Business 3D printer personal experience.

Friends, a short introduction!
Before reading the news, let me invite you to the largest community of 3D printer owners. Yes, yes, it already exists, on the pages of our project!

So, you're thinking about the possibility of making money with 3D printing. How realistic is this? Quite, although the path is thorny. We will deliberately not consider the opportunities provided by the use of expensive professional installations. This niche has been developing successfully for a long time, because there is stable demand. The most advanced technologies even make it possible to create parts for rocket engines, but such devices cost a lot of money and are beyond the budgetary capabilities of a simple enthusiast. We will look specifically at the opportunity to earn extra money using an inexpensive printer.

The first thing to stop is: forget about mass production. It's simply not up to you. Compact printers are too slow to produce large volumes of products in a short time, unfortunately. There can be no talk of any competition with the foundry industry. And it’s not only about the time spent, but also about the cost of production. Once the molds are made, smartphone cases can be churned out in the thousands with minimal time. This niche is firmly occupied. But the casting molds themselves need to be made, right? This is where 3D printing can come in handy. It’s not for nothing that this technology has an alternative name – “rapid prototyping”.

Microsoft went through hundreds of printed prototypes of the Xbox One controller. But this is a job that a home FDM printer can handle

Many articles about making money with 3D printers were written by the owners of these devices in.

Prototyping using 3D printing is especially relevant for industries that are constantly changing appearance of its products. This is why 3D printing is so loved by dentists and jewelers. Every day there is a new patient with his own unique set of teeth. Or just another picky socialite who wants jewelry that will be the envy of everyone. But only unique ones! And if the Chinese factory for the production of “real Russian nesting dolls” does not show any interest in you or your 3D printing miracle machines (they most likely have their own), then in the next dental clinic may well be interested. It is not yet a fact that they are ready to invest in purchasing their own SLA printer and keeping a person on staff to service it. After all, this extra costs, extra bookkeeping, extra work space. It is much easier and cheaper to use contractors. That is, you.

It is quite possible to make money in small-scale production. Again, in order for the foundry process to pay off, it is necessary to produce large parties goods. The cost of small-scale production on a simple FDM printer will be lower, because you will not have to invest in the creation of foundry molds, not to mention expensive foundry equipment, workshops, and hiring personnel. If the same private dentist comes to the same Chinese foundry with a request to inexpensively cast a batch of 200 advertising souvenir keychains, then they will look at him... askance. But this is quite within your reach. You will even be able to compete in terms of cost of the final products. After all, your technological process extremely simple: draw and print. And if you also master such subtleties as processing ABS models, then your products will not be visually different even from their cast counterparts.

3D printer plus acetone bath. Why not a cute owl?

What's most remarkable: the Lately“home” SLA/DLP printers are appearing, which are in no way inferior in quality to their expensive professional counterparts. They are inferior only in productivity, but not that much. But the difference in price between compact and industrial devices can be colossal. Take a look at the prices of the nearest professional 3D printing office, if there is one in your city, drop the price for the sake of competitiveness, stock up necessary materials and call small jewelry businesses and clinics. Although, it’s better to call first and ask. Make an offer, explain the essence. It is very possible that you will find customers. And if you also back up your words with a clear example... Imagine the reaction of an old, gray-haired jeweler who sees for the first time a model of a ring made of burnt-out photopolymer resin and realizes that he no longer needs to cut out master models. Or an auto mechanic who can offer his clients to replace broken small plastic parts for printed ones without long waits for spare parts and at a better price. And even with the possibility of customization. Putting the Ferrari logo on someone's favorite chisel? Yes, no problem. Yes, it will be like the real thing. No, not expensive.

This is the beauty of a home SLA printer. Jewelers will be delighted, we guarantee it

The main problem in small-scale production is finding customers. Let's be honest: few people in our country even know what a 3D printer is. If they knew, the 3D printing business would grow by leaps and bounds. You are a minibus driver, and your passengers have ruined everything plastic handles on the windows? Contact us, we will print it. Need a cute vase to make your best friend jealous? Let's do it. Need a 1:72 scale model of the Wright brothers' airplane? Can't find it during the day with fire? If we had drawings, we would make a kit for the modeler.

But how to find all these people? Or how to make them find you?

This is the main problem. While there is no developed market, there is no possibility of trade. There is, of course, the possibility of advertising - from advertisements on lampposts to Yandex.Direct. But in this case, you would most likely have to create your own website. After all, it will not be possible to clearly demonstrate the product and explain the essence of the services in one ad. This is one option. But you don't have to create the market yourself. There is another option - to use online platforms that sell 3D models. Everything has already been done there for you, all that remains is to post your models or accept orders. Of course, you will have to pay a commission on sales, but business is business. On the other hand, there is no need to spend time and money on your own website, and traffic will be higher. After all, it’s better to trade on the market than on the outskirts?

Such markets for 3D models are developing quite successfully and include makers from all over the world. Shapeways and Thingiverse are typical examples. There are similar resources in Russia - the same Masters Fair. Some sites generally use makers as a distributed resource - for example, makexyz.

There is one more nuance that cannot be ignored. It is unlikely that you will be able to make money with a 3D printer without having 3D modeling skills. After all, most of your clients will not come with ready-made digital models, but with sketches, physical objects for cloning, even just ideas. Therefore, certain design skills will be required, which of course can be included in the cost of the products. Don't know how to do it yourself? Try setting up a co-op. There will always be a design student ready to earn extra money and practice. And you have the printer and equipment maintenance. Who knows, over time such a modest undertaking may well develop into a serious business - if only there would be orders. Again, Internet platforms can be considered an exception. Some of them purposefully rent the power of a distributed network of makers. Orders will be provided ready-made, as long as you have the opportunity to print them and send them to the customer.

Since we mentioned cloning, it’s worth remembering 3D scanners. Large companies such as 3D Systems and MakerBot are in full swing creating their own ecosystems: product sets consisting of printers, scanners and online support. Arm yourself with, say, a MakerBot Printer and a MakerBot Scanner. Does anyone need to expand their selection of favorite towel hooks that haven't sold for ten years? Here's your niche. Scan a sample and print a batch to order. And after completing your order, why not upload your existing hook model to your portfolio on the makers’ website? What if there are other customers? 3D scanners are somewhat expensive, but they open up a lot of new opportunities, at least in the souvenir business. 3D designing is already hard enough, but to make a 3D portrait of someone, you already have to be an artist. You can't do this without talent. But even in this case, the project will take a lot of time. In such cases, scanners are simply irreplaceable. The same 3D Systems Sense is quite capable of scanning a person in full height. And there will always be people who want to make action figures of themselves and their loved ones. If you can, then why not everyone else?

“I’ll print my own case for Samsung - there will be a new iPhone”

To summarize: the main strength of 3D printing lies in the ability to quickly and inexpensively create unique objects. Use this to produce souvenirs, art, models, hard-to-find or overly expensive spare parts. Take on what mass production, focused on consumer goods, is unwilling to take on. Use available online resources to search for orders or sales finished products. Try to create full cycle production - from design to printing. It will still be a long time before 3D printers appear in every home, so there is still a chance to make money on your favorite hobby.

Articles on the topic.

Hello! In this article we will talk about making money with a 3D printer.

With the development of technology, new gadgets appear every time that are incomprehensible to ordinary users. Despite their uniqueness and commercial interest, 3D printers are no exception. They are still not actively used for industrial income, let alone at home. In this article we will try to figure out how you can make money with a 3D printer at home and what you will need for this.

General information on 3D printers

3D printer - a peripheral device that allows you to print three-dimensional models from various materials.

Unlike conventional printers, 3D analogues create three-dimensional images using computer models. They print the object layer by layer. 3D printer is used:

  • For quick creation prototypes ready-made models. For engineering, this is a way to save time and make changes to an object at the stage of its development.
  • For the production of finished parts from materials that are supported by 3D printers.
  • For the manufacture of casting molds.
  • For small-scale home production almost any thing.
  • To create prostheses and implants.
  • To create weapon components.
  • And even for the construction of buildings.

In China, the government conducted an experiment to create houses with a 3D printer. The business has been quite successful, but the durability and strength of houses made with this device remains to be tested.

The main material for a 3D printer is plastic. For small-scale production, this is the best option, as it allows you to get a high-quality item for cheap money. A kilogram of ordinary plastic powder for a 3D printer costs about 500 rubles.

For more important production, expensive materials are used. These are simulators of wood, stone and industrial mixtures. They cost several times more, but are not interesting due to the high cost of the product.

In order to print something on a 3D printer, you need a three-dimensional model of the object. It is created in special programs - CAD editors. At first, working on creating models yourself is completely optional. There's a lot on the net various options products ranging from covers to miniature figures from computer games.

After you have developed a model, the program decomposes it into layers. Then, layer by layer, the 3D printer reproduces the object. The main advantage of such printing is accuracy. It allows you to reproduce an object in the smallest detail.

How you can make money with a 3D printer: 6 ideas for making money

A 3D printer is great for small-scale production. This is an ideal option for a home business. For a small investment you will get a tool for creating a variety of items. There are several product categories that sell well.

Small toys and souvenirs

Plastic toys, interior decorations or small gift souvenirs can be easily printed on a 3D printer.


The business of creating figures from game and book universes has always been profitable. I myself have seen more than once how models of characters from the Warhammer 40,000 universe were sold at prices starting from 2,000 rubles. The same goes for computer games.

Real human models have been in demand lately. This is the kind of portrait that every person would like to receive as a gift.

With a 3D model, you can create a mockup of what the characters look like and reproduce them. Not a single person who makes such figures by hand can compare with you in speed. Such models can be sold much cheaper, about 500 - 1,000 rubles. The only difficulty is that you have to paint it by hand.

Architectural models

Using the drawings, you can easily make a model of a house, cottage, even a car, with almost minimal effort. If you choose this option, you can go two ways: sell house models for ordinary people as decoration or collaborate with engineers and construction firms to provide them with ready-made building models.

Even as souvenirs, models of buildings and cars sell well. For a small building you can get up to 2 - 3 thousand rubles. It will look good in the interior.

Molds for soap making

Soap makers are developing, they constantly need new forms, but making them by hand is almost impossible. You can sell soap making molds for your home business. They are not that expensive, up to 100 rubles, but if you work with several companies, you can periodically receive good orders.

This production is quite low. Despite the fact that one form is cheap, it will also be sold inexpensively. The only option when it will be possible to engage in such a business is if there is a large quantity shops and soap makers.

Spare parts

A 3D printer can print almost any small parts (up to 35 centimeters). Even spare parts for cars can be made from expensive materials, for example, a door handle, a side mirror, etc. And not only for cars. You can put the production of spare parts on stream.

But rather, this is truly custom work. You can print parts for customers' products. But there is a great difficulty - developing drawings for such parts. It can take a lot of time, and your expenses over a long distance are unlikely to pay off, but as an option, custom work may be suitable.

Food industry

You can even create edible things with a 3D printer. For printing food products use hydrocolloids or hydrogel. With their help, scientists can easily reproduce sugar, cream, chocolate, bananas, bread, etc. Developments do not stop and in the future it is likely that it will be possible to print even meat on 3D printers.

A simple printer can easily print sugar figures, cakes, candies, and pasta. People love Tasty food, which looks good, and you can make good money from it. The main problem is printing materials. They are quite expensive.

The most interesting product, in my opinion, are personalized figurines. They are expensive because they are custom designed, but they look attractive. In the West, such figures are very popular, and echoes of this trend are gradually reaching us, in Russia. This is still an untapped, but very promising niche that would be worth occupying.

How much to invest to make money on 3D printing

First we need a 3D printer. You can go three ways:

  • Order in China. The quality of such printers is quite unstable. Either a good model or a defective one may arrive. The cost of a normal model from a trusted company is from 40,000 rubles.
  • Buy a Russian 3D printer. The quality is better, there are practically no risks, but the minimum price is 25,000 rubles, for good model you will have to pay from 50,000 rubles.
  • Do it yourself. This is quite difficult, but if you bother, you can assemble an excellent model for 25,000 rubles.

There will be large costs at first. It will be very difficult for a novice businessman who is unfamiliar with the methods to establish a flow of sales of his own goods. This is why you need to invest money in advertising or look into promotion.

The best start for a beginner is social networks. Create a VKontakte group in which you will sell materials. the best option. You will have to spend money on a good targetologist who will attract clients. All this will cost about 20 - 50 thousand rubles.

Since we are talking about a home business, we will not need premises. Therefore there is no rental cost. The materials required to create products using a 3D printer usually cost about 20% of the final cost of the product. Therefore, the costs for them will be in the region of 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

Total. Printer at least 40,000 rubles + 30,000 rubles advertising + 15,000 rubles materials = 85,000 rubles initial costs.

How to Run a 3D Printing Business

When working with a 3D printer, you can earn money in 2 ways:

  • Mass produce goods.
  • Work to order.

The production of mass goods is a rather interesting business. You define the categories of products that you will 3D print, then sell them through your sales channels. This could be a bulletin board, a social network or a real store in your city.

The advantage of this approach to work is flexibility. You do what you want, but if you see that your products aren't selling well, you can always do something else. In addition, buyers see your products, which means they will be more willing to buy them, especially if the prices really aren’t bad.

Work to order is a more customized option. Clients come to you with their projects, and you carry them out. They charge a higher fee for such work, but there are much more headaches with such orders. However, the final profit covers all costs.

The main disadvantage of custom work with 3D printing is the small number of clients. You won't be able to put this kind of work on stream. The lack of clients cannot be compensated for by a high markup on work. Then no one will contact you.

Therefore, when you do not have work to order, you can safely make goods for sale. As soon as a client comes to you with his project, you make it, make a profit and go back to assembly line production.

This approach allows you to get maximum profits at minimal costs. You make the bulk of your money from mass production, and custom work will bring in money from time to time more money.

How much can you earn with a 3D printer?

Experts say that income from one printer per month is approximately 50,000 rubles. It is impossible to earn more, because even with a large flow of clients, we run into the technical limit of the device. And if the work is one-piece, then you will have to add the creation of 3D models to the printing time.

Experts do not recommend buying multi-colored printers for running a home business. They cost several times more, but in fact, they are not much different from their single-color counterparts in terms of technical characteristics. It will be much more cost-effective to simply create products in one color and then tint them.

The biggest difficulty in such work is the low recognition of printed products. Buyers simply will not understand that they are made on a 3D printer. On the one hand, this is not bad, because you can sell some things, such as figurines, goods self made, but on the other hand, it is very difficult to talk about your own business and get a good flow of clients.

Per month continuous operation we can receive a net income of up to 50,000 rubles with active loading and a good flow of customers. For beginners, a good indicator would be to reach 20 - 25 thousand rubles net profit in the first months of work.


Despite the fact that the first 3D printers appeared a long time ago, this is still a kind of exotic technology that has not fully entered into the mainstream. daily life. It is ideal for home business and small-scale production. There are several more niches that are still not occupied in Russia. Making money with a 3D printer can be... excellent option family business. I recommend taking a closer look.

You can make extremely good money on new technologies, especially if you build your own enterprise on it. Take, for example, a 3D printer business: where to start, ideas, reviews from experienced entrepreneurs and financial plan– we will try to sort all this out in today’s article. Go.

What is the project?

A dozen years ago, people could only dream of the possibility of 3D printing for building models, quickly making toys, and more. Now, using a 3D printer in business is the choice of a progressive and modern businessman who is trying to take advantage of the opportunities latest technologies to the maximum.

Expert forecasts claim that the global 3D printing market has already exceeded the six billion dollar mark and will continue to grow at an even faster rate.

What can you print on the device?

The main areas in which people specialize in selling products are:

  1. Household accessories and related products - cases for smartphones, unusual keychains, etc.
  2. Figures for board games.
  3. Toys and simple construction sets.
  4. Small jewelry and sewing goods - buttons, hairpins, etc.
  5. Layouts of buildings, devices, etc.
  6. Three-dimensional drawing on dishes - mugs, plates, etc.
  7. Spare parts for devices - gears, bushings, etc.
  8. Plastic kitchenware– spoons, forks, etc.
  9. Decorative elements - frames, stands, etc.
  10. Additional details for furniture decoration.
  11. Volumetric details for advertising.

Undoubtedly, this is not a complete list of what can be done with this high-tech device. For example, larger manufacturers working in the medical field are printing prosthetics for sick people. The most advanced technologies are in this area - people are learning to print cells for tissue repair. But we are talking only about the areas and directions available to a beginner in this matter.

In addition to direct printing, it also makes sense to sell electronic documents with ready-made layouts of some models for printing, especially if your company produces unique layouts.

Here you can download the finished one as a sample.


Like any business, producing something with a 3D printer for the purpose of selling it must be officially registered. Nevertheless, experienced entrepreneurs advise first to work not for the general public at home. Beginning printing studios, as a rule, do not find a large number of buyers at first, but as owners of an official enterprise they are required to pay taxes.

Therefore, it is worth holding off on registering an individual entrepreneur until the normal flow of reserves. Registering as an LLC is again worth it for those who already have experience in business and who are willing to pay a large amount of money for creating a network of enterprises and the opportunity to work with legal entities.

Selecting a room

What makes a 3D printer different is how compact it is. That is why the activity requires renting an extremely small office space. And at first it is worth giving up renting altogether and working directly from home.

A separate room for receiving clients should be opened once a wide client base has been formed and regular orders for wholesale supplies have appeared. In addition, you must be prepared to spend at least redecorating in order to produce good impression on potential clients.

It would be a good idea to use materials printed on the printer itself in the decor in order to show its operation with a visual example.

Do you need staff?

Working with a 3D printer is quite difficult without preliminary preparation You won't succeed. For efficient work you definitely need to learn:

  • Handle the printer itself and its functionality.
  • Work in graphics programs like CorelDraw and PhotoShop, as well as 3D modulators.
  • Print exactly what you personally need using special printer software.
  • Create and maintain your company’s website in order to attract potential customers by displaying the company’s product range.
  • Conduct advertising campaign online and live.
  • Constantly maintain contact with each customer, establish and finalize contracts.
  • Monitor financial status and documentation.

If you are ready to do without the help of other people, then you have the right to run a business alone, and at first it is really easy. With the advent of a real base, it becomes more difficult to produce products and monitor the work of the project alone, so it’s worth thinking about hiring an accountant or programmer. Your studio may also need a cleaner.

Buying a 3D printer

average cost is in the range of 100-150 thousand rubles. In order to choose a high-quality 3D printer on which to build own business, you should rely on the following criteria:

  1. The number of materials that the device is ready to work with - printers typically work with two materials: ABS - which is based on plant materials, and PLA - which is made from oil production waste. The first is environmentally friendly and safe, the second is quality and reliability. It is worth finding a device that can work with both materials.
  2. Print nozzle size – it is best to look for a printer whose nozzle diameter does not exceed one hundred microns.
  3. The maximum and minimum possible print sizes - the higher this amplitude, the better, but it is worth remembering that a device that does not have the ability to print figures larger than 10 cubic centimeters will be useless for sale.
  4. The possible color range is extremely expensive, so you will probably have to tint it finished goods on one's own.
  5. Cost of the printer - don’t try to save too much; it’s worth spending more money on purchasing really powerful and reliable equipment, slightly reducing your financial spending plans. As a result, better supply will generate better demand.
  6. Manufacturer - the best companies on the market are Hewlett-Packard, 3D Systems, EnvisionTEC and Stratasys Ltd, they are the ones you should pay attention to first.

Principle of operation

To make it easier for you to understand, it’s worth taking a look at the actual process of producing one figurine from any material, be it metal, plastic or wax. The process is based on gradually building up layers in order to obtain a certain figure, but there are two ways to do this:

  • Inkjet printing – work is carried out mainly with plastic. The material cools, after which, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the plastic or other material becomes solid. Gradual gluing of the figure begins with the help of thick ceramic mixtures. The figurine is ready.
  • Laser printing is most used for working with metal. The laser causes the material to fuse into one whole, after which the lamination process occurs, when each new layer is glued to the previous one. Next comes the turn of stereolithography, which helps the manufactured figurine to harden. The figurine is ready.

Undoubtedly, almost no business idea can do without good advertising. The goal of the marketing campaign is clear - to attract the maximum number of clients to expand the client base and the project as a whole. The campaign itself should include different methods advertising. There are many options:

  1. Distributing flyers and business cards in busy places.
  2. Placement of outdoor advertising near the office.
  3. Writing advertisements and maintaining your own community in in social networks.
  4. Creation of a company website with the ability to order online.

There are really a lot of opportunities, so try to invest well in order to get the maximum return.

Video: how to make money with a 3D printer?

What is the payback and profitability?

As an example, let's take a small office that specializes in selling molds and parts for various mechanisms. The owner of the enterprise does not know anything about modeling, so he employs a hired person on staff.

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Initial rent for two months 30
2 Repair 20
3 Purchase of equipment 150
4 Purchase of raw materials 20
5 Public utilities 5
6 Paperwork 10
7 Website creation 10
8 Salary for a layout specialist 15
9 Marketing campaign 6
10 Taxes 10
11 Unexpected expenses 5
Total: 273

The table also contains monthly costs, which include rent, employee salaries, payment of taxes, purchase of raw materials and payment utilities. The total amount will have to be deducted from income every month, forming exact figure company profits. The profitability itself will be as follows: the average productivity of the printer is 150 grams per day.

The approximate income for one gram of product is 40 rubles. Thus, for a working month, minus weekends, the company will receive about 150 thousand rubles. If you calculate all monthly expenses, the company’s income for one month will be about 90 thousand. This suggests that the approximate payback is 3-5 months.

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How much can you earn from 3D printing services? A lot of. About how to organize your business. Calculation of the main costs for the implementation of a business idea: selection of premises for an office, list necessary equipment, how to choose a 3D printer, what personnel will be needed to work in the format of a 3D printing studio.

3D modeling and 3D printing are becoming increasingly popular. 3D printing allows you to create objects of any shape, even the most complex, transparent and colored, flexible and rigid. It is actively used in technical, industrial, architectural, and marketing modeling. The most important advantage of 3D printing is the high speed of producing a three-dimensional model, and the use of expensive equipment allows you to get the same result High Quality with a material printing density of 200-300 microns.

Opening of a 3D printing studio - profitable business with good prospects, not very high competition, but also considerable initial investments for the implementation of a business idea, due to the serious prices for equipment - professional-class 3D printers.

Starting a business. Office space

Size required premises for an office depends on what type of equipment is supposed to be used. For an average studio, 50-60 sq.m. will be enough. – this is an office area, a warehouse for Supplies and storage of finished layouts if necessary, plus space for installing a 3D printer(s) and other equipment.


You will need a powerful computer with a set of graphics programs, since printing is performed on the basis of a three-dimensional model, licensed software (3DS Max, Compass, AutoCAD, etc.). Often a 3D scanner is used for work (the simplest one costs from 1500 USD, the average level - about $5500), a 3D pen (minimum price - from 300 USD).

How much does a professional grade 3D printer cost?

Of course, if you can do without a scanner and a pen - devices that speed up and simplify the creation of sketches of future products, just as you can save on software, then the key equipment - a 3D printer - should be chosen immediately that is high-quality and reliable. Models from Japanese and European manufacturers are recognized as the best. They are reliable, durable, and allow you to produce high-density print layouts of excellent quality.

The cheapest are Chinese 3D printers; you can buy them for 150-1500 USD. There are domestic craftsmen who assemble printers on their own, but we can’t talk about high quality output here; such equipment is more intended for creating simple, one-color forms at the artisanal level.

If we talk about the cost of a 3D printer for business, then the price is influenced by many factors, the main of which are: its performance, printing density, dimensions materials used in the work. A professional universal 3D printer costs from $10,000-15,000. To start your own business it will be best option, allowing you to process big number various orders of high quality and in the shortest possible time.

99% of 3D printers and their components are made in China, so your search for a printer should start there. A good printer, which costs $800 here, can be bought in China for $400 with delivery.


In addition to purchasing the optimal printer from the point of view of earnings, the current cost item is the purchase of consumables: various polymers, metal powders, paints and varnishes, etc. The cost of materials may vary depending on the conditions of the supplier, type, assortment, and purchase volumes.


The staff of a 3D printing studio, as a rule, consists of a programmer - a specialist in 3D modeling, a designer who develops sketches, and a technical specialist responsible for setting up and maintaining the equipment. The salary of such employees starts at $2,000 each.

Main cost items for starting a business

Let's make an approximate calculation of the costs of opening a 3D printing studio:

  • rental of premises from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles (in big city, Business Area);
  • repairs – 50,000-60,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a high-quality 3D printer – $800-15,000;
  • website creation – 30,000 rubles + SEO and promotion;
  • wage fund – 150,000 rubles;
  • materials – from $1000 to ... (depending on the complexity of the layout).

The markup on 3D modeling and 3D printing services is high, on materials alone - 180-200% per gram. With proper promotion of the service, good advertising and an active search for customers, it is possible to recoup investments in a business in 1.5-2 years of work, and at the same time, you can create a popular network of points for 3D printing services, sale and repair of printers and consumables. It will be difficult for such a network to compete, which means that this type of business is very profitable and durable.

3D printing is far from new in the industry, but modern technologies made it possible to use a 3D printer even at home. Now you can find compact and affordable models that can fit on a table next to a conventional laser or inkjet printer.


Currently, there are 7 main 3D printing technologies:

  1. Fused Deposition (FDM). The material is heated, positioned in the desired area, applied as a drop, strip, etc., and after cooling it hardens into the required shape.
  2. Polyjet (photopolymer printing), the raw material is only a special polymer that hardens when exposed to UV radiation.
  3. Laser Baking (LENS, an acronym for Laser Engineered Net Shaping) is one of the few technologies that allows high-precision printing from durable materials such as metal, ceramics, etc. The sprayed powder is baked on the fly at the desired point by a focused laser.
  4. Cutting and gluing thin sheets (LOM, an abbreviation for Laminated Object Manufacturing), the future object is laid out from thin sheets of raw materials (the latter are cut special knife or laser) layer by layer, at the end baking or heating may be necessary to glue the laminate.
  5. Stereolithography, a laser with high precision, causes local solidification of the polymer in a large container, layer by layer.
  6. laser sintering is a variation of the technology of baking powder material with a laser, in many ways similar to stereolithography.
  7. Layer-by-layer application of glue and base - 3DP (abbreviation for Three Dimensional Printing). This involves alternating layers of powdered material and glue.

Rare, unusual and most exotic business ideas from around the world

Each technology has its own advantages and disadvantages, among which the main ones are:

  • permission,
  • print speed,
  • cost and availability of consumables.

3D printing using plastics (as the most accessible and cheapest materials) has gained the most popularity in everyday life. small in size details.

3D printer: what can be done as a business

Depending on the application and technology, 3D printers can be used for direct production of individual products according to ready-made templates or to order, as well as additional equipment at one of the stages of work/service provision:

In the industrial sector

  1. Production of test samples of components and assemblies
  2. Acceleration of individual stages of production (production of particularly complex parts)
  3. Design verification
  4. Production of casting molds
  5. And so on.

In architecture

  1. Production of complete statues or their fragments according to individual orders
  2. Fast printing of miniature toy models
  3. Printing complex decorative elements

In medicine

  1. Printing fillings, crowns or dentures
  2. Rapid cultivation of donor organs/tissues
  3. Creation of prosthetics according to individual parameters

In food production

  1. Applying three-dimensional paintings to cakes
  2. Creation of high quality decors


  1. Rapid construction of concrete house frames
  2. Laying bricks according to a given program without manual labor


  1. Creating three-dimensional layouts
  2. Printing unique advertising items and symbols


  1. Printing of custom fittings
  2. Creation of decorative elements for clothing and jewelry

Other accessories/products

  1. Smartphone cases
  2. Original dishes
  3. Small souvenirs and other gift products
  4. Logic toys and construction sets
  5. Non-standard furniture fittings
  6. Key rings
  7. Jewelry/Decoration
  8. And so on.

Opening of a sushi bar

And this is not a complete list of business ideas with a 3D printer and the use of 3D printing.

3D printer - business idea with plastic figures (souvenir products)

There are a lot of options for building a working business model. Below we will dwell in more detail on the creation of original game sets based on online games, etc.

Be careful, printing of character models and elements of games, films and other works may be prohibited by the company that owns the trademark or brand.

The best option would be to create sets of models based on your own design, register your trademark and document your intellectual property rights.

Thus, there are 2 development paths:

  1. Release of sets of board games (with a playing field, original game rules and other paraphernalia);
  2. Manufacturing and retail / wholesale trade only game models.

If the first option is the most far-sighted, then the second is much easier to implement and affordable for the initial investment. More on the latter below.

Business 3d printer where to start (starting investments)

To start a project, in addition to registering as legal entity you will need:

  1. Buying a 3D printer. The cost depends on the functionality, accuracy and speed of printing, the technology used and consumables. To create plastic figures, you will need a 3D printer that works with plastic, with high positioning accuracy (up to 50 microns). A working volume of 30 cm will be more than enough. Such models cost about 165 thousand rubles. (for example, 3DISON PRO/Korea, Printbox3D 180/Russia, etc.), on professional models prices reach several million rubles.
  2. Purchase of consumables. A special plastic filament (ABS, PLA, PVA, etc.) will be used for printing. Cost about 1400 rubles. per kilogram. You will need several of the most popular colors (4-5 bobbins).
  3. Operator's workplace. Personal computer – from 20 thousand rubles. Access to the Internet – from 700 rubles/month. Complex software for working with a printer, as well as for modeling parts, can be found completely free of charge (under GPL licenses, etc., for example, Cura, CraftWare, TincerCAD, Autodesk 123D Design, etc.).
  4. Renting a workspace for printing and storing products greatly depends on the region, location in the city’s infrastructure, and the opportunities provided by the landlord. Prices for commercial area of ​​15 sq. m. start from 9-11 thousand rubles.
  5. Budget for advertising and creating your own website. If a website can be created on free platforms, then advertising in print and online publications cannot be abandoned. The amount allocated monthly is from 6 thousand rubles.