A hedge of thorny plants. What plants to choose for a hedge

If you decide to make such a decoration in your yard, then you need to decide on the purpose of the fence, its location relative to the sun and other factors, as well as its shape. After all, it can be free and grow in all directions. And there is one that needs to be shaped, cut and adjusted to certain sizes. Therefore, it is important to choose the right type of plant that will ideally cope with all your requirements.

Viburnum-leaved bladderwort

This bush has excellent characteristics for those who want to quickly green up their area. resistant to diseases, tolerates frosty winters well and, most importantly, these hedge plants are fast-growing. grows in all directions at once. Its branches are covered with dense foliage, which looks like maple leaves, as well as currants and viburnum. The leaves have a very beautiful and unusual texture. The plant blooms at the end of June and beginning of July. Its inflorescences are umbrellas of many small flowers, which densely fill the already dense branches.

Did you know? In one year, the plant lengthens its branches by 40 cm.

The shape of the crown can be formed independently or allowed to grow in all directions. Standard bush has round shape. Some landscape designers form fountains or square low fences. The height of the bush and its width are up to 3 meters.
The plant should be pruned regularly, ridding it of inward growing, dry and diseased branches.

The best time for this is the end of autumn or the beginning of spring, when severe frosts have already subsided. It is important to do this at a time when the juices on the branches have not yet reached their usual speed during the warm season. Then you won't damage your plant. It is preferable to create a bush shape in the spring.
It is worth noting the variety of varieties. They are radically different from each other due to foliage color. She may be:

  • purple color, which can change to red in autumn period("Diabolo", "Little Devil", "Coppertina");
  • yellow with a golden tint (“Darts Gold”, “Luteus”);
  • the sheet has two colors at once: gold and burgundy (“Center Glow”).

Is there some more dwarf variety"Nana", which is painted in a lush green color and decorated with bright white flowers.


  • European and Giralda are distinguished by the highest resistance to frost;
  • the greenest has the most large flowers, but does not tolerate winter well and is suitable for the southern regions;
  • oval-leaved;
  • drooping;
  • the middle one overwinters without loss.

Important! Fertilizers are important for forcysia: organic fertilizers are applied in the fall, mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring. And also pruning, which is carried out every year. Without these actions, the bush becomes very weak.


  • "Kobold" is a spherical bush no higher than 30 cm with bright green leaves that turn yellow-orange by autumn;
  • "Baguette" – round form, no higher than 40 cm, has red leaves, which turn brown when growing in the sun, and green in the shade;
  • "Admiration" - grows into a ball with a diameter of 50 cm and has unique foliage, which is purple inside and has a light border at the edges;
  • "Speshal Gold" - a thick golden crown that turns pink in the fall;
  • "Atropurpurea Nana" is a purple-red bush, up to 60 cm high, 1 m wide;
  • "Green Carpet" - does not grow higher than 50 cm and has light green foliage in a rounded crown.

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In those days when metal structures were inaccessible to humans, fences made from plants were very popular. In our country they could also be often found. IN last years interest in them has increased again, due to an increase in the number of owners summer cottages, which, in addition to solving the problem of protecting the territory, strive to have attractive and durable elements on it.

A fence, the basis of which is formed by dense rows of bushes or trees, provides reliable protection not only from the gaze of others, but also from dust and noise. Such a fence makes the air cleaner, saturating it with oxygen, which is an additional reason why you should opt for living fencing. And if the owner wants hedge has served him for a long time, he needs to decide what types of plants to use to create it. You can get an answer to this question only by knowing about the qualities that certain species of shrubs and trees have.

Choosing shrubs by height

When deciding what height the plants should be, you need to focus on the size of the plot and the area that the owner will allocate for a living fence. Naturally, if taller plants are planted, this will create more shade from the green fence. According to this, it is possible highlight several types of shrubs for hedges:

Thorny and non-thorny shrubs

If the owner plans to build a hedge for his site, then care must be taken to ensure that it has good protective properties. Based on this feature, they distinguish two groups of plants:

  • thorny bushes;
  • thornless shrubs.

It is clear to everyone that thorny bushes have needles, and therefore, when erecting a fence from thorny bushes, the owner can be confident in more high level protection from illegal entry by people and animals.

  • thorny bushes - the best known are gooseberry, blackthorn, hawthorn, rose and rosehip.
  • non-thorny. These plants are distinguished by the absence of spines or thorns. These should be considered lilac, currant, and honeysuckle.

After the issue with the height and permeability of the fence has been resolved, it is necessary to decide on the appearance of the future fence.

Deciduous and evergreen shrubs

Considering that shrubs today are presented in a wide variety, the owner of the site has the opportunity to select among them plants that are more suitable for his appearance. As a basis for forming a hedge, you can choose deciduous and coniferous plants. It is difficult to give specific recommendations here, so you need to focus on your own preferences.

Among gardeners, the most common classification of shrubs is deciduous and evergreen.


This refers to plants that begin to shed their leaves with the arrival of autumn. Thus, the owner must take into account the fact that with the onset of winter, the hedge will no longer be as functional as in the summer, since at this time of year it will not be able to protect the house from strangers.

In the warm season, she copes with this task perfectly well, because, starting in early spring and ending in late summer, plants strewn with colorful flowers, foliage or tasty fruits. A special coloring in the autumn period is given to the site by fading foliage, which during this period acquires a crimson or yellowish color.

Judging by the name, these can be considered plants that retain foliage constantly, regardless of the time of year. Within this group, two types of shrubs can be distinguished:

  • deciduous;
  • conifers.

Deciduous. This group of shrubs can include boxwood, Japanese euonymus, and barberry. Although such plants can decorate a hedge and will not create difficulties with cutting, they often cannot withstand the harsh Russian winters; as a result, with the arrival of spring, dead plants are discovered, which forces the owner to plant new ones.

Conifers. These include spruce, juniper, thuja, and yew. In addition to the fact that these shrubs can withstand negative temperatures and do not create problems in care, they bring considerable benefits to the site, since in the process of their development they saturate the air with phytoncides, which have a positive effect on human health. However, to experience all the benefits of having coniferous plants on the site, you will have to be patient, since they grow quite slowly.

For landscape design, a common practice is when a hedge is formed from two or three plants that differ in their texture or height. Although if the owner decides to take such a step, he will have to prepare for certain difficulties, since it is difficult to make such a mixed hedge. You can simplify the solution to this problem if you first draw up a project on paper.

It should also be borne in mind that each plant requires an individual approach, since they have their own requirements for the composition and quality of the soil. Therefore, so that the effort and time spent are not in vain, it will not hurt to first find out which plants will feel best in your area and select plants accordingly.

Thorn bushes for hedges

Among all types of plantings, it is the prickly shrubs that will become the best solution to create an external impenetrable hedge. Although many of them are not afraid of a haircut, the most attractive appearance they are in wild form. Among them there are also those that grow in width, which is why the owner is required to regularly trim them and monitor the growth area.


The hedge provides the owner with summer cottage not only the opportunity to save on the construction of fencing, but also to make the area more beautiful. However, for such a fence to live up to expectations, it is necessary choose plants wisely. If you need a hedge that has the best protective properties, it is recommended to use thorny bushes for it. However, you need to choose them so that the soil on your site is suitable for them.

A hedge is now a particularly popular type of fencing. A beautiful, natural, environmentally friendly fence option. But if this fence is also thorny, it will serve as good protection from uninvited guests (tramps, hooligans, stray dogs). Which thorny shrub is best suited for a hedge? I want it to reliably protect, decorate the area, and not require much care and attention. Let's consider the most suitable options.

We’ll also talk about fences made of coniferous plants, because with their needles they will provide no less protection than the thorns of bushes.

Thorn bush hedges

As a rule, thorny bushes, which are used to construct living fences, are unpretentious, tolerate frost and drought well, and do not require complex care. The only thing that is necessary is to provide them with the correct haircut, because during the warm season a lot of young shoots appear and for preservation decorative look you need to trim them carefully and constantly.

Most thorny plants, in addition to thorns on their branches, also have luxurious foliage, fragrant flowers and bright berries. We often see some shrubs in Everyday life, and some are unfairly forgotten. We offer you a selection of the most the best plants, with which you can reliably protect your site.


It's deciduous perennial shrub family Rose. The plant is very popular as a hedge because it can be grown in areas with almost any climatic conditions, it tolerates frost and drought, and the fence from it is dense and impenetrable.

Hawthorn has strong, but at the same time flexible wood, thanks to which the bush tolerates haircuts well. Most often, a hawthorn hedge is given the appearance isosceles trapezoid, that is, they slightly narrow the top. But if you use your wild imagination, you can make various sculptural, fancy compositions from this plant.

In terms of care, in addition to pruning, hawthorn requires annual spring feeding(humus, compost and peat are usually added). The shrub is regularly watered and the soil around the trunk is loosened.


If you plant a low-growing gooseberry hedge on your site, you will combine business with pleasure. Neighbor's cats and dogs will not be able to get into your dacha through its thorny branches, and in addition to admiring the smooth fence, you will also be able to collect good berry harvests. If you provide the bush favorable conditions, it will bear fruit for up to 20 years.

It is important to remember that gooseberries do not like heavy clay soils, excess moisture in the soil and shaded areas.

Regarding care:

  • around the gooseberries it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds;
  • it must be fed abundantly, watered and pruned in a timely manner;
  • It is imperative to combat pests and diseases, because this shrub is susceptible to attack by sawflies, moths and aphids.


This decorative thorny shrub will provide your area with a riot of colors with early spring until the frosts. The dark green foliage, which is collected in small bunches on the shoots in spring, will be covered with flowers from the end of May. pleasant aroma. And in autumn the leaves turn yellow and red berries appear. So, if you form such a living fence, it will look very beautiful and impressive in appearance.

From the common barberry you can make a hedge up to 2.5 m high, and from the low-growing Thunberg variety you can make small decorative fences.

It is better to choose a place for barberry fencing that is sunny or slightly shaded. The shrub tolerates pruning well.

The most important advantage of a barberry fence is its protective properties. The 2 cm long spines will not allow either animals or people to enter the area. However, this advantage also has a negative side. Dry and old branches located in the thick of the crown are extremely problematic to prune. In addition to safety glasses and masks, you will need to wear thick clothing so as not to tear your body and then pull out long thorns.

Rose hip

When choosing what is more suitable for a hedge - rose hips or roses, preference should still be given to wild shrubs. During the flowering period, it is almost as beautiful as roses, but requires much less care. A luxurious impenetrable living rosehip fence, even experts in Lately give the palm.

The main advantages of this plant are that:

  1. It is growing quickly. This will be especially useful if you need to short term disguise an unsightly wall or a collapsed fence.
  2. Rosehip tolerates harsh winters and dry summer days well.
  3. The shrub emits an indescribable aroma during flowering. Because of this juicy and rich smell alone, you want to spend all your time at your dacha.
  4. Can be collected in autumn good harvest fruits that are rich in vitamin C, necessary for a person during winter periods of colds and infections.

Chinese princepiya

You can make a hedge from very beautiful plant with fruits that taste like cherries - Chinese prinsepia (it is even called prickly cherry in a different way).

The shrub grows quite quickly, reaching a height of up to 2 m. The branches look like twigs and are covered with sparse thorns up to 2 cm long. The plant is very beautiful during the flowering period, when it is covered with yellow flowers with a faint, pleasant aroma. Closer to autumn, the foliage turns ocher-yellow and red juicy fruits appear.

Such a fence will be durable, since the lifespan of prickly cherry is about 50 years. Prinsepia is not at all demanding in care; it does not need regular feeding and watering. It is enough just to add it to the soil in the spring at the beginning of the growing season. organic fertilizer. As for pruning, only old shoots are removed. This graceful shrub is naturally very beautiful and has an almost perfectly rounded appearance, so formative pruning of the Chinese prinsepia can be omitted.

The disadvantage of prinsepia is that caterpillars really like to feast on its leaves.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Very often, sea buckthorn is used to create fences. This plant is highly branched and reaches a height of 4-6 m. Thanks to its 2 cm long spines, sea buckthorn is capable of not only decorating an area, but also performing protective functions.

It has very unusual leaves, a pleasant silvery color. Green colour. At the end of summer or early autumn, the bush is covered with orange fruits, which are widely used in medicine.

Sea buckthorn grows quickly, is unpretentious to conditions, and does not require special care. Grows best in light, loose soils with sufficient quantity moisture. The bush will grow worse if the soil is heavy and clayey, and the place is too shaded.

Sea buckthorn is resistant to frost, propagates well by cuttings, but diseases and pests do not bypass it, so in early spring it is advisable to treat the plant with special preparations.

Tree caragana

Caragana arborescens is popularly called yellow acacia. The shrub comes from Siberia and is therefore very hardy. WITH in English its name is translated as Siberian pea bush. Caragana began to be used as landscaping and hedges back in the 18th century in St. Petersburg.

The shrub grows quickly, reaching up to 7 m in height. The smooth branches are covered with a few thin thorns. The leaves of the plant are very beautiful; when they first bloom, they have a light green tint, as if slightly dusted with silver; later they become a rich green color. During the flowering period, the entire bush is covered with bright yellow flowers, it starts in mid-July and lasts two weeks.

Caragana is an excellent honey plant, so you need to be prepared for a large number bees around such a fence. The plant is resistant to frost and drought, gas and smoke. Grows well on different types soil – poor sandy, acidic, alkaline. Loves bright places, does not tolerate excess moisture.

Caragana's bottom quickly becomes exposed, so to keep the hedge always dense, regular trimming is necessary, which the plant tolerates easily.

Roses, raspberries, thorns, and mahonia are also well suited for thorny hedges.

Dense impenetrable hedges of thorny bushes will, of course, provide reliable protection. But at the same time, small children and pets can also get hurt on large thorns. In this case, there is a way out - install a small decorative fence or curbs.

Coniferous hedges

Among all existing options For living fencing, a fence made of coniferous plants looks most attractive and impressive. Such a green hedge will delight you with its chic appearance all year round. Which one then Fresh air hovers in the area, thanks to the phytoncides emanating from the needles!

Each plant has its own characteristics in planting, propagation and care. Let's talk about the least picky representatives of conifers, from which you can easily form into suburban area living fence


Most often, when forming living coniferous fences, experts recommend using spruce. They tolerate haircuts very well. Although if these plants are planted densely (every 40-50 cm), thick living wall It will turn out so dense and tall that you won’t have to trim it. The spruce paws are so tightly intertwined that they become impenetrable even to small animals.

This plant has so many varieties that you can even choose a specific color for your living fence - blue, golden, green, yellowish. There are special decorative low-growing varieties spruce trees, which can be used for arranging borders.

Spruce trees, although they grow slowly, are resistant to harmful urban conditions (dust, smoke, gas pollution).


If you plant as a hedge western thuja, then you can give it absolutely any look. Among the representatives of coniferous plants, it withstands molding cutting best of all. Due to this quality of thuja landscape design are especially popular.

It grows quite slowly. Special requirements does not apply to the soil, but it will grow better in sandy, sandy loam, loamy and fertile, well-moistened soil. The plant is resistant to winds, diseases and pests.


Among coniferous plants used as hedges, juniper is considered capricious:

  • it does not tolerate drought well;
  • the quality of the soil is extremely important for him;
  • does not like shaded places.

But juniper can also be used as a free-growing hedge. It is so beautiful that it does not need to be cut or shaped. In this case, the “Hibernica” variety with a narrow columnar crown, which is also called “northern cypress,” is especially suitable.

For a low hedge, it is best to choose the Cossack juniper variety; it is less picky (resistant to drought, can grow on sandy and rocky soils) and is less susceptible to pests.

Among other coniferous options, pay attention to yew, fir, cypress, and pine. They may be a little more difficult to care for and reproduce, but they will provide a beautiful, reliable hedge for a long time.

Everything has its borders - from the state to the dacha plot. And if the border of the garden is prickly hedge, we can say with confidence that uninvited guests will not visit it. Neither bipedal nor quadrupedal.

For a protective fence, it is recommended to use thorny bushes - barberry, rose hips, thorns, hawthorn. Except reliable protection, they will also serve as decoration for the site; these shrubs all bloom beautifully and look quite impressive in themselves. So it is not at all necessary to build a two-meter fence. It will be successfully replaced by a trellis fence of thorny bushes on horizontal slats.

To create such a hedge, seedlings should be planted at a distance of 20 cm in one row. As they grow, the emerging shoots need to be cut off, leaving 2–3 of them, the strongest ones. Those that intersect are cleared of bark and connected to each other; they will subsequently grow together. Growing shoots are fixed to the bottom strip of the trellis. This procedure is repeated every year until the thorny fence becomes completely impassable. She long years will decorate the garden and protect it.

One of the most suitable shrubs for this purpose is hawthorn. Some of its varieties may be more like trees, and some may have spines up to 7 centimeters long. And large-thorned hawthorn can reach 5–6 meters in height and have spines 12 centimeters long.

Barberry will make a very worthy hedge; its spines reach 2 centimeters. Different varieties barberries have their own, special appearance, so you can choose a plant to suit your taste. It should only be taken into account that some varieties are not suitable for high hedges because they do not grow only to a certain level. Low-growing species are used only for decoration garden paths or padding tall plants, to decorate the background of the flower garden.

A hedge of incomparable beauty will be made from rose hips or roses. The thorns of both rose hips and roses are quite impressive, and if you consider that their bushes can be two meters high, and even higher, then they are certainly best suited for a thorny hedge.

Hedges need care; if they are not looked after, they grow haphazardly and look untidy. But if you are growing a thorny fence, then you need to handle it carefully and follow some safety measures. All work must be carried out using tight gloves to avoid injury. If children or pets live on the site, then prickly fence It's better not to start it at all. Or take care of additional protection and protect access to it by children and animals.

Unlike European owners of land plots, who do not fence themselves off from the outside world, the domestic summer resident does not like interference in personal life. To create your inner world personal plot localized by fences various types. You can grow an economical, functional and environmentally friendly fence yourself.

Types of living green fencing

By method of care DIY hedge at the dacha is divided into two types:

According to their form and purpose, living barriers are classified into:

  • lawn - up to 1 meter high, used as fencing for flower beds, lawns, flower beds;
  • zonal - up to 2 m high, used to limit or highlight certain areas of the territory;
  • living wall - more than 2 meters high, which is planted along the perimeter of the site or used as a fence.

The simplest hedge at the dacha with your own hands

The most unpretentious living fences are plantings of wild (or maiden) grapes, ivy, honeysuckle or weigela. These are climbing plants whose vines can reach 5 m in length, so they are usually planted along a chain-link mesh, which acts as a support.

Emerald leaves of the grapes in early spring and summer, by autumn they form the entire spectrum of golden-crimson colors.

Such a fence does not require any costs or maintenance. A dense wall will protect the area from prying eyes, dust and dirt from the street.

The variety of colors of weigela and honeysuckle - from snow-white to bright crimson - will give the fence uniqueness and splendor. For planting, you should select the following types of hedges that bloom from May to September:

  • Honeysuckle Honeysuckle – flowering time – June-July. Cream flowers turn pink by mid-summer, and by the end of flowering they acquire a brownish tint;
  • dark pink flowers of climbing honeysuckle decorate the area until mid-August;
  • bright large inflorescences-tubes from yellow and red-orange to crimson - in climbing species Brown and Scarlet.

Living willow fence

A practical, inexpensive and effective type of living fence is obtained from ordinary willow trees, which grow in abundance on the banks of fresh water bodies. The advantage of such a fence is:

Before planting, stakes are driven into the ground to the height of the desired fence, which are fastened together with 1 or 2 crossbars for temporary support.

The preparation of seedlings begins in early spring before the leaves appear. Young shoots 2-3 m long are cut from trees, which are then planted in the ground. The distance between the cuttings is 15-20 cm, and it is better to plant them at an angle to each other. In places where they are intertwined, the shoots are tightly tied and the bark is cut slightly - this way they will grow together faster and send out new branches.

It is better to plant 2 seedlings in 2-3 rows in a checkerboard pattern. To obtain a more durable structure, seedlings can be intertwined with each other.

This type of wickerwork will harmoniously support the concept of rustic style.

Coniferous garden

Evergreens can also be used as living fencing. The advantage of conifers is their density - a coniferous fence does not allow dust and wind to pass through, and retains snow. Usually encloses the site on the north side. The disadvantage of forming a living coniferous hedge is its slow growth and high cost. Used for growing coniferous hedges different kinds evergreens:

Spruce– varies a wide range of needle colors - from soft blue to golden brown. Requires pruning. By selecting seedlings by height and color, you can create a multi-colored multi-tiered structure. Popular types– eastern, purple, ordinary, Siberian, prickly, gray, etc.

Pine- a rarely used fencing material. The reason for this is that it only grows upward - that is, when pruned, the tree does not produce additional shoots and does not grow in breadth. However, pine is sometimes used to create high fences. Popular types are ordinary, mountain, Siberian, Korean, cedar, black.

Cedar– Lebanese, Atlas, Himalayan. It is used for hedges for its frost resistance and unpretentiousness. The needles can be dark green, silver or golden. Distinctive feature cedar trees are large cones, inside of which there are nuts used for food.

Fir- Siberian, Kamchatka, Sakhalin - a pyramidal tree with vertically growing cones.

Thuja– the most common tree in landscape design. Benefits of thuja:

Popular types are “Brabant”, “Smaragd”, “Holmstrap”.

Juniper is also used for hedges, but this plant is demanding on soil and care.

Barbed living fence

To protect the area from uninvited guests It is enough to fence it with a fence grown from thorny bushes. Barberry, rose hips and hawthorn are best suited for these purposes. The undeniable advantages of these plants include:

A thorny hedge of living bushes delights the eye from early spring to late autumn - delicate flowers give way to bright fruits hiding among colorful leaves, the color scheme of which covers the entire warm spectrum.

Features of the formation of a hedge

A finished hedge made of barberry, rose hips or hawthorn can be obtained in 4 years. The first stage of planting formation is planting seedlings at a distance of 20 cm from each other in one row. In the second year of growth, rooted plants are pruned at a height of 10 cm above the ground. Then, throughout the season, weak shoots are removed so that by the end of the growing season two or three large and strong branches remain. The branches are tied in places where they are intertwined - this will strengthen your fence and make it even more impenetrable.

In the third year, the procedure is repeated with the only difference that the lower newly grown branches are fixed to the trellis, thus forming the lower part of the hedge. From the fourth year you can form the desired crown.