What not to wash the floor with. How to properly wash floors, floor cleaning products

Weekly cleaning, including vacuuming surfaces, wiping dust and washing floors, is a procedure that is mandatory and familiar to every housewife. But do you know how to properly wash floors with different finishes so as not to harm your expensive parquet or new laminate? Our specialists have selected for you the most effective tips, which you will learn about from this article.

What is the best way to clean and clean the floors?

To clean the apartment you will need special equipment:

  • wet wipes (from the package);
  • dry wipes made of soft fabric;
  • broom;
  • brush;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • rag;
  • mop;
  • bucket;
  • Bowl;
  • cup;
  • tablespoon.

Depending on the cleaning methods chosen and the type of material from which the floor is made, use products such as:

  • water;
  • soap - laundry or liquid;
  • washing or cleaning powder;
  • special means household chemicals(“Glorix”, “Mr. Proper”).
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • linseed oil;
  • glycerol;
  • turpentine;
  • mastic;
  • drying oil;
  • small sawdust.

How to properly clean and wash floors?

The principle is quite simple: arm yourself with the appropriate equipment and tools indicated in the section above - and work. Before you start washing the floors, you need to put all the items in their places and wipe the dust off the furniture. Let's hope that the popular joke that “Any cleaning is an even distribution of dust and dirt over the surface” is not our case. Therefore, to get started, read the following tips that will help you understand: general scheme wet cleaning:

  1. Wear an apron and scarf or comfortable sportswear that can be easily washed later.
  2. Open a vent or window to ventilate the room.
  3. Collect and throw away trash.
  4. Wipe the furniture with a dry or slightly damp cloth.
  5. Vacuum carpets, rugs and floor coverings.
  6. Remove all objects on the floor that you can lift.
  7. Also wipe off dust from the legs of chairs and other furniture.
  8. Vacuum the floors or simply sweep them with a damp broom (brush).
  9. Next, proceed directly to washing, depending on the coating, using the methods described below.
  10. Start cleaning from the farthest corner of the apartment, gradually moving towards the exit.
  11. Wash the floors in each room, starting from the walls to the middle, and then to the exit.
  12. After 2-3 rinses of the rag in the bucket, be sure to change the water to clean water.

On a note! Remember that 80% of the quality of the floor cleaning depends on how thoroughly you vacuum the floor before washing.

What is the gender?

Floor coverings in different parts of the house can differ significantly, and therefore require an individual approach. Modern floors are made mainly from materials such as:

On a note! Based on this, each coating requires its own specific processing and different detergents..

How to clean a wooden floor?

Wooden flooring is a fairly popular covering. It can be of 2 types - painted and unpainted.

Clean floors covered with oil-based paint from dirt using the following methods.

Method 1

For regular care:

  1. Pour warm water into a bucket.
  2. Add 1-2 tbsp. washing or cleaning powder.
  3. Take a soft cloth.
  4. Soak in water.
  5. Wipe the floor.
  6. Wash and twist the rag.
  7. After 2-3 approaches, change the water.
  8. Repeat the procedure.

On a note! It is not necessary to wash the floors by hand; if desired, use a regular or special wringer mop, as well as a soft-bristled brush. In any case, change the water in the bucket as often as possible so as not to spread dirt across the surface.

Method 2

To refresh the color of a painted floor:

  1. Take a bucket.
  2. Pour in about 5 liters of warm water.
  3. Add 2-3 tbsp to it. ammonia.
  4. Dampen a rag or mop with foam rubber.
  5. Wash the floor.
  6. To add shine, coat the surface thin layer linseed oil.
  7. If the paint has worn off in places, rub the floor with parquet mastic of a similar tone.

On a note! Using the same cleaning method, you can replace ammonia with vinegar at the rate of half a glass of 9% solution per bucket of warm water. Do not use baking soda or soap - these substances will dull the paint.

How to clean unpainted wood floors?

Unpainted plank floors do not require much maintenance. It is enough to wash them once a week. Use the following methods.

Option 1

For permanent use:

  1. Fill a bucket of warm water.
  2. Add to it no a large number of laundry soap.
  3. Wash the floors.
  4. Change the water to clean water.
  5. Wipe the surface again.
  6. Wipe with a dry cloth.

Option 2

To remove dirt:

  1. Take a bucket of warm water with 2 tbsp. soap
  2. Add 1 tbsp. turpentine.
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Wash the wooden surface with a cloth.
  5. Wipe dry.
  6. Ventilate the room.

On a note! You can also clean the dirt with a brush with fine sand, while wetting the surface hot water.

How to quickly clean tile floors?

Tile floors are the easiest to maintain. If desired, they can be wiped daily with a damp cloth. Try the following cleaning methods.

Solution 1

For general tile cleaning:

  1. Dissolve 3-4 tbsp in 5 liters of warm water. washing powder or laundry soap.
  2. Wet a rag or mop.
  3. Wash the floors.
  4. Drain the solution.
  5. Pour clean warm water into the bucket.
  6. Wipe the tiles again to remove any residue. detergent.

On a note! For severe contamination, you can add sink cleaning powder, ammonia or vinegar to the water. However, their frequent use is not recommended. Remember that any abrasive agents and alkaline solutions contribute to the destruction tile joints. Therefore, apply the composition directly to the tile itself, and then rinse thoroughly.

Solution 2

For effective disinfection, use special household chemical products:

  1. Pour warm water into a bucket.
  2. Take one of the products - “Glorix” for the floor or “Mr. Proper.”
  3. Dissolve in water based on the proportion: 1 cap of product per 1 liter of water.
  4. Wet the rag.
  5. Wash the floor.
  6. Ventilate the room.

What product should I use to clean linoleum floors?

Linoleum is one of the most common floor coverings in modern houses and apartments. Caring for it is quite easy if you follow a few tips:

  1. Linoleum should be washed once a week with a well-wrung out cloth.
  2. Do not allow excess moisture to appear on the coating - this may cause it to peel off from the floor or “bubble”.
  3. If swelling appears on the linoleum, pierce the problem areas with an awl to release the air accumulated there, cover the top with paper and iron the linoleum through it with a hot iron.
  4. Every 3 months, rub the linoleum with drying oil and dry thoroughly with a soft cloth, preferably an old silk cloth.

On a note! Remember: linoleum cannot be cleaned with ammonia, alcohol, gasoline or turpentine to avoid abrasion of the top layer. Use only high-quality detergents: do not use abrasive pastes or bleaches, otherwise whitish spots may form on the coating.

Depending on how dirty your floor is, select and suitable principle cleaning.

Method 1

Normal cleaning:

  1. Grate half a bar of laundry soap.
  2. Take 2-3 spoons of soap.
  3. Dissolve in 5-6 liters of warm water.
  4. Dampen the rag.
  5. Squeeze thoroughly.
  6. Wash the floor.
  7. Wipe with a dry, clean cloth.

Method 2

Removing dirt and restoring shine:

  1. Fill a bucket with warm water.
  2. Dampen a wool rag in it.
  3. Squeeze almost dry.
  4. Wash the floor.
  5. Take a clean, soft cloth.
  6. Soak it in warm milk.
  7. Wipe the floor.

How to properly wash parquet?

Parquet is considered an elite-class coating, so treatment of it should be especially careful. To get started, here are a few tips for caring for your parquet floor:

  1. You don’t need to wash your parquet floors often—it will be enough to refresh its appearance 1-2 times a year. The rest of the time, clean it approximately once every 2 weeks with a slightly damp cloth.
  2. If you notice any cracks in the coating, eliminate them: clean them with a thin wire, then use a knife to seal them with putty made from wood glue or oak or birch sawdust.
  3. Remove traces of sharp objects as follows: cover with wrapping paper folded several times, and place a heated iron on top of it. When the wood has steamed, remove the paper and smooth out any rough edges.
  4. To protect the varnished floor from scratches, stick pieces of thick cloth or felt onto the legs of chairs, chairs or tables.

For longer cleaning of parquet, use one of the following methods.

Option 1

  1. Pour cold water into a bowl.
  2. Add glycerin at the rate of 1 tbsp. per glass of water.
  3. Lightly dampen a soft cloth in the solution.
  4. Wipe the parquet with a damp cloth.

Option 2

  1. Pour lukewarm water into a bowl.
  2. Add a small amount of laundry or liquid soap.
  3. Stir.
  4. Wet a soft cloth until slightly damp.
  5. Wipe the floor.
  6. Rub it with mastic using a brush.

Option 3

  1. Take small sawdust (preferably oak or birch).
  2. Moisten them with turpentine.
  3. Scatter evenly over the parquet.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. Sweep the floor with a clean brush.
  6. Rub the parquet until it shines.
  7. Ventilate the room.

On a note! Use this cleaning method only if necessary, if there is heavy dirt or old stains on the parquet.

Laminate flooring is very popular these days. The surface of this material prevents dirt and moisture from penetrating inside. It is not difficult to care for, but it also has its own requirements:

  1. Place rugs in front of the front door.
  2. The legs of chairs and tables, as in the case of parquet, should be provided with felt backings.
  3. If you use chairs or chairs on casters, they should be rubber.
  4. Laminate flooring should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, but a steam cleaning system should not be used.
  5. Periodically, about once a week, wipe the floor with a damp cloth.
  6. Be sure to wipe the flooring dry to prevent moisture from getting into the cracks, otherwise the floors may swell.
  7. Do not use abrasive detergents, substances containing acid, hard cloths or metal brushes.
  8. Do not cover laminate floors with varnish or a product that contains wax - the coating may deteriorate.

On a note! For washing laminate floors, the same methods are suitable as for parquet (options 1-3, described in the section above). The only caveat is that you should never rub a laminate floor with mastic!

  • Clean your apartment regularly - both dry and wet.
  • Clean floors from stains and dirt in a timely manner.
  • Depending on the material the floor is covered with, choose different cleaning products.
  • Try to use mostly natural remedies, and only as a last resort - chemicals.

It is believed that many people suffering from depression and nervous disorders tend to live in dirt. In order not to be led by your bad mood and not to fall into depression, remember: putting your house in order and keeping your home clean can have not only a positive physical, but also a spiritual effect on your health. And our tips will help you cope with the cleaning and properly wash the floors quickly and without special effort.

Housework is a tedious and mundane process. Housewives often do it almost unconsciously, but such actions can negatively affect the health of residents. Let's take a closer look at how to properly wash floors. Even if in educational institution There are home economics classes, but they don’t teach you how to properly clean the house. Often girls who recently got married cannot cope with this work because their parents did not teach them.

There are several tips on how to properly clean your apartment:

  • Renew the water, calculating a bucket for 10 square meters. m of room;
  • Use only warm water;
  • Move chairs, mats, carpets so that nothing interferes with the normal process;
  • Before wet treatment, sweep or vacuum the room;
  • Squeeze the cloth vigorously to remove excess water;
  • Treat the floor from the corners to the center and to the door.

The first recommendation must be taken most carefully: in order for the floor to be called clean, you need to refresh the water frequently. As a result, the floors of each room should be washed with fresh water. Otherwise, germs and dirt move from one room to another. There are certain hygiene standards, according to which doctors recommend using one bucket to treat 10 square meters. m.

Such cleaning will not be quick and easy, but the housewife does not risk the health and well-being of her loved ones. When treating a very dirty surface, you will need to change the water several times in one room. The water temperature should be approximately 40 degrees. If it is higher, there is a risk of damaging the floor and skin; lower, it is worse to clean the coating from germs and dirt.

Wet cleaning schedule for different floor coverings

Let's look at how to clean a house or apartment using step-by-step instructions:

  1. To prepare for washing, you need to remove objects and furniture that interfere with the process. The mat or carpet will need to be vacuumed and carefully moved to an adjacent room. If this is not possible, you can roll up the carpet and place it in a corner, removing the dust before doing so. It is better to place chairs further away so that they do not interfere with cleaning.
  2. Then you should walk across the floor with a moistened broom, brush or vacuum cleaner. You need to remove dust from hard-to-reach areas (under the bed, sofa, closet). Otherwise, the essence of processing is lost. Dust and dirt in these areas are a source of germs. If you do not get rid of it in a timely manner, but when touched with a damp cloth, dirty stains will remain on the clean surface.
  3. Floor treatment begins from the far corners of the room, the baseboards are thoroughly washed. Afterwards you need to move to the center and remove dirt and dust from the area before leaving.

Important: Do not allow the rag to be too wet. Excess water has a negative effect on many surfaces; in addition, stains remain there.

Selecting a method

Advantages of manual processing:

  • Benefits for your figure (you can burn more calories);
  • No need to spend money on a mop and attachments for it;
  • Convenient processing of corners and baseboards;
  • With proper washing, the result will be more effective;
  • Difficult stains can only be dealt with by hand.

It is worth noting that washing floors with your hands increases the load on your back and knees.


  • A lot of time is spent;
  • It is difficult to wash areas under the closet and bed;
  • It is inconvenient to work with gloves; without them, you can damage the skin;

Benefits of mopping:

  • The process goes faster;
  • If you mop the floors correctly, there is no negative effect on the limbs or back;
  • You can easily wash areas under furniture;
  • If the mop has an automatic spin, there is no exposure to cleaning products on the skin;
  • Hygiene;
  • Easier to clean floors without streaks.

When buying a mop, you should also get replacement covers for it and change them before cleaning different rooms


  • Cost of a good mop;
  • Additional manual processing of complex dirt, corners and baseboards;
  • If you need to clean the floor quickly and superficially, it is more difficult to clean between furniture and carpets.

When purchasing a mop, you should ensure that the handle is located at armpit level. This size will reduce the strain on your back. With this mop you can easily reach hard-to-reach areas.

The choice of rag should also be approached carefully. The following types are common:

  • Viscose. The fabric absorbs liquid perfectly, but loses strength when in contact with water. Strong twisting during spinning also reduces the service life of the rag;
  • Rag with cellulose. This option is highly reliable. The fabric has good absorbent properties;
  • Synthetics. One of the best materials for cleaning floors. The fabric dries quickly, long time remains in excellent condition;
  • Microfiber. Its fibers get into hard-to-reach areas and small crevices. They attract dirt, leaving the floor in perfect order.

It is better to use a sponge to remove dirt and apply foam, microfiber perfectly cleans the floor from dust and stains, and flannel mop slippers will help polish the floor to a shine and remove excess moisture

Features of washing different types of floors

IN modern apartment not always just one type of floor. Often there is one material in the bedroom, another in the bathroom, and a third in the kitchen. There are household chemicals and traditional methods for any type.

Unpainted plank flooring is considered an environmentally friendly option. Often the floor is made of wood, which is usually coated with wax, oil or varnish. These are colorless paints that make the boards look natural. Let's look at how to quickly wash floors and remove stubborn stains from this surface:

  1. Mix grated soap (2 tbsp.) and warm water (6 l);
  2. Walk across the floor using a stiff brush;
  3. Pour vinegar (2 tbsp) into cool water (6 l);
  4. Treat the floor using soft cloth;
  5. Wipe dry.

Soap is replaced with a solution containing white. You will need 3-4 spoons of product. Then you can avoid rubbing the contaminated areas intensively. To avoid negative influence water on such a floor, you need to treat it twice a year with a rag dipped in turpentine.

Wood floor cleaners

The painted plank covering is not afraid of moisture. With good paint, the floor will not peel off even with strong detergents. You can easily remove dirt from this surface. To make the floor shine, ammonia is used. Processing takes place using the following technique:

  1. Mix ammonia (2 tbsp) in cool water (6 l);
  2. Walk on the surface;
  3. The solution does not require removal.

Note: Areas where the paint has peeled off a little are wiped with parquet mastic of a similar color. With this little trick, you can postpone repairs while maintaining an attractive appearance to the floor.

Laminate and parquet are the most capricious types flooring. Do not use abrasives or steam cleaners to process them. If water gets inside, the floor may swell. To wash laminate floors they buy store products, such as "Pronto" or "Denkmit". The latter contains wax, which provides gentle care of the surface, protection from UV rays and early wear.

How to properly care for laminate floors

If the housewife does not use special care products, it is important to know that you should not allow large amounts of water to get on the parquet or laminate flooring. It is better to vacuum thoroughly, go over with a damp cloth and put away excess liquid, rubbing with a flannel cloth until the surface becomes shiny. Stubborn stains can be removed using products such as Silit or washing powder:

  1. Mix into powder (1 tbsp) with a small amount of water until mushy;
  2. Apply to dirt and wait overnight;
  3. Wash it off in the morning warm water.

Glycerin will add shine to the parquet flooring. Take 4 tbsp per liter of water. l. facilities. The laminate is treated with water and vinegar. It is important not to leave excess water and to wring out the cloth thoroughly.

Ceramic, porcelain stoneware or tile- the most unpretentious option. It does not cause any difficulties during cleaning. The following method will do:

  1. Mix ammonia (4-5 drops) and a bucket of water;
  2. You can add 1 tbsp. l. shine former for dishwashers;
  3. Wash the floor and wipe dry.

Care products for ceramic floor tiles

If the tiles have a rough coating, use a brush and sponge with a soap solution or store-bought products such as Cif, Glorix, Mr. Proper", "Cinderella", "Oranit", "Sanfor", "Sodasan", "Sano Poliwix", "PassionGold", "HG", "Passiflora", "Attitude", "Orchid 5in1". For heavy pollution Pemolux is used.

Linoleum does not tolerate ammonia, soda, brushes with hard bristles, chlorine, hot water, alcohol, liquid soap. In order not to spoil the pattern and the material itself, it is important to act carefully:

  1. Mix soap shavings (2 tbsp) with water (6 l);
  2. Walk on the surface;
  3. Rinse immediately with clean, cool water before the soap dries;
  4. If the linoleum is smooth, dip a soft cloth in linseed oil and walk over the surface.

Dark stains on linoleum are removed with a mixture of water and grated chalk. can be removed with nail polish remover or laundry soap foam. To create shine, you can dip a rag in water mixed with milk. Once a season, you should polish the floor with drying oil, then walk with soft silk.

It is better to remove the brilliant green while the stain is still wet

Carpet does not tolerate wet treatment well. It is better to use special dry foam, then use a vacuum cleaner to remove it. There are special products for carpets, for example, “Sano carpet shampoo spray”. A steam cleaner or a vacuum cleaner can be used successfully. If the carpet is removable, you can wash it in the snow in winter. To remove stubborn stains you will need:

  1. Combine vinegar (1 tbsp) and alcohol (3 tbsp);
  2. Treat the contamination, wait 30 minutes;
  3. Remove any remaining liquid with a sponge.

Cork is considered hygroscopic. It can't stand high humidity. Therefore, you need to squeeze the rag firmly. No special detergents are required. A standard soap solution is enough. The use of abrasives is prohibited.

Carpet cleaning products

Universal methods for all types of surfaces depending on the type of stain:

  • Dirt. You can clean the floor from dirt with washing powder or dishwashing gel, such as “Fairy”;
  • Fat. To cope with greasy deposits, you will need to combine vegetable oil with soda. Stir until creamy. Treat the floor, wait a quarter of an hour. Remove the remaining baking soda with a broom and rinse with cool water;
  • Wine stains can be removed using meat-based soap or a solution of soda and linseed oil;
  • Diesel oil or diesel oil can be removed using professional products;
  • Mold. Bleach can deal with it. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions, apply protective equipment and ventilate the room. Mix bleach (10 g) with water (5 l). Open the windows and start the procedure. Please note that there should be no children or pets in the apartment.

Table vinegar is used to make floors shine. For 10 liters of water take 2 tbsp. l. Essential oil (1-2 drops) will add a pleasant smell.

Types of funds

There are many products for treating floors. They are combined according to characteristics such as preparation method and composition; types of surfaces for which the product is intended; impact on health, etc. There are folk, antibacterial, disinfectant, antistatic, natural compositions.

The choice of product is made taking into account the floor covering. Let's look at what types of floor treatment products there are:

  • Antibacterial "Domestos", "Nordland2". They are good for cleaning floors, but there is a risk of harm to health. Particles of substances in the composition end up in the air, on the skin and mucous membranes. It is better to wear gauze and rubber gloves when processing;
  • Antistatic agents “Cantron”, “Multipower Neutral”. Usually used when there is a problem with static electricity, which can be flammable. They are often washed in hospitals, in production, where special requirements presented for the quality of floors;
  • Disinfecting compositions “Help”, “L.O.C.” Disinfectants are effective in combating pathogens such as influenza viruses, as well as fungi and bacteria. They should be purchased to care for the apartment, especially if small children live in it. You should give preference to the most harmless option. Some people choose a product containing chlorine if they have pets in the apartment. But for small houses this option is not suitable, since you will have to inhale chlorine until it disappears from the room, and this is dangerous.

Mr. Proper is available in a wide range for different coatings

When purchasing a product, you need to carefully study the composition. You shouldn't choose:

  • Disinfectants containing sodium hypochlorite. The surface will lose its shine over time;
  • Detergents similar in appearance to standard powder and with optical brightener in the composition. This will make the cleaning process more difficult.

Important: The composition must contain less than 5% nonionic surfactants, fragrances and preservatives. This amount is enough to keep the floor clean.

There are housewives who prefer natural floor cleaning products to household chemicals. They have no chemical components and are environmentally friendly. Cleaning is done safely and the floor is sparkling clean. This is water mixed with alcohol essential oil, vinegar. You can add mustard powder and citrus.

In folk remedies, laundry soap and ammonia are often added. These methods are time-tested, but for modern coatings, like laminate, they are not always suitable.

Cleaning the floor after renovation

Footprints repair work It is the most difficult to remove from coatings. Paint, glue, whitewash, and putty often remain on them. Before treating floors, you need to get rid of dirt:

  • Glue and paint. They are removed with white spirit or acetone. Wallpaper glue can also be removed with plain warm water if you rinse it several times. Oil paint eliminated with “Cif” cream. You can get rid of dirt on linoleum using sunflower oil. Fresh tracks water-based paint Easy to clean with a mixture of water and soap. For old stains, use a soap solution, leaving it for a quarter of an hour. The method is only suitable if the floor can tolerate moisture. Isopropyl alcohol and formic acid cope with paint without difficulty and risk to the coating;
  • Lime and hardened putty. First, you need to carefully remove the plaque using a spatula, then remove the excess with hot water mixed with sunflower oil. For 5 liters of water you will need 100 ml of oil. A mixture of water and salt too effective method wash off the whitewash. For 5 liters of liquid, take 100 g of product.

Important: Solvents can damage the floor covering, so it is recommended to test their effect first on a small, inconspicuous area.

After removing dirt, you need to treat the floors standard method taking into account the type of surface.

Construction dust often cannot be removed the first time, so wet cleaning will have to be done several times

After removing the dead man

Let's look at how to wash the floor after removing a dead person. Carefully cleaning the floor where the deceased lived is an ancient ritual. With death, negative energy always penetrates into a home, regardless of the character of the deceased person. If the energy remains in the room, residents may begin to get sick.

The ritual is not performed by the relatives of the deceased; it cannot be performed during pregnancy. They often ask a stranger, such as a neighbor, to clean up. The floor is processed from the walls and threshold, ending with washing in the area where the coffin was located. Sometimes used for this purpose spring water. There is a sign that the family of the deceased should give the girl clothes as a thank you.

Floor cleaning should be done regularly, not just Maundy Thursday. Then the coating will always remain fresh and shiny. It is better to remove stains immediately after detection. It is important to consider the type of coating when processing.


Nothing pleases the eye more than a sparkling floor; even the air is filled with freshness and cleanliness. But in order for the floor covering to be clean, streak-free and not damaged when washed, it is worth knowing some rules for caring for different types of floors.

Mop or hands?

It is believed that, of course, it is more convenient to wash with a mop, but it is cleaner with your hands. In some cases it is necessary handmade, for example, hard-to-reach places, corners, or heavy dirt that must be wiped off. At modern choice You can easily choose cleaning equipment to suit your taste. Modern mops come in different varieties: rope mops, flat mops, microfiber mops, butterfly mops, sponge mops, and steam mops. And also with buckets and devices for squeezing rags.

There are general rules for cleaning floors that apply to all surfaces.

— Remove all unnecessary items, chairs, light decorative items, etc.
— Before washing the floors, you should sweep the floor.
— You need to start washing the floor from the corner opposite the door, gradually moving towards the exit
— Rinse the rag more often.
— Wash the area of ​​the floor, and then, wrung out the cloth well, wipe it almost dry.

These are the main general tips for cleaning the floor. However, in order to keep it clean, and most importantly not to damage the floor covering, you need to follow the care recommendations. different types floor.

How to clean various floor coverings

- Parquet, parquet board, environmentally friendly, beautiful and durable material. However, it is easy to spoil it when improper care. Such a floor is washed only a few times a year with warm water with the addition of special parquet products. The rag you choose is soft, felt, felt or microfiber. Detergents are gentle and do not contain alkali; wax is often added to such parquet cleaning products for a dirt-repellent effect. Do not use hot water or aggressive detergents for cleaning. The rag must be wrung out thoroughly; excess moisture can damage such a coating. For this reason, a washing vacuum cleaner is not recommended for cleaning parquet boards.

Wooden floor (painted and unpainted).

The painted floor does not need special care. The accumulation of dust between the boards should be avoided, so it is good to clean this floor with a vacuum cleaner first. You can wash it daily with warm water or with the addition of a soap solution. For severe contamination, ammonia can be added. There are also special detergents. To add shine to a painted floor, you can use special emulsions; they will provide shine and additional protection to the coating.

Unpainted plank floors should be washed with a well-wrung out rag or mop; excess water is not allowed. For minor stains, wash unpainted boards with soapy water, rinse and wipe dry. If there are difficult stains, you can use abrasive detergents or brushes.

Linoleum is probably the most common flooring material; it is practical and easy to maintain.

This coating is not afraid of water, and daily washing with regular warm water will cope with ordinary stains. If water does not cope with this task, a soap solution or special detergents can help. Do not wash linoleum with products containing bleaching ingredients. upper layer may be erased, without hope of recovery. For the same reason, abrasive products are also not suitable for caring for linoleum.

It happens that over time linoleum loses its original shine, there is different ways to restore it.

- you can wash the floor by adding a little milk, the procedure will have to be repeated constantly.
- wash the linoleum with soap and water, and after drying, rub it with drying oil or vegetable oil
- water and vinegar can briefly restore shine to linoleum
- special products, mastics for adding shine to tarnished coatings.

Laminate flooring is quite easy to care for. A large amount of water can damage it, so wring out the mop or rag thoroughly before washing.

Simple warm water is enough to wash the laminate flooring. For severe stains, special detergents are used. For stains of various origins, it is good to use alcohol-based glass cleaners. Abrasive detergents and hard-bristled brushes are contraindicated for laminate flooring; the coating can be scratched. As well as products containing ammonia, which can erase the top coating.

Tile, durable and unpretentious material. If you do not let the tiles become limescale or even worse, mold, wash them with water, soapy water, or any detergent.

Chlorine-containing products are used for cleaning and disinfection. Products with ammonia are good for tiles. Home remedies include vinegar, citric acid, alcohol solution. The only thing is that you should not overuse abrasive detergents to avoid scratches.

Self-leveling flooring is very easy to clean, such a coating is not afraid of water, chemical compounds, or hot steam.

Therefore, when cleaning, you can safely use abrasives, a vacuum cleaner, a steam mop, and hard brushes.

Knowing what means are used for various types floor covering, it will be easy to maintain it good condition on for a long time. And the house will always be clean and cozy!

Cleaning the house is always a “holiday”. IN figuratively, of course. This procedure takes a whole day, and after a few days it becomes dirty again. In a word, the work is thankless, but necessary. Well, the dirtiest and most difficult surface to clean is the floor. Therefore, many housewives often face the question of how to wash the floor so that there are no stains on it, so that it sparkles and does not get dirty. The latter is, of course, difficult to accomplish: all people need is to fly. But on the first two points, some recommendations can be given.

General rules

Before you decide to wash the surfaces you walk on, you need to familiarize yourself with general rules for this manipulation. These rules apply to all types of floors. Regardless of how you plan to wash the floor, with your hands or with a mop, you must first remove all objects that you can from the surface. This way, the area will be free, and cleaning will become much easier.

It is very important to clean the floors with a broom before cleaning. Thin twigs will help pull dust out of far corners and crevices. You just need to work with a slightly wet broom: in a bucket of water, slightly moisten the tips of the rods, then lightly tap on the edge of the bucket to shake off excess droplets.

Now you can start cleaning the floors. This is done from the most distant corner of the room, gradually moving towards the exit. This general recommendations, and now let’s figure out how to use a mop, which detergents are suitable for which types of surfaces, and how to make surfaces clean without using a mop.

Type of floor and rules for cleaning it

Modern floor coverings can be made of laminate, they can be parquet, they can also be covered with linoleum and tiles, unpainted and painted wood. Each type of floor requires a special cleaning agent and has its own specific treatment.

Laminate flooring can only be washed once a year. The rest of the time, just wipe it with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water.

Parquet flooring is cleaned in the same way as laminate, only after wet wiping it should be rubbed with mastic.

You can completely wash the floor with soap only if it is covered with linoleum. The water should be warm, and cleaning should be done regularly.

Every day you can wash wooden ones. It is especially important to do this in the hallway and kitchen, where they get dirty the most. Such coatings are not afraid of moisture. Stains can be removed with ammonia.

If your home is lined wooden floor, but not painted, then washing it is allowed only once a week. To do this, use hot water and soap. Then you need to rinse the coating well and wipe it with a dry cloth.

The easiest to clean floors are tiled floors. You can even wipe them daily with a damp cloth.

Choosing a detergent

It is incredibly important to choose the right floor cleaner. Available on the market today great amount various means for cleaning floor surfaces, but there is a different product for each type of coating. So, for parquet it is necessary to choose a delicate composition that will not damage the floor.

Cleaners that contain alcohol are not suitable for linoleum. Powdered cleaning products are also not recommended. Such concentrates will darken the coating or leave whitish streaks.

Floor tiles should not be cleaned with liquid soap. It is better to rub a little laundry soap into the water or find a detergent containing acid. This product will remove dirt and destroy germs.

For laminate flooring, try to buy a detergent with a neutral pH level. Abrasive substances must not be used to clean floor coverings made of this type of material.

Washing with a mop

How to wash the floors at home, with a mop or with your hands, is up to each housewife to decide for herself. If you need to do everything quickly, then a mop is, of course, better. But if, at the same time as cleaning, you also want to do exercises, then you should work with your hands. But if you decide to use only a mop, then you should first familiarize yourself with modern types this tool. In stores you can find the following mops:

  • rope;
  • butterfly mops;
  • with microfiber:
  • with sponge;
  • steam;
  • flat.

Which product to choose is also up to the user. The only important thing here is that the mop is as comfortable as possible for you.

Now let's look at how to properly handle this simple tool. The mop needs to be thoroughly moistened in water and squeezed a little for the first time. Wash the floors, as mentioned above, from the far corner of the room to its exit. From time to time the mop needs to be re-wetted with water. In heavily soiled areas, you need to mop more thoroughly, pressing lightly.

When mopping rough tiles or other textured flooring, use a mop motion as if you were drawing a figure eight. Thanks to this, you will perfectly wash away dirt from the floor.

When everything is done, you need to rinse in clean water mop, wring it out and set it to dry upside down.

Washing floors by hand

Many housewives are interested in the answer to the question of how to wash the floor with their hands. Everything is very simple here: choose a suitable rag and cleaning product. Add cleaning liquid to a bucket of water and dip a rag into it. Soak it well and squeeze it out. Now, just as in the case of a mop, you need to wash the coating from the far corner to the middle of the room. Rinse the rag, wring it out and wash the second half of the room. If necessary, wipe the washed surface with a dry cloth.

Which rag is better?

We have already found out which floor detergent to choose. Now we have to figure out which rag is best for washing floor coverings by hand. Previously, old T-shirts and T-shirts were used for this purpose. Today, in stores there are entire departments in which all kinds of rags are presented. Let's look at their most popular types.

Viscose fabric. This material perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. But when it gets wet, it loses its strength. In addition, twisting and hot water are contraindicated for him. Therefore, it is better to purchase not natural viscose, but a rag made of viscose with the addition of synthetic fibers. A viscose rag combined with polyester perfectly absorbs moisture from the floor and wipes it dry. This is an excellent solution for washing surfaces by hand.

A rag containing cellulose has increased absorbent properties.

Synthetics (polyester) cope with dirt better than any natural materials. These rags dry quickly and are durable.

Microfiber is considered a new generation material for cleaning floors. It consists of microscopic fibers of polyester, cotton and others. Such miniature fibers can penetrate into the smallest and most distant crevices and wash away dust and dirt.

Steam cleaner for cleaning floor surfaces

Modern housewives are increasingly wondering whether it is possible to wash floors with a steam cleaner. If you have linoleum floors in your house, then, of course, you can use this unit to clean it. Its use on any other surfaces is prohibited.

The steam regulator must be switched to mode “Two” or “Three”: this way the steam temperature will become lower and will not spoil the coating. After such cleaning there will be no traces left on the floor.

Folk remedies

Readers will also be interested in learning about how to wash the floor folk remedies. If there are children in the house, then it is possible that the floor covering can be painted with felt-tip pens. To wipe it off, you need to soak a small rag in gasoline and lightly rub the “image”. Then wipe the area with a damp, clean cloth and wipe it dry. The same method is used to remove traces from sneakers.

To make the flooring shiny, it is recommended to wash it with a solution of milk and water. Liquids must be mixed in one to one proportions. A freshly washed floor can be oiled linseed oil, which forms protective film and thus protects the surface from damage.


Remember: the dirtiest place in any room is the flooring. Sometimes you can wash the floors every day, or even several times a day. No matter how clean you wash the surface, after a day or two dust, pet hair and other debris will still begin to accumulate in the corners. Whatever way you decide to clean your floors, you need to do it with joy, perhaps even love, and then the floor will not just be clean, but sparkling. Your family will appreciate it, and you will be pleased to enjoy the results of your work.

At a young age, many of us could not understand how to wash floors correctly and why, after cleaning, the coating does not shine with cleanliness, like our mothers. But over time, technology becomes more and more advanced, and you can not only wash the floor every day, but also clean it from heavy dirt even after repair work.

It would seem that anyone can cope with this problem, but only experienced housewives know the basic rules that will help to properly and efficiently wash any floor, which should not be ignored, because, as experience and practice show, it is these universal recommendations that help keep your flooring clean :

  • Remove any excess before you start mopping the floor. Roll up the carpet and take it to another room, lift all the chairs and ottomans;
  • thoroughly vacuum the floor or sweep with a slightly damp broom, don't forget to clean under the cabinets and sofa, since the dust that settled in hard to reach places, when washing floors, it will smudge and leave dirty stains;
  • standing near the door, evaluate the trajectory along which you will move. You should start washing the floor from the far corner of the room, paying attention Special attention baseboards, then gradually moving towards the center, and then towards the exit;
  • Always carefully wring out the rag to remove excess liquid so that there are no streaks left on the floor. well and It is best to wipe the coating several times, changing the water each time.

How to wash different types of coatings?

It may seem that there are no special rules to follow when cleaning the floor. I soaked a rag in water - and three to my health. But this is far from true, because each material requires an individual approach, and now we will look at the main features of floor washing depending on the type of coating.

It is not recommended to wet floors that are covered with copious amounts of water. To wash them, you should remove dirt using a vacuum cleaner or soft brush, then treat this type of coating with a rag or mop, which should be removed as much as possible from excess moisture. In order to effectively protect parquet from dirt, many use polishing agents that have water-repellent and moisture-proof properties.

Floors made from certain types also do not like excess moisture. There are types that are covered with a waterproof layer, but it is also not recommended to abuse this and give them extensive “water treatments”. A rag or a special mop should be thoroughly wrung out and only then the floors should be washed. If you want to clean laminate flooring more effectively, use a cleaning solution with the addition of liquid soap or a special product for this type of coating.

The most picky coatings are ceramic tile, linoleum and regular painted floor. By washing such a floor, you don’t have to worry about excess moisture. You can wash such surfaces well using warm water with the addition of any detergent.

To add a dazzling shine to a painted floor, you can drip a little into the water. ammonia or table vinegar.

Wash very carefully and carefully floor from cork covering . For wet cleaning of this type of material, you should use soft rags and detergents that do not contain abrasive particles, as they can easily damage the surface of such a floor. Do not wet the cork too much. If there is significant contamination on such a coating, it can be removed using a soft sponge and liquid detergent.

If you have unpainted wooden floors, then they can be washed with very hot water and cleaned with a stiff brush. This floor can even be bleached and does not require delicate cleaning.

Now you know absolutely all the features of washing any type of coating. Cleaning such floors does not require any expense or special effort, but it is important to remember what this or that material likes and what it fears.

What and how to wash laminate flooring?

IN modern life laminate has already proven itself. It retains heat perfectly and creates a special coziness in every home, but we will look at how to properly wash it, and generally care for laminate flooring, in this article.

Any floor covering requires regular cleaning, and laminate is no exception. Let's remember that it consists of durable boards made of recycled wood, which is impregnated with a resinous film on top. Laminate boards form a continuous flooring sheet, fastened together with a special system of locks.

Well, our economical readers, let’s move on to the basic rules for washing and caring for laminate floors. First, you should consider the traditional and well-known cleaning rules, which involve cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and a rag:

  • first remove all dirt using a vacuum cleaner or soft brush;
  • After removing all dirt and dust, proceed to wet cleaning. To do this, dampen a soft cloth in water, then carefully twist it to remove all excess moisture. Only after this, start washing the laminate floor, moving from the corners to the center of the room and the exit.

Of course, you may have a question: what detergents can be used when washing and caring for such a delicate coating as laminate? You can take regular liquid soap and dilute it in a small amount of water, but it needs to be washed off with a copious amount of liquid, and laminate doesn't like that. Therefore, the most Vinegar is the best solution: it will perfectly remove any dirt and stains from the floor covering.

To avoid damaging the floor surface, use a mop with a foam insert: it can be easily squeezed out, which will protect your floor from excess moisture.

If the laminate does not have significant contamination, then it is not necessary to wash it, just thoroughly vacuum the entire surface.

But it’s not always possible to keep the house clean, and one fine day some paint will definitely spill on the laminate or stains will remain after the renovation. If you do not have a special product for cleaning this type of surface from various contaminants, That You can use dishwashing detergent. Apply a small amount to the affected area without water and leave for a while, then wipe with a damp cloth. Paint or varnish can be removed with acetone, moistening a cotton swab or cotton swab in a small amount of solvent. But you need to act as carefully and quickly as possible, without affecting clean areas.

If you notice traces of wax or paraffin on the laminate, you can carefully scrape them off with a plastic spatula. If after such removal there are still stains on the floor, they can be masked using a restoration paste.

It is most advisable to use by special means for the care of laminate flooring, since they are designed exclusively for the characteristics of this type of coating.

They can be purchased at any store or household chemicals department. There is no need to perform special manipulations for cleaning the floor using such products. It is enough to dissolve this product in water, as indicated in the instructions, and wash the floor. Some products do not need to be washed off, as they add a special shine to the laminate and protect it from excess moisture.

Now it’s worth stopping at choosing equipment for cleaning laminate floors. Many homes now actively use steam cleaners, which will perfectly rid your floor of old stains and even marks. building mixtures after repair. Because the this type afraid of coverage hot water, steam supply should be periodic, and to wipe the surface you can use cotton cloth or fiber napkins.

If you are the owner of a waterproof laminate, then you can wash it using a washing vacuum cleaner. It is designed in such a way that it sprays the cleaning solution and immediately absorbs it along with the dirt. Such a vacuum cleaner will perfectly remove old stains and greasy marks, plus the impact of water on the coating will be minimal.

Many housewives use a steam mop when cleaning laminate floors, but this device can only be used for coverings whose seams are protected with sealants.

If you compare a washing vacuum cleaner and a steam cleaner, the second one has much more functions, but you shouldn’t chase it. It’s better to pay attention to what surfaces this or that technique is designed for and whether it is directly suitable for your type of laminate.

And now, housewives, let's make a small comparison that will allow you to correctly decide on the choice of detergent for a floor with a similar coating.




Liquid soap

It is affordable and washes away dirt well

Soap stains may remain on the laminate

Special product for laminate

Perfectly removes any stains and dirt, adds shine and does not harm the coating.


Vinegar solution

Affordable, perfectly cleans floors and removes dirt, environmentally friendly

Stubborn stains cannot be cleaned this way

Steam cleaner

Effectively disinfects and removes dried stains

Not suitable for laminate flooring which is made from low-quality raw materials, cannot be used frequently.

Regardless of which product you choose for yourself, do not forget that for this type of flooring Do not use products containing abrasive particles: they can damage its integrity and create microcracks.

Our careful housewives, choose a product that will not create a lot of foam, as well as one that does not contain beeswax or glycerin. If you spill any liquid on the laminate, wipe it dry as quickly as possible and remove any stains immediately. Thanks to careful care, it will serve you for many years to come.