And most importantly. “When the word “main” is introductory

Our life is filled with many good and bad moments, but what is the most important thing in a person's life, few people know and guess. A person spends his whole life looking for happiness and tranquility, but few people still find it. Every day, we rush to work or study, living a monotonous life, and most importantly, we don’t want to change anything in our lives, although we constantly complain about fate and blame it for everything.

Psychologists have studied this issue, and today, in this article, they will provide you with effective and necessary information so that you understand what value of life and what is the most important thing about it.

Decide for yourself what is most important to you in life

For some reason, we are looking for an answer to a question that we ourselves can answer, since, most the most important thing in life human, laid down and invented by ourselves. A person decides for himself what is most important to him and what is not. It makes no sense to listen to others this topic, since everyone will have a different answer and opinion about this. We choose the value of life for ourselves, so decide for yourself what is most important to you in life. You can make a list of everything that you consider valuable in your life. Make such a list, and then select from it only one item that is most important to you. Then, in this way, we will answer our own question, and it will be the most correct one.

What do modern people need?

If the question concerns not only you personally, but also all people, and you want to understand what is most important in a person’s life, then you should start studying people. The best option, is to understand what is needed now, then you will understand what is most important. It’s not difficult to guess, today most people do not have enough money, and this is a problem that makes them value money and give it so much great importance that they become the most important in a person’s life. Of course, not only money, but also health, fame, success. The modern generation loves entertainment and pleasure, therefore, for now, for them, there is no special attribute of what is most important in life. For family people, health and money come first, but in fact, it makes no sense to say that this is the most important thing in the life of a man and a woman. We have other values, but we do not pay any attention to them and therefore suffer in the search for pleasure.

The most important thing in life is happiness

How much we hear the word happiness, when they wish it to each other, when they talk about it, when they strive for it all their lives. In fact happiness there is, but mostly people just strive for it all their lives, but never achieve it. This is due to the fact that we ourselves create happiness for ourselves, and we ourselves set barriers, saying why we can be happy. For example, if a person thinks that he needs a lot of money to be happy, then he will be unhappy until he receives this money, and when he receives it, he will be happy for only a few days. Because a person will set himself a different goal for happiness. And this pursuit of happiness, for most people, continues forever. But to be happy, you don’t need to rush anywhere, since we are all already happy, happiness is within us. Relax and tell yourself that you are happy now and will remain so for the rest of your life. Then you will protect yourself and your health from the meaningless pursuit of happiness.

The most important thing in life is family and children

Almost every family will say what is most important in their life , these are their children and family. But in fact, this value is not eternal, for the reason that children grow up and will soon live separately, creating their own families. And also, because 80% of families get divorced within 2-3 years, which indicates the age given values. It turns out that only 20% of families have what is considered the most important thing in a person’s life. Maybe, indeed, for some, family and children, the most important happiness in life, is their choice, since we choose for ourselves what we value most.

The most important thing is to find your purpose

Each person, without exception, was sent into this world for a reason; each has his own mission and purpose, which must be fulfilled during life. But as you can see for yourself, most people live not only without purpose, but even without goals. People almost every day do the same thing, like programmed robots, go to work to feed their family and solve problems in it. This continues throughout life, and a person, having not found his purpose, begins to fear death, since he did not live the life he needed. Remember, life does not give a second chance, so find yourself in life, and appreciate it if you find it, as only a few can do this today. We are, in fact, busy with the wrong things that are important for the world, life and people; you yourself will understand your purpose, as you will find incredible happiness and joy from what you do. After all, basically, purpose is associated with a favorite activity, work or hobby.

The most important thing is to leave an eternal memory behind.

We know many famous people who did what brought them joy and after their death, the memory of them remained eternal. Therefore, if you want to live your life not in vain and with meaning, you need to do what brings you joy, and thereby helps people who will keep an eternal memory of you. Stop trivializing, finally start looking for yourself and your favorite business, this is much more fun and cheerful than going to a job you don’t like, for the sake of money and survival. We live in modern age technologies, and not in ancient times, where survival was more valued in the material world. Remember that only you yourself can determine what is most important to you in life and what you want to achieve. Take action for you too, everything in life will work out, the main thing is to stop doing what does not bring joy or happiness and then your life will gain meaning and you will be remembered forever, like many people who did this.

What is the most important thing in life? Some can answer this question at the age of 20, as Benjamin Franklin did (at the age of 20, he thought about what kind of person he wanted to become and made a list of 13 virtues that he had strived for all his life and achieved a lot).

But most people realize WHAT really was the most important thing in their lives at the very end of their lives. What do people regret at the end of their lives? Australian nurse Broni Ver thought about this. She worked all her life in a hospice, in a department where hopeless patients spend last days. She talked a lot with them, they said what they regret and what they now consider the most important in life. Bronya Ver owns the book “The 5 Main Regrets of Dying People.”

I think it’s no coincidence that the vast majority of people at the end of their lives named these 5 things as the most important in life. Most likely, they are the main thing in life that we don’t have enough time for.

The 5 main regrets of people at the end of life from the book of Australian nurse Bornie Ver

1. It’s a pity that I didn’t have the courage to stay true to myself and live the way I wanted, to follow my dreams and my calling

We often follow society's ideas and stereotypes. Our environment convinces us that we need to live like everyone else. We betray our dreams, bury our talents.

And only at the end of life does a person realize that it was stupid to listen to others. You had to live your life. Someone dreamed of being a doctor and this was his calling. But everyone around said that to get this profession you need a lot of money. You are from a poor family, so you must work together with your father, become an assistant in his business. And someone wanted to become an artist...

2. It’s a pity that I worked too much and didn’t spend enough time with my family.

To this problem in Lately people began to turn everything around more attention. A movement appeared in Europe, America, and Australia. And more and more people follow it. People realized that they could earn more money they always can. But no one can give them back their time. They earn a lot of money working for big companies 12 hours a day, but they don't have time to even spend that money on spending time with their family.

As a result, people start looking for jobs where they get less money, but at the same time they work half a day. Some are switching to remote work or becoming... Freeing up time for life! They can now pick up the child from school themselves, play with him in the park, and so on. They have time to live, to live a leisurely life (slow life).

3. It’s a pity that I was embarrassed to openly express my feelings towards others

In society, it is customary to behave with restraint towards other people. Expressing your feelings is considered weakness. Overly emotional people who constantly express joy and delight are considered, to put it mildly, strange.

But at the end of their lives, people regret that they adhered to this order of society, this stereotype. They regret that they didn’t tell their loved ones enough about their love and tender feelings. I think we all miss that. It is no coincidence that World Hug Day appeared. Look how children, with their consciousness still open, love to hug. And express your love to others.

4. I wish I had spent more time with my friends.

The older we get, the less time we have for friends. We work hard and achieve our goals. And many forget friends of childhood and youth, justifying this by the fact that they no longer fit into high level people of their circle. But then everyone invariably regrets it.

5. I wish I had allowed myself to live a simpler life and just be happy.

We often tell ourselves that I will be happy when I get rid of loneliness or get new job or build a house or when I have children or when I earn a lot of money and so on. By doing this, we allow ourselves to be happy only when we achieve something. But nothing prevents us from being happy already at this moment, without any conditions, from feeling inner joy and harmony, love for ourselves, for the world and for our family.

We often don't notice how much we have and therefore cannot be happy with what we have. And we dream of getting something else. But having received it, we understand that this also does not bring us joy and we begin to want more. And so on ad infinitum. We need to appreciate what we have.

What is the most important thing in life?

Notice that no one summed up their life by saying that it was important that they worked as a sales manager or had a distinguished career in sales. Apparently Career is not the most important thing in our life.

Everyone regretted that they spent little time with friends and family. This means that the main and important thing in life is not the result, not achievements, but the process, the path itself and life itself!

It's also important to be yourself do not betray your dreams, realize your gifts and talents, !

Still important appreciate what you have, be happy in every moment of life. Don't regret the past and don't be afraid of the future. Conclude yourself, as Dale Carnegie said, .

This turns out to be what is important in a person’s life!

I wish everyone to enjoy life, live in the moment and moment, appreciate your loved ones and tell them about it more often!

eriksol: Sergey, hello! I'm not entirely sure about the correct punctuation in this sentence. I would like to know your opinion.

“Gorin didn’t like to reflect, but apparently(,) the stars have not aligned correctly lately: he has become nervous and twitchy, although he has a career as a successful lawyer, a house, a car, wealth, and most importantly(,) his pride and love - his son Stas( ,) in the end had to make him happy.”

Thank you in advance!
Best regards, Eric.

Correct (in terms of punctuation): Gorin did not like to reflect, but, apparently, the stars have been aligned in the wrong way lately: he has become nervous and twitchy, although the career of a successful lawyer, a house, a car, wealth, and most importantly, his pride and love - his son Stas [eventually] were supposed to make him happy.

Introductory word apparently(meaning “probably”) is isolated on both sides. Adverb does not require commas apparently(meaning “noticeably”), which is now obsolete and is found mainly in classical literature. See, for example, “The Queen of Spades” by A. S. Pushkin:

Hermann opened a seven. Everyone gasped. Chekalinsky was apparently embarrassed. He counted out ninety-four thousand and handed it to Hermann.

After the introductory turn and most importantly (and most importantly) a comma or a dash is placed; Given the complex sentence structure, a comma is preferable. Row homogeneous members (career, home... son) does not need to be closed with a comma.

The comma after Stas can only refer to the turnover in the end, the identification of which depends on the meaning, which in this context is not entirely obvious. This phrase is an introductory combination and is isolated on both sides if it expresses impatience, irritation of the speaker (which is unlikely) or indicates a related statement as a final, summarizing one: they say, whoever, and the son must certainly please dad (but a similar meaning already clearly passed on and most importantly).

Commas are not needed if the revolution is in the end acts as a member of a sentence with the meaning “after all, finally”: he said goodbye for a long time and finally left. But such an interpretation is also doubtful, because the author emphasizes that the hero’s concern contradicts his external well-being, which is designed to give happiness in the first place, and not on a residual basis. Thus, the meaning of the phrase remains vague, and we invite you to decide for yourself whether it needs to be isolated and used at all, based on your creative intent.

There are other semantic inaccuracies in the sentence. Let's say verb reflect means “to analyze one’s feelings and experiences,” and a nervous and twitchy person usually has no time for that. Instead of “career of a successful lawyer” it is better to write successful career as a lawyer, because a successful lawyer is not a profession. Elements of the sweet life like Houses And cars themselves indicate a good income, so the word prosperity looks redundant when compared to them.

Finally, the structure jumps around a bit: he didn't like to reflect But...he became nervous Although... It turns out two independent oppositions, although in both cases we are talking about the same thing. It is advisable to rearrange the sentence so that the reader does not lose the thread of the story. For example:

Apparently, the stars have been aligned differently lately: the usually balanced Gorin has become nervous and twitchy, although a successful career as a lawyer, a house, a car, and most importantly, his pride and love - his son Stas - should definitely have made him happy.

Of course, I would like to believe that we live for a reason, but for a reason. Does anyone know what the meaning of life is? Everything is relative, since humanity still does not have any specific goals that everyone and everyone can move towards.

What is the most important thing in life? Any person sooner or later begins to ask this question. A lot has been said about the meaning of life and at the same time nothing has been said at all. Each of us must determine for himself personally what is a priority for him, what is worth living or even dying for.

What is the most important thing in life? There are people (by the way, there are many of them) who believe that career should come first. Why is she? Yes, many people really don’t understand the point of wasting themselves trying to curry favor with their superiors. Yes, a good position means status, money, respect, but do not forget that careerists are not so often happy in

A person who devotes himself entirely to work will sooner or later realize that he is lonely, and those around him are not friends, but simply people looking for some kind of benefit. What happens after such an epiphany? A person can realize that a high position is not the main achievement in life. At the same time, he will most likely try to change and rethink everything. Another option is also possible: a person, realizing his loneliness, will become an even greater careerist and finally withdraw into himself.

What is the most important thing in life? Many say it's love and family. There's really no need to generalize these two concepts. Why? Because often strong families are not created out of love, and those relationships that were originally based on love collapse. Family is perhaps the most beautiful thing a person can have. How nice it is to constantly feel the support of someone, to understand that they are waiting for you at home. Love is what time will pass. It is very good if affection comes to replace it. The main thing is that there is no emptiness.

People who see the meaning of life in the family, as a rule, live happily regardless of their financial situation, who they work for, what position they have reached, and so on. Is it good? Without a doubt! Family can really be called the main thing in Is it easy to argue with this?

Is love the most important thing in life? Perhaps, just don’t confuse it with passion. Love-passion is vanity, and love-affection is something eternal.

What is the most important thing in life? Some will say that the most important thing in life is education. Yes, some people are truly ready to learn throughout their lives. Is it correct? Here you can also look from different angles. The fact is that educated people have always been valued, but why devote your entire life exclusively to theory. There is an opinion that a scientist becomes one who is afraid to live life to the fullest.

Some people believe that the most important thing in life is some kind of achievement. Such people set a goal and go towards it, no matter what. What is this goal? So it does not matter. The main thing is that it exists. This could be winning some competition, skydiving, or opening your own business. What is important here is not the result, but the process. A person sometimes feels alive only when he is busy with something. Constant self-realization is the main thing in the life of some individuals. It also sounds quite convincing.

How can you determine what is most important in life for you? Analyze yourself, your character, think about your aspirations, goals, and so on. Surely you will find something that can be developed to global proportions. Do not be afraid that the path you have chosen will one day seem false or incorrect. Remember that it is never too late to change everything. Meaning in life can only be found by those who want to find it and are constantly looking for it. Don't dwell on little things and don't pay too much attention to other people's points of view - look for your own path.