroom and a bathroom. From the attic you can see the living room on the first floor, through the railing. A nice option for country house or at home.

Project Chalet No. 6

Project big house Chalet style

Idea from

House project in traditional Chalet style

A large house with a total area of ​​about 180 square meters on two levels. The house has two bedrooms (one on the first floor, the other on the second floor) and two offices. Each bedroom has its own bathroom.

This house is made according to traditional Swiss chalet standards; the second version presents a more protected design for the harsh mountain climate.

House project Chalet No. 7

Chalet style house project

Interesting, small chalet house with a residential attic. The total area is about 75 square meters. The house has a fireplace, and this greatly enlivens the atmosphere in the room.

The layout is expanding!

Idea from


Another version of the Shalash design

An original house design for lovers of buildings with large gallery windows. The shape of the chalet resembles a hut, this is exactly the case when the roof heats up due to the snow.

Project of a one-story house in the style of Chalet No. 8

House project in Chalet style with 4 bedrooms

Large house on two levels with four bedrooms and plenty of utility rooms. A similar building can also be created as a holiday home for big family, and as a guest house.

The house plan can be enlarged!

Project of a house made of timber in the style of Chalet No. 9

Actually, the picture shows a project made from rounded logs, but there are possibilities to build the same one from timber. That's why I combined the two variations and named the project that way. What I love about chalets is the huge windows that let in a lot of light during the winter months.

A wonderful three-bedroom project suitable for a family who loves open space and a unique, comfortable design.

Projects from the Fasad Exp team

The first house has an area of ​​140 square meters, very comfortable, nice and practical. A very good project, nothing to add here.

Video - Chalet in Bavarian style

In conclusion, I suggest you watch the video from personal experience for the construction of a chalet in Bavarian style. Maybe this example will inspire you.

The concept of “chalet” was born in the mountainous regions of Switzerland, where shepherds built simple warm huts with strongly protruding roof edges for wintering. Such an elongated roof ensured natural removal of snow, protecting buildings from the formation of large icicles. Frost-resistant durable wood was used as the main material, providing reliable protection from cold and wind. The main attention was paid to the strength of the foundation, which was built using rubble stones or granite. Therefore, such a down-to-earth structure with a strong foundation resisted landslides and rockfalls well.

Chalet style cottage project S-296

Over time, the term “chalet” began to refer to all small rural houses in the mountainous regions of Europe, which led to the formation of an autonomous style in modern architecture. With development ecological tourism“chalets” have turned from modest houses located among picturesque landscapes into elite cottages, provided with everything necessary for comfortable rest. As for low-rise construction, this style is especially in demand today in the suburban sector in areas with difficult climatic conditions.

How can you identify a chalet style house?

  1. According to the above-mentioned far protruding eaves overhangs, which define the main architectural difference objects made in this style.
  2. By solid foundation– reinforced foundation and first floor, made of natural stone or brick with multi-layer plaster.
  3. According to the interior topology, the main rooms (living room, bedrooms, kitchen, etc.) are usually located on the ground floor. The second floor is an attic with a compact sleeping area, which can be used as an art workshop, billiard room, smoking room, etc.

A classic chalet-style cottage has two floors under a reinforced gable roof with a mandatory fireplace on the ground floor. However, the tourism business, in pursuit of profit, has already mastered the construction of three and even four-story chalets, which only retained large cornice overhangs from their “ancestors.”

Modern chalet-style house designs are presented with an inspiring selection of architectural and interior solutions, each of which can become the basis successful business or personal everyday comfort. The interiors of such buildings are usually made in the style of “rustic primitivism” or “country”, which allows you to create harmony between the internal and external stylistic concepts of the house.

It is actively used as the main material for finishing such premises. natural wood, solid board, “rough” solid wood doors and windows. An abundance of false beams, local areas with unplastered brickwork, massive furniture made of aged wood enhances the impression of being in a mountain house. In general, chalet-style houses can safely be called “veterans” suburban construction, which confidently dominate the tourism segment.