Filled cement floor. Do-it-yourself cement self-leveling floor: composition, which is better

To improve the quality of the coating and simplify the work on installing the floor, builders and apartment owners are increasingly using a self-leveling mixture for self-leveling floors.

Such compositions are easy to prepare and work with, as a rule, do not require special skills and are affordable. Market building materials surprises with the variety of SSM for self-leveling floors, of varying quality and characteristics. Let's consider the specifics of using the mixture, what the self-leveling floor consists of, and the main properties of the pouring result.

Types of mixtures for screed

Depending on the room in which the work is planned, as well as what result is needed, different compositions are recommended for use.

Mixtures for self-leveling floors finishing and rough filling differ in the thickness of the possible layer, drying time, strength and, of course, price.

It is customary to distinguish between types of mixtures using the following criteria:

  • fill layer thickness;
  • type of diluent: aqueous or solvent;
  • electrical conductivity coefficient;
  • layer texture;
  • base binder.

Most of the basic properties of the mixture for self-leveling floors depend on the main binder

Basic component Scope of application pros Minuses
Gypsum Rooms with low humidity (up to 70%) The thickness of the leveling layer can reach 10 cm, which makes it possible to hide very significant differences in height at the base;
Low thermal conductivity; Budget cost.
The readiness period and drying period are longer than that of cement mortar;
They lose strength at high humidity.
Cement No limits Fast coating ready time;
Not susceptible to high humidity;
High strength.
High price;
Thin layer filling up to 5cm.
Epoxy resin or methyl methacrylate Without restrictions, most often for non-residential premises. Daily availability of coating;
Excellent design and decorative capabilities;
Can be applied over 3D layouts;
Increased wear resistance.
Not suitable for leveling significant surface defects;
Toxic when working;
High solution consumption: more than 1.5 kg per 1 m2.
Polyurethane (polyaspartates) Most often used in private construction. High strength; non-slip, abrasion resistant; suitable for pouring inclined surfaces without formation of alloys. Not resistant to mechanical damage;
Long readiness cycle;
High price

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Work stage

The rough screed is poured in a thick layer

Among other things, the mixture for self-leveling floors should be distinguished according to the stage of work it carries out. For the main or black screed, levelers are used. These mixtures are poured over beacons with a large layer thickness.

Used to eliminate gross defects in ceilings and height differences. This type of fill dries quickly. You can save on volume by laying reinforcing mesh in a layer.

The top fill should be no more than 5 cm thick

Top leveling fill under decorative finishing carried out by appropriate teams thin layer no more than 5 mm.

The mixtures are expensive and are used as final leveling.

The solution sets quickly, but final hardening comes with time.

Some types of mixtures are poured as decorative covering, usually this is an epoxy fill for 3D floors.

It is important to understand that finishing mixtures can be placed on virtually any base, as indicated on the packaging. But when used for screeding, a self-leveling floor composition of a certain brand will have to be used finishing fill same brand.


The binder component of the mixture is mixed with mineral additives

Many people will decide that everything is simple, just mix the floor mixture with your own hands and save money. In theory, self-leveling flooring is not complicated in composition. Moreover, most manufacturers do not hide the elements of the mixture and write them on the packaging.

As mentioned above, there is always one binder component, to which various mineral fillers, additives, additives and, of course, sand are added.

All these components perform their function and are mixed in a certain proportion. And even if you find the proportions and recipe, which manufacturers usually hide, there will still be a lot of fine edges. What kind of sand? Which faction? What to mix and in what order.

In the end, it is unlikely that you will be able to save money. Rather, spend extra on ready-made dry construction mixture.

It is quite possible to prepare less complex mixtures for rough screeds yourself.

A flat floor without defects is installed different ways. The classic and most common is the formation concrete screed. The result is a relatively flat and at the same time durable floor, but modern requirements This is not enough for planning and design.

More progressive methods include a cement-based self-leveling floor, which has a self-leveling effect. Such coatings form almost perfectly smooth surface, if you strictly follow the installation technique.

General information about self-leveling floors

Self-leveling or self-leveling coatings are designed specifically for decorative arrangement floor coverings. In essence, they solve the problem of preparing a problematic rough surface for the future laying of linoleum, carpet, laminate or other coverings that must be laid on a flat floor. The distinctive qualities of such mixtures include the polymer base and the ability to be evenly distributed over the pouring area.

In a calm state, the poured mass will optimally spread across the floor, forming a smooth surface. What is also important is that the floor is cement-based and has the same strength characteristics as the screed. But at the same time, to create a uniform coating it is necessary minimum consumption material - in new premises with a small number of flaws and defects, it is quite possible to arrange layers 5 mm thick.

Some compositions also have decorative qualities, thereby eliminating the need for subsequent installation of the same linoleum or laminating panels.

Composition of the mixture for self-leveling floor

There are self-leveling mixtures that are self-sufficient and only require filling with water. But this flooring technique is very expensive, although it provides coverage as a result. highest quality. In most cases, a combination composition is used, significant part which is represented by a cement base. This is not just a filler, but a full-fledged active component responsible for the viscosity of the mixture.

The second part is made up of a multi-component factory mass, which provides both the ability for uniform distribution and other technical and operational qualities. In particular, the composition of a cement-based self-leveling floor may include mineral additives, polymer fillers, modifiers and fractionated sand. Depending on the presence of certain plasticizers and modifiers in the composition, the mixture can obtain properties such as insulation, sound insulation, fire resistance, frost resistance, etc.

Preparation of the solution

To make the operation easier, it is advisable to prepare in advance a construction mixer or a screwdriver that supports working with nozzles for stirring viscous solutions. Next, water is poured into the container - on the basis that 200 ml will be needed per 1 kg of mixture. However, it is advisable to determine the proportions according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For example, the cement-based self-leveling floor “Starateli” involves pouring 5-6 liters of water into a 25-kilogram mass.

The mixture is mixed with a prepared instrument until a homogeneous mass is formed. Next you need to wait until Chemical properties they won't find a solution of proper quality for filling. Exact flow rates will be determined by floor requirements and specific mixture characteristics. If a high-strength floor is needed, the thickness will be increased and, accordingly, the mass consumption will be increased. For thin 5mm coatings, consumption will be minimal.

Device technology

The entire workflow consists of three stages. Work begins with pouring the prepared mixture, during which the solution is distributed throughout the entire work site. The second stage involves manual leveling, which will help the natural process of mass distribution.

And at the final stage, the cement-based self-leveling floor begins the hardening process. At this stage, the user only needs to cover the surface of the future floor with a film to protect it from small foreign particles. Now it’s worth taking a closer look at the techniques for performing the first two stages of self-leveling coating.

Pouring the floor

Before pouring, the boundaries of the area where the mixture will be distributed should be clearly marked. Sometimes mini-formwork made of wood with beacons is installed for this purpose. The mixture itself is poured so that as few bubbles as possible form - in the future you will have to get rid of them with a needle roller.

It is necessary to pour out the entire volume that was prepared for coating at once, since delays are inappropriate both due to the rapid crystallization of the solution, and because gaps in time between pouring will negatively affect the formation of a uniform structure. If you plan to use a cement-based self-leveling floor on a large area, then it is advisable to select several points for pouring. This will make it easier to evenly cover the entire space.

Leveling activities

Although polymer mixtures are called self-leveling, it is advisable to assist the leveling process manually. But before this, it is necessary to compact the structure of the poured mass. On the one hand, such measures make it possible to rid the mixture of air bubbles, and on the other, to remove foreign bodies from the mixture.

As for tools, a vibropress is used for such tasks. This is a machine that compacts high self-leveling cement-based floors. You can do a similar operation at home with your own hands using the needle roller mentioned above. Direct leveling is also done with rollers, but with a wide coverage area. Next, all that remains is to wait for the complete crystallization of the laid mixture and its acquisition of the necessary strength properties.

Even at the stage of selecting a suitable composition, it is necessary to decide whether the installed coating will be a finishing coating or will create the basis for another decorative design. This will allow us to more accurately determine the set operational properties polymer flooring.

You should also provide for the possibility of installing a “warm” floor. If installed, the cement-based self-leveling floor should be as thick as possible so that a heat-insulating substrate remains at the bottom. Do not forget about the insulating qualities of the top part of the coatings. After crystallization, it is advisable to perform heat and sound insulation with special coatings. Waterproofing is realized through a film layer.


The rich set of advantages of self-leveling coatings in the eyes of an inexperienced consumer can completely exclude an alternative in the form of a traditional screed from choice. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages that also characterize cement-based self-leveling floors. Price 200-300 rubles. per 25 kg bag - one of weak points such floorings. When settling in large areas the solution will cost much more than conventional cement mixtures. In addition, many consider insufficient environmental cleanliness to be a serious drawback.

On industrial enterprises the same polymer fillers and modifiers special significance they do not, however, in a residential building, constant contact with such a coating is not beneficial. But private consumers can also find applications for such coatings, taking into account environmental nuances. So, self-leveling flooring can be done in a garage or workshop.

A level base of the floor is the guarantee that the finishing coating will lay beautifully and last long years(this is especially true for materials such as tiles). Cement-sand floor screed is an opportunity to create not only a smooth and even, but also a durable base. However, the work of filling it is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Let's figure out how to create such a screed yourself.

A screed made from a mortar made from sand and cement is an almost perfectly level base that is suitable for laying absolutely any flooring, be it tiles, laminate, linoleum or parquet. It is with the help of such a screed that rough foundations are most often leveled - concrete floors in houses, brick floors and even simply create a foundation lying on ordinary soil. On average, the thickness of the cement- sand screed varies from 3 to 8 cm. It may be larger, but due to the heavy weight mortar used for pouring, when calculating the thickness of the screed, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the floors.

The main tasks of the screed are not only to level the surface, but also to the fact that it will redistribute the loads experienced by the floor, creating solid foundation, will make it possible to equip heat and waterproof layers and even in itself is an excellent option for heat and waterproofing. Inside this structure you can lay different kinds communications, equip, etc.

On a note! Certain types of screeds, called self-leveling floors, will help bring to life the most daring design solutions. Such floors can be different color or have a very interesting drawing. Special compositions make it possible to create on the floor.

Benefits and Features

Cement-sand screed has many advantages. This applies to its physical and physico-chemical parameters.

Advantages of sand-cement screed.

But, like any other method of leveling the floor, cement-sand screed has its drawbacks, which you should be aware of before installing this type of base. The disadvantages of cement-sand screed are given below.

  1. Significant mass. Cement screed exerts significant pressure on the floors, and therefore its use may be limited by this factor. For example, 1 m 2 of cement-sand screed, laid in a layer of 1 cm, weighs about 20 kg.
  2. Long drying time. Before you can safely move on the screed and carry out further finishing of the floor, it is necessary to dry it well. The drying time is long - about a month.
  3. It is difficult to achieve a smooth surface manually. Fortunately, if this was not possible, but evenness is necessary, you can pour a self-leveling mixture on top of the screed.
  4. Difficult installation. Filling the screed is very difficult process, which is often carried out with the help of strangers. The work, of course, can be done independently, but it is important to follow all the steps and key points when pouring the screed. Otherwise it will crack.

In any case, a properly filled screed is great option bases for any type of finishing coating. In addition, after drying during use, it is easy to clean, even if not covered with finishing, and is also not afraid of water.

Types of cement screeds

Exists big number ways to make such a screed. However, we can distinguish the main ones - tied and untied screeds and floating.

Method ties tied used if the permissible leveling layer can be up to 4 cm thick. The base becomes one with the floor and walls. This type of screed requires careful preliminary preparation rough base - all large holes, cracks, cracks in the floors are sealed, all significant irregularities are removed as much as possible. If there are small bumps or pits on the surface of the ceiling, they do not need to be sealed. Builders even recommend artificially roughening freshly laid floors by walking on them wire brush– thus, the adhesion of the solution to the surface will be better.

The solution for pouring the screed should have the consistency of sour cream or cake cream. It turns out quite liquid and about 20 minutes after pouring it will begin to gradually harden. Therefore, you need to have time to fill and arrange the screed during this time.

Attention! Large premises They are usually poured in stages, since one person cannot quickly level such an amount of mixture.

You can carefully walk around the room the next day, but the drying time for such a screed is long - up to 40 days. It is important to properly dry such a base - the water cannot quickly evaporate from the layer, it must come out gradually, so it is recommended to moisten the fresh screed with water and cover it with film.

Eat untied screed, which, on the contrary, is mounted on a perfectly smooth surface. In this case, the base should not have water-absorbing properties, so as not to draw moisture out of the screed. The thickness of such a layer can reach 5 cm. The main difference from the previous type is that a primer is not used before pouring such a screed. Also, no methods are used that can increase the adhesion strength of the solution and the rough base.

Floor screed - mortar and grout

Also often installed is the so-called floating screed. It is usually used if its thickness should be 5-7 cm. The design of such a layer is different in that it does not even directly come into contact with the rough base - on the contrary, layers of hydro- and thermal insulation are laid between the solution and it, various materials, which simply will not allow the solution to adhere to the ceiling.

Attention! It is this type of screed that is most often strengthened with the help. It can also be added to the solution to increase its strength, reduce the risk of cracks and reduce the risk of shrinkage.

Due to its large thickness, such a screed could have the maximum weight, but it is poured using the so-called semi-dry technology. That is, the solution is mixed using a small amount of water and resembles the structure of wet sand.

Prices for fiberglass for screeds

fiberglass for screed

Proportions of cement and sand

Depending on which screed option is chosen, the composition of the mixture for its manufacture is also determined. The proportions of the two main components are selected depending on what brand of cement will be used and what quality of sand. To install a screed in an apartment, it is enough to use M200 cement. The finished base will be able to withstand a significant load - about 200 kg/cm³. You can take 1 part of M500 cement and mix it with 3 parts of sand. And you will need as much water as is necessary for the solution to achieve the required consistency. This is approximately 1 liter per 1 kg of cement.

Attention! There is no need to add a lot of water, as this will make the solution of less quality.

It is very important to choose the right sand to create the solution. It should not contain (or at least contain) various inclusions - silt, clay, etc. These components negatively affect the strength characteristics of the finished screed. Best to use river sand washed. Quarry sand is also suitable, but its quality is somewhat worse than river sand due to the angular shape of the sand grains.

Table. Mixture compositions according to GOST when using M400 cement, wt. h.

Brand of solutionCementWaterSand
150 1 0,55 3
200 1 0,48 2,8
300 1 0,4 2,4

One of the problems with indoor flooring is the uneven structure of its surface. This does not allow high-quality processing of the base using decorative finishing materials. One solution to this problem is a self-leveling floor. Similar materials They are distinguished by self-leveling abilities, which minimizes human participation in the distribution of surface structure.

Distinctive features

Cement self-leveling floors are modern materials, which during installation form a flat surface. The thickness of one layer can vary over a wide range.

Cement-based floors have several unique characteristics:

  • The hardened surface has high compression resistance. This allows you not only to level the floor, but also to further strengthen it;
  • Cement tolerates moisture well without losing its original characteristics;
  • The products are compatible with various finishing materials, including methyl methacrylate mixtures;

  • Relatively low cost. This concept is relative, since if you use mixtures as classic screeds, the volume increases, and, accordingly, financial costs;
  • The cement mixture allows moisture to pass through well, which allows the surface to breathe, minimizing the effect of liquid on the structure of the material;
  • Bases of this type are perfect for installing “warm” floors;
  • Easy to install. Almost anyone can install a self-leveling floor, even without experience in construction;
  • Almost perfect alignment grounds. This material is much better than classic sand screed, which does not allow for precise leveling of the surface.

Application environment

Cement self-leveling floors are universal leveling compounds that are not used as a decorative coating.

Their main purpose is to create a flat surface for finishing materials:

  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum and others.

Screeds of this kind are used in various types premises. You can place them both in the toilet and in the living room.

Theoretically, they are universal and suitable for both exterior and interior use.

In residential premises, self-leveling floors are used, which include: minimal amount polymers. This eliminates the selection harmful substances to the air.

That's why this option is optimal for a bathroom or kitchen where moisture is constantly released.

For residential premises with minimal humidity, the best option There will be a screed based on gypsum. It dries much faster, but is not used outdoors. Today, special polymer- cement screeds, which allow you to obtain a fairly thin leveling layer. Its thickness can reach 3-10 mm depending on the manufacturer. But at the same time specifications this product is much better. Therefore, a floor based on polymer components with a thickness of 1 cm competes with a classic cement coating with a thickness of 3 cm.

Polymer-cement mixtures are used only inside industrial premises. They can often be found in warehouses or other similar facilities. A special feature of this product is that after pouring it can simply be painted and used as a finishing coat.

Types of Cement Floors

Self-leveling floors are made from various substances that ensure the strength and durability of the product. Today, the highest quality mixtures are made based on cement.

Depending on the composition, these materials can be divided into several subtypes:

  • Sand-cement floors. Sandy substances are classic and most common. The characteristics of these solutions are very similar to ordinary cement screeds, which are used for additional surface leveling.
  • Cement-gypsum compositions. The combination of these substances allows you to obtain a solution that resists stress well and dries quickly.
  • Polyurethane-cement and epoxy-cement floors. Products are different high strength and durability. Their peculiarity is that they perfectly tolerate not only physical, but also chemical loads. Therefore, they are used in enterprises with certain working conditions. A floor made of such materials forms a seamless structure that does not collapse even with constant high temperature changes.

It should be noted that almost all types of cement-based self-leveling floors contain polymer components. It could be like epoxy resins, and regular acrylic. Depending on the percentage of these substances, the screed receives different properties. Today there are special polymer compositions, which can be poured into so-called “liquid glass”.

Classic self-leveling cement floors consist of several main components:

  • Cement. Its quantity is determined by the purpose of the material and the environment of its use. Depending on the brand of cement, the substance can obtain different strengths.
  • Fractional sand. When manufacturing products, only high-quality components of the same size are used.
  • Mineral and polymer additives. Their quantity is also regulated by production technology.

Surface structure

Cement-based self-leveling floors can technically be considered classic screeds. They differ only in consistency and composition. But at the same time, no one bothers to use them instead of a standard solution of cement and sand.

Depending on the purpose and structure of the material, self-leveling floors of this type are divided into the following subtypes:

  1. Basic. The substance is used for leveling significant differences. They allow you to form a screed up to 8 cm thick. They are not used as the main surface, since they do not differ in the necessary technical parameters.
  2. Mixtures for middle layers. The main purpose is to level out small defects with height differences of up to 3 cm. Often this mixture is coated with a base layer, which allows you to obtain a strong and durable structure.
  3. Finishers. Compositions of this type level the surface quite accurately. Laminate and other flooring are already laid on such bases. decorative materials. This type of cement floor can be applied with a thickness of no more than 1 cm.

Preparing the base

The quality of self-leveling flooring largely depends on the structure of the surface on which it is applied. Therefore, before laying the cement-based mixture, the substrates should be properly prepared.

This process consists of several procedures:

  • The basis for self-leveling mixtures is concrete. Therefore, before installing floors, all old coating should be removed from the surface. If the old structure does not require a concrete screed, then it is advisable to equip it. Especially it concerns country houses, where the floors are made of wood.
  • When the old coating is dismantled, the differences in the base are checked. It is important that this value does not exceed 20 mm. If there are protruding tubercles, then it is advisable to eliminate them mechanically. The best option there will be the usual knocking down of irregularities. An alternative is to use grinders and special electric tools.
  • To get a strong grip bulk mixture with the base, it is important to seal all cracks and remove dust. Immediately before applying liquid floors, the surface is primed with special solutions.

Apply the mixture

The technology for producing cement-based self-leveling floors is quite simple and involves the following sequential steps.

A flat floor in an apartment is a necessity and not a whim of the apartment owner. After all, all the furniture is located on the floor and should stand level.

Purpose of self-leveling floor

Usually, economic indicators repair work are always at the center of all kinds of calculations. The main task of any owner, especially when there is a lack of funds, is to search for technological operations on which you can really save.

In the recent past, when self-leveling floors were just beginning to gain their position, they were used exclusively in industrial scale. They could be found on factory floors, in public canteens and other production premises. Currently, there are several types of self-leveling floors. How a budget option, it makes sense to consider a cement-based self-leveling floor, as well as a gypsum-based one. These are publicly available and not scarce materials, which determine the cost of such floors.

Self-leveling floors got their name due to the method of application - the pouring method. Under the influence of gravity, as well as its fluidity, the substance spreads over the surface, creating a monolithic, smooth and even surface. After receiving such finishing surface it can be finished with any finishing material.

Cement based self-leveling floor

The composition of cement-based self-leveling floor includes cement, quartz sand the necessary factions, polymer additives, pigments and various additives that improve the technical characteristics of the mixture. The cement-based floor has water-repellent properties.

In addition, cement-based floors are considered universal, since they can be used both indoors and outdoors.

In this case, mixtures are divided into the following types:

  1. Mixtures for thick layers. They can be used in places where height differences reach a floor value of 100 mm. They are not subject to shrinkage and deformation if the cooking technology is not violated.
  2. Mixtures for thin coatings. They are used in conditions where a coating thickness of no more than 30 mm is required. Before pouring such compositions, the rough coating should be carefully prepared. Read also: "".

Mixtures for self-leveling floors are cement-based, especially if they contain polymers, which are quite expensive when compared with conventional sand-cement mixture. Depending on the temperature conditions self-leveling floor similar type can dry for 7-14 days. After this, you can lay any Decoration Materials such as laminate, parquet, 3D self-leveling flooring, ceramic tiles or other floor coverings.

Gypsum based floor

Self-leveling floors based on gypsum and polymers are less resistant to moisture, but are just as durable as those based on cement if the pouring thickness does not exceed 35 mm. At the same time, they set faster and after 3-4 days they can be used.

If the mixture is poured in layers of about 20 mm, then the material can be used for deeper pouring.

Part gypsum mixture contains various additives, which makes it adhere well to concrete base. Such mixtures are somewhat cheaper than cement ones. But, as mentioned above, self-leveling floors based on this material are afraid of moisture. In addition, ceramic tiles cannot be laid on such a base.

Which coating is better?

Since each material was developed for specific conditions, it is quite difficult to answer the question of which self-leveling floor is better, gypsum or cement.

Despite this, they have a general purpose:

  • Gypsum-based mixtures are definitely suitable for dry rooms. This could be a bedroom, living room, etc.
  • For rooms such as a kitchen, bathroom or hallway, it is better to choose a cement-based mixture. As a rule, high humidity is observed in such rooms.
  • In conditions where there is not enough money for a cement-polymer or gypsum-polymer mixture, it makes sense to organize a self-leveling cement floor with your own hands, adding any sand to the cement in a ratio of 1:3. Then pour a thin layer onto the resulting screed polymer material. It will take more time, but certain funds will be saved. This approach can be called the most optimal.

Pouring technology

Preparing the base

The quality of the final result largely depends on the quality of the preparatory operations:

  • First you need to prepare a rough coating. If necessary, the old coating is removed down to the concrete, and too high places are knocked down with a chisel or hammer drill.
  • The next stage involves determining the size of the differences. To do this you need to take building level and divide the room into sectors for ease of measurements.
  • There should not be any greasy stains, and the surface must be cleaned or sanded.
  • On next stage The surface is completely cleaned from dust using a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.
  • All irregularities or depressions (cracks) are sealed cement mortar. At the same time, it is necessary to achieve maximum evenness of the rough base, which will save expensive material.
  • Finally, 2-3 layers of deep penetrating primer are applied to a clean surface. Each subsequent layer can be applied after the previous layer has completely dried.

Applying the mixture

Pouring floors is an equally important technological operation:

  • The mixture is poured onto the base no earlier than 12-24 hours after applying the last layer of primer.
  • A damper tape is attached around the perimeter of the room. It is needed to compensate for temperature changes during the hardening process of the composition.
  • The mixture is prepared strictly observing the proportions indicated on the packaging of the dry bulk mixture. If you are preparing your own recipe (sand-cement), then the thickness of the material is determined in the following way: take a ring with a diameter of 50 mm with a side height of 45 mm and fill it with the composition. After this, the ring rises, and the mixture should be evenly distributed over the surface. After about two minutes, the diameter of this puddle should be 16-18 cm, which indicates the material is ready for use.
  • The finished mixture is poured in parts. The direction is selected from far corner towards the exit.
  • It is better to carry out such pouring together: one prepares the solution, and the other carries and pours it.
  • The poured mixture is distributed over the surface using a notched trowel and a needle roller. Using a needle roller, air bubbles are removed from the mixture.
  • In a couple of days self-leveling floor you can walk, and complete hardening can occur in 3-14 days, depending on the composition.


Carrying out such a filling is not at all difficult even by yourself. Depending on financial capabilities, this can be a cement-polymer floor, a gypsum-polymer floor, or a regular one. cement-sand screed, coated on top with a thin layer of polymer material.