What are the benefits of onions for the human body? Useful properties of onions: contraindications, benefits and harms

First of all, it is important to remember about raw onions that you can only eat freshly peeled vegetables. The longer the peeled and cut onion sits on outdoors, the more bacteria it absorbs. After 2-3 days, such a vegetable turns into a real infectious bomb and can no longer bring anything but harm. So you can only store onions in their peels.

But even if it was stored correctly, you should not eat kilograms of this vegetable. Especially if you have digestive problems. Onions (and their green feathers, among others) greatly increase the acidity of the stomach and irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. If it is abused, it is easy to develop gastritis, and later ulcers. If these problems are already relevant, then you should completely forget about onions and switch to products that are gentler on the body.

From others negative influences Onions on the digestive system can also include flatulence and exacerbation of chronic liver diseases. It is also not recommended to eat onions if you are prone to the formation of kidney stones. Onion juice enhances and significantly speeds up this process.

Besides digestive system onion has a very bad effect on the functioning of the heart and respiratory organs. Due to its irritating and stimulating effects on the nervous system, it can easily provoke an asthma attack and other allergic reactions.

In this matter, it is very important to listen to yourself. If for some reason the smell of an onion causes rejection or disgust, you should not force your body and eat it forcefully. A feeling of disgust is a natural signal from our body that a product is foreign and unhealthy for it.

Last thing harmful quality raw onions - the ability to increase blood pressure and have a bad effect on heart rhythms. People with congenital heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, who have had a heart attack, or who have problems with blood pressure in general should reduce onion consumption to a minimum. This will significantly improve your quality of life and help you feel much better.

All plants growing on planet Earth undoubtedly play a big role in people's lives. But there are those that are a permanent attribute in the kitchen of any housewife. These are vegetables. Among them is a representative of the Amaryllidaceae family, so familiar and unfamiliar, the onion.

Familiar because we make our first impressions of onions from childhood, when we see how, in contact with this plant, our mother sheds bitter tears. And we are at a loss as to what could have offended her so much.

And it’s unfamiliar because, apart from the fact that onions are bitter and it’s good to eat them to avoid catching colds, we know little about them.

A little history about onions

A very long time ago, back in the Stone Age, people began to breed those plants that they considered useful. So, the first information about onions dates back to the fourth millennium, of course, BC.

Central Asia is considered the birthplace of onions. Different types wild onions are found, one might say, all over the globe. Therefore, it is difficult to say for sure where it was first cultivated.

Some researchers believe that this is Afghanistan. From there, onions spread to other Asian countries. From Asia the plant comes to Greece and Egypt. Then to the Roman Empire. From there to other European countries. And from the 12th century it began to be cultivated in Ancient Rus'.

There are sources that indicate that onions were first cultivated in China. There, in the Tien Shan mountains, there are so many wild onions that there is even a mountain called Dzunglin. Translated, this means Onion Mountains. From China, the cultivation of the plant spread to India and Egypt. The Egyptians even considered onions a sacred plant. And the ancient Romans and ancient Germans considered this plant capable of raising military spirit, giving courage and bravery, giving energy and strength.

Types of onions

This is a genus of biennial and perennial plants, with about 900 species. This does not mean that they are all edible. Among the bows there are also decorative ones. There are also those that can be grown in the garden, so to speak, for beauty and in the garden, for the benefit of your body.

Among the decorative ones, a handsome onion of the Everest variety may attract attention. Long green arrows, which reach 120 cm with a cap of snow-white, star-shaped flowers, up to 20 cm in diameter, are used to make bouquets.

The “Sensation” variety is not inferior to it in beauty. On a long (70 cm) ribbed stem there are dark purple cupped flowers. They can decorate any flower bed.

There are many varieties of decorative onions and they bring aesthetic benefits. But there are other types of this wonderful plant that people use in cooking and for medicinal purposes.

The benefits of onions

Onions are perhaps the most common and most sought after type, at least in our area. Its healing properties have been known for a long time.

If we consider the composition of the onion from the point of view of a chemist, then the bulk of this product, as in most vegetables, is water. In 100 g of onions there are approximately 86 grams. Next comes the quantitative composition of carbohydrates - 8.2 g. The dietary fiber in onions is 3 g. Proteins account for 1.4 g. 1 g is ash substances. 0.2 g is fat.

Onions contain 12 essential amino acids. In percentage terms, the largest amount is occupied by tryptophan - 5%. The smallest one is histidine. There is 0.01 g (1%) of it in onions. There are eight nonessential amino acids in onions.

Onions are rich in vitamins. It contains vitamins E and C. A large number of B vitamins. These include thiamine and riboflavin. Pyridoxine accounts for as much as 6%, and pantothenic acid accounts for 2%. Big choice macro and micro elements in onions.

  • This plant is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in the form of cheese mainly. It can be used either whole or in the form of gruel or onion juice. It all depends on what needs to be treated.
  • For example, juice is very useful for intestinal diseases. Especially during inflammatory processes. To do this, it is recommended to drink one teaspoon of onion juice, only fresh, before eating. This should be done several times a day (3 - 4).
  • The juice also has a beneficial effect on the liver. It is used as a mild diuretic. It is also beneficial in the treatment of atherosclerosis, reducing the content of so-called bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • The use of onion juice mixed with honey is indicated.
  • This juice is also an excellent remedy for fighting helminths. For example, to get rid of worms you need to drink fresh onion infusion (1/2 cup) for several days in a row (3 - 4), on an empty stomach.

Using the healing properties of onions, several drugs have been created that help in the treatment of diseases. For example, the drug “Allylglycer” is prescribed to patients with Trichomonas colpitis. Another drug “Allilchep” is effective in the sclerotic form of hypertension, in the treatment of intestinal atony, colitis, and atherosclerosis.

  • Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of onions reduces the risk of malignant tumors. It even slows down the growth of existing ones.

Onions can retain their beneficial healing properties when peeled and chopped for only 15 minutes. Therefore, if you want not only to improve the taste of cooked dishes, but also to benefit from this storehouse of vitamins, then take this information as a guide, so to speak, to action.

Benefits of green onions

Green onions are mainly grown from different varieties onion But no less useful are shallots or onions. First of all, the beneficial properties of green onions are that juicy green sprouts are full of substances such as phytoncides. They are able to protect the human body from viral diseases. So if you add fresh green onions to your dishes, you will not only increase your appetite and promote better absorption of food, but also protect yourself from acute respiratory infections and even the flu.

  1. Among useful substances, which are contained in green onions, contain chlorophyll. This element helps improve the process of hematopoiesis. And zinc, which is also found in green onions, will help you. This element is also responsible for the production of testosterone in men. In general, men are recommended to eat a bunch of green onions a day. This has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, preventing its hypertrophy.
  2. A lack of zinc in the female body not only leads to hair loss and brittle nails. This circumstance also negatively affects the reproductive system.
  3. Green onions contain elements that strengthen the heart muscle. Thanks to the constant consumption of onions, the walls of blood vessels can also be strengthened.

Benefits of leeks

Another type of onion, which has been famous for its beneficial properties since ancient times, is “pearl onion” or leek. We can say that in its popularity this species is second only to onions. The not-so-rich, sharp flavor of onions makes leeks a very popular ingredient in cooking. different dishes. They do not refuse it for medicinal purposes either. It is rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements. It is used in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. This wonderful plant removes salts from the joints and also prevents their deposition.

Leek significantly reduces the amount of lipids. If you have 200 grams of this product in your diet every day, your cholesterol levels will return to normal. This bow excellent remedy and from the formation of blood clots - thrombi. The substances it is rich in make the blood more fluid. It does not accumulate as much in the pockets of worn-out veins and in their bulges. It is believed that there is no other vegetable that would act so effectively against age-related changes in blood vessels.

The healing properties attributed to leeks are unique. In addition to the diseases mentioned above, this onion is indicated for prevention. It easily eliminates constipation and flatulence. This vegetable is considered almost an ideal health remedy for the intestines of older people.

Sometimes, replacing expensive medications, medications. Which, moreover, are not entirely and not always harmless.

It also has bactericidal properties. Which is also very useful for the stomach and intestines. The components found in leeks promote the formation of connective tissue.

The benefits of chives

Using the Bow

The use of such a wonderful and healing product as onion is available to almost everyone. After all, for this you do not need to have, in principle, any special culinary abilities.

After all, this vegetable is easy enough to cut and add to any dish. Whether it's potatoes, meat or fish. You don’t have to cut it, just bite off parts that are acceptable to you and fill your body with vitamins and other useful components.

If you have the time and desire to cook, then you can try other more complex dishes and recipes.

For example, "Onion Pie".

To prepare it you will need six large onions, a glass of flour, 50 grams of butter and 8 tablespoons of sour cream. More salt, three chicken eggs, and 200 g of hard cheese.

While the finely chopped onion is frying, prepare the dough. To do this, soften the butter and add four tablespoons of sour cream prepared in advance and flour. When we knead the dough and make a “bun” out of it, we begin preparing the so-called filling. To do this, you need to beat eggs, sour cream (4 tbsp), pre-grated cheese. Leave a little cheese for sprinkling the pie.

The finished dough must be placed in the prepared form. Lubricate it with some kind of fat in advance. And the mold should be deep enough so that you can make “sides” in the dough. Pour the browned onion onto the dough and fill it with the whipped mixture. Sprinkle everything with the remaining grated cheese on top. Place the pie in the already preheated oven. In half an hour, your culinary masterpiece can be served to your guests. Or eat with pleasure yourself, enjoy and benefit from the body.

Using onion for hair growth

Masks for hair growth are also used from onion juice:

Onion is enormous benefit for the body!

People say: “The onion saves you from seven ailments.” But people won’t talk in vain! And indeed this root vegetable has a lot of useful properties. And we will tell you about the benefits of onions in this article.

Onions: composition and calorie content

Onions are a source of valuable microelements, including calcium, potassium, manganese, copper, cobalt, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, iodine, iron and nickel. Onions are also rich in vitamins A, B, C, PP. Essential oils are also found in this root vegetable in large quantities. There are also 12 essential amino acids found in onions.

With such an amazing composition, onions are considered a low-calorie product because 100 grams contain only 41 kcal.

Useful properties of onions

Everyone knows that onions are useful, however, not everyone knows why exactly. When compiling a list of the beneficial properties of onions, one cannot fail to mention that they:
Strengthens immunity,
Indispensable for vitamin deficiency,
Helps with viral diseases(colds, flu),
It has antibacterial properties, largely due to the phytoncides included in its composition,
It is useful for diseases of cardio-vascular system,
Activates metabolism,
Helps cleanse the blood
Stimulates digestive processes,
Normalizes blood pressure,
Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels,
Prevents the formation of blood clots,
Increases potency,
Helps with insomnia,
It prevents cancer and inhibits tumor growth.

Onions: harm

After we have reported on the beneficial properties of onions, it may seem that this root vegetable can do nothing but good to our body. However, as practice shows, the situation is somewhat different.

First of all, it should be said that onions can cause irritation of the digestive organs, and in some cases, increase the acidity of gastric juice. That's why It should be consumed with extreme caution by people suffering from kidney or liver disease, as well as for stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, hypersensitivity. Onion provokes irritation nervous system, which in turn negatively affects the functioning of the heart and can cause an attack of hypertension and asthma. And, of course, we must not forget that onions are the reason unpleasant odor from mouth. You can dull the smell a little by chewing a sprig of parsley, toasted kernels walnuts or a crust of burnt bread, but it will not be possible to completely kill the smell, no matter how sad it may be.

Onions: traditional medicine recipes

As a preventive measure for diseases, onions can be eaten raw; they retain a lot of useful elements even after heat treatment. However, onion can become not only a preventive measure, but also the main remedy in the treatment of many diseases. In the directory traditional medicine, there are a lot of recipes using this root vegetable, they will tell us how to get rid of the disease quickly and safely. We would like to offer you several such recipes right now.

Onions for kidney stones

You will need:
Onions – 1 kg,
Sugar – 0.4 kg.

Cooking method
1. Pass the onion through a meat grinder.
2. Add sugar.
3. Boil the mixture in an enamel pan.
4. Strain the cooled onion mass.
5. Divide into 4 equal parts and consume them throughout the day (from 8:00 to 20:00), with the same interval between doses.

Onions for prostate adenoma

For the treatment of a disease that occurs in most men who have crossed the 50-year mark, a decoction of onion peels will be effective.

You will need:
Onion peel - 1 handful,
Water – 750 ml.

Cooking method
1. Wash the husk and boil.
2. Strain the cooled broth.

You need to take the decoction 100 grams 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

One more effective way the fight against prostate adenoma can become competent alternation products within a month.

On the first day on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, you need to eat a medium-sized onion raw.
On the second day, half an hour before breakfast, you should eat 30-50 grams of sunflower seeds.

On the third day before breakfast (also half an hour before), you need to eat 75 grams of walnuts.

This alternation should be continued for a month. The result will not take long to arrive.

For colds and high fever

This remedy is suitable for treating children and adults.

You will need:
Onion – 1 piece,
Sugar – 2-3 teaspoons (if desired, you can replace it with 1 teaspoon of honey).

Cooking method
1. Finely chop or grate the onion.
2. Add sugar/honey. Stir.

You need to eat the sweet onion mass before the sugar dissolves, preferably before bed.
The product provokes profuse sweating, as a result, harmful toxins are released from the body, and in the morning you will feel noticeably better.

It is difficult to imagine preparing most dishes, both main dishes and snacks, without the king of vegetables - onions. This root vegetable not only gives food a richer aroma and piquant taste, but also brings invaluable benefits to human body, saturating it with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protecting it from all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Beneficial features onions have been known for a long time, even healers in their time Ancient Greece This vegetable was successfully used in the treatment of many ailments.

Substances contained in onions

Onions contain a complex of vitamins (groups B, C, E, PP) and mineral components (fluorine, iron, potassium, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, sodium), quercetin, sulfur, phytoncides, sugars (inulin, glucose, fructose) , pectin compounds, flavonoids, dietary fiber, saponins, essential oils, tannins, antioxidants, organic acids. Thanks to such an impressive list of phytonutrients, onions should be classified as biologically active products used to heal many problems in the body.

The pungent taste and rather pungent smell (even tearing when cutting the root vegetable) are determined by the presence of allicins - essential oils with high sulfur content. Phytoncides (volatile components of essential oils) exhibit powerful antiseptic, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. One chopped onion is enough for a whole room to clear the air in the room from most protozoa, infections, viruses and bacteria, as well as microscopic fungi.

Useful properties of onions

Root phytoncides kill tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli and have a detrimental effect on the causative agent of dysentery, streptococci, trichomonas and some other pathogens.

Onions are characterized by the following properties:

  • anthelmintic;
  • antihistamines;
  • antiviral;
  • hematopoietic;
  • diuretics;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • expectorants,
  • tonic;
  • general strengthening;
  • wound healing (anti-burn);
  • antiseptic.

Including onions in the daily menu is advisable for:

  1. normalization of digestive processes and strengthening the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. strengthening the immune system, which is especially important during the cold season;
  3. effective protection against colds, prevention of acute respiratory viral infections (including influenza);
  4. mild reduction in blood pressure;
  5. reducing the level of dangerous cholesterol in the blood;
  6. prevention of heart disease, including heart attack, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, heart attacks;
  7. stimulation of appetite;
  8. normalization of libido and sexual functions;
  9. lowering blood sugar levels;
  10. cleansing the blood and improving its composition;
  11. relieving stress from the central nervous system;
  12. activation of metabolism;
  13. protecting body cells from the harmful effects of various radiation, including radioactive;
  14. cleansing the body of carcinogens, toxins and toxic compounds;
  15. prevention of cancer (especially prostate and breast cancer);
  16. normalization of sleep;
  17. prevention of hypovitaminosis, especially in the winter-spring period (onions are one of the few root vegetables that retain their beneficial properties year-round).

The use of onions in folk medicine

Green onions prevent the formation of stones ( gallbladder and kidneys) and is especially useful for the hematopoietic organs. The high zinc content in onion feathers improves the condition of the nail plate, hair and skin. Green onions prevent prostatitis and are necessary in the diet of men over 40 years of age.

Onions help strengthen and dilate blood vessels, reduce blood clotting, and strengthen the heart muscle. Its regular use normalizes the intestinal microflora, and also suppresses the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the gastrointestinal tract.

It has been proven that eating onions helps prevent cancer, in particular breast cancer. The plant activates the body's production of tripeptide and glutathione, which act as antioxidants, remove carcinogenic compounds from cells, and slow down the development of metastases.


The plant increases the acidity of gastric juice and is irritating to the digestive organs. In this regard, it is recommended to use onions with extreme caution for patients suffering from peptic ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, gastritis with increased acidity.

A large number of onions leads to activation of the nervous system, which can negatively affect the performance of the heart or cause a jump in blood pressure. Therefore, the use of traditional medicine based on onions for hypertension and chronic heart diseases is recommended only under the supervision of a doctor, and for patients with these diseases it is advisable to eat onions in small doses and with caution.

Folk recipes based on onions

Flu, colds and runny nose

They are treated by inhaling the fumes of grated or finely chopped onions. Dangerous viruses and bacteria are usually concentrated in respiratory tract, so this procedure is extremely effective. You should deeply inhale the pungent aroma of onions immediately after cutting, alternately through your mouth and nose (at least 10-15 minutes). The procedure should be carried out 3 to 7 times a day. This technique is especially effective at the very beginning of the disease.

Boils or carbuncles

They are treated by applying a bandage with baked onions to the affected area. You can prepare a mixture to draw out pus: baked onion and grated laundry soap(2:1). The dressing should be changed several times a day.

Throat diseases

Fresh onion juice in combination with honey, especially linden, forest or raspberry honey, in equal proportions is a proven cure for colds and sore throat. Take 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 4 times daily. The same remedy helps with atherosclerosis and problems with blood vessels in the brain (sclerosis), the dosage is one tablespoon three times a day after meals.


Place a saucer with chopped onions near the bed of an ARVI patient. The patient will be able to breathe fumes, and the room will be cleared of pathogenic viruses.

Baked onions for cough

This remedy can be used even by patients with chronic gastritis. Take a wine bottle, fill it with chopped onions, cover with a cork lid, coat with dough and bake in the oven until golden brown. Then turn off the heat and leave the bottle to cool in the oven. Remove the dough and use the prepared medicine for bronchitis in a dosage of 2 tbsp. spoons after meals 4 times a day. Children's dose – teaspoon.


It also has beneficial properties onion peel. An infusion of it helps with leg cramps. Take a teaspoon of crushed raw materials per glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain and drink at night.

In nature, there are a variety of plants that can bring benefits and harm to humans. However, since ancient times, people have learned to use most of them in many areas of activity. Flora is most widely used in cooking and medicine, given the high content of essential active substances.

One of the famous representatives flora is a leek. He is rightfully considered one of effective means combating various infectious and non-infectious diseases.

The benefit of onions for men is that they are a natural aphrodisiac that can awaken sexual desire in the stronger half of humanity.

Main effects of the plant

Many representatives of the stronger sex have a question: what are the benefits of onions for men? The one who wants to have good health and consistently high potency, you should definitely include leek in your diet. This product has a number of healing properties, in a positive way affecting the human body.

The following main medicinal effects of the plant are distinguished:

Its beneficial properties green onions manifests itself thanks to its unique composition, which has a complex healing effect on the body. Active ingredients provide the male body necessary elements that can improve general state and sexual capabilities of the stronger half.

Leek contains the following important components:

  1. Vitamin A- improves visual perception, is an antioxidant.
  2. Vitamin E- promotes the activation of reproductive function.
  3. Vitamin C– strengthens blood vessels, increases the body’s resistance to infectious factors.
  4. B vitamins- normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  5. Sodium and potassium- participate in cellular metabolic processes.
  6. Iron- increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

Important! Doctors advise eating up to 70 grams of green onions or leeks per day.

The benefit of onions for men is to provide the body with necessary substances. In order to get the most useful components, you need to consume the product in its raw form. Moreover, the most active vitamins and nutrients are contained directly at the base of the green head, stem and base of the leaves.

Heat treatment reduces the beneficial effect due to the destruction of beneficial factors.

However, not only the edible part of the plant has therapeutic effect. You can also answer the question of how onions are useful when using its other components. Various decoctions and infusions prepared from the husk can be used for male potency. They help improve the functioning of the prostate gland and also reduce the likelihood of prostate tumors.

The main idea of ​​the onion diet

For the health of men and increased sexual performance, a special diet has been developed using onions. This folk method helps to avoid impotence and improve the general condition of the body.

According to the recommendations of experts, it is necessary to consume green onions, as well as red and leeks for a month. white V natural form. It should be added to food and eaten separately. After some time, the product is combined with sunflower seeds and walnuts, which also stimulate the function of the reproductive system. It is advisable to exclude spicy, fatty and fried foods from the diet.

If you undergo such a therapeutic course of the onion diet every year, you can forget about the problems of sexual impotence for a long time.

Restrictions on plant intake

However, in some cases it is necessary to use green onions with caution. This applies to situations where the use of the product could lead to negative consequences for the body.

The following conditions are identified in which the plant is undesirable to use:

  1. Liver damage in the acute period.
  2. Obstructive conditions of the pulmonary system.
  3. Ulcerative processes of the digestive tract.
  4. Autoimmune and inflammatory changes in the kidneys.
  5. Some diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. The likelihood of allergic conditions.

Attention! If there is a risk of adverse reactions or exacerbation of a chronic process, you should first seek advice from a specialist regarding the onion diet.


The benefit of green onions and its varieties is that including this product in the daily diet will allow a man to feel full of strength and energy, help strengthen the body, and also improve his intimate life.