Do-it-yourself Abyssinian well: everything about making a needle well yourself. Do-it-yourself needle well or Abyssinian well - personal experience with video and photos Needle for water in the country

When answering the question of what a well and an Abyssinian well are, it is worth turning to history. The fame and name of this water source appeared during the era of wars with the colonies. The British in the 60s In the 19th century, the Norton drill was used to supply troops with water. The source of water supply gained popularity, which it still enjoys today.

After the creation of a similar device, Abyssinian wells were tested in Russia. Attempts to organize a water supply were made by unskilled workers who randomly plugged 5 wells in Tsarskoye Selo, most of which provided water. Drilling of Abyssinian wells took place at a depth of 4-10 meters.

Abyssinian wells for sand and water: design diagram

The construction of an Abyssinian well is simple and affordable. A small diameter pipe is required. It is used to pierce the soil, lowering the product to the location of the aquifer.

Drilling an Abyssinian well is faster when the projectiles have needles at the end. They are welded to the projectile. Once the pipes have been buried, self-priming pumps are installed on them. The operating principle of the models is vacuum, thanks to which water rises to the top.

The Abyssinian well is characterized by the presence structural elements as:

  • pipes. Dimensions: diameter – up to 1 inch, length – up to 30 m. Design feature: filter (perforation and fine mesh) at the lower end;
  • pumps. They are attached to the top of the pipe. A pump pumps water from an aquifer.

There is no casing pipe. But the following details are present:

  1. pulley;
  2. drill string and projectile;
  3. rope;
  4. clamps: upper (with axles for pulleys) and lower;
  5. woman made of concrete with a reinforced layer.

Abyssinian well at the dacha: pros and cons

The world-famous Abyssinian driven well has the following strengths:

  • durability. A do-it-yourself Abyssinian well will last up to 50 years (subject to proper drilling);
  • low degree of complexity of work. The simplicity of the process determines the high speed of building a well on a summer cottage. In the presence of specialized equipment(drill column with projectile) work takes several hours;
  • adaptation to the premises. A mini-well can be organized on a site, in a house, in a garage, in a utility room. It doesn’t matter whether there are plantings on the site - they will not be damaged;
  • compact size. Making a well requires a minimum of materials, time, and money, since the dimensions of the product are small;
  • quality water. To get water High Quality, you need to choose a suitable location for the well. At a depth of 5-30 meters there are no harmful impurities that pollute or mineralize the water beyond the norm;
  • performance. Depending on the amount of liquid in the aquifer, pumps can pump out up to 50 liters of water in 1 minute;
  • low cost. The cost of constructing a well is on average 20-25 thousand rubles, while drilling an Abyssinian well with your own hands will cost 2 times less;
  • drilling depth – up to 20 meters;
  • no need to obtain permits in the form of licenses and other similar documents.

The product has fewer disadvantages, but they also exist:

  • without a filter (fine mesh and pipe perforation), the quality of water decreases due to siltation;
  • the productivity of the well depends on the amount of water reserves available in the aquifer; if there are none, you will have to drill in another place;
  • the lack of water in a particular area requires the removal of the drill, which in some cases gets stuck in boulders located in the ground;
  • long-term non-use of the water source for its intended purpose requires cleaning. If the pipe diameter is small, cleaning the narrow hole becomes more difficult;
  • restrictions on the depth of the aquifer. You can drill up to 30 meters deep, but the aquifer must be at least 8-9 meters deep. Otherwise, you will need to deepen the pump.

Abyssinian well: competent drilling

Well construction involves 2 types of drilling:

  1. exploration The goal is to determine the location for the well and find out whether there is water in the aquifer. Reusable equipment is used for drilling. If there is no liquid in one area, the drill is pulled out and the search is transferred to another area;
  2. confident. The goal is to equip a well. Confidence in the presence of water on required depth determined by the presence of an active well of 20-50 meters. A home-made projectile is often used as equipment.

In addition to the neighbor's well, indicators of the presence of water in the aquifer are natural springs: barrels, springs, springs, spring ponds. The presence of bodies of water within a radius of 500 meters guarantees 80% success. It is worth noting that the river is not an indicator.

The location of water is determined by vegetation, but does not give a highly accurate result and is quite complex. Terrain analysis is carried out when it is dry. Places below the main level of the site with representatives of the flora that love moisture and feed on it (for example, nettle, burdock) are being examined.

An object such as an Abyssinian well and its drilling is impossible in the following areas:

  • on the slopes of ravines;
  • on steep hills;
  • on the cliffs.
  • Certain places require maintaining distance:
  • areas for keeping and feeding animals and birds (sheds, poultry houses), heaps with compost - 15 m;
  • heaps of manure, cesspools– 30m;
  • poultry and livestock farms and yards, cemeteries – 300m;
  • landfills, chemical and sensitive production facilities, sewage settling tanks, artificial embankments made of redeposited material - 3.5 km.

How deep to drill is determined using an aneroid barometer. An indicator of 760 mm of mercury (1.05 MPa) is 10.3 m of water column.

The needle hole is drilled until the tip of the needle reaches the waterproof underlying layer of water. If the rate of penetration of the drill increases when interacting with the aquifer, and decreases with the underlying clay, it is time to stop drilling - the goal has been achieved. Compliance with this rule will ensure 3 components of a good water supply:

  1. quality water;
  2. stable operation of the well;
  3. long-term water supply.

You can check whether you have reached the aquifer using a pipe. Its diameter is smaller than that of the well, one end is welded. Thanks to the cord, the meter is lowered to a depth and then taken out.

Step 1. Select a location for the future well. Prepare the area and clear it for equipment installation.

Step 2. Dig a 1 m3 hole. If you intend to use a well all year round, depth below freezing level.

Step 3. Place the tip of the equipment in the center of the dug hole.

Step 4. Begin the driving-drilling process.

If you are using a garden auger, screw it into the soil layer and then lift it up along with the soil. Such equipment is used for wells up to 5 meters deep.

If you use a socket headstock for work, then press the top of the equipment with force, the impulse passes to the pipe. A socket headstock is equipment that is used in pairs.

Step 5. Bury the pipe while drilling.

Step 6. Sprinkle the soil evenly and then compact it.

Step 7. Increase the length of the pipe.

To ensure that the pipe enters the ground easily, take breaks after 1 hour, during which you replenish the soil with water. Under the influence of liquid, the earth softens, the drilling process is faster and easier.

Step 8. When the water level in the pipe reaches a meter, stop working.

You have learned how to make an Abyssinian well, now about the equipment. When independently arranging water supply in a suburban area, it is important to choose the right pump for the Abyssinian well.

If the depth of the well is more than 7 meters or the water rises more than 7 meters, it is more advisable to use pumping station. It is a compact product consisting of a pump, electric cable, ballast device. The hose is not included in the kit.

The use of a pumping station guarantees a water pressure of at least 45 m, and a flow rate of 20 l/min. The product is equipped with a filter that has a certain throughput. The cost of the product depends on this.

In addition to the pump, it is reasonable to use a bailer in the well design. This is a projectile designed for loose soil layers. Choose a product with a caliber 4-5 smaller than the internal diameter of the well.

A bailer drill is necessary when the well is used seasonally. Long breaks have a detrimental effect on the condition of the structure and the purity of the water; clay may enter. The main purpose of the bailer is cleaning.

Do-it-yourself well: operating features

The final stage of arranging a water supply system is commissioning. Before this, you need to install a check valve and connect a pump or station. Polyethylene pipes are most often used low pressure.

At the end installation work pour water, connect the hose, start the pump.

Initially the water is flowing It's cloudy and you can't drink it. To clean the liquid, the well is pumped for a couple of hours. Subsequently, the plants are watered with well water and vegetable crops, used on the farm. To drink such water, it is better to play it safe - submit samples to the SES for testing.

Do you want the Abyssinian well made of plastic pipes to serve for a long time, the lens around the filter not to be deformed, the quality of the water not to decrease, and the reserves of the aquifer not to decrease? Use it regularly.

If on suburban area you come seasonally, prepare the well for downtime:

  • drain the water from the pipe;
  • cover the pump with moisture-resistant material;
  • Pump the well before use.

Abyssinian water well: to drill or not

Summing up the review of this type of water supply for suburban areas, it is necessary to once again emphasize the advantages that the well has. The compact size and specificity of the device allow the product to be placed in any convenient location: in the garage, in the utility room, in the basement of the house, on the street. Thus, the water source is close and does not take up much space.

Equipping a water supply system in this way takes little time - within a few hours. The work is no different high degree complexity and do not require specialized equipment. You can make the equipment yourself, and also drill a hole yourself, reaching the aquifer.

The depth of the wells and their specificity do not require obtaining a permit or going through a licensing procedure, as is done with the development of an artesian source.

However, do not forget that the manufacturer of the well, the quality of the water directly depends on how regularly you use it. If there are periods of downtime, it is necessary to prepare the water supply system for them. And then, even after time and several seasons, you will have pure water.

In addition, such a well is not suitable for those who regularly need a large number of water. In this case, it makes sense to consider other options.

The easiest way to ensure country cottage area water - make an Abyssinian well with your own hands. Within five to ten hours after the start of work, the owners of the dacha will receive the first liters of their own clean water. The equipment that is used is so compact that it can be arranged Abyssinian well it is possible even in the basement of a residential building or in inspection hole garage.

Principles of creating an Abyssinian well

The idea of ​​the design is very simple and consists in piercing the soil to the depth of the aquifer with a pipe about one inch in diameter. To do this, a thin tip is attached to the end of the pipe, thanks to which a needle hole is created.

This uses pipes with a diameter of only an inch and a half. A self-priming pump operating on the principle of creating a vacuum is mounted on a recessed pipe. If there is not enough water coming from the finished well, another needle well can be built on the site with your own hands.

Location of classic water intake workings: as you can see here, an Abyssinian well can be built on light sandy soil

Despite the relatively low costs of labor and materials to create such a well, it is not possible to install it on every site. First of all, you should make sure that the water level that is reached after opening the aquifer is no more than 8 meters (the so-called piezometric level). This does not mean that the depth of drilling a well or passing a needle will necessarily be 8 meters. It can reach 10-15 meters, and in some cases for an Abyssinian well it is necessary to go deeper even 20-30 meters.

You can find out the value of the piezometric water level on the site by interviewing neighbors who already have a well or well. If it turns out that the water is somewhat deeper, a meter or two, it is still possible to make a well of this type, but this will require going deep into the ground a couple of meters.

The condition of the soil should also be correctly assessed. On the lungs sandy soils an Abyssinian well can be made without any problems. But if the soil turns out to be too hard, containing boulders and stones, the project will have to be abandoned.

Pipe, filter needle and other nuances

The functioning of any well, including the Abyssinian well, depends on the quality of the pipe. It is best to use inch or one and a half inch pipes, metal or plastic, which are cut into pieces 1-2 meters long. As the pipes are immersed, they are extended to the required length using threaded connections. They are compacted using sanitary linen, silicone, oil paint and so on.

In addition, special couplings are used. It is very important that the pipe connection is as reliable as possible. Any violation of the tightness will lead to damage to the entire structure.

The tip diameter should be slightly larger diameter pipes to ensure free movement of the structure in the soil thickness

At the end of the pipe, it is necessary to install a special needle filter, which will facilitate the pipe’s penetration into the ground, protect the Abyssinian well from silting, and also ensure the purity of the incoming water. It is best if the needle is made of the same material as the main pipe. This will prevent possible electrochemical corrosion.

To make a filter needle from a galvanized metal pipe, you need:

  1. Drill holes with a diameter of 5-8 mm in the pipe, placing them in a checkerboard pattern.
  2. Solder a stainless steel mesh on top. As an alternative to mesh, you can use wire that is wound around the perforated end of the pipe, leaving a gap between the turns. The wire also needs to be soldered.
  3. Weld a spear-shaped tip to the end of the pipe. Its diameter should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the pipe so that the structure following the needle moves freely through the soil.

Reinforced is quite suitable for such a well polypropylene pipe. To make a needle filter from PVC pipes follows:

  1. Insert the filter mesh inside the pipe.
  2. Secure the mesh using the fusion method.
  3. Perforate the pipe by making slits on its surface using a hacksaw.

Some experience with PVC pipes is required to perform these operations.

All necessary materials can be purchased separately at hardware stores, however ready set for an Abyssinian well will save time and effort.

What is better - hammering or drilling?

To make an Abyssinian well on your own, two methods are used: driving and small-diameter drilling. To drive a structure into the ground, a “driver” is usually used. At the same time, water is constantly added to the pipe. When the water suddenly sinks into the soil, the structure is deepened by about half a meter, after which you can begin installing the pump.

When creating Abyssinian wells, it is easier and more convenient to drill a small diameter well

For self-creation The driving method for the Abyssinian well is excellent, but when using it, a number of dangers must be taken into account. There is a possibility of passing by the aquifer. In addition, if a stone is encountered at great depths, the structure may be completely damaged.

The method of preliminary drilling with a small diameter requires the involvement of a team with special equipment, but it guarantees the presence of water in the well. This method is clearly presented in the video:

Classic order of construction work

The task of driving the pipe into the ground looks quite simple. However, in order for all operations to be successful, a number of nuances should be taken into account. Experienced builders It is recommended to make an Abyssinian well as follows:

  1. Select and mark a location for the well.
  2. Dig a hole approximately one cubic meter in volume.
  3. Go through the top layer of soil with a garden auger to remove some of the soil.
  4. Start driving the pipe into the soil using a load weighing approximately 30 kg (cast iron, “pancakes” from a rod, etc.) or start drilling.
  5. The pipe should be in the center of the hole; a certain amount of soil is gradually added to it, which is compacted.
  6. Screw additional lengths onto the main pipe successively to ensure the required length.
  7. Once the aquifer is reached, the filter should be washed to remove clay with water supplied under pressure.
  8. Set manual piston pump and pump out the cloudy water layer until the water becomes clear.
  9. Concrete the area around the well to prevent runoff and contaminants from entering the well.

After installing the well, it is connected to the house water supply system, if necessary.

Abyssinian wells are durable and easy to use, the main thing is the right location

The advantage of Abyssinian wells is not only their simplicity of design. They are durable and very easy to use. These are small devices that will not cause any serious damage to the landscape. Wide access roads will not be needed for their construction and operation. Finally, if necessary, you can remove the pipe from the ground and install it in another suitable place. At the same time, the water coming from the Abyssinian well always remains fresh and clean.

In a remote area of ​​the house, they almost always mention digging a well or an ordinary well.

Indeed, sand wells or wells are the simplest and most reliable ways to obtain water on the site. They are durable, functional and quite comfortable. However, the labor intensity during their installation or maintenance cannot be ignored either.

Meanwhile, there is another way - drilling an Abyssinian well. Moreover, you can do this process entirely with your own hands.

1 Technology for creating an Abyssinian well

The Abyssinian well was invented during the colonization of Africa. Then the English troops were able to push back the natives precisely thanks to this wonderful invention. After all, to drill such a well it is enough to have metal pipes and make a primitive driving drill.

Everything else is collected during the work process. And the process itself is done entirely with your own hands and in a fairly short period of time.

If we take into account reviews from users of Abyssinian wells, then creating such a source takes from 3 to 10 hours, depending on the type of soil, characteristics of the aquifer, etc.

The Abyssinian well itself is a small source of water that produces it in the upper soil layers. To equip an Abyssinian well or well, as it is popularly called, you need to make sure that your aquifers are at a depth of up to 8 meters.

If they are located deeper, then you can also start working, but you most likely will not be able to do it without special equipment.

For work, improvised tools are used. You don't need direct access to water or anything like that. This is the peculiarity of Abyssinian wells. They are very mobile and autonomous.

You just need to score on purpose assembled pipes into the ground to a depth of 8-10 meters. Pipes are assembled in sections using threaded fittings. The lowest section of the pipe will be a special filter section with a needle.

The needle is the cone-shaped tip on the pipe. It is very durable and is intended directly for driving the body of the well into the ground. Since in upper layers the soil mainly contains sand and other soft rocks, then you shouldn’t have any problems with clogging.

After the needle there is a filter pipe. This is a piece of pipe 1-1.5 m long, in which many holes are cut. As a rule, one hole is made on each side of the pipe in increments of 3-4 cm.

The pipe is wrapped with wire and mesh, creating a special filter. It’s quite possible to make a filter with your own hands and in just a few tens of minutes.

The operating principle of Abyssinian wells is very simple. A riser clogged to the required level reaches the aquifer layers of sand. They are usually located at a level of 6-8 meters underground.

Which means that the aquifer will flow directly onto the filter. Since sand conducts water well, within a few minutes the pipe will begin to fill with it.

When liquid appears in the well, work can be stopped and started. In most cases, after thoroughly flushing the pipes, all that remains is to wait for a day until the water clears itself and the well begins to produce clean water.

At this time, you can make a special pump or concrete the area around the well exit. Then all that remains is to attach the pumping mechanism and use this miracle of technology for your pleasure.

1.1 What are the advantages of Abyssinian wells?

As you already understand, Abyssinian wells have many advantages over more traditional sources. It is very difficult to list them all, but the main ones should still be noted.

Let's consider the main pros and cons of such sources.

Main advantages:

  • You can make a well with your own hands;
  • The work takes a little time;
  • There is no strict need to use special tools;
  • Practicality;
  • Mobility;
  • Ability to work in any conditions;
  • Good debit;
  • No problems with liquid overflow, silting, etc.;
  • Easy to maintain;
  • Takes up little space.

As we can see, it’s not for nothing that these wells are so popular in our area. They are very easy to assemble. You can make all the tools and drill the hole yourself. And the work will take less than a day.

If you suddenly stumble upon a large cobblestone or layer of pebbles, it’s not a problem. After all, at any moment you can take out the needle and try your luck somewhere else.

When finished, the Abyssinian well takes up very little space. At the same time, you can connect either a regular pump or any pump to it. Moreover, surface pumps are also useful here, since the depth of the aquifer will rarely be below 8 meters.

Main disadvantages:

Abyssinian wells have much fewer disadvantages, but they still exist. However, those who do not understand the very purpose of the work being performed consider them to be disadvantages. Of course, such a well is unlikely to cope with the water supply of a large family and their domestic needs, but this is not required of it.

It is worth understanding that the Abyssinian well is rather an auxiliary element of the water supply system. He will give you drinking and domestic water in sufficient quantities. But it is not intended to fully supply large facilities.

Andrey, 38 years old, Kostroma:

At one time I became very interested in this technology. I needed to make a water supply for the dacha and with minimal costs. I was captivated by the opportunity to complete the work with my own hands. I did everything according to technology and finished it with my friend in 11 hours. I am completely satisfied with the result.

Valentin, 27 years old, Altai:

I have two Abyssinian wells on my property. And I scored both with my own hands. Very useful thing, I'll tell you. With minimal labor costs, it produces a decent flow rate, high-quality water, and practically does not require maintenance. Ideal choice for country water supply.

Konstantin, 58 years old, Astrakhan:

A couple of years ago I ordered such a well from the guys. I listened to reviews from neighbors and realized that I needed it. The workers at my site had to work hard because the soil is not uniform. Twice we came across a large boulder. The second time they even bent the pipe. Fortunately, you can make a new one with your own hands and in just a couple of tens of minutes. Therefore, they completed the work before dark. The well has never let me down since then.

2 Selection of pipes for a well and installation stages

Before you begin the actual work, you need to select the pipes that will make up the body of the driving needle. It is worth understanding that this needle remains in the hole constantly and performs the functions of a casing structure. Therefore, it must not only be durable and reliable, but also suitable for constant contact with liquid.

Of modern pipes, good old metal and polymers are most often used. The metal can be galvanized; it resists corrosion better and withstands the influence of microorganisms well. However, over time, it will still lose its properties.

Plus, the metal is very durable and it is extremely difficult to damage such a pipe. Needle tips are almost always made of metal.

From polymer materials Reinforced thick-walled polypropylene and low-density polyethylene are best suited for pipes. Both materials are quite durable and also have excellent anti-corrosion characteristics.

As for the specific parameters of the pipe, inch samples are used in the work. Wall thickness metal products it could be anyone, but plastic pipes only thick-walled ones with a thickness of 5 mm or more are used.

As you already understood, the lower section of the pipe will be a filter section. It is processed with a drill, then wrapped with wire. Next comes the membrane, strainer or something similar. Then the whole thing is once again tightly tied with wire.

The pipe itself is connected using threaded fittings. It is also possible to use welding, but this adds certain inconveniences. The quality of the connections, of course, will be very high, but you won’t be cutting pipes every time something goes wrong.

Now let’s look directly at the working algorithm by which Abyssinian wells are installed.

2.1 How to drill an Abyssinian well with improvised tools? (video)

Comfortable living without clean water is simply impossible. Buy regularly drinking water expensive and unprofitable. Limited family budget does not allow you to use the services of well drilling companies? There is always a way out. The time has come to remember the technical structure that is accessible to everyone, and install an Abyssinian well at home with your own hands. This design was invented by the Americans, and in another way it is called a needle well.

At first, people called an Abyssinian well a shallow well with a hand pump pumping clean water from an aquiferous sand layer. Special design allows you to get water without spores, runoff and pollution.

Before you start drilling, you need to carefully study the geology of the area. You can find out from neighbors who have already provided their site with water, or from a geological survey conducted during the development of the site. The construction of a needle well is possible if the first aquifer is no deeper than 8 meters. For a lower layer, you need to drill a wide well and lower the pump into it.

The Abyssinian well works well on an aquifer made of a mixture of sand and crushed stone or medium-grained sand. It will not be possible to install a needle well on a site if the geological map shows deposits of hard rocks, pebbles, and boulders. To reach the water flowing under such layers, you will need special equipment.

Advantages of using a needle well

  1. Simplicity of design and low price level.
  2. Possibility of installation without disturbing the landscape of the site.
  3. Large equipment is not used.
  4. Possibility of installing the pump indoors or directly on site.
  5. Drilling requires a maximum of 10 hours of working time.
  6. Installing a high-quality filter prevents silting of the well.
  7. The closed system does not allow contaminants to enter the well.
  8. High quality of produced water.
  9. Possibility of ensuring a constant supply of water in the required volumes.
  10. If necessary, the well can be dismantled and installed in another location.
Note! Due to the shallow depth of the Abyssinian wells, practically no dissolved iron gets into the water.

Well drilling

Not everyone can afford to buy special equipment to drill just one well or call in specialists. You can make an Abyssinian well using not too complicated and expensive tools.

Tools required for work:

  • Several pieces of gas keys.
  • Grinder and drill.
  • To slaughter a pipe, you need pancakes from a rod weighing 20 or 40 kg.
  • Sledgehammer and hammer.
  • Welding machine, pumping station.
  • An inch pipe cut into meter pieces with short threads at the ends.
  • One meter of ¾ inch pipe.
  • Ten meters of ½ inch pipe.
  • Garden auger, check valve.
  • Bolts and nuts 10.
  • Car clamps.
  • A piece of mesh 16 by 100 cm of galloon weaving made of stainless steel.
  • Cast iron couplings for connecting and slaughtering pipes.
  • Wire with a cross-section of 0.2-0.3 mm - 2 m.
  • HDPE couplings and pipes.

Making a filter

  1. On inch pipe Weld a cone-shaped tip 1.1 m long. If you were unable to buy such a tip, you can use a sledgehammer to flatten the end of the pipe.
  2. Using a grinder, carefully cut slots up to 2.5 cm long on both sides of the pipe every 2 cm. You need to do everything slowly, trying not to damage the strength of the pipe.
  3. Wind the wire onto the pipe and put a mesh on top, securing it with clamps every 10 cm. If possible, it is advisable to solder the mesh.
Note! Do not use solder with lead to avoid water poisoning. You need to work with tin solder and special flux.

Drilling technology

Using a garden auger, start drilling the soil, gradually building it up with prepared pipes. For this, ½-inch pipes are used, which are connected with couplings made from ¾-inch pipes and 10-point bolts through pre-drilled holes.

Continue drilling until wet sand begins to flow from the surface of the drill. There is no point in drilling further, the wet sand simply flows back into the well.

Installation of a pipe with a filter

Using couplings, connect the filter to the pipe sections. Be sure to wrap FUM tape around the thread. Ready design lower it into the hole until it reaches the sand. Screw a cast iron coupling onto the top of the pipe and place the prepared pancakes from the rod on it. The axis must be passed through the center of the pancakes, this is necessary for them to slide when clogging the pipe. For the axle, use ½ inch pipe 1.5 m long. There should be a bolt at the end of the pipe.

After each blow, the pipe is immersed in the ground by several centimeters. The tip with the filter should penetrate 50 cm into the sand layer. After this, you need to pour a small amount of water into the pipe.

Pumping water

First of all, it is necessary to install a check valve, and then a pumping station.

Note! The entire structure must be sealed.

Fill the pumping station with water and connect a hose to the outlet. Start the pump. At first, air may come out of the well, and then dirty water. After a certain period of time, good clean water will appear. To check the quality of the water, take it to the sanitary and epidemiological station for analysis.

It is better to do around the Abyssinian well concrete pad to ensure the outflow of precipitation. Now there will always be clean water on your site, and you will be able to grow your own vegetables and flowers.

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A budget option for making an autonomous source of water supply is a do-it-yourself well without equipment using several existing technologies. This refers to methods that allow you to do without renting a drilling rig. However, the home craftsman will still need some equipment and tools.

Making a well without equipment with your own hands

Purpose, nuances of the device

Compared to a well, the well has smaller dimensions, allowing you to save the working space of the site. The mouth of the source is sealed much easier; precipitation and dirt do not get inside. There is no need to remove large amounts of soil or transport it from the construction site.

You can build a well yourself without equipment in several ways:

  • by eroding the soil with water;
  • extracting rock with a hand drill auger;

  • flushing - usually 2 - 3 buckets are pumped out very dirty water, then 1 - 2 cubes of liquid with sand follow, after which the quality returns to normal;

Advantages of the method:

  • low construction budget – purchase of a drill + production of rods with locks for extension;
  • speed of penetration - the auger is an Archimedes screw through which the soil independently moves upward.

When choosing a drill with replaceable blades, labor costs increase sharply. After several revolutions, the tool must be lifted to shake off the rock. Anyway House master can do without helpers. The disadvantages of the technology are:

  • complex vertical positioning;
  • numerous descents/ascents.

Tooling diameter hand drills limited to 40 cm; if desired, you can find 50 cm augers produced by 3–4 Russian manufacturers. This sharply limits the diameter of the casing, allowing low-power submersible pumps to be lowered into it.

Helpful advice! As soon as the drill reaches the aquifer, the soil ceases to linger on the auger and blades. Further penetration is carried out by washing, for which water is supplied to the face under pressure.

Abyssinian needle hole

There is a method for constructing a water intake source without excavating soil. A hole in the ground is made by compacting adjacent rocks by driving a small diameter pipe. That is, the working tool, after reaching the aquifer, simply becomes a casing string.

Therefore everything necessary equipment mounted on the pipe before driving:

You can make a well needle with your own hands without equipment, but it is necessary special tool- grandma. An Abyssinian well does not require a tripod, drilling auger, or flushing pump. However, impact penetration with a sledgehammer flattens top part pipes, so a different scheme is used:

  • a traveling block is attached to the very top of the pipe with clamps;
  • ropes/cables are attached to the headstock and thrown over the pulleys of the block to different sides.

After which, one or two workers simultaneously lift the headstock up to the traveling block and release the cable. The headstock hits the platform, the pipe is driven into the ground, the operation is repeated until the platform is at the ground. Then the pipe is extended, the headstock and traveling block are raised higher.

Despite the low construction budget (5 – 7 thousand rubles), the technology has some disadvantages:

  • difficulties in finding a headstock, a support platform or making these devices with your own hands;
  • polymer pipes cannot be used for impact drilling, steel pipe has fewer resources.
Helpful advice! If necessary, you can secure the headstock with clamps on the pipe, pull out the column with jacks to clean or replace the filter or check valve.

Bailer drilling

Except listed methods You can make a well with your own hands without equipment using the bailer method, which is also called percussion-rope drilling.

To do this, use the following sequence of operations:

  • tripod - 1.5 - 2 m high, mounted on the mouth, a traveling block is fixed in the upper part;
  • drilling - the bailer is lifted by a cable to the traveling block, released, falls to the ground, filled with rock, after removing the earth, the operation is repeated.

The bailer is made of a pipe, the lower edge of which is sharpened (chamfered) or has teeth to destroy the formation. There is a round plug installed inside the hinge to fit internal diameter pipes. When it hits the ground, the plug opens on a hinge; when removed, it closes under the weight of the soil that has accumulated inside.

On dense soils, after an impact, the pipe additionally rotates using levers welded or inserted into the holes. This allows you to increase productivity and reduce labor costs.

Helpful advice! The main advantage is the ability to extract the rock once it reaches the aquifer. The well is deeper, which provides a higher flow rate than with manual drilling.

The disadvantage of the technique is the need to purchase a thick-walled pipe 1 - 1.5 m long. Since the drilling efficiency depends on the weight of the tool.