Badan (plant): useful properties, application, planting and care. Medicinal properties and contraindications of bergenia root

saxifrage, early flower, bergenia, Mongolian tea, chagir tea, bergenia - all these are the names of one plant. It reaches a height of 30-70 cm and prefers places closed from the wind, it can grow under a thick layer of snow. You can meet him in Siberia, China and Mongolia.

The bergenia plant is often used in traditional medicine, because it medicinal properties able to cope with a number of symptoms of various diseases. The raw materials for medicines are all parts of the plant - rhizomes, flowers, seeds, leaves.

Did you know? Badan is named after the German botanist Karl August von Bergen. In Latin, the name sounds like Bergenia.

Useful properties of bergenia and its composition

Badan has medicinal properties, and its use for treatment is possible due to useful composition. The plant has the following properties:

Active ingredients of bergenia:
  • tannins;
  • gallic acid;
  • bergenin glycoside;
  • arbutin;
  • dextrin;
  • polyphenols;
  • minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, cobalt, aluminum, vanadium, barium, nickel, selenium, strontium, gum, tannins, resins, zinc, essential oils;
  • ascorbic acid and vitamins.
Badan leaves contain twice as much arbutin as bearberry, which is considered its main source. Badan is the leader among plants in terms of arbutin content.

The older the plant, the more tannins in the rhizome. They make flour, rhizomes can be fried, boiled, eaten.

How to prepare badan

To harvest badan, you need to pick up good time. Different parts of the plant have different optimal time for this.

The bergenia leaf has popular medicinal properties. But these qualities are only old leaves that have overwintered under the snow.

The optimal period for harvesting bergenia leaves is autumn and spring. harvested leaves washed, dried and stored in a box or paper bag. Optimum temperature for drying bergenia leaves is 60 degrees.

Badan roots It is customary to harvest at the beginning of summer. They need to be dug up, washed cold water, dry and lay out on a cloth or paper. For drying, large bergenia roots can be cut into smaller pieces.

1 kg of dried bergenia roots will give only 250 g of raw materials. Signs of a properly dried root are that it does not bend, it breaks well. At the break, you should see the middle of a light pink or yellow color.

Both leaves and roots of bergenia can be stored for no more than 4 years..

Did you know? In the past, entire villages harvested the roots and leaves of bergenia, which were then used for tanning leather and for dyeing fabrics.

The use of bergenia in folk medicine

Due to its useful qualities, badan is popular in folk medicine. Its properties have a beneficial effect on the body in many diseases.

Polyphenols and arbutin contained in the plant have high antioxidant activity. Arbutin also protects the cells of the body from destruction.

Bergenin in bergenia has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the accumulation of fat in the body.

has a hemostatic, astringent, antimicrobial effect. It is able to moderately lower blood pressure, lower body temperature slightly and slightly increase heart rate.

The so-called Altai tea copes well with the removal of physical and moral overwork, has a general strengthening effect on the body.

For intestinal disorders, rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis, kidney disease, goiter treatment, bergenia tea is also used.

Important! It is necessary to take into account all the effects that the use of badan has. Even if the effect is said to be minor, for some it can be quite strong.

Badan also has external use. In powder form, they are sprinkled on wounds and bleeding ulcers. With bruises, you can make a compress, which will accelerate the resorption of the hematoma.

Also in folk medicine, the use of badan is practiced in neoplasms of different localization.

Decoctions and infusions are widely used. The decoction is used to treat hemorrhoids. In this case, it is necessary to take sitz baths, the temperature of which should not exceed 38 degrees. You can sit in a bath with a decoction of bergenia for up to 20 minutes, and the course is no more than 15 baths.

I use decoctions from bergenia t for gargling, making lotions and douching. Douching is used to treat colpitis, uterine erosion. Inside take after meals three times a day, 2 tablespoons. The throat is rinsed with inflammatory diseases of this organ. Also, a decoction is used to treat dysentery (possibly in combination with antibiotics).

Important! The use of bergenia for a long time can cause constipation. In the presence of constipation, taking bergenia is not recommended.

Badan is used for such diseases as tuberculosis, pneumonia, dysentery, severe purulent bronchitis. It helps to deal with infectious diseases due to powerful antibacterial properties.

Badan funds can be taken to improve well-being and a surge of strength in old age, to strengthen immunity, with a weakening of working capacity. It is also used in cosmetology - for the skin of the face and head.

Badan recipes

There are many recipes on how to cook bergenia to get the most out of it. this plant. It is taken as an independent medicine, as well as in combination with other herbs. In some cases, they combine drug treatment and taking bergenia.

Mongolian (Altai) tea. If you brew dry leaves of the bergenia plant that have wintered under the snow, you get the so-called Mongolian tea. You need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed dry leaves and pour them with 1 liter of boiling water.

It will take more time to brew bergenia tea than regular black tea. This is due to the thickness of the leaves - in bergenia it is greater than that of tea leaves. After 15-20 minutes of brewing tea should be filtered.

Powder and extract of bergenia. Extract medicinal properties bergenia root can be ground by grinding it into powder. This powder can be applied dry and also used to prepare an extract.

To do this, pour a few tablespoons of dried crushed bergenia roots with 1 cup of boiling water and boil the resulting mixture in a sealed container until half of the liquid has evaporated. The extract is taken several times a day, 27 drops.

Some medicinal plants can be grown on your site. And outwardly they are so beautiful that they will decorate even the most exquisite flower garden. Look at the thick-leaved bergenia, a photo of its bright red flowers delights many. And green leaves, large, round, strong and soft, like elephant ears or cabbage leaves, will delight you all year round - after all, bergenia is also evergreen, however, in autumn it changes color to fiery red. These very leaves, and even overwintered under a layer of snow in Altai, are brewed like ordinary tea. Well, we have heard a lot about good Altai health - so they also consume it both for heroic silushka and for general health.

Badan. What's in a name?

But back to the badan or saxifrage, as it is also called. Where does this name come from, you ask? According to one version, badan grows through stones, breaking them. According to another version, the name comes from the healing properties of bergenia to break kidney stones. We like this version better, don't we?

Badan is a non-waste plant. We use everything: leaves, rhizomes, seeds, and flowers. Moreover, we collect the leaves when the snow melts, and the other parts during and after flowering (seeds and flowers), in late summer - early autumn (rhizome). Like other plants, you need to dry the bergenia. Its medicinal properties will be shown by chemical analysis - and there are a lot of things in the saxifrage:

  • carbohydrates, some vitamins, starch;
  • tannin, which gives the tea a tart, slightly resinous taste. Badan (roots and leaves) can give odds even to oak bark in terms of the content of tannins - there are 4 times more of them in it;
  • glycosides: free hydroquinone, arbutin (antiseptic), bergenin;
  • and essential oils that cleanse our body;
  • ellagic and gallic organic acids, which are responsible for metabolism, sweating, and overall well-being;
  • minerals: copper, iron, manganese;
  • phytoncides, isocoumarin, bergenine, resins. Resins are responsible for the healing of wounds, cuts. And phytoncides protect against harmful external environment being a natural antibiotic.

This set of trace elements and other components is very useful for our health.

Badan and diseases

For treatment, the root of bergenia is most often used. The medicinal properties and contraindications of it are quite wide. Judge for yourself.

The rhizome is used for the following diseases:

  • stomatitis, periodontal disease and gingivitis;
  • pneumonia and thyroid disease (by the way, one of the best means for the thyroid gland -);
  • rheumatism and enterocolitis;
  • diarrhea and dysentery;
  • headache and toothache;
  • tuberculosis and oncology;
  • gynecological diseases - erosion, fibroma.

But drinking decoctions, teas, infusions from the rhizome is impossible for those who have:

  • low pressure;
  • constipation;
  • the likelihood of blood clots;
  • thick blood;
  • tachycardia and a number of other diseases.

Important! If, following the example of the Altaians, you wish to brew Chigir tea, then you need to use shriveled leaves collected after the snow melted. Green fresh leaves contain poison.

Details about the treatment of bergenia

Already knowing what bergenia contains, the medicinal properties and application are not so difficult to compare. You just need to apply it correctly.

Chigir tea

In Siberia it is called Mongolian. Altaians drink it and recommend it to us as a tonic drink. Indeed, thanks to phytoncides and flavonoids, it gives a stimulating kick to metabolism, raises the tone of the body, invigorates and gives strength.

And the minerals contained in the leaves relieve even severe headaches, reduce blood pressure, and restore the heart rhythm. Tannin and starch have an astringent property and envelop the walls of the stomach, and make the vessels and capillaries stronger.

Men also benefit from this tea. They say it has a positive effect on potency. And if you also add a red root or to tea, then no “Viagra” can be compared with the power of this drink.

Respiratory system

As a natural antiseptic, bergenia fights against bacterial infections, other viral and not only diseases: whooping cough, acute respiratory infections, influenza, laryngitis, tuberculosis, and high fever.

Gastrointestinal tract

Not everything is useful that got into our mouth. So we suffer from heartburn, colitis, diarrhea and other disorders. And therefore we use the root of bergenia. Its medicinal properties help to get rid of vomiting and diarrhea, colitis and dysentery, enterocolitis and gastritis, restore the microflora in the stomach and intestines. Badan can also cure such an unpleasant sore, the scourge of computer scientists and drivers, as hemorrhoids. And cured and, well, eat right, and cleanse the body. Fortunately, we have a lot of useful information.


The tannins of bergenia were also evaluated by dentists. They prescribe to rinse your mouth with inflammation and bleeding: gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis.


The astringent quality of bergenia turned out to be valuable for heavy bleeding - the monthly cycle becomes not so difficult for women, and the field of childbirth young mothers recover faster. Uterine fibroma, colpitis, cystitis, post-abortion recovery, erosion - these are other problems in the female part that bergenia can cope with. You need to take the infusion not only inside, they can also douche.

Back and skin

General action

In combination with, or badan lowers temperature and pressure, relieves spasms. Add crushed ginger to your tea, and you will get an excellent immune-stimulating drink that will relieve stress and lift your spirits.

Badan in cosmetology

Teenagers and their parents, take note. A decoction of bergenia is a wonderful natural tonic. Wipe the skin with it every day and unpleasant pimples will disappear. In addition to acne, such a tonic will relieve both furunculosis and seborrheic dermatitis, and make oily skin matte, even, narrow pores, and eliminate excessive sweating.


Badan does not treat oncology, as they do, or. But he, tones the body, gathers all the strength to fight the disease - and this is a lot. Immunity is very important.

We brew badan correctly

Did you find out what badan is, beneficial features and its contraindications are also known to you. And now let's prepare the famous Chigir tea, and at the same time decoctions with infusions.

Mongolian tea

Withered, absolutely dry leaves, which you will collect in the spring, are suitable for tea.

They need not only to insist, but to boil, and therefore we throw the washed leaves into a kettle of water and boil, then we insist and drink.

The taste of tea is astringent and not for everybody. To improve the taste, you can add mint, lemon balm or any other herb that you like.

Infusion of ground part of bergenia

For 1 cup of boiling water, take 2 tablespoons of dried leaves and flowers. We insist a quarter of an hour in a water bath. We drink up to 4 times a day, a couple of tablespoons.

Infusion of roots

Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped roots into a glass of boiling water, insist and strain well. Use infusion for douching, rinsing and lotions.

For internal use dilute the resulting volume of infusion with water and drink a tablespoon three times a day for at least 3 weeks.

root decoction

The decoction is prepared in the same way as the infusion, but the water with roots is heated in a water bath.

How thick-leaved bergenia grew in our country house ...

Badan is not only useful, but also beautiful, planting and caring for it are not difficult - the plant is unpretentious.

To sow bergenia, you need to have patience, because for a couple of years the sprouts develop very slowly and require constant attention. Therefore, it is necessary to plant seeds not in open ground, but in boxes.

It is better to propagate bergenia cuttings, planting and care in open field will be much easier. We take a plant with a rosette and a bud, remove almost all the leaves and plant it in the ground in increments of 30 cm. Do not worry if there are not enough outlets. Badan grows well and in a couple of years will cover the entire flower garden.

The saxifrage takes root on Alpine rollercoaster, near artificially created reservoirs. She almost does not get sick and pests are not afraid of her. But he likes moderate watering. Poured - the leaves became covered with brown spots, did not top up - the leaves dried out ahead of time.

When choosing a place for bergenia, remember that this plant is sedentary and does not like transplants.

Phytotherapy is one of the directions of traditional medicine, which successfully copes with a number of problems associated with the deterioration of human health. This article will discuss the healing properties of bergenia and the contraindications that may be when using this plant.

Badan: medicinal and beneficial properties

Valuable medicinal plant badan thick-leaved, chagyr or Mongolian tea contains quite a lot of useful substances in its composition.

Resins and essential oils are present in the roots and leaves, as well as:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • glucose;
  • starch;
  • tannins;
  • polyphenol.

The use of bergenia can significantly improve the patient's condition and be used in complex therapy. Of course, it is difficult to cure the disease with some lotions from bergenia, but if the procedures are carried out using this remedy, then the treatment will be faster and more efficient.

It is important to note that during the course of treatment, you should not independently administer drugs with bergenia for preventive or therapeutic purposes, because they can significantly distort clinical picture. It is worth consulting a doctor.

Badan root: benefits and applications

Not only the medicinal properties of the bergenia root are known, the rhizome of the plant is used in many areas, such as:

  • cooking;
  • cosmetology;
  • preparation of medicinal preparations;
  • healing.

First of all, the bergenia root perfectly copes with diseases of the cardiovascular system, since:

  • restores blood pressure;
  • helps to strengthen the vascular walls;
  • increases contractile cardiac activity.

And also badan has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

Infusions and decoctions can be used for problems such as:

  • stomatitis;
  • for healing small cuts;
  • for intimate hygiene baths;
  • can be used for prophylactic baths against thrush;
  • lotions with hot infusion well remove corns from the feet;
  • trophic ulcers can be treated;
  • soak boils.

Badan is excellent as a hemostatic agent. It is used for oozing wounds, to stop vaginal bleeding, with poor blood clotting.

It is important to remember that only fresh roots or roots dug out in the coming fall can be used, because if the material is stored longer, then it loses its useful properties.

Medicinal herbs have been used in folk medicine for many years. Among them, one can single out the root of bergenia, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have an extensive list. Given medicinal plant found distribution not only in traditional medicine - it is also widely used in the manufacture of many pharmaceuticals.

There are many types of bergenia, but only thick-leaved is used in medicine. among the people treatment plant also known as Mongolian tea. It grows in Siberia and Altai. It is worth noting that it is possible to prepare medicines not only from the root. There are recipes that involve the creation of various leaf-based decoctions. Badan tea is especially popular, the healing properties of which cannot be ignored.

It is noteworthy that many of the owners of their own houses grow Mongolian tea on their plot, but they do not even know about its healing characteristics. Most often, the plant is used as a decoration or to ennoble some empty area of ​​​​the yard.

General medicinal properties

Like most medicinal herbs, bergenia has a complex chemical composition and has a huge content of useful trace elements. The list of medicinal qualities of the plant is extremely long. It is necessary to consider the main medicinal properties that have a positive effect on human health. These include the following:

  • antibacterial properties;
  • removal of the inflammatory process;
  • astringent properties;
  • the plant is a good diuretic;
  • strong antioxidant;
  • contribute to the rapid stop of bleeding;
  • accelerates the process of contraction of wounds;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Medicinal properties are extremely wide, which allows the use of bergenia in various fields of application when it comes to health. As already noted, both the root and leaves of the plant are used in medicine. It is required to get acquainted with the main areas of medicine in which it is used medicinal herb.

bergenia root

The largest spectrum medicinal properties has a plant rhizome. There is a huge list folk remedies, which use dried and crushed bergenia root.

The main areas of application include the following:

  1. Primarily Mongolian tea root renders positive impact on the walls of capillaries, namely, the thickness of the vessel walls increases. At first glance it may seem that this is completely useless, but in reality everything is exactly the opposite. capillaries play important role in the life of the body, carrying out the supply of oxygen to the organs. During the cycle blood vessels thin out, and then burst. As a result, hematomas are formed. As a result, the organs receive less oxygen than is necessary for normal activity.
  2. Respiratory treatment. The plant is used to eliminate colds and viral diseases. A root infusion has a special effect, which is recommended for use in pathologies of the lungs and bronchi. Mongolian tea also strengthens the protective properties of the body, which has a positive effect on general condition human health.
  3. Impact on the digestive system. Badan tea is widely known as a medicine for diseases of the intestines and stomach. The decoction has wound healing, hemostatic and analgesic properties, which are extremely well displayed on the body in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers and duodenal pathologies.
  4. Used for women's diseases. A liquid extract is usually used to treat cervical erosion and eliminate heavy menstruation.
  5. With hemorrhoids it is recommended to take warm baths with plant extract for 20 minutes a day. In this case, the process of stopping bleeding and healing takes place.
  6. Mongolian tea extract applied in the treatment of the oral cavity. It is recommended to rinse with stomatitis, inflammation of the gums and tongue.

bergenia leaves

The leaves of Mongolian tea for medicinal purposes are used much less frequently, because they have much less positive characteristics. In addition, already dried leaves harvested last season are suitable for use. They are harvested in the spring, after which they are dried naturally throughout the year.

Broths of bergenia leaves are used in folk medicine, primarily for the treatment of the bladder, because the plant has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. A decoction of the leaves is used to treat skin diseases, among which acne is the main one.

Prepared from the leaves of the plant universal remedy, which has a wide list of medicinal properties, namely, bergenia tea. Hot drink has a very specific, but pleasant taste. Tea is used in the following cases:

  • to relieve fatigue, both physical and mental;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • with various pathologies of the stomach and intestines;
  • with stool disorders;
  • as a remedy for inflammation in rheumatism;
  • to overcome all kinds of viral diseases.

Thus, it can be noted that medicinal tea has a wide range of properties and allows you to overcome the most common pathologies today.


Badan is an absolutely non-toxic drug, however, like any medication, it can have side effects. If the use of a decoction of the root or leaves is carried out for the first time, then it is recommended to use the minimum amount of the drink as a test (literally 1 tsp).

An important point is that bergenia is not recommended for use by people who suffer from heart disease. This is due to the fact that Mongolian tea is able, although gradually, to increase blood pressure. And this is not acceptable for any cardiovascular abnormalities.

Returning to the positive characteristics that indicate hemostatic qualities, we can conclude that bergenia contribute to the formation of blood clots. Therefore, it is forbidden to use it for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, and for those who have increased blood clotting.

It is forbidden to use infusions of the plant and people who suffer from constipation. This is due to the tannins contained in the plant. They help to fix the stool, which means they exacerbate the situation with constipation.

Summing up, it should be noted that such a plant as bergenia, whose beneficial properties are extremely extensive, occupies an honorable place in folk medicine not in vain. The range of its application is extremely wide. An infusion based on a plant is able to overcome a huge number of diseases that today cause many problems for most of the country's population. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize a very small range of contraindications, which once again indicate positive properties plants.


From time immemorial, our wise ancestors used medicinal plants to treat various diseases. IN modern world not only traditional medicine, but also official science successfully uses herbs, flowers, plant roots, which gently affect the body, without giving heavy side effects which often occur during treatment medicines. One of these plants is bergenia, and today, dear readers, we will talk about the medicinal properties of bergenia and contraindications, how to use it for our health.

Badan is familiar to many owners of suburban areas as ornamental plant, it is used in landscaping shady areas of the garden. This pretty plant does well in the shade and beautifies the garden with its broad, fleshy, dark green leaves and purple, bell-shaped flowers on tall spikes.

Among the dozen various kinds bergenia for medical purposes, thick-leaved bergenia is used, common in the mountainous wooded regions of Siberia, Altai and Sayan. In the people it is often called Mongolian tea, saxifrage thick-leaved. Let's see what badan looks like.

Badan. A photo

Badan thick-leaved. Medicinal properties. Composition

Like most medicinal plants bergenia has a complex chemical composition, of which tannins, glycosides, phytoncides, glucose, sucrose, ascorbic acid, iron, manganese, copper play the most important role. Among the many medicinal properties of bergenia, the following play an important role for the human body:

  • antibacterial,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • astringents,
  • diuretic,
  • antioxidant,
  • hemostatic,
  • wound healing,
  • strengthening the vascular wall.

These properties of bergenia allow it to be used very widely in a variety of diseases. The roots and leaves of bergenia have useful properties.

Badan root. Medicinal properties and contraindications

Main medicinal raw materials are the roots of bergenia, there are many recipes of traditional medicine in which dried and crushed roots of the plant are used in the treatment of diseases. Let's consider in what specific cases they can be applied.

Medicinal properties of bergenia for blood vessels

Main therapeutic effect plant roots on the vessels is to strengthen the walls of the capillaries. These tiny vessels play a huge role in the body, feeding the cells of all organs with blood, and when their walls become thinner and the capillaries burst, we see hematomas, but in fact our organs and systems suffer, not receiving oxygen, which enters them with blood flow. Therefore, it is so important to strengthen not only large, but also small vessels, and bergenia can significantly help in this.

Badan root has a slight vasoconstrictive effect, so people suffering from cardiovascular diseases should consult a doctor before using this plant for medicinal purposes.

For the treatment of the respiratory system

In folk medicine, bergenia roots are used to treat colds and viral diseases. In these cases, the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of the plant play a role. An infusion of the roots is used for diseases of the lungs and bronchi, for any respiratory viral infections. The beneficial properties of bergenia are that it strengthens the body's defenses, which is very important for a speedy recovery.

For the digestive system

Badan roots are widely used in the treatment of the stomach and intestines. The wound healing, analgesic and hemostatic properties of bergenia play an important role in the treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The decoction also eliminates heartburn and bloating.

An aqueous decoction prepared from the roots, containing a large number of tannins, used in the treatment of diarrhea and non-infectious colitis. For dysentery and other intestinal infections, it is prescribed in complex treatment along with drugs prescribed by a doctor.

For women's diseases

In gynecology, a liquid extract from the roots of bergenia is used, which is taken orally with heavy menstruation and topically in the form of douches and baths for the treatment of cervical erosion and inflammatory processes.

With hemorrhoids

In ancient medical books, the healing properties of bergenia are described for such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids. Very well relieve pain and stop bleeding local baths prepared on the basis of a liquid extract. Water should be warm, comfortable, you need to take baths every day before going to bed for 20 minutes.

For the oral cavity

What medicinal properties does bergenia have for the oral cavity? The extract is used for rinsing with stomatitis, with inflammation of the tongue and gums, with fungal lesions of the mucous membrane, with periodontal disease and sore throat.

How to prepare a decoction of bergenia roots, how to take it

Decoctions are prepared from the dried roots of the plant. To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of crushed roots is poured into a glass of boiling water in an enamel bowl, covered with a lid and placed in a large pot of boiling water. Stirring occasionally, stand in a water bath for 25 - 30 minutes. Then the resulting broth must be cooled for 10 - 15 minutes, strain and squeeze out the remaining roots. Pour the volume of the resulting broth with boiled water to a glass. Take a decoction of 1 - 2 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Banana Root Extract

In ancient medical books you can find a recipe for making a decoction of a stronger concentration, it is called a liquid aqueous extract. To prepare it, pour 3 tablespoons of dried and chopped roots with a glass of boiling water in an enamel bowl and boil over the smallest fire under the lid, stirring from time to time. It is recommended to cook the roots until about half a glass of liquid remains in the dishes. Immediately strain the broth, and squeeze the roots. It is recommended to take such an extract inside 25-30 drops 2-3 times a day. For douching and baths, a tablespoon of the extract is diluted in a liter of water and used for diseases of the female genital area and for hemorrhoids.

Watch a useful video in which an Altai herbalist talks about the healing properties of bergenia and its use

Badan leaves. Medicinal properties and contraindications

Badan leaves are used much less frequently for medicinal purposes, they have an astringent, antimicrobial and hemostatic effect. For medicinal raw materials, fresh leaves are not used, overwintered lower darkened leaves are needed, which are harvested in spring and dried. Such leaves undergo natural fermentation and concentrate in themselves maximum amount biologically active substances.

In folk medicine, a decoction of bergenia leaves is used internally to treat inflammatory diseases of the bladder as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Externally used for douching and baths for gynecological diseases and hemorrhoids, for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis, with bleeding gums. A decoction of bergenia leaves is also used to treat oily seborrhea and acne, rubbing it into the scalp and making lotions on the inflamed skin of the face.

A decoction of bergenia leaves. How to cook

Grind dried leaves before use, pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain and drink 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day after meals.

Badan tea

Tea made from dried bergenia leaves, sometimes called Altai or Mongolian tea, has gained great popularity. It has a specific, but pleasant taste and has a tonic effect. They drink it

  • with physical and mental overwork;
  • with pulmonary diseases;
  • with diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • with a disorder of the stool;
  • with rheumatism as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • during respiratory - viral diseases, in order to quickly cope with the disease, strengthening the body's defenses.

Banana tea recipe

For cooking healthy tea take a tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials for 1/2 liter of boiling water. Insist 10 minutes and drink 1/2 cup. It is best to drink it in the morning, as it has a tonic effect and energizes.

To improve the taste properties of bergenia tea, other herbs and flowers can be added to its dried leaves, mint or Ivan tea is well suited. You can add honey or put a slice of lemon. If desired, brew black tea with the addition of a teaspoon of bergenia leaves, thereby enhancing the tonic effect of the drink.