Landscaping of a summer cottage by one family. Arrangement of the local area of ​​a private house - we create our own design Do-it-yourself design of personal plots of private houses

Having purchased a plot of land for a summer residence, the owner also acquires a lot of specific problems, one of which is the improvement of the entire territory. After all, it’s not enough to just build a house or an ordinary temporary shed on it; you also need to create comfortable conditions for relaxation and, if possible, plant a garden or start a vegetable garden. Therefore, improvement summer cottage always comes out on top.

Do-it-yourself dacha plot

Naturally, landscaping needs to begin with cleaning the entire area. It is cleared of last year’s fallen leaves, all unnecessary debris is removed, old stumps are uprooted (if present on the site), old buildings are dismantled if possible, etc.

After putting the area in order, you can move on to landscaping. But before you landscape your summer cottage with your own hands and achieve complete harmony all the landscape elements and various buildings located on it, certain sequential actions are needed. To do this, it is recommended to draw up a plan for all upcoming landscaping work.

Zone planning

All these areas are optional, since landscaping suburban area may depend on the area of ​​land and, naturally, on the preferences of the owners themselves. After all, for some it is important to have a vegetable garden with a garden, while for others it is simply comfortable to spend their leisure time among flower beds and neatly laid out lawns.

Whatever preference the owners make, in any case, the dacha should have a well-groomed appearance, and decent fencing of the site can play an important role here.

Hedge selection

For planting ornamental shrubs, which are usually planted along garden paths, fences and near alpine slides, lilac is most often chosen, as well as dwarf trees, weigela, jasmine, and Japanese rhododendron. These types of shrubs are easy to care for, and if the planting site is chosen correctly, with regular trimming of excess branches, they will constantly delight the owners with their appearance for many years.

You have personal plot? Do you dream of creating a natural corner on it, combining inanimate compositions with green spaces? At the same time, you have a desire to enjoy the gifts fruit trees and cultivated plants? Then you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of landscape design, agronomy and plant growing. Our article will help you with this!

If you decide to start landscaping the area, then first of all you will need to carry out several preparatory activities, which may seem not directly related to planting. However, a competent approach and following the planned plan will help you plant plants and create a personal plot with your own hands as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Let's get to work! We create a project design

Any work begins with drawing up a plan or project, and landscaping a personal plot is no exception. It is important to take into account all the details: household, natural and climatic features. Special attention plots with a small area deserve.

The choice of plants depends on weather conditions and temperature: heat-loving, cold-resistant, annual or perennial. An important role is played by how the area is illuminated during the day. For planting light-loving, shade-loving and partial shade-tolerant plants flower plants needed various conditions, however, in almost all cases it is possible to combine them. The method of landscaping depends, among other things, on the presence or absence inland waters and irrigation systems. If there are a lot of groundwater, then you need to drain it. It also depends on whether artificial reservoirs will be created on the site.

When planning landscaping work, attention should be paid to the features of the relief. Every seemingly unsightly hill or depression can serve to create a unique design.

Consider the location of the site - is it a northern or southern slope. This is the only way to determine whether the area is protected from the wind or not, which also affects the choice of plants.

A fence can not only fulfill its main purpose, but also serve as a decoration for the site, so when creating a project, you should pay attention to its choice. A hedge enhances the area and gives it individuality and naturalness. Usually it is made in two rows. For safety, in the aisle, pull a low metal mesh. After two years, the bushes grow into the mesh, making it invisible to the eye. Suitable for decorating green hedges Japanese quince, hawthorn, thuja and other ornamental plants. Shrubs are trimmed in the second year after planting. Formed hedge side and top cutting, and it is carried out no more than twice a year.

You can design using special programs on the computer. This way, you will create a 3D image, which will allow you to clearly see the results of your work and, if necessary, make immediate changes. You can download it on the Internet free programs for creating landscape projects. If computer design is beyond your capabilities, then the problem can be solved with the help of a pencil, ruler and compass. First, you will need to transfer the plan of your personal plot onto graph paper. Then you can make all the desired changes in landscaping and small construction to the project.

Let's take into account the important things! Landscaping rules

The method of landscaping the area related to the house depends to a large extent on how much time a year you will spend there. If you have to improve your dacha plot, then perhaps you shouldn’t complicate the design, for example, by equipping it with reservoirs that need to be looked after, especially in early spring and late autumn, but as practice shows, there is no one to do this. A more effective solution may be simple landscaping using both ornamental and cultivated plants.

The first thing the owner should take care of is to arrange a drainage system for the entire site.

It’s great when it is possible to organize automatic uniform watering of the entire territory. In the process of preparing a summer cottage for landscaping, you need to install lighting and install retaining walls. If you are planning to build a gazebo and bathhouse, try to do this before planting perennials. Special attention pay attention to the paths on the site. It is very important to adhere to the previously drawn up landscaping plan as closely as possible.

To make paths look more natural, make them winding natural materials. To accurately follow the project, use pegs and ropes for marking.

If you have to landscape the area adjacent to the estate, but do not have much time to care for the plants, then it is better to give preference to those that do not need to be replanted for the winter. These can be conifers, large fruit trees and deciduous plants. For high-quality planting of shrubs, the period of late autumn is best suited, but it is also permissible to do this in the spring. Plant plants, trees and shrubs in pre-prepared trenches with a drainage layer. It is also worth considering that hedges and vines are very sensitive to care, namely mulching and fertilizer.

In order for the flower beds to be attractive throughout the warm period of the year, it is necessary to combine annual and perennials that bloom all season:

  1. Crocuses, snowdrops, tulips and daffodils bloom in early spring.
  2. Lilies of the valley, irises, peonies, violets and lilies bloom in late spring.
  3. Phlox, bluebells, gladioli, delphinium and poppies bloom throughout the summer.
  4. In early autumn, dahlias, asters and goldenrod will delight you with their blooms.
  5. Chrysanthemums bloom in mid-autumn.

It is important to know that when forming flower beds, warm, soft and harmonizing flowers should be planted on the sunny side of the site, and contrasting flower beds take root well and look good in shaded areas.

Non-standard landscaping. Creating a vertical landscape

Vertical is a method of landscaping carried out by arranging standing and suspended structures followed by their landscaping. Among other things, vertical landscaping can hide unsightly walls of outbuildings. Most often, such a project is created in places where it is impossible to plant plants using the usual method. It is used for:

  • gratings;
  • stairs;
  • hanging flowerpots.

Any garden plot becomes extraordinary if it is landscaped using the vertical method.

In order for living vertical plantings to look attractive and aesthetically pleasing, think carefully about the design parameters and their configuration. Select appropriate flowerpots that can take their rightful place in the composition. They are made more often from ceramics and less often from other materials that have different shapes and texture. Pots can be made in the form of various figures or objects.

A design that is designed for a vertical landscape is a series special devices, used for sequential arrangement of plants and their further fixation on wall surfaces. They look like frames on which are fixed polyvinyl chloride plates with two layers of fiber, similar in structure to felt, although in fact it consists of polyamide.

Such structures, along with equipment for delivering fertilizers and moisture to plants, are sold in specialized stores. But, if you have a great desire to work hard, then you can make them yourself.

As for plants for vertical landscapes, this also has its own nuances. They should be selected based on the conditions in which they will grow. Plants should be planted in this order:

  • Bottom row – moisture-loving and shade-loving species.
  • The middle rows are specimens that require less shading and watering.
  • The top row is light-loving and not afraid of the wind.

Having decided to purchase ready-made vertical structures For landscape design, pay attention to the quality of materials used for manufacturing, and be sure to follow operating instructions indicated on the product packaging.

The first step was to build an inexpensive wooden fence based wooden beam and naughty girls.

Because If the area of ​​the site is large enough, then any capital fence would require significant costs, and this fence actually only encloses the boundaries of the site, making the landscape design of the site more holistic and complete.

Elegant adds a special charm to this primitive fence.

A wooden gate was made based on a simple rectangular frame.

And, although the design of the gate is quite simple, the result was neat and interesting.

Arrangement of the site. Construction of a veranda at the dacha.

The country house on this site is small, and therefore on holidays all the guests gathered in the garden at a large table. To prevent bad weather from interfering with such feasts, it was decided to cover the terrace near the house with a simple canopy made of transparent slate.

Now, if necessary, you can put on the terrace big table, which can comfortably accommodate 14-16 people.

Arrangement of the site. Country house.

There are many things that the hostess decorated with her own hands. Curtains, pillows, tablecloths - with elements of homemade lace, they all create a special coziness in the house.

The owner also contributed - he made a wooden bench with a storage box for the kitchen.

Simple canvas curtains with stripes of bright chintz add a sweet, rustic charm to the kitchen.

And the most important thing is the smell in the house. And it smells like pies and flowers here.

Economy mode and skillful hands will help arrange country house at low cost. You can tear strips from old unwanted clothes and knit a beautiful rug for every room.

Bedroom for grandchildren in the attic and bathroom.

Chief of comfort in the house))

Arrangement of the site. Do-it-yourself greenhouse and raised beds.

Old windows were useful for building a greenhouse.

Land development often requires a simple, practical approach rather than intricate solutions: a ready-made greenhouse.

Next to the greenhouse, boards left over from the construction of the fence were broken raised beds.

They laid newspapers between the rows and covered them with gravel - this will prevent the appearance of weeds.

The first harvest is green and purple peppers.

This beautiful vegetable garden looks no worse than any club.

Arrangement of a summer cottage. Garden gazebo.

The next stage in arranging the site was the construction of a gazebo in the garden.

In order to create a cozy corner of the garden around the gazebo, a semicircular flower bed was first laid out next to it.

They made a small one on the brick pillars wood flooring and concreted the supports for the gazebo.

We installed a gazebo. The back wall of the gazebo from the fence side is supporting wall for roses

A wall of weaving roses not only covers the gazebo from prying eyes, but also surrounds it with an absolutely divine aroma of roses.

Arrangement of a summer cottage. DIY landscape design.

It was done so that the clubs created separate cozy areas in the garden - near the house, near the gazebo, in the barbecue area and near the fence.

Before planting the club, a layer of turf was removed from the lawn, then an agro-film was laid and after that the soil removed from the roots, compost and fertilizers for the flowers were poured into the flowerbed. All this should make weed control easier.

A border for a flower bed was made from scraps of fence boards.

It turned out beautifully, but unreliably, and two years later the curbs were replaced with brick ones.

A small decorative pond was made next to the flowerbed. An old satellite dish came in handy for the pond bowl. The distance from the clubs to the pond was also covered with agro-film and later covered with gravel, preventing overgrown grass around and that small pond, due to which it would simply not be visible.

Blue poppies are the rightful owners of a flower garden next to a small pond.

Fragrant English roses planted in a flowerbed next to the house so that their aroma can be heard from the veranda.

The flower beds near the fence were not protected by agrofilm and were heavily overgrown.

They urgently needed help.

The flowerbed was dug up and plastic barriers were placed inside between it and the lawn.

Luxurious clematis and roses were planted above the fence.

A house without a garden and flower beds looks not only boring and monotonous, but also tasteless. To make the yard shine bright colors and natural picturesqueness, it is necessary to competently think through the landscape design of a personal plot, and then turn it into reality. To do this, it is enough to use your personal imagination or use the ideas of professionals.

To create a beautiful and cozy garden, you don’t have to be a professional landscape designer

Before you start landscaping, you need to study the features of the site - the quality of the soil, the topography and draw its plan. It is best to follow the example of the professionals - first create a combination on paper, and then proceed to planting according to this plan ornamental plants. To make the composition look impressive, it is necessary to combine several landscape design details: shrubs, lawn, artificial structures.

Shrubs make a spectacular and useful hedge. If you want to hide a yard or a fence from prying eyes and will serve as additional protection from dust and noise of the adjacent road, you should use small-leaved linden, common hornbeam, field maple or mulberry. The following shrubs are suitable for low hedges: evergreen boxwood, holly mahonia, Japanese meadowsweet or quince.

Common privet is suitable for sunny places; in spring these columns are covered with small white flowers

Mahonia is decorative throughout the season

Barberry can be used to form low borders and high hedges

Honeysuckle blooms airily and gracefully, is not picky about soil and tolerates partial shade well.

The lawn can be ordinary or flowering (Moorish). It’s easy to sow: just loosen it upper layer soil (2-3 cm), water thoroughly, wait until the water is absorbed into the soil and sow the seeds. A regular lawn needs to be mowed every week and reseeded if necessary. The Moorish lawn does not require special care.

An ideal lawn should be even, smooth and soft

The lawn is able to visually change the boundaries of the site

The Moorish lawn is cut once or twice a season.

Artificial ponds in private yards

Without the help of professionals, special equipment and expensive materials, it will be possible to create only a small artificial pond. To do this, you need to dig a hole, cover it with film, fill it with water and install a filter. You can also decorate the pond with plants - water lilies, lotuses, water chestnuts. To create a waterfall or fountain you will need the help of specialists.

The sight of water calms the nerves and makes you think

To create a small decorative pond you need geotextiles, film and a few days of free time

Interesting design of paths on a personal plot

Several types of garden paths are now very popular: wooden, glow-in-the-dark, plastic. Wooden ones can be created from a combination regular boards or thin log houses. Glow-in-the-dark paths are created from synthetic stone with photoluminescent pigment, which accumulates during the day solar energy, and glows at night. Plastic track You can make your own using hundreds of plastic drink caps.

Step-by-step path - the easiest option for self-production

Garden path made of flat stone backfilled with small pebbles

A path made from wood cuts is very attractive, but requires proper preparation

Organizing a place to relax in the courtyard of a private household

It’s not enough just to admire the landscape beauties and flowering compositions; owners and guests should feel comfortable in their garden plots. To do this, you can place a gazebo, gazebo or swing in the form of a bed (sofa, bench) in the yard. To diversify your life, you can organize a place for cooking in an open area: a stationary barbecue system, a grill, an oven with a roof.

Garden bench in a secluded corner of the garden, where it’s nice to retire and relax

Gazebo on the shore of an artificial pond

Let's take into account the important things! Landscaping rules

When forming a flower bed, it is necessary not only to use the flowers that you like most, but also to adhere to the rules of a comfortable neighborhood. The table shows the best and undesirable neighbors for some plants for the flower garden.

Table of compatibility of plants on a personal plot

Tall perennials are suitable for the center of the flowerbed, and low annual flowers are planted closer to the border.

Flowers are planted tightly so that the ground is not visible and weeds do not grow

Hostas are great for flower beds in the shade.

Non-standard landscaping. Creating a vertical landscape

The more original the design of the flower bed looks, the more pleasant it is to look at. Through personal efforts, it is possible to create a vertical landscape design composition next to the house, or in other words, a phytowall.

Climbing rose on a wire support

For this you will need:

  • climbing plants (lianas) – ivy, girl's grapes or lemongrass;
  • metal frame with insulating plastic coating;
  • system automatic watering;
  • nutrient solution of soil and various mineral additives (sand, peat).

Trellis for loaches made of thick reinforcement with tensioned wire

Forged trellis

Trellis made of wooden slats

For creating unique composition you need to fix the metal frame on the wall of the building or the side surface of a fence or gazebo. Then it is necessary to lay tubes and filters for the automatic irrigation system between the metal parts, and cover the structure with polymer felt (agrofibre). Pockets must first be formed in the canvas or formed while attaching the material to the structure. It is worth filling the soil into these pockets and planting the plants, having previously thought through flower arrangement or improvising.

You can grow flowers or herbs in these pockets

Drip system – the best way glaze

Vertical bed with petunia

Video: how to create a beautiful garden

Photo: 50 landscape design ideas

Landscaping a summer cottage is no less important a stage than the construction of suburban housing. This article talks about landscape design and the types of services offered by specialized companies. We offer you information about average cost popular works, including geological survey of the site, leveling, landscaping, development drainage system and lighting.

An integrated approach is the key to style and practicality

Landscaping: beginning

After you have purchased a plot of land, rebuilt the house and finished finishing it, it’s time to garden territory. Not all owners pay enough attention to this stage, which is why they suffer appearance, functionality and overall cost of the plot. Some owners country houses They clearly understand how important it is not only to acquire good quality and beautiful housing, but also to place it in an appropriate environment.

If you want the beautification process to proceed as quickly and efficiently as possible, and the result to be an aesthetically pleasing and comfortable living environment, it makes sense to contact an organization whose profile is landscaping and landscaping the territory of a summer cottage. Comprehensive services are convenient for several reasons:

    At your service qualified employees with extensive work experience.

    Profile companies have everything necessary equipment and purchase the necessary materials themselves.

    You enter into an agreement, which contains a list of works and the deadlines for their completion. Your role is to monitor the progress of things.

Proper design of a site increases its value

2 types of landscaping

The budget for landscaping a personal plot is always individual; its size is influenced by the volume and complexity of the proposed work. All landscaping work is carried out only after the construction of capital buildings (house, garage, bathhouse) and the laying of underground communications. In general, landscape work can be performed in two ways:

Turnkey works

If you want to completely transform the site and give it a stylish, complete look, the company will carry out thorough preparation, consisting of several stages and ending with the implementation of the plan:

    Territory planning. The site will be divided into zones (residential, utility, recreation area, etc.) taking into account the lifestyle and wishes of the owners.

    Style development. The owners choose a style direction, and the company’s specialists develop details taking into account the features of the landscape and architecture of the house.

    Development and approval of the project.

    Execution of work.

Relaxation area in a garden with difficult terrain

Works without design

Not all owners strive for a complete transformation of their dacha area. Design of a site in a popular landscape style(with the development of a project, sketch and multi-page documentation) is a justified approach if the customer has the desire, time and sufficient budget.

Complex and costly design is not the only arrangement option. Most often, owners want their backyard space to have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. To meet these conditions, it is often enough to simply level the area, and then plant plants, pave the paths and sow the lawn in front of the main facade.

Landscaping and paving are a common method of landscaping

Landscaping work: types and prices

Companies engaged in landscape design, landscaping and gardening, offer a wide range of work. High quality their implementation is guaranteed by the experience of our employees and compliance with technological requirements. The standard list includes all the necessary services for transforming the territory.

Preparatory work

The complex landscape of some areas (or the complexity of the work to be done) makes it necessary comprehensive study available space. Survey work may include topographic survey, soil analysis and groundwater level analysis. Typically, the geology of the site is carried out before construction (which is especially recommended for the Moscow region with its complex soils), but its results are also applicable at the stage of work on the development of a summer cottage.

The cost of geology is not a fixed value; in each specific case it is determined based on the location and physical characteristics site, timing and scope of work, as well as the availability of archives of previous surveys.

Installation for engineering-geological wells

    Drilling cost two wells to a depth of up to 8 m starts from 22-24 thousand rubles.

    Three wells- from 27-29 thousand rubles.

    Four wells- from 37-39 thousand rubles.


Landscape design is ordered and carried out in various volumes; Depending on the range of services, the customer is offered several types of packages:

    Economy package. Landscaping of the site includes the development of a preliminary sketch of the territory and a general plan; from 1 thousand rubles/sq.m.

    "Standard". Additionally, a dendroplan (a map showing the position of existing plants), an assortment list (a list of plants for planting), planting and layout drawings are being developed. From 1.5 thousand rubles/sq.m.

    "Advanced". A lighting and watering scheme is added (if necessary); Sketches of individual elements (pond, flower garden, alpine hill) are developed. From 2 thousand rubles/sq.m.

    "Elite". A 3-D visualization of the main views of the site is performed so that the customer can evaluate the changes. From 2.5 thousand rubles/sq.m. 3-D visualization of the entire project ( virtual walk in the garden) will cost the future owner at least 10 thousand rubles/piece.

General plan of the site


One of the main types earthworks is alignment. It is carried out if the site has elevation differences of up to 20 cm or a slight slope. To make the terrain even, plowing is used. Alignment is carried out as follows:

    An engineer is examining the site. He selects alignment method, suitable for the given allotment in the best possible way; if necessary, clarifies elevation differences (using leveling surveys). The data obtained will determine the scope of work and its cost.

    The cost is affected coverage area and soil type. Light soil is considered to be sandy or garden soil, as well as one that was previously cultivated. Allotments with lawn grass, swampy, with clay soil classified as complex soils. The cost of leveling light soil (up to 6 acres) starts from 33-36 thousand rubles; complex soil - from 48-51 thousand rubles; improvement land plot carried out using a walk-behind tractor.

    If height difference is more than 20 cm, a flat surface is created using layouts(transfer) of soil. In this case, additional soil will need to be brought in, and plowing and leveling are carried out using a tractor and other special equipment.

Ground leveling

On our website you can find contacts construction companies that offer landscaping services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


It’s impossible to imagine a cozy garden plot without large quantity greenery Landscaping includes not only planting, but also the arrangement of flower beds, sowing lawns, alpine slides, laying roll lawn. Plants are grown in specialized nurseries and selected taking into account the characteristics of the site - location, lighting of individual parts, soil composition. A landscape architect will design the area in the chosen style, choosing the optimal location for trees, ornamental shrubs, hedges, flower beds and lawns.

The price of popular landscaping options - seeded and rolled lawns is determined after measuring the area of ​​the site and clarifying the composition of the soil (delivery of fertile soil may be necessary). Price sowing lawn turnkey has the form:

    On existing soil. From 120 rub./m2 (on light soil); from 150 rub./m2 (on difficult soil).

    With fertile soil. From 350 rub./m2 (on light soil); from 380 rub./m2 (on difficult soil).

Landscaping on an area with a difference in elevation

Rolled lawn - quick way get the perfect “English” lawn. To realize a dream, select optimal type rolled lawn; its cost consists of three components:

    Price roll lawn. From 150 rubles/m2 (excluding delivery).

    Preparation grounds. From 40-45 rub./m2.

    Price styling. From 60-70 rub./m2.

Complex landscaping will cost the following amount:

    landscaping garden territory country house. From 20-25 thousand rubles/sq.m.

    landscaping plot on a slope. From 36-40 thousand rubles/sq.m.

    landscaping small plot . From 47-55 thousand rubles/sq.m.

    landscaping premium. From 65-70 thousand rubles/sq.m.

Video description

About laying rolled lawn in the following video:

Hydraulic systems

To prevent moisture from accumulating on the site, turning it into a swamp, and to ensure that the plants get enough water, irrigation and drainage systems are being developed. The final cost of installing drainage is determined by the length of the system (the longer, the cheaper) and the diagram drawn up based on a study of the area. Average prices for turnkey drainage (from 200 m, per 1 linear m) are as follows:

    Linear. Surface(depth up to 0.5 m) - from 900-950 rubles.

    Linear. Deep(up to 1 m) - from 1450-1490 rub.

    Annular. Up to 1 m - from 1450-1490 rubles, up to 2 m - from 4 thousand rubles.

    Wall-mounted. Up to 1 m - from 3 thousand rubles, up to 2 m - from 4.5 thousand rubles.

Automatic irrigation systems allow you to get blooming garden And perfect lawn With minimum cost time and effort. Automatic watering has important advantages: Saves time and water, remaining safe even if integrity is compromised. Design and installation automatic systems Watering is carried out individually.

Automatic watering system


It is performed on garden paths, recreation areas and parking lots using classic and modern materials (paving slabs, paving stones, natural stone). To find out the final cost, take into account the area of ​​paving, the price of the chosen coating and the method of paving the paths. The price of paving (excluding the cost of coating material) is:

    Sandy base. From 550-600 rub./m2.

    Gravel-sand base. From 1000-1100 rub./m2.

    Concrete base. From 1400-1500 rub./m2.

The cost of curbs and steps is calculated separately:

    Installation of a garden side stone (in a straight line): From 300 rub./linear. m.

    Installation of a garden side stone (along the radius): From 450 rub./linear. m.

    Border clinker brick: From 450 rub./linear. m.

    Device rectangular steps: cost of 1 linear m. is multiplied by a factor of 1.5.

    Device steps along the radius. Factor 2 is used.

Video description

ABOUT garden path with backlight in the following video:

Street lighting

Performs both functional and decorative lighting; Often a mixed option is chosen, combining the practicality of the first and the aesthetic appeal of the second. Arrangement garden plot includes a well-thought-out lighting system that makes it possible to move around the garden area at dusk. You can choose various options lighting paths, illuminating facades, trees and ponds; installation prices are as follows:

    Drawing up a lighting project. The company develops a preliminary design and work schedule, selects materials, calculates the estimate: from 4.5-5 thousand rubles.

    Installation and connection of the electrical panel: from 5.5-5.9 thousand rubles.

    Installation and connection of the point(separate lamp): from 650-700 rub./piece.

    Lantern installation: 1200-1300 rub./piece. (height up to 1 m), 1500-1700 rub./piece. (height up to 2.3 m).

Lighting in the courtyard of a country cottage

Additional landscaping work

At your request we carry out the following types works:

    Installation fences Full construction.

    Device blind area around the house.

    Device parking area.

    Construction greenhouses and greenhouses.

    Installation small architectural forms. The area will be decorated with benches, sculptures, a gazebo or an indoor pavilion

    Device artificial reservoirs. On any site there is a place, if not for a pond or waterfall, then for a small fountain.

    Construction children's and sports grounds.

Video description

ABOUT landscape ideas for your garden in the following video:

Popular Landscape Styles

Landscape design allows you to harmoniously combine all the elements of the site. The choice of style (and the cost of work) is influenced by the characteristics of the site and the architecture of the buildings; The favorite design methods are the following:

    Classical(traditional, regular) style. The basis of the style is ordered lines and symmetry of shapes. In the classical garden you will meet exclusively straight paths, trees with a compact, trimmed crown and flower beds geometric shape. In registration are welcome natural materials; Forged elements are often used to decorate gazebos, benches and garden lamps.

French style - trimmed trees and strict symmetry

    English(landscape) style. Lawns and shrubs are trimmed as neatly as in a traditional garden, but paths lose their straightness and ponds become more natural shape. An abundance of flowers, a gazebo and vertical gardening will give the area a romantic look.

Romance of landscape style

Rustic style in landscape design

The charm of Provence

    Mediterranean style. Fits well into areas with complex terrain, slopes and elevation changes. The style is characterized by hedges, colorful flower beds and trees with originally trimmed crowns. Olive and orange trees do not survive in our climate; they are successfully replaced with evergreen spruce and juniper.

Discreet elegance of Mediterranean style


Every owner dreams that his site has an attractive appearance, is harmonious and well-maintained. The success of landscaping work depends on a competent and systematic approach to organizing landscape work. Specialized construction organizations help create a comfortable living environment for all family members; in their arsenal - professional training and many years of experience, familiarity with modern trends and teamwork. During the preparation and implementation of the project, the customer’s lifestyle and tastes are taken into account, and his wishes are taken into account at every stage of the work.