Hall and dining room. Interior design of a kitchen combined with a dining room and living room: current solutions for an apartment

A kitchen combined with a full-fledged dining room and living room is a solution that designers and owners of both private houses and apartments are increasingly coming to. In addition to the fact that this layout significantly expands the work space, it allows the whole family to spend more time together.

The design of such an interior depends on many parameters:

  • Is the room designed in advance or will it be necessary to remodel the apartment.
  • Initial area and shape of individual zones.
  • The chosen style for decorating the kitchen, dining room and living room.
  • Placement of windows.

Of course, it’s easier to design a three-in-one room in advance, but when you have to remodel ready-made solutions, it is necessary to adapt to existing conditions.

Design of a kitchen-dining room combined with a living room in a small apartment

Redevelopment in an apartment of a multi-storey building begins with the development technical project, which must be agreed upon with the BTI, since it must be ensured that load-bearing and critical structures will not be damaged. In case of such danger, you can leave large area walls, simply by arranging a significant opening in it. Interior options in this case include:

  • Using the wall between the kitchen and living room as basics for the bar counter. It can be strengthened and covered with a tabletop of sufficient area.
  • You can design the opening in the form wide arch, perhaps even with columns.
  • If you want to arrange the opening, it can look like a giant porthole or steering wheel, and the improvised spokes of the steering wheel can be used as shelves.
  • IN classic style Columns can be used to decorate the opening.

The photo shows a combined space layout in a classic style.
  • IN modern versions the design of rooms when combining rooms can include movable partitions that help change the interior with one movement.

In the case of remodeling an apartment, the approximate area and placement of furniture in the kitchen, dining room and living room are obvious. The workspace is fairly clearly defined by the position of the stove and sink. The refrigerator, as part of the work triangle, may not be in the kitchen itself, but should be nearby.

Depending on the shape and area of ​​the original kitchen, choose the shape and size of the set. The most used in such cases are L-shaped models and small linear options. To expand the working surface, you can install a tabletop under the window. There are, of course, no upper drawers, but you can use the lower space quite functionally.

Zoning space in the apartment

Zoning options in the case of combining a kitchen and living room in small apartment standard ones apply:

  • The most common solution remains a bar counter, which is also used as a dining area. To save space, you can install chairs on one side and put a sofa on the other for a seating area.

The photo shows a studio in which the zones are separated by a bar counter.
  • Instead of a bar counter, you can put a completely traditional dining table with chairs. No longer relevant here couch, but it can be present in a more comfortable version in the living area. To visually expand the space, you can choose glass table and transparent chairs that will be almost invisible. This solution is more harmonious in modern interior options - contemporary, and functionalism.
  • No less functional solution There will be different finishes used. The palette of each zone may differ, but then the coatings should be the same in texture and quality. You can choose one, but with a different pattern or alternating with plain materials.
  • It looks interesting to highlight the dining room with a podium and change the ceiling level in this area. The design of the dining table and chairs will be harmonious in a round design, then both the podium and the ceiling structures will be of a similar shape.

In the photo there is a podium highlighting the dining room.

Three-in-one room layout in a private house

Designing a combination is usually simplified compared to an apartment in a high-rise building, especially at the planning development stage. Here everything depends on the possible area of ​​the entire space, the architectural features of the house, and the shape of the room. It is the latter factor that often determines the design.

  • The interior of a rectangular room usually looks like this: under one wall there is a work set, then there is a dining area and on the wall opposite the kitchen there is a living room. The room can be clearly zoned or simply decorated in the same style and color.

The photo shows the interior of a combined rectangular space.
  • If there is a room with a complex shape, the design is formed taking into account its presence. A work set is usually installed in the most modest corner. You can choose different modifications of it - linear, L-shaped, U-shaped, island, etc. The most spacious part of the room is occupied by the living room. The dining area can be quite compact, then it is enough to install a table with chairs near the kitchen or convert an island module or bar counter into a place for eating.
  • Placing the correct square shape can be organized in different ways. Linear work furniture is usually placed under one of the walls. You can also use an L-shaped design, for example, with a continuation under the window. By the way, under the window you can place a small dining table, one with the window sill, and then it is permissible to move a more spacious dining room a little closer to the living room.

The photo shows a harmonious design of a square space.

Zoning options for the kitchen, living room and dining room in a private house

Any layout of a combined “three in one” room involves zoning the space. If the ceiling height is sufficient, use multi-level structures With spotlights along the contour. The presence of a large amount of free space allows you to arrange arches and arched structures between all zones. But in general, a single volume without partitions and clear boundaries, then they zone the room with shades of decoration and furniture, and the placement of functional objects.

You can find a lot of ideas:

  • If you prefer a clear delineation of zones, you can choose the arrangement wide openings in the form of an arch or geometric correct form with or without columns, with movable partitions. The latter can be glass - solely to separate the kitchen from the rest of the interior, so that sounds and smells do not spread.

  • Here, as in the apartment, you can highlight the dining area with a podium under the table. It looks harmonious when a round or oval piece of such furniture is chosen, because with square and rectangular shapes you will have to arrange a podium of the same shape, and the corners will create a certain danger for movement.

  • You can highlight the living room with different ceiling levels. The design of such a structure should follow the shape of the area for relaxation and communication. Here you can abandon the central lamp in favor of spotlights along the contour, as well as floor lamps and sconces. Then the central massive chandelier will be located above dining table. Depending on the style, you can choose several lamps, but they should go down quite low above the table.

When space is quite limited, and this may be faced by owners of old houses, as well as cottages on small areas, you can use zoning with finishing materials:

Whatever the area, you can always find functional and comfortable solutions for any budget, since the same ideas can be implemented using materials of different price categories.

Interior of the apartment, interior design.

In an era when functionality and space saving are valued, the idea of ​​combining various rooms. The living room is often the subject of experimentation because it acts as a connecting point and can be used for many purposes. Most often, the living room is combined with the dining room. How to properly zone space? What ideas are used for this? And what are the basic rules for decorating a living room dining room you need to know?

Correct zoning is the key to successful design

Perhaps the most important nuance when creating a living room dining room design is the allocation of a relaxation and eating area. Do not forget about maintaining the overall style of the room. For example, it would be completely pointless to look in the same room with Provence style and pop art. Therefore, when planning your design, pay attention to maintaining a harmonious style between zones.

There are a lot of options for creating zones, but there are two concepts that should be followed. Firstly, you can zone the space using contrasts. For example, the use of materials of different colors and textures. Secondly, use similar elements in each zone: color, texture. Which option you choose depends on your desires and space. For example, you can create completely independent zones in a fairly spacious living room. And in a small room you will have to work hard to create a single, but thematically divided space.

Ways to separate the seating and eating areas are possible different ways and here are the most relevant ones:

  • Partitions. The most striking way to create zones is to install partitions. In fact, even a banal curtain or chest of drawers can act as a partition, but the main thing here is the presence of the object. Special partitions can act as both a practical element and used as decoration. For example, a low partition between a dining table and a sofa can be used as the basis for a shelving unit with various shelves.
  • Design. An original idea will be used plasterboard construction. In this case, you can realize your fantasies. A partition connecting the floor and ceiling with niches and curved lines, a figured or traditional arch, geometric design— there are quite a lot of options. But it is important to hire a specialist to do the work, so you will definitely achieve a high-quality result.
  • Ceiling. The usual idea of ​​zoning space using multi-tiered ceilings can also be used in the living room dining room. In addition, you can also use different materials to decorate the ceiling. A luxurious chandelier above the dining table and diffused light in the living area will finally set the accents.
  • Floor. By decorating the floor covering you can create clear zones. There are several options you can use here. When renovating a room, the floor is initially finished different materials. For example, the floor for the dining area is finished durable laminate or wood panels. Since the dining area is more subject to pressure (moving chairs, pressure from shoes, etc.) it is important to use durable material. Carpeting is most often used for the recreation area.

No less important is the use of different textures and colors. For example, for zoning, floor coverings of different colors are used. You can also use a traditional rug in the seating area. Often a regular sofa separates both zones, especially in small spaces.

An important condition for creating a unified mood is the color scheme. Often, to maintain an organic balance, the principle of dominance is used. For example, the dominant color in the living area is complemented by accents on the dining table. And in contrast, the dominant tone in the dining room is complemented by elements in the seating area. Thus, a certain connection is created that unobtrusively connects the two zones into a single interior.

For example, if the dining table is located near the window, you can use the color of the curtains as the dominant one, and in the living room it will echo the patterns on the pillows or the photo frames on the fireplace. At the same time, the dominant color in the living room will be the color of the sofa, and color accent in the dining room the tablecloth or the color of the vase can protrude.

Of course, this rule is not the main thing. You can use the traditional “three colors” rule in the interior. In this case, you can use any surface and texture. The main thing in the desire to create a unified mood is not to overdo it with decor and accessories. Everything should be concise and in moderation.

Furniture is an important part of creating an organic interior

Although modern styles They offer a lot of options for arranging furniture in the interior; however, there are certain nuances that should be remembered. Why is this so important? Every person thinks by associations and, for example, he associates a relaxation area with a soft sofa and a coffee table, and it will be unpleasant for him to relax, sitting, albeit on a designer chair. If you want to be known as the generous owner of a luxury home, it is important to consider the following points:

  • The dining table and chairs should match in style. Color is not so important, but if you are a traditionalist, choose one set. Important: before buying a dining set, you need to calculate how much space it will take up. The calculation is quite simple: space for one person takes up one square meter of area. This means that for a table for 6 people you will need to free 6 square meters, respectively, for a table for 8 people - 8 square meters, etc. Don’t forget about the passages between the chairs and the wall or sofa, and the ease of moving around the room.
  • Sofa. Since almost every person associates relaxation with a sofa, it’s worth special attention pay attention to the choice of this piece of furniture. It should not be too bulky and be consistent with the size of the room. In order to choose the right sofa, it is better to use visualization using computer program or contact a designer. The fact is that when choosing a sofa in a store where there is a lot of space, you cannot always estimate the actual dimensions of the furniture for your living room.
  • Fireplace or rack. Usually the sofa is located opposite the fireplace or a shelf with a TV panel. Which option should I choose? It all depends on your wishes. You don’t even have to choose, but combine two options. For example, allocate the lower part for a false fireplace, and designate the upper part as a mount for a TV panel. You can also place a home theater here, various shelves for storing memorabilia and much more.
  • Coffee table. Not as often as before, but still a table is used in the living area. Usually it is installed next to the sofa on original rug. A convenient alternative would be a hard pouf or a bench without a back: practical use in modern styles.

Decor and accessories will complete the harmonious and cozy atmosphere. Vases with flowers on the dining table, a tablecloth or napkins on the tabletop, chair covers or mini seat cushions will decorate dining area. Soft and inviting pillows on the sofa, candles in the corners of the shelf or on the table will create an aura of calm. Don't forget about lamps for the living area. It can be desk lamp, lamps suspended almost level with the sofa or traditional floor lamps. Your dining room is ready! A cozy, warm and inviting space where it is so pleasant to absorb culinary masterpieces and enjoy the softness sofa cushions in the company of close friends.

Kitchen, dining room, living room video:

Combination of several functional zones indoors - common design technique. Getting rid of dividing partitions allows you to expand the space and choose an original style solution. Kitchen dining room in one room layout photo can be different. It can be a cozy Provence style nest, or a spacious minimalist hall. Good furniture placement will help create a feeling of spaciousness and make each section comfortable.

Kitchen dining room living room in one room photo layout varies

The three-in-one room serves as a relaxing place. Here they eat and prepare food, communicate, and in some cases even work. It is not easy to combine these three rooms. At the same time, a spacious living room that serves several functions may seem more comfortable than two or three small rooms.

A room with a zoned division of space for the kitchen, dining room and living room

There are situations when partitions have to be demolished and the space expanded. And sometimes the layout of an apartment involves combining several zones in one room. Most people connect the living room to the dining room by placing the dining table opposite the sofa, and kitchen set in a free corner, this is where the update of the situation ends.

Room idea 3 in 1 kitchen living room dining room

Standard solutions are quickly going out of fashion. Designers on the pages of magazines talk about zoning, the construction of complex partitions and the placement of mirrors. But it is not always clear how to implement these recommendations when living in small apartment, and not in a huge mansion.

Most people connect the living room with the dining room by placing the dining table opposite the sofa, and the kitchen unit in the free corner, and this is where the renovation ends.

First, draw a room plan on a piece of paper and calculate required amount furniture. For a large family you will need a lot of chairs. Fans of restaurant cuisine can get by with a compact set, and in some cases a roomy sofa is simply necessary. Knowing how much space the furniture will take up, you can calculate how to place it correctly.

Stylish a large room with separation for dining and living room

Advice from decorators who have practical use. Remember that the living room-dining kitchen should be designed in a laconic style. If you like antiques as a luxury item, you shouldn't have too many of them. Leave free space so that the room is not cluttered and is well lit.

Unique room with space division with bright yellow decor

Choose the design of the room depending on your personal preferences. Modern design ideal for small apartments. There are no weighting parts and you can always pick up budget furniture in high-tech or modern style.

Modern design is ideal for small apartments.

Color scheme – setting the mood

Choosing a style solution begins with selecting the dominant colors in the interior. It is desirable that the main color be white or one of its shades. You can dilute the neutral color scheme by adding bright details. White is combined with rich colors - green or red.

Strict and stylish design for a 3 in 1 room

Despite the limited space, interesting color schemes can be implemented. Unusual wallpaper or photo wallpapers highlight significant sections to which you want to draw attention. Decorative panel will allocate a place for lunch or a relaxation area.

Bright and stylish room 3 in 1 with bright decor

In a multifunctional room, floor design is one of the primary tasks. Interesting solution for rooms with high ceilings - a two-level floor. A table, chairs, a sofa, a sofa, and a TV are placed on a small podium. This is a cozy island separated from the kitchen. Below is workplace housewives, where she prepares treats.

It is desirable that the main color be white or one of its shades.

You can also raise the kitchen to a higher elevation, then guests who come will watch with interest how mouth-watering, aromatic dishes are prepared. Kitchen table will become an impromptu stage where culinary masterpieces are created.

You always want to get into the room sunlight. Therefore, decorators refuse blank partitions, which make the fenced-off area a dark, cramped space. Let the light from the windows penetrate unhindered. Place furniture so that each section can receive at least occasional sunlight.

Room design with multiple work areas for living and dining areas

Curtains emphasize the advantages of the window opening. If you live in the city, and from your window there is an unsightly view of a construction site or the wall of a neighboring house, choose textiles with photo printing. Modern technologies allow you to transfer an image onto fabric with maximum accuracy. An idyllic summer landscape or floral motifs are ideal.

If you live in the city, and from your window there is an unsightly view of a construction site or the wall of a neighboring house, choose textiles with photo printing

Don't get carried away with dark colors when choosing curtains. Classic version for a room of any size - thin white curtains reaching to the floor. They make the room look bright and neutral color scheme allows you to combine curtains with any room design.

Room with large space for kitchen living and dining area

Lamps can radically change the feeling of space. The brighter the room, the more spacious it seems. But directed light is tiring and can make your eyes hurt. It is recommended to place powerful light sources above the tables and work surfaces of the kitchen unit. It is better to install wall lamps that provide soft light near sofas and armchairs.

Advice. If one section smoothly transitions into another, you can indicate the transition using LED backlight. For example, a glowing outline stretch ceiling may echo the lighting on the facades of kitchen cabinets.

The brighter the room, the more spacious it seems.

Secret techniques in interior design

  • To hide the kitchen set, choose a cabinet that matches the color of the walls, or, conversely, repaint the walls to match the furniture. Then the guests in the living room will not pay attention to your kitchen utensils. There is another option - to choose furniture for the kitchen that matches the style of the cabinets for the room. Then there will be no noticeable transition from the utilitarian part of the room to the front part.

    Modern and stylish design of a large room with several work areas

  • Another clever trick is to hide the kitchen in a closet by installing sliding doors. At any time you can move the doors aside and gain access to the sink or stove. If you place the doors at some distance from the cabinets, you will get a small room.
  • You can create a stunning landscape with your own hands, and even backlit. Below, at the level of the cabinet legs, duralight tape is installed, and the furniture facades are covered with photo wallpaper for furniture. This simple technique visually expands the space, and the landscape seems to be a continuation of the room.

    3 in 1 room idea with living room, kitchen and dining room in one space

  • If you do not want to install brick partition, replace it with a curtain, screen or portable wall. It’s easy to move such a visual barrier to another place or remove it when it becomes boring.
  • A small kitchen for those who rarely cook. In this case, all accessories will fit in a small bedside table, which can be covered with a napkin to match the furniture when guests arrive. If you rarely cook and prefer to order ready-made food, this option will suit you.

    3 in 1 room design in light colors with bright decor

Advice. To save precious space, replace the regular swing door sliding or folding model. The free space can be taken by a bedside table or corner cabinet.

Sometimes support beams and other parts remain from the old partition. Don’t rush to destroy those that are no longer needed structural elements, use them to mark boundaries between sections. If you have an ordinary room, then it’s easy to give it an atmosphere of mystery with the help of columns or ceiling structures. Columns installed in a row will separate the dining table from the sofa and coffee table. At the same time, sunlight will pass between the structural elements.

If you have an ordinary room, then it’s easy to give it an atmosphere of mystery with the help of columns or ceiling structures

Plants - faithful helpers designers who are involved in zoning the room. A climbing hanging plant can be placed on a shelf or made part of a solid partition. Such a green wall will become a bright natural element, adding lightness to the interior. Instead of plants, you can put an aquarium with fish or a decorative fountain.

Modern room 3 in 1 dining room living room kitchen

Helpful information. Specialized stores sell electric fireplaces, in which the fire can be viewed from several sides. The fireplace will divide the space and become a bright accent.

Fashionable 3 in 1 room interior idea

Turning to the topic of mirrors, remember that it makes sense to install them in the dining room or living room. In the kitchen, a mirror surface may break and grease and soot will be deposited on it. You don't have to buy a full-wall mirror. The best option– model less than a meter wide.

Stylish multifunctional room with kitchen, living and dining areas

Glass reflects light, while being a visual barrier. By placing glass partition, you will divide the room into zones without making the room heavier. In addition, you can install transparent cabinets and a glass door.

For a room where the kitchen stands apart from the recreation area, you need to choose a general style solution and several contrasting shades.

For a room where the kitchen stands apart from the recreation area, you need to choose a general style solution and several contrasting shades. The living room can be made in Baroque or Victorian style, filled with furniture with carvings and antique paintings. And the kitchen will be bright, avant-garde, with lacquered facades and metallized surfaces.

Big Light room with combined kitchen, dining and living room

Minimalist rooms are often designed in Japanese style. It is characterized by the absence of permanent walls, which are replaced by movable partitions. You can install door tracks across the room. Then at any time you can retire by closing the doors and quickly combine both parts of the room.

Posters and paintings

The partition can be replaced with a large banner with a bright image. Stands for installing banners are now sold at reasonable prices. The advantage of a banner is that it is easy to assemble, place in the chosen location, and then put away again. As soon as you want to change the plot depicted on the poster, just replace it with a new one. Poster canvases are made from synthetic materials, paper or fabric.

Combining the kitchen, dining room and living room in one room

The advantage of a combined room is that you don’t have to go far to bring a dish to your guests. All necessary elements at hand. Porridge and pancakes won't burn if you're watching your favorite TV series. You can chat and supervise the cooking at the same time.

The solution to connect the living room and kitchen is used as in private homes different sizes, and in city apartments. To make the hotel and dining areas look similar, but differ in some way, interior designers resort to various tricks. The dining room and living room are two zones similar in purpose. The only thing that distinguishes them is the food that is consumed in one room or another. For example, in the dining room people have lunch, dinner and breakfast, and in the living room they have tea parties, friendly parties with cocktails, etc. When they want to make the most of the space in the house, these zones are combined. They need to be combined so that they do not conflict with each other in terms of style. How to do it?

Many people ask whether the area of ​​a house or apartment depends on the combination of the dining room and living room? No, it doesn't depend. The dining room is introduced into the living room in a small apartment, in a studio, in multi-room apartments, and in private houses. In principle, such a solution is very convenient, because if you have a living-dining room, you can safely organize feasts and not worry about the time spent with guests.

A small area is not an obstacle to combining two zones. In a private house, zoning can be done by using stylish solutions, use a table as a zoner, for example.

Namely, we separate the dining area from the living room area using a table. If you have a studio apartment, you should even resort to this method, because it requires a minimum amount of furniture. There is no need to purchase any additional screens, partitions, shelving, etc., just choose the right table. Which dining table is suitable for zoning?

A couple of tips:

  1. It is desirable that the table be large. But if we are talking about small room, a medium sized table will do. The ideal table size accommodates at least 4 people.
  2. Pay attention to the material of the dining table and its color. Don't buy a massive one wooden table, if your whole room is decorated in high-tech style. It will certainly perform the zoning function, but it will look too cumbersome.
  3. Choose a table based on the overall interior of the room: if your living-dining room is decorated in a chalet style or wooden style, a beautiful wooden table of round or square shape suggests itself.
  4. For a high-tech or minimalist style, you can choose white plastic tables or a beautiful glass table, preferably round.
  5. For the table, you should choose suitable chairs that will also fit into the general interior. It is the chairs that will serve as the main zones and separate the dining room from the living room.

To make the room look complete, the table should be placed as close as possible to the kitchen area. If there is no special room for it. It will be much easier for the housewife to set the table if it is located close to the stove. You can also place the dining table next to the stairs if it is located away from the entrance to the house. You should not place the dining table in the center of the room; such a solution is only possible if the dining room is separate room or is it combined only with the kitchen.

Choosing furniture for the dining-living room

A living room combined with a dining room needs the correct selection of furniture, you should determine general style premises. The living-dining room, decorated in a simple, uncomplicated style, requires the same furniture. In addition, the color scheme, the view from the window, and the type of living space are important. Set of furniture for dining-living room in country house will differ from the set of furniture in the apartment.

Furniture should not only serve as decoration, but also perform useful functions. This is especially true for small rooms.

A standard set of furniture for a dining-living room looks like this:

  • Dinner table;
  • Chairs;
  • Lamps;
  • Coffee and cutting tables;
  • Sofas;
  • Armchairs;
  • Cupboard for dishes.

This is an approximate project for choosing furniture for the dining room-living room. The dining room, combined with the kitchen and living room, also includes a refrigerator, cabinets for spices, a cabinet household appliances. If the dining room is combined only with the living room, these items can be excluded.

Living-dining room: collection of colors

In what color or colors should I decorate the dining-living room? This question is asked by everyone who has decided to combine these two zones. Let's start with the fact that interior design allows you to use 2 or more colors in the design of the room.

The following shades will coexist with great joy in one room:

  • White and beige;
  • White and yellow;
  • Light blue and dark blue;
  • Orange and yellow;
  • Cornflower blue and violet;
  • Sand and wenge shade.

Any of the shades presented above can live alone. That is, if you want to decorate the room in sand tones, you can do the same with the dining area. Please note that you should not use an orange shade in the dining area. The color orange increases your appetite, which can negatively affect your weight.

When combining colors, it is not at all necessary to paint the walls in them or glue wallpaper of that color. You can also designate zones with colors using textiles. For example, in the living room area, orange curtains, carpet, and upholstery will go perfectly with white tablecloths, a white rug and white upholstery on chairs. Do you want to combine Orange color with wenge color? This can be done using a cupboard painted in wenge color, chairs of the same color, a tablecloth on the table and napkins.

Here everything is limited by your flight of fancy. If you have design talent, you can combine any incompatible colors in the living room; the collection of combinations is limitless.

White living-dining room: the most popular color

A white living room or a white dining room... Sounds great, especially if these areas are combined and both are white. A dining area in white colors looks great and can look royal. A chic white dining room or living room needs the right finishing touches.

If you want white in your living-dining room, pay attention to the following things:

  • Careful finishing of the walls, floor and ceiling: the finishing must be done professionally, the walls are carefully puttied and plastered, the same with the ceiling, you can lay tiles and fluffy white carpets on the floor for warmth in the living room area;
  • When choosing wallpaper, pay attention to snow-white wallpaper; some gold or white patterns are allowed;
  • The ceiling can be chosen suspended or suspended;
  • The choice of chandelier depends on the height of the room: high ceilings you can choose a low chandelier in gold or white tones, with various decor, To low ceilings Lamps built into the ceiling are best suited (possibly with suspended and suspended ceilings).

Choose furniture for the dining area with a non-marking finish so that it can be cleaned if dirty.

Arranging a living-dining room (video)

Decorating a dining-living room in white is impossible without a bay window. A bay window is a semicircular glazed part of the house from the outside, which is very similar to a lantern. Owners of private houses are strongly recommended to decorate their home with a bay window in the dining-living area and enjoy the beautiful view from the window.

Details: living-dining room (interior photo)

Tea drinking is a traditional event in any home. Relatives gather behind him, big companies friends. Typically located in living room . To make visitors feel comfortable, it is necessary to take care of the availability of large table in the room And sufficient quantity places where everyone can fit.

A separate dining room is a luxury that few can afford.

Kitchen area, Basically, it is small, so organizing a full-fledged recreation area is quite difficult. Excellent The solution to the problem is a living room dining room. It can be arranged as in private house and apartment.

Usually the dining room is combined with a kitchen, living room, or both rooms.

Kitchen, dining and living room design has a number of features. First, you should study the layout premises in a private house. To turn them into one whole, a lot will need to change. Before you begin these steps, you must determine the location of each zones . This will allow you to avoid mistakes and additional financial costs during redevelopment. Purpose zones different, objects will help to emphasize it furniture, area allocated for each part rooms.

Before deciding on the design of a living-dining room, you need to make sure of the feasibility and possibility of creating it on the basis of your own living room.

Almost any living room there is a window. It is located on one or two sides. It is appropriate to place a table and chairs next to it. A little further away there is a comfortable sofa. The result is a comfortable reception area. It is filled with light and a cozy atmosphere.

The dining area can be allocated in a fairly large living room or studio apartment, where, in addition to the living room and dining room, other zones coexist.

When choosing a design project for a living-dining room, it is worth considering the shape premises. Working with a large area is quite simple. Many design ideas can be implemented here. Interior will be comfortable and will accommodate all the necessary items. Equip room with a small area it is more difficult.

It is necessary to think through everything down to the smallest detail so that the interior is functional, the furniture is in its place and harmoniously “fits” into the overall picture.

If you adhere to the basic principles of design, then even small room will turn into a stylish one with a beautiful look.

To create a dining area with a large table, you need to have as many square meters as seats planned.

Design principle Characteristics of the principle
Free space Near the kitchen unit must be convenient not for one, but for several people, since kitchen area in the living room is a common place.
Furniture of the same style All items and elements in the interior should combine harmoniously. They may have a similar color or theme. Single style arrangement is the key to successful living room design of this type.
Practicality Each area of ​​the room should be as convenient as possible. If we are talking about kitchen , then the stove, refrigerator and sink are installed according to the triangle rule. After this, a place for the worker is determined zones, the set and other items are installed.
Small dining area An excellent place for it would be the area between kitchen and living room, which creates a smooth transition. Table for lunch will be an effective addition interior.
Interior highlight She will design individual, will emphasize the delicate taste of the owners. Objects of non-standard shape, arches and sculptures are well suited for these purposes.
Original geometry An interesting option for its implementation is finishing. A podium, a ceiling consisting of several levels will make the interior is unusual.

Combining the living room with the dining room is in demand design solution to save space in the apartment.

Combine a kitchen with a dining room and living room in a private house simple, since this can be done even when the layout of the future building is being developed. This takes into account the size and shape rooms , architectural features Houses . Decisive role in determining the design idea interior The last factor plays a role.

Such redevelopment involves partial or complete demolition of the wall. The living room along with the furniture smoothly transitions into the kitchen with a table.

If the room rectangular, then in A work set is located near one of the walls. Then there is an area intended for lunch. The living room is located opposite the area where food is prepared. In this case, the zoning carried out has no restrictions. It can be pronounced or almost invisible. In the latter case, one color and style are used for decoration.

This way, it becomes possible to have a full meal in the spacious dining room, without having to huddle in a small kitchen.

For complex shapes arrangement design is done differently. It is important to take this point into account in order to room turned out to be functional. The set is located in the corner and is of modest size. Moreover, its modification can be any: linear, L-shaped.

The peaceful coexistence of the living room and dining room in one room does not require solid partitions.

In the most spacious area in the room there is living room. Dining room, usually compact. For it, it is enough to install a piece of furniture with a wide horizontal board and high legs, four or more stools. An island module or bar counter also looks good. They make a great place to eat.

There can be a low bar counter between the kitchen and the dining table

Small apartment: design features

If redevelopment is carried out in a high-rise building, then permission from the relevant services is required before it can begin. The main requirement is not to violate load-bearing walls and important building structures.

You can make a small opening that will do the job perfectly.

In a similar interior Be sure to install a bar counter on the remaining wall. To do this, you will need to strengthen the base and lay a tabletop of the required dimensions. A wide arch consisting of columns looks no less original.

This will give the interior luxurious look that “fits” into the classic style.

Modern design involves the presence of partitions. They are mobile and can easily and simply change the interior.

In small-sized apartments the issue of expansion is relevant space. You can save space by using a window sill located at the bottom of the window, if it is provided in the room. There is a tabletop on it, which is a workplace on kitchen. The only negative is that it is not possible to install wall cabinets. Therefore, we have to functionally use space, which remains below.

The dining area should be consistent in design style with the living room, but can be brighter than it - rich, rich colors stimulate the appetite.

You can visually expand the area by installing glass objects furniture. Transparent table and stools will create an atmosphere of lightness. They are almost invisible, you may not even notice them. This idea is perfect for interior, decorated in high-tech, loft and others styles. good decision any finish will become zones If their color is different, then the texture and quality are the same.

Each area can be highlighted with a podium or multi-level ceiling.

Combination of style and convenience in the interior

Design solutions, which are suitable for this case, a large number of. All of them are interesting and varied, allowing you to create your dream home. To determine which one to choose, it is worth considering the dimensions premises and taste preferences of the owners. Some styles are best used in spacious rooms, others are suitable for decorating small-sized ones.

There are a number of directions that will “fit” both into a modest kitchen and into a large, bright room.

Make a living room dining room classic will make you attractive style. In the house, decorated in this way, a luxurious atmosphere reigns. She mentally transports you to aristocratic times and you become a hero of the era. The trend is complemented by carved pieces of furniture, jewelry and gold in the interior.

They become its main decoration.

Required in the dining room:

  • A large round one is installed table, covered with a tablecloth;
  • There is a beautiful vase of flowers on the table;
  • Chairs are upholstered soft cloth;
  • In the room good lighting, there are mirrors.

Lighting will also help highlight the dining area.

Decorative design

The main requirement for design similar layout, lies in unity. Finishing work carried out using similar materials. Suitable for floor parquet board, laminate Wood has many benefits. The main ones are related to the beautiful appearance. The service life of the material is long.

The floor of the two zones can be finished with different materials or with the same material in different colors.

Emphasize cozy atmosphere V room a rug will help. But it should not be one piece for everything space. Therefore, it is better to abandon carpet. Small rugs are good for everyone zones . When choosing them, you must be guided style of upholstered furniture.

When thinking about the interior of the living room-dining room, start from total area combined premises.

For wall decoration paint will do, wooden or plastic panels. Look original materials, imitating stone, leather. It is appropriate to use different types of them: abstract, geometric or plant landscapes. If you use plain materials , it will stand out furniture . It will be an excellent accent in interior.

To maintain harmony and unity, use all items in the same design style.

Furniture selection huge. Most of it is well suited for this layout. There are no restrictions on ideas here. There are several items that are mandatory. This includes kitchen furniture and appliances, dining furniture or a bar counter.

The design style of the dining and living areas may be different, but should overlap and be close.

Arranging the living room, You should give preference to a sofa and armchairs. They will provide a comfortable rest. In addition, a TV and a closet are installed where things are stored. Decorate interior Accessories will help: paintings, pillows, dishes, etc. All this will create an atmosphere of comfort in the house.

Fireplace: how to use it in the interior?

The fireplace is a great element interior When used correctly, the fireplace is perfect for kitchen dining room living room design . Moreover, it will be a common element for several zones.

A fireplace decorates the room and makes the atmosphere cozy, filling the house with warmth.

The fireplace looks good in a classic design premises. Takes up little space, looks great, creates interesting effect. Installing it in apartment, it's always original.

Such an interior becomes unique.

Combination of kitchen with dining room and living room does not always provide for redevelopment. Many modern developers initially offer space for the implementation of such ideas. The housing project already has the correct geometry and allows for its zoning. In this case, problems with choice design will not arise.

There are a lot of options that can be implemented.

Making out , it is necessary not only to be guided by the general principles of arrangement, but also by personal taste. This will allow you to create a beautiful, cozy place in apartment or private house.