The meaning of the name Akakiy. Name Akakiy Male name Akakiy

The meaning of the letters in the name

Characteristics of Akaki by the letters of the name:

  • “A” is the desire for creation, a symbol of the beginning, the desire to achieve spiritual and physical comfort.
  • "K" - reliability, ability to keep one's mouth shut and keep secrets. Endurance, enormous fortitude, insight.
  • “I” - spiritual kindness, cheerfulness, optimism and a tendency to self-sacrifice. As a rule, people with this letter in their name are romantic people.


Akaki is a rather rare male name of Greek origin. The largest number of men who bear this name are found in the territory of modern Georgia. This is explained by the fact that the local population is not in a hurry to follow fashion, but prefers to choose names based on their meanings.

The name Akaki predetermines its owner a calm character. From an early age, this child will differ from his peers in perseverance, responsiveness and tact. As a rule, these boys are very attached to their mothers and prefer to spend all their free time at home. It is extremely important for parents to pay more attention to raising Akaki. The meaning of the name suggests that this child often experiences self-doubt, which is an obstacle to communication with peers. To raise a boy’s self-esteem and instill masculinity in him, parents may want to enroll him in a sports section, such as wrestling.

School years

The meaning of the name Akaki predetermines the boy’s inclination towards exact sciences. He pleases his parents with his performance at school, and teachers always set Akaki as an example to other students. The boy easily and quickly masters the school curriculum, in which he is helped by character traits such as attentiveness and perseverance.

Akaki may have difficulties communicating with peers. As a rule, many guys consider a boy to be overly secretive, withdrawn and shy. To some extent this is true. However, Akakiy, who never strives to become a leader in a team, is a rather interesting person. If he feels comfortable in the company, he is able to reveal a completely different side. This comprehensively developed boy is ready to support a conversation on any topic, tell a lot of funny stories, and give practical advice.

The meaning of the name Akaki: the character and fate of an adult man

The man, named Akakiy, has a rather calm character. He hates lies in any of its forms and does not forgive betrayal, so Akaki takes an extremely responsible approach to the formation of his closest circle. His friends are time-tested people. Akaki knows how to make friends and is always ready to lend a helping hand to a loved one.

The meaning of the name Akaki predetermines creative and artistic abilities. However, as a rule, a man does not develop them. It's all due to excessive shyness. Also, the man does not weave intrigues or participate in scams. He is not ready to take risks, since stability is extremely important to him.

Akaki does not like liars and flatterers and tries to stay away from them. However, kindness and inability to understand people often lead to further life difficulties and disappointments. Akaki, as a rule, has no enemies, he is completely unforgiving, and quickly forgets insults.

Positive character traits of a man include:

  • decency;
  • kindness;
  • politeness;
  • tact;
  • love of life.

Like all people, Akaki also has negative character traits:

  • excessive shyness;
  • impermanence;
  • jealousy;
  • indecision.

Relationships with the opposite sex

Despite the fact that a man named Akakiem is quite modest, he is always the center of attention from the opposite sex. The shyness of the young man attracts beauties, but relationships with girls are not easy for him. Akaki, as a rule, tries to be extremely honest with his chosen one, but this is not always beneficial.

As soon as Akaki meets his soul mate, he instantly transforms and becomes more relaxed. A romantic nature awakens in him, pushing a man to do crazy things. If Akakiy fails to curb his passion, he is capable of causing trouble. With age, this man becomes a real womanizer: he loves to flirt with women and knows a number of techniques with which he can charm any beauty.

Marriage and family

Professional astrologers characterize Akaki as a person capable of creating a strong union. Despite the fact that he will always be in the center of attention from the opposite sex, he can safely be called a monogamous man. Akaki will never have an affair on the side, will not follow his instincts.

He is a wonderful loving husband who surrounds his wife with care throughout her life. Akaki chooses his soul mate among women who have a calm character, good upbringing and no bad habits. He is not only a wonderful husband, but also a father who strives to spend all his free time at home with his family or out with his children.

Business and career

Akakiy enjoys well-deserved authority both among his colleagues and among his superiors. He is efficient, punctual, attentive and responsible. It is these qualities that allow a man to quickly move up the career ladder. Most suitable professions:

  • writer;
  • Researcher;
  • medical worker;
  • teacher;
  • engineer.

Akaki, as a rule, does not have business acumen and does not know how to understand people at all, so it is extremely rare for him to become a businessman.

"good-natured, good."

Origin of the name Akaki

Greek, from the name Akakios. At its root lies the word “kakos” - “bad, evil”, plus the prefix “a-”, meaning negation.

Characteristics of the name Akaki

As a child, little Akaki is in dire need of parental care and encouragement. As a rule, the bearer of such a name is not very confident in himself, and therefore is indecisive and unstable in thoughts and actions. It would be good to enroll Akaki in a sports section from childhood so that he develops fighting qualities. Fate sometimes gives Akaki a chance to prove himself, but he is in no hurry to take advantage of it. Touchy, jealous, but at the same time always very kind. They say about such people: “He wouldn’t hurt a fly.” He is devoted to his family, children, parents, and is extremely courteous to everyone. A faithful worker and servant who will not envy his colleagues and strive to take the place of the boss.

Famous personalities: the name Akakiy was used by N.V. Gogol in the story "The Overcoat" (1842), where the main character was named Akaki Akakievich. Since then, Akaki has been a symbol of a meek, “little” person.


There lived in the monastery a mentor who was demanding of young novices, and he had a student named Akaki. The mentor daily scolded Akaki, reproached and even beat the young man, justifying himself by saying that Akaki was thus carrying out obedience pleasing to the Lord. After living in these unbearable conditions with his mentor for nine years, Akakiy died. Five days later, the mentor informed one wise old man about the death of Akaki. The elder expressed doubt about the death of the novice and went with his mentor to the tomb, where he asked the dead Akaki, as if alive: “Brother, are you dead?” Akaki suddenly responded: “Father, how can someone who obeys die?” The amazed mentor fell to the ground and exclaimed with tears: “I am a murderer!” From then on, the mentor began to live righteously and atone for his sin until his death.

This male name of Greek origin is rare in Russia. It is more popular in Georgia. The meaning of the name Akaki is demonstrated by the translation from Greek: “peaceful”, “benevolent”. The man named so is balanced, calm, and modest. Already from childhood, these qualities are manifested - the boy behaves meekly, unnoticed.

The meaning of the name Akaki for a boy is manifested in his calmness and politeness with everyone. Parents can be sure: their quiet, kind child will not become a rude person or a hooligan. Such gentleness leads to some shortcomings - excessive gullibility, immaturity, naivety. As a result, less respectable peers may take advantage of his kindness.

At the same time, the meaning of the name Akaki for a child is also revealed in the boy’s attachment to home and mother. Often he is not very confident in himself, so he needs parental care, support, and encouragement. If parents want to raise a strong, independent young man, it is better to enroll Akasha in the sports section. Sports activities will help the boy develop fighting qualities.

The child is touchy, jealous, and reacts very sensitively to injustice. The interpretation of the name also says that he is shy, unsure of himself, therefore he does not strive to lead in the team, and he tries to avoid frequent communication.


Despite the fact that Akasha is distinguished by his meek disposition and modesty (or perhaps precisely because of this), he attracts the attention of women. It is difficult for a young man in a relationship, because with a girl he strives to be sincere and honest. His shyness and at the same time charm inspires sympathy among the fair sex, but brings inconvenience to himself.

Having found love, he becomes romantic - this means that many positive abilities are manifested during courtship. His signs of attention cannot but evoke a response from the chosen one. If the passion is strong, it can lose control of itself, do stupid things, and then regret it. He loves flirting, but does not attach much importance to it and rarely uses special methods to seduce a woman.


Akakiy values ​​the family hearth very much. We can say that the goal of his life is to create a strong family where he will be understood and loved. This also means that he will become a faithful, devoted husband for his half, her support. He will achieve family happiness with a decent, well-mannered, quiet girl. He is a monogamous man and will make an ideal couple with his wife. Their lives will be dominated by happiness, mutual understanding, and love, which are of great importance to both.

He likes to spend time at home, so he is not inclined to often see strangers or guests at home. He loves his children, a caring father who will not offend them in any way. Respects his parents, cares, helps them in everything.

Business and career

Creative activity is perfect for him, since the rich inner world of a young man is conducive to this. He can realize himself in religious, philosophical studies, and natural sciences. A man is hardworking, which means he is able to achieve certain results. A responsible employee who does not envy his colleagues does not strive to take the place of the boss.

Due to circumstances, he may often change jobs and move to different places. Akaki’s established way of life, which is important to him, may change dramatically, but all these changes will ultimately be for the better.

Financial affairs will rarely be successful for this man; more often he will suffer losses. Speculation can lead to its collapse. It is very likely that the owner of this name can often be deceived. But still, no matter what the trials, everything will end well.

He can become a clergyman, a writer, a scientist.

Origin of the name Akaki

Opinions agree on the origin of the name Akaki: it has a Greek etymology. Its basis is the word “kakos”, that is, “bad”, and the prefix a-, which denies this unfavorable meaning. A new word was formed, from which the name Akakos came, meaning “kindly”, “peaceful”, “doing no evil”.

The history of Christianity knows three great martyrs, three bishops and one patriarch named so. Therefore, the name is popular in the Christian religion. The Saints count 12 days in memory of these saints. With their feat, they worthily confirmed the mystery of the name: humility, non-resistance to evil, spiritual kindness, which constitutes one of the most important philosophical pillars of the Christian religion.

Boys are called this way more in Georgia: several prominent figures from various industries are known. For example, Akaki Tsereteli is a poet whose name became known throughout the world thanks to the song “Suliko”.

Thanks to the hero of the story “The Overcoat” by Gogol, this name became a household name. Since then it has been a symbol of a quiet, “small” person.

Characteristics of the name Akaki

He is a meek person who tries not to stand out and has a balanced character. He tries to ensure that his immediate circle consists of loyal, devoted friends, since he experiences deception and betrayal very hard. He has a rich inner world, he has creative abilities, but shyness and timidity prevent them from showing them.

Positive traits are kindness, sensitivity, love for your home. He is polite, very decent, serious, efficient, and responsible. Circumstances play a big role in his life. However, when an opportunity arises that can influence fate, change it for the better, this man may simply not notice it and not use it.

The young man so named does not like scams or intrigue. He prefers stability to risk and luxury. He will not take revenge on the offender, or participate in intrigues or conspiracies. But, speaking about the pros and cons of the characteristics of the name Akaki, one should also note inconstancy, indecisiveness, and inability to understand people. He lacks self-confidence, the correctness of his views and actions. This manifests itself as indecision, instability of beliefs and actions, bordering on unprincipledness.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - beryl, selenite, white coral;
  • Name days - March 22, April 30, July 20, September 28;
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Virgo, Cancer.

Famous people named Akaki

  • Akaki Tsereteli (1840-1915) - Georgian poet, writer, educator, leader of the national liberation movement of Georgia;
  • Akaki Khorava (1895-1972) - Georgian Soviet actor, theater director, People's Artist of the USSR;
  • Akaki Tsilosani - surgeon, specialist in hair transplantology, doctor of medical sciences, professor.

Name Akaki in different languages

Translation of the name Akaki into English, French, Spanish, German - Akaki. In Portuguese - Acácio.

How is it translated into oriental languages? In Chinese it is written 阿卡基, in Japanese - 赤木.

Name forms

  • Full name - Akakiy;
  • Derivatives, diminutives, abbreviations and other variants - Akasha, Akaha;
  • Declension of the name - Akaki, Akaki;
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Akaki.

What does the name Akaki mean?: “doing no evil, without malice” (the name Akaki is of Greek origin).

Angel Akaki's Day: The name Akaki celebrates name days several times a year:

  • March 22
  • April 30
  • May 14
  • May 20
  • June 1st
  • July 20
  • 10th of August
  • September 28
  • 12 December.

Meaning of a boy's name

Akaki is kind and trusting. These qualities should not be abused. Akaki will never take revenge, participate in conspiracies or intrigues. The meaning of the name needs loyal and reliable friends. Lies and deception hurt him painfully.

Character of the name Akaki

Positive features: Akaki is a calm, balanced person, committed to family and home. He differs from those around him in his decency, modesty, and diligence.

Negative features: Shyness, unscrupulousness, excessive gullibility and promiscuity in people. The life of a man named Akaki will greatly depend on circumstances.

Name Akaki in love and marriage

Akakiy strives to create a family. He is attached to his wife and children, and does not dare to offend them either by word or deed.

Compatibility with female names

The name’s marriage with Aksinya, Glykeria, Eupraxia, Oya, Lina, Milava, Praskovya, Pulcheria is successful. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Alla, Victoria, Isidora, Kaleria, Nika, Stefania.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Akaki will succeed in natural sciences or philosophical, religious studies. A rich inner world is conducive to creative activity. Under the influence of circumstances, he can often change jobs and move from place to place. As a result, Akaki’s entire way of life may completely change, but all such life changes will ultimately be for the better.

Business and career: The name Akaki is rarely lucky in financial matters. Speculation is harmful for Akaki. He may often suffer losses. It is possible that he will be deceived more than once, but no matter what troubles happen to him, everything will end well in the end.

Health and energy named after

Akaki may have a weakened digestive system. He should set his own diet and keep his intestines in order, otherwise there may be poisoning.

The fate of the name Akaki

  1. Akaki Tsereteli is a Georgian poet.
  2. Akaki Vasadze, Akaki Khorava - Georgian actors, People's Artists of the USSR.
  3. Akaki Chkhenkeli - delegate of the 4th Duma, one of the leaders of the Mensheviks.
  4. Akaki Shanidze - Georgian philologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Akakiy
  • Genitive case: Akakia
  • Dative case: Akakiyu
  • Accusative case: Akakia
  • Instrumental case: Akakiem
  • Prepositional case: Akakii