Feng Shui travel zone in the apartment. Feng Shui assistants zone: secrets of harmonizing space

In this article you will learn:

The northwestern sector can be called one of the most important in the house. It plays the same role in a person’s life as the presence of assistants and mentors who are able to support in any endeavor. Therefore, an influx of favorable energy should be ensured in the sector of Feng Shui assistants.

Determining the sector of mentors in the house using the Bagua grid

Some simplified Feng Shui manuals erroneously state that the assistant sector is located in the right corner of the front door or occupies the lower right square on the apartment plan. The travel and assistant zone is determined solely on the basis of the cardinal direction in which it is located. The Bagua grid applied to the apartment has no connection to the shape of the room, even if it is irregular.

Having determined the cardinal directions in the apartment, you should draw its plan based on this information, and then divide it into 9 sectors. The square that will occupy the northwestern zone will indicate the zone of assistants. When it is activated, wise advisers will appear in the lives of family members, and there will be much more travel around the world.

The northwestern zone of assistants and travel should not be empty or cluttered, and various symbols and talismans can be used to improve it.

What element is responsible for this sector?

The dominant element in the sector of mentors is metal, the nourishing element is wood. Therefore, it is recommended to place appropriate materials and shades in this area, avoiding any fire symbols that may have a destructive effect. The zone does not allow Feng Shui assistants and water symbols, which weaken the effect of the element of metal.

Talismans suitable for this zone

Pebbles brought from travel are an excellent talisman for the travelers area

The following talismans are most suitable for this sector:

  1. Metal bell: its ringing (and even just its presence) in the zone of helpers and travel calls for positive changes in a person’s life.
  2. Images of distant countries and places you would like to visit.
  3. Pebbles, especially those brought from travel.
  4. Portraits and images of human mentors.
  5. Metal horseshoe.
  6. Drawings and photographs of mountains. The mountain is the most powerful symbol of protection and support, which is highly valued in the practice of Feng Shui. There should be no water near it.
  7. Images of the warrior Kuan Kung - a great commander who, according to legend, had magical powers. All people who set high goals for themselves and want to achieve great success in business are recommended to place his image in the northwestern part of the apartment. The only exception concerns cases in which the assistants' sector falls on the sleeping area.
  8. Images of god Ganesha. He is not a Chinese deity, but is regularly used by feng shui masters as a powerful symbol of success in business, work and financial affairs. Ganesha is a good god who blesses a person and is able to give the right advice at the right time. It is not forbidden to contact him with requests when the need arises.

After placing the mascots of the zone, you should make sure that there are no dangerous symbols in it. The travel and assistants sector does not allow the presence of triangular-shaped objects, any candles, a fireplace, or red-colored things.

Tips for activating the mentor and travel zone

Activating the zone of helpers and travel gives quick results and brings positive changes to life. It is enough for her to place the listed symbols in the right places and maintain cleanliness. When it is necessary to call on heavenly helpers, you can perform a simple ritual: ring a metal bell in this part of the apartment or house, mentally or out loud formulating your request. Practicing Feng Shui masters are confident that within a few days the mentors will respond, guiding a person on the right path.

Room cleanliness

Opinions still differ on how important it is to maintain consistent cleanliness in different sectors. Some experts write that in apartments with creative chaos there is good Feng Shui, which is not always possible to achieve in clean rooms. Qi energy is a higher matter than the simple order in things, so it is impossible to answer this question definitely.

But most masters believe that the path to achieving happiness lies, among other things, through purity both in thoughts and in everyday life. Therefore, it is recommended that the sector responsible for the assistance of mentors be kept in order, and most importantly, not cluttered with unnecessary items.

Can it be located in another part of the home?

The layout of a modern apartment does not always make it easy to create good Feng Shui - some items, especially large equipment, cannot be moved. But the assistant sector, like any other, cannot be moved to another part of the house.

If it falls on an empty area of ​​the apartment or a dark corner blocked by a closet, you can improve the Feng Shui of the area with the help of basic talismans and symbols, as well as using the right colors in the design: white, silver, gray, yellow and gold.

North West according to Feng Shui is the sector of helpers and travel. Proper organization of space will provide you with powerful patrons and loyal friends who will support you throughout your life. Let's talk about the features of the arrangement and activation of this zone in accordance with the canons of Eastern philosophy.

The elements of the northwestern zone and its features

First of all this:

  1. Receiving help and support from higher powers, the ability to always be under their invisible protection. Activating the energy in the helper and travel sector will provide you with powerful support throughout your life.
  2. The number of loyal friends and powerful patrons who will be in your environment. The stronger the energy of the northwestern zone, the more helpful and pleasant people will appear around you.
  3. Trips. Their quantity and quality. If there is not enough energy in the travel zone, you will constantly face obstacles to visiting desired countries, going on vacation and having new experiences.
  4. This sector indirectly affects love. If there is not enough energy, a man who can become a life partner will not appear in your environment. This will happen simply because your social circle is small and new people will stop meeting you.

If you strive for an active social life, want to be in the center of attention, dream of your opinion being authoritative and respected, it is very important to activate the zone of assistants and travel.

Organization of space and activation of assistant and travel zones

Now let’s look at how to activate energy in the north-west of the apartment so that it does not stagnate and moves freely throughout the space.

First, let's look at the most common problems when organizing space:

  1. If the north-west is absent and not activated, then there will never be a man in the house. This is a typically feminine dwelling, in which there is no masculine energy. If a girl gets married, her husband will either be sick often or leave her sooner or later.
  2. If the sector is located in the bathroom, the man in the house will not be able to earn enough money to meet the needs of the family. There will always be financial difficulties, the head of the family will not be able to realize himself in his career.
  3. If the kitchen is in this area, it is extremely dangerous. The head of the family is at gunpoint: he can die early and constantly endanger his life and health.

The “wrong” sector threatens big problems in the financial sphere of the family, so it is important to activate it correctly.

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According to Feng Shui practice, each house has special parts of space that are responsible for certain zones. Space zoning is the basics of Feng Shui. The entire space should be divided into special zones, and each of them will mean something different. Everyone understands that each person has his own home, and in order for all the zones in it to be correct, a compass is needed, and, of course, a person who understands this practice will be able to correctly divide and designate the zones. In addition, each person has his own zoning space, which can only be calculated by an experienced Feng Shui master.

Each zone is activated differently, it all depends on what capabilities you have in the desired zone. You can put a figurine in it, or paint it in the desired color... it all depends on you! It is known that the northwestern part of the house is responsible for the fulfillment of your desires, even the most cherished ones. In order for this zone to work for you, you must activate it, for this you need to paint it in a light color, and then it will become favorable for you, do not neglect red and black tones.

It is known that the Feng Shui travel zone is a very strong zone, compared to others, it is very easy to activate and difficult to spoil, unless you put a trash can in this zone, or if it is located in the toilet. In order to take the path of truth, you must hang up an image of a teacher, spiritual mentor, or just a family photo of your parents. And in order to activate good luck in terms of travel, you need to find an image of the place where you would like to go and hang it in the travel zone, or write the name of the country.

In addition, you can hang a picture, or write the name of what you dream of, this is very important, since this is a zone of fulfillment of desires, and even the most daring ones can be fulfilled. To activate, the following talismans will also help you:
. metal bells
. objects that identify your beliefs
. quotes and thoughts that can help you achieve what you want or travel
. miniatures of ships, yachts

Thanks to the activation of the travel zone, you can help yourself achieve what you want, and also attract good luck in travel, trips, and so on. This is a very strong zone, and if you have a strong desire, you will have an excellent opportunity to fulfill everything you want in a short time. Traveling in the life of every person is a very important part, since only through travel does a person broaden his horizons, fill himself with new strength, emotions and knowledge, getting to know other people, their culture, morals and customs. According to Feng Shui, traveling also means a lot; you can gain new experiences and improve your Qi energy. New countries give you new opportunities and add energy from all sources. Your location is also very important. You can draw energy from fire, water, air, trees, metal, and earth. To do this, you need to find out what kind of energy you need, and after that, choose a place to travel.

You must follow your path not only when traveling, but also in everyday life, listen to your inner self, your spiritual guide, and not deviate from this path. That is why the travel zone is also responsible for the cultural and spiritual life of a person, which is why to activate it you need images of your spiritual mentors, and if you are a Christian, then you can hang icons in this zone, so it will be well activated and will help you.

And organizing the space in your home in accordance with the canons of ancient Chinese philosophy can significantly improve your life. Let's talk about how to do this.

How to determine zones by cardinal directions

Zones are determined using a compass and a floor plan. You need to put the cardinal directions on it and draw out the space in accordance with them.

The fastest and easiest way to do this:

  1. Determine where north is in your apartment - this is the starting point for the subsequent division of space.
  2. Draw a schematic plan of the apartment and mark all cardinal directions on it. Then divide from the center into nine equal parts.
  3. Ready! You can begin to activate each zone of the apartment and organize the space in them.

What each sector of space is responsible for:

  1. Northeast is the zone of wisdom and knowledge. An office or work area should be located here. The spirit of education reigns in this space, so it is most suitable for study and self-development.
  2. The northwest is the zone of helpers and travel. Proper organization of space ensures that in any difficult moment of life you will have a strong patron who will help solve all problems and get out of the crisis.
  3. The East is the family zone. She is responsible for healthy relationships between household members, their well-being - physical and mental. Helps keep marriage bonds strong, live in happiness and harmony.
  4. The West is a zone of children and creativity. Ideal for placement. If you organize the space correctly, children will grow and develop harmoniously, love to learn and will always please their parents with their successes.
  5. Southeast - one of the most important parts of the apartment. How the space will be organized here directly affects financial wealth and material well-being. Money is also energy that needs to be activated.
  6. The south is the zone of glory, which is responsible for the social status and realization of a person in society. If you activate it, you will never have problems communicating with people, your opinion will be valued, and your authority will become unquestionable.
  7. The southwest is the zone of love and marriage. It is very important to pay attention to this area for people who are still single and have not met their soulmate. By organizing your space, you increase your chances of finding happy and harmonious relationships and activate the flow of sexual energy.
  8. The center of the apartment is the health zone. She is responsible for the well-being of everyone who lives in the house. Not only for health, but also for physical attractiveness. It is with the organization of space in this sector that you need to start first.

The layout of modern apartments is not always successful from the point of view. The money zone, for example, may be located in the location of the bathroom, which is extremely unfavorable. If you do not use special Chinese talismans, money will literally flow down the toilet.

Let's talk about how to use and activate all zones correctly.

Activation of sectors of space

In order for energy to circulate in space and fill the premises, it is important to correctly activate each sector and eliminate negative factors.

  1. To activate the career zone, place office equipment in it - here you can put a computer, a landline telephone, place photos with colleagues and superiors. Objects symbolizing the energy of water also have a beneficial effect on the sector.
  2. There should be sufficiently bright lighting in the zone of wisdom and knowledge. Make sure there is more than enough light in the space. If little daylight penetrates into the room, install additional lamps with powerful lamps.
  3. To activate the assistants and travel zone, place photos with your close friends in it. Hang pictures of people you consider to be your spiritual guides on your walls. You can also hang a wish map here, on which you have marked the places you dream of visiting.
  4. Remove all antiques, metal objects, and photographs of deceased relatives from the family area. Fill the space with vibrant indoor plants and colorful images of natural landscapes.
  5. Decorate the children's and creativity area with bright accents. Make sure there is bright lighting, place amulets everywhere, and hang your children’s drawings or some of their crafts on the walls.
  6. To activate the wealth zone, place special money talismans there. This sector is protected by the energy of water, so you can place objects that symbolize it. The ideal solution is an aquarium or indoor fountain.
  7. In the glory zone it is better to put all kinds of certificates, diplomas, awards and cups that you received. All kinds of figurines made of natural stone activate energy.
  8. In the love zone you need to place paired objects: figurines of animals, angels, candles, hearts, soft toys. Bird figurines have a very good effect on the energy situation.
  9. A bright crystal chandelier must be located in the center of the health zone. If this is a dining room or living room, place a table under a light source where the family will gather.

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Chinese esoteric science teaches how to properly organize your home space to attract positive energy flows.

The main thing you should know before designing each Feng Shui zone is the description and activation of sectors using the corresponding element and color.

This approach to your own interior will help harmonize all areas of life and increase the energy potential of the apartment.

The importance of sectors in Feng Shui

Feng Shui zones, photos of which are often found on the Internet in an unusual ratio for us, fully correspond to the so-called Bagua grid. This is a regular octagonal pattern, divided into 9 equal areas with an angle of 45 degrees. Each side of the Bagua figure, as well as the center, has a trigram - the correct combination of Yin and Yang. Although the Feng Shui sectors are the same in area, only one vital direction dominates in them, for example, Love or Glory.

Activation of Feng Shui zones is necessary for stable and rapid circulation of energy. This means that negative waves will flow out of the house, and the Qi energy will begin to influence the residents of the apartment if the Feng Shui sector is decorated with the necessary talismans. For example, the design of the Wealth zone directly increases well-being and helps not only earn, but also save money, and also spend it more wisely.

Please note that if you follow the rules of Feng Shui, you may encounter many surprises in practice. Many apartments simply do not correspond to the shape of regular rectangles and squares, so some sectors are missing. In this case, there is no need to worry: hang a mirror in the place of the potential zone.

If any sector coincides with the toilet or hallway, adjust the energy with additional talismans.

How to determine zones according to Feng Shui

The feng shui zone map is drawn up based on your own house plan and the Bagua grid. A simplified version in Chinese practice is the Lo Shu square, which is more convenient to print (or draw) and is also easier to apply to the apartment diagram. If you use a grid, you will immediately recognize not only the location of the zones, but also clearly understand the colors of the sectors according to Feng Shui.

First, use a compass to determine where north is. Attach the grid to the home plan so that these zones are completely aligned. Mark the remaining sectors. If you don’t have a compass on hand, just determine the east side from the windows and start working from there.

Remember that it is not necessary to decorate the entire space of the house, because Feng Shui works successfully in small areas. You can divide both the room and the desktop into sectors. In addition, the influence of Bagua extends beyond the boundaries of the apartment, which means that zones can be created in the office, at the dacha, and even in the car.

Many people mistakenly think that ideal feng shui consists of colors in zones and active talismans in every point of the house. In fact, it’s quite normal to make only 2-3 of the most important sectors work, while in the rest a couple of accessories that are suitable in shade and material will be enough.

Feng Shui Wealth Zone

In the modern world, with its constant crises, the ability to attract financial success becomes very important for the majority of the population. Therefore, the question of where the money zone according to Feng Shui has maximum influence is always relevant. The money sector is located on the southeast side of each house. It corresponds to the element of Wood, but at the same time moving Water perfectly nourishes and activates the area.

According to Feng Shui, the money zone can be decorated in green and blue shades. However, you need to be careful with the color of the sky: sometimes it can wash away the flow of finances from the house. The same rule applies to too strong flows of water, such as a waterfall or a mountain rapids.

How to activate your wealth zone

According to Feng Shui, the wealth sector can be activated by placing several talismans at once:

  • Paintings depicting landscape views. Nature on such canvases should not be gray and sad, otherwise the money zone will never be associated with fertility and prosperity. It is better to give preference to images of plants, forests and parks. Picture frames should be selected from natural wood.
  • According to Feng Shui, a zone of wealth is impossible without fresh flowers and green trees in pots or cache-pots. The main symbol of finance is the money tree, i.e. Crassula. It needs to be carefully looked after and properly decorated. So, Chinese coins will be useful. If it is not possible to preserve a living plant, you can make a money tree from metal coins (bills), beads and wire. An important feng shui requirement is that the money zone should not be the location of sick and drying flowers.
  • The water element must necessarily protect the money sector according to Feng Shui. Only in its personification should dynamics always be felt. Stagnant water in vases is prohibited in this case. But small aquariums with goldfish and other fish in quantities corresponding to your Gua number will come in handy. The money zone and miniature fountains, as well as photographs with them, are approved.
  • As the simplest talismans, zone 4 according to Feng Shui positively perceives well-groomed figurines of ships, mills, three-toed toads with a coin, and paired fish.
  • Images of the gods of prosperity and prosperity - Hotei, Fu-Sing and Daikoku - would be appropriate. Naturally, we should not forget about the images of money and jewelry. According to Feng Shui, a money zone must contain a money mat, a napkin, a box (at least one of your choice).

Careful design of the financial sector is required if it occurs in a place with bad energy - a closet or toilet. If you are interested in the Feng Shui wealth zone in the office, then approximately the same rules will apply there. True, in addition to the design of the walls and desktop, you should carefully approach the choice of office chair.

As soon as you understand where the feng shui money zone is in your apartment, be sure to do a thorough cleaning there. The wealth sector should be light, clean and spacious.

Feng Shui love zone

The marriage and partnership zone is located in the southwest of the house. It is dominated by the Earth, fueled by the forces of passionate Fire. In this case, it is important to adhere to the principle of pairing any symbols and take care of good lighting of the sector according to Feng Shui. Please note that the love zone is not only associated with sexual partners. Through it you can go out to find a life partner and have positive communication with all the people you know.

For those who already have an established family, the Feng Shui sector of love and marriage will help maintain the brightness and depth of intimate relationships. The area should be decorated in shades of beige, orange, gold, red, and it’s also a good idea to fumigate the sector with the aromas of orange and rose.

How to activate your love zone

Remember how to activate the love zone according to Feng Shui: use peonies and porcelain or ceramic vases with a narrow neck. Lush flowers perfectly support passionate relationships. Please note that such a talisman is not suitable for a family with children, as it begins to be associated with infidelity.

According to Feng Shui, the love zone goes well with any couple and romantic figurines.

According to Feng Shui, the love zone should be in perfect order. It is preferable to use silky and soft fabrics. Electrical appliances, photographs of the deceased, metal objects and aquariums with fountains are prohibited in this sector. When decorating an apartment in this part, do not use white and blue tones in abundance.

Feng Shui Family Zone

Naturally, when considering Bagua zones, one cannot do without the family area of ​​the house. This sector is usually referred to as the east, which is ruled by Wood with the support of Water. The harmony of this zone determines the relationships between household members and family affairs. Please note that Feng Shui recommends activating the family sector when change and growth are needed. If you have suitable stability in this area of ​​your life, approach the design of the zone more carefully. Try to monitor the illumination of the sector and its color scheme (preferably blue-green).

This territory is also connected with ancestors and events from the past, inheritance, and all loved ones. Since many people draw strength from their family, the blockages in the sector lead to deterioration in health.

How to activate the family zone

As Feng Shui advises, the family zone should be activated by a number of important objects:

  • Family portraits with happy faces and smiles.
  • Images of peaches, bamboo, pine.
  • A row of 7 elephants, personifying the strength of the family and wisdom.
  • Family Tree - evergreen myrtle in a pot.
  • A green dragon figurine is a symbol of longevity in relationships and life in general.

According to Feng Shui, the family area can easily be designed as a bedroom or living room for general relaxation. There you can place objects that symbolize the main element of a particular person’s personality. This is done to help a loved one and his speedy recovery.

In the latter case, it is better to choose the symbol of the preceding element. You can also keep a home first aid kit in this sector, but weapons, plants with thorns, insects, stuffed animals and alcohol will not bring anything good to the family area.

Workplace area in feng shui

According to Feng Shui, the Water zone is located on the north side of the apartment and is responsible for a person’s efforts in earning a living. Very often people confuse this sector with the territory of wealth, but the career zone is spiritual development, views on the world and new opportunities.

When studying the answer to the question of how to activate the career zone according to Feng Shui, keep in mind that not only the environment is significant here, but also social fulfillment, the absence of obstacles on the path to what you want. The career zone and the activation of its energy are also necessary to simply increase earnings at work. In this case, you need to think about how to decorate your own office outside the home.

In Feng Shui, the “Career” sector can be activated even in the desktop space. Place your computer, fax, phone, as well as business cards and brochures there.

How to activate the workplace area

According to Feng Shui, activation of the career zone is possible with a number of talismans:

  • Dragon - on the north side of the apartment helps all kinds of luck in a career, especially in combination with moving water.
  • Amethyst Tree - the career zone in Feng Shui should help improve relationships with colleagues, and this symbol will help you advance in your career without scandals and anger.
  • Wind music - in this case, according to Feng Shui, the quarry area is filled with water energy, and Qi energy favorably listens to the chimes of six metal tubes.
  • Rooster - since Feng Shui of the office workplace is no less important than the home sector, place this figure to suppress gossip and insidious intrigues.

If you are thinking about how to strengthen your career zone according to Feng Shui, keep in mind that Water dominates here, but Metal actively helps it. Therefore, the room should be decorated in blue and black colors. Shades of gray, white, and gold are also allowed.

Feng Shui Glory Zone

In the south there is the Fire sector, which, with the help of Wood, is responsible for a person’s success in life and his achievement of goals. All Feng Shui zones have suitable aromas, and in this case, incense with cinnamon, geranium, cloves or ginger is suitable. This area is decorated in shades of emerald and scarlet. According to Feng Shui, the fame sector favors portraits of idols, diplomas and awards, and flowering plants.

How to activate the glory zone

The following items will help activate the zone:

  • A crystal pyramid that can accumulate energy and reduce the effects of stress.
  • A horse rearing up. To strengthen this zone according to Feng Shui and attract wealth and fame, you can attach a gold coin to the back of the animal;
  • Soaring eagle, which must be in the amount of 9 pieces to realize all ambitions.

The fame zone according to Feng Shui does not tolerate aquariums that provoke negative situations, and trash that forces enthusiasm to leave the house and puts the entire reputation at risk. Crystal lamps can be used to decorate the area. It is also useful here to develop your charisma and spiritual potential.

Zone of helpers and travel in Feng Shui

This corner belongs to the northwestern part of the room. It is controlled by Metal, but activation should be carried out using the elements of the Earth. Strengthening the sector of Feng Shui assistants should be for those who need the favor of important personalities, as well as for those who plan to travel. Fumigate the area with jasmine and maintain a silver-gold color scheme.

How to activate the assistant zone

Activation of the travel sector or feng shui assistant zone occurs with a number of items.

  • The assistants' area may well be decorated with candlesticks and crystals. The strengthening of the sector leads to new proposals. In this area you can pray and turn to the Universe for mercy.
  • If the Feng Shui travel area is important to you to realize your desired trip, be sure to keep drawings of this area in the northwest. Any metal objects will enhance the effect, especially horseshoes and bells.

Feng Shui creativity and children's area

The site belongs to the western part of the apartment and is dominated by the element of Metal, which strengthens and awakens the element of Earth. According to Feng Shui, the children's zone implies the happiness of motherhood, the development and health of children.

However, in the same way, this sector is responsible for the ability to express oneself. Here you can organize a workshop or a nursery, place art objects and musical equipment. The wish map is also an important symbol of creativity in the sector. The creative area is decorated in Feng Shui in beige, white and gray tones.

The sector reacts favorably to round paintings and pieces of furniture without corners, a TV is also acceptable. And water should not be present here.

How to activate the creativity zone (children)

We strengthen the zone with such items as:

  • Children's crafts or any of their toys, as well as photographs, pacifiers.
  • Pomegranate tree, fresh flowers, crystals on scarlet ribbons - for successful conception and a good pregnancy.
  • Wind chimes and hollow air bells are attributes of creativity that stimulate the arrival of inspiration.
  • Figures of cranes and drawings with peaches - to protect the child.
  • Netsuke with babies, horseshoes, metal mobiles.
  • Sculpture of Ganesh - for the realization of all plans.

According to Feng Shui, the “Children” sector should not be accompanied by aggression or suppressive energy. There should also not be an abundance of red tint here.

Feng Shui wisdom zone

The knowledge sector in the northeast is considered by Chinese Feng Shui to be the element of Earth, fueled by the Fire elements. Excellent lighting is needed here, which is provided by crystal lamps. Among the colors, brown, yellow, and ocher shades are distinguished. The aromas of lotus, incense and vanilla look good in this area. But the elements of Water and Wood should not be placed in the knowledge sector.

This side of the house is most suitable for setting up a library, office or school place. The location of an archive or safe is also acceptable. The Northeast is also responsible for self-improvement, developing intuition and practicing meditative practices.

How to activate the wisdom zone

The Feng Shui wisdom zone is activated by all objects that generate intellectual energy:

  • Crystal and quartz crystals.
  • Figures of owls and snakes as a symbol of perpetual motion.
  • Books or dictionaries with textbooks.
  • Any things that are currently being studied.
  • Ceramic and porcelain vases.
  • Globes and lotuses.
  • Pearls in a shell made of natural glass.

Feng Shui health zone

According to Feng Shui, health zones in the house are located in several places at once. On the one hand, if we are talking about the longevity of household members, we need to contact the family sector. Strengthening the children's zone will help save the youngest and closest people from illness. In the central part of the apartment there is an independent health sector. It is put in order for the long life of the owner himself.

The element of Earth dominates here, so plants (especially sunflowers) and landscapes in paintings look good in the center of the house. Don't forget also about green and beige shades in the interior and enhanced lighting.

How to activate your health zone

For the Feng Shui health zone to work, remember how to strengthen the place of power with the help of talismans.

  • Place bamboo branches or purchase a Bonsai tree. On the table you can keep 5 or 9 porcelain peaches or a vase with the same amount of fresh fruit. In China, peach is a talisman of longevity for a sick person.
  • Use images of cranes against a background of pine trees or designs with deer. Since the health sector according to Feng Shui is also a spiritual center and a place of good luck, crystals look great here, spreading Qi energy throughout the apartment.
  • The images of the ancient star elders - Fu-sing, Lu-sing and Shou-sing - can be used in pictures and figurines. Also suitable for activation is a universal talisman - a gourd pumpkin, which is also responsible for large offspring.

Please note that in China it is customary to build houses with a courtyard inside. In this way, the health area remains free and uncluttered. If you have problems with your well-being, this sector should be cleared of debris, and if the layout allows it, place a round dining table.
In Chinese tradition, Feng Shui zones are of great importance. influence the harmonization of human life. However, it should be remembered that the effective operation of 9 zones is possible only if a person has the ability to be organized and clean.