So the left door is the right door. How to determine whether a door opens left or right

When choosing models with swinging doors, be sure to clarify in which direction the door leaf moves. This is necessary not only in terms of ease of use, but also from the point of view of people’s safety, especially in emergency situations, when seconds matter everything. How can we visually determine whether the door in front of us is left or right?

Simple ways

1 – “clockwise” rule. If the door opens to the left, then the direction is the same. But this is subject to the outside. When swinging inward, it's exactly the opposite. Opening the canvas to the right is interpreted similarly.

2 – location for installing the handle. The doors are always swung open (moved) by the same hand. It’s difficult to confuse, because we simply don’t do it any other way: the inconvenience is obvious.

3 – location of loops. It won’t be difficult to understand which model it is if you stand so that the sash moves towards you. The opening of any door, left or right, is determined by the location of the awnings. They are located on the side of the same name.

What you need to know

When choosing a model, personal preferences (material, finish, size, etc.) great importance, and third-party advisers are unlikely to be needed here. But the difference for doors on the swinging side was not introduced by chance. It is through them that people are mainly evacuated in case of fires, natural disasters and in a number of other critical situations. Therefore, safety issues should come first. If you familiarize yourself with the requirements of SNiP and GOST, then these documents spell out in detail in what cases this or that door is installed and how to distinguish between them.

The fact is that in the corridors of administrative buildings, private houses, apartments there are almost always several openings connecting them with different rooms. When choosing doors, the side of their opening must be determined. Moreover, if the passages are not wide enough, which is typical for residential buildings. Otherwise, doors that are open at the same time will begin to interfere with each other, blocking neighboring ones, preventing them from opening completely. And this is unacceptable in terms of security.

The door opening side must be taken into account if the unit is purchased for installation at the entrance to the house. Such canvases should only swing outwards. Whether it will be right or left is chosen in relation to local conditions (convenience) and the specifics of installation. Typically, a feature door design determined at the design stage. There is one nuance here that allows you to look at the problem of the opening side from a different angle.

Professional firefighters argue that in some cases it is advisable to install doors at the entrance with the leaf moving inward. The fact is that such doors are much easier (more convenient, faster) to break into in emergency situations. If for some reason, when plowing externally, the leaf does not completely open the passage, then it is necessary to install models in which they move inward.

Separately, it is worth noting the specifics of choosing a block for the entrance to a home, especially in a high-rise building with an old layout. One of distinctive features Such houses have small landings with 3–4 apartments. Here you need to take into account their location. It doesn’t matter whether the door is right-handed or left-handed - its leaf (both in terms of convenience and safety) should be adjacent to the wall when fully opened. In this case, it will not become a hindrance for neighbors in any situation - moving, transporting large items or evacuation.

Particular attention should be paid to the model purchased for the opening that is closest to others flight of stairs. An open door should not block access to it. And which one is needed - right (left) - is easy to understand by the location of the apartment on the floor. Neglecting this may result in a complete replacement of the unit. If dissatisfied neighbors file a complaint with the housing/inspection, technical/supervision, management company (there are plenty of options), then after the inspection the owner will be issued an order to compulsorily replace the door. Reason – gross violation PB rules.

How to distinguish between left and right doors is not difficult to understand. The main thing is to choose wisely optimal model, taking into account compliance with all requirements of regulatory documents. And first of all, in terms of fire safety.

Before replacing the door leaf, hinges, or locking system, you need to decide on the opening side of the door. There are two types: right-hand door opening and left-hand door opening. From this simple parameter directly depends not only right choice door fittings, but also compliance with the installed door structure existing standards security.

Fire safety rules stipulate that a street entrance door or an apartment interior door must have outer side swinging (opening), that is, while in the room, the door should be pushed away from you. It is not always possible to install the doors properly, since in some apartments or houses open form the doors begin to block each other, blocking the passage of neighbors. However, practice shows that during emergency situations it is much easier for rescuers to break down a door installed with internal opening.

To interior doors special requirements the direction of their opening is not specified. The unspoken rule states that entrance, interior, technical doors should not interfere with each other, as this causes inconvenience for residents and guests of the house. It is customary to install doors in the bedroom with inland direction swinging, and in the restroom and bathroom - with external opening.

In accordance with fire safety rules, a door with a right opening swings open clockwise, and a door with a left opening, on the contrary, counterclockwise.

  • Unfortunately, this rule does not always apply, since the design of the door leaf and the design of the room allows it to be adapted to a specific situation.

To determine the right or left side of door opening, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  1. Direction of door (leaf) opening after pushing;
  2. The hand that is used when opening doors;
  3. Type door hinges, on which the fastening is based.

How to determine “left” or “right” opening in doors by the door handle and hinges?

The correct determination of the door type is indicated by the direction in which they open. Type of door leaf when opening the door inner side determined by the position of the handle. If it is installed on the left, and it is easier for you to carry out the action right hand, then the door is considered to be right-handed, that is, with a “right” opening, and if the handle is on the left and you move your left hand, it is a left hand, respectively, this is a “left-handed” door opening. In cases where the doors open in the opposite direction from you, the direction is determined exactly “opposite”: the right handle and left hand- right opening, and the handle on the left and the right hand - left. The type of door can also be determined by the hinges. When opening the door leaf “towards you”, their axis is located on the side that is considered the door.

Note: In developed countries, they care about safety during possible emergency situations, so a lot of time and attention is paid to compliance with the rules. To determine the type of door you should become doorway facing the widest part of the box. The door should open in the direction opposite to your position, that is, away from you. When opening a door, remember the hand you use to push the door. The left hand opens the left-hand door counterclockwise, and the right hand does the opposite.

When installing doors interior type The opening side plays an important role, since the design of the doorway depends on this. Before installation work It’s worth finally deciding on the opening side of the interior structure. The door frame must be installed in such a way that the leaf is firmly pressed against the ledge, and the type of hinges allows the door to swing open in the desired direction.

When you can independently determine the opening side of entrance and interior doors, it will not be a problem for you to choose the right one door fittings, install the door frame in accordance with fire safety standards.

There are many companies offering professional services in the field of door installation, however, this procedure can be performed independently. Before starting work, you should clarify the characteristics of the fittings and installation rules. Beginners often face the question of how to determine whether left or right hinges should be installed on a particular canvas. Our publication will help you figure it out.

Types of loops

Installation of the door leaf to the frame is carried out using special hinges. The fittings are divided into several types:

  • the hinged one is fixed by means of special plates that have holes on the sides (wings), while one wing is screwed to the box, the second to the canvas;
  • the screw-in one is secured with threaded pins on the frame and door, then one part of the hinge is inserted into the other.

Mounted ones are divided into detachable and one-piece (universal). The universal hinge fits any door, no matter which way they open, but the device must be unscrewed before removal.

A detachable device allows you to remove doors without unscrewing the hinges. Experts advise using them when installing doors in an apartment.

Detachable and screw-in designs, in turn, are left and right. Before you choose left or right door hinges it is necessary to determine the direction of movement of the web.

Selection factors

Determining left and right doors

Choosing door hinges begins with determining which way the door opens: left or right. According to Russian rules, if the handle is located on the door on the right side and a person opens it towards himself with his left hand, it is considered left-handed. In this case, the left door hinge is installed.

Conversely, a door that opens towards itself with the right hand using a handle located on the left is called right-handed. To install such a structure, you need a right hinge.

In Europe, the location of the fittings is determined by the direction of movement, and not by the hand with which the door is opened. In this case, the structure is not attracted, but repelled. That is, European doors are considered right-handed if a person pushes it away from him with his right hand, and the structure remains on the right side of the passage. In this case, the hinges are bought on the right. And vice versa.

This factor is important to consider when purchasing foreign-made hinges, in particular if they are not marked in Russian.

In the terminology of the masters there are such designations as “mom” (“girl”) and “dad” (“boy”). “Male” is the part of a detachable loop with a pin attached to the canvas. The second part of the hinge, which is fixed on the door and fits onto the first, is called “mother”. The terms “work” in all countries and from different manufacturers.

Which side is better to place the loops on?

If you are purchasing a new door and are deciding whether a left or right hinge is needed in your particular case, we recommend using fire safety rules. Moreover, this applies not only to entrance doors, but also to interior doors.

Any of them should not prevent the rapid evacuation of people from the premises. It is worth remembering that in emergency situations, even a permanent resident of an apartment can “forget” which way to pull the sash (due to stress or under the influence of carbon monoxide).

Intuitively, the average person will push the door rather than pull it. However, when installing entrance doors, you need to make sure that the door opening inside the entrance will not block the exit of your neighbors. Inside a house or apartment, exits from rooms or bathrooms must also not be blocked.

From the point of view of ease of use, the door should not interfere with bringing in or taking out large objects into the room.

In any case, when choosing whether a door needs a right or left hinge, the main factor is the desire of the owner, who decides how the door will open. Wherein:

  1. If the door hinges are on the right side of the frame, then a right door hinge is purchased.
  2. If the hinges are intended to be on the left side, then you should buy left-handed hinges.

Installation of door hinges

Having determined in which direction the door will open and having purchased hinges based on this, you can begin installing the structure. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. First of all, you should mark the location of the loop. It must be taken into account that what more weight canvas, the more reliable the fixation of the device should be.

It should be remembered that in case of an error, it will be very difficult to correct the door leaf and platband.

  1. The contour of the hinge wing is applied to the end part of the door leaf so that the distance from the end of the door to the hinge is about 1.5 times the size of the mounted device.
  1. Along the contour you need to make a small indentation equal to the thickness of the wing. The loop should fit into this recess as clearly as possible. If the wing protrudes from an insufficiently deep cavity, the tightness of the structure will be disrupted, which will cause certain problems with the movement of the canvas.

If the recess is too large, the left and right hinges of the door will “sink” into the depression, and this is fraught with skewed hinges, the appearance of a squeak and rapid failure of the door.

  1. You can avoid these troubles by using an electric router, which allows you to accurately determine the depth of the cavity on the door and frame, and carry out the work carefully and accurately. If it is not possible to connect a router to the process, the good old chisel, which exists in every home, will come to the rescue.

Modern hinges have small size, and cannot withstand heavy loads. Therefore, experts recommend using during installation heavy doors three fasteners.

Let's look at the further stages of installation using an example.

Let’s assume that a structure that can be opened with the right hand is installed using a handle located on the left. In this case, you will need 3 right door hinges.

The upper and lower devices should be placed at a distance of at least 25 cm from the edge of the canvas, and the third - in the middle. Next, you should mark on the canvas the locations of the technological holes, which should coincide with the holes on the hinges. This can be done with a pencil by applying the fittings to the end.

After the hinges are installed on the canvas, it should be attached to the box and the contours of the mounted fittings should be transferred. The process of installing hinges on the box is completely identical to the cycle of work with the canvas.

It is important to remember that the gap between the canvas and door frame on each side should be 10-15 mm.

This is necessary for the normal functioning of the door at any level of humidity and air temperature in the apartment.

Removable or universal door hinges

One-piece hinges are designs that are suitable for all types of doors: swinging outward, opening inward. They are not divided into right and left loops. Despite their versatility, one-piece devices are quite inconvenient in everyday life.

The problem occurs when dismantling works. For example, a person needs to reinstall a door or bring a large item (wardrobe, sofa, etc.) through the doorway. To remove the cabinet lid or dismantle the door, the hinges will have to be unscrewed.

With detachable devices, such difficulties do not arise. They are easy to remove and attach at any time. Therefore, many craftsmen prefer to use removable loops.

How to determine whether a door opens left or right

When replacing a door leaf, as well as purchasing hinges or locks for them in a store, you need to know whether it is left or right door is in front of you. Surprisingly, even among experts there is no consensus on how to do this correctly. Some recommend looking at the door from above and if it slams clockwise, it is right, and if it slams counterclockwise, it is left; others advise determining the side by which side the handle is on when the door opens towards itself; still others focus on which side the hinges are on when standing outside... All these methods help determine the directions of the doors correctly. But the problem is that abroad it is customary to set the direction differently, hence the confusion with imported components. To avoid confusion, check the location of locks and hinges with the manager.

There is GOST 31173-2003, which clearly states that door block left (right) opening, this is a block with left (right) hinges on the side of the door opening. This is how the direction of door opening and others are determined. regulations (Fire regulations, Sanitary Standards).

When designing buildings, the opening of doors is taken into account: it must be convenient (so that there is no blocking when opening at the same time), as well as safe. Door designs common use, such as the entrance to the entrance, should open exclusively outward, so as not to complicate the evacuation of people in case of danger. Entrance door the door into the house should also swing away from itself, although this rule is often neglected when neighboring panels are located too close and block each other. Interior doors can be opened in any way; there are no strict regulations. The main thing is to have free space for plowing.

How to find out the direction of the door during installation

Thus, all doors are divided into left and right and equipped with hinges and locks in accordance with this. To find out exactly which side the door will open on, you need to:

  • Stand facing the door on the side where it will open towards you;
  • If the hinges are on the right and the door is opened with the left hand, it is a right-handed model.
  • If the hinges are on the left, and the door is swung open with the right hand, it is a left-handed door.
  • If the doors open away from you, then the handle on the right means that the door is right-handed, and if the handle is on the left, it means the door is left-handed.

    Important, that different doors not interchangeable!

    How to choose the right locks

    Many people face this problem: they needed mortise locks for doors, and after purchasing them it turns out that opening and closing the lock is impossible, since the bevels on the tongues point in the other direction.

    In order to avoid such troubles, you need to establish in advance, using the method described above, which doors the locks are intended for.

    • If it is not possible to do this for some reason, you can simply ask the store for a universal lock. In such models, the lock tongue is turned over: by pressing the pawl and pushing it deep, through side holes you can rotate it 180 degrees, after which the latch takes the desired position. The problem with right/left doors thus disappears.
    • Cylinder locks are not divided into opening sides, but, unfortunately, not all locks can be adjusted to the type of door; many of them are also divided depending on the mounting side.
    • Level lock: from turning it over, due to special design features, it is recommended to abstain. To find out if you are left- or right-handed lever lock, you need to turn the key towards the nearest jamb; if the lock closes, it is installed correctly. If the lock closes by rotating away from the jamb, it is installed incorrectly. An incorrectly installed lock cannot be opened (closed) with your own key if at least one spring that returns the levers fails.

    The problem of installing locks does not apply to standard, mass-produced entrance doors, because they are always sold with locks installed in accordance with regulations.

    How to choose the right loops

    If most locks are universal, then universal hinges, although they exist, are not always suitable. Non-separable universal hinges make the process of removing doors from hinges very problematic, so they are used infrequently. When purchasing right and left hinge options, it is better to contact a good seller who will help you determine them correctly.

    Thus, when choosing the right and left sides for opening a door, you need to remember that it must not only comply with safety rules and be comfortable, but also have a special set of fittings corresponding to its side.

    Left or right door: how should interior doors open correctly?

    When replacing the leaf, hinges or lock, you need to know how to determine whether the door is left or right. Not only the selection of fittings depends on which direction it will open. The entrance must comply with fire safety rules, and interior designs- do not cause inconvenience.

    When choosing the door opening direction, certain requirements must be taken into account

    Installation rules

    First, you need to figure out how doors should open according to fire safety. Here special meaning attached to public structures, such as the entrance to the entrance. According to fire safety regulations, it must open outward so that in the event of emergency do not interfere with the evacuation of residents of the house.

    If the entrance door is less than 800 mm in size and when swinging open it touches obstacles, deviations from fire safety rules are allowed. In this case, it will open in the direction provided for by the project during the construction of the building.

    The entrance door must open in accordance with fire safety requirements

    How should the front door directly into the apartment open? It is stipulated that the canvas should swing outward, that is, away from itself. But it is not always possible to equip the entrance to the apartment correctly. In some houses, with this installation method, adjacent panels will block each other, which is not allowed. In addition, it should be taken into account that, for example, in the event of a fire, it will be easier for rescuers to break out the canvas by swinging inward.

    How should interior doors open in houses? There are no particularly strict requirements here. The main thing is that the interior doors do not interfere with each other, do not create inconvenience and have free space to swing open. In bedrooms, the direction is usually inward, and for the bathroom and toilet, outward.

    Determination methods

    So, how can you easily determine which door is left or right? According to fire safety and design standards, the right one opens clockwise, and the left one opens counterclockwise. However, not all canvases open according to this principle.

    Using an interior door should not cause discomfort

    In most cases, you should pay attention to the following signs:

    • pushing direction;
    • which hand is used;
    • loop type.

    To correctly determine which entrance door to your apartment or interior door you have, first of all you need to look at the direction in which the opening takes place. Let's consider two situations:

    • To myself. Let's say interior doors open in your direction. In this case, the position of the handle will help determine their type. If it is located on the left and it is convenient for you to use your right hand - right. If the handle is on the right and you move the blade with your left hand, it is left-handed.
    • Push. If the canvas opens away from you, some points need to be rearranged. The handle is on the right and you use your left hand - the design is right-handed, and if the handle is on the left and you press it with your right hand, then the design is left-handed.

    The type of hinges also plays a role, since they are selected separately for the left and right doors. How to determine this? When swinging towards itself, the axis of the hinges will be on the side considered to be the door.

    European approach

    In Europe, fire safety requirements are also given a lot of attention, if not more. And if you need to deal with this issue according to European standards, keep in mind that the methods for determining whether a door is opened: left or right differ radically from the usual approach.

    Option to open the interior door “from yourself”

    In European countries they do not look at the criteria that are taken into account in our usual method. In order to determine where the entrance and interior doors open, a completely different approach is used. To do this, you need to stand in relation to the opening in such a way that the wide part of the box looks at you. In other words, the door should open in the direction opposite to you, that is, “away from you.”

    Next, we pay attention to the hand with which you push, for example, interior doors and the direction in which the opening occurs. The left one should swing counterclockwise using the left hand. And accordingly, vice versa - the right one should open clockwise with the right hand.

    Design Features

    If you install interior door, the factor whether she is right or left plays a significant role. Peculiarities standard designs influence the design of the opening. First, determine where the interior structure should open.

    Option for opening the interior door "pull"

    Based on your decision, you need to install the box so that the canvas rests against the ledge for the vestibule. Also pay attention to the type of hinges and the direction in which they allow the door to swing open.

    When installing the entrance structure and interior structures that require a lock, you need to turn it towards the side where you will install it. Cylinder systems can be suitable for any type, but lever systems are usually designed for a specific direction and cannot be turned over.

    Knowing which way the entrance and interior doors should open and how to determine their type, you can correctly install the structure in the opening in accordance with fire safety requirements.

    Need a master? Professional craftsmen will carry out any work Order repairs

    Left or right door: how to correctly determine the door leaf

    Doors are an integral part of any room. They serve not only to protect against unwanted guests, but also become a barrier to the penetration of sounds, noise, and weather phenomena. Such products for home residents can not only serve as protection, but also become an enemy. It is the installation, opening inward or outward, that can play a decisive role in the moments on which people's lives depend.

    Standard door settings

    When choosing a door, special attention should be paid to the manufacturer. For example, Russia indicates a left-handed door when it opens towards itself with the left hand, and the handle is attached to the right. If the product is opened with the right hand towards you, and the handle is installed on the left, such a blade will be right-handed.

    In European countries, the left and right doors are determined by the hand that opens it. If the product is opened with the right hand to the right of the passage, then it will be right-handed.

    The GOST and SNiP documents specify fire safety standards, which determine which structure should be in the room, right or left. According to these requirements, all products in the room must be installed in such a way that simultaneous opening does not cause blocking of any of them. Entrance canvases should only open outwards. so that in case of an emergency it is possible to easily evacuate all residents or visitors of the apartment.

    When drawing up the project, the dimensions of entrance doors of at least 800 mm are taken into account. Therefore, when opening the canvas, there should be no obstacles. If this option is not possible, then consider installing an entrance door that opens inward. Firefighters say they find it easier to open structures that open inward. These indicators will be decisive when choosing a left or right canvas. As for indoor doors, they can open in any direction, the main thing is that there is no interference or blocking with other doors.

    Some practical advice, which will help you identify the door directly in the store:

  • If you need to select products according to fire safety requirements, then it's enough to know the rule. the left one opens counterclockwise, the right one – clockwise.
  • If this option does not help, then you need to pay attention to the direction of pushing wooden products, handle side and hinge type.
  • If you need to install new blades in place of the old ones and preserve the opening side, then it is enough to observe which hand you open the product with and where the handle is located, provided that the product opens towards itself. It is the right or left hand that will indicate the right or left design.
  • The situation is a little more complicated with a product that opens from itself. If the handle is installed on the right and you use your left hand to open, this the door will be right-handed. if the handle is on the left and the right hand is used, such a blade will be left-handed.
  • Professional tips for choosing hinges

    In most countries, universal hinges are used for doors, but in Russia and Switzerland, left and right are used. They are convenient to use, as they allow you to remove and rearrange the door if necessary. In order to determine which loops you need, just stand in front of the canvas. If it should open towards you, with your right hand, then right hinges are needed, if with your left hand, then left hinges.

    Close attention should be paid to the manufacturer of the product. If Italy or Spain or Israel are indicated there, then they have the opposite system. the left hand opens the right door and right hinges will be needed, and the right hand will open the left door and left hinges will be needed.

    Does the opening side affect the design of the door?

    When installing interior doors, the side of the leaf affects the shape of the opening design. Therefore, you should not buy first and then decide on the side. The first step there must be a choice of sides and, accordingly, the design of the opening. To understand exactly how the door should stand, it is recommended to install a frame. The castle also plays an important role. For it you need to choose the installation side, which will depend on the side of the door opening.

    Thus, the choice of the type of door structure depends on the following factors:

    • specifics of the opening;
    • type of lock installed on the door;
    • provision of security measures.

    Why is it important to correctly determine the opening side of the front door?

    The entrance structure is an important component of the security of the premises, which should not only protect against the entry of strangers, but also, if necessary, allow residents to quickly evacuate. When choosing the left or right side for the front door, it is necessary to observe whether the adjacent leaves are blocked, as this is a violation of fire safety rules. Any complaint from neighbors to the housing office will allow an order to be given to change the side to the opposite one. Therefore, when installing the input product, you need provide everything in advance possible options and choose the optimal solution.

    Ease of use is also an important point. The curtains must open completely to one side to allow large items to be brought in or taken out. If selected hardware, then they need to be installed so that the approach from the stairs is from right to left. If the landing does not allow you to install entrance structure with opening outwards, it is better to open onto one of the blank walls of the room.

    It is important to know!

    As statistics from fire departments show, most fatalities occur due to the inability to escape from the premises during a fire. Experts emphasize that by analyzing each of these cases, we can conclude: violation of door installation rules, incorrect choice right or left side lead to blockages door leaves and to the death of people. This issue is especially acute in relation to children. In emergency situations, they act intuitively, so when choosing which side to open the door, you need to weigh everything and make a decision that will, first of all, protect the lives of all residents of the house or apartment.

    Left and right door. At first glance, this is a specialist question. But only competent decision of the apartment owner. will allow you to say with confidence that the chosen option is correct, reliable and safe.

    Zabarankov Stanislav Egorovich

    A door is present in any room. Entrance gates are necessary not only to prevent visits from unwanted guests, but also to protect the house from noise and bad weather. Interiors allow you to privacy in your room. Incorrect installation doors may not only fail to protect, but in some cases cause great harm, and sometimes even pose a threat to people’s very lives. Before determining whether a door opening left or right is necessary for your apartment, you need to consider many factors that influence this.

    How to correctly determine the opening direction?

    First of all, when choosing new door You should pay attention to the country of its production. In Europe, left and right doors are distinguished by the hand with which they open from themselves. A right door is one that opens to your right with your right hand. This is how they will be marked. In Russia, the right door is the one that opens towards you with your right hand. The left one is the one that opens with the left hand.

    IN building codes and the rules prescribe the principles of how to determine whether a left or right door should be installed in a room. In accordance with these requirements, all of them must be installed so that when opened at the same time they do not overlap each other. In this case, the entrance doors are installed to open only outward, so that in an extreme situation they can be opened from the corridor by moving towards you and nothing inside the room can block them. This installation allows emergency services to easily enter apartments and evacuate people in them in case of danger.

    Choosing a door in a store

    Before you understand whether the door is left or right on the display case, you need to mentally look at it from above and understand in which direction it opens:

    • When choosing a door that meets fire safety requirements, you must remember that when viewed from above, the left one opens in a clockwise direction, and the right one opens counterclockwise.
    • If you are choosing a door to replace the old one and you need to keep the same opening pattern, then at home you need to remember which hand opens the door and on which side the handle is located. It is the left or right opening hand that will make it clear how to determine whether a left or right door is needed when purchasing.

    Selecting the type of loops

    In the world as a whole, universal hinges are more often used for doors, but in Switzerland and Russia right- and left-handed hinges are also used. They make it possible to rearrange the door when necessary. Before determining whether the door opens left or right, and what type of hinge is required, you need to stand in front of the door. If it opens in the direction “towards you” with the right hand, then right hinges are needed, and if with the left hand, then left ones are needed.

    Particular attention should be paid to the hinge manufacturer. If they are made in Spain, Italy or Israel, then they have the opposite principle: with your left hand you open the right door “from yourself” and the hinges will be marked as right, and with your right hand you open the left door “from you” and the hinges will be marked as left.

    Selecting a door lock

    An important role also plays door lock. In addition to universal ones, which can be installed in door panels various types openings, there are many designs on sale that are built only into “their” type of door: the right lock in the right door, and the left lock in the left one.

    Entrance door

    The choice of entrance door is the most important part of the security system of the premises. You need to know how to determine whether a right or left entrance door is required. It should not only protect against strangers entering the premises, but also not interfere with the rapid evacuation of residents in the event of danger.

    Before determining whether a left or right door is required for installation, you must make sure that when open it will not block the doors of neighbors and the passage through staircase, otherwise their very first complaint to the supervisory authorities about a violation of fire safety will result in an order to change the opening side to the opposite one.

    In addition, you need to think about the convenience of everyday use of the door, because you will have to use it every day and more than once. Without thinking through the opening side properly, you will have to suffer every time when entering and leaving the house. When installing, you need to consider the following nuances:

    • the canvas should open completely, allowing large items to be taken out and brought in;
    • The approach from the stairs should be in the direction from right to left.

    In case the design landing does not make it possible to open the door outward, you will have to place the door so that in the open position it is located along the blank wall of the apartment.

    Interior doors

    When opening, the opening of the leaf affects the design of the opening. Therefore, before purchasing, you must first figure out how to identify an interior door. Left or right design will greatly affect the ease of use. Door opening in narrow corridor, will constantly interfere and take up extra space. In this case, it is necessary to provide for its opening into the room.

    Before installation, it is important to determine which door is required - right or left. A careful approach will tell you how to determine the right direction, so as not to purchase an option that, after installation, will be forced to open in the opposite direction. The first step should be to choose the side of the door opening, on which the design of the box will depend. The opening direction should ensure safety, convenience and ease of use.

    It is important to know

    Statistics kept by Emergency Situations Ministry specialists indicate that most of Deaths in fires occur due to the inability to quickly get out of the room. They draw attention to the fact that violation of installation rules, ignorance of how to determine whether a door is left or right is required in each specific case, incorrect choice of the side of their opening leads to blocking of adjacent openings when one opened door does not allow the neighboring one to open, leading to the death of people. This issue is especially acute in relation to children. In extreme situations, they act intuitively, trying to open the door outward by pressing on it with their body. Therefore, when installing interior and entrance doors, it is necessary to consider all the nuances and make the right decision to protect the lives of your household.

    Which door should be installed in the opening - left or right? At first glance, this issue should be resolved by a specialist. But only a responsible approach from the apartment owner will lead to confidence that the installation will be carried out according to all the rules.